
mlankhorsttjaalton: I seem to no longer get nouveau correctly :/07:17
tjaaltonmlankhorst: what do you mean?07:17
mlankhorstonly intel shows up in xrandr --listproviers07:18
tjaaltondoes downgrading xserver fix it?07:18
mlankhorstjust upgraded to quantal so i don't have the old debs07:19
tjaaltonI'll try it07:19
tjaaltonit's possible that the pci probing patch broke it07:20
tjaaltonin which case airlied would probably like to know about it :)07:20
mlankhorsttjaalton: yeah downgrading fixed it07:24
tjaaltonhmm, could be the other patch too07:25
tjaaltonneed to figure out which07:25
mlankhorstI have to give a demo so I don't have the time right now :p07:26
tjaaltonsure thing07:26
tjaaltonI have the hw07:26
tjaaltonmlankhorst: you speaking?-)07:49
mlankhorstyeah wanted to a demo07:50
tjaaltonno i mean answered keithp's question :)07:50
mlankhorstyes :p07:50
tjaaltonthought so07:51
mlankhorst2013-3-5 next xorg release07:51
tjaaltonrc1 2012-12-0507:55
tjaaltonamd should get that :)07:55
tjaaltonabi/api stability07:56
tjaaltonwell, not yet but when it's settled07:56
mlankhorstnothing wrong with xorg 1.14rc1 being done at 2012-12-507:58
mlankhorstdo we want it sooner/later?07:58
tjaaltonmatt who?07:58
tjaaltonmlankhorst: no it's fine, if the features land by then07:58
* mlankhorst couldn't think of any objections either :)08:02
tjaaltoni mean, he said that the dates can be adjusted to make more room08:02
tjaaltonso once they're set we can inform amd that they should start preparing their fine driver..08:03
mlankhorstyeah we might even get drivers stable in time for first rc1 o.O08:03
tjaaltonnot the blobs :)08:03
tjaaltonfglrx will still take ~2-3 months, but at least well before release08:04
jcristaubah.  ubuntu doesn't have locales-all?08:09
tjaaltonwhat's that?-)08:09
mlankhorstubuntu uses language-pack.* :p08:10
jcristauprecompiled locale data for all locales08:10
tjaaltonyeah they trigger building the locales that get installed08:10
jcristauso you don't have to generate them one by one08:10
tjaaltonwell, you need to install them one by one, and the trigger then builds them08:26
tjaaltonhmm no08:27
tjaaltonlanguage-pack-* install the translations08:27
tjaaltonand also triggers, but don't see why there couldn't be a 'locale-all' package too08:28
tjaaltonhmm, lts-pkg-rename seems to have removed the .orig.tar.gz08:34
tjaaltonmlankhorst: would probably be best to copy ${old_orig}, not move it08:40
tjaaltonheh, it's the fix for compat output selection that breaks optimus08:44
mlankhorsttjaalton: it gets moved to a different directory before it does the stuff in lts-stack08:47
tjaaltonright, but if I run it on my dev tree it's weird that the tarballs are gone :)08:47
tjaaltonor links to them08:47
mlankhorstbut it's still a bit buggy it seems , I need to push fixes for it08:48
tjaaltonhuh, tried prime for the first time and the server crashed :)09:25
jcristauthere he goes09:29
tjaaltonguess we see the slides better than the audience ;)09:36
mlankhorstjcristau: it did crash too09:47
mlankhorsthad to reboot09:47
jcristaui saw that :)09:48
jcristaunot completely unexpected i guess?09:48
mlankhorstsince I'm not running with the reservation stuff it kind of was, I didn't have the system lock up before09:48
jcristauah :/09:48
mlankhorstbut I suppose it's harmless09:49
jcristauthat's demo effect for you.09:49
tjaaltonthat was nice, it crashes earlier here09:50
tjaaltonmlankhorst: hmm, so what is the <sink-xid> for --setprovideroffloadsink? the id for intel?10:00
mlankhorsttjaalton: you dont need it, the X server patch does it for you10:00
tjaaltonwell now it crashed on glxinfo10:02
tjaaltonnow the stream got unstable10:05
tjaaltonyeah I get a crash in DRI2Connect10:17
tjaaltonwonder if it's because acceleration is disabled on this one10:17
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tjaaltonyep, enabling acceleration makes glxinfo work. glxgears hangs after a few seconds :)10:31
* mlankhorst needs to find an excuse to defuc nvd9 firmware10:56
tjaaltonyou have the same?10:59
mlankhorstas does darktama it seems11:33
mlankhorstso we need to figure out what is different11:33
tjaaltonoh we got the ati snapshot in13:35
tjaaltonyou had a beer there! :)15:09
tjaaltonor some other suspicious beverage15:09
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xnoxgtk or X or unity bug?15:51
xnoxbug 104743115:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1047431 in gedit (Ubuntu) "gedit crashed with signal 5 in _XReply()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104743115:51
xnoxwait.... last time i had such question it ended up being the kernel =)15:51
tjaaltonthere was a gtk update, still get it with that? (3.5.18)15:54
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xnoxtjaalton: yeah.16:26
mdeslaurmeh, since I've updated my thinkpad to quantal, I can't come back from the screensaver anymore16:34
tjaaltonmdeslaur: not using the sna acceleration with intel?16:47
mdeslaurtjaalton: I don,t know what that means16:49
tjaaltonmdeslaur: probably not then :)16:50
tjaaltoncan you change the vt?16:50
mdeslaurtjaalton: yes16:50
tjaaltonok, so it's probably bug 96674416:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 966744 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu Quantal) "[i965] Resume from suspend leaves me with black screen or a screen of the desktop before it suspended. Compiz hung in intel_update_renderbuffers() from intel_prepare_render() from brw_draw_prims()" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96674416:50
mdeslaurtjaalton: and moving the mouse cursor over the place where the text entry box is supposed to be changes my mouse cursor to a text entry cursor16:51
tjaaltonmdeslaur: yeah, matches that bug16:51
mdeslaurodd, because I wasn't getting the bug in precise16:53
tjaaltonand I've a hard time reproducing it on quantal :/16:53
tjaaltonused to hang like that after ~10 suspend cycles, now I can do 30 without the bug16:54
mdeslaurso...-intel is busted, -nouveau doesn't work...what's the recommended chipset now? :)16:59
jcristauworks fine on debian *ducks*16:59
tjaaltonmdeslaur: so can you reproduce it on every screensaver cycle?17:03
mdeslaurtjaalton: the 3 cycles I've had so far, yes17:04
mdeslaurtjaalton: but not if I manually start the screensaver or a dpms cycle17:05
mdeslaurie: it only happens when I don't touch my laptop for a half hour17:05
mdeslaurI haven't figured out why yet17:05
tjaaltonmdeslaur: what chipset is it?17:06
mdeslaurIronlake Mobile?17:08
tjaaltonso, there are instructions on how to get a strace from compiz that should show what operation is getting stuck17:09
mdeslauroh, where?17:09
tjaaltonnot convinced that the current straces are valid17:09
tjaaltonon the bug17:09
tjaaltonstill haven't sent it upstream but if you could get one that looks sane..17:10
tjaaltonalso, testing if sna acceleration is of any help probably wouldn't work, since I have issues getting the panel back up after the screensaver kicks in (just stays blank) :)17:11
tjaaltonthough in your case it should hang with a suspend/resume cycle as well?17:11
mdeslaurtjaalton: I can reproduce with comment #68 in that bug17:17
mdeslaurtjaalton: disable suspend on lid close, close lid, open lid17:17
mdeslaurhrm, not every time though17:18
* mdeslaur tries again17:18
tjaaltonmdeslaur: might also try with a mainline kernel17:58
tjaaltonlatest 3.6-rc17:58
tjaaltonsome have reported success with it17:59
mdeslaurtjaalton: thanks, I'll try and find some time to try it17:59
tjaaltonthe bug is getting out of hand.. almost 300 comments18:03
brycehtjaalton, thanks slashdot!18:04
mdeslaurwell, thanks buggy code :P18:04
brycehmdeslaur, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/966744/comments/15418:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 966744 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu Quantal) "[i965] Resume from suspend leaves me with black screen or a screen of the desktop before it suspended. Compiz hung in intel_update_renderbuffers() from intel_prepare_render() from brw_draw_prims()" [Critical,Confirmed]18:05
mdeslaurbryceh: yeah, I've downloaded the script18:06
tjaaltonbryceh: slashdot?-)18:06
mdeslaurbryceh: I'll give it a go next time it happens18:06
brycehtjaalton, posted yesterday18:06
tjaaltonoh.. checking it out18:07
tjaaltonheh, there it is18:07
tjaaltonhow useful..18:07
brycehoh wow NVIDIA publishing some GPU docs, heh18:08
tjaaltonyeah I was listening to the stream and was wondering if my hearing was ok18:08
tjaaltonbut it's just tegra for now aiui18:08
tjaaltonbtw we have the compiz strace's already18:09
tjaaltonthe dstack18:09
tjaaltonmeh, if it's fixed in 3.6rc it should be easy to backport18:10
tjaaltonmdeslaur: eow for me. if 3.6rc fixes it, feel free to leave a msg here or on the bug18:30
mdeslaurtjaalton: sure, I'll try and test it this weekend18:30
mdeslaurtjaalton: have a nice weekend!18:30
tjaaltonyou too, despite the bug ;)18:30
mdeslaurhehe :)18:31
mlankhorstbryceh: it's just phoronix trolling slashdot22:10
Sarvattmlankhorst: nice crash at the end :) just watched the youtube recording22:11
mlankhorstit's the demo effect22:12
mlankhorstwas working fine before but maybe the display clone caused a hard lockup or something22:14
mlankhorstbut yeah it's just ubuntu quantal with no patches \o/22:14
Sarvattmlankhorst: no patches, but selectively downgrading a few packages! \o/ :P22:19
mlankhorstthat's only because xorg-server regressed22:19
Sarvattdist-upgrading the day before a demo? crazy man :)22:20
Sarvattlucky unity even started, was a big upgrade at the same time22:20
mlankhorstI knew the x server and kernel worked fine from testing on precise22:21
mlankhorstSarvatt: I had no choice though, no way I could fix the script and re-upload the entire x stack in time :(22:29
ricotzhey :)22:41
ricotzmlankhorst, i guess this is something to consider for the backports stack - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/105429222:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1054292 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "[xorg-edgers] hid_generic module missing from initramfs" [Undecided,New]22:41
Saviqhey, I'd like to point to a smbd bug I've encountered on quantal-backport: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/105341422:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1053414 in samba (Ubuntu) "smbd crashed when trying to connect from Ubuntu" [Undecided,New]22:44
Saviqnot sure how to mark it so that it doesn't get lost22:45

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