
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilosmorning guys05:25
magespawngood morning early birds05:29
Kiloshey magespawn 05:29
magespawnwhats up Kilos05:29
Kilossame old here, and there?05:30
magespawnpretty much, have a transfer today so going to be on the road for awhile05:31
Kilostransfer of aminals05:31
magespawnno people, from richards bay to thanda05:31
magespawnor Thanda, a private game reserve05:32
Kilosyou like a taxi service as well05:32
magespawnyes sometimes05:33
Kiloshope you got better road manners than the rest of the taxis around05:33
magespawnbut i think it costs a little more for somebody like me that your average taxi05:33
magespawnwell i hope so to05:33
Kilosgo safe lad and enjoy05:34
Kiloswhen you leaving magespawn ?05:38
magespawnonly at 12:0005:38
Kilosah thats good05:38
Kiloshave you any idea how to tell ubuntu to allow another wired pc to use your 3g connection05:39
Kilosdo they get linked here or what05:39
magespawnnot sure, you would have to share the connection somehow05:40
magespawnmaybe look in network manager05:40
Kilosya i made  wired shared to others but 3g dont go with05:41
Kilosi will try find more info from you guys friend05:41
magespawnhave had problems sharing a connection, seems a bit flaky 05:43
magespawnbut i might be doing something wrong05:43
Kilosoh well well get there sometime05:43
magespawnyou are using 12.04 now?05:44
Symmetriadoes anyone know how accurate ftime() is under linux?05:54
Kiloslo Squirm 05:54
Symmetriaor more specifically, does anyone know how to get down to millisecond (and preferably nanosecond) clock accuracy in ANSI C in Linux if ftime() isnt the way to do it05:55
Squirmmorning Symmetria05:55
Squirmand I don't know05:55
Symmetriamorning squirm, kilos etc :) sorry for the early questions, just getting frustrated at something05:55
Kilossjoe Symmetria you really wanna cut it fine05:56
Symmetriakilos heh, busy writing a network testing app05:56
Kiloswhat you wanna check in nanosecs05:56
Symmetriathat requires a high degree of accuracy05:56
Symmetriaand lol, even nanoseconds isnt that accurate :) you know they have managed to get atomic clocks synched to an accuracy of 10^16th of a second? :)05:57
Symmetria*THATS* accurate 05:57
Symmetrialol, they wanna get it to down to 10^18th of a second but the fiber distances you need to accomplish that are... insane :)05:57
Kiloshmm they dont believe in " Môre is nog n dag"05:58
magespawnmaybe they do, they just want to know exactly when it starts05:59
Symmetriaheh kilos there are actually pretty good reasons for high accuracy clocks, mostly in the astronomy field05:59
Symmetriabut they hit a problem after they managed the 10^16th thing 05:59
Symmetriaunder standard time definitions, you can only drop to 9 billionths of a second06:00
Symmetria:P so now they are trying to get the definition of a second redefined to cater for the 10^16th of a second06:00
Symmetriacause thats outside of conventional definitions06:00
Symmetriabut right now I'll be happy if I can get down to the millisecond level, and exstatic if I can get down to the nanosecond level06:02
magespawnwhat are you measuring Symmetria?06:02
Kilosdont you know anyone at nasa06:02
Symmetriamagespawn the theory behind what Im developing is almost a type of ping tool, except, its dual ended and measures both forward and verse path latencies, as well as a host of other things based on packet size and number of packets on the wire and itterations through the loop it creates 06:04
Symmetriaheh, it gets a little tricky though, and it requires that the servers also have properly synched clocks :p 06:05
Symmetria(though clock synching is easy, we're busy putting up some GPS based NTP servers for testing purposes, a number of them)06:05
magespawni think i understood maybe 1 word in 2 in that paragraph06:09
Symmetriamagespawn lol basically, Im injecting a number of packets on one side, they send to the other side, the other side (provided the clocks are properly synched), can read the time stamp at time of sending outta the packet, figure out how long it took to get there, then reverse the source/destination address, change the time stamp and send it back06:11
Symmetriaand you get a forward and reverse path latency reading06:11
Symmetriathen, it flips back and forth through a set number of times to get a baseline 06:12
magespawndouble ping? multiple ping? with accurate synced time stamps06:12
Symmetriamagespawn, ping reads RTT 06:13
Symmetria(round trip time)06:13
SymmetriaI dont want round trip time, I want forward time and reverse time 06:13
Symmetriato check for path a-symmetry06:13
Symmetriaand I want to be able to check that through a range of packet sizes and with a set number of packets on the wire similtaneously 06:14
magespawnthis only does it in one direction until it gets sent back?06:14
Symmetriamagespawn basically, the theory behind what Im looking at is this06:15
magespawnsorry lagged a bit there06:15
Symmetriamachine a creates a packet, it puts a payload in the packet including the starting time right before transmit06:15
Symmetriait sends it to machine b 06:15
Symmetriamachine b looks at the timestamp in the packet and compares it to its own clock 06:16
Symmetriaand says "it took X number of milliseconds for me to get this packet"06:16
Symmetriathats the forward time06:16
Symmetriathen it flips the source and destination address and sends it back with a new timestamp 06:16
Symmetriaand machine a goes "it took X number of milliseconds for it to get from machien b to machine a"06:16
Symmetriathats the reverse path time06:16
Symmetriathen, it repeats that process X number of times until either the packet goes missing on the wire or until it finishes its itterations in a loop which gives it a baseline06:18
Symmetriaits tricky though, because the servers have to have very accurate clock synchs for it to work06:19
magespawnor else you could add/subtract to the transit time just because of a diffrence in time06:20
Symmetriaexactly :)06:21
Symmetriaheh, looking at putting down 4 stratum-1 servers for synch in africa though06:24
Kerberoand you're going to keep them in sync with gps?06:33
Kerberoit would be really interesting to see the result of your pings06:33
Kiloshi Kerbero  06:36
Kerberohi kilos06:36
SymmetriaKerbero yeah06:42
KerberoSymmetria: do you have any technical specs on how that is done06:44
Kerberoas one can't use a normal gps/rs232 port to get that accurate times from the gps06:44
Kerbero^ nmea strings06:45
superflywhat a wet day06:45
SymmetriaKerbero Im trying to figure that out at the moment :) doing some reading06:45
Kerberobut i guess one would be able to use the rts etc lines on the serial port to input a clock line from the gps06:45
SymmetriaKerbero you can actually buy a gps that is a timing specific gps that is a PCI board 06:47
Symmetriagps's from what I read are calbirated either for navigation OR for time, they arent the same, and the timing specific gps's you can get as seperate boards06:48
magespawnwould you need one per server?06:49
Symmetriamagespawn if you had the servers both synched to multiple stratum-1 ntp servers, they should be in sync enough to allow this06:50
Symmetriasince ntp compensates for latency between themselves and the ntp servers 06:50
magespawnahh right that answers the nest question06:50
inetprogood mornings07:07
magespawnhey inetpro07:08
magespawnno meetings?07:08
inetpromagespawn: at the moment? no07:10
inetprotime for a cuppa coffee07:10
inetproMaaz: coffee on07:11
* Maaz washes some mugs07:11
magespawnwell at least things are looking up on that front then07:11
magespawnMaaz coffe please07:11
Maazmagespawn: Go get it yourself!07:11
magespawnMaaz coffee please07:11
Maazmagespawn: Alrighty07:11
KilosMaaz, coffee please07:11
MaazKilos: Okay07:11
Kiloshi inetpro 07:11
inetproKilos: hi07:12
inetproat least you guys are still awake07:12
Kilosi go sort sheep07:12
inetproor should I rather say alive and kicking07:12
Kiloswe need more rain07:12
inetproKilos: remember to check for the ticks07:13
Kilosim not catching every one and lifting tails to look07:13
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro, magespawn and Kilos!07:15
KilosMaaz, ty07:15
MaazYou are welcome Kilos07:15
magespawnMaaz ty botsnack07:16
Maazthanks, magespawn07:16
magespawnMaaz botsnack07:34
MaazYay, at last someone thinks about me as well07:34
Symmetriaanyone awake who can do me a favour?07:40
Symmetriahttp://pastebin.com/AL8p6YFw <== someone take that code, compile it on a linux box, and run it, and lemme know how many itterations per second its claiming and what cpu you are using07:40
magespawndepends on what, so ask away?07:40
Symmetria(I only have one box I can test on, and I wanna make sure that on another box Im getting different results)07:40
Symmetriathis old server Im testing on is giving me like, 15k runs per millisecond 07:41
tonberryE352he pastebins are sloow07:41
tonberryE352that or our it broke something again07:41
Symmetria(and yeah, I know that code is not particularly accurate in what it does, but *shrug* its an ok test of the function)07:42
SymmetriaTonberry lol I can email you the code if you want07:43
tonberryE352it loaded fine the second time07:43
tonberryE352strange intermittent issue we seem to be having07:43
tonberryE352looks like some tcp connections just never connect or do anything07:44
tonberryE352browser will just keep loading until timeout07:44
Symmetriawhat sorta results re you getting from that code07:44
tonberryE352but stop and refresh and it shows instantly07:44
tonberryE352feels like gprs..07:44
tonberryE352Executed 27620 increments in 1 milliseconds07:45
tonberryE352Executed 28366 increments in 1 milliseconds07:45
tonberryE352Executed 28041 increments in 1 milliseconds07:45
tonberryE352End time: 1348213520.33107:45
tonberryE352seems to stay more or less around that increment count07:46
tonberryE352model name      : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU         760  @ 2.80GHz07:46
tonberryE352for my cpu07:46
Symmetriaok well, if its pretty consistant thats good07:49
tonberryE352you are testing how many times you can increment a number in a millisecond?07:50
Symmetriatonberry was actually just screwing with millisecond timers :) 07:50
tonberryE352you can get microsecond time with gettimeofday btw07:54
Symmetriatonberry heh various documents on why that isnt accurate though07:55
tonberryE352i assumed as much07:55
Kerberoi have seen a setting in my bios about fine precision timers07:55
tonberryE352question then is if the kernel knows or cares about them07:56
inetprooh shucks, I forgot me coffee08:03
inetprothanks Maaz08:03
Symmetriaheh Tonberry I still have no clude how to get down to below millisecond timing 08:09
Symmetriawould be kinda cool if I could get to nanosecond :p08:09
tonberryE352nano on a pc will be a massive pain i think08:10
Symmetrialol, I still wanna know how those guys got to 10^16th of a second08:10
Symmetriaand actually understand it08:10
tonberryE352with the right hardware anything is possible08:12
inetproSymmetria: tell us if you find out08:16
Symmetriainetpro lol, there is a paper on it online somewhere, will find it08:18
Symmetriabut its so far beyond my comprehension maths wise 08:18
Symmetriathey were using optical crap to do it08:18
inetproI just would not know why you'd get into that much detail, so it's beyond m comprehension as well08:19
Symmetriainetpro heh, I can explain that fairly easily, do you know what eVLBI is?08:19
Kilosold peeps dont mind being milliseconds late08:19
Symmetria(its just one example of where you need it)08:19
Symmetriaumm ok, eVLBI is whats known as extra very long baseline inteferometary (sp?) 08:20
Symmetriaits a branch of astronomy science08:20
Symmetriabasically, what they do is point a bunch of radio telescopes to the same point in the sky and collect white noise08:20
Symmetriathen, they send the white noise to a supercomputer that overlays the signals over each other08:20
Symmetrianow, white noise cancels white noise08:20
Symmetriaso, whatever is LEFT is an image of sorts 08:21
Symmetriabut that noise has to be overlaid very carefully, and that requires timing to figure out the overlay08:21
Symmetriathe more accurate the timing, the more accurate the overlay, the better definition on the image 08:21
Symmetriaheh there are numerous branches of science that use that kinda timing08:23
Symmetriaok gotta take doggy to the vet quick :) back in a bit08:24
inetproSymmetria: ahh, makes sense08:27
Kerberobasically what the SKA will do08:29
Kerberoand some other old dishes throughout africa08:29
inetprosounds like an interesting challenge08:41
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
SymmetriaStart time: 1348219641.76009:28
SymmetriaTotal of 152840601 itterations completed in 10000ms, average of 15284 per ms09:28
SymmetriaEnd time: 1348219651.76009:28
Symmetriathere, I cleaned up my code09:28
Symmetriayou can change the MILLISECONDS line to specify how long you want it to run for09:31
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kiloshi Trix[a]r_za psyatw 10:30
psyatwhi Kilos 10:32
psyatwhi Trix[a]r_za 10:32
psyatwand everyone else10:32
Symmetriaanyone here who can do me a favour and compile something and run it to send me 100 small packets, Im trying to test something11:20
Symmetriathat code 11:21
Symmetria:P and preferably make sure that your box has a synched clock first11:22
Symmetriaelse its not gonna work well :p11:22
psyatwhi Symmetria 11:40
psyatwit appears to work on Ubuntu 10.04.4 x6411:40
KerberoSymmetria, i can11:49
Kerberohave only 10mins though11:49
Kerberowell i need to go show the undergrads how to program\11:54
KerberoSymmetria, i'll be back at 17h if you need help11:54
psyatwhi Kerbero 11:57
Kerberoeen nederlander11:58
Kerberoik moet nu gaan11:58
Symmetriafor anyone interested12:32
Symmetrianote: that code will only work if the boxes you are using are both properly ntp synched12:32
Symmetriaif the timing is out on the boxes that code will break12:32
zeref_workanybody used the mechanize module in python13:39
Symmetriaheh wheeeeeeeee13:48
Symmetriabug fixed code :)13:48
Symmetrialol havent COMPLETELY forgotten how to code it seems13:48
Banlam"BREAKING: I've been told that an arrest warrant for Julius Malema was issued this morning. Very reliable info. Appearing in court next week."13:51
Symmetriathat money laundering charge13:55
Symmetriais interesting13:55
Banlamwill be interesting to see what happens13:56
Symmetrialol, he will go in, and if the courts have any sanity, be denied bail13:56
Symmetriait also means by next week14:02
Symmetriahis assets will be frozen14:03
Symmetriaas is standard procedure14:03
Symmetriaat that point, if he continues to travel around, the courts will have grounds to ask who is funding it14:03
zeref_workZuma is funding his  travelling tendencies14:09
Symmetrianot a chance14:12
Symmetriazuma wants malema at the bottom of the limpopo river14:12
zeref_worktrial will go on forever14:13
zeref_workwill prob be found uilty14:13
zeref_workmalema will claim sudden illness14:13
zeref_workNOT 1 day in jail14:14
Squirmooooh, New Mumford and Sons :D15:28
Symmetriaanyone awake?16:50
Symmetriado me a favour16:56
Symmetriamake sure your box is ntp synched16:56
Symmetriadownload this:16:56
Symmetriacompile it16:56
Kerbero1. duh16:56
Symmetriaand run it with ./client 500 5016:56
Kerbero:~$ sudo service ntp stop16:58
Kerbero * Stopping NTP server ntpd                                              [ OK ] 16:58
Kerbero:~$ sudo ntpdate ntp.sun.ac.za16:58
Kerbero21 Sep 18:57:57 ntpdate[1038]: adjust time server offset 0.001488 sec16:58
Kerbero:~$ sudo service ntp start16:58
Kerbero * Starting NTP server ntpd                                              [ OK ] 16:58
Symmetriadid it run?16:58
Symmetriayou might be firewalled sending that shit :(16:59
Symmetriacause I aint seeing packets :p16:59
Kerberoneed to compile still16:59
Symmetriathat would be why16:59
Symmetriait should compile clean under linux, its broken under fbsd :P16:59
Symmetriabecause fbsd doesnt include ftime()16:59
Kerberook here we go16:59
Symmetria*hrm* ok, do me a favour, ping that ip address17:00
Symmetriaand tell me what times you getting17:00
Kerberojip it pings17:00
Symmetriawhat latency?17:00
Symmetria*HRM* interesting17:00
Symmetrialower latency from you -> me then from me -> you17:01
Symmetriayour forward latency is around 90 - 10017:01
Kerberojust a sec17:01
SymmetriaReceived packet.  Packet delay calculated at 91 ms17:01
SymmetriaReceived packet with 82 bytes of data with sequence number 498, padding size is 5017:01
SymmetriaReceived timestamp 1348246822:99817:01
SymmetriaReceived packet.  Packet delay calculated at 91 ms17:01
SymmetriaReceived packet with 82 bytes of data with sequence number 499, padding size is 5017:01
SymmetriaReceived timestamp 1348246823:4817:01
SymmetriaReceived packet.  Packet delay calculated at 99 ms17:01
Kerberocan i run again?17:01
Symmetriago for it17:01
Symmetriaheh, whatever you did stabilized the latency / dropped it slightly17:02
Symmetria89 - 90 pretty constant17:02
Symmetria:P you can dig through that code and figure out how it works, though I wanna put code in both sides to actually do some clock negotiation17:02
Symmetriarather than relying on the ntp clocks being right17:03
Symmetriabut I have no idea how to code that clock negotiation (yet)17:03
Kerberobut you see my clock is not out more than 2ms17:03
Symmetriathe problem is, mine may be, because the closest stratum-1 servers I have are at least 30 ms away17:04
Symmetria+ntp1.tdc.fi     .PPS.            1 u   31   64  377   33.237   -1.958   1.66117:04
Symmetria+ntp2.tdc.fi     .PPS.            1 u   26   64  377   31.939   -1.853   1.69417:04
Symmetria*ntp.meerval.net .GPS.            1 u   30   64  377   23.410   -7.253   2.46217:04
Kerberontp.sun is 2ms away17:04
Symmetriawhat stratum is ntp.sun?17:05
Kerberono idea17:05
Kerberodefinitely not 117:05
Symmetriado an ntpq -p17:05
Kerbero*maties1.sun.ac.       3 u   45   64  177    0.977   -0.459   0.50817:05
Symmetrialemme give you some .za 1's17:05
Symmetriantp server
Symmetriantp server
Symmetriause those 217:06
Symmetriathey are both in .za and both stratum-1s17:06
Symmetriaoh, and stratum1.neology.co.za has address
Symmetriathere :p you can run 3 17:06
Kerberowell i doubt that ntpd will sync with them immediately17:08
Symmetriaalmost immediately :)17:08
Symmetriait take under 5 seconds :)17:08
Symmetriaif you run a ntpq -p you will see if they are synched :)17:08
Symmetriaif they arent they will say .INIT.17:08
Kerberodelay offset and jitter are all 017:09
Kerberontpd will build that up over time i guess17:09
Symmetriait still saying INIT on them?17:09
Symmetriaor what?17:09
Symmetriaok it aint inited yet17:10
Symmetriashould change in a coupla seconds17:10
Symmetriaunless your firewalling blocks it17:10
Kerberoit's stellenbosch....17:10
SymmetriaLOL so still on init?17:11
Kiloshi smile 17:42
smilehi Kilos :p17:42
smilebrb :)17:43
Symmetriakilos wanna help me test something? I got some tests from kerbero, but I want some more tests :)17:59
Kilosjust dont ask me to compile stuff18:00
Symmetriahttp://pastebin.com/KrncXZTW <=== haha you need to compile that :p18:00
Kilostell me how and lets go18:00
Symmetriaok, get that shit off pastebin, and stick it in a text file18:00
Kilosi dunno what compile is18:00
Symmetriathen type gcc -o client textfile18:00
Kilosok sec18:00
Symmetriajust make sure you copy it from the raw paste so you dont get all the line number bullshit in it :)18:00
Kiloswow that pastebin is slow18:02
Kilospaste it to slexy.org rather18:02
Kilosnm it opened18:02
Kilosin place of textfile i gotta put path hey18:05
Symmetriawell, whhat file did you save the stuff in18:05
Symmetriacause its that filename you change textfile to18:05
Kilosits on my desktop18:05
Symmetriathen yeah you put the full path to the filename18:05
Kilos/home/miles/Desktop/textfile: file not recognized: File format not recognized18:08
Kiloscollect2: ld returned 1 exit status18:08
Symmetrianono, gimme the full command you are typing18:08
Symmetriato compile that textfile18:08
Symmetriait should be gcc -o client /home/miles/Desktop/textfile18:08
Symmetriawhich should make a file called client18:08
Kilosgcc -o client ~/Desktop/textfile18:09
Symmetriaok did that work18:10
Symmetriait should have made a file called client18:10
Kilosgcc -o client /home/miles/Desktop/textfile18:10
Kilos/home/miles/Desktop/textfile: file not recognized: File format not recognized18:10
Kiloscollect2: ld returned 1 exit status18:10
Symmetriais it just the text from the pastebin in that textfile18:11
Kilosyeah i copied the bottom window18:11
Symmetria*HRM* lemme email you the file as an attachment :)18:11
Symmetriawhats your email address18:12
Kiloswhen i open your file it has coloured text in it18:13
magespawnSymmetria perhaps have Kilos cd to where the file is18:13
magespawnhey Kilos18:13
Symmetriakilos I emailed you client.c18:13
Kilosok i got client.c on desktop18:14
Symmetriaok,  now try gcc -o client /home/miles/Desktop/client.c 18:15
Kiloswhat now18:15
Symmetriaand tell me what it says18:15
Kilos/home/miles/Desktop/client.c: In function ‘main’:18:15
Kilos/home/miles/Desktop/client.c:58: warning: format ‘%s’ expects type ‘char *’, but argument 2 has type ‘char (*)[20]’18:15
Symmetriathats fine, you can ignore that :)18:16
Symmetriadid it make a file called client?18:16
Symmetriain the directory where you ran that gcc command 18:16
Symmetriathere should be a file called client 18:16
Kiloson Desktop?18:17
Symmetriaif there is, type ./client 50 50 and it should start spewing out a bunch of stuff18:17
Symmetriawell, what directory where you in when you typed the gcc command?18:17
Kiloscli on desktop18:18
Symmetriaif you ran that from terminal, just go back to teh same terminal window and type the ./client 50 50 command18:18
Symmetriayeah go back to cli18:18
Kilosno client file here18:18
Symmetriato the same place18:18
Symmetriaok, go back to the cli in desktop 18:18
Symmetriaand type gcc -o client client.c && ls -l client 18:18
Symmetriaand tell me what it says18:18
Kilosmiles@P4:~$ gcc -o client client.c && ls -l client 18:19
Kilosgcc: client.c: No such file or directory18:19
Kilosgcc: no input files18:19
Symmetriaoh you arent in desktop18:19
Kilosoh where am i18:19
Symmetriayou're in your home directory :)18:19
Symmetriatype cd ~/Desktop18:19
Symmetriaand then rerun the gcc -o client client.c && ls -l client18:19
Symmetriaheh the ~$ says you were in your base home directory :)18:20
Kilosclient.c: In function ‘main’:18:20
Kilosclient.c:58: warning: format ‘%s’ expects type ‘char *’, but argument 2 has type ‘char (*)[20]’18:20
Kilos-rwxr-xr-x 1 miles miles 7795 2012-09-21 20:20 client18:20
Symmetrianow type ./client 50 5018:21
Kilosits green18:21
Symmetriain the cli window in the ~/Desktop directory18:21
Kilosholy moly18:21
Kiloshow much of that you wanna see18:21
Symmetriaheh, wait, need you to run it again :) then will see it on my side, lemme just get back to the server18:22
Symmetriaok run the same command again18:22
Symmetriaand tell me when you've run it :)18:22
Symmetriaaahh there we go18:22
SymmetriaI see it18:22
Symmetria:) ok, firstly, your clock is out18:22
Symmetriatype ntpdate stratum1.neology.co.za18:23
Kilosgive command to sync it18:23
Symmetriathat should sync it at least temprorarily18:23
Symmetriathen rerun the command :)18:23
SymmetriaI recon you're about 700ms out before the ntpdate command18:23
Symmetria(700ms slow)18:24
Kilosok synced here comes the run thing18:24
Symmetriaonce you've run that ntpdate command, it should sync, and when you rerun the client command, the readings should be more accurate18:24
Symmetriabingo :)18:24
SymmetriaReceived packet.  Packet delay calculated at 75 ms18:24
SymmetriaReceived packet with 74 bytes of data with sequence number 48, padding size is 5018:24
SymmetriaReceived timestamp 1348251881:85818:24
SymmetriaReceived packet.  Packet delay calculated at 64 ms18:24
SymmetriaReceived packet with 74 bytes of data with sequence number 49, padding size is 5018:24
SymmetriaReceived timestamp 1348251881:90818:24
SymmetriaReceived packet.  Packet delay calculated at 75 ms18:24
Symmetriayou have a pretty low outbound latency to europe :)18:24
Kilosdont tell me18:25
Kilosfix it18:25
Symmetriaheh, the problem with this is the clock shift between yourself and myself 18:25
Symmetriakilos lol, actually low is good18:25
Symmetriahigh would suck :)18:25
Kilosoh haha18:25
Symmetriaheh, what thats basically saying is its taking 75 1000ths of a second 18:26
Symmetriafor a packet to go from you to london18:26
Symmetriaproviding the clock syncs are accurate on both sides :)18:26
Symmetriaheh, you have some jitter on your client though which isnt so nice18:27
SymmetriaReceived packet.  Packet delay calculated at 68 ms18:27
SymmetriaReceived packet with 74 bytes of data with sequence number 37, padding size is 5018:27
SymmetriaReceived packet.  Packet delay calculated at 77 ms18:27
SymmetriaReceived packet with 74 bytes of data with sequence number 38, padding size is 5018:27
Symmetriaheh ideally, you want something that has a very consistant delay18:27
Symmetriacause that variation in delay is whats called jitter18:28
Symmetria(It wont have a negative effect on you, but in certain situations that can be nasty)18:28
Symmetriakilos heh, basically, what that software you ran does18:28
Kiloswhat is causing it18:28
Symmetriais get the time your machine18:28
Symmetriathen stick it into a udp packet18:28
Symmetriaand then the udp packet to me18:28
SymmetriaI then compare that timestamp to the timestamp on my server18:28
Symmetriaand calculate the difference18:28
Kilosis your server in london18:29
Symmetriayour machine sends one packet every 50 milliseconds for however many number of packets you tell it (50 is what you ran on the cli)18:29
Symmetriathen the other setting (the second 50 you specified) is the packet size18:29
Symmetriawe basically pad the packets by 50 data bytes just to make it a more realistic test18:29
Symmetria(well, its a pad of 50, actual packet size is 74 bytes)18:30
Kilosmagespawn, you watching this18:30
Symmetriaas I say, the PROBLEM with that code is that it relies on the clocks being identically synched 18:30
Symmetriaand thats extremely difficult to do because of asymmetrical routing to the ntp servers 18:30
Symmetria(ntp works by getting a time from the ntp server, working out the latency between you and the ntp server, dividing the latency by 2, adding that to the time its got and setting the time)18:31
Symmetria(though using multiple servers it kinda averages them and it gets better accuracy)18:31
Kilosso where did we sync my time18:32
Symmetriato johannesburg18:32
Symmetriantpdate will synch it but not very accurately, to get high accuracy you need to install ntpd18:32
Kilosif you want time synced more accuratley why not sync to the same server on both sides18:32
Symmetriaapt-get install ntp, then edit the config in /etc/ntp.conf and replace the server lines in there18:32
smile* doei! :)18:33
Symmetriakilos heh, because the latency between the time server and your ntp client has a noticeable effect 18:33
Symmetriaand if you're using stratum-1 servers, the clocks on those servers are probably within 2 1000ths of a second anyway 18:33
Symmetria(a stratum-1 server = its setting its clock via a GPS receiver)18:33
Kiloseish i cant even think that small man18:33
Kilosyou cant snap your fingers that fast18:34
Symmetriathe only thing really more accurate than a stratum-1 server is an atomic clock and lol, if you think a thousandth of a second is small, thats still huge 18:34
smilegood night, Kilos :)18:34
Symmetriakilos, lol, they managed to sync 2 atomic clocks to an accuracy of 10^16 of a second 18:34
Kilosnight smilsleep tight18:34
Symmetriathats 100000000000000000th of a second :P18:35
Kilosthat is rather on the accurate side hey18:35
Symmetrialol, they wanna get it to 10^18 but I dont see them doing it any time soon18:35
Symmetriathe complexity of getting to the 10^16th is already crazy and requires like, 900 kilometer long optical fiber links to work with18:36
Symmetria(they know the exact speed of light through optical fiber so they can use long lengths of fiber and time delays and dispersion etc to get accuracy)18:36
Kiloshow can that work on the internet18:36
Symmetrialol, well, thats something people are working on :P 18:37
Symmetriathere are entire papers on this18:37
Kiloscant work i think18:37
Symmetriaheh, on the general internet no, it doesnt work 2 well18:37
Symmetriabut they have uses for it 18:37
Kilosservice providers with mess up in between18:37
Symmetriawait lemme find this18:38
Symmetriaboth of those are interesting :)18:40
Symmetriathe first one you probably need a maths degree to understand half of it though :P 18:40
Symmetriaits way over my head18:40
Symmetriaoh, they got to 10^1818:41
Kilosaint we got any wiz kids here18:41
Kilosbig storm here dunno how long power will hold out18:42
Symmetrialol not sure we have any at that level :p18:42
Kilosi dont see where such accuracy can be used18:42
Kilosstars move in years18:42
Kilosif you see it tonight its in the same place tomorrow night18:43
Symmetriakilos heh, space time distances, overlaying of data etc18:43
Symmetriakilos, if you put 10 radio telescopes at the same point in the sky with the telescopes spread around the globe18:43
Symmetriayou then take the white noise they collect18:43
Symmetriaand you overlay it ontop of each other in a supercomputer18:43
Symmetriathe white noise cancels itself out18:44
Symmetriaand what you're left with is an image18:44
Symmetriathat requires incredibly accurate time calculations to do the overlay properly18:44
Kilosimage of what18:44
Symmetriaand the more accurate the overlay is, the higher the resolution of what you're looking at18:44
Kilossame as mixing colours on a tv to make others18:44
Symmetriakilos well, its not really an "image" as you'd imagine, but basically, they are looking for stars that are very far away :p18:44
Symmetriaand radio signatures and crap to find them18:45
Symmetriaand tell how far away they are etc :)18:45
Symmetriaand ever spoken to an astronomer? their "accuracies" can be a few million kilometers out 18:45
Symmetriaand sometimes a few hundred million kilometers18:45
Symmetriaso they refine the clock accuracies etc to get more accurate in other measurements18:45
Symmetriatime is a rather key component of physics from what I understand (though my understanding of physics is almost non-existant and I openly admit that)18:46
magespawnyes  Kilos just read the logs18:47
Kilossorry we missed you help there magespawn 18:47
Kilosthings go too fast for me18:48
Kiloscd to desktop methinks it was18:48
magespawnno worries18:48
Kilosi always battled to find the path to it18:48
Symmetriaheh here is an interesting one18:48
Kilosthat ~ goodie works kiff18:49
Symmetriaapparently the speed of light through fiber changes dependant on the temp of the fiber18:49
Kilosisnt the speed of light a constant18:49
magespawnonly in a vacuum18:49
magespawnthe density will affect the speed18:50
magespawndensity is affected by temperature18:50
Kilosif we cant get data to move that fast how they gonna get spaceships to go faster even18:51
Symmetriaheh kilos speed of light through glass for example18:51
Symmetriais significantly slower than the speed of light through a vaccum 18:51
magespawneinstein's theory says it is impossible18:52
Symmetria(if we didnt have to deal with the slowdown through glass, the internet would run better)18:52
magespawni thought fiber was hollow18:52
Kilosnot if vodacom and company are involved18:52
Symmetriamagespawn heh, yes, einstein's theory says moving faster than light is impossible, but he doesnt discount the possibilities of bending space/time 18:52
Symmetriamagespawn *shake* fiber is glass, the light moves through glass, which means your latency is actually worked on about 2/3rds the speed of light 18:53
magespawnso we what is called einstien space18:53
Symmetriathats part of the reason why if you bend fiber 2 far 18:53
Symmetriait breaks and cant be repaired18:53
Symmetriathe glass shatters 18:53
Symmetriaand your fiber is fubar :)18:53
magespawni always thought it was more a tube than a solid18:53
Symmetriano, its glass :) very very very thin glass (strands are no thicker than a human hair)18:54
magespawnif you could make it a tube you could make a partial vacuum and speed it up18:54
Symmetria:) maintaining a vaccum through it would be rough though18:55
Symmetrialol one of the universities whined at me once about the latency to london18:55
Symmetria:P I told them they had an awesome physics department, go figure out how to bend space/time18:55
Symmetriaand when they had, come tell me, and I'd reduce their latency using their research18:55
Symmetria:p they werent impressed with me18:55
magespawnhe lol18:56
magespawni am off, good night all18:57
Kilosnight magespawn 18:57
Kilossleep tight18:57
Symmetrialater man18:58
Symmetria:P Im pondering hw to do DWDM through a vaccum18:58
Symmetriacause that would be awesomenes18:58
Kilosyou on your new pc?18:59
Symmetrialol back later, Im gonna go contemplate that one over a beer :P and hehe yeah I got my new pc18:59
Symmetriaits fast as hell :)18:59
Kilosthats nice18:59
Kilosenjoy your beer19:00
Kilosnight all . sleep tight19:02
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