
gerbilcabbagehaicreative_x: is the wires actually plugged in? (obvious question but many times its an answer)00:00
Jhoni need anlog of wine00:00
jribmalte: sure, paste the output of « echo $PATH »00:00
creative_x<gerbilcabbagehai> yes00:00
Jhonbut for Linux programms00:00
jribJhon: stop pressing enter.  Write your thoughts on ONE line00:00
jerry_l1ahmm. the enter button from what i have seen is a windows copy and pasete issue.00:00
gerbilcabbagehaicreative_x: are you trying to go TO Mint?00:00
datiechertrism: haven't tried doing it before but used gcc and then i was able to configure it properly...00:00
VillageIdiotI have this weird bug...00:00
creative_x<gerbilcabbagehai> both00:00
datiechertrism: but know i hit a well because i really need to compile it using emscripten00:01
VillageIdiotI started my main computer and the ubuntu logo shows up and then it just shuts down00:01
Jhonquestion longfew lines i think00:01
Jhoni not make him ok00:01
gerbilcabbagehaicreative_x: just concentrate on one at a time. which one are you going from first?00:01
datiecherwhat a night...00:01
VillageIdiotI restarted and it went to login00:01
Jhonmy english just not very good00:01
creative_x<gerbilcabbagehai> ubuntu to mint00:01
gerbilcabbagehaicreative_x: have you enabled permissions in the mint box?00:01
jribJhon: what language do you prefer?00:01
VillageIdiotand there were 138 registered users under names such as: 048FA005, 40866DF300:02
creative_x<gerbilcabbagehai> i dont think so .. thats a problem00:02
VillageIdiotand others such as00:02
jerry_l1ubbuto you are funny.00:02
datiechertrism: i guess i should try to find some help on the emscripten channel then, thanks a ton for your patience!00:02
i7c!ru | Jhon00:02
ubottuJhon: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.00:02
gerbilcabbagehaicreative_x: are you able to ping the mint?00:02
AaronCampbellI'm on Ubuntu 12.04, and recently my icons disappeared from the Desktop (the files are still in ~/Desktop), I can't launch a file browser, and running nautilus from the command line results in "Bus error (core dumped)"00:02
AaronCampbellAny idea what might cause this or where I can look for more info on what's wrong?00:02
jerry_l1yeah what john said.00:02
Jhoni make here...00:02
pizzadudegoing to restart my system now00:02
VillageIdiotthere were a bunch of users registered under a bunch of hexidecimal 8 character values00:02
drianssalut  a toux00:02
jribJhon: you can ask here.  But please ASK ON ONE LINE your actual question00:02
trismdatiecher: no problem good luck!00:03
jerry_l1!en | Jhon00:03
ubottuJhon: Certain Ubuntu IRC channels are English only.  For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList00:03
mirajAaronCampbell : sounds like one of your cards may have come unseated?00:03
VillageIdiotI clicked one of them and a whole bunch of weird characters came up on the screen00:03
mega1my server does not seam to get on the internet00:03
VillageIdiotit was all bluish00:03
VillageIdiotand then red00:03
creative_x<gerbilcabbagehai> how can i do that?00:03
VillageIdiotand I got this weird error00:03
jrib!enter | VillageIdiot00:03
ubottuVillageIdiot: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:03
gerbilcabbagehaicreative_x: do you know the ip of the mint box?00:03
AaronCampbellmiraj: The only card in my system is a video card, which seems to be working fine.  What makes you think it would be an unseated card?00:04
VillageIdiotit was like BSOD but it had an image of a computer on fire00:04
creative_x<<gerbilcabbagehai> yeah roger that done00:04
mirajAaronCampbell : bus errors often indicate serious hardware problems00:04
AaronCampbellI take that back there's also a hardware raid controller...which also seems to be working fine00:04
gerbilcabbagehaicreative_x: you can successfully ping the mint box?00:04
creative_x<gerbilcabbagehai> yes00:04
mega1my server can ping me and i can ping it but it cant get to the internet00:05
MissionControlVillageIdiot, press Ctrl + Alt + K + L + F300:05
MissionControldon't ask, just do00:05
ActionParsnipmega1: try:  echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null        Then try the web00:06
gerbilcabbagehaicreative_x: have you enabled file sharing on the mint box?00:06
mirajAaronCampbell : might also be a memory error (like a mem stick come loose)00:06
flan_suseIn 12.04, is this package in the official repositories? libdrm-intel1:i38600:06
VillageIdiotwhen should I press that00:06
MissionControlat login if you can00:06
flan_suseI cannot find it in my package manager.00:06
jribMissionControl, VillageIdiot: stop now.00:06
ActionParsnip!find libdrm00:06
ubottuFound: libdrm-dev, libdrm-intel1, libdrm-intel1-dbg, libdrm-nouveau1a, libdrm-nouveau1a-dbg, libdrm-radeon1, libdrm-radeon1-dbg, libdrm2, libdrm2-dbg, libdrmaa-dev (and 2 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libdrm&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all00:06
mirajmegal, does your ISP allow incoming connections to customer servers?00:07
flan_suseActionParsnip: That doesn't show this: libdrm-intel1:i38600:07
HSakaUmmm ubuntu install got stucked at starting up the partion 45%...00:07
creative_x<gerbilcabbagehai> iam not sure00:07
flan_suseActionParsnip: It's i386 for amd64 installs.00:07
HSakawhy does it get stuck there?00:07
creative_x<gerbilcabbagehai> when i go to a folder for example i can to folder options and share it00:07
flan_suseActionParsnip: I'm kind of confused of how the multiarch support is supposed to work...00:07
jribmalte: pastebin result of « ls ~/.bash* ~/.profile »00:08
ActionParsnipflan_suse: the 64bit OS is multi-arch00:08
gerbilcabbagehaicreative_x: good. since before this conversation or after?00:08
flan_suseActionParsnip: Right, but is the package somehow hidden unless multiarch is enabled or something?00:08
creative_x<gerbilcabbagehai> before00:08
ActionParsnipflan_suse: its used by default00:08
HSakacan somebody help me? : )00:08
ActionParsnipmega1: do you get web access after the command is ran?00:08
VillageIdiotit works!!!00:08
gerbilcabbagehaicreative_x: have you created a user or guest account for the ubuntu to log into the mint box?00:08
flan_suseActionParsnip: Okay, so then I guess the package doesn't exist?00:08
jerry_l1what gas lowers you voice? i am watching tv and that is what they are doing.00:08
creative_x<gerbilcabbagehai> no00:08
mirajHSaka : maybe00:09
flan_suseActionParsnip: My log shows it was updated, and then later removed (after using the xorg-edgers PPA.)00:09
VillageIdiotthank you MissionControl00:09
mega1actionParsnip no00:09
ActionParsnipHSaka: is that in an installed Ubuntu, or the liveCD?00:09
HSakaI used unetbooting with the newest netinstall00:09
flan_suseActionParsnip: However, how was it "updated" when it didn't even exist?00:09
gerbilcabbagehaicreative_x: on mint you might need to.00:09
ActionParsnipmega1: can you ping
morganhow do I get safely back to compiz after doing metacity --replace ?00:09
HSakait's in usb.00:09
creative_x<gerbilcabbagehai> the thing is that i dont know how to create it00:09
ActionParsnipHSaka: did you MD5 test the ISO you transferred?00:09
mega1actionParsnip yes00:10
ActionParsnipmorgan: Press ALT+F2 compiz --replace00:10
gerbilcabbagehaicreative_x: are you on the mint box right now?00:10
HSakaI downloaded it directly from UNetbooting00:10
creative_x<gerbilcabbagehai> yes00:10
VillageIdiothow did you figure it out Mission?00:10
MissionControlit's a secret00:10
morganActionParsnip, nothing happens when I hit alt F2 do you mean ctrl+alt+ f2?00:11
MissionControla deep dark hidden one00:11
HSakaActionParsnip, should i download from somewhere else?00:11
ActionParsnipmega1: ok run:  echo "namesever" | sudo tee -a /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail > /dev/null     reboot to test00:11
ActionParsnipHSaka: try downloading it manually and MD5 testing it yourself, then use unetbootin on that00:11
gerbilcabbagehaicreative_x: second, im searching00:11
jribmalte: pastebin the contents of your ~/.bashrc and ~/.profile00:11
JhonOK! U here!?00:12
Jhoni maked wuestion00:12
HSakahow can i MD5 testing it?00:12
ActionParsnipmega1: seems all you are failing is DNS00:12
ActionParsnip!md5 | HSaka00:12
ubottuHSaka: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:12
JhonI need a program to sort of Wine.   Some programs starting and collect information about the system and the periphery, and create a unique id of computer.   I want to hide all the real data of my computer and replace them for what I want.00:12
flan_suseHSaka: md5sum nameoffile.iso00:12
JhonI need a program to sort of Wine.   Some programs starting and collect information about the system and the periphery, and create a unique id of computer.   I want to hide all the real data of my computer and replace them for what I want.00:12
pizzadudenope my webcam still doesn't work after disabling mediubuntu repos00:12
DLabzhi, all... can't make teamviewer asutostart on ubuntu 10.0400:12
jribJhon: uh, try a virtualizer like virtualbox maybe?00:13
morganActionParsnip, ok I did that, but I don't think it worked00:13
DLabztried using autostart thingie from the settings, but it doesn't save it00:13
jribmalte: while you do that, when you need to add something to your PATH, what do *you* do?00:13
Jhonvirtualbox on table?00:13
ActionParsnipJhon: could use the blkid of the system partition to ID the system, or the Ethernet address of the primary network interface00:13
ActionParsnippizzadude: does it show in cheese?00:13
DLabzalso, tried making /etc/init.d script, but it doesn't start it on startup00:14
ActionParsnipJhon: doesn't matter, it still has a network device and so forth....00:14
Jhonplease Wine is not virtual mashine00:14
malteI add the following command in the .bashrc file: export PATH=$PATH:/blablabla/bin00:14
DLabzscript in script it self works when called00:14
mirajpizzadude : the only thing I can think of right now is maybe your bios settings for the usb ports?00:14
Jhoni need high fast speed work proramm00:14
pizzadudeActionParsnip: yes00:14
mega1actionParsnip tee: /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail: No such file or directory00:14
jribmiraj: yes, you have a few additions like that in your .bashrc.  Which part of your PATH exactly are you not sure where it comes from?00:14
Jhonlike wine00:14
gerbilcabbagehaicreative_x: http://maketecheasier.com/setting-up-a-home-network-with-linux-mint/2012/06/0500:14
pizzadudeActionParsnip: it shows in cheese, i can take a picture but recording a video just makes a 13kb webm file00:15
pizzadudeActionParsnip: it works in guvcview but it's choppy00:15
mirajjrib, I didn't say anything on that subject00:15
ActionParsnippizzadude: try xvidwincap00:15
pizzadudeit skips and stuff00:15
Jhonu nit undestand my question?00:15
jribmalte: yes, you have a few additions like that in your .bashrc.  Which part of your PATH exactly are you not sure where it comes from?00:15
DLabzthan, tried chkconfig, complain about LSB thingie00:15
gerbilcabbagehaicreative_x: this might partially help00:15
ActionParsnip!info xvidwincap00:15
ubottuPackage xvidwincap does not exist in precise00:15
jribmiraj: thanks, sorry about that00:15
DLabzand, here I am00:15
jrib!who | malte00:15
ubottumalte: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:15
Jhonhelp plz00:16
ActionParsnippizzadude: mplayer can show webcams too00:16
jrib!helpme | Jhon00:16
ubottuJhon: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude00:16
pizzadudeActionParsnip: if i record it with ffmpeg it works....for a few seconds and then stops recording00:16
=== upper_memory_pro is now known as memory_process
gerbilcabbagehaiJhon: Wine is not an emulator ;)00:16
ActionParsnipJhon: what is the issue please00:16
HSakaActionParship, I tried got the checksum and tried to find it in ubuntuhashed. didn't find it with ctrl+f00:16
DLabzany help welcome. thanks00:16
memory_processhello new linux user here00:17
jribJhon: please mind your language and attitude.  Maybe you should say why you want such a program.  There may be a better way to accomplish whatever it is you are trying to do00:17
memory_processlooking for mentor00:17
ActionParsnip!manual | memory_process00:17
ubottumemory_process: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/00:17
maltejrib: most of the things that are in the past before the past gets "filled" by the .bashrc. Especially the path to my "old" eclipse installation00:17
gerbilcabbagehaiwelcome memory_process00:17
maltejrib; *path00:17
mirajpizzadude : when ffmpeg stops recording, does it give any informational messages?00:17
Jhoni want this program!00:17
pizzadudeActionParsnip there's no such thing as xvidwincap00:17
pizzadudemiraj: nope00:17
creative_x<gerbilcabbagehai> the personal file sharing that linux mint has look much simple than this ...00:17
ActionParsnipJhon: which program?00:18
JhonDo not think that you're smarter than me здя00:18
JhonI need a program to sort of Wine.   Some programs starting and collect information about the system and the periphery, and create a unique id of computer.   I want to hide all the real data of my computer and replace them for what I want.00:18
gerbilcabbagehaicreative_x: :) this is only one way of doing networking00:18
ActionParsnippizzadude: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111039200:18
memory_processthanks gerbil00:18
gerbilcabbagehaiJhon: are you trying to spoof or proxy?00:18
ActionParsnipJhon: wine doesn'tcollect anything00:18
mirajpizzadude : have you got more system ram than you need?00:19
pizzadudemiraj: i only have 2GB of ram00:19
ActionParsnipJhon: I'm sure I'm smarter than you in some way....00:19
memory_processi was thinking more along the lines of the debug command things like hat00:19
Frowardpah! a PITTANCE of ram00:19
HSakaActionParsnip, what can i do if the checksum are not the same?00:19
Jhonu idiot00:19
ActionParsnipHSaka: redownload the file00:19
mirajpizzadude : that should still be enough for ffmpeg to use a webcam00:19
jribmalte: get rid of all these PATH manipulations you have in your .bashrc, and put them in your .profile instead00:19
Jhonany can help please?00:19
Jhonadequate human please00:20
HSakaActionParsnip, the whole ubuntu?00:20
gerbilcabbagehaiJhon: why do you want the program? what do you want to achieve?00:20
jribJhon: I asked you before to stop just saying "help me please" and similar.  If you don't stop, I'll have to remove you from the channel00:20
ActionParsnipJhon: so far you haven't explained anything and you seem to think wine collects data about the system, which it doesn't00:20
=== ethernet is now known as Guest51199
=== Guest51199 is now known as ethern0t
memory_processhow can i assioated magnet links wih a torrent clinet in linux00:20
HSakaActionParsnip, downloading it now.00:20
Jhonhelp please00:20
gerbilcabbagehaiJhon: describe what you are trying to do, not the program you want.00:21
ActionParsnipJhon: what is the issue please00:21
xanguamemory_process: what torrent client¿00:21
Jhonwhy u so stupid?00:21
ethern0tneed some help here please00:21
HSakaActionParsnip, do I have to download until i get the right checksum like on the homepage?00:21
memory_processany i dont have any yet i guess tizati00:21
ActionParsnipHSaka: yes, then you know the data is good, using torrents helps as the protocol adds extra checking00:21
ethern0ti have windows 8 beta installed and want to install ubuntu... when setup i have a blank hdd00:21
gerbilcabbagehai<shrug> can't help someone who doesn't ask proper questions.00:21
memory_processwehre do i make file type assioations00:21
ethern0tntfs partitions not showing up00:21
HSakaActionParsnip: I'm downloading from here http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/thank-you?distro=desktop&release=lts&bits=3200:22
ethern0tanyone can help00:22
gerbilcabbagehaicreative_x: how are you going?00:22
maltejrib: did this. Now ONLY the old paths are there, the new ones weren't added at all.00:22
ubottuSome torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P00:22
jribmalte: what new ones?00:22
ActionParsnip!torrents | HSaka00:22
ubottuHSaka: Precise can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/desktop/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/server/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696900:22
soulhey guys, im trying to do something in eclipse on ubuntu 12.04 and its complaining about not having libstdc++.so.6 but i cannot figure out how what provides this for ubuntu?00:22
maltejrib: the ones i  put in the .profile00:22
jribmalte: pastebin the relevant configuration files, and what your PATH looks like, and what you want it to look like00:22
ramahi, my english is very ugly xD, and i need know if the program "festival" can save the audio exit, the tutorial is in english but is very long, i dont understand00:22
* jrib is not a mind reader00:22
gerbilcabbagehai!find libstdc00:23
ubottuFound: libstdc++6, libstdc++6-4.4-dbg, libstdc++6-4.4-dev, libstdc++6-4.4-doc, libstdc++6-4.4-pic, libstdc++6-4.5-dbg, libstdc++6-4.5-dev, libstdc++6-4.5-doc, libstdc++6-4.6-dbg, libstdc++6-4.6-dev (and 24 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libstdc&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all00:23
KickballDoes anyone know how to install ubuntu with virtual box?00:23
memory_processi do00:23
ethern0ti have windows 8 beta installed and want to install ubuntu... when setup i have a blank hdd00:23
xanguajrib: shame on you :)00:23
ethern0tntfs partitions not showing up00:23
ActionParsnipethern0t: what file system does windows 8 use?00:23
kruxsame way you do in a regular installation ?00:23
Kickballmemory_process: can you help me/guide me though the steps?00:23
ethern0ti think its due to uefi stuff00:23
gerbilcabbagehai!find libstdc > soul00:24
ActionParsnipethern0t: cool, you should be able to resize the NTFS and make free space to install to. Suprised you didn't set this up, save the resizing step00:24
memory_processyes i can i came for hep but yes i will00:24
pizzadudeActionParsnip the scripts on that thread you sent me are old and dont work00:24
jribmalte: by the way, you need to log out and back in for .profile to be read.  If you want to just source it for your current shell, you can do « source ~/.profile »00:24
ethern0tthe partitions on the hdd are not showing up00:24
SparksITI'm trying to copy a file to /lib/firmware but it is restricted to root, how else can i copy?00:24
KickballDoes anyone know how to install ubuntu with virtual box? Can they help me out/guide me though it?00:24
creative_x<gerbilcabbagehai> working on it, how can i see my gateway00:24
ethern0ton ubuntu process all i have is a blank hdd00:25
gerbilcabbagehaicreative_x: ubuntu command is ifconfig -l i think00:25
jribKickball: you want to install ubuntu inside virtualbox, or you want to install virtualbox software on ubuntu?00:25
xanguaKickball: i've seen zillions of guides on the interwebs00:25
ethern0tbut when exploring live i can access the damn disk00:25
gerbilcabbagehaicreative_x: i dont know if its different in mint00:25
pizzadudethese are the last parts of the ffmpeg output before it crashes frame=  299 fps= 32 q=31.0 Lsize=     755kB time=9.74 bitrate= 634.5kbits/s dup=9 drop=000:25
pizzadudevideo:673kB audio:76kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead 0.699046%00:25
=== Dad_ is now known as Guest90541
KickballI have windows and want to use vm to run ubuntu too00:26
ethern0tdoes anyone here has win8 and ubuntu installed ?00:26
creative_x<gerbilcabbagehai> i type ifconfig what iam looking for :P00:26
memory_processi have windows 8 and backtrack installed dual boot00:26
ethern0tno prob installing it?00:26
David7Kickball, you can connect the Ubuntu ISO to the VM as a CD-ROM. When you boot the VM, it will boot from the ISO and install Ubuntu.00:27
nsaquaticsquestion: on my workstation install, I have Ubuntu it works like a charm except after upgrading to 12.04, the OS thinks my monitor is about 1/2 wider than it actually is is there a place to adjust the screen width?00:27
ethern0tuefi bios?00:27
ActionParsnippizzadude: vlc can do it too00:27
memory_processi dont know what you are asking00:27
gerbilcabbagehaicreative_x: your gateway is your router numer i think00:27
pizzadudeActionParsnip how00:27
ethern0tis a new pc or laptop?00:27
ActionParsnipnsaquatics: what GPU do you use?00:27
ActionParsnippizzadude: there are guides online00:28
gerbilcabbagehaicreative_x: can also use route00:28
ethern0tok so its bios00:28
memory_processtriple cor phenom00:28
maltejrib: IT WORKS! Ok, I really had to log out from my account! I thought opening another shell or just sourcing the new altered.bashrc file was enough.00:28
ethern0tdamn win800:28
nsaquaticsahhh yeah... hang on00:28
maltejrib: Thanks a lot for your time and your help!00:28
memory_processwhats got you hung up00:28
ActionParsnippizzadude: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143732   source: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=record+webcam+vlc+ubuntu00:28
KickballDoes anyone know how to install ubuntu with virtual box? Can they help me out/guide me though it? I am using windows, but i want to run Ubuntu on a VM, I have both the Ubuntu.iso and virtual box installed on this computer installed00:28
memory_processcreate another partition00:28
David7Kickball, I just told you what to do. Did you try that?00:28
memory_processload the kernal o the new partition drive00:29
ethern0tmemory_process: i have win8 running and want to install it i have 500gb disk 200 ntfs win8 the rest is empty or not assigned00:29
KickballKickball, you can connect the Ubuntu ISO to the VM as a CD-ROM. When you boot the VM, it will boot from the ISO and install Ubuntu.00:29
ActionParsnipKickball: download and MD5 test the Ubuntu ISO, make a new virtual system then mount it in virtualbox as the optical drive. Start the virtual system00:29
David7Kickball, Did you try that?00:29
memory_processso run your distro cd00:29
ethern0twhen installing ubuntu or any other distro the installer saya00:29
KickballI have no cds atm, and also I tried that but my discs are 5gb and unbuntu is like 11gbb00:29
ethern0tto me i have empty disk00:30
bazhangmemory_process, stop that00:30
David7Kickball, Is the Ubuntu ISO on the Windows machine?00:30
ethern0t500gb blank hdd00:30
ActionParsnipKickball: you don't need CDs, virtualbox can handle ISO files00:30
Kickballbut it does nothing atm, i have just downloaded it00:30
bazhang!who | memory_process00:30
ubottumemory_process: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:30
David7You can connect the CD-ROM drive in the VM directly to the ISO file00:30
Kickballso where do i go to set it up?00:30
memory_processwhatewver your using and instal os on yeah sorry my bad00:30
ActionParsnipKickball: otherwise I would have said to burn a CD, but I didn't.....00:30
jribmalte: no problem.  Basically, that ~/.profile gets executed one time at login, but your .bashrc gets executed at login (because .profile sources it) and also when you open a new shell00:31
Kickballah ok00:31
David7Kickball, Open the settings for the virtual machine00:31
ActionParsnipKickball: installing virtualbox is a good first step00:31
KickballI have it installed00:31
bazhangmemory_process, use the nick of the person you are addressing00:31
mirajethern0t : that sounds definitely like uefi parition table that ubuntu isn't reading00:31
ActionParsnipKickball: just play with the software, its not complex at all00:31
ethern0tmiraj: i think it is00:31
David7Kickball, In the settings for the VM, select the CD-ROM drive and then browse to the ISO file00:31
ethern0tmiraj: but there is not alot of info about it on web00:31
ActionParsnipKickball: there is a settings section for media, just tell it to use the ISO file00:32
Kickballwhat do i with the hard drive setting? Do not add a virtual hard drive? Create a virtual hard drive now?00:32
Kickballok under media, will do after i finish the rest00:32
mirajethern0t : when you installed Win 8, did it give you any partition-creating options to choose from?00:32
maltejrib: didn't know that. Again, thanks again and good night!00:32
ActionParsnipKickball: yes, or you won't have anywhere to install ubuntu to will you..00:32
David7Kickball, Did you create a virtual machine? Did you add hard drives to the virtual machine?00:33
ethern0tmiraj: yeap00:33
KickballI am just following the setting under new00:33
ethern0tmiraj: i ve created the partition there since it was a blank hdd00:33
Kickballdoes anyone have teamviewer00:33
David7If you're going to install Ubuntu in Virtual Box, make the hard drive at least 16 GB to start with00:33
mirajethern0t : you might have to reinstall Win 8 with a standard partition table00:33
ActionParsnipKickball: all it takes is a bit of thinknig. Think abouot what you need to do to a physical PC and use that mentality00:33
ActionParsnipKickball: its not a lot different00:33
nsaquaticsActionParsnip,  it's an onboard GPU Tungsten Graphics, Inc. - Mesa DRI Intel(R) 946GZ00:34
techkid6Hey, is it possible to ssh into an ububtu virtual machine on VMWare?00:34
techkid6I tried but timed out00:34
WeThePeopleprogram to convert webm to avi etc..00:34
memory_processfor backrack how do i get flash working?00:34
jribtechkid6: don't see why not00:34
xangua!backtrack | memory_process00:34
ubottumemory_process: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition00:34
ethern0tmiraj: or set it back to 7, since no difference to me. but thanks for your attention00:34
ActionParsniptechkid6: yes, i'd check your vmware settings for network00:34
unless__techkid6, yes it is, #vbox for more help.00:34
bazhangmemory_process, go to backtrack support, it's not supported here00:34
techkid6Ok, should I just bridge it ;)00:34
bazhang!backtrack | memory_process00:34
ActionParsniptechkid6: probably easier00:34
nsaquaticstechkid6, make sure you have bridged networking and the firewall shut off00:34
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition00:35
techkid6Ok ;)00:35
ActionParsnipmemory_process: why would you want flash in backtrack anyway.....seems obscure00:35
KickballI am stuck here: http://postimage.org/image/7nvtcrkwp/6295bec2/00:35
mirajethern0t : I'm pretty sure othert people have been able to install linux with uefi parititions00:35
ActionParsnipKickball: the default is fine00:36
ring1windows support in #ubuntu ;)00:36
memory_process<ActionParsnip> what full featured os with a favorate tools00:37
boldfilterNeed to give Backup permission to access a partition00:38
KickballError: No bootable medium found! System halted00:39
MACscranyone using synergy with ubuntu and osx ML? I cant seem to get the keyboard to work on ubuntu (the mac is being the server)00:40
MACscralso, im seeing there a few different flavors of synergy. Which one should i be using?00:40
FrowardMACscr: I'm no expert, but maybe a firewall is catching it?00:41
MACscrwell mouse is working, so i doubt that00:42
ActionParsnipKickball: did you tell vbox to use the ISO in the cD drive?00:42
FrowardMACscr: sounds like you're most of the way there.. did you google it?00:42
MACscrim thinking its a mac issue as im not even seeing any keyboard responses on the server logs when in debug mode00:42
MACscrFroward: yes. Im an IT consultant, so im pretty competent.00:43
Kickballcd drive? for snapshot drive I changed it to C:\Users\edickson15\VirtualBox VMs\Edward-Ubuntu\ubuntu.iso00:43
KickballI have no clue where to go from here00:44
FrowardMACscr: chill your jets, bro <_< can you type to at least one of them?00:44
techkid6oh, how do I change my username by the way?00:44
ActionParsnipKickball: http://www.greatboxee.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Virtual_Box___Settings___Storage.png00:44
David7Kickball, Press next and create a VDI00:44
David7Kickball, Just for reference, are we going to have to walk you through each step of creating a VM?00:45
MACscrFroward: im on my mac now and its the server, so yes, i can type on it. I am only testing with one client though, the ubuntu system and its not getting any responses. As i mentioned though, i think its a mac issue as on the mac during debug mode, I can see mouse actions showing on the mac synergy log, but nothing happens when i use the keyboard00:45
KickballThat is not what i see. I see this: http://postimage.org/image/6jdab4a1r/e32b6c67/00:45
MACscrFroward: are you by chance using synergy?00:46
ActionParsnipKickball: click the little CD icon on the right of the dropdown00:46
FrowardMACscr: no, I used it last about a year ago. I mixed up the client/server terminology. I think you'd have better luck in #macOSX , those guys seem to be more powerusers.00:47
MrBushidowhat file is used to run commands on login in ubuntu? (in my case i want to pass some xinput commands)00:47
Kickballit works00:47
ActionParsnipKickball: you do know there are videos on youtube which will walk you through all this....00:48
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David7Kickball, Where it says "IDE Secondary Master" click and browse to the ISO file00:48
KickballI have done it00:48
Kickballbut then i get an error00:48
Kickballcan someone link an UPDATED video?00:48
brophatthe software center has matlab, but don't you first need to buy a license before you can install it?00:49
Kickballcuz i am the BEST at finding out dated videos00:49
ampdbrophat: you can try octave, it's like matlab and libre00:50
brophatampd my professor insists we use matlab00:50
ActionParsnipKickball: there are lots of vids. The guys in #vbox can help too00:51
brophatampd so doesn't one first need to buy matlab before they can install matlab on their computer from the software center?00:51
ampdbrophat: he should provide you with a student copy.00:51
ActionParsnipKickball: you can sort youtube by date you know00:51
Kickballah is that wat it is not virtual box00:51
Kickballwow i am a retard00:51
brophatampd he said go to the library computer room00:51
ampdbrophat: the licence should work00:51
ActionParsnipKickball: are you  new to youtube?00:51
brophatampd what license?00:52
Kickballsort of00:52
brophatampd I have no license00:52
ampdbrophat: when i had to use it for school they provided licenses00:52
brophatampd I figured if the software center has software to download it is free00:52
brophatampd here they are not00:52
ampdbrophat: i never tried it from the software center, this was before it existed :)00:53
NordomHello, ubuntu noob here, I dled a .tar.gz file, I can open it using archive manager, how do I install it?00:53
techkid6how do i switch windows with screen? :P00:53
techkid6i am stuck on irssi lol00:53
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ampdNordom: is there a .sh file in the archive?00:53
* techkid6 is new to this00:53
ampdtechkid6: esc + number00:54
ratcheertechkid6: I tried irssi a few days ago. What a trip!00:54
Nordomampd: yes there is00:54
ampdratcheer: irssi is awesome...if you config it right00:54
techkid6it isnt that hard lol00:54
ActionParsnipNordom: in windows, how do you install a .zip file?00:54
ratcheerampd: I was using it because I had Gentoo up with no X00:54
ampdNordom: navigate to the folder in terminal and type ./filename.sh00:54
brophatcan someone explain to me how the download for matlab works00:55
techkid6that just changed what irssi page i was on00:55
techkid6maybe i forgot to use screen00:55
ampdtechkid6: what are you trying to change?00:55
NordomActionParsnip: click the .exe, but .exe convention doesn't really exist in linux unless your using wine00:55
unless__techkid6, http://blinkenshell.org/wiki/Howto/IRC00:55
techkid6windows in screen :)00:55
ActionParsnipNordom: there is no .exe  all I see are .c and .h files00:55
techkid6no, i know how to use irc00:55
techkid6i dont know how to use screen00:55
ActionParsnipNordom: same as in Ubuntu00:55
Nordomampd: is there a way to do inside unity without terminal00:55
ampdbrophat: octave is pretty easy to use, your professor probably wont provide support, but you'll be able to do the work00:55
ampdbrophat: and most of the commands are similar00:56
ActionParsnipNordom: a 'tar.gz' file is just an archive, it tells us lterally NOTHING about the contents00:56
ActionParsnipNordom: what filename did you download and what do you actually want to install?00:56
brophatampd will they know that the work was not done on matlab?00:56
codeMonkey_Hello all.  I wish to encrypt my Ubuntu hard disk in the following fashion: Unencrypted boot partition loads and asks for a password.  The system will then be unencrypted and boot properly.  I have a rsync clone of the drive that I can copy back over after the containers have been made.  Based on what I am lookin for, does anyone have any suggestions for what I use?00:56
ampdNordom: you may be able to right click, go to properties > permissions > check the mark as executable then double click it00:56
ActionParsnipNordom: 'tar.gz' files can contain ANY file type be it images, source code, binaries or a mixture00:57
ampdbrophat: it will have a different style00:57
ampdbrophat: the code would be similar00:57
Nordomthank you ampd, I will try that00:57
brophatok then i would get an F00:57
ampdNordom: dont be afraid of the terminal, give it a try with the command00:57
ActionParsnipNordom: what filename do you have? Itmay be in the repos and then you can install it the normal way00:57
ampdbrophat: you should talk to your teacher. they don't sound like they know what they're doing00:58
NordomActionParsnip: yes I understand that, but I dl'ed a program I wished to install, and was ask for an easy way to install said tar.gz without having to use terminal, no point using a GUI if you need to use terminal just to wipe ur own butt00:58
brophatampd correct they don't know what they are doing00:58
ampdbrophat: tell them you can do the work with a similar, free rpogram00:58
brophatampd they are dumb00:58
ActionParsnipNordom: but what is the filename?00:58
xanguaNordom: you can also use the terminal to install programs from the repositorie ;)00:59
Nordomampd: I am not afraid, just don't think it should be more work to install some archive then one or two clicks when you downloaded an archive with the express perpose of installing said software ;)00:59
ampdNordom: fair enough, but if you do ever feel like diving into command line, you sould do it in one line of typing and zero clicks01:00
ring1brophat, just buy it. the student basic version is only $10001:01
Nordomampd: then I dont understand why websites host linux files if you just recall them from a repository01:01
FloodBot1pagz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:01
ampdNordom: they're not all in the repos01:02
NordomActionParsnip: the file is Komodo edit01:02
ActionParsnipNordom: sites usually host source which can then be compiles01:02
ActionParsnip!find komodo01:02
ubottuPackage/file komodo does not exist in precise01:02
NordomIs where I got the .tar01:02
ActionParsnipNordom: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc01:03
ActionParsnipNordom: I may have found a PPA01:03
ampdring1: thats not the point, there's no reason that the school shouldn't supply required software, or at least allow for free alternatives01:03
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ampdring1: especially when the most they're going to be doing is graphing some stuff01:03
NordomActionParsnip: I do not know what lsb_realease -sc, I am still a ubuntu nub01:03
MACscrso my unity apps menu is empty. How can i recreate that?01:03
ActionParsnipNordom: its a terminal command, press CTRL+ALT+T and run the command, what is the output please01:04
ring1ampd, if he needs it right now, he can only buy it or get the test version01:04
codeMonkey_Just a reminder, when someone is free I have a question about disk encryption :).  Patiently waiting01:04
NordomActionParsnip: precise*01:05
ActionParsnipNordom: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mystic-mirage/komodo-edit ; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install komodo-edit01:05
brophatI started installing matlab from the software center, but it did not complete because it requires matlab to already be installed. but now it is just stuck in a loop saying in progress and I see no way to abort it.01:05
ActionParsnipNordom: will install the app01:05
ampdring1: true, but its's still crazy that they would forbid them from doing the work in octave01:05
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ampdbrophat: sudo apt-get purge matlab01:05
ampdbrophat: pkill software-center first01:06
brophatampd you know all this stuff or are just making it up as you go along? bahahahha01:06
NordomActionParsnip: how did you find that?01:06
Danny6167codeMonkey_, truecrypt may be able to provide for you. http://www.truecrypt.org/01:06
ActionParsnipNordom: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=komodo01:06
ampdbrophat: i'm an engineer, i've used my share of matlab01:06
ActionParsnipNordom: duckduckgo has a handy bang for the PPAs :)01:06
ActionParsnipNordom: run the long command as one command, it will add the PPA and install the package01:07
brophatampd software center still has matlab applying changes in progress01:07
ampdbrophat: did you pkill software-center?01:07
ampdbrophat: and it's still open?01:08
codeMonkey_Danny6167: Truecrypt unfortunately only does this service for windows partitions from what I understand01:08
brophatampd no i opened it after I did everything yuo said01:08
NordomActionParsnip: I ran it, but ended with unable to locate package komodo-edit01:08
ActionParsnipNordom: instead of heading to websites and downloading archives, search the PPAs first, makes life easy01:08
ampdbrophat: pkill it again, sudo apt-get purge matlab again, then sudo apt-get install matlab01:08
ampdbrophat: then you should be able to see where it's hanging01:09
ActionParsnipNordom: did the PPA get added (did you press ENTER after the PPA textappeared when you ran the command)01:09
NordomActionParsnip: it is very strange to me to install programs in such a way01:09
brophatampd i don't want to install. it does not install matlab it only installs an interface that makes matlab pretty01:09
brightsparksAm having a problem playing my own recorded mp4 videos. Youtube videos play fine but and videos I record my self with my camera are choppy when I try to play them in ubuntu 12.04. Does anyone know if there is a solution for this?01:09
Nordomwhat is PPA?01:09
blackshirtNordom: personal package archives01:10
ActionParsnipNordom: its normal in ubuntu, windows has users running to websites to download stuff, ubuntu makes life easier ;)01:10
NordomActionParsnip: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mystic-mirage/komodo-edit ; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install komodo-edit <--- it then ran the update, and then failed to locate01:10
blackshirt!ppa | Nordom01:10
ubottuNordom: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge01:10
ActionParsnipNordom: its a 3rd party source for packages outside the official repos01:10
Nordomwait, how do u copy from terminal01:10
Nordomsorry I miss pasted in the last message01:10
ampdbrophat: http://www.mathworks.com/programs/trials/trial_request.html?eventid=562747565&prodcode=ML&s_cid=SA_Sol_trial01:10
ampdbrophat: i'd just install the demo for now01:11
ActionParsnipNordom: what is the output of: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mystic-mirage/komodo-edit    you can copy just as you expect, select the text, right clikc the text and hit copy.01:11
Nabsterhiii everybody01:11
ActionParsnipNordom: it doesn't try and trick you01:11
blackshirtNabster: hi01:11
Danny6167codeMonkey_, Shame. This may provide some clues but looks complicated - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemOnIntrepid01:11
NordomCannot access PPA (https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~mystic-mirage/+archive/komodo-edit ) <--- then ran update, then failed to locate it01:12
brightsparksAlso I keep getting the message that ubuntu has an internal error01:12
codeMonkey_Danny: Just what I was looking for!  Ima be idle while I test it01:13
NordomActionParsnip: I have already really enjoyed how ubuntu actually locates the files I need and updates them. Really like how slick Ubunut's software center is... basically feels like my OS is base in a cloud, and I just download what I need to my comp which is only a terminal01:13
foobaryI'm trying to automate removing a package, but the package keeps popping up a prompt where you just have to hit ok.  How do I skip this, or feed it a preseed?01:13
Nabsterfor installing usb modem on bt5 r301:16
NordomActionParsnip: any suggestions on where the PPA went wrong in installing komdo edit?01:16
Danny6167codeMonkey_, Would be interested in how you go with it. Mind msging me here when done?01:16
OerHekshmm bt5 is not supported afaik01:16
raveni kinda need help01:16
brophatok thanks01:17
ActionParsnipNordom: can you copy and paste the full output of the command and use http://pastie.org to hold the text please01:17
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ActionParsnipNordom: copy the address bar when it changes and paste here01:17
Nabsterthe bt5 r3 as a system is wonderfull01:17
biancaum, i got a new ssd, and nothing will run right01:17
ActionParsnipNabster: its offtopic here too01:18
biancai had to install mint 3 times it didnt work, now i tryed ubuntu this is the second time its kinda working now, i couldnt uppdate or install anything01:18
locoguanoI am having trouble with a game crashing to a black screen. The same thing happened under Windows 7 and I was able to fix it using RivaTuner and "Force Constant Performance Level". Is there any way to do this under Ubuntu 12.04?01:18
NordomActionParsnip: http://pastie.org/4766537 there u go01:18
biancabut now i have this error i keep getting01:18
biancainternal error01:18
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ActionParsnipNordom: Cannot access PPA (https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~mystic-mirage/+archive/komodo-edit )01:19
codeMonkey_Danny6167: Will do01:20
ActionParsniplocoguano: anything similar in nvidia-settings01:20
NordomActionParsnip:  yup, thats my problem01:20
xanguaNordom: are you using ubuntu precice 12.04¿01:20
biancaok il find adiffernt chat01:20
Nordomxangua: yes01:21
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ActionParsnipNordom: works ok here http://paste.ubuntu.com/1217889/01:22
ActionParsnipNordom: what is the output of: uname -a01:23
gerbilcabbagehaiwhen I am sshing to a ubuntu, how many concurrent ssh connections to the server can I make? e.g. if I set a task going on the server which will take awhile, can I log in with another ssh session and do other things while keeping both ssh terminals open?01:23
NordomActionParsnip: Linux Constructs 3.2.0-30-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Aug 24 16:52:48 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux <--- is my output01:24
ActionParsnipNordom: yep, same output. Let me grab you the deb and you can do it that way01:24
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Danny6167gerbilcabbagehai, As many as you want. If there is a limit its really really high as I have never hit it. You may want to look at the 'screen' tool though01:26
ActionParsnipNordom: wget https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/komodo-edit_7.1.2%2B10678%7Ebuild2-1_amd64.deb; sudo dpkg -i ./komodo-edit_7.1.2%2B10678%7Ebuild2-1_amd64.deb; sudo apt-get -f install; rm ./komodo-edit_7.1.2%2B10678%7Ebuild2-1_amd64.deb01:26
gerbilcabbagehaiDanny6167: would i use screen on the client machine or server machine?01:27
ActionParsnipNordom: thats the deb from the PPA, just pushed it to my dropbox and made the link. Gotta love dropbox:)01:27
NordomHTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 NOT FOUND  2012-09-21 10:27:11 ERROR 404: NOT FOUND. <--- I am using a tethered connect atm is that a probem?01:27
Danny6167you would ssh to the server and run screen on the server01:28
ActionParsnipNordom: give it time to duplicate, my upload is only something like 2Mbps01:28
Danny6167gerbilcabbagehai, http://kb.iu.edu/data/acuy.html may be a good read01:28
gerbilcabbagehaidoes screen requir x?01:28
ActionParsnipNordom: try now, just got the update on my laptop, so it'son the server01:29
Nordomwhile we wait, if I want to dl other stuff from PPA, how do I normal find what goes where? EXAMPLE: https://launchpad.net/~estewei/+archive/java <---- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:oracle-java6-installer/ppa ???01:30
gerbilcabbagehaiwow, screen is pretty cool01:31
NordomActionParsnip: it is now dling01:31
ActionParsnipNordom: coolies :)01:31
ActionParsnipNordom: you got it dude :). Adding PPAs is easy01:31
MarconManyone work with design here, inkscape or gimp01:31
ActionParsnipNordom: plus, if the PPA gets updated, you will get the updates too01:32
NordomActionParsnip: so the command I wrote wroks? so I find the file name on the left side window box thingy and add /ppa at the end?01:32
usr13MarconM: Yes01:34
MarconMusr13: gimp or inkscape work with cmyj ?01:34
MarconMcolor separations01:34
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ActionParsnipNordom: yes, that's how you add PPAs. Simple days01:35
ActionParsnipNordom: the bit in bold :)01:35
usr13MarconM: I dono.  What are you tring to do?01:36
NordomActionParsnip: bit in bold?01:36
MarconMusr13: i am designer, corel draw, ilustrator, but i want to start make with ink01:36
ActionParsnipNordom: on the PPA pages, you got it right basically :)01:36
usr13MarconM: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/CMYK_support_in_The_GIMP01:36
NordomActionParsnip: can you do me a favor and see if sudo add-apt-repository ppa:oracle-java6-installer/ppa works for you? I keep getting cannot access PPA check ur internet error01:38
usr13MarconM: http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/InkscapeColor01:38
MarconMusr13: http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/ExportPDFCMYK01:38
NordomI did run some update and haven't restarted so maybe that is causing the error01:38
usr13MarconM: Yep.  Looks like a go...01:39
MarconMyes .... is there a code written in portuguese01:39
MarconMto generate cmyk color01:39
* MarconM is brazilian01:39
usr13MarconM: I dono.01:39
MarconMusr13: yes01:40
usr13Very good....01:40
NordomActionParsnip: from your dropbox stuff we were doing I got this http://pastie.org/476699501:40
NordomActionParsnip: I will be back, I am going to restart to make sure its not the updates01:40
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f00dMonstawut's a good shell to use for a Ubuntu VM (from Windows)?01:42
f00dMonstarequirements: lightweight, functional01:42
usr13foobary: putty01:42
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usr13foobary: Oh, VM... sorry01:42
ActionParsnipf00dMonsta: how do you mean shell?01:42
f00dMonstalike a desktop environment :x01:42
usr13foobary:  Vbox I suppose.  I dono, I only do it from the other direction.01:43
ActionParsnipf00dMonsta: so yuo want a lightweight desktop for Ubuntu?01:43
f00dMonstayes please01:43
ActionParsnipf00dMonsta: lxde is pretty light, uses openbox as WM01:43
f00dMonstakk i'll try that out01:44
usr13ActionParsnip: tnx01:44
ActionParsnipusr13: any time :)01:44
ActionParsnipNordom: use: sudo dpkg -i ~/kom*.deb; sudo apt-get -f install     it will install01:45
ratcheer+1 for Openbox / LXDE01:45
f00dMonstaI'm sad cos I had to give up on making Ubuntu work 100% on my laptop01:45
f00dMonstaso I"m stuck using it via a VM01:45
NordomActionParsnip: thx I am doing it now01:45
usr13f00dMonsta: What was the problem?01:47
ActionParsnipratcheer: could just run openbox, super light :)01:48
ActionParsnipf00dMonsta: ah01:48
f00dMonstaand needing to do stuff with visual studio01:48
ratcheerYes, that's how I run Arch.01:48
f00dMonstaso I should install Lubuntu or Ubuntu then install LXDE?01:49
ratcheerBut I run LXDE on Sabayon and Siduction.01:49
usr13f00dMonsta: http://geek.co.il/wp/2012/02/19/nvidia-optimus-on-ubuntu-12-0401:49
ActionParsnipf00dMonsta: i'd just install Lubuntu, its decent01:49
ratcheerf00dMonsta: Just install Lubuntu01:49
ActionParsnipNordom: is it installing ok?01:49
tomreynvisual studio runs fine in a VM for me01:49
NordomActionParsnip: I think It finished01:50
usr13f00dMonsta: Yea, cut to the chase.  Install Lubuntu.  But I dono, I use Xubuntu and seems pretty light-weight to me.  Not sure though.01:50
ActionParsnipNordom: cool, searh your menus / dash etc01:50
usr13Do you know ActionParsnip?  Lubuntu < Xubuntu?01:50
ActionParsnipusr13: yeah lighter. I think Xubuntu is losing its light edge01:51
iFlipDoes anyone here know PHP - tried the channel but they are quiet.01:51
NordomActionParsnip: I found komdo in dash, how do I launch it? I click button and nothing happens01:51
ActionParsnipusr13: the Lubuntu guys are more dilligent imo01:51
f00dMonstatomreyn: I couldn't get it to work properly01:51
ActionParsnipNordom: try running it from a terminal01:51
ActionParsnipNordom: you can delete the deb file you downloaded too :)01:51
f00dMonstato be honest, I like Ubuntu, but to get everything working 100% takes way too much effort and i dun have the time01:52
f00dMonstaso i'm going to use both Windows and Ubuntu01:52
Maksimcan anyone tell me if I am using the default version of java or not? I think I may have installed a different version 2 weeks ago when I first installed ubuntu for the first time01:52
f00dMonstabut since I have Optimus card, and Windows works much better that way, I decided to use Windows as base OS01:52
NordomActionParsnip: I found it, but when I alt tab there is an ivinsible icon same with my tool bar on the left side just a blank cap between icons but if I click it will open the app same with the alt tab01:52
NordomActionParsnip: How do I delete the deb?01:53
tomreynf00dMonsta: have you ever measured the time it took to get from scratch to a windows system (incl. applications) which "works 100%"?01:53
ActionParsnipf00dMonsta: you just need to run the learning curve. Its just different01:53
f00dMonstaI know01:53
ActionParsnipNordom: use nautilus01:53
f00dMonstathat's why I even tried Ubuntu in the first place01:53
MaksimCan anyone help me with this java issue?01:53
f00dMonstabut neither can satisfy me 100%, so I'm gonna use both01:53
ActionParsnipf00dMonsta: something being different doesn't make it hard, just makes it different01:53
tomreyn!ask | Maksim01:54
ubottuMaksim: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:54
ActionParsnipNordom: when you browse files using the file browser, that program is called nautilus01:54
blackshirtmaksicm, maybe better you describe it more detail :d01:54
MaksimOK, I think I may be using a non-standard or non-default version of Java and I want to revert it back to default if I am.01:54
blackshirtuninstall it01:55
MaksimI don't know how to do that.01:55
blackshirtAnd install that come from repository01:55
tomreynMaksim: how di you install it?01:55
NordomActionParsnip: U mean the alt tab icons is called nautilus? Like win7 is aero or something?01:55
blackshirtmaksim, i don't where come from your java01:55
MaksimI used google and wrote what I found to install openjdk (i think). Is that the default?01:55
ActionParsnipNordom: no, when you see files and folders in a window, that app is called nautilus01:55
Maksimmaks@ubuntu:~$ java -version01:56
Maksimjava version "1.6.0_24"01:56
MaksimOpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.11.4) (6b24-1.11.4-1ubuntu0.12.04.1)01:56
MaksimOpenJDK Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)01:56
blackshirtopenjdk was available on repository01:57
Nordomback to the ppa stuff, http://pastie.org/4767428 getting this error01:57
David7Maksim, Do you want the JDK or the JRE?01:57
MaksimThis program I use has a problem with openjdk is it a bad java?01:57
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.01:57
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f00dMonstaActionParsnip: I've tried, spent more than 100hrs trying to get stuff working in Ubuntu. Got alot working but, some key things I needed were not up to par... U should understand the pain I felt when I had to overwrite Ubuntu with Windows :<01:58
ActionParsnipNordom: do you use a proxy for web acces?01:58
ActionParsnipf00dMonsta: those that used it in the early days (like myself) had it so much harder, you'd have really struggled then :)01:59
Maksimubottu I use openjdk i guess as you saw above. in this link http://sourceforge.net/projects/jin/forums/forum/166175/topic/3776004 the guy says it's the java.01:59
ubottuMaksim: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:59
ActionParsnipf00dMonsta: mind you windows used to be the same. Did you use win3.1 ?01:59
NordomActionParsnip: no but using easytether to tether my phone to pc to give me internet.... trying to actually root the sucker, but it has gave me nothing but problems, tried windows yesterday without it working, and since I have been duel booting linux, figured maybe it would work better in linux...01:59
f00dMonstaActionParsnip: I understand :P I just don't think Ubuntu is at the level where WIndows users can just let go and start using Ubuntu01:59
sargenntoHello.. I have a fresh install of 12.04 and am getting errors that stop me from upgrading.. the error has to do with "/var/cache/apt/archives/libisc83_1%3a9.8.1.dfsg.P1-4ubuntu0.3_i386.deb"01:59
David7Maksim, the JDK is used to develop Java applications. You need the JRE to run Java applications.02:00
f00dMonstaActionParsnip: yes I used win3.1... never did much with it other than minesweeper and other games tho lol02:00
ActionParsnipf00dMonsta: the troubleshooting mentality isn't that different, just takes a while to adjust02:00
Maksimdavid7 what do i Do?02:00
Nordomthat IDE, was for me though since I have been trying to move to linux for my coding for a while now, although havent had much chance to actually code in it yet :(02:00
ScuniziWhat's available to do remote connections to a Vbox VM within the same lan?02:00
f00dMonstaActionParsnip: well i haven't completely abandonned linux02:00
ActionParsnipf00dMonsta: ahh you won't know the hell it was then changing himem.sys and such to get stuff out of himem to get games to work02:01
f00dMonstasince I'm gonna use it as a VM02:01
f00dMonstaActionParsnip: now that you mention it... i remember doing stuff like that02:01
ActionParsnipf00dMonsta: even new windows has dumb stuff to contend with, every OS sucks dude02:01
usr13f00dMonsta: I must be pretty lucky, I've done quite a few trouble free installs.02:01
f00dMonstausr13: The install was perfectly fine02:01
David7Maksim, Don't you want to run # sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre ?02:02
f00dMonstausr13: I just needed some functionality that windows does with ease but not on ubuntu02:02
f00dMonstaoptimus being one of them02:02
Maksimdavid7 I don't know do i ? I dont want to develop. i'm just a user02:02
Maksimdavid7 i dont understand this well02:02
David7Maksim, That would get you the latest version of the JRE02:02
Maksimdavid7 shoudl I uninstall the jdk?02:03
Maksimdavid7 and if so how?02:03
tomreynsargennto: "has to do with" is insufficient, i'm afraid. please post the entire output and command you ran to a pastebin02:03
David7Maksim, Are you sure you have the JDK installed?02:03
tomreyn!paste | sargennto02:03
ubottusargennto: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:03
Maksimmaks@ubuntu:~$ java -version02:03
Maksimjava version "1.6.0_24"02:03
MaksimOpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.11.4) (6b24-1.11.4-1ubuntu0.12.04.1)02:03
MaksimOpenJDK Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)02:03
FloodBot1Maksim: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:03
tomreynScunizi: any vnc client, if you want graphical output02:04
Maksimdavid7 did you see that?02:04
sargenntotomreyn, sorry. The error I get when running apt-get upgrade >> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1217938/02:04
MonkeyDustScunizi  you can also ssh from/to a virtual machine02:05
usr13f00dMonsta: Again, I must be pretty lucky at picking Linux friendly hardware.02:05
DarkAceLaptophow do I open a webpage in the default browser?02:05
David7Maksim, Run # dpkg --get-selections | grep jdk and paste the output into http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste the resulting link here02:05
f00dMonstausr13: I didn't choose my laptop anticipating to use Linux :P02:05
sargenntotomreyn, and when I run apt-get -f install like it suggest I get the following error >> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1217941/02:05
wendellsome brasilan here?02:05
f00dMonstausr13: it was just a cheap deal02:05
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.02:05
bazhangwendell, in #ubuntu-br02:06
DarkAceLaptophow do I open a webpage in the default browser?02:06
usr13DarkAceLaptop: firefox google.com02:06
blackshirtdarckacerlaptop, i don't know what you mean ...02:06
David7Maksim, You do not have the JDK installed, you have the JRE installed: You are good to go02:06
DarkAceLaptopusr13, that's firefox02:06
DarkAceLaptopnot default02:06
Maksimdavid7 How come when I do java -jar it says openjdk?02:07
usr13DarkAceLaptop: What exactly are you trying to do?02:07
Maksimi mean java -0version02:07
bazhangDarkAceLaptop, whats the point of this02:07
DarkAceLaptopdefault can be set in Preferred Applications02:07
usr13DarkAceLaptop: (I don't think I understand your question.)02:07
David7Maksim, Because someone make a poor decision when they named the package02:07
Maksimdavid7 ah okay. thanks david..02:08
DarkAceLaptopfirefox might be their default, but what if it's Chromium or Opera?02:08
bazhangDarkAceLaptop, whats the point of this02:08
tomreynsargennto: run this: sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -f install02:08
DarkAceLaptopah, nevermind02:08
tomreynsargennto: do you still have errors then?02:08
Maksimis openjdk the default / best ?02:08
MonkeyDustDarkAceLaptop  I set chromium as default, no problem02:08
bazhangMonkeyDust, he's gone02:09
|Anthony|here is the summary of my attempt at getting multiseat pulseaudio:02:09
|Anthony|please review and advise02:09
David7Maksim, I believe it is the default, but I don't know if it is the best02:09
Maksimdavid7 but it is not the 'sun' version?02:09
bazhang!java | Maksim have a read02:09
ubottuMaksim have a read: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.02:09
^fyp^is there a lftp gui frontend for amd64 ?02:10
^fyp^i can only find one for 32 bit linux02:10
^fyp^even with my 32 bit libraries installed02:10
^fyp^wont work02:10
sargenntotomreyn, that seemd to have fixed it. thank you very much02:10
^fyp^says i need python:i386, can't install it since its apparently conflicting with python2.702:10
tomreynsargennto: be sure to always run "sudo apt-get update" before installing new packages02:11
sargenntotomreyn, will do tyvm. brb rebooting02:11
^fyp^its sad i need to use CrossOver to use cuteftp because no other linux ftp app will do segmented downloading02:11
^fyp^other than lftp that is02:11
MonkeyDust!brainstorm| ^fyp^02:11
ubottu^fyp^: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!02:11
^fyp^MonkeyDust : what ?02:12
MonkeyDust^fyp^  maybe someone likes the idea and picks it up02:13
WeThePeoplehi is their a ffmpeg support channel?02:13
^fyp^oh right02:13
ActionParsnip^fyp^: nautilus can connect to FTP02:13
^fyp^it doesn't do segmented downloading02:13
^fyp^that's the main reason i want a lftp gui02:13
ActionParsnip^fyp^: gftp? filezilla/02:13
^fyp^they dont do that02:13
^fyp^only lftp does02:14
^fyp^so i use CrossOver for cuteftp02:14
^fyp^it actually works well02:14
FloodBot1^fyp^: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:14
^fyp^but i'd rather have a gui for lftp02:14
ActionParsnip^fyp^: seems a bit OTT for an FTP client02:14
^fyp^ok, fine02:14
^fyp^OTT ?02:14
ActionParsnip^fyp^: what does segmented downloading do?02:14
ActionParsnip^fyp^: ott = over the top02:14
^fyp^uhm no02:15
^fyp^it's quite common02:15
^fyp^cuteftp does segmented downloading/uploading since a decade02:15
ActionParsnip^fyp^: but how is it different to normal FTP downloading do?02:15
^fyp^and the difference is dramatic02:15
^fyp^it increases speed a lot02:15
ActionParsnip^fyp^: how big are  the files you are actually downloading?02:15
^fyp^see my seedbox provider's explanation02:16
ActionParsnip^fyp^: so it saves what? 20 seconds?02:16
^fyp^i go from 5mbps to 18mbps using segmentation02:16
WeThePeopleis there a program to convert webm to avi of flv02:16
ActionParsnip^fyp^: but how big are the files?02:16
^fyp^they can vary02:17
MonkeyDustWeThePeople  try avconv, but it cause loss of quality02:17
^fyp^see my seedbox provider's explanation, as i'm apparently flooding, lol, your bots are more sensitive than my znc's own really sensitive flood detection02:17
ActionParsnip^fyp^: surprised people stll use ftp, its so inefficient02:17
MonkeyDustWeThePeople  it's avconv -i ladygaga.avi ladygaga.flv02:18
^fyp^if you want to bring home what you used on your seedbox02:18
^fyp^it's ftp02:18
^fyp^sftp results in slower speeds02:18
^fyp^i use ftps02:18
WeThePeoplemonkeydust, thanks02:18
^fyp^ftp with TLS/SSL02:18
ActionParsnip^fyp^: yeah, unencrypted transmission. Using 2 ports for the transfer.02:18
ActionParsnip^fyp^: let it die dude02:18
^fyp^actually i just said i'm using encrypted ftp here02:19
WeThePeoplemonkeydust, does it work with webm to avi?02:19
ActionParsnip^fyp^: still uses 2 port02:19
wildman330Can anyone tell me what is the latest IcedTea plugin in the official repos?02:19
^fyp^no, you're a fucking retard is all, trying to derail my goddamn question into your idea that ftp is useless02:19
MonkeyDustWeThePeople  yeah, guess so02:19
^fyp^do you know what's a seedbox ?02:19
^fyp^bringing your stuff home requires ftp of some sort02:20
ActionParsnip^fyp^: look at TCP port 22 and what its used for, then look at TCP port 2102:20
^fyp^the only other options is http, which is even more horrible02:20
^fyp^so don't talk about things you dont know about bud02:21
VivekanandaHello Everyone. Could someone point me to some good beginner and advanced tutorials for shell scripting. I am looking to learn it to set up rsync with cron jobs02:21
bazhang^fyp^, be civil02:21
ActionParsnip^fyp^: im just saying ftp uses 2 ports to do what it needs, so is wasteful02:21
^fyp^yeah, sure, but i call on subtle trolling when I see it bazhang02:21
^fyp^that's all02:21
MonkeyDustVivekananda  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:21
ActionParsnip^fyp^: the fact you have to manually add security to an old delapidated protocol is a sign it should not be used02:21
^fyp^and how does that help me ? your opinion is irrelevant02:22
^fyp^yes, i will have a seedbox and never bring home what i torrent02:22
ActionParsnip^fyp^: its not an opinion, its fact. Its not suitable, its like using telnet over the web02:22
^fyp^jsut because you think ftps is bad02:22
VivekanandaMonkeyDust. Does it go to advanced levels too?02:22
MonkeyDustVivekananda  advanced: http://www.pixelbeat.org/cmdline.html02:22
ActionParsnip^fyp^: I host an SFTP and i upload to that securely using SSHFS02:22
^fyp^you're going on ignore dip---02:22
^fyp^sshfhs is still too slow02:23
ActionParsnip^fyp^: one port, no config needed02:23
bazhangActionParsnip, move on02:23
ActionParsnipbazhang: done02:23
NordomA little help please, I am trying to install a PPA from here https://launchpad.net/~upubuntu-com/+archive/sdk  -----> I did this ---> http://pastie.org/4768123 <------ is this correct? Do I need do something more?02:24
MonkeyDustVivekananda  http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/02:25
VivekanandaMonkeyDust, These sources you gave me, sorry to ask, but are these really good or are these the first ones that would turn up for me in a google search too?02:26
tomreynNordom: you successfully added this PPA to your APT sources02:26
MonkeyDustVivekananda  i don't use google -- 'good' depends on how skilled you are02:26
bazhang!abs | Vivekananda02:27
ubottuVivekananda: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/02:27
Nordomtomreyn: Thank you for checking, I am not sore what a APT sources is though, do I still need to install it?02:27
bazhangVivekananda, try in #bash02:27
NordomI am not sure*02:27
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morgan_How do I remove the blue tent from flash videos with Chromium 20 / Flash 11.202:28
VivekanandaMonkeyDust , used the wrong word, :) , I meant authentic. bazhang and ubottu , thanks and I am on it02:28
tomreyn!apt | Nordom02:28
ubottuNordom: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)02:28
bazhangmorgan_, fullscreen flash, then disable hw acceleration02:28
tomreynNordom: apt sources are where software you install with these tools comes from. they define which software is available using these utilities.02:29
ActionParsnipmorgan_: run:  gedit ~/.bashrc    and add:   export VDPAU_NVIDIA_NO_OVERLAY=1       save the new file and run:   source ~/.bashrc02:29
tomreynNordom: why did you add this PPA in the first place? usually people do this when they want to install some software which is not already available in ubuntu02:30
ActionParsnipmorgan_: also run:   mkdir /etc/adobe; echo "EnableLinuxHWVideoDecode=1" | sudo tee /etc/adobe/mms.cfg > /dev/null02:30
Nordomtomreyn: its allready available?02:30
morgan_ActionParsnip, do that with what bazhang said? or just do what you say02:31
NordomI am trying to install JDK + android SDK, no clue on either, just learned about using PPA for getting things02:31
ActionParsnipmorgan_: i'd try the commands I gave. Source; http://askubuntu.com/questions/117127/flash-video-appears-blue02:31
tomreynNordom: so by adding a PPA, you increase the sources from which software is pulled in to your system. by adding this PPA, you are now able to install the "android-sdk" package, which i think is what you are trying to do.02:32
Nordomtomreyn: now that I pulled it, how to I install it?02:33
tomreynNordom: to install this package, you now want to use !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE) or just the shell by typing: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install android-sdk02:34
Nordomthank you I am installing it now =)02:35
gerbilcabbagehaii need to undo a permissions thing I have just done in cli. I did sudo chown username:username . /var/www ; chmod 755 . ; chmod 644 /var/www02:35
L3topdoesnt kde use muon?02:35
chimneyhelp \o.o/02:35
gerbilcabbagehaihow can i fix this?02:35
ActionParsnipL3top: it can, not sure about default02:36
chimneyI need help by getting my Logitech webcam running02:36
morgan_ActionParsnip, worked perfectly thank you :)02:36
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: which directory are you in? type: pwd02:36
ActionParsnipmorgan_: np dude02:36
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn: i am now in as sudo -s02:36
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn: im in /var/www02:37
chimneyits a logitech quickcam for notebooks it should work with the spca5xx driver, but the last tut is for hardy heron02:37
L3topActionParsnip: on my 1204 kubu I have only muon, no adept or kpackagekit... just fyi02:37
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: are you still i the same directory now where you were when you ran the above comand?02:37
ActionParsnipL3top: cheers dude02:37
=== Guest92792 is now known as rotham
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn: I am in the same one and im in there as root02:38
chimneyL3top: o/02:38
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn: im being very careful lol02:38
chimneyneed quickcam support02:38
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: maybe you are _now_, you weren't too careful when you decided to run some commands you found on some web page ;-)02:39
ActionParsnipchimney: does it work in cheese?02:39
chimneywhat cheese?02:39
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn: exactly. how do i undo this?02:39
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: i'm working on it, give me a minute02:40
ActionParsnip!info cheese | chimney02:40
ubottuchimney: cheese (source: cheese): tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.1-0ubuntu2 (precise), package size 53 kB, installed size 326 kB02:40
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn: I was able to change the permissions to my username, so i thought i could do that to the entire directory.02:40
VivekanandaA couple of unrelated questions. I am running lucid lynx on my 6 yr old laptop. I just wanted to know if it is a good idea to upgrade to the next lts or not. I get the idea that it is not good to do it when very new coz of the bugs and issues. Is now a good time?02:40
chimneyActionParsnip: thanks I install it atm02:40
maicodhow do I completely disable automounting ? the method suggested in many google results didnt disable autmounting02:40
ActionParsnipVivekananda: lubuntu and xubuntu use fer resources then Ubuntu02:40
gerbilcabbagehai-rw-r--r--  1 username username  208 Sep 21 14:21 index.html02:41
gerbilcabbagehaidrwxr-xr-x  3 root      root      4096 Sep 20 23:59 movies02:41
gerbilcabbagehaidrwxr-xr-x 58 root      root      4096 Sep 21 08:48 usb02:41
FloodBot1gerbilcabbagehai: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:41
blackshirtVivekananda: that's up to your needs02:41
chimneyActionParsnip: yes it does02:41
ActionParsnipchimney: always a good sign :)02:42
chimneyyeah but the javascript can't get it02:42
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: chown root:root /var/www ; chmod 755 /var/www02:43
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn: can you explain what it does? what is 755?02:43
Vivekanandablackshirt, could you elaborate plz. Does the newer version solve some specific or different needs as opposed to lucid. I mean what are the specifics I should consider when deciding. I was just going for the latest and the support period for the next few yrs.02:43
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: this will change ownership and permission of the /var/www directory back to what they are by default.02:44
wildman330can anyone tell me what the latest version of IcedTea plugin is?02:44
wilee-nilee!info icestea02:44
ubottuPackage icestea does not exist in precise02:44
wilee-nilee!info icedtea02:44
ubottuPackage icedtea does not exist in precise02:44
gerbilcabbagehaithank you tomreyn. how did you work it out?02:45
blackshirtVivekananda: yes, the newer version use different environment compared to old.. and maybe need some more capable hardware..thats commonly happen.02:46
blackshirtgerbilcabbagehai: that was a numerical representation of bit permission access02:47
chimneyActionParsnip: ok how I get it working with firefox?02:47
ActionParsnipchimney: not sure I don't usewebcams. I find them creepy02:47
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: 755 means that the owner (indicated by the first bit) of this file system object may read, write and execute (or change into, in case of a directory) it, the owning group (indicated by the second bit) may read and execute (or changeinto) it, and everyone else (third bit) may also read and execute / change into it.02:47
tomreyn!chmod | gerbilcabbagehai02:48
ubottugerbilcabbagehai: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions02:48
frankyboyhello all... i have question about DM Disk Editor and Data Recovery Software... i've scanned ntfs partition and looking atm on found files, but there are numbers in end of filenames... like system.abe[7] or system.abe[20]02:48
frankyboyany tip what do these numbers mean?02:48
gerbilcabbagehai*gulp* is it possible to disable write permissions of root, by rooting?02:49
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: i looked at how permissions and ownership of the /var/www directory are set up on another ubuntu system02:49
frankyboyversion of app is dmde-prof-2.4.4-lin3202:49
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: i don't understand what you are trying to achieve, can you explain / ask differently?02:50
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tomreynfrankyboy: this is #ubuntu02:51
|Anthony|i want to run pulseaudio in system mode. http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/User/SystemWide02:51
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn:   so, if I want to use sftp/filezilla to upload files to my web server, allow view/only access to guests and other users, but I can modify the files, what permissions do I need to set to the directory?02:51
|Anthony|the groups it lists there are already created02:51
blackshirtgerbilcabbagehai: you can use more powerfull security mechanism like SELinux02:51
|Anthony|it also says to adduser --system --ingroup pulse --home /var/run/pulse pulse02:51
gerbilcabbagehaiblackshirt:  hmm?02:51
|Anthony|is this an issue with ubuntu02:52
frankyboytomreyn, atm i am on xubuntu live usb02:52
|Anthony|and if so, how should i approach this?02:52
gerbilcabbagehai!SELinux > gerbilcabbagehai02:52
ubottugerbilcabbagehai, please see my private message02:52
gerbilcabbagehai !SELinux | gerbilcabbagehai02:52
tomreyn"DM Disk Editor And Data Recovery" is not an official Ubuntu package02:53
tomreynfrankyboy: ^02:53
frankyboyi see...02:54
frankyboythanks for answer... see ya :)02:54
tomreyn|Anthony|: i don't think SELinux is really what gerbilcabbagehai is looking for now02:54
gerbilcabbagehaiI dont think so either02:54
gerbilcabbagehaiI wouldn't know what its for02:54
|Anthony|why was that directed at me?02:55
tomreyn|Anthony|: because i'm tired and can't read properly02:56
blackshirtgerbilcabbagehai: I think you should learn basic security access mechanism on linux, that's commonly called DAC02:56
|Anthony|i'm asking questions about pulseaudio in system-wide mode02:56
|Anthony|lol tomreyn02:56
gerbilcabbagehaibut...why blackshirt?02:56
gerbilcabbagehaiit's all secured, all I need to do is enable change permissions only for me.02:56
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: is your web server on a server you fully control, or is this a shared host, where several people host their websites on?02:57
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn: my own. on a box behind my router/firewall02:57
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn: im setting up a home server to serve media. i want to be able to upload to my server, without worrying about what others can modify, while still allowing them access to the files via http02:58
iFlipIs there a way to make an Apache WebDAV access drives on another computer on the same LAN02:59
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: you should set up a restricted user (i.e. non-root user, like "gerbilcabbagehai") on your web server. then configure your web server to load the files from your home directory.02:59
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn: I have the first, how do i do the second?03:00
jetsaredimis there a way to clone my install onto a new hard drive?03:01
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn: the only reason i was in root before was to repair the permission mistake i did before03:01
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn: everything else is done under my username on the server03:01
cliff_robertsgerbilcabbagehai: if you are using sftpd as your ftp server, you can allow anonymous access with read only permissions03:01
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai:  place the files in e.g. /home/gerbilcabbagehai/htdocs and instruct your webserver to read them from there. how to do that exactly depends on the webserver you're using.03:02
blackshirtgerbilcabbagehai: that very basic mechanism, I think above security measure would rely on dac ...03:02
gerbilcabbagehaiblackshirt: what would i look up? ubuntu dac gives me digital audio converters and not the security you are talking about03:03
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: if you are using apache httpd as a web server then the easiest thing you can do is this: sudo a2enmod userdir03:04
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn: what does that do?03:04
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: then create a directory below your home directory which is called public_html03:04
gerbilcabbagehai!a2enmod | gerbilcabbagehai03:04
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: then place any files you want to make accessible for download in this directory03:05
blackshirtgerbilcabbagehai: dac = discreatory access control03:05
Braber01Question, will sudo apt-get install girlfiend, work on my machine?03:05
gerbilcabbagehaiBraber01: not unless you uninstall any previous versions03:06
iFlipBraber01 you gotta run dpkg first03:06
Braber01and could somebody write a man page for "punk rock woman"?03:07
gerbilcabbagehaiBraber01: are you wanting to man up on women?03:08
Braber01yes, I think we all need a man page on women03:08
Braber01heck I need a manpage for myself03:08
gerbilcabbagehaiBraber01: avoid any script containing kill bill03:08
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: put (very) simply, permissions set on these files do not really matter for users accessing your web server unless you have configured your webserver to run additional commands (through CGI or by means of scripting langauges or SSI) on your computer.03:08
iFlipAnyone know about Apache WebDAV accessing network drives on other machines03:09
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn: my later plans include allowing people to upload, but not change or modify any existing file03:09
* Braber01 questions why the linux mint help channel doens't have a ubuttu clone.03:09
Braber01on spotchat.03:10
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: i.e. as long as remote users have no way to run commands on your computer by accessing the webserver (and by default they cannot) then you don't really have to care about the file system permissions there.03:10
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: okay, uploading is a different matter, you'll need to be more careful there, but that's really too much to discuss here.03:10
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn: fillazilla cannot do sudo, so I want to make those directorys to allow me access when I login via filezilla03:11
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: you should consult the manuals of whatever you'll use to provide the upload functionality, and take a close look on any security hints there03:11
gerbilcabbagehaiI know how to upload, I just dont know what permissions I should set the directories and files of /var/www to03:12
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gerbilcabbagehaiI tried to do that before and nobody could access the /www file anymore03:12
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: if you use filezilla using the sftp protocol and authenticate as a restricted user then you will have access to your home directory already, and can place file there.03:12
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn: so im over thinking the issue?03:13
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: if you additionaly configure mod_userdir then files you place in the public_html subdirectory of your home directory will become available via the webserver03:13
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: then there's no need to make any changes to permissions03:13
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: files would just need to be readable and directories both readable and executable by you03:14
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: if you use mod_userdir then you don't need to fiddl ewith /var/www at all03:15
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn:  which they are (writeable by me) in the home directory...i see. i think03:15
sargenntoHello. Fresh 12.04 install here. Have had some problems I never had before. Cannot get my sound working.. Not getting any errors. Checked alsamixer, nothing is muted. Not sure how to fix this. Any ideas?03:16
dewnixsargennto: it wouldn't happen to be a toshiba laptop, would it?03:17
sargenntodewnix, nope. dell desktop03:17
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: so if your username onthe server is "gerbilcabbagehai" then you would login as this user and do this: sudo a2enmod userdir && mkdir ~/public_html && echo 'I place my files here to make them available on the web' > ~/public_html/index.html03:18
scanwinderHi, does anybody here have experience with cluster ssh? I'm trying to connect to a number of machines in a lab and want to find a way to only need to enter the password once rather than in every window(the accounts are the same on all machines)03:18
OerHekssargennto, did audio work before?03:18
wildman330!info icedtea03:19
ubottuPackage icedtea does not exist in precise03:19
dewnixsargennto: well i don't use unity, gnome, or kde but in previous gnome versions i always had to pick the right output speakers03:19
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: once that's done you would have a file /home/gerbilcabbagehai/public_html/index.html which could be access via http at http://YOURSERVERIP/~gerbilcabbagehai/index.html03:19
wildman330!info icedtea-7-plugin03:19
ubottuicedtea-7-plugin (source: icedtea-web): web browser plugin based on OpenJDK and IcedTea to execute Java applets. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.2-2ubuntu1.2 (precise), package size 82 kB, installed size 270 kB03:20
tomreynwildman330: you can also /query ubottu03:20
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tomreynjust a hint for the future03:21
wildman330It says I have the latest version but I dont..03:21
wildman330I have both OpenJDK 6 and 7 on my system.03:21
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gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn: Module userdir already enabled. I did the first a2enmod03:21
wildman330How can I get rid of 6 and just use 7?03:21
RyanPscanwinder: I use clusterssh, but I use keys.. can't you just type the password into the command box?03:21
dewnixsargennto: http://img851.imageshack.us/img851/1548/screenshotsoundpreferen.png03:21
tomreynwildman330: uninstall openjdk 603:21
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: so you have less to do03:21
wildman330tomreyn it says it is not installed.  Which package do I need to uninstall?03:22
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tomreynwildman330: how did you install it?03:23
wildman330tomreyn I know I have it because sudo update-alternatives --config java tells me I have both03:23
wildman330I dont remember how I installed it or why03:23
scanwinderRyanP: I don't seem to be getting a command box. I have been putting commands in using the -a flag, which doesn't seem to work for passwords. I just get a window for each machine03:23
tomreynwildman330: if you don't have a package installed then that would indicate you installed it using some unsupported method.03:23
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wildman330tomreyn no, I never install outside of repos03:25
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn: im having trouble finding the address.
RyanPscanwinder: I just tried typing 'cssh host1 host2' and got three windows, one for each host and one for commands. You sure you're not getting that?03:26
MACscrok, so i have my system setup to auto login at boot and i use synergy to control it. Im trying to switch to gnome shell and i logged out, but forgot now that i logged out that i dont have synergy access. I cant reboot the system as i have a few things running that i cant interrupt. How can i switch the desktop to gnome shell through an ssh contection?03:27
Captain_ClawHi. Ubuntu 12.04 question: how do I move a particular file to another workspace?  I tried Ctrl+Alt+arrow keys but it didn't work.03:27
wildman330tomreyn I just need to know how to get Java up to the latest version because there are major security updates I need.03:27
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: replace the ip address by whatever you normally use to access your webserver03:28
MACscrCaptain_Claw: right click on the file and move it to the other desktop03:28
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn: that ip is what i usually use03:28
Captain_ClawMACscr: I don't get that option when I right click.  It's a PDF file.03:28
raketso.i tried ubuntu the other day. why does it take almost 35sec from boot to X ?03:29
scanwinderRyanP: Haha, I do get it, I just didn't recognise it as a command window. Thanks!03:29
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn: i haven't set up dns, because it's behind a firewall, and only going to be visible to my own home, not accesible through net03:29
RyanPscanwinder: Good. Welcome.03:29
MACscrraket: what time would you expect?03:29
raketMACscr: 5 seconds.03:30
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn: doesnt work either03:30
MACscrraket: you are a fool03:31
raketwhats taking so long time?03:31
MACscrbecause no OS boots that fast from a cold boot03:31
TheLordOfTimeraket, nothing in sanity boots in 5 seconds03:31
ki7rwgerbilcabbagehai: i got the language deal working on another computer but not on my wife's03:31
tomreynwildman330: try this: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get purge 'openjdk-.*' 'icedtea-?6-.*'03:31
gerbilcabbagehainice ki7rw :) :(03:32
raketMACscr: so. how fast does your ubuntu machine boot from enter is pressed in grub2 till X starts?03:32
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: don't repeat 'public_html' in the URL03:32
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: so just
ki7rwgotta figure out why my wifes doesn't work - maybe try mv .kde4 .kde4old and then log out and back in?03:33
MACscrraket: hell if i know. I only have ubuntu running as a server03:33
MACscrabout 20 to 45 seconds is reasonable03:33
MACscrer, but03:33
gerbilcabbagehainot working. I took that from filezilla modified -> sftp://username@
wildman330tomreyn ok that worked.  Now what do I do to install OpenJDK 7?03:34
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn:  is there a problem in my apache redirect?03:35
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tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: i don't know your apache configuration, so i could not tell. i think you should ask for help on configuraing apache http in #httpd03:36
gerbilcabbagehaitomreyn: thanks for your help so far. :)03:36
tomreynwildman330: sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre03:37
tomreyngerbilcabbagehai: you're welcome, good luck there03:38
tomreynyou're close03:38
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tomreynwildman330: the real issue with java browser plugins is that currently there is no secure version, all of them have vulnerabilities.03:39
tomreynthe latest one has fewer than earlier ones, though03:40
wildman330tomreyn yeah I know, I was just wondering how I got both OpenJDK 6 and 7 on my system03:42
wildman330tomreyn OK I just installed OpenJDK7 and Icedtea.  Whenever I test it on the Java test page in Chrome, the browser gives me an error "Java is out of date, do you want to run anyway"03:43
tomreynwildman330: you can have both jdk's, and both jre's, i think you can even have oth browser plgins next to each other, but your web browsers will only use one of them, and which on e that will be will usually depend on the web browser03:43
wildman330tomreyn so is the repository java out of date or what?03:43
TohuwI am trapped in an X session with no ability to send keyboard input. I do not wish to abort the session. I can input via mouse. What could I click to open via nautilus to perhaps regain keyboard input, or at least click to send keypresses (such as an onscreen keyboard?)03:45
tomreynwildman330: chromium can only test the upstream version of your plugin, it cannot interpret which (security) patches may have been applied to it.03:45
tomreynwildman330: so your java plugin could be safely patched thanks to the debian and ubuntu security teams, and chromium would still report its unsafe.03:46
tomreynwildman330: same for firefox. in this very case, though, there is no safe version.03:46
wildman330tomreyn ok.  Well it says I have 1.7.0_07, which should be the latest version.  I dont know why Chrome disagrees03:47
tomreynwildman330: maybe it just falsely assumes that because the installed version is vulnerable there must be a newer one which isn't03:49
wildman330tomreyn, in any case I am not worried, I use Chrome with 3 sandboxes.  I have IcedTea sandboxed with AA as well03:49
__somsipKernel updates aren't working. I mount one drive (sda1) as / and another on /boot (sda2). Somehow sda1 has gained a /boot directory with files in. When I upgrade kernels, the files go to sda2. But when i boot, the grub menu seems to be built from sda1/boot. On live CD now. Is it just safe to rm -rf sda1/boot/* ??03:51
linociscohi all03:55
linociscois there any LDAP like settopbox so that windows clients can authenticate and see their designated folder and their roaming home folders?03:56
lahwrananyone know of a file manager that doesn't shit itself on large numbers of previewed files?04:01
unlessHow do I reduce font size at the server ?04:01
lahwranwhat does that mean04:02
unlessI need to reduce the screen font of a Ubuntu Server prompt.04:02
icedtealahwran: the midnight commander? or ls? :D04:03
lahwranI want something that shows previews04:03
icedteahrm dunno04:03
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Vivekanandais there a way that I can see my chat history here for ubuntu channel?04:06
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unlessIt depends on your client, sometimes you get to activate it by hand.04:07
tomreynVivekananda: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/04:07
maheanuuI have a question, why would every one of my USB pen drives suddenly go "read only"?04:08
unlessHow do I reduce the font size from my Ubuntu Server ?04:09
Vivekanandamy client is Xchat for ubntu04:09
Vivekanandatomreyn I am there but how do I locate which file to view coz there is no file named #ubuntu only04:10
unlessYou have to set ti on setting to activate channel log04:10
tomreynmaheanuu: i assume this could happen if your usb hub isn't providing sufficient power04:10
tomreynVivekananda: there is. http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/09/21/%23ubuntu.html04:10
unlessthere is also a button to drive you to the right dir where the logs are04:11
tomreynunless: how are you connecting to your ubuntu server?04:11
unlesstomreyn, I have a Ubuntu Server intalled04:12
maheanuutomreyn, I was using the drive earlier and it suddenly went read only, I had 2 others here that I tried and they are read only also, I never set any that way04:12
Vivekanandaon that page I dont see my earlier dialogue in #ubuntu channel.04:12
VivekanandaLike 2 hrs earlier04:12
unlessof course not04:12
unlessit will activate from now on04:12
maheanuutomreyn, I am not using a hub I am looking at them one at a time and all worked earlier04:12
unlessI need to reduce font size.04:13
tomreynunless: that'd understood, but not an answer to my question ;-) do you use ssh, putty, something else? which operating system is the computer you're connecting from running?04:13
Vivekanandatomreyn I got it thanks04:13
tomreynVivekananda: this internet address i posted cntains a calendar date in reverse notation.04:13
unlesstomreyn, I have Ubuntu Server installed on this machine. It is a server. It runs bash from starting.04:14
unlessBut the font is too huge, and I need it small04:14
Vivekanandatomreyn I got it thanks. The one question I ask and am confused quite often is for example I am installing abs-guide now coz I need it now but in a few days i wont and then how do I know what programs I have installed already on my laptop and also what did I install something for04:17
tomreynmaheanuu: you could check your syslog and dmesg, or just reboot your pc and see if it helps. maybe there was a small power loss which triggered this situation.or maybe your power distribution unit is failing, check the voltages on your mainboard (your bios setup screen should be able to display those, as well as lm-sensors)04:17
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maheanuutomreyn,  already checked and all are within limits and I have since went to the hub which has a 5 amp power supply feeding it and samo samo04:19
tomreynunless: so you're physically next to this server and you have a monitor connected to it and you want to have the display size decreased on this screen?04:19
unlesstomreyn, yes, well, no, I need just to reduce the font size, the rest is black.04:20
tomreynVivekananda: there is software-center which can tell you what's already installed, sorted into categories. there's also synaptic and a couple other package managers which could tell.04:21
tomreyn!apt | Vivekananda04:21
ubottuVivekananda: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)04:21
tomreynVivekananda: to get a full list of all installed packages, run "dpkg -l" in a terminal window. to inspect previously installed packages, look at /var/log/apt/history.log04:22
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit04:23
tomreynmaheanuu: i really don't know then, sound like it could be a hardware issue04:23
unless!apt unless04:23
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod04:24
unless!apt | unless04:24
ubottuunless, please see my private message04:24
Nordomhow do u install mono?04:24
Vivekanandatomreyn sofware-centre , If I understand correctly only tells me about the gui packages installed. I am looking for the non gui ones . Also is !apt  a command ?04:24
tomreynunless: sudo apt-get install console-setup04:25
morgan_i was able to add music to my ipod with the default player rhythmbox04:26
unlesstomreyn, what is that ?04:27
tomreynVivekananda: if you type !apt here in the chat alone on a single line, then ubottu, the friendly channel bot, will consider this a command and respond to it. it is not a common command on ubuntu's command line interface, i.e. the linux shell, though.04:27
tomreynunless: a command which installs a package which allows you to configure your console, which is what you seem to be interested in04:28
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)04:28
tomreyn!info console-setup | unless04:28
ubottuunless: console-setup (source: console-setup): console font and keymap setup program. In component main, is important. Version 1.70ubuntu5 (precise), package size 1105 kB, installed size 1522 kB04:28
Vivekanandatomreyn alos I installed abs-guide but how do I run it on the cmd04:33
vp18does anyone have Conky?if so why it doesnt read my wifi speeds?04:34
tomreynVivekananda: this is a book, i don't think it is meant ot be 'run'.04:36
beejeebusi've just installed precise on a macbook air 5,2, and i'm having trouble getting the screen brightness controls to work. looking for pointers / things i should look at to debug this04:36
Vivekanandaooo ok so how do I open it? vi abs-guide?04:36
tomreynVivekananda: run "dpkg -L abs-guide" to get a list of all files which were placed on your computer when this package was installed04:37
Vivekanandatomreyn I meant that if it is a book how do I go through it like a tutorial or something04:38
tomreynVivekananda: i have not used it before, but based on the files it contains, which are mostly html and shell skript files in an 'examples' subdirectory, you seem to be supposed to point your web browser to file:///usr/share/doc/abs-guide/html/ to get started04:39
Vivekanandaoo got it. I thought vi could open html too but I guess not.04:40
tomreynit can open it, but it won't interpret it.04:40
tomreynVivekananda: have fun learning shell skripting. if i was to recommend adidtional resources, i'd point you to #bash here on freenode as well as well as the bash related pages on this wiki http://mywiki.wooledge.org/ (a great resource)04:46
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Vivekanandatomreyn thanks04:49
paulus68_vp18: follow this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28186504:51
simplewubuntu alternative cd already provides AES XTS encryption?04:53
BlackDalekHi.. does anyone here know anything about using Libre Office Base? The #libreoffice channel is alseep so cannot get any help in that channel.04:54
unlesstomreyn, thank you man!04:55
tomreynVivekananda. unless: You're both welcome. ;-)04:56
tomreynsimplew: for dm-crypt / LUKS, you mean? i think it should, but don't quote me on that.04:58
tomreynsimplew: try running it in a virtualbox VM to find out04:58
simplewtomreyn: in 12.01 there was not XTS04:58
tomreynsimplew: you mean in january 2012?04:59
simplewthe one before 12.0404:59
tomreynsimplew: ubuntu 11.10 then, yes i think so, too.05:00
simplewtomreyn: sorry but that is not true05:00
simplewi see there only AES CBC encryption05:01
simplewtheres no AES XTS, and AES CBS has severall holes05:01
tomreynsimplew: hmm, that's sad.05:01
simplewmean CBC05:01
tomreynsimplew: i wouldn't call those "holes"05:02
somsipCould some who runs LAMP do a ls -ltr /var/log and paste it so I can reset permissions on some dirs I deleted. Thanks05:02
simplewwhatever you wana call it05:02
tomreynXTS has its weak spots, too05:02
simplewtomreyn: im sorry?!?, point them05:03
simplewim not even going to discuss that05:04
tomreynsimplew: well then i guess i don't need to do so either05:05
tomreynshould you change your mind, visit wikipedia05:05
tomreynit's not always a good resource, but its good enough in this case.05:06
eukreigni'm trying to understand how drupal7 that comes from the official repository is setup and how to use it, i want to configure it with nginx instead of apache. the default configuration is for apache.05:06
eukreigndrupal also gets installed into /usr/share/05:07
eukreignrather, /var/www is empty05:07
eukreignwhat is the process of setting up a new site?05:07
eukreigna www.foobar.com that would run on drupal05:08
somsipeukreign: much better to ask in a #drupal channel.05:08
eukreigni did, they weren't even aware that there was an official drupal package for Ubuntu05:08
eukreignand most of the guides i'm finding for drupal on ubuntu assume installing from source and directly into /var/www05:09
simplewtomreyn: you really should read this http://clemens.endorphin.org/nmihde/nmihde-A4-os.pdf05:09
somsipeukreign: you want to set up and use drupal? that seems to be the issue, rather than whether it was sourced from a ubuntu repo or not?05:09
tuxmatthey all05:10
eukreignyes, i want to use drupal that came from official repo05:10
eukreignbut with nginx and not apache05:10
eukreignand i don't understand the organization/structure of the official drupal Ubuntu package05:11
eukreignit's very different from what you get when you install from source05:11
tuxmattwhat you need help with man05:11
tomreyneukreign: it's rather common for web applications packaged for debian / ubuntu to be installed below /usr/share. it's usually discussed in the accompanying documentation (/usr/share/doc/packagename/) how this web application need to be used with various web servers. in most cases apache is assumed, but configuration for other web servers is often similar.05:12
eukreigntomreyn, thanks for that tip05:13
eukreigntomreyn, there aren't really any docs in there05:14
eukreignjust something about how to build the database and that's about it05:15
eukreignand then a generic drupal readme05:15
tomreyn_simplew: so, to clarify, you read and understood this paper, right?05:15
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simplewits quite clear about the CBC issues05:15
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tomreynsimplew: i was thinking your plan was to point out that XTS had none05:16
simplewtomreyn: the question i psoted was about if the alternative CD was still using the old AES CBC of if had already moved or at least allow XTS usage05:18
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eukreigntomreyn, everything i'm finding on installing/using Drupal basically says to extract the source tarball into /var/www/somesite.com and then setup the webserver to point there05:18
eukreignso the part i'm unclear about is how can i use the default ubuntu/debian installation structure05:19
tomreyneukreign: then i'm afraid you will need to write the nginx configuration snippet based on the one provided for apache on your own, or search the web for how others did it.05:19
Vivekanandatomreyn so after I finish learning shell script and cron jobs I am still not sure if I will be able to set up a backup rsync system where if it does not run at a specific time it pops up an error whenever I next switch on the system or sth05:19
CellTechDo linux have a speech to text program?05:21
tuxmattCellTech,  if they do i never heard of it05:21
tuxmattCellTech, try to google it and see what comes up05:22
CellTechtuxmatt Yeah I was just gonna say. I'll keep searching, and if I find one. I'll come back and tell you all about it.. Thanks05:22
somsipCellTech: there are some but they tend to need piecing together from a few sources. Last time I looked anyway. DragonNS can work in wine (some versions)05:23
tomreynVivekananda: you will also need to read the rsync man page, and possibly something on how you make such messages pop up. but besides that, you may well be able to do so by then.05:23
Vivekanandakk thanks05:23
tomreyntuxmatt:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TextToSpeech05:24
kaioany nfs experts ?05:24
tomreyn!ask kaio05:24
tuxmatttomreyn,  i was atelling someone that i never heard of a text to speech software for linux05:25
tomreyn!ask | kaio05:25
ubottukaio: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:25
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:25
tomreyntuxmatt: yes, so, just in case he returns and you want to tell him then, there's this web page which has some.05:26
tuxmattkaio talking about the filesystem?05:26
kaio i am trying to mount my 2nd drive which is /dev/sda5  mounted to /SecondDrive   when i export this and another /ubuntushare i dont see files in /SEcondDrive05:26
kaiomy backend is ubuntu and client is mac05:27
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blackshirtkaio, what are you trying to setup?05:28
tuxmattkaio are you trying to put files on your linux hard disk from you mac05:28
kaioi have mythtv setup which use these drives and i have appletv and mac that access them too05:29
kaiothe sharing is the problem05:29
kaiocant seem to figure out why the second drive wont show05:29
kaioi see it in showmount -e05:29
tuxmattare you running linux or mac right now05:30
kaiobut the files either dont exist of are the same as the other mount depending on what i try05:30
kaioubuntu latest05:30
tuxmattyou trying to make a share network05:31
Insomniac11Whats the difference between "Ubuntu 12.04-LTS x64" and "ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64"?05:31
kaiomythtv is on ubuntu linux , files are in ubuntu and mac and applettv will try to access them05:31
tuxmattInsomniac11,  a server os is def from a desktop os05:31
tomreynInsomniac11: the first one is probably the desktop variant05:32
Insomniac11tomreyn: Should I worry about picking one over the other for running in a VDS environment and Valve Source Game servers?05:32
tuxmatt servers do not have gui preinstalled on it so you have to download it05:32
tuxmattInsomniac11,  i belive i whould go with the ubuntu servers05:33
tomreynInsomniac11: what's VDS in this context?05:33
skraitochannel for ubuntu channel for socialise guys05:33
skraitohey guys do you want free music ?05:33
skraitois my album for your ubuntu05:33
skraitoi am using ubuntu too now05:34
unlessInsomniac11, why do you need it?05:34
tuxmattskraito,  how05:34
skraitoyes download it from http://0x71.org/Music05:34
tomreynskraito: this is the ubuntu support channel, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic05:34
tuxmattunless,  he wants to make a gaming server05:34
unlessohzie, ok05:34
unlesssoh sorry05:34
Insomniac11tomreyn,unless: one moment05:34
unlessoh5fsz, sorry05:34
Insomniac11unless: I'm using it for source servers, l4d2, CS:GO, etc. (not sure what I want yet).05:37
Insomniac11tuxmatt: VDS=Virtual Dedicated Server, this is using HVM Xen virtualization, and hyperthreaded CPU cores.05:37
unlessInsomniac11, ok, great,05:37
kaioany help ?05:38
tomreynInsomniac11: for game servers, you probably don't want a graphical interface, it's a good idea to start with ubuntu server then.05:38
tuxmattInsomniac11,  ooo05:38
Insomniac11sorry idk why I replied to tuxmatt lol I meant tomreyn :D05:38
Insomniac11tomreyn: Okay, I will do that. Thanks for the help.05:39
tuxmatttomreyn,  thats what i told him dont need to get gui server just a nice clean konsole one and a good one is ubuntu server edtion05:39
tomreynInsomniac11: good luck. conult the games' documentation on how to set it up.05:39
Insomniac11tomreyn: I had a setup b4. Just jacked it up, so I'm starting over. Host offers server and LTS wasn't sure of the differences. But now I know :)05:40
tomreyntuxmatt: cool, must have missed that05:40
tomreyn!LTS | Insomniac1105:40
ubottuInsomniac11: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)05:40
* skraito said guys i am searching for coder to redesign bind anyone ?05:40
tuxmatttomreyn, hey man dont want to get out of the topic but pm me if you want05:40
skraitou can join too ubuntu05:41
skraitofor a light weight dns05:41
skraitoaccording to 0x71.org config file05:41
skraitoand optimise it if you want05:41
blackshirtskraito, i don't know what you mean?05:41
Insomniac11@tomreyn I'm name my first born Precise Pangolin...05:41
lngHi! I run into this situation for few times before and I don't really know why it's happening... Say you have MySQL installed via apt, then you decided to purge it. After that you see /etc/init.d/mysql is still there and you delete it. Finally, if you install it back /etc/init.d/mysql is not created. Why?05:41
tomreyntuxmatt: thanks, i'm not currently interested in other chat, though. hope you don't mind.05:42
tuxmatttomreyn,  just being friendly05:43
tomreyntuxmatt: that's appreciated. :)05:43
dextershizlng: it will be by the packages05:43
lngdextershiz: no, it will never be put back05:44
dextershizpretty sure that is created by the package05:44
lngdextershiz: I has the same issue with apache and now with nginx05:44
lngthat's weird05:44
tomreynInsomniac11: i'm not sure s/he'll like that05:44
tomreynInsomniac11: but its sure worth a try05:45
tuxmattany one esle needs help05:45
tomreynlng: there are probably multiple packages you need to consider05:45
tomreynlng: /etc/init.d/mysql is part of the mysql-server-5.5 package05:46
lotuspsychjehowto add das home to docky?05:47
lngtomreyn: how about nginx?05:47
lotuspsychjedash home05:47
tomreynlng: if the package you purged was a different one, say, mysql-server, then this would not affect this file.05:47
lngsame version05:47
lngtomreyn: try it05:48
Nordomanyone use Mono-devel?05:48
tomreynlng: i'm having trouble to understand what you'Re saying, can you try to speak in complete sentences, please?05:48
tuxmattNordom,  i run debian mint and pear linux05:49
lngtomreyn: apt-get -y install nginx && apt-get -y purge nginx &&  rm -l /etc/init.d/nginx && apt-get -y install nginx && ls -l /etc/init.d/nginx05:50
tomreyn!poll | Nordom05:50
ubottuNordom: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:50
lngtomreyn: /etc/init.d/nginx will be missing05:50
Nordomtuxmatt: I am unsure what that means, because my next question is what is Mono, I am required to use it for a guide I am using, and didn't have on on my system and had to find it, now that I got it, what is it?05:51
Insomniac11Busy /away05:52
tomreynlng: do you mean "rm -f /etc/init.d/nginx" in the third queued command?05:52
tuxmattNordom,  i run linux mint and debian and pear linux no i never heard of the distro mono05:53
RyanPlng: /etc/init.d/nginx is part of nginx-common. Installing the nginx package won't install it.05:53
blazemoreJust installed the new daily build and I'm liking it05:54
blazemoreBut I have two questions. 1) How do I configure font smoothing?05:54
blazemore2) How do I set a different wallpaper on each monitor?05:54
Nordomno idea what is either tuxmatt,  In this guide http://ubuntu-answers.blogspot.jp/2011/11/rootunroot-android-under-ubuntu-with.html <--- they call "mono SuperOneClick.exe" to run the windows app as last command05:54
tomreyn!info mono | Nordom05:55
ubottuNordom: Package mono does not exist in precise05:55
lngRyanP: I see!05:55
jaak_got in05:55
Nordomtomreyn: then what should I do in order to execute that .exe?05:56
tomreynNordom: sorry that wasn't too helpful ;-)05:56
lngRyanP: then how to remove package along with its dependencies?05:56
lngRyanP: I thought purge should do that05:56
RyanPlng: Purge just removes the configuration files of that package. I think that something like; apt-get purge nginx; apt-get autoremove --purge; will do about what you want05:59
mortezawhen I want to login to my account , I'll logout automaticaly05:59
mortezahow to slove it?05:59
lngRyanP: `apt-get purge nginx` have not removed /etc/nginx/nginx.conf05:59
tuxmattNordom, you run with it in wine and make sure that it is allowed to execute06:00
mortezaI can't login in my account via gnome! why?06:00
RyanPlng: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf is part of nginx-common06:01
lngRyanP: ah, once again06:01
tomreynNordom: mono-runtime is the package you want, i think. mono is an attempt to port the windows .NET framework / runtime /development environment to POSIX systems06:01
lngRyanP: ok. thanks06:01
lngRyanP: how do you know?06:01
lngRyanP: how to quicly what is part of package?06:02
RyanPlng: I'm sure there's a different way of doing this, but I looked it up on packages.ubuntu.com. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=nginx.conf&mode=exactfilename&suite=precise&arch=any06:02
lngRyanP: that's why I love Gentoo ;-)06:02
edlanglong shot, anyone remember the propaganda wallpapers from the early 200s?06:02
edlang2000s, even06:02
RyanPlng: Not a distro I've used.06:03
lngRyanP: heh!06:03
lngRyanP: I still have no /etc/init.d/nginx06:03
lngthat's totally odd06:04
bizhanMonaHI I have installed some packages on my Ubuntu/Precise 12.04. I have forgot the list of the packages that I have installed, is there any command could provide me the history of the packages installed? Tx06:04
RyanPlng: apt-get install --reinstall nginx-common06:04
lngbash: /etc/init.d/nginx: No such file or directory06:04
lngRyanP: same06:04
tomreynRyanP: once you have it installed, you could use dpkg -S /path/to/filename06:04
tomreynRyanP: and then there is apt-file06:05
lngRyanP: I don't want to copy it from another server06:05
mortezaI can't login in my account via gnome! how to solve it?06:06
tomreynbizhanMona: gedit /var/log/apt/history.log06:06
tuxmatt-usb-drivmorteza, why cant you log into your account for what does it say06:07
bizhanMonatomreyn: thx06:07
mortezatuxmatt-usb-driv: whid other user , I can. but with my user I logined but the I logout automaticaly06:08
=== tuxmatt-usb-driv is now known as tuxmatt
tuxmattmorteza,  that sounds wired you log in and it logs you out  auto06:09
mortezatumppu: yes06:09
tuxmattmorteza, you have another account06:09
mortezatuxmatt: but via terminal , I can login without any problem06:10
tuxmattmorteza,  try to reinstall the system06:11
mortezatuxmatt: I have many data in that06:11
tomreynthat's too quick :)06:11
tuxmattmorteza,  i never heard of that problem man06:12
tomreynmorteza: something about your window manager will have become corrupted. you mentioned gnome, which desktop do you actually use?06:13
tuxmattmorteza,  then go and buy a usb drive or portable hard disk06:13
mortezatomreyn: my desktop is awesome06:13
tuxmatttomreyn,  thats what i was thinking to becouse it does control it06:13
mortezatuxmatt: thank you06:13
tomreynmorteza: and the other user you can login with also uses awesome?06:14
sp3ckhi, how can i modify a process to start after mounts from update-rd.d?? I tried update-rc.d nameofprocess defaults 20 89 but nothing...06:14
mortezatomreyn: now I am in gnome with root user06:15
buglyjoemorteza : I use awesome too. Could you login using another window manager and type awesome -k in a terminal06:15
tuxmattmorteza,  see the problem lays with in the window manager and you well have to log in terminal and apt-get uninstall windowmanager and apt-get install windowmanager i hope it fixes it for you if it dont you may not beable to log in again after that06:15
tomreynmorteza: i think buglyjoe can help you06:16
buglyjoenot sure yet, but I'll try06:16
mortezabuglyjoe: that says : configure is ok06:16
buglyjoewhich is your login manager? lightdm?06:17
mortezabuglyjoe: yes06:17
mortezabuglyjoe: I have gnome/ubuntu/i3/awesome desktop , but I can login with other user , but with my user I cant06:17
buglyjoemorteza : can the other user login with awesome?06:19
morteza[#ubuntu] tuxmatt:06:19
tuxmattmorteza,  what ?06:19
tomreynbuglyjoe: you were close ;)06:20
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buglyjoetomreyn : :-)06:21
tomreynhaving a look at xorg.*.log and .xsession-errors might have been an option, hadn't thought of that, yet. but that'd probably been a bit too cumbersome, too.06:23
buglyjoetomreyn : I was going to suggest to morteza to backup .config/awesome and try again06:27
buglyjoetomreyn : although this happens to me only when I use a more complex dm like lxde or xfce (than awesome , I mean)06:28
kevin_yi run through a problem with my ubuntu06:32
kevin_yI always get "Connection reset by peer"06:32
kevin_yif I connect an irc server06:32
kevin_ycan anyone help me ?06:32
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tomreynbuglyjoe: i didnt know where asome stores its configuration, but this would have been my general approach, too. move the WM's confguration out of the way so that a default one is used and one can (hopefully) login properly again.06:34
bizhanMonaHI I have used aptitute to remove three packages (fglrx). Now I am trying to install them through dpkg -i  command,  and I get the following error:06:35
bizhanMona  Package fglrx is not configured yet.06:35
bizhanMonadpkg: error processing fglrx-amdcccle (--install):06:35
bizhanMona dependency problems - leaving unconfigured06:35
bizhanMonaErrors were encountered while processing:06:35
bizhanMona fglrx-amdcccle06:35
tomreynkevin_y: chances are your internet service provides doesn't like you to use the IRC protocol or you are banned on the network you are trying to connect to.06:35
FloodBot1bizhanMona: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:35
tomreynoh, i'm late06:35
bizhanMonathe errors :http://paste.ubuntu.com/1218138/06:37
bizhanMonait seems the packages are not removed completely?06:37
tomreynbizhanMona: dpkg doesn't resolve package dependencies for you, that's why you should use rather use apt-get in most cases.06:37
bizhanMonatomreyn: I have downloaded the packages to my local directory: when I ran this command: apt-get install fglrx-dev_8.850-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb06:39
bizhanMonaI get the error that it can not locate the package.06:39
tomreynbizhanMona: apt-get installs packages from package repositories, and download them from there. dpkg installs packages which are at a given location on your file system. to install the fglrx-dev package (if it exists in ubuntu, i have not checked) you would run  "sudo apt-get install fglrx-dev"06:41
bizhanMonatomreyn: the fglrx packages are old on repository that is why I have downloaded and used dpkg -i to install, but then  I get error as I mentioned before.06:43
tomreynbizhanMona: my impression is that you're in the process of breaking your package system because you're following a how.to which instructs you to carry out actions which are unsupported.06:43
tomreynso my impression was right.06:44
mortezabuglyjoe: sorry , i was disconnected06:44
mortezabuglyjoe: so what should I do now?06:45
bizhanMonatomrey; I have installed those packages using dpkg -i but then I though I removed me using aptitude. The issue is those packages have not removed cleanly and I can not re-install them?06:46
mortezabuglyjoe: I tested with other user on awesome desktop , that's ok06:46
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mortezabuglyjoe: but widh my user no :(06:46
paulus68_I run rsnapshot backupscript which is working good how can I sent a notification by mail in order to know if everything went ok or not ok06:47
tomreynbizhanMona: you should not have installed those packages in the first place, this is not supported. use jockey-gtk ("restricted drivers") to install proprietary graphics drivers if you think you want to do this.06:50
bizhanMonatomreyn: thanks will do that, I am not familiar with jockey-gtk but will google it. thx06:51
tomreynbizhanMona: but for now, you'll need to try to recover the mess you just got yourself into.06:51
bizhanMonatomreyn: I did dpkg -r <package name> and it seems that did it...06:51
tomreynbizhanMona: so you were lucky, glad to hear this. :)06:52
bizhanMonatomreyn: thanks a lot for your help.06:53
tomreynbizhanMona: you're welcome. here's more hints in this direction (note the "not supported" hints, too): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI06:55
blackshirthi lynn06:55
lynni just installed xubuntu,new here06:56
blackshirtlynn,no problemo06:56
bizhanMonatomreyn: thanks again, you great.06:56
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buglyjoemorteza : I was in another window , sorry07:01
buglyjoemorteza : could you login using another wm and rename the .config/awesome folder to something else07:01
buglyjoemorteza : this is where awesome keeps all its settings07:02
salmaanHi everyone07:02
buglyjoemorteza : the .config/awesome folder of the user who can't login, so you will probably need to switch to superuser07:03
fidelgood morning. i am thinking about setting up a local apt mirror / or similar approaches - to offer updates to several 12.04 systems which dont have internet-access so far. my first test was using apt-mirror ...which worked great so far - but seems time & space consuming ...especially if you/your boxes just use a small amoiunt of packes out of the entire mirror you run. Now i am wondering if apt-cacher/apt-cacher-ng isnt the better way to go. What happens ...07:05
fidel... if a linux box accesses the apt-cacher and the cacher itself has that file not available so far. will the client try to get it via its default souces then - or trigger the cacherto get it - to forwards it then to the client?07:05
timfrostfidel: if you have the cacher correctly configured, and the linux box configured to always fetch from the cacher, then the cacher will download the file and forward it to the client linux box.07:07
tomreynfidel: the latter, if things work as planned. i've been trying several apt caches in the past and none really worked reliably for me. chances are this situation has improved by now. but you might as well consider to go with a generic proxy cache such as squid.07:08
fideltimfrost: ok as expected07:08
fideltomreyn: so what approach are you using today?07:08
tomreynfidel: nowadays i waste bandwidth07:11
fidelthanks guys for the feedback07:11
mortezabuglyjoe: thanks you I'll check it ;)07:13
notwoAnyone knows any free and open source tool for developing wireframes for  websites in ubuntu?07:17
kennethhey guys07:34
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Guest50268fine NickServ lol07:34
Guest50268What are ways of sharing music on ubuntu externally?07:35
noskcajguest50268: tangerine is great as an itunes server07:36
Guest50268I have tangerine, and it uses daap07:37
noskcajmediatomb for dlna07:37
Guest50268but i don't seem to find any good daap clients on windows07:37
Insomniac11I need help with a faulty Ubuntu 12.04 Server installation, I screwed something up, I have the syslog in front of me with the last 20 lines if someone can help me. Thanks :)07:38
=== tuxmatt-usb-driv is now known as tuxmatt
fidel!ask > Insomniac1107:39
ubottuInsomniac11, please see my private message07:39
fidel!details > Insomniac1107:39
Insomniac11@fidel is this a hint to re-state my question?07:41
aiseyHi, I'm new to ubuntu, it is better PlayOnLinux or Wine07:42
fidelInsomniac11: i just see that you mention you have issues - but not any detail about the issue/problem07:42
timfrost!pastebin | Insomniac1107:42
ubottuInsomniac11: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:42
Insomniac11@fidel my apologies I didn't think it through all the way, I will type a more detailed query and pastebin it here.07:43
noskcajaisey: wine + http://www.steamgamesonlinux.com/07:43
fidelInsomniac11: so basically - maybe i have just overseen it - you mentioned you might need help - but not anything else - which reduces your chances to actually -'get help' heavily as users inhere cant read brains ;)07:43
timfrostfidel: it is generally  better to get the bot  to respond in-channel07:44
fideltimfrost: cause?07:44
fideltimfrost: my idea behind using > is saving the others of repeating same bot-output07:44
aiseynoskcaj: thank you07:44
timfrostfidel: in-channel reminds others of the message07:46
timfrostInsomniac11: pastebin the log, then paste the link so we can look at it, and then anybody who has a suggestion can contribute07:48
timfrostfidel: the code for ubottu restricts the frequency at which a given entry is repeated07:51
AndChat382025what about pascal07:53
gordonjcpAndChat382025: what about it?07:53
gordonjcpAndChat382025: ???07:54
AndChat382025you use android?i am from china07:54
llutz_!info fpc | AndChat38202507:55
ubottuAndChat382025: fpc (source: fpc): Free Pascal - SDK metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.4-3.1 (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 36 kB07:55
souncomhello guy07:55
Insomniac11Okay, I typed up my problem with lots of details its in this pastebin along with a link to imagebin with my syslog http://pastebin.com/frpZkMAt07:55
auronandaceAndChat382025: this channel is just for ubuntu support07:55
souncomi've problem help me please07:55
tuxmatthas anyone tryed crunchband linux07:55
auronandacetuxmatt: offtopic07:55
crimsonmanecrunchbang, and no i haven't07:56
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tuxmattwhats the problem souncom07:56
bitbuzzerhow do I change the font color in my terminal for directories (its currently an unreadable blue)?07:56
souncomi use ubuntu 12.04 LTS07:56
souncomand after pudate07:56
auronandace!enter | souncom07:56
tuxmattbitbuzzer,  all you have to do is go to terminal07:56
ubottusouncom: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:56
gordonjcpbitbuzzer: preferences and root around until you find the colours dialogue07:56
souncomextract here and compressed are missing on rigth clic menu07:57
bitbuzzergordonjcp: wouldn't that set preferences for the current session only? I'd like to modify the default color07:57
tuxmattclick on terminal and click on resest terminal colors07:57
gordonjcpbitbuzzer: you can set it to be the default07:57
bitbuzzergordonjcp: thx07:58
souncomsorry i don't speak more english :(07:58
auronandacesouncom: are you right clicking on an archive?07:58
bitbuzzergordonjcp, if I were SSH'ing into another server, is there a config file to edit the colors?07:59
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gordonjcpbitbuzzer: the colours are set on your local machine07:59
bitbuzzergordonjcp, ok thanks07:59
souncomyes clic rigth on archive07:59
llutz_bitbuzzer: "man dircolors"08:00
auronandacesouncom: what file?08:00
souncomzip file, i've uninstall et re install file-roller08:01
auronandacesouncom: are you sure its a zip file and not a windows executional file08:02
souncomyes i'm sure08:02
auronandacesouncom: whats the name of it?08:02
souncombefore the udate i've not problème08:03
akisi am trying to make my usb tv device work with tvtime but although the device is recognized i am getting this message when i am running tvtime form terminal. any help or idea to fix it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1218235/08:03
codeMonkey_Trying to do an install of ubuntu 12.04 server onto a netbook.  It gets as far as configuring apt: Retrieving file 51 of 57 and sit there.  So I press enter after 2 or 3 hours....it goes to next file and ends up erroring like 20 times shortly thereafter. This is 3rd time trying to install, each on sane hard drive, repartitioned and reformatted to ext3 each time,08:03
codeMonkey_Each copy of ubuntu was from same iso on same flash drive, but after second fail I  repartitioned and reformatted and re ran unetboot in from iso.  It worked previously on same computer for prior build08:04
codeMonkey_Any ideas?08:04
souncomH10LGN.zip   is update for blueray08:04
auronandace!info p7zip | souncom08:05
ubottusouncom: p7zip (source: p7zip): 7z file archiver with high compression ratio. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.20.1~dfsg.1-4 (precise), package size 371 kB, installed size 979 kB08:05
souncombut my problèm is juste extract here en compressed are missing of my right clic menu08:06
llutz_akis: frequency-list=europe  and NTSC? your card seems to be PAL only... "ls -l /dev/video*" any output?08:06
souncombut i can open with file roller08:06
akispal only yes. crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81, 0 Σεπ  21 10:26 /dev/video008:07
lenochkahi, I have started telnetd on my ubuntu server, but for some reason I cannot find it from ps aux output..08:07
lenochkait even said the process id08:07
timfrost!info unzip | souncom08:08
ubottusouncom: unzip (source: unzip): De-archiver for .zip files. In component main, is optional. Version 6.0-4ubuntu1 (precise), package size 173 kB, installed size 412 kB08:08
llutz_akis: "groups" does it list you as member of group "video"?08:08
lenochkaany ideas how could I find the proof that my telnet is running?08:08
llutz_akis: check the tvtime.config, it seem to refer to some NTSC-settings08:08
llutz_lenochka: it might use xinetd08:09
akisi gave to my user all the root privileges. and in any case i am running tvtime form terminal using sudo08:09
llutz_akis: why? you just need to be member of "video" group. running stuff with sudo is a bad idea08:09
lenochkallutz_: yes, probably it does. but then I cannot see in ps aux neither. I mean I have pid, but I cannot see the process08:10
souncombut before the update ive extract here and compressed on my rigth clic menu on this file08:10
akisok. i am remember of everything. i just run it as sudo to be sure that the issue isn't the privilige of my user08:10
llutz_lenochka: ps -p <pid>08:12
hardbardhi people, noob here. I'm trying to install boinc, i downloaded a sh file, gave permissions -x and decompressed it,  but it doesnt seem contain a installer...?08:13
timfrost!info boinc-client | hardbard08:13
ubottuhardbard: boinc-client (source: boinc): core client for the BOINC distributed computing infrastructure. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.0.27+dfsg-5ubuntu0.12.04.1 (precise), package size 559 kB, installed size 1670 kB08:14
llutz_akis: "tvtime-configure --norm=pal --frequencies=europe"08:14
timfrosthardbard: safer to use the packaged version08:14
tuxmatthardbard,  can you pm me08:14
Ihsan_Hi, I just installed bumblebee, followed the options on the ubuntu wiki, i rebooted, trying to run optirun in terminal get the following error:  [ERROR]The Bumblebee daemon has not been started yet or the t path /var/run/bumblebee/socket was incorrent. [ERROR]Could not connect to bumblebee daemon - is it running08:15
akisok. i gave this already08:15
tuxmatthardbard,  it is safer to do the package way see if its in the package manager apt-get then what you want to install08:15
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F-3000Thank you Ubuntu for allowing me to test serial mices!08:17
hardbardthx :)08:18
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codeMonkey_Trying to do an install of ubuntu 12.04 server onto a netbook.  It gets as far as configuring apt: Retrieving file 51 of 57 and sit there.  So I press enter after 2 or 3 hours....it goes to next file and ends up erroring like 20 times shortly thereafter. This is 3rd time trying to install, each on sane hard drive, repartitioned and reformatted to ext3 each time,08:19
codeMonkey_ Each copy of ubuntu was from same iso on same flash drive, but after second fail I  repartitioned and reformatted and re ran unetboot in from iso.  It worked previously on same computer for prior build08:19
auronandacecodeMonkey_: posting the errors would help08:22
codeMonkey_Yea, unforrtunately I didnt take note of those ,but this third round is gettin close to where it errored before.  But its always stuck on file 51 of 5708:23
codeMonkey_So if it deoes it this time ill be able to post them08:23
auronandacecodeMonkey_: sounds like an issue with a mirror08:24
Jon--My ubuntu boots slowly. I don't want to install botochart because the dev has been stalled for 7 years. My friend suggested I shoot it with shotgun, I think this is fair solution. Any alternatives?08:24
Jon--Sarcasm aside, is there a more up to date port of bootchart or a way to see what services/etc are slowing down boot time?08:24
codeMonkey_K.  Thanks08:25
tuxmattJoin can you update to grub208:25
paulus68_I run rsnapshot backupscript which is working good how can I sent a notification by mail in order to know if everything went ok or not ok08:26
fidelJon--: apart from being maybe not developerd so far - is there any known error / issues with it? last time i used it it seemed to work without effects08:27
F-3000tuxmatt: Jon can you update to grub2 (just relayed with correct nick in case user watches only alerts)08:27
Jon--fidel, I didn't try to use it yet08:27
F-3000(and got it wrong as well)08:27
Jon--F-3000, I read that thinking it was for me. I was very disappointed.08:28
tuxmattf - 3000 what you mean just relayed with the currect nick in users only alert ?08:28
llutz_paulus68_: rsnapshot daily && echo "OK"|mail -s success  you@out.com08:29
F-3000tuxmatt, I get a beep when my nick is mentioned in the chat. That's what I meant. :)08:29
Jon--tuxmatt, most chat clients will alert you when someone types your name and allow you to tab-complete names. Ex: try typing Jon*tab*, it should complete me08:29
blackshirtis anyone know where channle to learn assembly languages?08:29
tuxmattyea i know but i never mentioned hes name08:30
auronandace!alis | blackshirt08:30
ubottublackshirt: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*08:30
blackshirti dont know what it is08:30
Jon--auronandace, I didn't know anything about this.08:31
F-3000tuxmatt, well, then we both with Jon-- misunderstood your sentence. ;)08:31
kritikahello every one i'm new  to Ubuntu(Linux). Ubuntu freezes frequently , no response to anything, only option left for me is to force shutdown. please help me . please guide me if i'm in wrong channel.08:31
Jon--F-3000, You said my name again and again I was disappointed.08:31
Jon--kritika, You are in the correct channel. Is this a new installation of Ubuntu 12.04 (latest version from website)?08:32
blackshirtnothing channel with assembly on their names08:32
kritikayes @JON08:32
F-3000Jon--, elaborate disappointed in this context?08:32
vartotojashello guys08:33
Jon--F-3000, disappointed: Sarcastic jab at having asked for assistance in something, but gotten a message completely unrelated to the problem. :P08:33
Jon--kritika, What behaviour are you experiencing, Ubuntu just crashes after some time?08:34
vartotojascan anyone help me with lineage2 and wine?08:34
vartotojasim new on ubuntu and im having some difficulties ;/08:34
blackshirtvartotojas, what is lineage208:34
gordonjcpJon--: re slow booting, try booting with nosplash so you can see the boot messages08:34
auronandace!appdb | vartotojas08:34
ubottuvartotojas: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help08:34
gordonjcpJon--: it may be waiting forever for a non-existent DHCP server08:35
Jon--gordonjcp, nosplash is just added to grub.cfg? matter where I put it?08:35
vartotojasblackshirt: its a game Oo08:35
kritika@JON it just hangs , no response08:35
Jon--kritika, I am going to bed shortly, one of these guys will be happy to help you.08:35
kritika@ thankx08:36
gordonjcpJon--: no, on the boot line08:36
Jon--Guys/gals, kritika is having issues with Ubuntu, hard crashes, please help him/her.08:36
tuxmattvartotojas,  whats the problem08:36
kritikaits him @jon08:36
blackshirtkritika, what is your hardware?08:36
kritikaasus K53u08:36
Jon--gordonjcp, found it. Any way to default nosplash to grub-update after new kernel or something?08:37
vartotojasTuxist: Well, when im opening l2 with wine, im getting message like "AGP is deactivated"08:37
blackshirtkritika, crusiallly the procrssor, vga chips, and wifi chipset08:37
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Tuxistl2 ?08:37
vartotojastualatrix_: lineage 2 Oo08:38
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Sil4nc4hi guys, does anybody know how i can manage the order of the interfaces when doing PXE installations? The embedded controller is the one that does the PXE boot but when the kickstart comes up, the embedded controller becomes  eth2. What determines the order?08:38
llutz_jon edit /etc/default/grub, line: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"   and run sudo update-grub to make nosplash permanent08:38
Tuxistvartotojas: check wine testing ppa08:38
vartotojasTuxist: ok, just tell me how08:39
huhmasterany C++ developer here ?08:39
vartotojasTuxist: im very new to ubuntu system Oo08:39
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kritika@<blackshirt> processor AMD 1G, i dont know how to check other configurations in ubuntu . plz help me .08:39
blackshirthuhmaster, i think some of people08:39
Tuxistsudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa08:40
kritikai'm new to Linux world @<blackshirt>08:40
Tuxistsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get remove wine-1.1 && sudo apt-get install wine1.508:40
Tuxistsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get remove wine-1.4 && sudo apt-get install wine1.508:40
huhmasterblackshirt are you ?08:40
llutz_huhmaster: /join ##c++08:41
blackshirtkritika, i don't know exactly what is the problem.... When the crash happen, i mean on whate stages the crash happen?08:41
huhmasterok llutz_, thanks08:41
blackshirtHuhmaster, no... I'm just still learning...but you can share here08:41
Tuxistvartotojas: but i can't promise that's solve your problem08:41
vartotojasTuxist:  i got message "must run as root"08:42
tuxmattsudo su08:42
blackshirtvartotoja, learn some linux basic access08:42
xcervohello guys, is ther a gud channel for java developers?08:42
llutz_!alis | xcervo08:43
ubottuxcervo: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*08:43
vartotojasblackshirt:  would you like to direct me to some good basics?08:44
tuxmattvartotojas, when i started i learned the terminal08:45
vartotojaswell, its all because my mate installed linux on my laptop08:45
blackshirtvartotojas, you can go to help.ubuntu.com.. A lot documentations available there...08:45
kritikai don't know exactly when , i guess, when there are more apps are open and if try to switch between them then i have frozen screen and my comp does not responds to any thing... @<blackshirt>08:46
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vartotojasi see08:46
blackshirtkritika, how about switch to console, can you do it?08:47
kritikano nothing @<blackshirt>08:47
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souncomup: anyone have an idea for my problem?08:48
blackshirtsouncom, i don't know about your problem?08:49
kritikai did ctrl+alt+f2 no console opened and also ctrl+alt+t . @<blackshirt>08:49
blackshirtkritika,  learn to analyze your log08:49
kritika@<blackshirt> how ?08:50
F-3000blackshirt, one doesn't do that overnight.08:50
souncomafter an update on ubuntu 12.04 LTS, extract here an compressed are missing on my rigth clic menu :(08:50
auronandacekritika: this isn't twitter, you don't need the @08:50
Smackbooki found this advice for my laptop wifi to make and install the compat drivers, but I get this when I run sudo make install  http://pastebin.com/LsQZKa55  can anyone tell me what this means or what problem its indicating?08:51
blackshirtfor related kernel messages, look on some /var/log/messages, /var/log/syslog, or anithinglog on /var/log08:51
kritikaok :)08:51
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crizissouncom, reinstalling archive app could help..08:52
blackshirtf-3000, sorry, maybe i,m missed something last night08:52
souncomi've reinstalling app file roller08:53
souncomand onthing08:53
F-3000blackshirt, just about your comment to kritika about learning to read logs. Sadly, its not something that a novice will learn easily.08:54
blackshirtdefine nothing...08:54
sveinseWhere does the people behind plymouth hang out? Is it Ubuntu people or is it a freestanding project?08:54
blackshirtsveinse, plymouth was ubuntucentrics..and sadly,that eas suck08:55
patcHi here! Is rebooting after updates mandatory? What happens if computer isn't rebooted after an upgrade and another upgrade requiring reboot comes and is applied? Do updates "stack up" and appy without problems? Or is this somehow causing problems?08:55
crizissouncom, removing/moving off ~/.gconf/apps/nautilus and ~/.gconf/apps/file-roller could help..08:55
huhmasterpatc, that shouldn't cause any problems08:56
gordonjcppatc: pretty much08:56
sveinseblackshirt: suck or no suck, I need to make changes to the boot splash/logging for a product of ours, so I have some plymouth questions08:56
gordonjcppatc: you may experience some weirdness if some libraries have been replaced08:56
crizispatc, won't cause any problems, but stuff like kernel upgrades won't be in effect until reboot08:56
gordonjcppatc: if the kernel version is *very* out of line with what's currently installed, expect general weirdness08:57
souncomwhen i clic rigth on archive i dont have extract here, and when i clic on folder i dont have compressed08:57
gordonjcpsouncom: maybe you don't have something installed to expand that type of archive08:57
blackshirtsveinse, you can ask here..just ask..and i would be happy if i can help you08:57
patchuhmaster: gordonjcp : crizis : ok I see... thank you. Do one of you have some docum entation suggestions I can read to understand more in details how it works?08:58
tuxmattim here to help to08:58
souncomi don't have this problem before update08:59
vartotojasTuxist:  hey man, anyway, i decided to delete some games.. But now i cant find the directory Oo08:59
crizispatc, in a nutshell it's as simple as 1) services that get upgraded do get restarted automatically 2) kernel upgrades and some shared library updates need reboot (or with latter restarting every service which uses the lib)08:59
sveinseblackshirt: thanks. There is a limitation i ply which I need to overcome. ply can't show a splash on a fb and provide verbose text output on a serial console at the same time. This is something I need to fix. So it's either about modding ply, or to set ply in text mode (to seriel console) and implement my own fb splash routine.09:00
Tuxistvartotojas: /home/(username)/.wine/09:00
sveinseblackshirt: The easiest way would be to remove ply altogether, but alas, ply is married into everying in ubuntu @boot09:00
Fudgesveinse  you dont happen to know what resolution plymouth is using for images ?09:01
sveinseFudge: Uhm. No. We're on an ARM platform with only one resolution. That is in our case setup in kernel commandline09:02
blackshirtsveinse, yes,plymoyth goes to deepth on ubuntu,you can't easilly remove it without breaking entire all system09:02
patccrizis: ok, I understand. I guess that what I don't understand is the way the updates are applied. As I understand your answer, for updates requiring reboot, the update is a totally new version of the lib that is replaced. Right? The updates don't somehow "patch" older files, so if 3 updates of the same lib are applied, the pacakge is simply replaced completely with every newer version? Correct?09:02
Fudgethanks sveinse09:03
patccrizis: so in my example, the 2 first updates just get "smashed out" by the 3rd at the reboot, yes?09:03
ocxis AHCI supported in ubuntu12? i dont see to find mySATA disks when trying to install09:04
shivangpatelany budy  idea about how to setup android SDK with eclipse in Ubuntu09:06
shivangpateli was try my best, but ther was some error related to R variable.....09:07
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Jon--my apt-key foo sucks, how I fix http://pastie.org/private/chtyosbjibs2kmndlqf8fa09:09
F-300012 allright serial mice. Tested with Ubuntu 12.04 liveUSB.09:11
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patcI don't understand is the way the updates are applied. As I understand your answer, for updates requiring reboot, the update is a totally new version of the lib that is replaced. Right? The updates don't somehow "patch" older files, so if 3 updates of the same lib are applied, the pacakge is simply replaced completely with every newer version? Correct? So in my example, the 2 first updates just get "smashed out" by the 3rd at the reboot, yes?09:21
minixvboxpatc: updates don't neccesarily stack, just the latest would be required09:23
kellyangelsAnyone care to chat?09:23
llutz_!ot | kellyangels wrong channel09:24
ubottukellyangels wrong channel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:24
kellyangelsOk.. sorry09:24
patcminixvbox: yes, but in the eventuality that one or more updates are already "pending" (applied, but requiring reboot). What happens when a newer get applied, that also asks for reboot? Sorry if my question is maybe difficult to understand...09:25
llutz_patc: the pending ones will be overwritten, just the latest will be applied09:26
minixvboxpatc: ah, i see, i'd assume it would simply replace the previous one09:26
patcllutz_, minixvbox, thank you guys, now I think it's clear! Great! :)09:27
minixvbox!yay | patc09:27
ubottupatc: Glad you made it! :-)09:27
patcThank you for your help!09:28
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bindaasomaticis there a way to force only a single instance of application ?09:36
yangholmesI am new here~~~09:37
bindaasomaticthis should be done/checked by application itself but still just curious09:38
minixvboxbindaasomatic: vlc has an option to force one instance09:38
bindaasomaticok..,every application should have one and it should be default behavior09:39
CommaCrazyhi all09:39
CommaCrazyquestion, I have a colleague that is using ubuntu and has a problem where every so often he can't open a website and as soon as I restart his interface with ifconfig eth0 down and then up the site works again on that comp09:39
wuxortis there anyone here, who could help me in kernel compiling questions?09:43
wuxortnot a "how to compile" kind of questions09:44
Tyler91So I'm trying to install Ubuntu 12.04 server-amd64 I get the following message: an error was returned while trying to install the busybox-initramfs package onto the target system. There are a lot of other errors in the syslog. But idk how to share that here. Everytime I go back and wipe the partition to try and install again I get the same error message. Not sure if you guys can help or not,09:44
Tyler91thanks either way.09:44
minixvbox!paste | Tyler9109:45
ubottuTyler91: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:45
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Tyler91Sorry minixvbox I tried using pastebin before to submit my query but that resulted in even less people responding, actually 0 people responded...I don't think my issue is entirely complex. lol09:47
minixvboxTyler91: pastebin is for multple lines of text, you describe your problem here09:48
minixvboxTyler91: eg: pastebin your syslog09:48
Tyler91Well I can't, no way of exporting it09:49
Tyler91at least 100 lines09:49
gordonjcpTyler91: take a photograph of the screen?09:49
minixvboxTyler91: thats exactly what pastebin is for, or are you saying you can't get it to a pastebin?09:49
Tyler91yes I can't get it from the terminal to pastebin, and it would take a lot of screenshots to show you all the lines lol09:50
wuxortIs it necessary to compile in the numa stuff in kernel or is it skippable due to its server related? or is it software emulated on amd64 standard laptops?09:50
Tyler91@gordonjcp if there is another way I can get it from the terminal to here that you know of I will but otherwise I've given all the information I have access to really. Idk what else to tell you.09:51
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:52
akishi all. i am trying to setup xawtv using my usb device. tvscan can find channels but i cannot see them in xawtv. the meantime xawtv screen stays black. any help?10:02
Braden`How do I create a root jail for php-cli ?10:05
signornessunoi have a problem downloading from firefox it say there isn't space in /tmp10:07
minixvboxsignornessuno: df -h10:07
CXIVWhat will happen if I install i386 version on 64 Bit CPU?10:07
minixvboxCXIV: it will work fine10:08
signornessunominixvbox, /dev/sda1       9,4G  8,9G    8,0K 100% /10:08
signornessunoudev            241M  4,0K    241M   1% /dev10:08
signornessunotmpfs            99M  836K     99M   1% /run10:08
signornessunonone            5,0M     0    5,0M   0% /run/lock10:08
signornessunonone            248M   84K    248M   1% /run/shm10:08
FloodBot1signornessuno: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:08
signornessuno/dev/sda3        28G   22G    4,6G  83% /home10:08
johan_CXIV: should be fine, but you can't use more than something like 4GB RAM10:08
CXIVjohan_ No chance to get lags?10:08
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minixvboxsignornessuno: your / is full10:10
signornessunohow to free some space?10:11
minixvboxsignornessuno: get rid of things you don't need10:11
J-manSee if there are unused kernels in /boot/10:11
johan_CXIV: not much, I think.  might be slightly slower but I doubt you'd notice it10:11
minixvboxsignornessuno: older kernels might be a good place to start10:11
minixvboxsignornessuno: don't just delete them but uninstall then via the package manager10:12
johan_signornessuno: you could clean out some old log files in /var/log as well, and maybe even delete everything that's currently in /tm10:12
johan_signornessuno: you could clean out some old log files in /var/log as well, and maybe even delete everything that's currently in /tmp10:12
signornessunoonly 8 mb in tmp10:13
minixvboxsignornessuno: you need to figure out whats taking up the space10:14
signornessunook i remove 5 gb of logs10:14
MrokiiHello. Is there an application starter like Synapse that actually learns what the user wants to use a certain command for? Synapse obviously does not. I mean something equivalent to Quicksilver on OS X.10:14
signornessunothanks very much now i have enoght space10:14
jribMrokii: can you give an example of what quicksilver does that's special?10:15
J-mansignoressuno: baobab is a program that you can use to analyse disk usage; it's installed by default10:15
alex1325.1 sound, so I have acer 5738g,ubuntu 12.04,alsa for sound, I managed to modify alsa conf to have 5.1 sound but alsa recognize my laptop speakers as speakers , when I plug the jack for my audio system it recognize it as headphones what to do to be recognized as speakers10:15
minixvboxsignornessuno: if your logs are reaching 5gb that indicates there is an issue somewhere on your system10:16
ejvhey guys, i used the lvm ubuntu installer, and it says my home is out of space, how do I give it more space?10:17
signornessunominixvbox, ok, next time before delete i have a look at logs10:17
Mrokiijrib: What I mean is that Quicksilver learns that for example "ff" stands for Firefox and doesn't change that arbitrarily. Synapse doesn't seem to do that, or at least not very well, I don't know. As long as I don't install or use any "new" apps, it works fairly well. But I had a few occasions were I started new apps (not via Synapse) and then, out of a sudden, Synapse shows me this new app instead of the app10:18
Mrokiithe command has actually been used for for a long time.10:18
karthick87I am getting "chroot: can't execute '/sbin/load_policy': No such file or directory mount: mounting none on /selinux failed: No such device" How to fix it?? I am stuck at the text mode in login screen..10:18
Braden`root@host:/var/jails/php# chroot .   <-- chroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory <-- # ls bin/bash <-- bin/bash10:18
eFfeMhi, is thre a way to define a shortcut for a key sequence (12.04, unity), eg. assign the string "hello world" to F5 or ctrl h or alt h or so10:18
qw[russian]hello all10:18
Mrokiijrib: A concrete example: I have been typing "thu" for a long time to start Thunderbird. Recently I started the "Thunar File Manager" (bot not via Synapse) and now when I type "thu" in Synapse, it shows me Thunar as the default option instead of Thunderbird. Which makes no sense at all.10:19
qw[russian]help me please: i install ubuntu (Ultimate Edition) now and i would like see what is version i used10:20
minixvboxMrokii: use unity, that has a similar search feature10:20
eFfeMqw, log in then cat /proc/version10:20
MrokiieFfeM: AutoHotkey might be what you're looking for.10:20
minixvboxqw[russian]: ultimate edition isn't supported here10:20
eFfeMMrokii: probably10:20
Mrokiiminixvbox: I'd use unity if it wouldn't be so awfully slow for me.10:20
minixvboxMrokii: try unity2d10:21
qw[russian]but is ubutu10:21
MrokiieFfeM: Oops, the app is named "AutoKey"10:21
minixvboxqw[russian]: no, its a derivative, they change stuff10:21
minixvboxqw[russian]: only official ubuntu releases are supported here10:21
eFfeMMrokii: thanks, got it10:21
Braden`root@host:/var/jails/php# chroot .   <-- chroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory <-- # ls bin/bash <-- bin/bash10:22
CommaCrazyquestion, I have a colleague that is using ubuntu and has a problem where every so often he can't open a website and as soon as I restart his interface with ifconfig eth0 down and then up the site works again on that comp10:22
alex1325.1 sound, so I have acer 5738g,ubuntu 12.04,alsa for sound, I managed to modify alsa conf to have 5.1 sound but alsa recognize my laptop speakers as speakers , when I plug the jack for my audio system it recognize it as headphones what to do to be recognized as speakers10:22
Mrokiiminixvbox: I will, but afaik Uninty2d is removed in Ubuntu 12.10. Plus, I think Unity as such is rather bloated.10:22
qw[russian]minixvbox: okey, i have second question were i see version in my system ?10:22
minixvboxqw[russian]: i can't help you, you aren't using a supported release10:23
=== fantaghiro is now known as fantaghir
MonkeyDustqw[russian]  type lsb_release -sd10:23
CommaCrazyall the other sites are visible10:23
qw[russian]minixvbox: okey i thank you10:23
ircnode0how I know who was previous user that log in?10:23
CommaCrazyqw[russian], type cat /etc/*relsease10:24
ircnode0J-man: thanks, (fast answer)10:24
J-manircnode0: np10:24
karthick87I am getting "chroot: can't execute '/sbin/load_policy': No such file or directory mount: mounting none on /selinux failed: No such device" How to fix it?? I am stuck at the text mode in login screen..10:26
abi_do i know you danilepassos10:28
guest-AJJqWGhello guys10:28
guest-AJJqWGi need a big help with my ubuntu Oo10:29
abi_do i know you danielpassos10:29
guest-AJJqWGsomehow i cant unlock my admin account, the password doesnt works Oo10:29
guest-AJJqWGwhat i should do to reset password10:29
MonkeyDustguest-AJJqWG  you mean root?10:30
minixvboxguest-AJJqWG: what do you mean by admin account? you use your user and use sudo10:30
Braden`root@host:/var/jails/php# chroot .   <-- chroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory <-- # ls bin/bash <-- bin/bash  <-- I obviously have bin/bash in that hierarchy.10:30
J-mankarthick87: it's propably a kernel issue, try booting in an old kernel if you have that installed then further resolve the problem from there10:30
guest-AJJqWGwell yea, the root10:30
MonkeyDust!root > guest-AJJqWG10:30
ubottuguest-AJJqWG, please see my private message10:30
J-mankarthick87: hold shift while booting to get in the grub menu10:31
guest-AJJqWGso, can anyone help me with accessing my user10:32
guest-AJJqWGim pissed now Oo10:32
minixvboxguest-AJJqWG: you are not meant to log in as root10:32
minixvbox!language | guest-AJJqWG10:33
ubottuguest-AJJqWG: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.10:33
J-manguest-AJJqWG: How are you trying to become root?10:33
guest-AJJqWGlisten... when i turn on my laptop, its shows me my user10:33
guest-AJJqWGi enter password10:33
guest-AJJqWGand it doesnt unlocks10:33
guest-AJJqWGi can only use laptop as guest atm10:33
J-mankarthick87: Did you encrypt your home directory?10:33
guest-AJJqWGi dont know Oo10:33
guest-AJJqWGim soooooo new to linux lol10:34
=== florin is now known as Guest78290
J-mankarthick87: Ah okay; welcome, it's a great world once you get the basics10:34
guest-AJJqWGyea lol10:34
J-mankarthick87: Did you forget your password?10:34
guest-AJJqWGanyway, i still need help to access my user ;/10:35
guest-AJJqWGno, i didnt, its just not fitting anymore10:35
gordonjcpguest-AJJqWG: so you've lost your password?10:35
minixvboxguest-AJJqWG: don't have caps lock on do you? :)10:35
guest-AJJqWGno i dont ;/10:36
guest-AJJqWGgoddard: lets say i lost it10:36
J-mankarthick87: Okay what you can try is booting in single user mode or boot with a live cd and change /etc/shadow; you need some basic knowledge on what to do, ill try finding a manual 1sec10:36
gordonjcp!password | guest-AJJqWG10:36
ubottuguest-AJJqWG: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords10:36
guest-AJJqWGgordonjcp: ?10:37
minixvboxguest-AJJqWG: he told the bot to tell you something10:38
minixvbox!bot | guest-AJJqWG10:38
ubottuguest-AJJqWG: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots10:38
VictorCLhow can I execute a .sql file into mysql when I am already into the mysql prompt?10:39
J-manVictorCL: You can start MySQL like this: mysql -u<your user> -p < dumpfile.sql10:40
ludwig_VictorCL: \. <filename>10:40
J-manAh cool didn't knew that10:40
VictorCLludwig_,  I can execute that form the prmopt directly?¿10:40
VictorCLmysql>\. file.sql10:40
VictorCLlike that?10:40
ludwig_VictorCL: yep10:41
VictorCLwill try10:41
ludwig_if you are in the same dir at least10:41
J-manludwig_: Will it grab a file from your localhost or from the remote server?10:41
VictorCLludwig_,  if not?10:41
CatKillerHi there! I know it's an unrelated question, but would anybody know of an IRC channel specialized in the "LIO iSCSI" target from Linux (and by extension Ubuntu)?10:41
ludwig_VictorCL: add the path :-)10:41
ludwig_J-Man: good question, local i guess...10:42
J-manludwig_: Nice, thanks for that trick :)10:42
VictorCLludwig_,  thanks man , it worke !!10:43
francispereiraAnyone has kdump workiing on Ubuntu12.04 ? I have it setup but when I manually crash the server, kdump does not kick in to reboot and capture a snapshot of /proc/vmcore. Please help10:43
ludwig_VictorCl: of course it did :) i'm not here to lie to people lol10:43
VictorCLhaha of course not :)10:44
VictorCLwanted to confirm10:44
VictorCLI didnt do it incorrectly10:44
wishin_masterludwig_: need help about b43 wireless card.10:44
minixvbox!b43 | wishin_master10:44
ubottuwishin_master: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx10:44
ludwig_wishin_master: im not the all knowing oracle. sorry10:45
wishin_masterludwig_: its alright10:45
ludwig_... ubottu is *rofl*10:45
J-manminixvbox: jockey-gtk will help you maybe10:45
wishin_masterludwig_: no hard feelings!10:45
minixvboxJ-man: wrong nick10:45
J-manwishin_master: jockey-gtk will help you maybe10:45
J-manmy bad :)10:46
tuxmattgood night guys10:46
serehey all, im on 12.04 3.50-13 using fluxbox and when i try to mount my internak ntfs drives i get get not authentication is requried error and cant mount it10:47
wishin_masterJ-man: is that a s/w?10:47
minixvboxsere: onlt the official kernel is supported here10:47
J-manwishin_master: Yeah, it's a program which will search for additional drivers10:48
minixvbox!kernel | sere10:48
ubottusere: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)10:48
serei think im going to reinstall10:48
banzounetHi, do you know where i can get OVF Tool, seems to be not available from the vmware website ...10:49
J-manwishin_master: Or try the package bcmwl-kernel-source10:49
J-manwishin_master: apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source; after you have that try jockey-gtk10:50
_jupiter_on Ubuntu 12.10, where can I find the "Open with -> run command" functionality in Nautilus?10:50
minixvbox!12.10 | _jupiter_10:50
ubottu_jupiter_: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+110:50
wishin_masterJ-man: i tried activating the sta drivers from additional drivers but it didn't help.it says firmeware missing.10:52
MonkeyDust_jupiter_  type /join #ubuntu+110:52
qw[russian]help me please i would like edit my label in konsole now qw@qw -> qw@ubuntu10:52
wuxortso anybody familiar with kernel building?10:52
J-manwishin_master: What Ubuntu version are you using?10:53
minixvbox!anybody | wuxort10:53
ubottuwuxort: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.10:53
wishin_masterJ-man: 12.0410:53
buglyjoeI am using the awesome wm and when I can't get the switch to root ui prompt in ubuntu-tweak. nothing happens when I click on 'Unlock'. same with other wms like xmonad or fluxbox10:53
J-manwishin_master: Try: modprobe -r b43 ssb wl;modprobe wl10:53
wishin_masterJ-man: i have added b43 in the /etc/modules/ as well10:54
buglyjoebasically I have to switch to Unity if I have to use ubuntu tweak10:54
buglyjoedoes anyone know how to get this prompt in other wms?10:55
minixvboxbuglyjoe: ubuntu-tweak wasn't designed for awesome, xmonad or fluxbox10:55
dr_willisbuglyjoe:  you do have unity desktop installed but just not using it?10:56
buglyjoetEuy0 [~smuxi@] has joined #ubuntu10:56
* dr_willis wonders whats being twraked..10:56
J-manwishin_master: Hmm I had a bcm4300; it worked pretty much out of the box for me not sure what is going wrong10:56
guest-6tEuy0cmon... im gonna kill myself10:56
buglyjoe minixvbox : correct. I have it but I mostly don't use it10:56
guest-6tEuy0i cant change my user password10:56
guest-6tEuy0i cant enter it -.-10:56
buglyjoe minixvbox : I have the default that I got with the os install10:56
buglyjoe minixvbox : so there is no way to get around this?10:57
minixvboxbuglyjoe: you want ubuntu-tweak to work for something it isn't designed for?10:57
wishin_masterJ-man: once actionparsnip told me to add b43 to /etc/modules file then it started working fine but i recently formatted the sys since then i am not able to commect through wireless.10:58
J-manwishin_master: You can try lspci -vvv and see which driver it tries to use and blacklist that in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf10:58
buglyjoe minixvbox : well, it works except for the part where it is supposed to show the root login prompt. anyway, I guess I'll use Unity when I have to10:59
J-manwishin_master: Or revert the changes in /etc/modules and see what happens10:59
wishin_masterJ-man: when i was using 10.04 at that time i tried blacklisting the drivers.11:00
J-manwishin_master: What card is it exactly?11:00
francispereiraAnyone has kdump workiing on Ubuntu12.04 ? I have it setup but when I manually crash the server, kdump does not kick in to reboot and capture a snapshot of /proc/vmcore. Please help11:00
karthick87I am getting "chroot: can't execute '/sbin/load_policy': No such file or directory mount: mounting none on /selinux failed: No such device" How to fix it?? I am stuck at the text mode in login screen..11:01
wishin_masterJ-man: bcm430111:01
foo357Hello, I'm having some issues with python software not recognizing a certain package.11:03
MonkeyDustguest-6tEuy0  press ctrl-alt F1 -- can you login there?11:03
J-manwishin_master: I googled a little bit; try apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43legacy-installer bcmwl*11:04
J-manwishin_master: from http://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2011/09/fixing-broadcom-43xx-wireless-card.html11:04
aQuteHey did anyone tried installing julian  ??11:05
wishin_masterJ-man: i am going to reboot now into a live usb pendrive session. i will jion you shortly.thanks for your help anyway.11:05
aQuteI am having some trouble with it  /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lasound11:05
J-manwishin_master: allright, good luck11:06
guest-Dcxvarhey, yes i can enter in ctrl+alt+f111:07
MonkeyDustguest-Dcxvar  but can you login?11:08
guest-Dcxvarjust dont know hot to exit that ctrl+alt+f111:09
guest-Dcxvarhad to restart laptop lol11:09
dr_willisexit command..  ;)11:09
MonkeyDustguest-Dcxvar  ctrl-alt F7 to go back to your normal screen11:09
minixvbox!tty | guest-Dcxvar11:10
ubottuguest-Dcxvar: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.11:10
guest-Dcxvarmonkey, so on that ctrl+alt+f1 i can log in11:11
guest-Dcxvarwhats next?11:11
guest-Dcxvari still cant enter my user on main loggon screen?11:11
dr_williswhat happens when you do try?11:12
guest-Dcxvarit looks like it will log in, but monitore flashes and throws me back to log in screen11:12
guest-Dcxvarand only one t hing i can use now is guest acc11:12
guest-Dcxvargosh all my files on that user and i cant enter it Oo11:13
dr_willisif you can login at the terminal.. see if files are there11:13
AutraxHello Friends!11:13
guest-Dcxvarwhat files? Oo11:13
Autraxi Need Help Please!11:14
dr_willisso your x session is crashing. you could reset all your settings in your home.11:14
minixvboxAutrax: then you need to explain your issue11:14
dr_willismake a backuuup directory. move the various .gnome and other .files/dirs into it. and try logging in again11:14
minixvbox!here | Autrax11:14
ubottuAutrax: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com11:14
Autraxits my porblem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1225187411:15
guest-Dcxvardr_willis: how the hell i can make backup directory? im very new to linux11:15
dr_willisvia the console/terminal11:16
dr_willismkdir backups11:16
crizisthere's also easy backup tool right in the system preferences panel nowadays..11:16
dr_willis'mc' may be worth installing and learning. its a file manager for the terminal11:16
juancabritoI can't update my ubuntu, it seems there are some dependecy problems, what can I do11:17
dr_willisjuancabrito:  pastebin the exact commands/errors frrrom sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade11:18
MonkeyDustfrrrom :)11:18
serei think im going to reinstall11:19
serehey all, im on 12.04 3.50-13 using fluxbox and when i try to mount my internak ntfs drives i get get not authentication is requried error and cant mount it11:19
dr_willissere mount how?11:19
MonkeyDustsere  what's this 3.50-13 ?11:20
francispereiraAnyone has kdump workiing on Ubuntu12.04 ? I have it setup but when I manually crash the server, kdump does not kick in to reboot and capture a snapshot of /proc/vmcore. Please help11:21
juancabritodr_willis: http://pastebin.com/c8ui5nJr11:22
MonkeyDustjuancabrito  is it a PPA for firefox?11:23
guest-DcxvarFOR FUCK SSAKE11:24
juancabritoMonkeyDust: excuse me what is a PPA11:24
guest-Dcxvari cant use my administrator user -.-11:24
MonkeyDustguest-Dcxvar  if all else fails, try to reinstall and not forget the password11:24
dr_willisthat firefox line is confus3d. its saying the same version # twice isent it?11:24
guest-Dcxvarive got plenty of files on my user and i dont want to loose it11:25
guest-Dcxvarand i didnt forgot my password, its just doesnt open my user Oo11:25
dr_willisguest-Dcxvar:  if you can see the files from a console/live cd. you can back the m up11:25
dr_willisor add a new user with sudo rights11:26
MonkeyDustguest-Dcxvar  if you have that many files, you should've backupped, or use a separate /home partition11:26
guest-Dcxvari dont have live cd11:26
guest-Dcxvarand what about console?11:26
dr_williswhat about it? you can do most anything in the console you want11:27
guest-Dcxvaryou mean terminal?11:27
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:27
dr_willisconsole is the shells on the alt-ctrl-f1 through f66 'screens'11:28
dr_willishysknz:  thats one way to get ignored11:28
minixvboxhysknz: nobody can help if the don't know the issue11:28
juancabritohysknz: just ask what you need11:28
dr_willisjuancabrito:  you tried that apt-get -f command the error messages suggested?11:29
hysknzwhere can i get ubuntu release on irc11:29
hysknznot http11:29
juancabritodr_willis: I'm on it11:29
dr_willishysknz:  id suggest trying torrents if you cant get it  over http or ftp11:30
minixvboxhysknz: irc is for chat, not file transfer11:30
CXIVI got pc with really ancint hdd drive and I need to install xubuntu on it. it got 8 MB/s Read|write11:30
dr_willisdcc file  transfering is nasty slow11:30
CXIVShould I use ext4?11:30
dr_willisCXIV:  may as well11:30
ArunCHi all, I am trying to view a raw image - decoded out of a JPG using IrfanView on windows.11:31
CXIVext2 wouldn't be faster?11:31
ArunCNone of the application is able to open the image.11:31
ArunCFYI, there is no image header (as it is RAW)11:31
dr_willisi doubt if it will be noticeable CXIV11:31
ArunCCan someone please help?11:31
dr_willisCXIV:  either should work11:31
minixvboxCXIV: ext2 would likely be faster since it doesn't use a journal11:31
dr_willisive never noticed much diff in usint ext2/3/4 on usb11:32
dr_willisArunC:  tried gimp and its plugins?11:33
ArunCI have not tried gimp yet.. But I have tried digiKam, Rawtherapee, dcraw, shotwell11:34
ArunCLet me try gimp11:34
juancabritodr_willis: It seems it worked... I guess I was too tired yesterday to do it right, tnx...11:34
ArunCdr_willis: ^^11:34
MonkeyDustArunC  is this link useful? http://www.chasingeyes.com/raw-image-editors-for-linux-ubuntu.html11:34
Autraxwhy u kicked me?11:34
minixvboxAutrax: you are not describing your issue effectively11:35
CXIVI found that using swap partition on that 8 MB/s hdd is slowing down system very much11:35
ArunCMonkeyDust: Let me try that, thanks.11:35
dr_willisusing swap at all slows things down11:35
Autraxhah they kicked me on #ubuntuforums11:35
bazhangAutrax, that has nothing to do with ubuntu support11:36
AutraxWhere to send the application abuse?11:36
bazhangAutrax, join #ubuntu-irc11:36
minixvboxAutrax: seriously, what is your ubuntu issue?11:36
minixvboxAutrax: answer my question11:37
=== Guest87503 is now known as epzil0n
CXIVSometimes using swap with that drive is causing ultimate lag for several minutes11:37
bazhangminixvbox, lets move on, its offtopic here11:37
Autraxi answered11:38
Autraxbad admin on forum11:38
FloatingGoatwhere is ubuntu studio?11:38
Autraxhe close topics without reason11:38
minixvboxAutrax: what are you trying to get help with in ubuntu? what are you unable to accomplish so that you are asking for help?11:38
MonkeyDustFloatingGoat  #ubuntustudio11:38
lJ6ilHello there. Would someone know a speed reading program on Ubuntu ?11:38
gordonjcplJ6il: pdf viewer, and hold PG DN?11:39
lJ6ilgordonjcp: funny one11:40
gordonjcplJ6il: what is a speed reading app?11:40
lJ6ilgordonjcp: something like this http://www.shaks.ws/program.html?1 . (sorry flash inside)11:41
lJ6ilYou give it a long text, it cuts it, and gives you 3 words by 3 words (for example), with the speed you want11:41
MonkeyDustAutrax  is it a tracker problem in your browser, privacy etc? use the Ghostery  plugin to block trackers11:41
AutraxDust please http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1225169911:42
AutraxIts not only plugin11:42
minixvboxAutrax: stop posting that forum link11:42
MonkeyDustAutrax  explain in a few words what's the problem11:43
Autraxoficial ubuntu forum11:43
dr_willisthe forums have NOTHING to do with us in thr management of the forums11:43
Daniela who can help me?11:43
dr_willisDanielpk:  and the issue is?11:44
fideldr_willis: he/she left11:44
dr_willisone way to get help.... not a good way...11:44
gordonjcplJ6il: I haven't got web access, can you just tell me what it is?11:44
* dr_willis closes the ticket11:45
lJ6ilgordonjcp : You give it a long text, it cuts it, and gives you 3 words by 3 words (for example), with the speed you want11:46
lJ6ilgordonjcp: helps you seeing faster the words, and increasing your peripheral vision11:46
gordonjcplJ6il: hm, I've never come across anything like that but it sounds easy enough to write11:46
gordonjcplJ6il: fwiw I recommend that my students *don't* speed-read ;-)11:46
dr_willisguest-Dcxvar:  its best to keep it in the channel. i am in class right now.11:47
dr_willisguest-Dcxvar:  you may want to change nicks and remove the guest- part also. it makes it harder to nick complete11:47
lJ6ilgordonjcp: yes. I don't know much about programming (i learnt C++ a long time ago) but i think i could build one. I'm just looking somewhere if it exists. I don't want to waste time if there's a much better software already done by someone. Why did you recomment to *not* speed read to your students ?11:48
guest-Dcxvarhow to change my nick?11:48
dr_willisguest-Dcxvar:  you said earlier you could login in to your user from the console login: screen11:48
dr_willis  /nick billgates11:48
gordonjcplJ6il: because they don't take it in11:48
BluesKajHey all11:49
lJ6ilgordonjcp: sorry for my bad english : to not take it in ? What does that mean ?11:49
blackshirthei blueskaj11:50
gordonjcplJ6il: they can memorise stuff, but they don't actually comprehend it11:50
gordonjcplJ6il: so you can ask them to repeat it and they'll gabble it out verbatim11:50
BluesKajhi blackshirt11:50
gordonjcplJ6il: but if you ask them to *explain* what they read, they can't11:50
=== VandroiyIII is now known as Vandroiy
lJ6ilgordonjcp: oh ok. Maybe they practiced speed reading in a bad way11:50
guest-Dcxvarok, now i see i cant11:50
gordonjcplJ6il: don't know; at the moment I'm dealing with American exchange students who are doing degree courses over here but struggle with high-school reading comprehension work ;-)11:51
guest-Dcxvarim on guest user -.-11:51
dr_willisguest-Dcxvar:  from the alt-ctrl-f1 console.. can you login11:52
lJ6ilgordonjcp: oh ok... yeah. Maybe it's not the best time for them to try this.11:52
gordonjcplJ6il: these are not stupid people; we're talking about folk who are doing their honours year of engineering degrees11:53
gordonjcplJ6il: they just plain can't read, though11:53
hroihi im creating a raid with mdamd11:53
hroimdadm I mean11:53
lJ6ilgordonjcp: never said they were stupid... We all have some different issues11:53
dr_willisbbl....  lab time in class.11:53
hroiIm wondering about "chunk size"11:53
hroiIm going to store very large files in my raid.11:54
hroishould I be setting the chunk size to big? instead of 512 bites.??11:54
gordonjcplJ6il: it's their education system11:54
BluesKajgordonjcp, sometimes we forget that colloquialisms are difficult to understand for non native English speakers11:54
etfbI'm getting sick of all the bugs in LibreOffice.  Is OpenOffice any more stable?  Or are they basically the same product?11:54
gordonjcplJ6il: the common thread is that they were privately educated in the US, so I suspect they got sat in front of a TV and shown videos for most of it11:55
gordonjcpBluesKaj: it's fun teaching ESOL courses when English is your second language11:55
gordonjcpBluesKaj: technically it's my first now though11:55
etfbgordonjcp: Did you have your previous language removed?  sudo apt-get remove swahili or something like that?11:56
gordonjcpetfb: :-)11:56
lJ6ilgordonjcp: yeah...11:56
etfbHmmm... apt-get for the human brain... someone needs to get on that, stat!11:57
bazhang!ot | etfb11:57
ubottuetfb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:57
gordonjcpetfb: when I was in primary school we used Gaelic pretty much all the time11:57
gordonjcpetfb: I've forgotten most of it11:57
etfbbazhang: Nice, but read up a bit.  I was the only one in that thread to actually mention anything remotely ubuntish...11:57
bazhanggordonjcp, etfb lets move on please11:58
etfbIndeed.  Anyone got any experience with OpenOffice since the "official" change to LibreOffice?  I'm sick of LO and want to try OO again.11:58
lJ6ilanyway thanks gordonjcp :)11:58
lJ6ilBye !11:58
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elaminatoanybody using wine to play age of empires with voobly?12:00
BluesKajyes gordonjcp 2 of my kids taught English as a second language over in Taiwan for 8 yrs or so , it was enjoyable experience for them12:00
guest-Dcxvarsomeone please help me. Im having a big trouble. Ive lost control on my user and i cant log in on it atm12:00
gordonjcpguest-Dcxvar: have you lost your password?12:01
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gordonjcp!password | guest-Dcxvar12:01
ubottuguest-Dcxvar: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords12:01
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guest-Dcxvargordonjcp, when i try to change the password, i get message "authentication token manipulation error"12:02
guest-Dcxvarwhat does that mean?12:02
etfbWow, that article on "strong" passwords is deeply broken.  15 characters or more?  Ha!12:02
etfbguest-Dcxvar: what command are you using to change the password?12:02
guest-Dcxvarpasswd <username>12:03
etfbguest-Dcxvar: have you seen this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/91188/authentication-token-manipulation-error12:03
guest-Dcxvari shall check it now12:04
ludwig_i would higly suggest using whole sentences as password... plain strings are out of date. Eg. "This is my highly secure Password, try to crack this Sucker!"  easy to remember and not guessable12:04
etfbludwig_: Indeed. Even Bruce Scneier quotes this cartoon: http://xkcd.com/936/12:05
Calinouludwig_: heard of dictionary attacks?12:05
* Calinou DOU-BLE FACE-PALMS12:05
ludwig_Calinou: do you know how they work? dont think so12:06
CalinouI do12:06
etfbCalinou: your dictionary contains the phrase "This is my highly secure Password, try12:06
etfb  to crack this Sucker!" does it?12:06
etfbSome dictionary...12:06
Calinoupeople don't bruteforce anymore12:06
Calinouthey all know people use normal words as passwords12:06
ludwig_Calinou: this would only work if you have ONE WORD12:06
Calinouetfb: WORDS, not phrases12:06
Calinoutoday's dictionary attacks can assemble words12:06
elaminatobruteforce takes lots of time12:06
ludwig_the whole prhase has is the password hash, how you want to brut force this??12:06
Calinounot with today's GPUs12:06
etfbCalinou: you are embarrassing yourself.  The encryption of "fred nurk" is not the same as the encryption of "fred" followed by the encryption of " nurk".12:06
bazhangCalinou, thats enough12:07
etfbYour instinct is wrong.  Don't trust instinct in matters of security!  Read up on passphrases.  See Schneier on Security for loads of info.  Hang on while I find a good overview...12:07
ikoniaguys - this is not an ubuntu topic12:08
ikoniait is not for this channel, please stop now.12:08
bazhangetfb, this is the wrong place for it12:08
Calinounot for -offtopic too 8)12:08
alex132I have acer 5738g ,ubuntu 12.04 , i modified the conf to have 5.1 sound it works but my problem is that only my laptop speakers are detected as speakers in sound settings ,when I plug in my system audio jack ubuntu detects headphones and that only has 2.0 sound so how to make ubuntu detect my system jack as speakers12:08
ludwig_alex132: how do you output 5.1 sound via 1 system jack? :-)12:09
Braden`Statistically speaking if you mix letters, numbers, and special characters and have a 28 character long password using a triple method encryption plus a good cipher e.g. SHA512, it would take between 21 and 35 years to bruteforce that password.12:10
etfbikonia: have a look at the article on "strong" passwords linked above.  It is dangerously out of date.  Security is an important issue; this channel is giving people the wrong information.12:10
etfbIf that's not an ubuntu topic, nothing is.12:10
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ikoniaetfb: I don't need to read it thank you12:10
ikoniaetfb: this channel is for ubuntu support, not generic password cracking, please stop12:10
gordonjcpGuest28235: so have you followed the instruction in that link?  You rebooted as the root user?12:11
etfbikonia: What the -- ?12:11
alex132it's a male female cable in it it's a jack to rc and rc goes int-o my system , in windows 7 I can select both 2.0 and 5.1 settings12:11
ikoniaetfb: sorry, if that's not clear I suggest you join #ubuntu-ops and don't speak in this channel again until it is clear.12:11
=== walkingvagabond is now known as zergut
etfbikonia: It looks like you *do* need to read, because you just accused me of discussing a topic that is the diametric opposite of what I was talking about.12:11
krababbelalex132: is it a digital output? otherwise analogue 5.1 is impossible on two channels12:11
krababbelalex132: one jack usually is stereo out, some have three channels, look at the male connector and count the plastic rings, they separate the channels12:12
nydelis 12.10 / quantal quetzal beta1 upgrade for wubi pretty stable?12:12
MonkeyDustnydel  #ubuntu+112:12
nydelthanks MonkeyDust12:13
guest-nfBBviok im going to kill myself -.-12:14
guest-nfBBvii changed root password but i still cant log on administrator12:14
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elaminatothen type ./kill :D12:15
bazhangguest-nfBBvi, there is no root password enabled12:15
ikoniaguest-nfBBvi: 1.) the root password should not be set 2.) the administrator account is a different account from root12:15
gordonjcpguest-nfBBvi: never do that12:15
bazhang!behelpful | elaminato12:15
ubottuelaminato: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.12:15
gordonjcpguest-nfBBvi: you shouldn't have a root password set12:15
alex132it is analog and there are 2 rings , I will use digital as soon as I will buy the cable for it ,I hoped that if there is working in windows 7 it will work somehow in ubuntu also ,it is not a big problem I still have sound but I would like to be able to configure subwofer also12:16
guest-nfBBvigordonjcp: my friend minstalled linux on my laptop. i created a new user which is shown as admininstrator at user accounts12:17
guest-nfBBviwhen i turn on my laptop12:17
guest-nfBBviim entering my password12:17
guest-nfBBviand i get some flashes12:18
guest-nfBBvithen everything goes back to main log in screen12:18
ludwig_what you mean by "flashes" ?12:18
guest-nfBBviand i cant enter my user12:18
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BluesKajalex132, does your speaker system have a digital controller with coax ot optical inputs?12:20
guest-nfBBviludwig_: look, i turned on laptop. First of all it shows me the log in menu for my own user and guest user12:21
guest-nfBBvii hit my own user, and it should log in into my user yes?12:21
krababbelalex132: two rings would be three channels, that is usuall used on systems with only two jacks, so two jacks would have 2x3=6 channels. On Windows my audiochip has a driver which can do virtual surround over stereo output, that is not 5.1. On ubuntu what you see in pavucontrol is the physical config, and for me even in windows it is set to stereo, or headphones, and the virtual surround is a different setting. On linux, the media12:21
gordonjcpguest-nfBBvi: I'm not sure why you would create a user called "administrator", what's the thinking behind that?12:21
guest-nfBBvibut, when i hit log in, i see some monitor black screen flashes and it just drops me back to users panel12:22
guest-nfBBviMy user is named Zilw312:22
guest-nfBBviand its administrator12:22
guest-nfBBvion user accounts12:22
alex132I don't know if this will help but this is my system http://www.superior-online.eu/en/dynasite.cfm?dsmid=7379&page=1&recordID=166893&category=7812:29
rabbi1wifi doesn't work in new installation of 12.04 Desktop on Lenovo Y410 laptop....12:30
MonkeyDust!wifi| rabbi1 start here12:31
ubotturabbi1 start here: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:31
CommaCrazyquestion, I have a colleague that is using ubuntu and has a problem where every so often he can't open a website and as soon as I restart his interface with ifconfig eth0 down and then up the site works again on that comp12:48
aQuteanyone who has worked with julius ?12:50
BluesKajCommaCrazy, run sudo dhclient eth0 on his pc12:50
dipoleCommaCrazy: When that happens other sites quit working too or only one site?12:54
CommaCrazyit's a fixed ip address12:54
CommaCrazyonly that site does not work12:54
dipoleCommaCrazy: have you tried pinging or a traceroute to the site while it's unreachable?12:55
CommaCrazyyes I have12:55
BluesKajalex132, we need more specifications , likr input capabilities etc , that site doesn't tell us much12:55
CommaCrazyno traceroute and no ping12:55
dipoleCommaCrazy, netstat -nr before and after the failure to see if it has to do with a missing route?12:56
CommaCrazywill try dipole12:57
regiomusikj"m  sophie12:57
rabbi1MonkeyDust: downloaded the driver and installed but still, wireless -> firmware missing ... any suggestion ?13:00
Braden`I accidentally deleted lib* in my /lib directory13:02
Braden`Is there a way to redownload those?13:02
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kelvinellahello all, is there a way to install whatsapp in ubuntu?13:04
dipolekelvinella, not that i know of!13:05
CommaCrazykelvinella, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCVQitHByZQ13:05
CommaCrazyBraden`, do you know which libs13:06
Braden`I have the list saved13:07
CommaCrazyso just download lib by lib and put it in that folder og go to another ubuntu machine and copy them to yours if the libs are the same13:08
rabbi1downloaded the driver and installed but still, wireless -> firmware missing ... any suggestion ?13:08
kelvinellainstall android in xubuntu?  is it possible?13:09
CommaCrazyrabbi1, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161011313:09
esak4register ?13:09
kelvinellai have a netbook from 4 years ago, running xubuntu, is it possible to run android in ubuntu ?13:10
dr_willisandroooid is an os.13:10
dr_willisyou can run the x86 android in vbox13:10
dr_willisthersa also x86 android for netbooks13:11
CommaCrazyit is possible to run android emulator13:11
BoreeasHow do I translate a hexadecimal colorcode to something I can use as a bash escape code in .bashrc?13:14
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dr_willisbash has the ansi escape codes. but it dosent to just any color. i belive13:14
dr_willistldp.org used to have some bash color howtos i recall ages ago.13:15
dr_willis'bash ansi color codes' may give some good hits on a search engine also13:15
BoreeasGreat, thanks13:16
dr_willisi had a example ages ago that put all the escape codes into easy to use variables like $RED and $BLUE13:17
dr_williscame from the bash prompt howto or abs guide i imagine13:18
dr_willishttp://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/x329.html   shows sows some examples13:19
guest-anUDoNhelp me out please ;/13:24
jrib!here | guest-anUDoN13:24
ubottuguest-anUDoN: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com13:24
guest-anUDoNHey guys. Im new on linux system and i think now im screwed. Today i tried to instal some hybrid video card and i think this **** made some problems for me. After all that stuff i used unity -- reset. And guess what? Now i cant enter my User. Firstly, when i turn on my laptop it shows me the menu with the users right? First one is mine user account named "Zilw3". It has administrator privilegies.. When i enter password for this user it should log in13:25
guest-anUDoNinto my user and everything should work good, but, when i hit enter, my monitor flashes with some black colour and throws me back into Users panel to select user. Atm i can use only guest user. So this is my problem.13:25
jribguest-anUDoN: have you tried just creating a new user?13:25
Braden`How do I search for packages that I have installed?13:26
jribBraden`: use apt-cache or dpkg -l13:26
Braden`jrib:  What parm for apt-cache?13:26
jribBraden`: if you give an example of what you want to do, I can be more specific13:27
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Braden`jrib search for a package containing the file libproc*13:27
_val_Hey there. after booting, I'm getting  (initramfs)  I've fixed this problem once byt  set rootfs=(hd0,msdos01)13:27
guest-anUDoNjrib: like how?13:27
_val_or something like this but can't figure it out. Anyone?13:27
jribguest-anUDoN: reboot, choose recovery mode, get a root shell, enter the command « adduser name_of_your_new_user_here », then to give the new user admin rights, « adduser name_of_new_user_here admin »13:28
jribBraden`: you would need to use apt-file or http://packages.ubuntu.com to search for *files* inside packages13:28
jribBraden`: apt-file search libproc13:29
jrib!find libproc13:29
ubottuFound: libproc-dev, libproc-waitstat-perl, libproc-background-perl, libproc-daemon-perl, libproc-fork-perl, libproc-invokeeditor-perl, libproc-pid-file-perl, libproc-processtable-perl, libproc-reliable-perl, libproc-simple-perl (and 4 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libproc&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all13:29
ocxis AHCI supported in ubuntu12? i dont see to find mySATA disks when trying to install13:29
Braden`Thank you13:32
robyourselfStop legalised financial thugs!! No To Austerity!!13:35
Braden`Got all of them restored13:36
Braden`Thank you to those who advise me! :)13:36
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_val_guys. Could someone provide some help to rescue from initramfs.13:37
_val_I don't remember anymore how to goot the kernel.  set root=(hd0,msdos1) something like this?13:38
BluesKajocx, I have 2 sata drives (one external) and they were recognized during the install , look here  http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man4/ahci.4freebsd.html13:39
Absolute0I have ubuntu-server running as a virtualbox guest. I am able to ssh to it, but when I try accessing it through the browser with port 5000, it doesn't respond. I tried running `sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d 0/0 -s 0/0 --dport 5000 -j ACCEPT`, but that didn't help.13:41
ikoniaAbsolute0: whats running on port 500013:42
Absolute0ikonia: a web server13:43
Absolute0a development web server, to be exact13:43
ikoniaAbsolute0: ok, so from localhost can you telnet localhost 50013:43
jribAbsolute0: flask?13:44
tanguy__comment ca vas13:45
jrib!fr | tanguy__13:45
ubottutanguy__: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:45
tanguy__merci je vien d'arriver13:45
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Absolute0jrib: correct13:48
jribAbsolute0: you're aware that by default, the server isn't externally accessible?13:48
Absolute0jrib: I am not, let me look at the options13:49
jribAbsolute0: you can either (1) just use ssh port forwarding or (2) change your call to app.run() so that it becomes externally accessible.  I'd probably prefer (1)13:50
Absolute0jrib: I am already using ssh forwarding, but it's annoying to do that on every VM where I test the app.13:51
wubinohow do I find where grub is installed?13:52
KyleYankanHey Ubuntu - quick question. I tried to set up VNC on my desktop - but now everytime I log into my desktop, it pulls up a broken X session. No toolsbars, desktop, jsut a terminal window. What file do I need to fix?13:52
wubinoI am trying to upgrade but not sure where to install the new version13:52
jribAbsolute0: as long as you're sure only the computers you want can actually access the server (because of a firewall or closed network), then (2) should be ok too13:52
Absolute0jrib: do you know how to do that from the manager?13:52
Absolute0I mean Flask-Script13:52
Absolute0I'll look into it, thanks!13:52
jribAbsolute0: I don't.  I think you call "app.run(" (or something).  It's in the docs13:53
jribAbsolute0: app.run(host='') apparently instead of the usual app.run()13:53
Absolute0jrib: python manage.py runserver -t
kelvinellaso is there a better way to send msg to whatsapp in ubuntu?13:56
dr_willisKyleYankan:  what vnc server are you using?13:58
newziHey Guys whats going on?13:58
newziI have a issue, When I shutdown or reboot ubuntu, I get stuck at the bootup screen13:59
newzianyone know a fix?13:59
dr_willisyou mean it failt to reboot? or fails yo boot the second time14:00
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newzidr_willis: It fails to shutdown / reboot14:00
newzidr_willis: Startup is fine14:00
u-k4kwqHello Everyone14:01
u-k4kwqdoes this channel support ultimate edition 3.414:02
dr_willisu-k4kwq:  no. only official ubuntu/variants14:02
u-k4kwqthis is a lte edition of ubuntu14:03
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newzidr_willis: Do you know how to execute a command at boot?14:03
dr_willisu-k4kwq:  no. only official ubuntu/variants   its not an official variant14:03
dr_willisultimate edition lasted i looked was not 'light'14:03
u-k4kwqdo you know any irc channel that support it14:03
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition14:03
dr_willisnewzi:  boot, or login14:03
=== Noob is now known as Guest60274
newzidr_willis: Boot, It disables ICMP replys14:04
dr_willischeck the distros homepage14:04
cdavisHow do I get a CPU monitor in the notification area on 12.04?14:05
CTLwmcdavis: sudo apt-get install conky14:05
dr_willissilly irc client i got keeps crahsing on nick completion.. ;()14:06
cdavisCTLwm: thanks, but conky isn't what I am looking for14:06
CTLwmcdavis: you mean in the taskbar?14:06
dr_willisaskubuntu.com has a large list of indicator-applets cdavis14:07
dr_willisseveral cpu monitor ones14:07
cdavisCTLwm: yes. I am embarassed to say I can't seem to figure out how to add anythign to the task bar14:07
newzidr_willis: Any clue?14:08
newzidr_willis: init.d?14:08
dr_willisnewzi:  with what? my client crashed.14:08
newzidr_willis: Adding a command to execute at boot14:08
dr_willisdepends on the command and what its doing14:08
CTLwmcdavis: are you  using unity?14:09
newziecho 1 > a file14:09
cdavisCTLwm: yes14:09
blubeehey is there anyone here have an idea what could be wrong with my setup, everytime i restart my computer i get greeted with this : http://screencloud.net/v/cgB914:10
dr_willisnewzi:  rc.local  may be what you need14:10
blubeebasically a full screen terminal emulator and the additional devices dialog loads, i check my startup applicaations and they are not in there, where else could this setting be that i can check to make sure?14:10
CTLwmcdavis: http://askubuntu.com/questions/29757/what-can-replace-system-monitoring-in-the-top-gnome-panel-in-unity14:10
newzidr_willis: Thanks Heaps :D14:10
=== Guest96629 is now known as mattkruse
Nicholas24042859Hi is anyone available?14:12
KyleYankanWhat's the best way to found out my sound card's input device? A program is trying to access /dev/dsp, but it doesnt exist14:12
Nicholas24042859i have a small question about ubuntu server as a router and vpn14:12
CTLwmNicholas24042859: yes14:12
dr_willisKyleYankan:  what program?14:12
Nicholas24042859the server can access the network on the other end of the vpn14:12
CTLwmNicholas24042859: you want to deploy OpenVPN or PPTP VPN?14:12
KyleYankandr_willis: soundmodem14:12
Nicholas24042859@CTLwm: it's pptp14:12
BoreeasSo, to clean up the color escapes in my .bashrc, I tried to stick the actual escapes in variables and then reference them with ${COLORNAME}: http://pastebin.com/Eixu2nk5 However, the prompt looks like this instead: \[\e\[00;33m\][\[\e[01;36m\]user@host?~]→14:12
BoreeasWhy are the color codes not replaced?14:13
dr_willis!find soundmodem14:13
ubottuFound: soundmodem14:13
dr_willis!info soundmodem14:13
ubottusoundmodem (source: soundmodem): Sound Card Amateur Packet Radio Modems. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.16-1build1 (precise), package size 165 kB, installed size 440 kB14:13
Nicholas24042859@CTLwm: the connection works ok and the server can access the network on the vpn but my dhcp clients, the rest of the network connected locally to the server can't access the vpn network14:13
theadminBoreeas: Why not use "tput setf" instead of that?14:13
BoreeasBecause I didn't know that14:14
KyleYankandr_willis: It listens to a radio via soundcard and interprets digital transmissions.14:14
CTLwmNicholas24042859: Are you using pptpd?14:14
dr_willisBoreeas:  to many nested quotes or not enough when exposring the variable14:14
theadminBoreeas: As for the actual question, single-quoted strings aren't mutable, your PS1 is in single quotes.14:14
Nicholas24042859@CTLwm: yes. I think so :)14:14
dr_willisbbl. school time14:15
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/14:15
=== dpac|away is now known as dpac
Nicholas24042859@CTLwm: the whole connection was made through command line...it's weird because the server has access to the resources behind the vpn just fine...it's just the local machines connected to the server (from which they get ip's) can't access them14:16
CTLwmNicholas24042859: are you accessing your PPTP VPN through Linux Distro? i.e. using a Linux client; like gnome-network-manager?14:16
Nicholas24042859@CTLwm: yes through an Ubuntu server machine14:16
CTLwmNicholas24042859: Confirm us you have followed this - http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net/howto-debian.phtml14:17
newziShit, IRC is all plain text14:18
rihen_how can i change the background of my login screen in gnome 3.4> (server ubuntu 12.04lts)14:18
newzianyone use SSL?14:18
newzirihen_: I wanna know that aswell14:19
newzi!who newzi14:19
gordonjcprihen_: if you change your desktop background, the login screen background should change too14:19
IngEliasEy guys I have ubuntu 11.10, sound was perfect but now doesnt work14:20
IngElias HDA Intel PCH14:20
L3topwhat changed IngElias?14:21
IngEliasThe last I changed i think was installing and then removing osdlyrics14:21
L3toplspci -nnk | grep -i audio -A314:23
Nicholas24042859@CTLwm: Yes. but right now I'm stuck on routing it seems. I'm going to try again using the LAN to LAN configuration14:23
Boreeastheadmin: Ah, thanks. I didn't know that single vs double quotes had any difference14:23
Nicholas24042859@CTLwm: I'll be right back. Thank you for your help.14:23
IngElias00:1b.0 Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller [8086:1c20] (rev 04)14:23
IngEliasSubsystem: Holco Enterprise Co, Ltd/Shuttle Computer Device [1297:2020]14:23
IngEliasKernel driver in use: HDA Intel14:23
IngEliasKernel modules: snd-hda-intel14:23
L3tophmm... I would expect that was working... I assume nothing is muted in alsamixer IngElias14:24
CTLwmNicholas24042859: I used PPTPD long back. Now I run OpenVPN server; much better in my opinion. Well here is a helpful link for you - http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net/howto-diagnosis.phtml14:24
IngEliasIs all 100%, hardware works because I proved it in w714:24
designbybeckI'm back to hunting Laptops, boss said it is now or ever if I wanted one. How about this for running Ubuntu? http://www.pasteall.org/3543414:26
MonkeyDustdesignbybeck  not in this channel, please14:26
designbybeckIt is about Ubuntu Linux14:26
designbybeckWhat good is asking about Ubuntu if you don't have a computer to run it on14:27
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:27
L3topIngElias: 100% is different than mute. Do you have an /etc/asound.conf file? (this is probably a pulse audio problem. I do not use or allow use of pulse cause... of this)14:27
jribdesignbybeck: just check for issues with the wireless and the video card.  Everything else should be fine14:29
IngEliasi dont have /etc/asound.conf14:29
designbybeckthank you jrib14:30
L3topIngElias: is this analog or digital output? How is it physically connected?14:30
L3topIngElias: please pastebin the output of sudo aplay -l14:30
IngElias**** Lista de PLAYBACK dispositivos hardware ****14:31
usr13designbybeck: I think that wireless card is ok.14:31
IngEliastarjeta 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], dispositivo 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog]14:31
IngElias  Subdispositivos: 1/114:31
IngElias  Subdispositivo #0: subdevice #014:31
IngEliastarjeta 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], dispositivo 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]14:31
IngElias  Subdispositivos: 1/114:31
FloodBot1IngElias: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:31
L3top!pastebin | IngElias14:31
ubottuIngElias: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:31
L3topIngElias: I got what I need, but in the future dont flood the chan.14:31
IngEliassorry im new using linux14:31
IngEliasand xchat14:32
designbybeckthank you usr1314:32
L3topNo problem... we all learn at some point.14:32
IngEliasi will not happen again14:32
L3topIngElias: so how is this connected to speakers? Analog, HDMI, laptop speakers... etc14:32
IngEliasyes, laptop speakers, i tried to use headphones but still doesnt work14:33
usr13designbybeck: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog/category/WIRELESS/14:34
jacky007Can i use Remastersys created image on USB ?14:35
L3topIngElias: please pastebin the output of tail /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf14:35
L3topyes jacky00714:36
Nicholas24042859@CTLwm: I'm looking at this command right here "iptables --insert OUTPUT 1 --source  --destination --jump ACCEPT --out-interface ppp0" and i'm trying to figure out where this should go...is this in filter? nat? or mangle?14:37
jacky007will it work ?  i want to configure my backtrack 5 r2 .After make some changes in it , i want to put it back on my USB . Can i do that with the help of unebootin ?14:37
L3topjacky007: ubuntu has a native tool Startup Disk Creator which it will work with, or unetbootin will work as well.14:37
Sidney__how do I create a list of files on my nas14:37
L3topbacktrack is not supported here14:37
jacky007L3top: i want to use it as LIVE USB  : )14:38
L3topThen do it. I cannot tell you how well remastersys will work with backtrack.14:38
L3topnor can I troubleshoot problems you encounter.14:38
Morten_Hi, what is the best way, to setup ssh between two machines, so you don't need password?14:39
llutzMorten_: key without passphrases, which is a security-issue, be aware of this14:40
L3topI am afraid this is looking more and more like a pulse audio problem... and I don't play with pulse I am afraid IngElias.14:40
AR__you simply make a use without password14:40
L3topYou can setup a shared key...14:40
llutzAR__: thats even more a security-nightmare14:40
IngEliaswhat means a pulse audio problem?14:40
Morten_I thought of something like, ssh-keygen .. something like: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2008/11/3-steps-to-perform-ssh-login-without-password-using-ssh-keygen-ssh-copy-id/14:40
usr13IngElias: Want to do a couple tests?14:40
IngEliasyes tell me14:41
usr13IngElias: aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*14:41
usr13IngElias: Tell us if you get errors?14:41
L3topIngElias: Pulse audio is a layer over alsa which allows "easy" configuration which I find so prone to error I refuse to deal with it.14:41
IngEliasnothing sounds14:41
usr13IngElias: What do you see on the screen though?14:42
usr13IngElias: Does it appear to be playing sounds?  Or is it giving errors?14:42
L3topIngElias: does this produce sound? sudo speaker-test -c 2 -t sine -l 1 -D hw:0,014:42
keithxhow to write an application to the google travel grants14:43
IngEliasits seams to work but nothing happens, see http://paste.ubuntu.com/1218730/14:43
keithxany one has any idea?14:43
L3topThat is not really an ubuntu support question keithx.14:44
IngEliasalso nothing14:44
L3topBut it appears to be trying correct IngElias?14:44
usr13IngElias: pkill pulseaudio ; rm -r ~/.pulse* #And test again14:44
IngEliasno errors14:44
L3toplisten to usr13.14:44
IngEliasthe same, no errors but doesnt sound nothing14:45
usr13IngElias: alsamixer  #See that channels are turned up, not muted.  Particularly PCM14:46
IngEliasi mean doesnt sound anything (sorry for my poor english)14:46
usr13IngElias: alsamixer14:46
usr13IngElias: Turn everything up14:46
L3topIngElias: and make sure nothing says "M" or "MM" at the bottom.14:47
usr13IngElias: Right and left arrows will take you channel to channel.  Up arrow will turn up.  M will toggle mute on or off.14:47
IngEliaslol, it works now but wtf is PCM? Maestro was full14:47
usr13IngElias: Ok. very good.  What did you turn up?14:47
usr13IngElias: You only needed to turn up PCM?14:48
IngEliasw8 no PCM was 100%, speaker was 0%14:48
Ihsan_Hello, I just set up my notebook with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. After install I also installed Gnome 3, I don't like gnome 3 actually , so I chose to use Gnome Classic from the login screen. I got a little problem. I cant get the clock set. I set it up for 24-hours clock but it still stays AM or PM, does someone know a fix for this or something? I would really appreciate :)14:48
usr13Pulse Code Modulation14:49
L3topPCM stands for pulse code modulation... but you said previously when I asked about alsamixer that _EVERYTHING_ was at 100%14:49
* L3top thwaps14:49
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usr13Ihsan_: Use Custom14:49
=== AR__ is now known as AR_
Ihsan_Custom? Is that a program or a setting? Could you pleae provide where I shold look at, since im pretty new tot his :)14:50
IngEliasSorry L3top, i misunderstood you, i'm very very new at Ubuntu and also Linux14:50
IngEliasThank u guys14:50
L3top:)np :)14:50
usr13IngElias: NP14:50
IngEliasU're awesome, and Linux is awesome too i have to lunch greeting from Argentina :)14:51
seumas_Dead Parakeets14:52
seumas_good mourning :)14:53
seumas_1600 peoples and not one is chatting....14:55
voozeEvery so often the GUI, sound and ALL freezes for 1-2 secounds and then comes back.. and it can happen every 1 min. sometimes.. Anyone have any idea which log i should check? (ubuntu 12.04 unity) and Nvidia driver14:56
seumas_sorry dude wish i could help you14:56
seumas_this is all new to me14:56
usr13vooze: tail -f /var/log/messages14:57
usr13vooze: Or htop14:57
seumas_I've been having issues after compiling Lubuntu that works fine till the computer gets rebooted14:58
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usr13vooze: ... and see what pops to top of list ... (htop)14:58
usr13seumas_: And _______________________ ?14:58
seumas_the whole install is screwed up and haywire14:59
usr13seumas_: Define "screwed up and haywire".14:59
seumas_so I switched back to 10.0414:59
seumas_with gnome]14:59
seumas_it's just not stable15:00
usr13seumas_: How did you do that?  You re-installed?15:00
kalakouentinhello, I just install 12.04 and I am using Gnome classic, I can't find an obvious way to change the theme so I can have the close button on the upper right corner of each window (in general I can't find how to edit window border properties) any idea anyone?15:00
seumas_yeah I tried lubuntu like 5 times with the same results15:00
aSHKaNwb khan15:00
voozeusr13: will try htop :) just happend but was too slow to open htop again and nothing seems unnormal15:01
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seumas_I was trying to get this 12 year old desktop with an AMD Athlon classic and 1 gig of ram functional again15:02
usr13kalakouentin: gconf-editor  See:  http://www.ntlug.org/Articles/CustomizeUbuntu #And scroll down near bottom.15:02
usr13vooze: seumas_ Try xubuntu15:03
seumas_not too much a fan of xforce15:03
usr13vooze: seumas_ sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop15:03
usr13seumas_: Ok, then fix what you have.15:03
seumas_ok thanks15:03
flan_suseI'm getting video tearing on an Intel HD 4000 in VLC. Is there any way to fix this? Everything I read online says it's a "video driver issue".15:03
seumas_I might just put slackware on this thing and call it good15:04
bazhangseumas_, then lubuntu is probably what you would need to consider lxde/openbox15:05
seumas_lxde kept giving me problems with this hardware15:05
seumas_when running lubintu15:05
usr13seumas_: Which is it? You have hardware issue?  Or you have problem with your Desktop Environment?15:06
mneptokseumas_: it's "XFCE" and not "xforce" (X-Force is a Marvel superhero team) :)15:06
seumas_could be the desktop enviornment15:06
usr13seumas_: You can fix lubuntu and customize it, but you  have to get your hands dirty.15:07
mneptokseumas_: what graphics are in the machine?15:07
slackguruDoes anyone know anything about what is going on with UBUNTU users in conjunction with twitter?15:07
seumas_lubuntu runs fine on my netbook and laptop but for some reason it wont compile and run right on this ancent machine15:07
seumas_I am running an ATI card with 128 megs ddr ram15:08
mneptokseumas_: uh. there's nothing to compile with Lubuntu.15:08
slackguruI thought maybe it was only me until last night I got a strange message from @ubuntuview15:08
ubottuQuantal Quetzal is the codename for Ubuntu 12.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+115:08
seumas_the cereal numbers and model are scratched off15:08
mneptokseumas_: what software are you compiling and why?15:08
slackguruIt appears that ubuntu users are somehow being used for spam tweets relating to "flatter tummys", "diet pills", "ripped abs" and other "health" related spam websites.15:09
seumas_its just an old machine I salvaged to do linux distros and experiment with15:09
slackguruI believe this may be something worthy of the entire UBUNTU communities attention.15:10
mneptokslackguru: this is not the place to discuss such things. this is OS support.15:10
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slackguruI believe this is OS related15:10
k4r1mdoes know anyone know to fix get MS exchange 5.5 working on evolution? or maybe an alternative solution? thunderbird doesn't even let me try to auth15:10
slackguruI believe it is specific to UBUNTU users15:10
mneptokslackguru: it is not a techinical issue with the OS, thus it is offtopic.15:10
pront0k4r1m: Thunderbird doesn't support Exchange does it? That's why people use Evolution15:10
seumas_it's not a thunderbird but an athlon classic15:11
mneptokseumas_: what software are you compiling and why?15:11
slackguruIf there is a back door in one of the packages provided by cannonical that allows someone to exploit something that may be off topic, it is still on topic15:11
usr13slackguru: Spit it out.15:12
mneptokslackguru: it is offtopic. so stop.15:12
k4r1mpront0: I thought it did... regardless it doesn't work and neither does Evolution... any other solutions?15:12
usr13slackguru: /join #ubuntu-offtopic15:12
kalakouentinusr13, sorry I can't seem to locate the options that the writer refers to in that article15:12
mdobhi. Where can I find some real small ubuntu 11.04 for server purposes/15:12
usr13kalakouentin: YOu have gnome classic?  Did you try,  gconf-editor ?15:13
santoshHow to make the "Find Files" lens default?15:13
pront0k4r1m: Evolution is the only Linux software I know of which supports Exchange. Do you have the right Exchange plugin enabled?15:13
mneptok!server > mdob15:13
ubottumdob, please see my private message15:13
k4r1mpront0, I just installed ubuntu so I don't so15:13
slackguruLet's see, I just said I believe that something in the UBUNTU operating system, specific to UBUNTU users may be compromised using the exploitation of twitter as evidence and you tell me I'm off topic? Let's take a vote.15:13
pront0k4r1m: I'd have a look at the settings then. Evolution definitely supports Exchange, it should even work with ancient versions like you're using15:14
mneptoklet's not.15:14
usr13slacker_1l: GIve it up dude.15:14
k4r1mprooz, it gives me an error "The server is running Exchange 5.5. Exchange Connector15:14
k4r1msupports Microsoft Exchange 2000 and 2003 only."15:14
usr13slacker_1l: Sorry, wrong nic15:14
santoshCan anyone tell me how to make the "Find Files" lens default?15:14
kalakouentinno I'll install gconf-editor now15:14
k4r1mand I'm pretty sure the server is not running 5.5.. it's running exchange 201015:15
usr13kalakouentin: Ok15:15
mdob!ubuntu > mdob15:15
ubottumdob, please see my private message15:15
mdobthat's so cool :D15:15
kalakouentinI was using dconf editor15:16
mdobserver uses 2.5 GB of disk space. I need somthing much smaller.15:16
slackguruCome on people, I am asking for your help to track an unknown exploit in the OS, I used twitter as evidence that it exists.15:16
Myrttislackguru: this is a support channel, not a bug hunting channel15:16
mneptokslackguru: drop it, or that kick turns into a ban.15:16
seumas_ok I am installing xubuntu to see if it work :P15:16
Myrttislackguru: please respect that - if you want to discuss it, there are other venues.15:16
usr13!bug | slacker_1l15:16
ubottuslacker_1l: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:16
usr13sorry again slacker_1l15:17
slackgurunot with the knowledge in here there aren't other venues15:17
usr13!bug | slackguru15:17
ubottuslackguru: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:17
kalakouentinusr13, thank you, the button_layout is now changed.15:17
usr13kalakouentin: NP15:17
usr13kalakouentin: That author tells how to customize a number of things.15:18
slackguruI'm a LaunchPad member, I am just at a loss because I can think of one package that couple possibly capture a thread from another package AND a webclient too.15:18
usr13kalakouentin: ... that are not totally evident.15:18
slackguruSorry to bother you all with this "off-topic" stuff.15:19
usr13slacker_1l: What package?15:20
bazhangusr13, he's gone15:20
usr13slacker_1l: Sorry again.  Yea, bazhang tnx15:20
=== gus2 is now known as ron2
mdobany ideas how to lighten system?15:25
alecbI have a Realtek RTL8188CE wifi card and I have connectivity issues with public wifi networks (works for a few minutes, then disconnects, can't reconnect until after reboot). wat do?15:25
mneptokmdob: the question lacks the requisite specificity to form a meaningful answer.15:25
bazhangmdob, try a different DE15:25
flan_susealecb: What version of Ubuntu?15:26
bazhangmdob such as lubuntu15:26
mdobubuntu 11.04 server15:26
mneptokmdob: you asked about a server. install the server edition.15:26
bazhang!lubuntu > mdob15:26
usr13mdob: What Desktop Environment are you running?15:26
ubottumdob, please see my private message15:26
alecbflan_suse: 12.0415:26
usr13mdob: Sorry....15:26
mneptokmdob: and there is no reason to be installing 11.04.15:26
flan_susealecb: Issue is only with public Wifi?15:26
bazhangmdob, lighter than server? try the minimal and build up15:26
minixvboxmdob: 11.04 support runs out next month15:27
bazhang!minimal | mdob15:27
ubottumdob: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:27
kraetzjaI'm trying to compile something with pthreads, but gcc is complaining about all the posix thread functions not being defined15:27
=== ron2 is now known as gone
kraetzjai have pthread.h included, libc6-dev installed15:27
alecbflan_suse: mostly, I have a feeling it's just that the signal is weaker than for private wifi and this causes the disconnects15:27
kraetzjawtf is wrong15:27
mdobI've just instlled the minimal and it's still over 1 GB15:27
alecbflan_suse: personal wifi where I'm a few feet from the router doesn't seem to be a problem15:27
alecbflan_suse: (ie, it's usable, at least)15:27
flan_susealecu: Possible, yes. Is the system a dual-boot where you can test how well Windows works with the wireless chip?15:27
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k4r1mexchange 2010 anyone?15:28
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minixvboxk4r1m: what sort of a question is that?15:28
compdock4r1m, what about it?15:28
alecbflan_suse: yup, works fine with windows15:29
k4r1mmindstorm, compdoc: how do I get it working haha15:29
mdobI've got my application build on 11.04 and I don't want to change that for the moment.15:29
compdocinstall Windows Server, install Exchange. Done15:29
flan_susealecu: Oh.15:29
mdobI've found something on JeOS what do you think about it?15:30
k4r1mcompdoc, sorry I'm asking about a client that supports exchange 2010 on ubuntu15:30
mneptokk4r1m: for mail and calendar both?15:30
k4r1mafterall this is ubuntu support not M$ support.15:30
dr_willisi thought jeos was dead15:30
minixvboxmdob: derivatives are not supported here, this is just a ubuntu support channel15:30
compdock4r1m, ahh15:31
k4r1mmneptok, it would make my day if I get mail working15:31
dr_willisjeos used to be a ubuntu minim al variant, and official15:31
compdock4r1m, it support smtp and pop3 and IMAP15:31
mneptokk4r1m: just use IMAP15:31
mdobminixvbox: do you know where I can ask about JeOS?15:31
mneptokk4r1m: or this - http://darkircop.org/xdata/15:31
k4r1mmy inbox doesn't have IMAP nor POP3 access15:31
og01k4r1m: also davmail maybe? http://davmail.sourceforge.net/15:31
ubottuJeOS (pronounced "Juice") is Just enough Operating System.  It is an efficient variant of the Ubuntu Server operating system, configured specifically for virtual appliances. See http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/jeos for more information.15:31
minixvboxmdob: never heard of it, try their website15:31
nemikhello. does anyone know how i could get X apps to load from a cgi-bin script?15:32
usr13mdob: There is also dsl15:32
dr_willisjeos i thought is a dead prooject now15:32
flan_susealecu: You can try manually compiling the latest version of the driver, but it'll have to be recompiled after each kernel update. Probablynot worth it.15:32
mdobusr13, I know but not sure if packages are the same as in 11.0415:32
flan_susealecb: I think the driver for rtl8188CE is in staging (rtl8192se).15:32
og01nemik: If you want what i think you want - make sure the DISPLAY enviroment variable is set on the server15:32
k4r1mog01, tried davmail and it doesn't work either.. probably because all the ports are all blocked15:33
usr13nemik: cgi-bin scripts are for a webserver.  Right?15:33
usr13mdob: I don't know, just FYI.15:33
usr13nemik: So, are you talking about web apps?15:33
alecbflan_suse: I've actually already tried this, and it didn't seem to help (though I'm not 100% sure how to check if the compiled version is actually the one being used). I also tried using the Realtek driver15:34
nemikog01: usr13: yes it is an apache cgi-bin bash script. i put DISPLAY=:0 and it is not working15:34
jribnemik: you probably need to investigate xauth and such15:34
usr13nemik: export DISPLAY=:0.015:34
mdobusr13, thanks anyway.15:34
flan_susealecb: Probably not as strong under Linux?15:35
nemikusr13: yes! thank you! i didn't put export, with that it works great.15:35
nemikthank you very much15:35
flan_susealecu: I think i used to have a laptop with the same wireless card, but the signal was strong.15:35
ubottum1k1: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:35
alecbflan_suse: not as strong under linux? I'm trying to use the same wifi from the same location in both windows and linux, if that's what you mean15:36
flan_susealecu: The Windows driver may be superior for the same chipset.15:38
k4r1manything else, anyone?15:38
bazhangk4r1m, for what15:38
akupediano idea15:38
flan_susealecu: Assuming you get weaker signals under Linux, but not Windows.15:38
alecbflan_suse: I think I remember seeing something that would let you use the windows driver from linux? could/should I try that?15:38
k4r1mbazhang, looking for a way to get exchange 2010 mail working on ubuntu >.<15:38
alecuflan_suse: you probably mean "alecb", not me!15:38
k4r1mno IMAP nor POP315:38
bazhangflan_suse, try tab complete. it's alecb not alecu15:38
bazhangapologies alecu15:39
alecuno prob!15:39
usr13k4r1m: Are you using evolution?15:40
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k4r1musr13: seems to only support 200-200715:40
k4r1mtried it numerous times with no luck, it just kept crashing or telling me version 5.5 is not support which is like exchange 199815:41
flan_suseOh, whoops.15:41
flan_susealecb: Yeah, it's called ndiswrapper.15:41
k4r1mI really thought there would be proper support for exchange 2010 on linux... Do I really have to run vm to get this crap working?15:42
zykotick9k4r1m: exchange is MS prioritary "email" and your surprised it doesn't work....15:42
tomreynk4r1m: the crap is outside of your ubuntu system in this case.15:43
Queops Hello! https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/postfix.html => Configuring SASL, I can't find what it wants me to edit on /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf15:43
bazhanghttp://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/06/how-to-install-microsoft-office-suite-2010-in-ubuntu-12-04-using-wine-1-5/    k4r1m read this15:43
usr13k4r1m: From the research I just did, it appears to work.15:44
k4r1mi'm not saying it's ubuntu's vault.. all I'm saying there has to be other users facing the same problem and a lot of them and there is should be software to get it working15:44
bazhangusr13, it does, with wine15:44
flan_susealecb: A tool to help you do it is called: ndisgtk15:44
k4r1myeah it install with wine I tried it but outlook doesn't work, just crashes15:44
usr13bazhang: I see.15:44
bazhangk4r1m, then check th e LINK i just gave you15:44
flan_susealecu: You can download it from the repository. It's known as "Windows Wireless Drivers" in your menu.15:44
k4r1mbazhang, alright I'll try that it looks a little different15:45
bazhangk4r1m, it works perfectly fine with wine15:45
alecbflan_suse: mhm, reading through https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper15:45
tomreynQueops: are you on ubuntu 12.04 then?15:46
Queopstomreyn: correct15:46
usr13k4r1m: http://www.petenetlive.com/KB/Article/0000378.htm15:46
k4r1mbazhang, I'll report back in  a few thanks15:46
flan_susealejandr1: ndisgtk (aka: Windows Wireless Drivers) is a user-friendly GUI method.15:46
flan_suseI mean... alecb.15:46
Queopstomreyn: seems there are new config files (yay!....) if you could help me set this up I would appreciate it15:46
guest-wOaf7ehey guys. i need some help. i think ive done something i shouldnt and now i cant access all my files which are on my user. atm im using guest user, so nothing in terminal works for me15:47
usr13bazhang: What I'm seeing is that you can get native evolution to work.15:47
bazhangguest-wOaf7e, did what15:47
tomreynQueops: so is the dovecot configuration file not available a /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf ? or are you unable to locate the "auth default" section in it?15:47
k4r1musr13: I read that page earlier... ended up with evolution crashing15:47
usr13k4r1m: O15:47
bazhangusr13, ok. I saw the wine solution15:47
tomreynQueops: new config files? as nin newer than which ones, and where are those?15:47
guest-wOaf7eare there any ways to get permissions to open root directory and copy my files?15:47
minixvboxguest-wOaf7e: weren't you told earlier to backup your stuff because you can log in via tty15:47
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bazhangguest-wOaf7e, what did you do exactly. please give details15:48
guest-wOaf7ehow to backup in tty?15:48
usr13bazhang: k4r1m Ok well if you can get it to work under wine, you should be good to go.15:48
k4r1mlet me give evolution another try and if it doesn't work ill try that wine office guide15:48
minixvbox!tty | guest-wOaf7e15:48
ubottuguest-wOaf7e: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.15:48
guest-wOaf7ebazhang: ive installed some kind of amd drivers and then my laptop suddenly crashed Oo15:49
bazhangguest-wOaf7e, backup home? or what precisely. please be very clear15:49
Queopstomreyn: dovecot-core (1:2.0.19-0ubuntu2) just said that it created a lot of new version of config files15:49
Queopstomreyn: and no theres nothing there related to socket listen15:49
bazhangguest-wOaf7e, installed from where. why not start in recovery mode then15:49
usr13bazhang: k4r1m All that I see is pretty old.  So I don't know.  I've really not  worked through that problem myself.15:50
Queopstomreyn: the file still exists though15:50
usr13k4r1m: Ok, there you go.15:50
bazhangk4r1m, no cursing here15:50
minixvbox!language | k4r1m15:50
ubottuk4r1m: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:50
guest-wOaf7ebazhang: im new on linux15:50
guest-wOaf7ebazhang:  so its kinda difficult for me with all those recovery modes15:50
bazhangguest-wOaf7e, installed the drivers from where15:50
guest-wOaf7ebazhang: or tty15:50
guest-wOaf7eon amd radeon web pages15:51
bazhangguest-wOaf7e, you're not answering my question15:51
minixvboxguest-wOaf7e: get a livecd/usb then and copy your files15:51
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guest-wOaf7eminivbox about the tty?15:52
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guest-wOaf7eminixvbox: how i can backup in tty15:52
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k4r1mI'm going on a victory lap around the office, thanks guys!15:53
usr13guest-wOaf7e: Is this just a display problem?15:53
guest-wOaf7enot only display15:53
guest-wOaf7ei cant enter my own user15:53
guest-wOaf7eand cant access all my files/folders15:53
usr13guest-wOaf7e: Have you forgotten the password?15:53
bazhangguest-wOaf7e, installing video drivers would not hvae that effect15:53
guest-wOaf7ebazhang: im telling you, im new on linux -.-15:54
minixvboxusr13: yes, he is having a display problem, he can't login because it throws him back to the login screen but guest account works fine15:54
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guest-wOaf7eyour right!15:54
usr13guest-wOaf7e: You might just do:  mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak15:54
bazhangguest-wOaf7e, please tell us where you got the drivers from, exactly15:54
minixvboxguest-wOaf7e: you were on earlier and i remember15:54
guest-wOaf7eand i want to fix it15:54
usr13guest-wOaf7e: sudo15:54
usr13guest-wOaf7e: You might just do: sudo  mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak15:55
guest-wOaf7ein tty?15:55
killer_sometimes when i close my laptop lid n opens after sometime ....then ....screen remains blank .....tty's work though...n i have to close it using power button which sometimes cause data loss15:55
guest-wOaf7eminixvbox: yea, im here for like whole day and cant find the solution to repair this shit lol15:55
_XMENDEShy guys.. any method to wath netflix dyscovery?15:56
minixvbox!language | guest-wOaf7e15:56
ubottuguest-wOaf7e: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:56
usr13killer_: How much RAM do you have?15:56
minixvbox_XMENDES: netflix uses silverlight so no15:56
killer_2 gb :usr1315:56
usr13killer_: How large is your swap partition?15:56
_XMENDESand using virtual machine?15:56
killer_3.6 gb swap :usr1315:56
usr13killer_: Ok.15:57
dr_willisnetflix on windows in vbox works15:57
_XMENDESi read on web, about android vm.15:57
killer_i have set do nothin on lid close :usr1315:57
dr_williseasier to go get a roku15:57
minixvbox_XMENDES: sure, but a whole windows vm just for netflix sounds overkill15:57
zak_what mplayer command shall i use to extract a 356kbps mp3 file  from an .mp4 video ?15:57
bane_Hi, there, can ny one tell me a good downloader for ubnutu15:57
_XMENDESyep :/15:57
bane_something on the lines of IDM for windows?15:57
usr13killer_: If you do Ctrl-F6 and then Ctrl-F7  does it recover?15:57
leaftwigHow do I play 3 sound files continually simultaneously?15:58
_XMENDESthe android VM works on netflix?15:58
zykotick9zak_: you can use mplayer to dump to WAV (then encode the WAV) with "mplayer -vo null -ao pcm foo"15:58
usr13leaftwig: with ______________ ?15:58
usr13leaftwig: play file1 file2 file315:58
Queopstomreyn: no luck understanding it as well?15:58
usr13leaftwig: or:  mplayer file1 file2 file315:58
_XMENDESanyone did test this ?15:58
usr13leaftwig: Oh, you want to play them at the same time?15:59
tomreynQueops: i'm getting sidetracked, sorry15:59
usr13_XMENDES: What?15:59
dr_willis_XMENDES:  vbox + winxp works.  no idea on android.  i would doubt it15:59
leaftwiguh huh :316:00
_XMENDESon wine it works???16:00
leaftwigcan i open multiple terminals and set sox to repeat and continually play my favorite noises? :D :D :D16:00
bane_any IDM equivalent for ubuntu?16:00
_XMENDESi gonna try on wine16:00
Queopstomreyn: basically what i understand so far is that dovecot.conf still exists but so do other 16 other config files lol16:00
akishi all. how can i restore message and sound indicator in my panel?16:00
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dr_willis_XMENDES:  netflix in wine is a no..16:00
theadminbane_: gwget, jdownloader, kget16:00
_XMENDESnetflix gonna loose a lot users because this issue.16:01
theadmin_XMENDES: It's not their issue... They're not "losing" any users, their users never used Linux in the first place.16:01
dr_willis_XMENDES:  they havent so far....16:02
usr13_XMENDES: They never had me....16:02
akisi find. its indicator lugin.16:02
dr_willisif i want netflix, i fire up my boxeebox, or the roku16:02
aaa801I converted my root partition to btrfs and now i get error mounting / on boot, when droping to the recovery shell /dev/sda1 (the btrfs) partition is mounted on / and is accessable16:02
aaa801Any ideas?16:02
_XMENDESi dont understand.. my wdtv live use unix OS. and works.16:02
tomreynQueops: please post the output of the command where it reported that, as well as your current dovecot.conf to a !pastebin16:02
killer_what does ctrl-f6 do ..?16:02
bane_any one can help me??16:03
bazhangbane_, with what16:03
dr_willis_XMENDES:  the port specific clients.16:03
Queopstomreyn: sure thing sec16:03
dr_willisthey port..16:03
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:03
theadminaaa801: Your filesystem in /etc/fstab may be misspecified.16:04
skorasaurushi, I have an acer aspire 5560, w/ amd radeon 6520g gfx card. I currently have ffglrx installed but my system is often sluggish. How can I speed it up (besides a new gfx card, natch) ?16:04
aaa801theadmin: Nope its specified correctly16:04
dr_willisskorasaurus: depeds on what you do with it16:04
Queopstomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1218912/16:04
econdudeawesomeHowdy all. Having a hard time installing matlab student version on ubuntu 12.04. Anyone know of a good writeup on why xsetup fails?16:04
killer_do u mean ctrl-alt-f7:usr13?16:05
theadminaaa801: Hm, okay then, not entirely sure what else16:05
rgenitois there anyway i can make Ubuntu recognize that shift+space should also be treated as a space?16:05
aaa801theadmin: looks ok? UUID=fcdab42f-6d80-44b0-a38d-53ef6f38d811 /btrfserrors=remount-ro0116:05
rgenitoits kind of annoying with my style of typing -_-16:05
theadminaaa801: Looks fine16:06
skorasaurusdr_willis: It's often sluggish, when I have multiple windows open in firefox or generally using apps like qgis or gimp. I don't game.16:06
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dr_willisskorasaurus:  more ram, and a ssd hd = big gains16:06
skorasaurusit's a newer system and I don't think it's configured correctly, given that it has 4gb of ram, quad-core amd processor.16:07
dr_willisssd helped my 8gb  pc greatly16:08
rgenito8gb ram?16:08
rgenitodude, ssd's are the shit16:08
bazhangrgenito, no cursing here16:08
ElixirVitaeIs there a lirc tutorial for 12.0416:08
dr_willisssd = 10 sec boot for a $100 investmenttt16:08
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rgenitoi just got a vizio ultrabook. freakin super sweet. almost as sweet as a macbook air16:09
compdocskorasaurus, you using the proprietary video driver?16:09
ElixirVitaeInfrared remote control program I got from software center keeps crashing16:09
rgenitobazhang, my bad...keep forgettin :(16:09
dr_willisrgenito:  less $$$ i bet16:09
tomreynQueops: thanks. looks like this how-to wasn't really written for 12.04 but an older release. you should find the relevant configuration section in /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-auth.conf16:09
rgenitodr_willis, yup, i think $400 less16:09
Queopstomreyn: was exactly my thoughts, that was the first file i checked, there is however nothing similar16:10
rgenitofor ~4 more hours  less battery life and a HORRIBLE track pad... i'll take the $400 price cut :)16:10
skorasaurusfglrx at the moment. 2:8.960-0ubuntu1.116:10
tomreynQueops: if it's not there either it should be in one of these files: /etc/dovecot/conf.d/auth-master.conf.ext /etc/dovecot/conf.d/auth-static.conf.ext /etc/dovecot/conf.d/auth-system.conf.ext16:10
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rgenitothe vizio's screen is 1600x900 too :D16:10
skorasauruswondering if I should do fglrx-updates and if it will improve performance.16:10
popschI have a backup every 30min with 600k files (hard links) on an encrypted external drive with an ext4 fs. Now deleting these takes a long time. Any ideas how I can speed up the clean up (=deleting) process?16:11
Queopstomreyn: is it possible that the guide for 12.10 is being made as we speak and we can take a peek at the "beta" documentation, maybe it changed?16:11
rgenitoand it's running ubuntu. pretty happy with it so far even though the linux world always manages to have 1 pain to get over16:11
gordonjcprgenito: that's true of all OSes ;-)16:11
BrentAnyone running photoshop in virtualbox? Do you see any performance hickups?16:12
Queopstomreyn: sadly it's nowhere on those :\16:12
OerHeksBrent photoshop in wine is sad16:12
rgenitogordonjcp, nah, i'd say it's not true for OSX:)16:12
compdocskorasaurus, many things can slow a pc, like hard drive and the amount of ram, and the speed of the cpu. But video drivers on linux are still often weak. Turn off that driver and use the default Ubuntu drivers. Thats the only driver I use on my servers.16:12
aaa801MHm its not letting me remount the drive as rw, keeps spiting out that / isnt mounted even though i can view it16:12
BrentOerHeks yeah I tried that route and wasnt satisfied either16:13
tomreynQueops: ok, give me 5 minutes, then i'll take a proper look for you. just finishing my pizza :-)16:13
Queopstomreyn: no worries, it's either that or me researching about the socket listen thing16:13
akisdolhpin has the option to open zip archives as folders. ubuntu's file manager has the option? is there any other option to get this feature without using dolphin under gnome?16:13
roger_padactorhello, I've been having trouble with my ubuntu ssh server connections. so i looked at its dns and its set to name server and another one my router provides… So I changed to my router and added for good measure. but I still get the hang ups.  Its so random16:14
BrentI currently dual boot just for Photoshop but thinking about going VB so I dont need to restart16:14
aaa801mount -o remount,rw / returns "/ not mounted or bad option"16:14
skorasaurusi had the default drivers installed earlier, unfortunately, and my system was as sluggish then.16:14
akisubuntu's file manager=natilius16:14
skorasaurusso i tried to install fglrx to see if it would improve performance, it did, although marginally.16:16
bluegeneshow can I get "connect to a server" to open the connection in the file manager window and not chromium?16:16
compdocskorasaurus, do you think its the video perfomance? Or is it how fast programs open16:17
m4rku5is there any way I can install 12.10 beta if X won't come up (graphics driver is broken unitl 3.6-rc6)?16:17
ohzieunless: what16:18
skorasauruscompdoc: I'm trying to determine that.16:18
skorasaurusIt is a bit of both.16:18
zykotick9m4rku5: reask in #ubuntu+116:18
compdocskorasaurus, open the disk utility. you can read-benchmark the drive16:18
compdocskorasaurus, and check the drive's heatlh while youre there16:19
skorasaurusavg read rate, 55 mb/s, access time, 17mb/s16:20
skorasaurusaccess, 17ms*16:20
compdocthats decent. not horrible16:21
bekksWhich tools produces these values?16:21
compdocmine shows 90.8 Mb/s average, but its a new drive16:22
skorasaurusbluegenes: have you checked chromium preferences ?16:22
skorasaurusmine is only 5400rpm.16:22
compdocI think this one is too16:22
bekksskorasaurus: Which tool gives you these values?16:22
compdocaccess 17.816:22
skorasaurusbekks: sorry, disk utility.16:22
Ihsan_Hello, I need some help (with something that you will find stupid, maybe) but, when I slow down audio with FN+F11 key or make it higher with FN+12, or adjusting brightness screen, I normally got nice utility that showed the percentage of the audio that was right on the top, but now it has changed, its on the bottom and its ugly and pixelated. Does someone know do I have to enable something? i would really apreaciate16:22
bekksBetter use some more reliable tool like hdparm.16:23
bekksand/or smartctl.16:23
skorasaurusfwiw, i have 2 firefox windows open with 12-15 tabs each.16:23
compdocbekks, its reliable enough for a quick test16:23
savioi'm using DC++ client and my isp put limit of 2gb download per session after downloading 2gb my connection drop and to reconnect it i need to restart network-manager what should i do? http://askubuntu.com/questions/71528/make-network-manager-restart-after-dropped-connection script in this url is safe16:23
dr_williswhy doo you need 15 tabs open at a time....16:23
bluegenesskorasaurus, i mean, how do I get Ubuntu to open an ftp in a normal window and not Chromium16:24
compdocskorasaurus, thats a lot of tabs16:24
bluegenesskorasaurus, that wouldn't be in chromium settings, would it?16:24
dr_willissounds like you need moar ram, and rethink your work habbits16:24
skorasaurushonestly, just all of the threads I've been reading in askubuntu based on this.16:24
daviddoriaI installed the gcc-4.7-base package, but g++ --version still says 4.6. Do I have to uninstall the 4.6 package?16:24
skorasaurusdr_willis: good to know.16:24
compdocskorasaurus, how much ram?16:24
bekksdaviddoria: Because you need to install the g++ package16:25
daviddoriabekks, the g++ package looks like only 4.6?16:25
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bekksdaviddoria: Thats correct so far.16:27
skorasaurus4gb, ddr3. I have this - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683421537116:28
daviddoriabekks, and "sudo apt-get install g++-4.7" doesn't work (couldn't find any package)16:28
tomreynQueops: the documentation on the wiki page you pointed me to is for dovecot 1.x, but dovecot 2.x is in ubuntu 12.04 and later, and the configuration has changes quite a bit there. I suggest you use this one instead: http://wiki2.dovecot.org/HowTo/PostfixAndDovecotSASL16:28
Queopstomreyn: so for that particular step16:28
Queopstomreyn: I go into the 10-master and add that?16:29
Queopsas per dovecot wiki16:29
kodakHow do i firstly, enable SLI for nvidia drivers and secondly, make sure its actually on?16:29
tomreynQueops: exactly16:30
Queopstomreyn: Thank you, I will try it16:30
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skorasaurusgiven this setup that I mentioned, are there other benchmark and assessment tools to see if my system is not optimized ?16:31
kodaki tried nvidia-xconfig --sli=on, but  it still looks like sli is not on16:31
tomreynQueops: note that i have not checked whether the modifications to postfix' configuration you may already have made by now are in line with those modifications to postfix' configuration discussed on the web page i just pointed you to.16:31
bekksdaviddoria: According to packages.ubuntu.com there is no 4.7 for g++16:31
rgenitook question!16:31
rgenitocan anyone else here input a "space" by pressing the space bar + shift at the same time?16:32
Out`Of`ControlHi all i have ubuntu 13 running16:32
bazhangOut`Of`Control, perhaps you mean 12.0416:33
Queopstomreyn: this is a fresh postfix install I was just simply following the guide16:33
Out`Of`Controlbazhang:  no 1316:33
bazhangOut`Of`Control, there is no such thing16:33
Out`Of`Controlbazhang:  on startup i see Ubuntu 1316:33
bazhang!version | Out`Of`Control16:34
ubottuOut`Of`Control: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »16:34
dr_willistime to clean your glasses16:34
bazhangprovide us with that Out`Of`Control16:34
Out`Of`Controlbazhang:  its linuxMint 13 i wonder what happen that i see Ubuntu 13 after some kernel updates16:34
bazhangOut`Of`Control, mint is NOT supported here16:34
bazhang!mintsupport | Out`Of`Control16:35
ubottuOut`Of`Control: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:35
dr_willisversion number is year/month of release fpr ubuntu16:35
tomreynQueops: ok, i'm just saying you may need to roll back your changes to main.cf to be sure you still have the default configuration before you start making changes to it as the new instructions i pointed you to suggests.16:35
Queopstomreyn: oh yes, ill be alert, cheers16:35
Out`Of`Controlbazhang:  so why i see Ubuntu 13?16:36
tomreynQueops: on a side note there is also #ubuntu-server where you may  have more luck getting feedback on server related questions (for the future)16:36
bazhangOut`Of`Control, its mint. it's not supported here16:36
Queopstomreyn: yeh I went there first16:36
OerHeksOut`Of`Control, ask in mint, it is a mint issue :-D16:36
IBHHello,  Question 1: I got 2 questions. I just installed bumblebee-gui (just rand INSTALL in the map) But I don't know how to activate bumblebee gui, I couldnt find any information about it. Do you know where I need to look to enable the bumblbee-gui?   Question 2: I dont know if you support this here, but I would like to have the map icon (Orange-like) changed in green map icon, could you give me some link about more info about it?  I w16:36
nhochthow do format usb was write protect? help me!16:36
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OerHeksIBH, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee > add repo & sudo apt-get install bumblebee bumblebee-nvidia16:37
dr_willisun-write protect it16:37
OerHeksIBH, there is a #bumblebee channel here on freenode too, those guys are up2date16:38
Queopstomreyn: you were right, the sasl_path is auth now and not auth-client, i hope thats the only issue haha16:38
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nhochthow do format usb was write protect? help me!16:39
dr_willisun-write protect it nhocht  then use gparted is one way16:39
kodaki have googled around, and it seems the way to activate SLI for nvidia cards is nvidia-xconfig --sli=on, but that doesnt seem to work, wat do?16:41
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dr_williskodak:  you did restart the x server after using that command?16:42
kodakaye, i logged out(which is enough, right?)16:42
joancreushmm i need help. something really weird is happening. i'm writing from a recent box which has an intel i5 cpu, pretty good afaik. ubuntu 12.04. The CPU usage is really really high and often the computer crashes and restarts. Be it firefox, git cloning and resolving deltas... even when i use cpulimit it crasbes. the weirdest thing is, a 2002 box w/ a centrino & ubuntu 12.04 has no problem...16:42
joancreus...doing the same tasks. what is happening?!16:42
dr_willissudo service lightdm restart16:43
nhochthow do format usb was write protect? help me!16:43
dr_willisun-write protect it nhocht  then use gparted is one way16:43
kodakah, thanks dr_jesus16:43
kodakoops, dr_willis16:43
bazhangnhocht, you've gotten the answer several times. please stop repeating16:43
ElixirVitaeIs there a lirc tutorial for 12.0416:43
h00kjoancreus: I'd start be doing a memory test to make sure your hardware is okay16:43
h00kjoancreus: the next thing I'd look at is your hard drive to make sure it isn't failing16:44
joancreusyeah, i think it must be hardware16:44
h00kjoancreus: yep16:44
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joancreusok, bye, memtest needs live cd booting16:46
joancreush00k: no way to run it w/o livecd, right?16:47
h00kjoancreus: yeah, you need to either run it from a liveCD or from your grub menu16:47
h00kjoancreus: hold left shift when you power on, it'll be at the bottom of your options there16:47
joancreusthanks for everything!16:47
h00kjoancreus: good luck, let us know!16:48
=== Matrix is now known as Seryth
kodakdamn, sli is still not activated, are there other commands i should run with nvidia-xconfig --sli=on?16:48
akiswhich is the easiest way (if any) to move unity launcher down on 12.04?16:49
dr_willishow are you even testing if its on?16:49
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dr_willisakis:  theres some unsupported hacks. check omgubuntu and webupd8 blog sites16:49
kodakdr_willis, i check the heat of the gpu's, if only one is hot, then i know AFR isnt on16:50
patr|ckhello, how can i stop rhythmbox from importing the entire ~/Music directory?16:50
dr_williskodak:  dosent  check when?16:50
dr_willisoops. class.. bbl16:50
akisi googled enough and i found some of them. can i trust them?16:50
djbennydont suppose anyone can help me out with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206080616:51
patr|ckdjbenny, have you tried the "alternate install cd" and selected the install method for advanced/experienced users?16:52
rjuneok, so precise did away with the system tray. I'm trying to use blueproximity, the qui for which is pretty much only available via system tray.16:52
rjuneHow do I get the system tray back?16:53
djbennypatr|ck: i've tried various iso's all with similar outcomes16:53
tomreynQueops: i've left a note here for you ;) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/+bug/101854816:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1018548 in ubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "12.04 serverguide for configuring SASL is outdated" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:53
djbennyis there any way to get wubi in 12.04 to install like it used to?16:53
Queopstomreyn: good job, thank you from me aswell!16:53
djbennydont suppose anyone can help me out with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206080616:54
Ihsan_Hello, I'm back with a new problem. :) Well, this is also very stupid, but when I entered my mouse settings, the mouse acceeleration and sensitivity were both on the lowest level, but I played with them a bit and didnt like the new result, so I put them both again on lowest, but my mouse is now feeling very weird, I cant concentrate on my mouse anymore. Is there a option to reset my mouse settings to default? Thanks16:54
bazhangdjbenny, please provide a synopsis16:54
tomreynQueops: yw16:54
Queopstomreyn: and yeh it's kinda sad that a LTS release documentation is oudated16:54
djbennybazhang: ubuntu wont install, comes up with screen as shown in forum post16:54
tomreynQueops: i'm sure some of the many hours which went into developing new features, would have been better spent on such basic things. But then they need to have new and shiny things they can present so as to make money.16:56
Queopstomreyn: ye, if it wasn't for the awesome documentation of some software projects I would be doomed16:57
QueopsCan't go into the source code to check out stuff :P16:58
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dragonslayi want to copy a certain range of blocks in hdd, is it possible to do that with dd if i have the starting block number?17:07
TJ-dragonslay: Yes. "sudo dd if=/dev/sdX of=somefile.bin bs=512 count=34 skip=<logical-sector-offset>17:08
TJ-dragonslay: 'skip' is a multiplier of whatever 'bs' (blocksize) is. So is you're dealing with sectors of 512 bytes, bs=512 and 'skip' will be the sector offset from start of the device17:09
TJ-dragonslay: bs=512 skip=4 will start at device offset 2048 bytes17:09
dragonslayTJ-: 0x48B0A6D000 - this is the sector i want to reach.. how can i include that in command..17:10
TJ-dragonslay: You convert it to decimal :)17:10
bazhangsavio, anyone what?17:10
genii-aroundThere's an interesting article somewhere about how to use dd to copy subpartitions from within an image of the complete drive17:10
savioi'm using DC++ client and my isp put limit of 2gb download per session after downloading 2gb my connection drop and to reconnect it i need to restart network-manager what should i do? http://askubuntu.com/questions/71528/make-network-manager-restart-after-dropped-connection script in this url is safe17:10
bazhangsavio, safe? did you try it?17:10
savionot yet17:11
saviodo you have any other idea?17:11
bazhangsavio, this is helping to bypass ISP regulations?17:11
Queopstomreyn: actually a good email server + imap + pop3 + mysql guide is needed for ubuntu, it's a barrier to new system admins17:12
klpktI can't access the internet on my ubuntu machine. I am connected to the network, thanks to brobostigon at #ubuntu-uk, but I still can't access the network because "The DNS lookup failed"17:12
klpktCan anyone help?17:12
genii-aroundklpkt: But you can ping machines on the internet at large by their IP directly?17:13
saviobazhang, in windows box when dc client get discconect it automatically reconnect17:13
klpktgenii-around: I tried pinging, but it says unknown host.17:14
klpktgenii-around: The browser says "Unable to resolve the server's DNS address.17:14
TJ-klpkt: At a terminal try this, tell us if you get a response: "ping"17:14
ubuntwooalright ive got a doozy... when I choose to "shutdown", ubuntu 12.04 closes my programs, goes black, then logs me off and sits me at the login screen. If I attempt to shut down from the login screen nothing happens17:14
ubuntwoohow can i diagnose this?17:15
profiler1982is it unity part of compiz. am think is not (bad eng) please response (ubuntu-rs)17:15
genii-aroundklpkt: If you do: ping -c9     does it find that IP? ( it belongs to Google)17:15
dragonslayTJ-: how do i convert that to decimal?17:15
tomreynQueops: i don't think it's neccessarily needed to duplicate the configuration instructions those softwares' developers provide already. but it would be good to make them well available, and to offer guides on choosing the right mail stack.17:15
TJ-dragonslay: echo "ibase=16; print 48B0A6D000" | bc17:16
klpktgenii-around: Now it says that the network is unreachable.17:16
Queopstomreyn: yes I agree, with maybe some notes on ubuntu specific problems17:16
Queopstomreyn: but I guess not duplicate would defeat the point of these guides wouldnt it17:17
Queopstomreyn: maybe if the guides would be more of guidelines with external resources17:17
tomreynQueops: providing outdated instructions pretty much does, too ;)17:17
tomreynredhat has some good server guides, i can imagine they wanted to have something along those lines with their product name on it.17:19
genii-aroundklpkt: How is your computer supposed to connect to the internet? eg: internet->modem->computer  or internet->modem->switch/wifi->computer  or some other thing17:19
dragonslayTJ-: if i want to copy 500mb of data from that point, should i set count to 500mb?17:20
TJ-dragonslay: No. You should set it to 500MB / 512 (count is the number of 'bs' sized blocks to read17:20
klpktgenii-around: I don't know (And you're probably hear that a lot. I said it A Lot on the other channel)17:20
CJKayHulp. Libreoffice doesn't work with Ubuntu's font17:21
CJKayJust boxes, boxes everywhere17:21
bazhangCJKay, sure it does. what language setting17:21
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klpktgenii-around: I know I saw it somewhere, though. I just can't remember where!17:22
usr13CJKay: What kind of file did you open?17:22
CJKayusr13: I didn't. The menus, the bars, everything is just boxes17:22
usr13CJKay: O17:22
CJKayklpkt: en_GB.UTF-817:22
dragonslayTJ-: sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=reco.bin bs=500MB/512 count=34 skip=609768296 - this one is correct?17:22
Icehawk78I'm having an issue with compiz vastly inflating itself after I leave my computer running for a bit of time. I'm not 100% certain if it only happens when I lock my screen, but after using my computer for ~4-5 hours today on a fresh reboot, compiz is currently using 1.8 GB of ram17:23
genii-aroundklpkt: OK. So you must pay some company for internet access of some kind. They must have given you a gadget that would usually either connect to your phone line or to your television cable cord ( there are other kinds but these are the most common).  Do you know what the box they gave you connects to?17:24
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bazhangIcehawk78, sounds like a regression (bug)17:24
Icehawk78I'm assuming it's either a bad plugin or something weird that I've configured, but I have no clue where to start looking for this.17:24
CJKaybazhang: That reply was meant for you, not klpkt. Sorry17:25
bazhangIcehawk78, you could test by disabling various plugins for a start17:25
TJ-dragonslay: no. You can't do calculations as part of the parameters to 'dd' . You have to work the values out in decimal, first, and use those directly17:25
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joancreush00k: i've (tried to) run memtest, but the computer crashed and couldn't complete (circa 60%)17:25
joancreusuntil that point, no errors i think17:26
joancreuswhat else can i do?17:26
TJ-dragonslay: And remember -'skip' is the number of 512-byte sectors to miss, so make sure 'skip' is in sectors not bytes17:26
Icehawk78bazhang: One slight issue with that, is that it tends to take ~half a day or so to inflate (ie if I just lock my screen and then unlock it, it doesn't inflate, and it's not bloated from an initial --replace)17:26
klpktgenii-around: According to my parents, we have a broadband/ADSL/something...17:26
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bazhangIcehawk78, so something related to screensaver/lock and compiz settings then, perhaps17:27
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dragonslayTJ-: I've divided the decimal value of 48B0A6D000 by 512 to get skip=609768296 .17:28
klpktgenii-around: The router page/thingie says that it's Internet>router>computer.17:28
genii-aroundklpkt: OK, so it connects to the phone line. Now, that gadget is the modem. A lot of modems also have extra plugs on them that are slightly wider than a phone jack, that is how you normally connect computers to it.17:28
genii-aroundklpkt: Does your computer have a cord currently attached which connects it to the modem/router?17:29
klpktNo, it's connected wirelessly.17:29
TJ-dragonslay: OK. It's something with dd you always have to double-check else you get the wrong data. It's even worse when you're writing to an offset with 'seek' !17:30
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d-willhas anyone had any problems with the humble indie bundle 6 and 12.04?17:31
bazhangd-will, what issues17:31
genii-aroundklpkt: OK. If you issue:  iwlist wlan0 scan     ...does it show the name of your router?17:31
d-willtwo problems actually one wiht torchlight and one with dustforce17:31
andrealto98have you ever played at Happy Wheels?17:32
genii-aroundklpkt: ( the line which starts with: ESSID )17:32
d-willTorchlight worked at first and then by my mistake I set the resolution incorrectly17:32
bazhangandrealto98, whats that17:32
klpktgenii-around: Yes17:32
andrealto98nothing... a question17:32
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bazhangandrealto98, and connection to ubuntu support?17:33
kodaki cant get sli to work :( according to google, you just nvidia-xconfig --sli=on or --sli=AFR, but nothing seems to work(and yes, i restart X)17:33
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d-willnow it shows up as just a black keyhole sized rectangle and exits after about 30 secs17:33
andrealto98yes bazhang17:33
bazhangandrealto98, which is what?17:33
genii-aroundklpkt: Good. In the other info there, does it say something like WEP or WPA or WPA2 ?17:33
d-willI've tried uninstalling and reinstalling both threw the software center and through the terminal17:34
andrealto98bazhang don't know17:34
d-willjust comes back the same small rectangle that quits after 30 seconds17:34
bazhang!ot | andrealto9817:34
ubottuandrealto98: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:34
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TJ-d-will: check your home directory for a hidden file/directory created by that app (or the bundle) where config settings are stored17:34
klpktgenii-around: Yes, it says IE: IEEE 802.11i/WPA2 Version 117:34
bazhangd-will, a video driver issue perhaps?17:34
andrealto98ah... thank you bazhang!17:35
d-willbazhang... it worked until it went to the wrong resolution setting17:35
bazhangd-will, from which res to which res17:35
genii-aroundklpkt: OK. If you put: apt-cache policy wpasupplicant    does it say that program is installed?17:35
d-willTJ I have checked around and didn't find anything, will check again17:36
genii-aroundWork, back in 3-5 minutes17:36
klpktgenii-around: Yes17:36
TJ-d-will: best way is to start the program under supervision of 'strace' and write a log-file of file accesses: e.g. "strace -o myprog.log -fe trace=file /path/to/my/binary"17:36
d-willbazhang, it was working at 800 x 600 and all the way up to 1366 x76817:37
d-willthen the top one was 8 - something... I didn't mean to select that one but did on accident17:37
TJ-d-will: then after the program is closed, use a text-editor to go through the log-file looking for accesses to files in your home directory with a name beginning with a "."17:37
bazhangd-will, does a reset help with that?17:37
kodakoh, and another problem google isnt helping with. i bought SPAZ from indie bundle, and i have no sound :(17:37
d-willbazhang, no17:38
d-willTJ, I don't have any expirence working with logfiles really... Where would I find the logfile?17:38
TJ-d-will: if you just use an option like "-o myprog.log" you'll find "myprog.log" in the current directory. So if you make sure you're in your home directory when you run it, that's where you'll find it. To make sure of that, do "cd ~" before anything else17:40
usr13TJ-: just cd  will do17:40
Icehawk78bazhang: As an update from before, it looks like I'm actually succumbing to this:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz-core/+bug/91477317:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 914773 in mesa (Ubuntu) "[radeon] Compiz memory leak and blank screen unable to login when using radeon driver" [Critical,Confirmed]17:41
genii-aroundklpkt: OK, good. So at this point, you need to dig out what is supposed to be the password for it. Don't tell me what it is. Then: sudo nano /etc/wpa.conf      and I will give you a link with the contents to put in that file.17:41
TJ-d-will: in the log-file you'll be looking for open(...) function calls and a file/directory name something like ".torchlight" or ".humble" or ".hib" or anything that suggests it is related to the bundle. The main thing is, the config file path will be in your home directory, so you can discount any file paths that don't start "/home/<your-user-name>/"17:42
klpktgenii-around: That almost sounded like you were going to do a magic trick "Don't tell me what it is"17:42
d-willTJ, what command goes before the -o option?17:42
klpktgenii-around: As in, the password for the network/router?17:43
TJ-d-will: the complete command would start off "strace -o myprog.log -fe trace=file " and then you'd end it with the name of your program17:43
genii-aroundklpkt: Yes, the wireless password it wants when you need to connect to it17:44
genii-aroundklpkt: http://pastebin.ca/2206359  is what to put in the file wpa.conf17:44
TJ-d-will:  A faster way I sometimes use is simply to list the home directory contents by time most recently modified, as soon as the program has stopped ("ls -altr ~")17:45
kodaki noticed all my indie bundle games ive tried so far have no sound :S17:45
patr|ckhow can i stop rhythmbox from importing the entire ~/Music directory?17:46
KishiCould anyone recommend good Linux maintenance program(s) intended for people too dumb to find and fix problems with their own OS?...17:46
genii-aroundklpkt: Then you use ctrl-x to exit nano , hit Enter for the filename17:46
genii-aroundwork again, back in 3-517:46
dragonslayTJ-: have you recovered any garbled , corrupted jpeg files/?17:47
killer_how do i enable syntax highlighting in vi that comes with ubuntu preinstalled17:47
codeMonkey_So, I'm following a tutorial on encrypting a whole ubuntu drive, and its requesting that I modprobe crypto_xts.  I am unable to find that module anywhere.  Is it nonexistant anymore?17:47
klpktgenii-around: Okay, I've done that, what now?17:47
d-willTJ, tried your ls method... returned .xsession-errors17:49
genii-aroundklpkt: You put in the correct values for your ESSID and password and not what I had, yes?17:49
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klpktgenii-around: Yes17:49
kodakanyone with sli experience? cant get sli to work with nvidia-xconfig --sli=on17:50
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genii-aroundklpkt: OK. Does: grep wlan0 /etc/network/interfaces     produce anything or bring you back to command prompt?17:51
klpktgenii-around: It doesn't do anything.17:52
genii-aroundklpkt: OK. So: sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces     and I'll give another pastebin link shortly of what to add there17:53
TJ-d-will: You have to look at more than just the last entry... I look at the timestamps of the files/directories and match them to when I ran the program. ".xsession-errors" is a standard file generated by the X server. Doubtful it would contain error reports from the game, but it is a text file, so no harm in looking inside it for any hints17:53
thebiglightbulbklpkt try: sudo grep wlan017:53
TJ-dragonslay: For recovering files I generally use "photorec"17:53
TJ-d-will: many programs will have a sub-directory of ~/.config/ where they write their settings to17:54
dragonslayTJ-: can photorec use the file which we just obtained using dd?17:55
TJ-dragonslay: I think you can choose to search through image files, sure. I've actually had 'photorec' running on a bad DVD here for the past 2 days... and its *still*  2 hours from finishing!17:55
klpktgenii-around: The file already contains two lines of content; what should I do with it?17:56
klpktthebiglightbulb: Nothing happens, it just stands there.17:56
genii-aroundklpkt: Just add to the content underneath and leave what is already there. http://pastebin.ca/2206369       then as before ctrl-x and Enter to save and exit17:56
dragonslayTJ-: it showed 4 hours for my 1TB hdd *:o*17:56
TJ-klpkt: that command that thebiglightbulb gave you was incomplete. Press Ctrl+C to quit it.17:57
d-willTJ, well that "ls" shortcut gave me a clue... now on to chasing it down. Thanks!17:57
CyanPrimeQuick questions good sirs, How do I change my display screen's name to default on xrandr?17:57
TJ-dragonslay: Wow, that's good :D17:57
dragonslayTJ-: i tried to find an option to scan image files, i haven't yet figured out a way to do that..17:57
TJ-d-will:  Glad to hear it - good luck!17:57
rgenitois there a unity command to show the unity side bar?17:57
TJ-dragonslay: I can't interrupt it here, but I can check the man pages17:58
rgenitoi ask because i really prefer mine to be hidden... however, it doesn't always "show"when i move the mouse to the left... kind of annoying >\17:58
TJ-dragonslay: according to "man photorec" you can indeed give it an image file-name. Try "man photorec" and read :)17:58
klpktgenii-around: Okay, I've done that.17:58
hezekiah_I've got an ubuntu preseed question.  is it possible to install from a repo that is unsigned?17:59
bluegenesdoes anyone know how to make "connect to a server" open a file manager window upon connection and NOT chromium?17:59
rgenitoanyone know the keyboard shortcut for that?17:59
rgenito...besides hidding 'super' and then moving the mouse over there... -_-17:59
dragonslayTJ-: sorry, TJ- i missed out that line.. ty for reminding that17:59
nearsthello ppl17:59
genii-aroundklpkt: Does result of: ifconfig        show that wlan0 is currently up and active?17:59
TJ-rgenito: tep the Alt key17:59
CyanPrimeQuick questions good sirs, How do I change my display screen's name to default on xrandr?18:00
thebiglightbulbjeah i'm no expert TJ klpkt18:00
TJ-rgenito: 'tap', even!18:00
klpktgenii-around: It says the command wasn't found.18:00
nearstwhats up18:00
genii-aroundklpkt: The computer says that the command called ifconfig   is not found?18:01
klpktgenii-around: Yes. I have to go, and won't be back very soon. Is there any info I should pass on if you're not here when I come back?18:01
genii-aroundklpkt: As we have now, it should connect automatically the next reboot18:02
CyanPrimeHmm, I didn't have this problem on windows, guess that makes windows the better os18:02
klpktgenii-around: As in fixing the DNS lookup too?18:02
genii-aroundklpkt: wpa_supplicant   will do the authentication, then the computer will get an IP from the router which at the same time, the router should tell it the correct DNS info to use.18:03
CyanPrime>mfw the #ubuntu channel is full of ::nohelp::18:04
morsnowskiam I connected ?18:06
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klpkt_gorgonzola: I have to go now...18:06
gorgonzolaklpkt ... ah, nice not meeting you?18:06
CyanPrimeCAN ANYONE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2222218:06
gorgonzolaklpkt_ ... ah, nice not meeting you?18:06
bazhangCyanPrime, stop that18:06
morsnowskiwhat does it want ?18:07
CyanPrimebazhang, well being nice didn't work, so I figured I'd act like a retard to at least get someone to notice me so I could aSK THEM FOR HELP.18:07
nearstCyanPrime, whats up ?18:07
bazhangCyanPrime, thats not the way it works. so dont18:08
bluegenesdoes anyone know how to change the default program for ''connect to a server''?18:08
morsnowskiCyanPrime, it's a great way being put on ignore lists18:08
CyanPrimenearst: Quick questions good sirs, How do I change my display screen's name to default on xrandr?18:08
jacky007how to install remstersys using repostries in ubuntu 32 bit ?18:08
BluesKajCyanPrime,you'll get noticed by stating your problemn rather than asking for help18:08
bazhangjacky007, from a PPA? its not in the repos18:08
gorgonzolaCyanPrime channel protocol is, state problem, wait for someone that knows about to chime in.18:08
CyanPrimeBluesKaj, I did that already, twice, and didn't even get a reply18:08
k1lCyanPrime: maybe it was just your trolling that stops people from helping you (windows better os thiing, nohelp, etc)18:08
Dr0p3Dand also by not shouting to get the help... that was very rude CyanPrime ...18:08
jacky007bazhang:  help me ! how can i do install remastersys from PPA ?18:09
CyanPrimeAlright, so how about some help and I'll get outta all y'alls hair? Quick questions good sirs, How do I change my display screen's name to default on xrandr?18:09
bazhangjacky007, find a PPA that has it. you can search the ppa on launchpad18:09
bazhang!addppa | jacky00718:10
ubottujacky007: Since Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details18:10
morsnowskiCyanPrime, I don't think you can. as I understand it xandr is a consumer not the the name giving part18:10
nearstCyanPrime, try dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg ?18:10
Dr0p3DCyanPrime, also i should state that "windows" isnt such a great OS and if you move to linux you wont learn everything overnight, and have you actually tried to review Google for your question? maybe a little reading up on documentation and ubuntu forms and you'll find it..18:10
Dr0p3Dubuntu does have forums... yeps just search your problem in google and you'll notice ubuntu forums in the mix with your problem.18:11
CyanPrimeDr0p3D, whats a google? Isn't that a number? (If you're going to assume I'm dumb cause I have a linux problem, i'll act dumb for you)18:11
Dr0p3DCyanPrime, no one assumes another one is dumb but its pretty dang obvious you havnt used your tallent god gave you, and that is search before asking a question.18:12
ikoniaDr0p3D: he's gone - ignore him,18:12
Dr0p3Dwhy get so defensive.18:12
gorgonzolaCyanPrime: http://askubuntu.com/questions/63681/how-can-i-make-xrandr-customization-permanent18:12
bazhangDr0p3D, hes gone. lets move on18:12
gorgonzolathird result in a google search for yor question18:12
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leaftwigHow do I use my talent?18:12
nearstim try to turn off write-protect my usb stick by hdparm -r0 /dev/sdx and got like SG_IO error after hdparm /dev/sdx18:12
bazhangleaftwig, this is ubuntu support18:12
CyanPrime<gorgonzola> show me the search? We could have used different terms18:13
bluegenesso does anyone know how to change the default program for c"connect to a server"18:13
leaftwigWhen your mother bore you nurturing your cells with her own body and carrying you around did she complain about helping you?18:13
bazhangleaftwig, stop it18:13
nearstits like mount /dev/sdc -o rw option just not work for that. any idea ?18:13
gorgonzolaCyanPrime: i copypasta your question18:13
morsnowskiah well it's one of these evenings i think i better go for a pint18:14
gorgonzolaCyanPrime: that solution hardocdes the name of the display in the X server conf.18:14
gorgonzolaCyanPrime: there are other alternatives depending on your DM.18:14
thebiglightbulbwhat talent18:14
gorgonzolaCyanPrime: note that ubuntu does not include a xorg conf by default, as it let's the DM handle that, but the aboove should work.18:15
CyanPrimegorgonzola: http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&sa=Search&channel=fe&client=browser-ubuntu&q=ubuntu+allow+propiatary+drivers&hl=en#hl=en&client=browser-ubuntu&channel=fe&sclient=psy-ab&q=How+do+I+change+my+display+screen%27s+name+to+default+on+xrandr%3F&oq=How+do+I+change+my+display+screen%27s+name+to+default+on+xrandr%3F&gs_l=serp.3...1448600.1448600.8.1449585.
CyanPrimev=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=8a14461324a99103&biw=1295&bih=680  3rd result gives me 403 forbidden18:15
nearstCyanPrime, i would suggest to use pastebin instead :)18:16
CyanPrimeOh, sorry18:16
retrorexcan I install linux in unallocated space in windows 718:16
gorgonzolaCyanPrime, second. i sent you the url. you are very18:16
k1lCyanPrime: would you mind to not disturb the support channel with your childish behaviour?18:16
nearstretrorex, how much allocated space for install ?18:16
retrorex@nearst 16gb18:16
nearstretrorex, sure im guess.. dual boot should be ok. maybe worth to try if use with VM.18:17
b1nd3r__hello. I have installed wine and now my default programas are all screwed, everything tries to open with some .exe program, where can I fix this?18:17
kielyhow do I get rid of the little notification boxes that pop up in the upper right corner everytime someone messages me or something finishes downloading?18:17
CongChanging the volume makes totem crash!18:18
CongHow what's wrong with it?18:18
nearstCong, why not use vlc as alternative ? :)18:18
classifiedwhich is faster, LXDE or xfce4?18:18
nearstopenbox ?18:19
CongI don't like vlc. And changing my media play isn't  fixing the problem is it?18:19
bazhangclassified, openbox and lxde much more so18:19
nearstmaybe smplayer would be ok18:19
classifiedLXDE still feels slow and sluggish18:19
bazhangclassified, how much ram18:20
classified256 MB, it's an old machine18:20
CongNearst, no it's not okay. I don't want a new media player. Help me figure out what is wrong with totem.18:20
retrorexis installing on primary partition same as extended partition? what is the difference18:20
genii-aroundclassified: Of the two (lxde and xfce) lxde is still usually the faster18:20
nearstmine on 128mb and work well and smooth on openbox18:20
bazhangclassified, then get more ram. none of the ubuntu variants will run well on that save server18:20
classifiedhrm, I'll probably try openbox then18:21
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bazhangclassified, openbox and lxde is lubuntu18:21
classifiedcan openbox be used on its own without lxde?18:21
Calinouopenbox is a WM, not a DE18:23
Calinouyou cannot use a WM without a DE18:23
lnxslckclassified, of course18:23
Calinouyou can use openbox with any other DE18:23
CongTotem doesn't crash if the volume is changed when paused. What's wrong with it?18:23
Calinouxfce isn't really lightweight anymore btw18:23
nearstCong, try to install alsa ?18:24
lnxslckCalinou, xfce is the gnome replacement for debian18:24
Calinoudebian has gnome too18:24
dragonslayTJ-: ty :) i recovered some photos..18:24
lnxslckCalinou, yes, but for default instalation i think xfce will be the chosen18:24
Congnearst, advanced linux system audio? isn't that installed when the ubuntu is installed?18:25
Calinouit is18:25
Calinoulnxslck: yes, xfce is the default de18:25
klpktgenii-around: I'm back, much earlier than expected! And the DNS lookup still doesn't work...18:25
lnxslckCalinou, do you agree with that decision?18:25
nearstcong, or try with alsamixer.18:26
genii-aroundklpkt: Does it connect to the router now?18:26
zykotick9Calinou: "you cannot use a WM without a DE" really?  fluxbox/awesome/etc users everywhere do...18:26
Congnearst, I don't know much about sound systems. what should I try with alsamixer?18:26
Calinouzykotick9: no, probably not, or it would be very minimal18:27
Calinoulnxslck: why?18:27
klpktgenii-around: Well, we might have misunderstood each other... In the #ubuntu-uk channel, I managed to connect to the router, but the DNS lookup failed. Then one of them directed me here, because none of them knew what to do.18:27
genii-aroundklpkt: eg - the result of: ifconfig wlan0        should have an IP address in the line starting with: inet addr:18:28
cimo problem in the site how I can open  http://ubuntu-arabic.org18:28
Cong!sound system18:29
klpktgenii-around: It does give something, but no line starting with inet addr:18:30
genii-aroundklpkt: OK. So we try then: sudo wpa_supplicant -c /etc/wpa.conf &                            just like that with the trailing &18:30
rolling2k 5513094947487304 1013 614 APPROVED! BANK: |MONEY_ACCESS_SERVICE,_INC|UNITED_STATES_OF_AMERICA|800-622-104018:31
rolling2k 5513094947487304 1013 614 APPROVED! BANK: |MONEY_ACCESS_SERVICE,_INC|UNITED_STATES_OF_AMERICA|800-622-104018:31
cimos'il vous plaît j'ai un problème avec qt creature. la résultat n'affiche plus dans le terminal18:31
klpktgenii-around: That returns [1] 236018:31
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genii-aroundklpkt: Now to try: sudo dhclient wlan018:32
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:32
bazhangrolling2k, wrong place18:32
rolling2k 5513094947487304 1013 614 APPROVED! BANK: |MONEY_ACCESS_SERVICE,_INC|UNITED_STATES_OF_AMERICA|800-622-104018:32
rolling2k 5513094947487304 1013 614 APPROVED! BANK: |MONEY_ACCESS_SERVICE,_INC|UNITED_STATES_OF_AMERICA|800-622-104018:32
FloodBot1rolling2k: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:33
rolling2k 5513094947487304 1013 614 APPROVED! BANK: |MONEY_ACCESS_SERVICE,_INC|UNITED_STATES_OF_AMERICA|800-622-104018:33
cimo<rolling2k> s'il vous plaît j'ai un problème avec qt creature. la résultat n'affiche plus dans le terminal18:33
klpktgenii-around: Up until now, it hasn't responded.18:34
genii-aroundklpkt: Did it get an IP or eventually time out?18:34
klpktgenii-around: It just stands there, not doing anything. Or, I guess it does something, but not anything visible.18:35
genii-aroundklpkt: Ah, we probably need to specify the interface for the auth. So: ctrl-c  to interrupt it.   Then: sudo killall wpa_supplicant      then: sudo wpa_supplicant -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa.conf &  sudo dhclient wlan018:40
klpktgenii-around: Now it has stopped, but without returning anything.18:40
genii-aroundApologies on lag, work keeps requiring me18:40
fforbeck /msg NickServ identify 5hpr7871M18:41
klpktgenii-around: Shall I still do those commands18:41
nicHow do I launch compiz-config-settings-manager from the terminal? All my menu bars are gone cause I messed with it.18:41
bobweavernic,  I think that it is just ccsm or try "whereis compiz-config-settings-manager"18:42
genii-aroundklpkt: Yes, first kill the existing wpa_supplicant, then restart it specifying with wlan0, then try to get an IP, etc18:44
nicthanks bobweaver. I got it, but it didn't fix my problem. I had disabled all the "edges" options in Grid.18:44
ClientAliveI know this is maybe not the best chanel for this kind of question, but I need some help and I want to see if there is anyone. has anyone here done systems analyst type work before? I need to find an example gantt chart that's based on the system prototyping methodoloy (specifically). I need to see how/ whether the methodology you choose translates to the timeline structure.18:44
nicNow I have no menu bars. Does anyone know what to do about this? I was just trying to disable aero snap.18:44
bazhangClientAlive, how is that connected to ubuntu support18:45
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ClientAlivebahzang: because if I learn the stuff maybe I can help support in the future. Is there anything wrong with trying?18:46
bazhangClientAlive, so no connection?18:46
bazhanguse alis to search for a channel ClientAlive18:47
bazhang!alis | ClientAlive18:47
ubottuClientAlive: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*18:47
ClientAlivebahzang: oh! cool. Thank you.18:47
nicAnyone know what to do about this? I'm using classic gnome. Used ccsm to try to turn of the aero snap grid so that I can have windows any size I want. Now my GUI is screwed up with no menu bars (not up top nor on my windows - have to use the  killall to close stuff)18:50
codeMonkey_Any idea on how I can get ubuntu 12.04 to create a /etc/consol-tools/boottime.kmap.gz file?18:50
klpktgenii-around: Okay, what now?18:50
genii-aroundklpkt: Did it get an IP this time?18:51
klpktgenii-around: I didn't see one18:51
genii-aroundklpkt: Does: ifconfig wlan0         show one?18:52
klpktgenii-around: IT WORKS! Thank you so much!!!18:52
latterausing a dual-monitor setup on an nvidia card, is there a way to have one of the monitors at a 90 degree angle?18:52
genii-aroundklpkt: I messed up the syntax for the wpa_supplicant command. You need to change the one in /etc/network/interfaces to match what we just used18:53
genii-aroundklpkt: ( with the -iwlan0   and -c/etc/wpa.conf  instead of with spaces after the -c like I had earlier )18:53
klpktgenii-around: That doesn't matter right now, because it WORKS!18:53
genii-aroundklpkt: Good :-)18:54
nicCan someone tell me what command will log me out without restarting?18:54
cowsquadI remember that with ubuntu su my teminal user name turned red, but now that fresh installed ubuntu 12.04, it doesnt do that anymore. am I missing something?18:54
nicTerminal command.18:54
dr_williscowsquad:  name turned red where?18:55
zykotick9nic: "exit"?18:55
cowsquaddr_willis, on the terminal18:56
dr_willislattera:  i think with twinview/nvidia drivers. thats not possible. there may be some work arounds18:56
cbossHey guys can i change the location of where ubuntu software centre downloads and installs files?18:56
qwebirc35246Hello I need help mounting and runing the sims 3 ISO reloaded on Ubuntu18:56
nicI think that just closes the terminal. I want to log out of my current session.18:56
dr_williscowsquad:  where at on the terminal? You mean in the prompt?18:56
dr_willislike --> willis@SSDBuntu:~$18:56
herentHas anyone else had problems with the keyboard input stopping until you switch applications and switch back?  It happens most often in Firefox for me, but other apps do it too.  I've tried googling but I'm not really getting any specific results that match it.18:56
cowsquaddr_willis, like the letters of my user name. Am I wrong? Yes, after typing su and entering my password18:56
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dr_williscowsquad:  one normally dosent use 'su'  except to switch to specific users.. so im stillnot sure where you mean.18:57
llutzcowsquad: add this to roots .bashrc   for a red prompt     export PS1='\[\033[01;31m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '18:57
cbossHey guys can i change the location of where ubuntu software centre downloads and installs files?18:58
dr_willisthe bash prompt howto has some very nice example bash prompts18:58
Eclipticadr_willis: He might have just wanted to run a bunch of commands without having to type sudo each time18:58
zykotick9llutz: shouldn't root's prompt be #?  aren't you manually setting $ at the end?18:58
dr_williscboss:  not really. You could change the cache location withs ome links.18:58
qwebirc35246Can some on 1 on 1 chat with me18:58
dr_willisEcliptica:  one should use sudo -i   not su then18:58
llutzzykotick9: read bash-prompt howto about the \$ in this case18:59
zykotick9llutz: ok.  my bad.18:59
qwebirc35246I need help18:59
cbossdr_willis, thanks for the reply! Thats a shame, what will happen when the hard drive fills up? I wont be able to install any more applications?18:59
bazhangqwebirc35246, /join #winehq after checking the appdb18:59
aiseygood evening, i have trouble with online stream....my on-line movies arren't properly loaded19:00
dr_williscboss:  if your HD is full.. you got bigger issues i imagine19:00
bazhang!appdb | qwebirc3524619:00
ubottuqwebirc35246: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help19:00
cowsquaddr_willis, sorry for confusing you. What i meant is when i access my terminal via [ctl -ALT-t] and su and my password, my user name root@cowsquad-A305-S6872:/home/cowsquad# used to turn red, like red letters. But it doesnt do that any more19:00
dr_williscboss:  linux makes it trivial to move stuff like /tmp/ and /var/ and /home/ to other hard drives19:00
llutzzykotick9: "...  \$     if  the effective UID is 0, a #, otherwise a $ "19:00
computerguyqwebirc35246: give a nick name to yourself type /nick yourname and hit enter19:00
dr_williscowsquad:  bash prompt settings...  never noticed the color.19:01
cbossdr_willis, I installed ubuntu side by side with windows, and i only chose 10GB of space and i am really enjoying ubuntu, however i running out of space quickly, if i move directories across to my secondary hard drive, will the applications still work?19:02
zykotick9llutz: thanks.  i figured it was something like that.  sorry for the bother.19:02
llutzzykotick9: no problem19:02
herentI guess that's nobody that's had the keyboard problem :(19:02
herentReally annoying.  It's under 12.0419:02
dr_williscboss:  yes. if you do it right.. the power of mount and links :)19:02
aiseyPlease help me, i am ubuntu beginner19:02
aiseygood evening, i have trouble with online stream....my on-line movies arren't properly loaded19:02
bazhangaisey, stream of what19:03
dr_willisaisey:  what movies from where?19:03
* genii-around considers removing "coffee" from his highlight list19:03
bazhangaisey, link19:03
aiseyok,wait, i send link19:03
dr_willisaisey:  just use one of the many youtube downloader/converter apps - is all i normally do these days.. time for flash to die.19:03
bazhangaisey, is flash installed? or just slow19:03
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dr_willisand set youtube to use html5 ;)19:03
cbossdr_wills, thank you, will be searching "links ubuntu", or do you recommend any other search terms?19:03
dr_williscboss:  you should be learnng some more linux fundamentals.   'ln -s' is how to make a soft link from one location to a differnt location.19:04
dr_williscboss:  or you can move your /home/ to its own hard drive/partition  since most of the space will be the users stuff19:05
dr_willisor you could use gparted to shrink the windows partions and enlarge your linux one.19:05
cbossdr_willis, will that cause any problems with dual booting or will i lose any data?19:05
aiseydr_willis: http://play.iprima.cz/all/280908 press play19:05
dr_williscboss:  not if you do it right19:05
dr_willisaisey:  thats a youtube link? ;)19:05
aiseysorry i am czech,my eng is not perfect19:06
cowsquadthank you llutz, that did the trick. thank you dr_willis19:06
cbossdr_willis, wont i have to unmount that partition?19:06
aiseydr_willis:  don't know a commands to install all function to perfect play... moment,i send youtube link19:07
dr_williscboss:  you dont resize a in use filesystem.. so yes.19:07
bazhangaisey, plays fine here, the site is just slow to load19:07
dr_willisaisey:  that site plays fine here in Flash for me. there is no Guarenteed commands to get flash working.19:07
dr_willisWhich is why i suggested the various flash-plugin-replacers and flash-downloader tools.19:07
dr_willisI still dont see my name in red with the color prompt. :) but in a green19:08
cbossdr_willis: /dev/sda3 is mount point /host, would that be the one i am looking to enlarge?19:08
dr_williscboss:  /host/ ? You did a WUBI install IN windows?19:09
cbossdr_willis, will that mean i have to create a live DVD19:09
cbossdr_willis, yes thats correct19:09
aiseydrt_willis: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkUxUTJGCV4&feature=g-all-lik slow played19:09
dr_williscboss:  i suggest doing a normal install.. and forgetting  wubi even exists..19:09
phaphandedenetwork expert online?19:10
phaphandedeHaving a dns issue looking for a guru19:10
cbossdr_willis, i find that idea unsettling due to my knowledge and experience level19:10
bazhangphaphandede, try ##networking19:11
doug_How to disable hover click in 12.04, Mouse setting doesn't work19:11
cbossdr_willis, would it be possible to uninstall ubuntu (via window) then reinstall and select a more appropriate hard drive size?19:11
phaphandedeOk, here is my issue, I have a 12.04 setup has server (using zentyal). Server runs good with all services. I am not using dhcp since I have a router for it...When I dig @domain on server, i get good response. However, not on the clients19:12
phaphandedeClients can ping the IP but not the domain...what could it be?19:13
phaphandedeI cannot join XP's station to PDC because of that issue...19:13
aiseydr_willis: i use update.. youtube is now ok - http://play.iprima.cz/all/280908 -- my on-line movies arren't properly loaded --19:13
usr13phaphandede: Sounds like the dhcp server is not supplying a nameserver19:13
phaphandedeanyone has an idea?19:13
usr13phaphandede: Yes.  dhcp19:14
phaphandedewell it does has the clients have access to the we..using etc...Should I put the zentyal IP has dns in the router (3rd choice) in config?19:14
phaphandedemy clients are connected with dhcp from the router....they have web access easily...19:15
aiseyhttp://play.iprima.cz/all/280908 -- my on-line movies arren't properly loaded -- plesa help,i"am beginner to ubuntu19:15
phaphandedeit seems to me that netbios names requests dies in the router19:16
bazhangaisey, thats a site problem, not an ubuntu problem19:16
phaphandedethey are not handled by zentyal....19:16
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phaphandedeok tell me more?19:16
aiseybazhang: i have 6mb/s19:16
bazhangaisey, the site loads, it's just slow. not an ubuntu problem19:16
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usr13phaphandede: Restate your problem.19:17
usr13phaphandede: Tell us what is really wrong.19:17
bazhangaisey, I have faster than that. it's the site problem, not an ubuntu problem19:17
eutheriai've configured my openvpn server to supply additional search domains, however ubuntu doesn't seem to pick them up19:18
doug2any nagios/(specifically NSCA) guru's here?19:18
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RyanPdoug2: Guru, no.. experienced, yes..19:19
eutheriadoug2, yeah it is a pain enjoy your suffering19:19
usr13phaphandede: Only if your zenthal server is running a chaching nameserver.19:19
phaphandedeok: short: xp and win7 clients (not yet joined to server) connected through dhcp router (adsl connection). Station connect to web 100%. I have setup 12.04 has PDC but clients can't join. the NXDOMAIN is not pingable19:19
doug2RyanP/eutheria: So... uhm, I've been able to test the client connecting to the nagios server with send_nsca... that works. What I can't seem to work out if the nagios config on the client side...19:20
usr13phaphandede: What is your native language?19:20
Captain_ClawHello.  I want to disable Nautilus opening when I connect my iPhone to Ubuntu 12.04.  How do I change this behaviour?19:20
usr13!french | phaphandede19:20
ubottuphaphandede: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:20
doug2RyanP/eutheria: Every document I've found gets to testing with send_nsca and then just stops cold.19:20
phaphandedewell? my english is not good enough? :)19:21
IdleOneCaptain_Claw: you should be able to disable that in nautilus settings. I'm not exactly sure where though I don't have nautilus installed.19:22
usr13phaphandede: http://doc.zentyal.org/en/19:22
RyanPdoug2: Not sure, sorry. have you tried #nagios?19:22
doug2RyanP: Yes. It's dead.19:23
eutheriadoug2, i used to have a distributed nagios setup back in 2005, keeping all the config in sync was just a massive pain, i would just ignore the nsca have configure the email to give links to different nagios web ui's19:23
aiseyubuntu have codec to faster online steam play?19:23
phaphandedeok, thanks anyway...I have been there already o the docs....but thanks anyway19:23
doug2RyanP: It's almost like nagios isn't set up on the client... do you do away with it altogether and schedule every service check some other way, maybe with cron!?19:23
usr13phaphandede: Well, I know that you've told us at least 2 times what your problem is and I do not understand.  I assume no one else does either because no one else has supplied any info for you either.19:23
iTaivanis Ubuntu HAve SteAM ?19:23
bazhangaisey, no, it's a site problem, not an ubuntu problem19:23
dr_willisiTaivan:  Steam for Linux is a work in progress from what reports ive seen.19:23
BenxyzzyCan I get a list of valid filesystem types for mount?19:24
dr_willisiTaivan:  the software center has several games if you really want to buy somthing.. theres also a lot of good free games out there.19:24
Captain_ProtonRyanP, sorry I did see your problem. what was it?19:24
plagmanhas anyone heard of a massive disk write perf regression on X79 chipset from 3.2 to 3.5?19:24
usr13phaphandede: If you are not using the router to resolve domain names, you could hard code it in the /etc/resolv.conf file.  But if you have a router to do it for you, I'm not sure why you're not already using it.19:24
aiseybazhang: thank you very much19:25
RyanPCaptain_Proton: Not me..19:25
dr_willisBenxyzzy:  it depends on what filesystems the kernel supports.. what are you looking for?19:25
Captain_ProtonRyanP, sorry Doug219:25
usr13phaphandede: If you look at the resolv.conf file and see what it says for nameserver, that would give you a clue.19:25
Captain_Protondoug2, what was your nagios prolem19:25
phaphandedewell that is my point...That is exactly what I don't understand...Why is my router not "let's say" acquiring domain names in my lan? It does for the wan...but not for the lan...19:26
usr13phaphandede: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/dns.html19:26
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=== compact is now known as cimo
Benxyzzydr_willis: I'm getting a "you must specify the filesystem type" when trying to mount a truecrypt volume. I can't remember exactly what the type is, so I need a list of what the 'right answer' might be. "fat" for example gives "unknown filesystem type 'fat'" for instance.19:27
usr13phaphandede: The router usually acts as a caching nameserver.  It acquires DNS info from an official nameserver and passes it on to your LAN.19:27
dr_willisBenxyzzy:  i  would guess you would use ext2 ext3 or ext4 in most cases. but i dont use truecrypt.19:27
aiseybazhang: Thanks for your guide and quick problem solutions19:27
truexfan81any idea why ubuntu dropped resolv.conf for resolvconf ?19:28
Benxyzzydr_willis: I made the volume from windows many years ago, so it's going to be some kind of NTFS or FAT. It's not ntfs-3g, so that leaves the various types of FAT. Or it's corrupted...19:28
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mirajtruexfan81 , to be different19:29
dr_willisBenxyzzy:  ntfs-3g is the rw version of NTFS.19:30
truexfan81miraj: you're not killing me with specificity here19:30
dr_willisBenxyzzy:  and 'vfat' should cover mosta ll the fat variants19:30
usr13phaphandede: If, for some reason, your router's nameserver is not turned on, you can use an outside nameserver, like   In that case, you just see that the nameserver line in the /etc/resolv.conf file says:  nameserver
llutztruexfan81: resolvconf exists since ages and makes handling with namerserver-entries easier.19:30
truexfan81llutz: right, so why did it go away?19:31
mirajtruexfan81 , there is no reason, no advantage. it was just to be different from the rest19:31
llutztruexfan81: its not gone19:31
k4r1mcan someone recommend a solution for viewing IE7+ websites? I tried switching agents but a lot of content isn't visible >.<19:31
ejowebsited designed for IE only deserve to be quietly ignored xD19:32
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k4r1mejo, I know but it's for work :(19:32
shihanyou could always use the winetricks thihhngo19:33
shihanejo that is19:33
phaphandedeOk, i understand that...My question is this one: Please keep in mind that my router handles the DNS for dhcp. I have 2 DNS server assigned in the router config. wan access is working good. But when i try to ping a "DOMAIN" from a XP or WIN seven, it is not working. When I say ping, i mean ping inside my own LAN...not on the web. Pings on the web are ok.19:33
k4r1mshihan, winetricks for IE?19:33
phaphandedeit does not recognise my local domain names...but it does recognise IP's19:34
aiseyThank you very much for your fast respond ,good night.19:34
shihank4r1m, yeah, im pretty sure it can intsall just about any version of ie iirc19:34
k4r1mshihan, let me check brb19:34
ejoforgive my joking around19:34
shihansorry, i mean k4r1m, not ejo... my brain is not working apparently19:35
phaphandedeif, from a workstation; I ping, I get response. If i ping goolge.com, i get response. If I ping zentyal.xxx.lan, iget nothing...19:35
k4r1mshihan, cool thanks19:35
phaphandedehowever, if i ping or dig @ my domain name from the server, i get response...19:36
phaphandedeonly my workstations are not finding "DOMAIN NAME" from my lan....19:36
phaphandedeis that a WINS problem or a DNS problem?19:36
dr_willisejo:  actually they need to be actively boycotted and  compnained against19:37
mirajphaphandede , are your lan-side ip addresses assigned by dhcp?19:37
shihanphaphandede, your router is diong dns for you? what type of router/dns?19:37
eutheriai am trying to understand why not all dns traffic goes over my vpn to my remote dns servers19:37
phaphandedeyes they are...from the router19:37
* ejo agrees19:37
jiffe98what PAM service is touched with `id` ?19:37
phaphandedei have a dd-wrt linksys19:37
dhanasekaranHi Guys, set ulimit for unlimited for all the user How to do it? please guide me\19:38
shihanphaphandede, is it doing dns for your lan domain?19:38
phaphandedemy router assign ip adresses to my lan pc's19:38
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phaphandedewell that is the point that I think I am missing19:38
phaphandedeHow would I figure that out?19:38
shihanwhen you say domain, do you mean like old style nt domain or active directory?19:39
techkid6i cant figure out how to use gedit in console, help please19:39
phaphandedeI pointed the WINS server in my router to my server IP on the LAN...19:39
Benxyzzydr_willis: thanks for your help, it's pretty clear the volume is corrupted then.19:39
xanguatechkid6: gedit is a graphical app19:39
bazhangtechkid6, gedit is gui19:39
econdudeawesomehowdy all. I'm running Matlab (student version--32bit) on ubuntu 12.04 x64. It requires me to install ia32-libs -- will this cause issues down the road?19:39
mirajphaphandede , is your linksys router able to act as an authoritative (not just caching) dns server?19:39
bazhangtechkid6, try nano19:39
phaphandedewell: zentyal-pompage.lan19:39
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shihanecondudeawesome, shouldnt, its the basic library package for all 32bit libs19:40
econdudeawesomeshihan: so it just adds a bunch of things, but shouldn't have conflicts?19:40
phaphandedehow would I know that? I know it is authoritative DHCP...19:40
shihanecondudeawesome, correct, they'll all go into places specifically labelled for 32bit stuff19:40
Dekkardcan anyone help with the dreaded laptop black screen (no illumination) problem with precise..?19:40
phaphandedebut i don't know for DNS19:40
econdudeawesomeshihan: fantastic. Thanks!19:40
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techkid6Thanks, got it ;)19:41
shihanphaphandede, afaik, dd-wrt doesnt have anything other then dnsmasq, so i dont think it can be authorative.... but if you have an AD server (if thats how your doing your windows domain) then it should also be a dns server... though it also sounds like your using zentyal as well19:42
MonkeyDust!nomodeset| Dekkard you mean this?19:42
ubottuDekkard you mean this?: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:42
mirajphaphandede , if you don't know ... chances are pretty good that at best your Linksys is only caching DNS from your external upstream DNS servers. It would need to be a much more capable device to be a Master DNS (authoritative) server19:43
phaphandedeok...can I use my Zentyal for that? I guess I should transfer the DHCP service to the Zentyal server right?19:43
mirajphaphandede , you probably can19:44
phaphandedewow...ok...It would have nerver work then...19:44
mirajphaphandede , do you have many machines lanside?19:45
chrisc1hey guys. Running a few boxes using various releases of Ubuntu Server. On the other side of the building (IT office), I've wall-mounted a monitor (with corresponding system underneath) on which I'd like to display a rotation of specific consoles on the servers that are tailing certain logs.. Does anyone know of a program/method to do this?19:45
phaphandedetell me...I am not a guru in network...If i setup my dhcp server in Zentyal (that I know how) what config should I apply in the router?19:45
mirajphaphandede , if you only have a few machines on your lan, it might be easier to use static ip addresses19:46
phaphandedewell I have more that 3019:46
shihanchrisc1, if i understand what your trying to do, what i'd do is add a line in each server that points the syslog output to a central machine, plug that to the monitor and push out all syslog info to the monitor19:46
phaphandedeplus cell phones and printers etc19:46
Dr_willischrisc1,  sounds like you may need to  use screen/tmux and some how script/automate it to rotate btween machines. one machine in each screen 'window'19:46
Dr_willischrisc1,  you may want to check into what shihan  is saying and into the colortail/log colorizer tools also.19:47
mirajphaphandede , I have seen one BIND configuration to be used on the same machine as the DHCP  server, but I don't have the link at-hand19:47
phaphandedein my router: I guess I would have to use a Gateway pointing to my dhcp server right?19:47
chrisc1those are both fantastic ideas. I'm currently using multitail on each of the servers to print specific, high-priority lines in red.19:47
phaphandedeok...no problem. I can figure that out....19:48
chrisc1did not think of dumping the sys logs to a single machine. that's genius.19:48
phaphandedeYou answered me what I thought my problem was...19:48
phaphandedeI wish it would end differently but....life is life...19:48
mirajphaphandede , you could also have your DNS/dhcp server do the NAT routing19:49
MittRomneyI am trying to make a partition with gparted, but it won't let me resize19:50
phaphandedeya..that i know...I wanted to avoid that....not to LOAD the server....19:50
Captain_Protonchrisc1, terminator, byobu That what i use on my server then scrip to run log like tail -f /var/log/syslog or whaterver19:51
BenxyzzyThanks again, dr_willis19:51
shihanchrisc1, i actually do something similar but i have one machine that has syslog pushing do a mysql database, all the machines push syslog to that machine and i watch logs ocasionally with a php syslog viewer19:53
dhanasekaranuser process limited change to unlimited , How to change please guide me19:54
dhanasekaranplease guide me19:54
chrisc1sorry for the delay, I'm not familiar with terminator or byobu, so I was reading up on them. so it does appear that there are multiple ways to go about this.19:54
eutheriaurg, stupid lack of multiple dns search in openvpn nm19:54
chrisc1my only concern is that one of the servers is much, much more active in printing to the logfile than the others19:54
Dr_willishttp://posidev.com/blog/2009/06/04/set-ulimit-parameters-on-ubuntu/      this dhanasekaran ?19:54
jribchrisc1: is there an actual goal or is it just sort of to look pretty?19:55
chrisc1most of our IT department works in the vicinity of the screen, so the goal is that if something prints in red, it will catch someone's attention.19:55
eutheriathe new dns system only seems to look up dns entries against vpn dns servers for the default openvpn domain name19:55
Dr_williseyecandy and warnings that will get ignored after a day. ;)19:56
dijonyummyis there an easy way to see the amount of data i download over the network interface for different periods of time?19:56
dhanasekaranDr_willis, Thanks i try19:56
jribchrisc1: you should make it play a rick astley song instead of print in red; that should work :)19:56
chrisc1the business is an online retailer and the main server prints changes to our mysql db.. whenever quantities are changed, orders are received, etc.19:56
shihanahhh, we have a monitor that just runs xymon full time for the "look at me, im red" stuff :)19:56
chrisc1*prints to the logfile, changes to our19:56
chrisc1haha well, the intent is that it will help us to identify issues as they occur.19:57
chrisc1whether or not they're actively participating in it can't really be helped by a sys admin :-p I leave that up to management and HR19:57
mirajchrisc1 , you can have electric shock collar for the sysops :)20:01
subcoolcan a person install win8 to usb via linux? all my results come up with vm, or some .exe20:02
jribsubcool: ask ##windows how to install win8 via usb20:03
subcooljrib, yea- but they dont support ubuntu20:03
jribsubcool: so you know how to install win8 via usb?20:03
mirajsubcool , you could have linux copy one already installed win8 to another identical drive20:03
subcooljrib, all the instructions go with some windows exe software20:04
subcoolmiraj, uh- thats what im working on now- an installation.20:04
rjuneWhat channel would be most helpful in tracking down issues with preseed files?20:05
chrisc1I like the shock collar idea guys. ;) Thanks for the assistance. Have a great weekend!20:05
shihansubcool, if your talking about creating the usb installer from ubuntu, that can be quite tricky20:05
TJ-subcool: Are you trying to kill it already? :p20:05
subcoolTJ- lol - just setting up a working WIn8 - imma VM it.20:05
IdleOnerjune: #ubuntu-server may be helpful20:05
subcoolTJ-, thanks again for all the help- im stilla smidge confused.. but im do ok..20:05
subcoolshihan, tricky? -20:05
rjuneIdleOne, thanks20:06
Dr_willisi thought with windows you can now dd the iso straiguth to flash..20:06
TJ-subcool: haha you're welcome... Windows in a VM; best place for it20:06
shihansubcool, you'd be better of installing a windows vm, then create the usb from within it cause setting up the usb flash drive is tough from within linux20:06
subcoolthats what i thought thoo-20:06
subcoolkeep hearing that :/20:06
shihanDr_willis, you know, your probably right actually20:06
subcoolwell, im still downloading a trial of vmware - so ill try virtual box.. :/20:07
subcoolshihan, i keep hearing that-- guess so..20:07
subcoolTJ-, i was going to ask u something -- hhmm...20:07
jribsubcool: have you tried just dd'ing the iso you have of win8 to your usb stick device...?20:08
TJ-subcool: You can write the Win8 ISO directly to a USB device, too20:08
subcooljrib, no- and i dont think thatll work.20:08
jribsubcool: why...?20:08
shihansubcool, actually have a look at unetbootin, it apparently supports creating windows usb's as well...20:08
subcool- ok.. guess they changed something about thier isos ' -ok how would that owrk?20:08
subcooljust unzip and dd?20:08
jribsubcool: here's a question about win7: http://superuser.com/questions/223560/how-to-create-a-windows-7-installation-usb-from-linux-or-mac20:09
subcoolshihan, i have, i tried it last night- it freaked out and crashed20:09
subcooljrib, i dont have a win7 iso20:09
jribsubcool: I know.20:09
TJ-subcool: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-8/iso20:09
AristideHi ! Its possible to display dialogs box from UI file in a shell script ?20:09
AristideAnd use dbus for get/set properties20:09
subcoolTJ-, are there instrctions? cause i already got it20:09
jribAristide: I don't know what you mean by "dialogs box from UI file"20:10
Martijn-NL2Freaky friday on ubuntu channel, hi everyone :D20:10
shihanAristide, yes you can display question/response type dialogs from a shell script... not sure about the dbus though20:10
TJ-subcool "On a PC running Windows XP or Windows Vista, a third-party program is required to convert an ISO file into installable media—"20:10
juniourhow to uninstall ubuntu 11.0420:10
jribsubcool: you should read the suggestions for win7 and then try to apply the same to your current situation imho20:10
juniouri have install along side windows 720:10
klpktgenii-around Hey! You're still here? That's great, because apparently my web access didn't work after all...20:10
Aristidejrib, A dialog box make with qtdesigner20:10
Aristideshihan, I have see « kommander » but I have a error :/20:10
juniournow i am getting boot loadrer of ubuntu20:10
subcooljrib, advice taken-20:10
k1ljuniour: its only supported untill end of october20:11
mirajsubcool, you don't have any dvd-rw discs to use temporarily?20:11
juniourk1l i wan to uninstall20:11
subcoolmiraj, i dont buy those anymore- i have a few left, but prefre to kep them for emergencies20:11
shihanAristide, you might want to look at either kdialog or zenity iirc20:11
juniourhow to uninstall ubuntu without affecting win720:12
k1ljuniour: ahh, sry. bootup a live cd, remove the partitions (or delete the partitions from a windows utility. then put in a windows cd and restore the windows bootloader20:12
Aristideshihan, kdialog / zenity / dialog are too « basic » :/20:12
jribjuniour: did you install using wubi or did you give ubuntu its own partition?20:12
subcool nice link jrib20:13
shihanAristide, ahh, well, its kinda hard (from shell) to do much more then what zenity does... you might consider either python or perl + wxgui (and things like them)20:13
juniourwown partation20:13
gordonjcpAristide: What exactly are you trying to do?20:13
juniouri installed in another partation20:13
jribjuniour: k, then follow k1l's advice20:13
juniouri have to boot with live cd of win orubuntu20:13
Aristidegordonjcp, I want to create a dialog box with many buttons and checkbox from shell ...20:14
juniourwhich one20:14
juniourkl1 which one live cd win7 or ubuntu20:14
pranavks/quit /q20:14
gordonjcpAristide: you can't, in short20:14
Aristidegordonjcp, I can20:14
gordonjcpAristide: maybe something like glade and python will let you do it20:14
Aristidegordonjcp, with kommander20:14
k1ljuniour: either linux live cd, or you take a windows utility to delete the ubuntu partitions20:14
jribgordonjcp: can't you?  With zenity for example?20:14
subcoolwhats the command again to check ur disks?20:15
gordonjcpjrib: apparently zenity is too simple20:15
MonkeyDustsubcool  fsck20:15
jribgordonjcp: ah20:15
AristideBut kommander display on error when I try to load ui dialog box20:15
juniourkl1 can you explain in brief i am doing for the first time20:15
juniourkl1 plz20:15
juniourkl1 :)20:15
TJ-Aristide: See the "dialog" package20:15
subcoolMonkeyDust, not what iw as talking about20:15
subcoolTJ-, i remember now..20:15
subcoolI was running df, and saw that the mounts for my drives were dev .20:16
k1ljuniour: you just need to remove the partitions. you could even let them on your pc, they wont harm you.20:16
TJ-subcool: /dev/mapper/ mostly20:16
BluesKajsubcool, sudo fdisk -l20:16
k1ljuniour: so boot a live-ubuntu-cd or stick, and use gparted to delete them (but pay attention to not delete the windows one).20:17
subcoolTJ-, yea-...20:17
k1ljuniour: then you put your windows cd in and restore the windows bootloader (the actually command needs to be asked in the windows support. i dont recon it)20:17
TJ-subcool: LVM makes use of device-mapper (dmsetup) to create the device nodes for its volumes, and device-mapper puts the primary symlinks to the /dev/dm-??  devices in /dev/mapper/20:18
klpktgenii-around: Are you still here?20:18
subcoolTJ-, so- thats pretty confusing, because when i also go into gparted.. the partitions arent labeld20:18
subcoolTJ-, so its like old school and having to only refer to the disk from /dev/sda format- but now its just /dev/mapper20:19
shihanyou *can* refer to almost any storage under /dev/disk/....20:19
Jordan_Ujuniour: If you boot from an Ubuntu LiveCD/USB I can walk you through re-installing an MS style MBR.20:19
subcoolim trying to see what /sdx's i have and their size.. what command.. i dont like that fdisk20:19
subcooli need to figure out which one is my usb20:20
Dr_willissubcool,  sudo fdisk -l    will show you.20:20
TJ-subcool: No, you can refer to the disks also by their LABEL or the UUID - look in /dev/disk/by-{label,uuid}/ and you'll see links to the devices there too, as with other devices. ("ls -l /dev/disk/by-label/")20:20
Dr_willisI always give my disks/filesystems proper labels. :) even if its just "USB4Gb"20:20
shihanif you look at ls -al /dev/disk/by-path you can see which devices are hookup via usb20:20
joel135subcool, 'df -h'20:21
subcoolthanks joe20:21
subcoolno- didnt do it..20:21
subcooloh wait- ya.. that did it20:21
Martijn-NL2Is ubuntu 12.04 faster then Windows 7??20:21
subcoolDr_willis, yea, thas what i need to re-setup20:22
subcoolMartijn-NL2, thats a matter of opinion..20:22
Jordan_UMartijn-NL2: It depends on what you're testing the speed of, and on what hardware.20:22
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Martijn-NL2Pentium 4 @ 3Ghz + 2GB ram20:22
TJ-subcool: " grep '\[sd[[:alpha:]]' /var/log/kern.log "20:23
Jordan_UMartijn-NL2: An important question is how well supported your graphics card is, and again what you're doing with the machine.20:23
subcoolTJ-, ur kidding20:23
TJ-subcool: Everything is in the logs :p20:24
=== mh0 is now known as evil0
subcooldoes this have to be root? dd if=Windows8-ReleasePreview-64bit-English.iso of=/dev/sdb120:25
Martijn-NL2@Jordan_U Watching DVD's, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, MSN, Word, Powerpoint etc.20:26
TJ-subcool: to access a device, yes20:26
klpktCan anyone help me? I can't access the internet. I've tried fixing it several times, including one a few hours ago right here. Right now, I think the network in general doesn't work.20:26
subcooljust making sure i dont f' it up20:26
Martijn-NL2@Jordan Music :)20:26
TJ-subcool: I'm watching you like a hawk ;)20:26
subcoolTJ-,  i need that kinda help- lol20:27
TJ-subcool: Well I'm protecting my interests - don't want another overnighter too soon :)20:28
subcoolso- while im doing that- TJ- how do i label this thing up properly so i can see things like df and understand what they are doing20:28
subcoollike gparted is screweed20:28
TJ-subcool: Label up what precisely? We labelled all the LVs and file-systems when we configured it20:28
=== Superjuju10 is now known as Edith
subcoolim viewing the filesystem in gparted- and its all screwy to me..20:29
subcooli see the sda#, but i dont know where it goes..20:29
subcooli see boot,  and /media/crazy #20:30
TJ-subcool: *don't* use gparted. It doesn't understand LVM!20:30
wNi heard the new gparted works with lvm20:30
subcoolok- then.. what can i use..20:30
TJ-subcool: For a GUI, "sudo apt-get install system-config-lvm"20:31
JustBelievingOkay I'm back for sure. How would I update IcedTea on ubuntu 12.0420:32
TJ-subcool: To start s-c-l ... in the dash jsut type "lvm"20:32
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e66How can I share my eth1 internet to wlan0 ?20:32
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing20:32
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots20:32
=== Edith is now known as Superjuju10
subcoolTJ-, i have no idea what ur talking about20:34
k4r1mwhere can I get a copy of firefox 3.x portable for ubuntu?20:34
maicodhi unlike windows where you can access all installed programs from the start menu , in ubuntu 12.04 I can only acces files by using search after clicking DASH icon. can I change this behaviour so it looks like the windows start menu ?20:34
wNthats a feature of unity20:35
TJ-subcool: The 'dash'board is the application launcher in Ubuntu. Oh, did you install Xubuntu? In which case I think Logical Volume Management will be on the System Tools menu20:35
Dr_willisk4r1m,  The firefox binary/archives from the firefox homepage can just be extacted and ff ran from the extracted directory20:35
maicodwN: oh :)20:35
maicodwN: what is unity ?20:35
Dr_willismaicod,  there are 'classic' type gnome menus for Unity  and classic-menu type indicator applets20:36
genii-aroundklpkt: Yes, although work is extremely busy20:36
dada_I just connected to a smb server in the UI, can someone tell me how I can reach the directory in terminal?20:36
maicodDr_willis: another realase that has not the 5 year suppot ?20:36
xibalbaanyone here have dells with idrac7?20:36
xibalbawondering if t here is a cap/limit on doing a remote virtual cd20:36
xibalbaim only getting 5mbit/sec20:36
Dr_willis!unity | maicod20:36
ubottumaicod: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity20:36
klpktgenii-around: Are you too busy to help me with the internet again?20:36
jribdada_: ~/.gvfs/ maybe20:36
Dr_willis!manual > maicod20:37
ubottumaicod, please see my private message20:37
Estragonmy ubuntu server just went online during 15 minutes and I have no idea why20:37
maicodubottu: thanks20:37
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:37
dada_jrib: that's it, thank you!20:37
Dr_willismaicod,  several neat indicator applets for Unity here. including  a few that are app menus.   http://askubuntu.com/questions/30334/what-application-indicators-are-available20:37
genii-aroundklpkt: I can help, but there will be sometimes long lag between my replies.20:37
maicodehm thanks Dr_willis: I mean20:37
Estragonwhat log can provide info for system shutdown ?20:37
xibalbaanyone here have dells with idrac7? wondering if t here is a cap/limit on doing a remote virtual cd, only getting 5mbit/sec to the box with my remote CD.20:37
maicodOK will look into it all20:38
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jiraia_hi anyone deploy server pxe20:38
klpktgenii-around: Okay, now the problem is that I, when I turn on my computer, it takes a while, trying to get network data or something, and then starts without it. Thus, it doesn't even try to connect to the internet...20:38
jiraia_for machine without disk?20:39
shihanxibalba, are you coming in from the web gui doover?20:39
spupuserhi there, can someone help me with a problem with grub please? im trying to install ubuntu to a spare partition to play around with but i cant seem to get the menu.lst entry right. gimmie 2 secs and ill get my current menu.lst on pastebin20:39
TJ-xibalba: which iDRAC flavour are you using?20:40
xibalbashihan, yes through the web gui & remote console i'm mounting an ISO for install20:40
Dr_willisspupuser,  whqat ubuntu are you using? menu.lst is for the old grub1  not grub220:40
xibalbadoesn't seem to go past 5mbit/sec, using idrac7 enterprise20:40
spupuseryeah im using brub 120:40
TJ-xibalba: how are you connected to it? the 1Gbps NIC?20:41
shihanxibalba, yeah, i find the same actually... i think its just the general slowness of trying to push that data thru the little web application it uses20:41
Dr_willisspupuser,  we have to wonder.. why?20:41
xibalbashihan, yeah i thoguht it might not have the cycles to go any faster. i have a 1gbit/sec connection between data centers to this box20:41
spupuserits actually backtrack 5 that im having the issue with but i hear its based on an older ubuntu so i figured it was grub 120:41
xibalbaTJ-, remote data center, but 1gbit/sec between data centers20:41
spupuserhold on ill copy over my message from another channel explaining my issue20:41
XiaolinDraconisthis mornings update is causing chrome extensions to crash20:41
Dr_willisspupuser,  i suggest using grub2. and well.. backtrack has its own support channels.20:42
dada_I would like to tar an entire directory (and its files, subdirectories) and save it in a specific location. can I do this in the terminal using the tar command?20:42
spupuseroh... well... thanks anyways then20:42
dada_(or some other way in the terminal? doesn't have to be a tar specifically)20:42
_MarcusI want to enable my second monitor, but when I do it says this: required virtual size does not fit available size: requested=(3200, 900), minimum=(320, 200), maximum=(1600, 1600)20:42
_MarcusThe monitors are both the same brand.20:42
xibalbadada_, tar -cvf /tmp/yourarchive.tar /some/folder20:42
dada_xibalba: thanks!20:42
xibalbadada_, no go forth and read the tar man page20:42
TJ-xibalba: check the Dell performance tables see if your results match their timing claims20:43
TJ-xibalba: http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/b/techcenter/archive/2012/05/07/enhanced-server-performance-with-the-integrated-dell-remote-access-controller.aspx20:43
xibalbadada_, add -z for compression20:43
xibalbathanks for the link TJ-20:43
dada_xibalba: that's useful, since it's a few GBs20:44
dada_hm, more like 2020:44
xibalbaTJ-, i'm expericing about 20 minutes on a esxi installer which is ~300MB20:44
xibalbai think they're 30 min claim for win2k8 is a little exagerated20:44
TJ-_Marcus: It's telling you that it can't create a 'virtual' screen that is 3200x900. That is controlled by the video adapter. For some video drivers you can change that by putting custom settings in the X server's xorg.conf20:45
_MarcusTJ-: I think I figured it out. I am using the AMD Catalyst Control Center to set it up right now.20:45
TJ-_Marcus: ahhh, ok... you have the proprietary drivers20:46
TJ-xibalba: It seems like speed is/has been an issue though, else they wouldn't be calling out those figures20:46
lenochkawhen i try to restart xinetd, it gives me uknown instance.. i installed xinetd telnetd20:47
XiaolinDraconisi need to un-update chrome20:47
deadmundlenochka: when you enter 'service uinetd restart' the term 'uknown instance' is referring to the 'restart' in that command.20:48
deadmundlenochka: I believe.20:48
lenochkadeadmund: do you mean there is no such action as restart20:49
lenochkaI tried stop20:49
lenochkagives me same for stop20:49
deadmundlenochka: apparently there is no suc action as stop20:49
deadmundlenochka: Perhaps I'm remembering incorrectly.  It might be referring to the 'inetd' part.  I am pretty sure it's the 'stop'20:50
lenochkaSince the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an20:50
lenochkaUpstart job, you may also use the stop(8) utility, e.g. stop xinetd20:50
shihanlenochka, when you go "service uinetd" whats it say?20:50
vanessahya budy  anyone can help me to find some chanels from uk?20:50
deadmundmight just be uinet20:50
vanessathank u20:50
lenochkait gives me usage suggestion20:51
lenochkaUsage: /etc/init.d/xinetd COMMAND20:51
klpktgenii-around: Just wondering, what is your job?20:51
lenochkadeadmund: so i guess i should enter some command which would be something like restart20:52
deadmundlenochka: worht a shot!20:52
deadmundlenochka: using service is the correct syntax.  Despite the system's recommendation20:52
shihanwait, xinetd or uinetd?20:53
genii-aroundklpkt: Superintendent of an office building.20:53
AristideSo i have a other question20:53
AristideI want to install Trinity, but many errors was displayed20:53
genii-aroundklpkt: At any rate: Did you make the changes required to the /etc/network/interfaces file as i earlier asked?20:54
shihanaristide: you might need to enable a few repos from software center... but first "apt-get update" then try instlal trinity20:55
klpktgenii-around: Yes.20:55
lenochkadeadmund: well, I gave it a shot. no lucj20:55
AristideI try again shihan20:55
deadmundlenochka: mmm, does start do anything??20:55
genii-aroundklpkt: Can you please report the result of: grep wpa /etc/network/interfaces    ( should be 2 lines)20:56
lenochkadeadmund: yeah, very weird message20:56
tarwichI FINALLY found out how to keep my ttys from falling asleep in precise! I thought I was going to have to sacrifice my neighbor's child. This post was very helpful http://tinyurl.com/9mobk2d20:56
lenochkastart: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.16" (uid=1000 pid=30005 comm="start xinetd ") interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Start" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init")20:56
AristideSame error shihan http://privatepaste.com/17b3894c58 :/20:57
AristideBut repo was enable in source list20:57
klpktgenii-around: post-up wpa_supplicant -c /etc/wpa.conf [\n] post-down killall wpa_supplicant20:57
shihanAristide, which repos have u got enabled?20:58
Aristideshihan, Yes20:58
glauco291when I give: sudo apt-get install wine I get: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-wine/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gnome-exe-thumbnailer/gnome-exe-thumbnailer_0.9-0ubuntu1_all.deb  Size mismatch20:58
glauco291E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?20:58
deadmundlenochka: I have no clue20:58
genii-aroundklpkt: The changes were not made. Change: post-up wpa_supplicant -c /etc/wpa.conf   into: post-up wpa_supplicant -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa.conf20:58
glauco291how Can I fix it and install wine successfully?20:58
shihanAristide, you might need to enable universe/restricted/multiverse (perhaps)20:58
Aristideshihan, Trinity has not precise repository20:59
Aristidei use oneiric, What is a more recent version ?20:59
klpktgenii-around: And now it will work?20:59
UhYo, does anyone know how to remove all authentication passwords from ubuntu 12.04 x64?20:59
TJ-lenochka: You *have* to use 'sudo' to control system services; you can't do it as a regular user. That's what that error message tells you. "sudo service xinetd start"20:59
AristideHere shihan http://trinity.blackmag.net/trinity-v3.5.13/ubuntu/dists/21:00
dereckHi all, I just set up password-less ssh via instuctions here: http://bit.ly/5OSXoo I am wondering if I can somehow add the private key to the gnome-keyring so that it is only available while I'm logged in? Any sugestions?21:00
BECquick question: i have 12.04; if i want to go back to 10.04.4, all I have to do is format & install over my /boot & / ? (have /home too)21:00
genii-aroundklpkt: Ideally, yes.21:01
UhYo, does anyone know how to remove all authentication passwords from ubuntu 12.04 x64?21:01
BECgenii-around, does it cause any issueS?21:01
genii-aroundBEC: ?21:02
UhNo one knows the answer?21:02
shihanAristide, it just looks like its missing repository info, but its hard to tell really21:02
shihanuh: well, dependson what you mean21:02
UhAll of them.21:02
shihanuh: lol, i mean user account passwords or passwords stored in your keyring to login to other machines21:02
UhIt asks me to authenticate when I try to uninstall/install or when i boot up, the key ring21:02
genii-aroundklpkt: If that change is made to /etc/network/interfaces   then next boot it should be able to connect.21:02
lenochkaTJ-: OK, thx, I guess I forgot about it.....21:03
TJ-Uh: You can configure the GUI to do autologin, if a user is in the nopasswdlogin group. You can configure sudoers to not require a password when you use 'sudo', too21:04
shihanuh: well, theres a couple of options. you can turn on auto-login from the user acount setup so it logs you in directly when the machine boots up... you can also remove the password prompt for install/uninstall thingos... then theres "passwd -d" on the command line to actually remove the password from the account - personally i wouldnt recommend any of those21:04
Uhwell I put no password in, with autologin, then it asked for a password that didn't exist21:04
klpktgenii-around: I did those, and then rebooted, but it doesn't seem to have worked.21:04
Uhtell me what you do recommend then21:05
shihanuh: i live with the password prompts :)21:05
Uhwell my password is entirely too long now21:05
SubjectOnehow do i make a systemlink ?21:05
Uhbefore it was simply a spacebar21:05
Uhnow it's 12345621:05
Uhi can't handle that.21:05
joshmcUh: what kind of computer do you have? a laptop?21:05
Uhasus laptop21:06
shihani really didnt need to know that...21:06
joshmcUh: Cool. Can I have it?21:06
SubjectOnei want my directory /dump linking to /mount/c12314drds3158ed365dead13xd/21:06
joshmcUh: :)21:06
glauco291I get an error to install Wine21:06
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UhI'm just saying, it's obnoxious.21:06
UhSo how do I remove it?21:06
{alexandercineva din romania bacau>21:06
shihanuh: ok, set it to login automagically, then you probably want to read and do this for the other password prompts: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Precise#usesudowithoutpasswordprompt (but just remember your a walking hacker target)21:07
genii-aroundklpkt: When you do: ifconfig wlan0    does it show an IP address has been given?21:07
joshmcUh: TJ- had some good information on that, make sure you are in the nopasswdlogin group, and tweak your sudoers so it doesn't ask for a password.21:07
klpktgenii-around: No21:07
Uhfine how do i change my password back to simply a spacebar?21:07
joshmcUh: and see shihan above, if it your IRC client didn't notify you of it21:07
genii-aroundklpkt: What is the result of: ps aux| grep wpa_supplicant21:08
joshmcUh: use passwd, or the system administration menu, I'd imagine. I haven't used ubuntu myself in awhile, so I'm not clear on the specifics.21:09
joshmcRyu_eye7: Welcome to the internet21:09
UhI've tried, and it's too short, but it worked before?21:09
klpktgenii-around: [username]   2557   0.0   0.0   4368   828 pts/0   S+   23:08   0:00   grep   --color=auto wpa_supplicant21:09
shihanuh: if you go "sudo passwd yourusername" it'll let you use space that way21:10
TJ-I think what Uh is saying is, PAM now checks for password complexity, and refuses simple passwords. Uh - you'd need to over-ride that setting in PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules)21:11
UhI guess that worked though21:11
Uhtrying it now21:11
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xibalbauh is quite a confusing name in here21:11
Uhya. back to a space bar21:11
TJ-xibalba: uh-oh :p21:12
xibalbalike the comic skit, who's on first21:12
VLanZplease guys, could you tell me what is wrong with those partitions?   http://imageshack.us/a/img703/7770/screensh34.jpg21:13
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trennortrying to contact a forum admin. forgotten pw, and email has changed since last login.  says to contact an admin. can't do that, it wants to you to login. can't login, no pw. who dreamed this up and wot do I do about it?21:13
TJ-trennor: create a new ID? How can you be verified as the true owner without the two bits of relatively personal data attached to the account?21:14
mikkel_ Can someone help me, I have constant freezes!21:14
trennorI guess I'll have to, thank-you TJ21:14
SubjectOnels /media/c2f374e9-6f57-44a5-97a7-42dda603c822/ /mnt/dump/21:15
SubjectOnethis should create a hardlink right ?21:15
TJ-trennor: I'm not saying give up - but the systems isn't being silly :)21:15
klpktgenii-around: I have to go; do you have some quick hints to help before I quit?21:15
joshmcSubjectOne: no, that's listing two directories. You wrote ls instead of ln.21:15
SubjectOneomg, thanx21:15
genii-aroundklpkt: I'll try to find you a link on the wpa stuff21:15
SubjectOnestupid typo21:15
TJ-trennor: Maybe your browser saved the password for you at some time? maybe a browser you used previously, if not now?21:15
joshmcSubjectOne: if you haven't read 'man ln' it's worth reading too21:15
trennorTJ: yea it is when it says "contact an admin if your email has changed" and yet you're supposed to login. the implicatioin is you don't have to be logged into to contact an admin. THAT'S wot I'm looking for21:16
TJ-trennor: Do you mean ubuntu forums?21:16
escottmikkel_, not a lot we can do with a freeze. if you get an actual panic message then that can sometimes indicate the source. otherwise you can try REISUB and see if you can figure out the actual cause from a log message after the freeze. what kind of graphics card are you using and what drivers?21:16
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escott!sysrq | mikkel_21:16
ubottumikkel_: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key21:16
genii-aroundklpkt: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo is old but much of it still applies.21:16
trennorTJ, yes, the ubuntu forums21:17
SubjectOnejoshmc how do i break that link ?21:17
TJ-trennor: see http://askubuntu.com/questions/180035/cannot-log-in-to-ubuntu-forums-and-cannot-contact-administrator21:17
IdleOnetrennor: ask in #ubuntuforums21:17
trennorTJ, thank-you21:17
trennorand IdleOne21:17
joshmcSubjectOne: unlink I'd guess?21:17
VLanZi can't get rid of 1.00MB unallocated space21:18
mikkel_escott, and ubottu. Thank u, i will try this next time i crash21:18
deadmundVLanZ: sometimes you just can't.  The partitions don't always fit perfectly in the unallocated disc sapce21:18
joshmcVLanZ: what would you do with that single MB? :)21:18
deadmundVLanZ probably wants to store his precious diary21:19
miqueiaspenhaalgum br ai?21:19
escott!br | miqueiaspenha21:20
ubottumiqueiaspenha: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:20
VLanZhaha lol guys you're funny :P21:20
VLanZit's just a consmetic issue21:21
VLanZbut it's so much pain21:21
techkid6there a command to add people to sudoers?21:24
techkid6or do i have to do it manually21:24
TJ-VLanZ: I assume you're talking about between partitions on a disk?21:24
TJ-techkid6: see "man visudo"21:24
escotttechkid6, sudo usermod -aG admin username21:24
joshmctechkid6: visudo? :) actually if you grant sudoers based on a group, such as wheel or sudo, you can add them to the group21:24
techkid6oh, ok :P21:25
escotttechkid6, with 12.04 there is the "sudo" group instead of "admin"21:25
techkid6cool :)21:25
TJ-techkid6: Ubuntu has a group "admin" and/or sometimes "adm" - one or both will/should be in /etc/group and in /etc/sudoers21:25
VLanZTJ: yeah i was bothered about 1.00MB unallocated space between partitions, i guest21:25
VLanZTJ: *i guess i've partitioned the rest correctly21:26
escottVLanZ, you probably need that 1MB to be properly aligned21:26
VLanZescott: sotty what do you mean?21:26
VLanZis that being sarcastic?21:26
TJ-VLanZ: The small unallocated spaces are caused because partitioners like to arrange partitions on 'cylinder' boundaries. That's a silly legacy from when disks really were addressed using CHS about 20 years ago!21:27
VLanZoh i see.. but how can i partition correctly regarding sector counts?21:27
VLanZdoes fstab allow me to do that?21:27
TJ-VLanZ: the unallocated space will be between the end of one partition, and the start of the next 'cylinder' boundary21:27
TJ-VLanZ: it's not worth worrying about!21:28
TJ-VLanZ: You can use fdisk to allocate whole numbers of cylinders, yes21:28
escottVLanZ, for performance reasons you sometimes need to have some unallocated space on the disk. disk drive firmwares may not like being unaligned and the disk could be slower if you use that 1MB21:28
VLanZI must reinstall due to other reasons so i might try to get this right this time21:28
TJ-VLanZ: CHS is just a mirage these days, all disks use LBA (Logical Block Addressing)21:29
VLanZTJ: wait. it iis a SSD by the way21:29
TJ-VLanZ: I know  - but tools like fdisk/cfdisk etc. all like to pretend the block device has cylinders, heads, and tracks21:29
TJ-VLanZ: If you use GPT instead of msdos disk labels, you don't need to worry about CHS21:30
VLanZTJ: ehm.. i gess this is too advanced for me..  i'll lock up what GPT is b421:32
escottVLanZ, its really not worth worrying about. you will waste more than 1MB in some other way. its smaller than a single mp321:33
BECgenii-around, ? (sry cxn pb)21:33
TJ-VLanZ: great place to hide secret files :p21:33
maheanuuI am having a major problem, I downloaded and installed VLC to my Ubuntu 12.04 and now all the pen drives I have and external usb drives are marked as read only and any download tries to open VLC  Please give me any and all reasons and repairs for this mess21:33
TJ-maheanuu: Where did you download VLC from?21:34
genii-aroundBEC: You asked me earlier "<BEC> genii-around, does it cause any issueS?"  but never said what you were referring to.21:35
trennorQuestion about Firefox and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS: why does FF appear to lag this OS? I've got a dual core system and a fast invidia GEFORCE 9500 video card and yet at times one processor is jammed full and the 2nd at 50% and fluctuating towards 75%; when I kill Firefox, the processors slowly empty. Not running videos or anything memory intensive that I can see21:35
BECissues of installing 10.04 over 12.04 if i wan to go back to 10.04.4 (ove /boot & /)21:36
VLanZescott: of course it's not a matter of wasted space, but as a network engineer i'd like to do all things in the proper way; unfortunatley i got into linux quite lately, i kinda envy you guys to have all this knowledge21:36
BECdoes /home cause any issues?21:36
deadmundtrennor: over wifi?  Maybe the wifi driver is killing you.21:36
escottBEC, more than likely yes. you will want to nuke ~/.config21:36
maheanuuTJ-, I downloaded it from Software Manager21:36
trennorno, not wifi, deadmund, I'm on wired Broadband21:36
deadmundtrennor: mmmm, not sure...21:36
VLanZeven tought i had to work with microSoft for like 15 years, now i'm using linux for the 80% of the time21:37
genii-aroundBEC: I don't know. But you might want to install the 10.04 with a different default username first, then later make a new admin user with your old name and try logging in with that .21:37
TJ-trennor: plugins? extensions? Have you tried starting FF in safe mode?21:37
BECgenii-around, home is encrpted!21:37
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trennorI do have lotsa plugins, but on another OS, they never bothered it. but since I switched back to Ubuntu, I'm seeing this.21:38
BECgenii-around, i was asking about issues due to preferences or stuff21:38
BECgenii-around, u have 12.04? or?21:38
trennorI could even run a flight simulator and FF with NO problem. now .....?  it jams up21:38
deadmundtrennor: Take a look at this: www.dedoimedo.com/computers/linux-system-debugging-super.html21:38
TJ-maheanuu: OK... I can't explain your symptoms, but I'd be looking in the log-files in /var/log/ for clues. Also, which browser is always using VLC? most browsers have a tab where you can configure which application opens each mime-type21:38
BECthe looks of 12.04 is great but the underlying system is a drawback for me; wifi not working as used to, problems installing , mathematica/maple21:39
trennordeadmund, thanks for the link; checking.21:39
deadmundtrennor: It's quite elaborate21:39
maheanuuTJ-,  I use Firefox as my browser and all was fine until i installed VLC  and it immediatly took over my downloads of any video/audio and I have to use magnet to do any downloads in order to have Transmission doing the work21:40
TJ-maheanuu: Ahhh, so it is just media files then. I think what you're seeing is the fact that VLC registers with the system to open all types of media files by their mime-type, so it's probably not specific to your browser. Firefox can be set to always ask what you want to do with a file21:42
maheanuuTJ-, what commands do I need to look at the /var/log files21:42
genii-aroundBEC: I'm currently testing 12.10 actually21:42
VLanZany clue why i'm not allowed to issue "fstrim /dev/sda1/" but just "fstrim /" ?21:43
BECgenii-around, how does it round up vs 12.04?21:43
TJ-maheanuu: The log-files won't help for the VLC issue. The /var/log/kern.log might help understand why USB storage devices are mounted read-only, if you view it after plugging a device in. You can use "Log File Viewer" for opening the log-files.21:43
jribVLanZ: well the man page says fstrim expects a mount point21:44
maheanuuTJ-,I try to download text or other pdf files and have the same thing happening in the downloads,  but the pen drives and external hard drives happened to come up read only at the same time or so I believe21:44
genii-aroundBEC: Seems faster. I don't use Unity or Gnome for my regular desktop though, I'm on KDE mostly, sometimes XFCE.21:44
VLanZjrib: but this way i just manage to trim the current partition, how about another device?21:44
jribVLanZ: mount it and point fstrim to its mount point21:45
VLanZjrib: oh right now i got it21:45
escottVLanZ, you have to mount it first. how else would it know what blocks are unused (unless it read the raw underlying filesystem and parsed it)21:45
seumas_take cares people I'm out :)21:45
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VLanZescott: yeah right :)21:45
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TJ-maheanuu: try a different browser. Try to narrow down the issue.21:46
VLanZhowever someone argues on the point that the trim function for SSD's hould be implemented directly on /etc/fstab21:46
VLanZwith noatime and such as21:46
ollie_Why can't I find the linux-preempt kernel in apt?21:46
VLanZother guys suggest to run weekly the fstrim -v command21:47
escottVLanZ, trim can be very very time consuming and reduce the lifetime of the disk if done incorrectly and/or with bad firmware on the ssd21:47
VLanZescott: it's a quite new drive, a Corsair GT force and it does support ir21:48
bekksBasically, using recent Ubuntu versions, and recent ext4 versions, trim is already implemented, and can easily be enabled by just adding "discard" to the fstab.21:48
VLanZwhy do you say it can damage it?21:49
escottVLanZ, SSD firmware and its relationship with the OS is still very immature. its not clear where the responsibility for things lies... so the conservative approach is for the OS to be cautious and do nothing. if you know the physical block size of your SSD and its alignment and are confident the firmware can handle trims then go ahead, but the OS doesn't know the answers to those questions21:49
VLanZescott: wow it seems very dangerous21:49
escottVLanZ, if I tell the firmware to discard a logical block C which is part of a physical block [ABCD] where B and D are not being trimmed (because they have data), I could end up triggering a rewrite of the B,D blocks to a new location21:50
bekksWhich isnt dangerous, but can lower the lifetime of a disk.21:51
escottVLanZ, even though just saying "I don't need this block, don't track it" seems to be a "safe" operation, it could trigger writes21:51
escottVLanZ, which as bekks says, should be safe for the data, but could shorten the life of the disk21:51
VLanZescott: sorry, but i don't quite understand how that could be harmful for the life of the drive21:52
VLanZcause of the multiple write operations that the drive must sustain?21:53
gordonjcpVLanZ: trim is brilliant, you should use it as much as possible to keep your disks nice and fast.  What happens is that if you use trim a couple of times, the massive number of writes will kill the SSD so you send it back under warranty, and you'll probably get a newer, faster one21:53
bekksThe more often you use a "thing", the higher the chance to break it.21:53
bekksNot even a disk, but everything.21:53
escottVLanZ, SSDs only get a finite number of writes, and do not support overwriting. every time you write a single bit, it has to read a large block (perhaps as much as 4MB) and find a space to write the whole thing out again21:53
VLanZgordonjcp: you mean trim can help me having a faster drive by buying another one?? wtf???21:54
VLanZso why is it even implemented21:55
XiaolinDraconisis purge part of the update process?21:55
escottVLanZ, you probably don't need to be worrying about trim at all unless your disk usage is high 80% or higher. if its lower than that, then there are plenty of free blocks21:55
XiaolinDraconisi just updated this morning and apt-cache is not listing a previous version of chromium-browser21:56
escottVLanZ, but if you turn over a large number of blocks (say you update from 12.04->12.10) then thats a good time to think about trimming21:56
SumoJimWhen I put a USB into the computer, it is auto-mounted to /media/disk. What is the name of the service that does this?21:56
escottSumoJim, udev and udisks21:57
Guest20344Hmm. Quick question.21:57
VLanZescott: but i didnt know that trimming a drive would reduce te mtbf of the drive21:57
VLanZwhat the hell21:57
maheanuuTJ-, here are the pasted files from the syslog can you tell anything from them? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1219498/21:58
escottVLanZ, this is a bit old, but explains some of the concerns http://blog.valerieaurora.org/2008/09/13/to-ssd-or-not-to-ssd/21:58
SumoJimescott Ok great! I think udisks might be my starting point. Thanks!21:58
TJ-maheanuu: those are errors when the device is connected, seeming to indicate the device has a problem of some sort and cannot be addressed21:59
Guest20344I've got a touch screen and a till which need some commands to get connected, so I'm putting these in a update-rc.d script.  This runs absolutely perfectly, However upon shutting ubuntu down again the shutdown process stalls.  Any suggestions as to what would cause that?21:59
gordonjcpVLanZ: trim is an excellent way to ruin SSDs21:59
gordonjcpVLanZ: so if you use it often, you'll always have the latest and greatest SSD, until you go broke22:00
VLanZgordonjcp: so in your opinion, what is the best way to achieve what trim was meant for, whatever that is?22:00
GrivvelHello! When I start up a persistent Live USB install, TTYs 1-6 are pre-logged in to an account with root access. Is there any way to change this? (Preferably, I'd like those TTYs to require login just like they would in a normal install)22:00
gordonjcpVLanZ: it's not necessary22:00
escottVLanZ, all things in moderation, and keep good backups. benchmark a write to the disk when it is new. if it seems slower benchmark a write and if it is substantially slower consider trimming then22:01
VLanZgordonjcp: wait , maybe i get it:  trim saves time by preemptively clearing a sector thus allowing the drive to be much faster on the subsequential write, but since trimming a drive causes some wear you could end up destroying it?22:02
escottGrivvel, if you have physical access (which you must for a USB boot) you are generally considered to already have root. if you are concerned about the contents of your files on the usb use an encrypted filesystem22:02
maheanuuDoes anyone have any ideas on why all pen drives and external drives that I try to look at are being catagorized as read only and these are drives that read perfectly well on other computers of the windoze variety22:02
SumoJimHmm...     service udisks start         udisks: unrecognized service22:02
gordonjcpVLanZ: any time you write, you reduce the lifespan of the disk22:02
gordonjcpVLanZ: you can only write a block of flash a couple of hundred thousand times22:03
VLanZgordonjcp: not reads, just writes?22:03
gordonjcpVLanZ: that sounds like a lot, but imagine what happens when you put swap on flash :-)22:03
escottVLanZ, just reads22:03
Grivvelescott: Hmm, I suppose that makes sense. Thanks!22:03
VLanZgordonjcp: fuck swap, i've disabled it the 1st time i installed ubuntu22:03
BECgenii-around, gtg bye22:04
escottVLanZ, and that 100,000 times is a lot less in practice because filesystems aren't balanced (some parts are read and written much more frequently) and because physical blocks on SSDs are larger than logical blocks22:04
VLanZescott: exactly, so you would end up with data loss, reallocated sectors or what?22:04
VLanZescott: wait, you meant "just writes" right?22:05
escottVLanZ, reads are safe, writes are harmful. read the post by aurora i sent earlier. she explains what the failure modes are like (sudden and catastrophic)22:06
escottVLanZ, in and SSD everything is a reallocated sector. the firmware is constantly relocating data on the SSD trying to wear level the device22:06
VLanZescott: ok, but just one more thing: do you remember the gui method to run the benchmark in 12.04 ?22:07
VLanZnot the hdparm -t one22:07
VLanZso i can now compare it between the on ei've made 2 months ago22:07
escottVLanZ, there are a bunch of harddrive benchmarks. i would use one that goes through the FS like bonnie++22:08
mwmnjAnyone around able to help me out with a shell script?22:08
bradsilly question perhaps, but how do you rm a file beginning with a - ?22:08
bekksWith escapting the - using \-22:08
VLanZescott: k thanks :)22:08
escottbekks, no. that won't work. brad rm -- -filename22:09
bradya, I tried escaping, no luck22:09
genii-aroundOr enclose it in double-quotes22:09
bradrm -- worked :) thanks22:09
VLanZescott: however i don't see the big deal on that, just backup your data 120 or 250 GB is not that much and when it'll break in few yours you can actually get one more which would be 3 or 4 times faster and more affordable :)22:10
escottgenii-around, bekks. the problem is not that the "-" isn't making it to rm, its that rm doesn't realize that "-" isn't the beginning of an argument. command -args -- -non-args is the standard way to get around this22:10
escottVLanZ, if you have good backups, and have the time to take backups, and have the money to replace hardware, trim to your hearts content22:11
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SumoJimescott: I don't see udisks listed when I type service --status-all, and "service udisks start" outputs "udisks: unrecognized service".22:11
WeThePeoplewill ffmpeg convert webm files22:11
escottSumoJim, i'm not sure if it is a service, or just an application called by udev rules22:12
escottSumoJim, i suspect the later22:12
escottSumoJim, the only reason it would need a daemon would be if it were to listen to a dbus port22:13
maheanuuIs it just me, or is Ubuntu 12.04 of the same quality as Windoze 2000 or Vista???22:13
SumoJimescott: Ok, I'm going to poke around a bit more. I'll look around /etc/udev/rules.d a bit.22:14
chamunksis there a good tool that would output my computers hardware profile into an html document or something automagically?22:14
XiaolinDraconishow can i install an older version of chromium22:15
XiaolinDraconistodays update is screwed up22:15
jribSumoJim: is there something specific you are trying to accomplish?22:15
SumoJimescott: By the way, are there any cases where some rules not get fired off? My current problem is that there is no automount with the custom .desktop file someone stuck in /usr/share/xsessions.. and I'm suspecting it's the cause since it works when I change it back.22:15
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SumoJimjrib: In case you didn't see the above: My current problem is that there is no automount with the custom .desktop file someone stuck in /usr/share/xsessions.. and I'm suspecting it's the cause since it works when I change it back.22:19
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jribSumoJim: pastebin the custom .desktop22:19
VLanZescott: yeah, i've run the benchmark again and i can tell that you can see some differences22:20
Pierrebhow can i autostart a script when the machine boots? ive put it in "rc.local" but it wont start...22:20
SumoJimjrib: I don't know if that will do much good... instead of startxfce4 like the old one, it launches a custom script... then a bunch of magic happens where no menus are allowed.22:20
jribPierreb: what kind of script?22:21
Pierrebjrib: or nvm its a screen session22:21
jribPierreb: for a user?22:21
Pierrebjrib: yes22:21
jribPierreb: I would suggest just using @reboot in the user's crontab22:22
Pierrebjrib: that sounds like what im looking for thanks :)22:22
SumoJimjrib: Custom .desktop http://pastebin.com/gM28iZVs22:23
jribSumoJim: heh, right... :)  What's the script look like?22:24
chanceIs there a way to have one music player playing on laptop speakers and another through headphones at the same time?22:24
SumoJimjrib: launch-hret script: http://pastebin.com/wKwzcVD322:25
chanceIt's hard to find a google query that makes sense and returns what I'm looking for22:25
jribchance: probably possible with pulseaudio, but I'm not sure.  Try exploring pavucontrol22:25
SumoJim"launcher" is a sort of kisok type display.22:26
SumoJimjrib: "launcher" is a sort of kisok type display.22:26
chancejrib: I was looking at it, but it only shows either the stereo out speakers OR the headphones22:26
jribchance: under configuration, you have a profile for each?22:27
wizarddhey does anyone know any software for linux that allow you to handwrite math equations with mouse and convert that into images or text, like mathtype does?22:27
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chancejrib: that was under output devices, but there are quite a few profiles in Configuration22:28
jribSumoJim: hmm... wild guess: « ck-list-sessions », what's the output of that?  Less wild guess: I noticed that the default .desktop files have a different "Type" than the one you pasted.  I don't know what the "Type" means, but change it to what ubuntu.desktop has for example and see if it makes a difference22:28
matzipanguys? any idea why the updates last week broke the amd fglrx driver?22:29
trismchance: definitely possible if you have separate usb headphones, in pavucontrol on the playback tab you can select the device, but if it is just a headphone jack I don't know that you can22:29
matzipanif the driver is enabled unity won't even start22:29
VLanZgordonjcp: so i got this SSD that used to belong to a windows PC, do i have to do something before partitioning it to improve it?   like trimming, dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda  and so on?22:30
jribchance: in my case I notice that if I enable multiple profiles in the "configuration" tab, then I get a dropdown next to each application in the first tab and I can choose different profiles.  There's also a pulseaudio channel you can try on this network; they might be able to point you in the right direction.  You're free to also continue trying here of course22:31
escottSumoJim, you probably aren't running a dbus session for your user. i suspect the udev rule is firing, but that it doesn't know on whose behalf udisks is supposed to be doing the mounting22:31
chancetrism: Thanks, I didn't realize they made usb headphones22:31
escottSumoJim, same as if you were logged into the console22:31
escottVLanZ, you can use hdparm to tell the firmware to discard the entire disk22:31
chancejrib: Thanks. I'll ask over there.22:32
jribchance: they make usb toasters -_-22:32
VLanZescott: ehm... what?22:32
VLanZdoesn't sound really safe!22:32
VLanZit is?22:32
KravilanthHello! I'm having issues when running "apt-get install" commands. The application I try to install works but I get an error every time that says "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place;errors were encountered while processing: oracle-java7-installer;E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)22:32
escottVLanZ, man hdparm | grep -C5 discard22:33
zalganybody know of a place where I can get a free ubuntu shell for coding?22:33
chancejrib: Automatic breakfast!22:33
escottVLanZ, if you plan to erase the entire disk, telling the firmware to discard with --trim-sector-ranges is faster and better22:34
VLanZescott: so --trim-sector-ranges is exceptionally dangerous cause it destroys data but nothing else?22:34
SumoJimok, I chanes "Type" to "Application", just as it was in xfce.desktop (There is no ubuntu.desktop anymore)22:34
escottVLanZ, yes22:34
escottVLanZ, if it were dangerous in some other way they wouldn't include it in the tool22:34
VLanZescott: is it really different form zeroing the disk with dd?  don't seem too much22:35
VLanZam i wrong?22:35
VLanZjust to know...22:35
escottVLanZ, its completely different.22:35
SumoJimjrib: ok, I chanes "Type" to "Application", just as it was in xfce.desktop (There is no ubuntu.desktop anymore), still don't see it, but looking at what escott said, I am having to hit ctrl-alt-f2 to drop to a console to see if it's mounted... maybe that's the problem?22:35
escottVLanZ, if you write zeros to the disk, then the firmware thinks you want to keep the zeros, and starts to track them for you22:36
VLanZooh i see22:36
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VLanZyou mean on the mbr?22:36
escottVLanZ, doing dd /dev/zero /dev/ssd_device is just about the worst thing you could do to the ssd22:36
SumoJimescott: I'm having to hit ctrl-alt-f2 to drop out to the consle to get access to a terminal to check if it even mounted... will that effect whether it knows it should be availabe for my user?22:37
bekksescott: At least its the best stress test for a SSD :P22:37
VLanZescott: ok i'll try with that command22:37
escottVLanZ, the "disk" presented to you by the SSD is completely logical. the actual SSD has 150GB+a couple megs, on which it runs its own filesystem22:37
VLanZescott that's interesting... is it the way they can keep up with the 120GB space even reallocating secotrs?22:38
VLanZand yes, my SSD is a 120GB one22:39
escottSumoJim, your desktop runs the xfwm4 windows manager and thats about it. all the "nice" desktop stuff isn't there and wont work. you need to be running some kind of dbus session with a session manager to have that stuff. the udev/udisks doesn't even know that anyone is logged in with that Xsession22:39
escottVLanZ, so yours is probably 120.1GB and that additional 100MB is used by the flash disk as overhead for its own filesystem which is uses to create a single gigantic block file which it presents to the OS as a 120GB drive with SATA semantics22:40
SumoJimescott: I'm hoping to be able to add all that "nice" desktop stuff into the script. I'm just looking for what to add.22:40
escottSumoJim, you would be better off customizing a gnome-session or ksession? (not sure what kde calls it), rather than writing an Xsession file22:41
jribescott, SumoJim: to be fair, mounting seems to work ok when I use ~/.xsession and xmonad.  But I can't recall if I had to do something special...22:42
SumoJimescott: Is my launch-hret file is? An Xsession file? (Sorry, kinda jumping in behind someone elses work who is on vacation, I'm still learning.)22:43
SumoJimescott: Ok... yea... I guess tht makes since with that "Type" field.22:45
escottSumoJim, Xsession is the old way of doing things. X starts these things and waits for the final one to finish and then closes the server. its not particularly user friendly. hard to make a gui that can edit files in /etc/X11 and having ~/.Xsession is complicated for the display-manager. so the hack-around was to make Xsession just start "gnome-session" and let gnome-session do all the session managing work, and then have gui's into gno22:45
escottme-sessions configuration22:45
VLanZescott: but i do get to see how many sectors have been reallocated on my SSD?22:45
escottVLanZ, reallocated isn't a concept on an SSD22:45
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wpaulsI want to use an old webcam that uses lpt1 port, how can i do this?22:50
ikoniawpauls: what is the make and model of this webcam that uses a printer port ?22:51
wpaulsikonia, it's an alris quickvideo wee cam22:52
wpaulsikonia, I have this number too bha 9aa 0298522:52
VLanZescott: i've told it to trim sectors 0:234441648  but i get    "trim-sector-ranges[0]: bad/missing sector count"22:52
ikoniawpauls: as that camera has no linux support listed and a propritary windows driver, I suspect you will be out of luck22:53
VLanZescott:  geometry      = 14593/255/63, sectors = 234441648, start = 022:53
wpaulsikonia, thanks for the heads up.22:54
VLanZescott:  i can do it only up sector 65535 which is 2^16-122:57
VLanZwhat the hell?22:57
DanteviosDoes ubuntu server come with a GUI like gnome?22:59
xanguaDantevios: no23:00
Dantevioscan I install one? and what level of difficulty would it be?23:00
ikoniaDantevios: why don't you use ubuntu desktop ?23:00
escottVLanZ, I believe that is a limitation of the ATA standard that it only accepts a 16bit number for the amount to trip. you will want to script it so that you trim 0:16635 then 16636:131070 etc23:01
Jordan_UDantevios: What are you actually planning to use this machine for?23:01
escottVLanZ, see the associated command --trim-sector-ranges-stdin23:02
VLanZescott: k thanks :)23:02
AcromartsuHello chaps! I'd like to make a live USB drive of Ubuntu (cuz it seems so awesome!! ^^). Would you recommend me to use Unetbootin on Pendrivelinux, or another program?23:02
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DanteviosI want to run xen cloud platform on ubuntu just as a host and do hardware virtual machines ikonia and i heard there are some good gui tools for xcp, but I don't necessarily want the bulkiness of a desktop OS running as just a base OS23:02
ikoniaDantevios: the "desktop" is the gui23:02
escottVLanZ, i guess that second one is a sector count do it doesn't change. its just 65536*k:6553623:03
ikoniaDantevios: there are ubuntu versions such as xubuntu lubuntu that use non-gnome desktops that are supposed to be lighter23:03
Danteviosyeah but it comes loaded down with office products and software I don't want on it ikonia23:03
ikoniaDantevios: so remove it23:03
Dantevioswouldn't it just be easier to install a GUI through apt-get on the server edition ikonia ?23:03
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone I have a SIL3132 eSATA card in my ubuntu box.  The card works except FIS switching does not.  Does anyone have any ideas what I can do?23:03
ikoniaDantevios: open the package manager, select the software you don't want, click "remove23:03
ikoniaDantevios: depends, is this a desktop PC or a genuine server platform23:04
ikoniaTrueNhero: well done on getting your issue clearly explained23:04
Danteviosthink of it as a server with a GPU ikonia23:04
ikoniaDantevios: that's not what I asked23:04
ikoniaDantevios: depends, is this a desktop PC or a genuine server platform23:04
TrueNheroi had install libc6 2.15 then the system doesnt start23:04
DanteviosMy desktop is a desktop but it is powerful enough to compete with a Dell Poweredge server23:04
ikoniaDantevios: again, that's not what I asked23:05
ikoniaDantevios: depends, is this a desktop PC or a genuine server platform23:05
Danteviosit has an i7 860 chip in it and 16 gigs of ram23:05
ikoniaso it's a desktop PC yes ?23:05
Danteviosyes, but it will be used as a virtualization server23:05
ikoniaDantevios: right, so I'd advise you to use the desktop install ubuntu/xubuntu/lubuntu and remove packages you don't want23:05
zamn_hey i'm trying to resize my root partition and for some reason gparted wont let me. Can you guys help me?23:05
ikoniasimpley because the desktop CD is designed to be used with desktops and tools to configure desktop style hardware23:05
Dantevioswhy ikonia ? What is different about the server edition why is that special?23:06
xanguazamn_: are you on a live cd¿23:06
Danteviosare we talking different driver packages here?23:06
Danteviosor what23:06
zamn_xangua: i'm on gparted live cd as i was told to use that23:06
ikoniaDantevios: it's designed for server platforms that don't use desktop packages such as wireless cards, desktop video cards etc23:06
L3topserver = quality of I/O and redundancy. Essentially... different hardware.23:06
jilt007Hello All!23:06
Jordan_Uzamn_: What happens when you try to resize the partition? Do you see any error messages?23:06
Danteviosthat makes more sense then thank you ikonia23:07
zamn_Jordan_U: it just won't let me resize the root partition. I am only allowed to resize it up to 5GB when I have 30 GB free23:07
Jordan_Uzamn_: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l"?23:07
Danteviosis there an x64 edition of ubuntu 12.04?23:08
escottDantevios, yes23:08
Danteviosdon't answer that doh23:08
Danteviosjust saw it my bad annoying questions23:08
ikoniaDantevios: it's not a problem23:08
XiaolinDraconisid like to install this version of chrome23:09
XiaolinDraconischromium-browser 18.0.1025.168~r134367-0ubuntu0.12.04.123:09
XiaolinDraconiswhat command would i need?23:09
ikoniaXiaolinDraconis: are you running ubuntu 12.04 ?23:09
XiaolinDraconisikonia, yes23:09
escottDantevios, the only reason i can think of for installing a desktop as the primary hypervisor in kvm/xen is (a) you don't want to run another linux desktop as a guest (b) you want to use the primary video card, but cannot pass it through with vt-d23:10
ScuniziI had the PPA enabled for LibreOffice (most current) and had issues with one file being held back during an update. Googled, removed LO and couldn't get it back.  Disabled the PPA and loaded the current version in the ubuntu repos. No issues until I try to run anything from LO and it segfaults according to dmesg.  HOw do I fix this?23:10
ikoniaXiaolinDraconis: then if you open the package manager, search for chrome and hit install, it will install23:10
XiaolinDraconisikonia, no that would install version 2023:10
juniourXiaolinDraconis wt you want to install google chrome23:10
XiaolinDraconisikonia, with todays update chromium is crashing extensions23:10
ikoniaXiaolinDraconis: is there a reason you don't want to use the current ubuntu packaged versin23:10
Danteviosescott: I do want to run another linux desktop as a guest and I do want the functionality of doing a pass through. I have heard ubuntu has xen in it's repos that's why I want to use it specifically.23:11
ikoniaXiaolinDraconis: you'll need to use apt-get $package version=$version23:11
Danteviosbut if the host OS doesn't have the correct video drivers then that's pointless so I guess that rules server edition out for me23:11
ikoniaDantevios: why do you care about the server GPU ?23:11
chamunksis there a hardware profiler program that i can use to print a report on whats under the hood of my machine here?23:11
zamn_Jordan_U: http://pastebin.com/qURkzyxa here it is23:11
xangua(18:09:23) XiaolinDraconis: chromium-browser 18.0.1025.168~r134367-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 - that is the latest in precice, did you add a third party repository¿23:11
XiaolinDraconisikonia, thank you23:11
subcoolhow do you dd a directory to a new location?23:12
zamn_Jordan_U: since its a vbox vm it wouldn't let me copy/paste for some reason so i had to manually type it out -_-23:12
junioursubcool wt?23:12
ikoniasubcool: errr you don't do that23:12
ikoniasubcool: you use "mv" or "cp"23:12
subcoolim moving my home directory23:12
XiaolinDraconisxangua, im not entirely sure, i used a script that wasnt mine to enable various things23:12
Danteviosbecause ikonia I'm going to make two HVMs and use them for Windows guests to do Direct3D gaming while not having to sacrifice the convience of running linux as a desktop23:12
Danteviosand do a graphics card passthrough to both of them23:12
junioursubcool try 'mv'23:13
ikoniaDantevios: I assure you that's never going to work23:13
L3topXiaolinDraconis: sudo apt-get install chromium-browser=18.0.1025.168~r134367-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 023:13
b0b0+OK UjkFn.JPVlg023:13
subcooljuniour, it didnt work for me last time-23:13
juniouryou want to move your home directly permantly or temp23:13
XiaolinDraconisL3top, does the word version need to go before the equals23:14
L3topXiaolinDraconis: yes23:14
escottDantevios, i was looking into doing this myself (haven't purchased the hardware though) and one thing I read was that a VT-d passthrough of the primary display adapter was not possible in either KVM or XEN. if thats still true then you would lose the intel HD (or at least it would only be accessible to the primary hypervisor)23:14
junioursubcool you want to move your home dir permanently or temp23:14
subcooljuniour, perm23:14
Smackbooki'm tying to install compat-wireless to fix my wifi drivers and when I do make i get this http://pastebin.com/TsKKeze8 can anyone tell me what this means?23:14
Danteviosikonia: I have a net admin buddy that manages super computers for a living that says it will and is going to help me so I'm going to try at least, there is already a software called softxpand that does this and it runs in windows. There is no reason this shouldn't work by passing two keyboards, two mice, and two monitors to different HVMs.23:15
XiaolinDraconisL3top, thanks, now i cant understand why that version is not found23:15
ikoniaDantevios: never going to happen23:15
DanteviosYee hath little faith ikonia :)23:15
escottikonia, why do you say that?23:15
ikoniaDantevios: not really, just experience in it23:16
Danteviosin PCIe passthrough?23:16
Dantevioswith HVMs23:16
L3topXiaolinDraconis: apt-cache search chromium-browser  the specific version avail will be one of the options.23:16
ikoniaDantevios: you're running on home desktop hardware23:16
escottikonia, he has an i7 so it supports Vt-d23:16
ikoniait won't access things quick enough23:16
XiaolinDraconisL3top, thats where i got that version23:16
ikoniaescott: yeah, try it23:16
Danteviosikonia: my i7 860 supports direct IO and Vt-d23:17
VLanZescott: weird... it doesnt accept any range above secotr 65535...23:17
junioursubcool for that you have to create another partation23:17
ikoniaescott: it's great for things that access the gpu, but gaming...no,23:17
DanteviosThat's why i told you to think of it as a server23:17
escottikonia, well i want to try it, but i'd like to know what to buy before spending the money23:17
ikoniaDantevios: it's not though23:17
subcooljuniour, i already have- im trying to copy it now..23:17
Danteviosthe hardware in my desktop is comperable to a Dell Poweredge as I told you23:17
ikoniaDantevios: it's a "good" desktop23:17
ikoniaDantevios: no, it's not23:17
escottikonia, are you saying that the added memory latency from the second indirect lookup in the virtualization is the problem?23:18
Danteviosok same chips, same ram, same north bridge bus, i don't see why it's not23:18
Danteviosbut ok23:18
junioursubcool usermod -d /home/your_home_directory USERNAME23:18
subcoolwhats that do?23:18
junioursubcool then chown -R USERNAME /new_location/your_home_directory23:18
ikoniaescott: the demos I've seen and worked with can access the video cards great, no problem, but in terms of accessing the video, working it with a guest OS to do fast rendering graphics like a FPS, no, it just doesn't cut it23:18
ikoniaescott: so the short answer is "yes"23:19
ikoniaescott: however things that need to access the gpu for say drawing or video editoring, yes it seems to work well23:19
Danteviosikonia: how come softxpand can do it then?23:19
ikoniaDantevios: I don't know what softxpand is to be honest23:19
escottikonia, so Rhino Maya Civilization 12=good, and Doom 8.5 = bad23:20
Danteviosikonia: http://www.miniframe.com/products/softxpand/softxpand-2011-duo.html23:20
pfifocan I get a 2.6 kernel from the repos?23:20
lawltoadhi, i have a macbook pro 9,1 and want to throw ubuntu on it... any advice?23:20
Jordan_Upfifo: Why do you want an old kernel?23:20
lawltoadits not booting the live environment right now23:20
ikoniaescott: I guess it would depend how fast it needs to interact with the screen and take input and respond to that.23:21
ikoniaDantevios: I don't know what it is to start researching it now.23:21
pfifoJordan_U, for the module at http://eeepc-linux.googlecode.com23:21
ikoniaDantevios: if you think you can do it....go for it. I assure you you'll be dissapointed23:21
Dantevioshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIshT3sZMbQ - Two users on one computer playing batman arkham23:21
juniourssubcool follow this link http://askubuntu.com/questions/21321/move-home-folder-to-second-drive23:21
DanteviosDirect3D virtualization split on the same GPU23:21
XiaolinDraconisi used apt-cache to show me chromium-browser i copy pasted the version and apt-get is unable to find it23:22
junioursubcool you can also try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving23:22
escott!mbp | lawltoad23:22
ikoniaDantevios: I don't know how that software works so I can't comment, however the linux based hypervisors such as xen won't work23:22
ikonia(or work as you want them to)23:22
escott!macbook | lawltoad23:22
ubottulawltoad: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages23:23
pfifoJordan_U, so can I get an official one or do I need to compile my own?23:24
Jordan_Upfifo: Why do you think that you need this particular module?23:27
L3topwhat is the version XiaolinDraconis23:27
XiaolinDraconisthats what apt-cache tells me23:27
L3topXiaolinDraconis: sudo apt-get install chromium-browser=18.0.1025.168*23:28
L3topprobably has issues with the tilde23:28
XiaolinDraconisahh thank you23:28
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone I have a SIL3132 eSATA card in my ubuntu box.  The card works except FIS switching does not.  Does anyone have any ideas what I can do?23:29
XiaolinDraconiswoah holy crud23:29
pfifoJordan_U, google referred me to this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC/Using#Overclocking not the Overclocking part23:29
XiaolinDraconisbefore u said this i opted to installed chromium-browser which got me version 2023:29
XiaolinDraconisand to my surprise my config is intact23:29
XiaolinDraconisnow to see if things crash23:30
XiaolinDraconisof course23:30
Jordan_Uzamn_: Which partition are you trying to resize?23:30
XiaolinDraconisL3top, and u were correct, the asterisk solved it23:32
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XiaolinDraconisthanks guys23:35
pfifoJordan_U, any other questions or comments?23:37
Tigerboyanyone have any idea why the ability to resize a window is not working23:38
TigerboyThe windows will not resize but I can do maximum23:38
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone I have a SIL3132 eSATA card in my ubuntu box.  The card works except FIS switching does not.  Does anyone have any ideas what I can do?23:41
xanguaTigerboy: sounds like you disabled the rezize windows plugin, do you have compiz settings manager installed¿23:41
Tigerboyxangua: oh duh If I only had a brain thank you so much I"m sure that is what it is. :)23:42
TigerboyXangua: yes that was it, thanks again.23:43
xanguaTigerboy: you can always get a brain if you follow the yellow path to the wizard of Oz :)23:44
pfifo!kernel > pfifo23:45
ubottupfifo, please see my private message23:45
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)23:45
TigerboyXangua: check out the new movie- Oz the Great and Powerful-- what happened before the Wizard of Oz- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsfY6aXDFbU23:45
Jordan_Upfifo: Do you have a file /proc/eee/fsb currently?23:45
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shihanTHE_GFR|WORK, the driver does say it supports fis, doesnt seem to have a switch for turning it on and off that i can see23:45
N3LOHHello all, I just did an update with the updater for 12.04 and now the PC boots to the boot loader and asks me to pick what I wish to do. If I use the updated kernel it reboots to the loader...so I have to go back to the older ver. Anyone here having that issue?23:46
Tigerboythat looks wild but I'm sure it is not until next year23:46
pfifoJordan_U, no, i dont23:49
blackshirtthats a common problem with ubuntu23:49
ScuniziAfter uninstalling LibreOffice from the PPA and trying to reinstall the normal repo version... nothing in Libreoffice works.. won't load files or even a new file.. Any help appriciated!23:50
Jordan_Upfifo: If you run "sudo modprobe eeepc-laptop" does it cause the file to appear?23:51
krosonScunizi: what was the issue with the libreoffice from ppa?23:53
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r007i'm looking for program like this for linux23:53
Scunizikroson: there was one package that wouldn't update.. following instruction in bugzilla about it included removing it. once that was done I couldn't reinstall either and make them work23:54
blackshirtr007, i don't understand with program like this...23:54
pfifoJordan_U, well, the module loads fine and shows up in an lsmod, but /proc/eee/fsb is not created23:54
r007blackshirt, http://en.kioskea.net/download/download-7693-clap-commander23:55
Scunizikroson: I followed instructions on bugzilla to overcome a package that wouldn't update (LO related).. that included uninstalling LO PPA and files and reinstalling.  That didn't work so I tried to revert back to standard repo version.. still not working.23:55
blackshirtr007, i'm on handheld devices, and can't follow your link given23:55
Scunizikroson: dmesg shows a seg fault when tring to load calc or writer etc.23:55
=== fire_ is now known as harsh_bhatt
matt-9118hello I need help compiling wifi drivers. how can I compile one module, instead of compiling my whole kernel?23:56
r007blackshirt, the name of the program is "clap commander"23:56
=== matt_ is now known as Guest47577
blackshirtr007, what the program used for?23:56
r007blackshirt, Clap Commander is a tool that enables you to remote control your computer by clapping hands. Simple and easy to use, the application allows you to assign task for claps. Offering an intuitive interface, this tool gives you the ability recognize those claps from a microphone. Assign the number of claps to turn off your system.23:57
matt-9118can someone with compiling knowledge PM me?23:57
Scunizikroson: any idea?23:58
matt-9118how can I compile module zd1211rw?  thx23:58
krosonScunizi: no, sorry, but what ppa did you use?23:59
r007someone know about program like that, for linux http://static.commentcamarche.net/en.kioskea.net/faq/images/8Q2jkGo3yUKrAVte-s-.png23:59
blackshirtr007, i think thats a great tool... I'm try searching for you23:59

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