
ailo-wThink I will start working on US development only on weekends for the most part. 06:25
ailo-wlen-dt: How's busy life?06:25
ailo-wI guess more like sleepy life right now06:26
smartboyhwHi scott-work14:12
smartboyhwAlso len-dt14:12
scott-workgood morning smartboyhw 14:13
smartboyhwGood evening scott-work 14:13
smartboyhwscott-work: PING14:49
holsteinlen-dt: though, im skeptical20:59
holsteinsays he cant see "grub" at all til the desktop20:59
len-dtshift... But he has already said he has been drinking a lot too.21:00
holsteinlen-dt: hes not really into fixing it right now21:01
len-dtBed might work21:04
len-dtholstein, I guess the beach instead...21:22
holsteinlen-dt: well, we all gotta learn somehow21:22
holsteini used to just reinstall a bunch ;)21:22
len-dtI started before X and guis were a big thing...21:23
holsteini think you learn more that way.. OK.. gotta run.. good evening21:24
len-dtinternet was just starting to be available at 24 baud.21:24
len-dtbye now.21:24
len-dtOur ISO got smaller again...23:10
micahgmost teams are happy when that happens :)23:14
len-dtNot a complaint, just a comment.... though if our metas were all there it should be larger23:15
micahgoh, is that still broke?23:15
* micahg will try to have a look sat night23:16
len-dtYa, I haven't had the time with Studio since I am back at work and no one else seems to be doing anything...23:16
len-dtAnything with this part anyway.23:17
micahglen-dt: well, it was mostly you that did everything this cycle23:17
len-dtA lot of this cycle stuff was research for next cycle and ailo did most of that... it just doesn't show. I did the changes though.23:19

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