
jnadeaui have a question 00:20
knomego ahead00:20
jnadeaui'm a blind user and I'm running xubuntu with orca 00:20
jnadeaui've managed to get xfce to be accessible with orca but have one problem 00:21
jnadeaufirefox and thunderbird are very accessible under gnome and I can't get them accessible under xfce any ideas00:21
knomei have followed the discussion on the mailing list, and unfortunately i don't have any ideas00:23
jnadeauYeah I can't figure it out and its driving me crazy00:23
knomehave you tried asking #ubuntu-accessibility?00:23
knomei know that's not explicitly xubuntu, but they might have some ideas00:24
jnadeaui'm running xubuntu right now but if I log out and into gnome firefox and thunderbird are accessible but if I log back into xfce they become unaccessible again00:24
knomeyes, i'm aware of that00:24
jnadeauYeah I will try ubuntu accessibility thanks for your time and help.00:25
jnadeauAlso xubuntu is looking really great 00:25
jnadeaui'm running 12.10 right now 00:25
knomehmm, no offense meant, but if you are bling, how can you see? :)00:26
knomeheh, blind, not bling...00:26
jnadeauI don't understand what you are asking i'm sorry00:26
knomejnadeau, i link "looking great" with seeing00:27
jnadeauwell I mean looking great from my point of view00:27
knomejnadeau, heh, yeah. thanks for the feedback :)00:27
jnadeaulike the way it runs and its performance 00:27
knomeit's actually good to know we have users with accessibility issues too00:28
knomeand that we can actually deliver a usable experience00:28
jnadeauYeah it's great outside of the whole firefox and thunderbird thing00:28
knomedo you have any browser and/or mail app that you can use meanwhile?00:29
jnadeaunot really thats why it is such a big problem 00:29
jnadeauno other browsers are accessible 00:29
jnadeauand evolution is full of accessibility bugs00:30
micahghrm, we should have the accessibility stuff installed00:32
knomejnadeau, do you have the package 'at-spi' installed?00:32
jnadeauyes I do 00:32
jnadeauI also checked the accessibility box  in the xfce menu00:33
jnadeauand checked the box to start the extra gnome things to see if that would help but still nothing 00:33
knomejnadeau, can you try this:00:34
knomejnadeau, create .gtkrc-2.0 file in your home dir, and add the following line:00:34
knomejnadeau, gtk-modules="gail:atk-bridge"00:34
jnadeauI did add this but I put it in my .bashrc file00:35
jnadeauso i should create this folder instead and put it there 00:35
knomefile, and yes, you could try if it works00:35
jnadeauI also put this in my .profile to see if that would help and it didn't work either 00:36
jnadeauwhere should I create that folder 00:37
knomeif you add that to .profile or .bashrc, i think the line should be "export GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge"00:37
knomecreate the *file* .gtkrc-2.0 in your home folder00:37
jnadeauyes that is how I put it in 00:37
knomethen i doubt this other fix will help, but you can always try00:37
jnadeauI will try anything 00:38
jnadeauhang on and I'll create that folder 00:38
jnadeauokay I created the file 00:44
jnadeaudo I have to log out 00:44
knomeat least it won't hurt if you do00:44
jnadeaujust to make sure I did the right thing I opened leafpad and created the file .gtkrc-2.0 and put in that command00:45
jnadeauokay i'll be back thanks for all your help 00:45
jnadeauno it didn't work 00:52
jnadeaubut I think I might have found the problem possibly 00:52
jnadeauso thanks again for all your time and help.00:53
pleia2knome: first draft of doc post for xubuntu.org is up05:06
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knomewe fit on CD's :)11:06
SkippersBossso the 450k has been found11:08
knomeno... we lost it11:10
knomethat's why we fit ;)11:10
SkippersBossNow you guys get some sleep11:11
SkippersBosswell deserved11:11
* knome is afraid it'll find our new address though11:11
* knome hides11:11
knomehah, i just woke up ;)11:11
SkippersBosssome1 is in a happy mood today11:11
knomewell, a few hours ago...11:11
knomei'm just pretending11:11
SkippersBossI know the feeling11:12
knomeno reason to be grumpy and bath in the depression either so...11:12
SkippersBosstill the next deadline lol11:13
knomenot too much to do for Q an more11:13
elfyas far as I can see from here - the only things not working in quantal are the indicators - but from what I can see that's a way off and the double partitions thing - no idea what's going on with that11:18
elfyI for one applaud those who've done what they have 11:18
olbiI saw yesterday on LiveCD that sound icon appear in indicator :D11:25
olbiand works good11:25
elfyworking here too olbi - had to re-add the indicator thing 11:39
SkippersBossexcuse my ignorance but what is Yelp ?15:59
pleia2help browser (rather than using firefox)16:01
SkippersBossAh your ladyship... : Hmm Yes we want to (in my opinion)16:03
SkippersBossHelp files/documentation needs to be accessable with a minimum of fuz in my opnion. 16:04
pleia2well, you'd still launch it in the same way, just by going to "Help" in the menu :)16:05
SkippersBossff has too many distracting bells nd whistles16:05
pleia2not sure if it's an lighter application16:05
SkippersBossMost people got FF loaded up with at least Adblock and maybe autopager16:06
SkippersBossSO my personal preferance would be a simple browser16:07
micahgthe problem is w/out yelp/gnome-user-docs, some of the applications won't have help16:07
pleia2so it probably makes sense for our stuff to use yelp, if we need it anyway16:08
SkippersBossthat's solves that issue then16:08
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micahg\o/ looks like xfce 4.12 will have some gtk3 support21:45
micahgwhich is good as we'll probably have that + some pieces of 4.14 for 14.0421:45
knomemicahg, yeah, i read the same; hoorahh!22:17

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