
iToastburning xubuntu a disk ATM00:21
iToastIma install it00:21
iToastHow hard is it to setup XBMC on itand have it autologin with XBMC loaded...00:22
knome!patience | iToast00:25
ubottuiToast: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:25
iToastknome, I've asked multiple questions in this channel in the past00:25
iToastand waited over a hour.00:25
knomeiToast, and? it doesn't warrant being impatient00:25
iToastI kind of need the info as Im about to start the install over Ubuntu server00:26
Azelphur!patience | iToast00:26
ubottuiToast: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:26
iToastas ubuntu server does not pay friendly with xorg00:26
Azelphuroh, someone already did that :P00:26
AzelphuriToast: should be pretty simple, add xbmc to startup applications and turn on auto login00:27
Azelphurmake sure to turn auto login during the install process00:27
oxygen_so i killed pulseaudio the other day, to fix an issue i was having with videos fastforwarding when i watch them, i had mangler up and once i killed it, i was suddenly transmiting really loud static, restarted but to no avail, i have no clue what to do00:35
oxygen_anyone know what to do?00:36
oxygen_Audio playback works flawlessly00:36
oxygen_but when i try to use the mic in any program00:36
oxygen_im getting some serious static00:37
oxygen_anyone :(?00:37
knomeoxygen_, have you tried changing the outputs in pavucontrol?00:41
oxygen_no i haven't00:42
oxygen_i've only tried to change settings within mangler00:42
oxygen_but it seems to not be a problem specific to mangler anymore00:42
knomei don't know what mangler is00:42
oxygen_linux ventrillo client00:42
oxygen_ncould you tell me how to do that pavucontrol thing?00:42
knomeright. anyway, check the channels and output in pavucontrol00:43
MrBushidois there any file in particular i should use for storing xinput settings to autoload them on relogging?00:43
knomeif you don't have it installed; sudo apt-ge tinstall pavucontrol00:43
knomethen alt+f2 and pavucontrol00:43
oxygen_i've done this00:44
oxygen_i only have on input device00:44
oxygen_that's where the trouble lies00:44
knomedid you used to have several?00:46
oxygen_it's just this laptop00:46
oxygen_with builtin analog audio00:46
knomei'd check the outputs too00:46
oxygen_the mic is just00:46
oxygen_well theres only one output00:47
oxygen_analog stereo00:47
oxygen_i mean the mic is just00:47
oxygen_got it's levels maxed00:47
oxygen_its sounds like have a fan right up next to it00:47
oxygen_which i dont00:47
oxygen_im on a couch in a quiet room00:48
oxygen_all this started when i killed pulseaudio00:48
oxygen_in top00:48
oxygen_i just killed it again00:49
knomei'm out of ideas...00:49
oxygen_watched the damn thing refresh00:49
oxygen_mic is still blasting00:49
oxygen_anyone else here?00:49
knomeoxygen_, remember to have patience and that we're all volunteers - and good luck00:50
oxygen_i hate myself00:50
oxygen_at this point00:50
knomenah, don't00:50
oxygen_im going to hard reset00:50
knomealso http://xubuntu.org/help/ to read about all other support methods :)00:50
oxygen_see if it does anything00:51
xubuntu340necesito una ayuda01:13
xubuntu340alguien me podria ayudar?01:13
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #xubuntu-es; escriba "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. Si nadie responde, puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es.01:13
|Anthony|i want to run pulseaudio in system-wide mode. Following http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/User/SystemWide the groups it lists are already present. it also says to make a home for pulse user. is there any issue with this and if so how can i revert the changes on failure02:58
holstein|Anthony|: wonder if you could get by with testing on a live CD...03:00
|Anthony|it wouldn't be a proper test in my use case tbh03:00
|Anthony|i'm working on multiseat if you remember03:00
|Anthony|which would of course require some xorg and lightdm configs that wouldn't persist after a reboot03:01
|Anthony|nor could they go into effect without one03:01
|Anthony|catch 22 hehe03:01
|Anthony|and a vm wouldn't suffice either i think03:01
holsteinhmmmm... you could ask in #opensourcemusicians in case anyone there has done anything like that.. most folk there do alsa only though03:02
holsteinlooks like that would be challenging to "undo" at a quick glance03:03
|Anthony|so many chans out there... hard to keep track03:03
|Anthony|adduser --system --ingroup pulse --home /var/run/pulse pulse03:03
|Anthony|that is my only concern really03:03
|Anthony|really, the whole project is above my pay grade, but i'm looking to promote myself03:05
|Anthony|this is a summary of my efforts with pulse: http://pastebin.com/AsAjQTcy03:06
holsteini wouldnt be scrared of alsa only if it helps.. though pulse should be capable03:07
|Anthony|i'm gonna give it a go03:08
|Anthony|what's the worst that could happen03:08
|Anthony|so close03:09
|Anthony|the audio is the only thing in the way03:09
|Anthony|both seats work fine. hotplugging works as expected03:09
|Anthony|system is stable03:10
Unit193I generally run off to the archwiki for their alsa and pulseaudio section, been quite handy.03:10
|Anthony|arch and gentoo have great wikis03:10
|Anthony|but *buntu has better packages03:11
|Anthony|and apt (imo) is far better than other package systems03:11
xubuntu340anyone can help me??03:12
|Anthony|ask and ye shall receive03:12
Unit193|Anthony|: Heh, was just saying you can use their wiki with Ubuntu, just a little translate from arch to Ubuntu style.03:13
xubuntu340I have problems with some files I have on my removable disk03:13
xubuntu340anyone can help me?03:14
|Anthony|i knew what you meant Unit19303:14
|Anthony|xubuntu340, state your question/problem03:14
xubuntu340I have problems with some files I have on my removable disk03:14
|Anthony|just rm -R /03:15
|Anthony|and all your problems will go away03:15
|Anthony|kidding don't do that03:15
xubuntu340I can not change folder permissions anthony03:15
|Anthony|there is a problem03:16
xubuntu340you  understand ?03:18
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions03:18
xubuntu340I need to change the permissions of my folders03:19
xubuntu340ah oks03:19
|Anthony|files folders03:19
|Anthony|it's all a file03:19
holsteinxubuntu340: you should be able to right click and see what the options are. you can also run a file manager as root, though its not advised to do without care03:20
xubuntu340all my files contained removable disk with the name of ROOT03:21
holsteinxubuntu340: you'll be able to chown what you need03:21
|Anthony|chown is the way to go03:22
holsteinthe root filemanager i mentioned will have access to those files as well, though chown is the way to go03:22
|Anthony|using the dialog boxes from gksudo nautilus usually fails for subfolders and files03:22
|Anthony|in my experience03:23
xubuntu340I test now03:25
erkan^Can I remove thunar and install Nautilus?03:25
erkan^thx holstein03:27
erkan^i go read this03:27
|Anthony|one of the first things i did once in xubuntu03:29
xubuntu340chmode not working03:29
holsteinxubuntu340: whats the issue?03:30
xubuntu340sumo chown not working03:30
holsteinxubuntu340: sudo*03:30
holsteinxubuntu340: are you typo-ing those commands?03:30
xubuntu340I do not understand holstein03:31
holsteinxubuntu340: im asking, if you typo-d the commands?03:31
holsteinxubuntu340: its sudo, not somu03:31
holsteinif, as root (sudo) you change the permissions of a directory, then you will give permissions to whatever user you specified03:33
holsteinyou likely need to read the part about applying the settings to the files under that directory03:33
holsteinxubuntu340: note *recipe for disaster* there03:35
holsteinxubuntu340: the -R flag is what you want03:36
xubuntu340I'm looking03:36
xubuntu340Wait a second please03:37
holsteinsure... you'll need to elaborate anyways... i still dont know if thats the issue03:38
unheedinghello!  I'm having trouble with the xfce4-power-manager05:42
unheedingit just doesn't start up with XFCE, I don't see a battery icon in the menu bar, and when i close my laptop lid it doesn't suspend like it should05:43
oxygenits just one of those days05:47
oxygenhas anyone had luck installing a lexmark pro700 series printer05:47
oxygeni managed to a while ago05:47
oxygenbut i can't get it to work after this re install05:48
toraxprotip, every time i get something to work or try to get something to work I write notes05:49
oxygenregretting that right now05:50
oxygeni remember it being really simple05:50
oxygenbut i cant really figure it our05:50
oxygenit'sa  network printer05:50
oxygenand the drivers lexmark gives05:51
oxygenare all .deb05:51
oxygenand all the "fixes" are for .tar.gz files05:51
toraxIf you get it to work, make how-to an publish it online, blog for example05:52
oxygenso sudo dpkg -i05:57
oxygeninstalls deb files05:57
oxygenbut i get errors..05:57
oxygenwtf is going on05:57
well_laid_lawnhard to tell from here05:59
oxygenwhayts the default root password?06:02
oxygensudo that shit06:03
xubuntu305what a great S.O.08:44
ochosisay, have any of you folks out there a good solution for setting proxies based on e.g. ESSID?09:09
ochosi(and i'm not talking about scipting nm-applet's dispatcher)09:09
=== Anona is now known as Strinteger
Gamoder_Hi everyone, I got the following problem: I am using Ubuntu 12.10 (don't redirect me to #ubuntu+1 please since this problem existed in 12.04 as well) with XFCE - and whenever I type ALT+F2 it takes ages (10-30 s) to load the application launcher - even starting a terminal is faster (and in fact, I often do that)12:21
recon_tvGamoder_: dont think xubuntu even has a application launcher12:23
Gamoder_it has. Type ALT+F212:24
Gamoder_press the keys12:24
Gamoder_and then wait a bit12:24
recon_tvGamoder_: but the problem is probably in unity. but I have no ideas so i'll shut up12:26
toraxIt pops up instantly with me12:27
Gamoder_well - I do not use unity12:27
Gamoder_I just use XFCE12:27
Gamoder_well - strangely unity-files-daemon and unity-music-daemon is startet12:28
recon_tvGamoder_: how did you setup xface? a clean install?12:30
recon_tvGamoder_: how did you setup you computers, a clean install of xubuntu?12:30
Gamoder_recon_tv: no, an install of ubuntu, then I installed xubuntu-desktop12:32
recon_tvGamoder_: I would think thats the cause then12:32
Gamoder_yeah, but it shouldn't make the application launcher start that slowly12:34
Gamoder_I am able to afford some MB of Ram for a not-that-clean-install12:34
recon_tvGamoder_: why would more ram help? anyway, why stick with a fraken install?12:35
Gamoder_recon_tv: oh - no, I mean: I got enough Ram for some senseless daemons; and - maybe because I want both unity and xfce?12:40
Gamoder_unity looks good so it is nice if some other person comes and I use it for "showing" that linux can be beautiful. On the other hand, I like xfce more for doing real work12:41
recon_tvGamoder_: well maybe some else here might know the details, afraid I don't :(12:42
mafadparasthi there14:32
mafadparastanyone using intel graphics, screen resolution 1366x76814:33
mafadparasti am having screen resolution problems14:33
mubbintresting, attempt to remove plymouth causes practically entire system to be wiped15:25
xubuntu763hi, anyone with screen resolution problems with intel vga card15:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 989658 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "Resolution not detected correctly on Intel Mobile 4 series" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:39
genii-aroundThe usual tactic seems to be using either nomodeset or vga as a boot option, or setting some obscure option like noapic/nolapic/acpi=<whatever>15:44
IronsightDoes anyone have a nice wiki page or tool I can use to edit the xfce menu, I wish to add a program entry.16:21
GridCubeIronsight, xubuntu version?16:22
GridCubesee faq 8: http://xubuntu.org/news/faq-1204-precise/16:22
Ironsightthanks :D16:22
IronsightWell, that's easy enough :D16:23
xubuntu763i am using xubuntu 1017:41
xubuntu763the resolution i get is 1024x76817:42
xubuntu763i have xservr-xorg-video-intel17:42
knomethere is no "xubuntu 10"17:48
knomeis it 10.04 or 10.10 ?17:48
GridCubexubuntu763, do lspci | grep -i "vga"        and paste the results17:50
xubuntu763it is v frustating, cannot find xor.conf file, so do not know where settings are saved, have looked at other folders17:50
GridCubethere should not be any17:50
GridCubeyou only have an xorg.conf file when you create one17:51
GridCubexubuntu763, do what i asked you please17:51
xubuntu76300:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)17:51
GridCubeok you should be fine with generic drivers17:51
GridCubewhats the problem?17:51
xubuntu763resolution set at 1024x768,17:52
GridCubewhats with that?17:52
xubuntu763while i have been using 1366x768 before17:52
GridCubemany times the maximum screen resolution is defaulted by the monitor settings17:52
xubuntu763cannot cahnge it17:52
GridCubenot the vga17:52
GridCubexubuntu763, you know how to use pastebin?17:52
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:53
GridCubeplase pastebin the outputs of xrandr17:53
GridCubesorry xubuntu763 i have go for a while someone else should catch up with you :)17:54
xubuntu763Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 8192 x 8192 LVDS1 connected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 344mm x 193mm    1366x768       60.0*+    1024x768       60.0      800x600        60.3     56.2      640x480        59.9   VGA1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) HDMI1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) DP1 disconnected (normal left inverted right 17:55
GridCubexubuntu763, pastebin please17:56
xubuntu763howto pastebin?17:56
xubuntu763i'll return in 10 min18:02
GridCubexubuntu763, :) im back18:15
GridCubexubuntu763, you should follow this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111218618:18
xubuntu763hi, yes give me two minutes, i am trying to twitch configuration, see if it helps18:19
xubuntu763yes, i am back, no change18:23
xubuntu763same 1024x768 resolution18:24
xubuntu763xrandr http://paste.ubuntu.com/1219146/18:27
xubuntu763there is problem with the screen here18:29
xubuntu763as in the xrandr18:29
xubuntu316Hello, I am having a trouble in installing new languages to linux18:38
GridCube!details | xubuntu31618:40
ubottuxubuntu316: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:40
xubuntu768hi back18:46
xubuntu768763 as 76818:46
xubuntu847So what is the first i should do when i am installing xubuntu18:55
xubuntu847I am installing it now, and i have only scratched the surface before, but im gonna use it full time on my laptop, only used VM's before18:55
holsteini like to *not* install.. run the cd live, and see about the hardware suport18:56
xubuntu847Well ubuntu supports errything18:56
xubuntu847And i guess they pretty much use the same librarys18:56
xubuntu847or package lists or i dont know the correct name for it18:56
holsteinxubuntu847: ubuntu and xubuntu? xubntu *is* ubuntu... same kernels, same repos.. same sources18:58
xubuntu847Ah, yes, just different DE18:59
xubuntu847repos was what i meant earlier18:59
holsteini still load it up live, and look around and check... a kernel upgrade can really change everything19:00
Ironsightumm, what's the command to launch the default xfce terminal emulator?19:14
holsteinxfce4-terminal Ironsight ?19:15
* Ironsight checks19:15
Ironsightoh, the menu editor should tell me :D19:16
Ironsighto.O exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator19:18
xubuntu472I am trying to install xubuntu from pen drive but it stuck at the loading screen nothing camr, my configuring is 1gb ram 2.1Ghz processor 320 hd19:30
Ironsightooh, new kernel20:03
devnillI'm having some problems getting my system audio to work over bluetooth20:22
devnillI've paired my device and have connected it to be an a2dp audio sink20:23
devnillAnd the pulseaudio plugin is enabled in the bluetooth manage but its not showing up as an output device and audio is still directed to my speakers20:23
xubuntu608cual es mas ligero  ....  LDXE  o xfce ?20:26
TheSheep!es | xubuntu60820:27
ubottuxubuntu608: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #xubuntu-es; escriba "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. Si nadie responde, puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es.20:27
xubuntu608whis one its less  heavy   ....  LDXE  oR xfce  ?20:29
=== recon_tv is now known as recon_lap
recon_laphow would i get a list of daemons that are running ? ect/rc look strange to me20:53
holsteinps aux ?20:53
TheSheeprecon_lap: you can also get a list of all processes that listen on the network with netstat -p20:56
recon_lapthx, ps aux game me list. been a really long time since i was in init.d20:57
TheSheeprecon_lap: and `service --status-all` will give you information about all the stuff from init.d20:57
TheSheeprecon_lap: actually the 'service' command is a convenient interface to all those init.d things20:58
recon_lapyea, took a couple of goes to get right but mysql root password reset :)21:15
Ironsightokay, I have an asus g60 laptop, with a memory card reader, and it isn't seeing my sdcard slot (which has a microsd, inside of a sd card adaptor in it), anyone have a clue how to fix it? Google resulted with no answers.21:24
TheSheepIronsight: do you get anything in dmesg when you insert the card?21:25
* Ironsight looks21:25
Ironsightnevermind! I took it out, and popped it back in, and voila magic, it works21:26
Ironsightmight have been a loose connection or something21:27
TheSheepyeah, they often have that, especially with an adapter21:28
recon_lapwaits for the i cannot write to my sd card question :)21:30
Ironsightno, it's writing okay :)21:40
IronsightIt's a brand new card, so it just needed breaking in :D21:41
Ironsight(I was going to say, I know that card slot was working in 11.1021:41
Ironsightkinda mad I lost my last microsd card... I had 30 gigs of data on it :(21:43
IronsightThen I bought this one, and my son threw away the bag it was in while the card was still in it...21:44
IronsightSo I had to pick through trash to save it21:44
Ironsightit was still in it's original packaging21:44
recon_lapIronsight: the things you end up looking for in your trash :)22:02

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