
navarAnyone tried to install via 12.04 alternative iso on usb stick?03:31
kanliotshould work03:39
navarcomplains mid-install about incorrect cd via some check.  I see now from some further digging a cdrom-detect/try-usb=boolean kernel option I'll revise in the grub cfg and give it another go.03:40
kanliotwhat's the exact error03:41
kanliotand can you verify cd files?03:41
kanlioti don't think this is a common problem03:42
navarexact error is just the (ncurses?) text installation window stating incorrect installation cdrom (once past keyboard selection, etc.)03:44
navarhoping https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cdrom-detect/+bug/234185 is related to the issue so I can get past it.03:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 234185 in usb-creator (Ubuntu Hardy) "Alternate CD cdrom-detect.postinst does not consider USB flash drive/key. " [Undecided,New]03:47
kanliothmm i guess it possibly could be usb-creator03:47
kanliotis that what you used?03:47
kanliotto create the cd03:48
navarno, manually03:48
navari have a number of isos loadable from the stick in question.  This just happens to be an aging problematic donated system with flaky cdrom drives.  I had to get plop going to boot from usb and so on.03:50
kanliothow much ram do you have?03:50
kanlioti would try dd03:51
navarprior I was trying to do mint cinnamon, but ubiquity seems to flake out in the end (useradd commit isn't occuring so mdm is hosed, nor is grub install occuring, had to do manually).  Gave up on that.03:51
navarit's 384 MB.03:51
navardownloading the desktop iso to perhaps try later... but was hoping the alternate would go fine.  This is only issue so far...03:51
kanliotyou can use the desktop03:52
kanliotwith 38403:52
kanliotif you have a swap file03:52
navarcurrently an active swap partition set off, so yes.03:52
navarjust wary of ubiquity stalling (window just disappears near the end with active mouse cursor forever).03:52
navarlooking at top basically indicates nothing is going on anymore. :)03:53
kanliotthat sounds like ubiquity03:53
kanliotbut with a swap file it should be ok03:53
kanliotas long as you don't remove it during the install03:53
navarYeah that was my thought when I was trying to check out mint.03:56
navarwow adding cdrom-check/try-usb=true caused a kernel panic. :/  More details are that this is being manually done via grub's loopback feature for iso images.  The only partitions it claims to see at that point are sr0 and sr1.04:07
navarHopefully I don't have to hack the initrd.04:07
navarI wouldn't want to dd overwrite the existing vfat partition on the usb stick.  At worse, I'd extract the iso into a path on it and non-loop boot it that way.04:08
navarI'll give the desktop variant a try here in a minute, presuming it's the normal casper setup.  I've made that work many times on this, but the ubiquity installs on this old system seem problematic.04:10
tarvidI've become dependent on the google-talk plugin; am I going to be in trouble on Lubuntu04:16
kanliotworks here04:23
kanliotjust download it04:23
tarvidactually having some problems with chrome on Ubuntu04:24
kanliotwe have lots of chromium probs04:25
kanliotbut i use firefox myslef04:25
tarvidI have been also; chrome works flawlessly on Vista04:25
kanliotit does04:27
navartarvid: chrome (well google-chrome, not sure on chromium specifically) works well on gentoo.  Problems ran into on pre-64bit AMD CPUs and their internal pepperflash plugin code from adobe forcing SSE2 instructions (late version 19 to early 20).04:31
tarvidI have an old CF-R1 that I really like in my car but XP thrashes and I was hoping Lubuntu would carry the load better04:32
tarvidIs there a good ssid finder for Lubuntu; I do a lot of war driving04:34
tarvidkismet is too hard to use while driving04:34
kanliotwe're just a simple country distro.  try our homemade apple butter04:35
navarlol :)04:35
tarvidtis the season here in the mountains of Virginia04:36
kanliotTN here04:36
tarvidDoing fiber and wireless installs04:38
tarvidIf I can figure out how to sink VLAN assignments I can do the administrivia on the road too04:39
tarvidCell phones are unreliable04:39
tarvidHanging on a 14km link here and the little laptop is also better when climbing up hills04:41
tarvidParabolic is a bit of a pain04:41
tarvidThanks for the chat; I'll do something tomorrow04:47
silverarrowwhy are there no bluetooth for lubuntu ppc?08:22
silverarrowfrom the edges of the world08:25
surtHello, can anyone help me find an alternative to compiz' zoom and/or magnifier plugin...that works in a lubuntu session?08:25
surtgiant screen size 8 font...great most days but kind of tricky after a long day08:26
silverarrowsorry, I hardly ever use compiz08:26
surtWell...how about just a screen magnifier?08:26
surtI know about xzoom, but it just sits in one spot without following the cursor's movement...08:27
silverarrowI have used projector with libre office impress08:27
silverarrowvga or hdmi connection ?08:28
surtThat's slideshow software...08:29
surtBut I need a system magnifier08:30
silverarrowyou need someone who uses it08:31
silverarrowsurt, have you tried the ubuntu channel?08:32
silverarrow...only because there are more activity there at the moment08:33
surtYeah mate. Don't worry I'll source something.08:33
ddyyllaannBonjour tootai10:03
ddyyllaannVous aussi vous utiliser Lubuntu ?10:03
bioterror!fr | ddyyllaann10:04
tootaiyes (attention, c'est une liste en anglais)10:04
ubottuddyyllaann: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:04
ddyyllaannAh sorry, but is there a channel for lubuntu in French10:05
bioterrorit's english here or #ubuntu-fr or the quebec one ;)10:06
ddyyllaannFortunately, there are translation system to speak English10:06
ddyyllaannI eat everything I revien time, good appetite!10:07
silverarrowis it possible to delete downloaded updates in update manager?10:41
leszeksilverarrow: yes with "sudo apt-get clean" entered in lxterminal10:41
leszekit will delete every package in apts cache10:42
silverarrowI think I messed up my updater10:42
leszekhow ?10:42
silverarrowleft in the quantal cd and things happened10:42
silverarrowwhen upadate manager launched its` self I think10:42
silverarrowI will try update manager once more10:44
leszekis there an error message or something that could be helpful for identifying the problem ?10:44
silverarrowI get the message; cannot install updates, please insert update CD, something like that,10:44
silverarrowand a long list of updates show as "downloaded"10:45
silverarrowI still get asked about quantal quetzal10:47
silverarrowupdate for 1.4.18-1ubuntu1.110:48
silverarrowleszek, are you in lubuntu now?10:48
silverarrowI am in precise 12.04 by the way10:50
silverarrowit is a security update10:51
silverarrowhey, anyone here?10:52
silverarrowback later10:52
ddyyllaannI spend a Lubuntu 12.10 a week ago but I wonder if I did!10:54
bizhanMonaHi I have installed Lubuntu desktop, 12.04 on my machine. How can I boot to commandline terminal only (No window manager)? Thx14:40
bioterrorbizhanMona, add text to the grub after ro quiet14:55
bioterrorbizhanMona, http://askubuntu.com/questions/148717/how-do-i-boot-into-the-console-and-then-launch-the-ubuntu-desktop-from-it14:56
=== silverarrow is now known as silverlightning
=== taoseeker is now known as silverarrow
silverarrowanyone here?16:48
silverarrowis update going fine at the moment?16:48
silverarrowI have a mess, and I`m not sure what has caused it16:48
bioterror!details | silverarrow16:50
ubottusilverarrow: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:50
silverarrowI`m getting updates, and they will not install16:55
silverarrowI am asked; CD/DVD 'Lubuntu 12.10 _Quantal Quetzal_ - Alpha powerpc (20120919)' is required16:56
silverarrowwhich is a bit weird, I have not launched a distro release or anything like that16:57
bioterrorfix your sources16:57
bioterroruse synaptic for example16:57
bioterroryou have cd/dvd enabled16:58
silverarrowyou are correct, there was a tagg of for quantal DVD16:58
silverarrowwhich I have not set my self16:58
bioterrorI'm always correct ;)16:59
silverarrowbut I have tried to boot the live Ubuntu dvd for testing purposes16:59
silverarrowquantal I mean16:59
silverarrowand update works !!17:01
silverarrowand for restart17:02
=== Ironlenny is now known as Guest32294
yesmanBuonara ragazzi ho bisogno di un consiglio riguardo lubuntu19:11
yesmanc'è qualcuno online?19:11
=== Guest32294 is now known as Ironlenny
sandowneguyI'm running 10.04, can I upgrade to 12.04 like Ubuntu?23:51

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