
phunyguyI am having an issue with Empathy on 12.10, and Google Chat.  When setting it up under Online Accounts, I can log into google, and authorize Ubuntu to access the account, but it won't connect via Empathy afterwards.  I think it has to do with me having 2-factor authentication enabled in GMail, requiring each app to have its own password.  I don't have the option to set an app-specific password for Empathy... Any thoughts?02:28
phunyguyThis place is dead tonight.... lol03:01
jbichaphunyguy: I added Google just fine, used my email & regular password then prompted for the 2-factor code03:05
phunyguyjbicha, I never got a prompt.  It just failed to connect.  I went into the keyring app and changed the password there to an app specific password and it connected right up.03:06
phunyguyremoved and re-added, from scratch., same thing03:09
rdfI upgraded 12.04 to 12.10... now grub2 is b0rked.  I manually have to set the kernel and initrd by hand in order to boot.03:14
rdfI've gone and downloaded boot-repair 'cus I suck at grub, but don't know what else to do to ensure the config is correct.03:14
rdftyping the UUID is a PITA.03:15
rdfany suggestions?03:15
jribRFleming: so what's the uuid you are entering when you boot?03:42
RFlemingUUID of /03:43
RFlemingsame one listed in paste.ubuntu.com/121978903:44
phunyguyNot sure if I did something wrong or not... but with a recent batch of updates, did the indicator applet icon change?03:44
RFlemingdunno... just put quantal on tonight :)03:44
RFlemingI just can't boot unless I give grub2 specific information :)03:45
jribRFleming: are you saying that grub presents you with a uuid other than 72263c58-9901-4a09-bfa9-af04abbec8e0 ?03:45
RFlemingNo... I'm saying that grub dumps me in a grub> prompt03:45
RFlemingwhen I type in boot, it tells me I need a kernel first.03:46
RFlemingwhen I enter in linux /boot/vmlinuz-3.5.... and initrd.... I get into a busybox shell03:46
RFlemingI have to manually type in search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set [MY_UUID]03:47
RFleminglinux /boot/vmlinuz.... root=UUID=[MY_UUID]03:47
RFleminginitrd /boot/initrd.img....03:47
RFleming... and then I can boot into quantal.03:48
jribRFleming: did it ever work?03:48
RFlemingwhen dumped into grub2... root=hd0,msdos103:48
RFlemingworked in 12.0403:48
jribRFleming: did it ever work in 12.10?03:48
jribRFleming: when did you upgrade?03:49
RFlemingfinished the upgrade to 12.10 tonight and had to type in grub.03:49
RFlemingI used the update-manager to upgrade.03:49
RFlemingspecifically 'update-manager -d'03:49
jribRFleming: k.  I don't know.  Could be some open issue in quantal.  I haven't been keeping up with it03:50
RFlemingwilee-nilee, says UEFI remnants in the script03:51
RFleming<wilee-nilee> RFleming, I know but your bootscript dies show there are remnants, insmod efi_gop   insmod efi_uga03:52
wilee-nileeRFleming, I saw the pings, I never really followed the fix if what I see is your problem, as I am saying it is a guess, but the symptoms and the notation make me think that is the problem.  I believe there is a app to clean it, but I would want those that really know help. ;)03:57
wilee-nileeI skipped this part of grub fixing it was a rather rare occurrence on the UF and there are a handful of helper who are on there daily who know this stuff.03:59
RFlemingah well...04:00
RFlemingI can google grub2 uefi and try and figure out how to kill it04:00
RFlemingor just reinstall04:01
RFlemingeither way, it's late and my brain is fried04:01
RFlemingnot doing myself any favours now either way :)04:01
phunyguyHmmm, yeah still having issues with Google Chat and Empathy... I am on the gmail website logged in, and I can see my online contacts, but only 2 or two show up in Empathy, and then disappear.04:22
blazemore[3~ is it worth installing fglrx on Quantal? I've only ever had problems in the past with vsync and multiple monitors07:50
silverarrowI have messed up my update manager by leaving the quantal cd in the computer08:00
silverarrowis there a way to fix it?08:00
silverarrowso, it is mucked up forever now?08:05
silverarrowquantal should be here in a month or two08:05
ceborcan somebody pls check, this link is working ? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/quantal-desktop-amd64.iso08:50
cebori cant download more than 30 mbs08:50
ceborthen it stops08:50
dupondjeยงร 08:54
dupondje60MB, and still downloading08:55
dupondjeworks fine08:55
cebori cant download it, tested it on several pcs in my network08:57
cebori try to reset my modem08:57
silverarrowworks fine here08:57
blazemore10:02 -!- blaze [~blaze@unaffiliated/blaze] has joined #ubuntu+109:25
blazemoreI have a hilight for "blaze"09:25
Guest8231hey there. Using 12.10 how can I install wifi drvivers in 12.1009:26
blazemoreHello Guest8231. Could you explain more about the problem? Do you see a list of your wireless networks?09:26
Guest8231blazemore, its showing nothing09:27
blazemoreCould you please paste the output from running rhe command "sudo lshw -C network" into http://paste.ubuntu.com and then put the resulting URL in this channel?09:27
blazemoreMany wireless network devices can be turned on or off. Check to see if there is a hardware switch, some devices can be switched off from Windows and may need to be turned back on from Windows.09:28
Guest8231blazemore, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1220175/09:30
Guest8231An its working fine in 12.0409:31
Guest8231Not using windows09:31
blazemoreAnd you're sure wifi is enabled in Network Manager?09:31
Guest8231wireless connection is not showing at all09:32
blazemoreCan you get a network connection on the computer using some other method? It'll make it much easier09:32
blazemoreIf so, do sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source09:32
blazemoreUnder the desktop menu System > Administration > Hardware/Additional Drivers, the STA drivers can be activated for use.09:33
Guest8231blazemore, there is nothing like that in 12.1009:34
Guest8231I remember activating / install additional drivers and it used to work.09:36
Guest8231From 10.0409:36
Guest8231to 12.0409:36
blazemoreSorry then Guest8231 I don't really know09:41
md_5installed more updates today and show the desktop went away10:05
md_5and myunity doesnt work yet10:05
md_5any way to get show desktop back?10:05
md_5I want my show desktop :(10:33
phoenix_firebrdI am having problem with nvidia proprietary driver, the driver is not getting loaded12:08
blazemoreDoes the version of x.org in Quantal actually support it yet?12:18
yofelworks fine here12:18
phoenix_firebrdthe driver?12:19
yofel [    16.185] (II) NVIDIA GLX Module  304.43  Sun Aug 19 20:34:01 PDT 201212:23
phoenix_firebrdsame here12:23
phoenix_firebrd9400 gt12:23
yofelquadro nvs 3100m12:25
yofelsorry, need to go, bbl12:25
phoenix_firebrdsee you later12:25
BluesKajHiyas all12:29
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izepaxAnyone more than me having problem to open terminal whit ctrl+alt+T on dev-build?15:48
izepaxI'm used to have like one bug a day that will be gone the day after. But i have had this bug for a few days now.15:49
AlanBellanyone got window decoration at the moment? borders, title bar, shadow?15:51
penguin42AlanBell: Sounds like your window manager has decided to die15:52
AlanBellpenguin42: I can resize windows and move them with alt15:52
penguin42oh curious15:52
AlanBellI ended up with unity from -proposed which was a bit broken, I have removed proposed and I was kind of hoping for unbreakage to happen15:55
AlanBellit is mildly annoying, but not unusable15:56
graingertanyone else with this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-messages/+bug/1053406 ?16:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1053406 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "indicator-messages does not display despite gwibber and empathy running" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:59
trismgraingert: it shows up here, you might try install gnome-panel and logging into the gnome classic (no effects) session, see if it shows up there, if not, then indicator-applet helpfully logs to ~/.cache/indicator-applet-complete.log17:05
trismgraingert: so you can see if indicator-messages is having any issues17:05
recon_tvgraingert: are you sure that you are not just seeing a issue that just exists in that demo page?17:05
graingertrecon_tv: demo pagE?17:06
recon_tvopps, lost in irc17:06
recon_tvsry, msh was for someone else17:06
ironhalikWhats with the amazon stuff in 12.10?17:14
trismironhalik: unity-lens-shopping just added the other day17:16
ironhalikbold move by canonical17:18
penguin42haha it's pretty bad as well; I just searched for adobe flash for the plugin install and it just gave me a load of stupidly priced books on it17:18
ironhalikhuh, its funny like 3/4 of slashdot always whines about unity17:19
wilee-nileeHello quantal users, so when I am at the login gui I cannot choose from my unity or installed gnome 3 they show in the dropdown, but do not allow a choice.17:24
wilee-nileeunity will boot in this is a fresh install from about two days ago.17:25
wilee-nileeIn other words I can't choose the gnome 3 login, the click on gnome 3 or any other choice is not shown the dropdown stays.17:30
trismwilee-nilee: bug 1052453 though I will note you can select the other options with tab17:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1052453 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu Quantal) "Cannot click other sessions in unity-greeter" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105245317:42
DaekdroomOdd. It's working ok for me.17:43
DaekdroomUnless it broke too recently.17:43
trismDaekdroom: you can select some, bug for some reason GNOME and Gnome Classic aren't clickable (I can click Gnome Classic (no effects) and Ubuntu and the rest though)17:43
trismbug = but17:43
wilee-nileetrism, thanks. :)17:45
trismit's also kind of weird, if I tab select GNOME, I can click Gnome Classic, but once I move down to Ubuntu I can't click the top two anymore (it's being looked at though so I'm sure it'll be fixed soon)17:46
wilee-nileeI have a clone of before this was happening, hehe I though a fresh install would fix it, DOH.17:49
IdleOnerawburt: it appears to be true17:51
bazhangrawburt, remove a single package17:51
rawburtbazhang: I'd rather not add the package in the first place17:51
bazhangrawburt, complaining here wont do anything17:51
rawburtbazhang: how often does chatting in general do anything?17:52
IdleOneha, good point17:52
bazhangstill not the place for it rawburt17:53
rawburtbazhang: get over yourself17:53
IdleOnelets all relax17:53
bazhangrawburt, lets move on17:53
IdleOneno need to get into an argument over this, although I suspect we all agree that ads are gonna suck17:54
jbichaIdleOne: it's not exactly ads17:55
IdleOnejbicha: what is it then. I just heard about this 5 minutes ago literally17:55
penguin42IdleOne: It's that the dock search searchs amazon17:55
jbichaany more than using Google search in Firefox is ads, these are just search results that Google or Amazon pays Canonical a commission as part of profit-sharing17:55
IdleOnewell that isn't so bad I guess.17:56
penguin42jbicha: I'm worried this is part of the standard desktop search, if I'm searching for a document on my local desktop doesn't this mean my search terms will be transmitted?17:56
trismI don't think it would be an issue if there was a separate shopping tab, I think it kind of bugs people because it is glued on the to the main search page17:56
rawburtAmazon will get our datas!17:56
trismbut easy enough to remove17:57
IdleOnetrism: how would one remove this new "feature"17:57
trismIdleOne: sudo apt-get purge unity-lens-shopping17:57
jbichapenguin42: I think if you switch to the Files lens, there aren't any Amazon results17:58
IdleOneThank you. Will remember that for when the !factoid is going to be needed17:58
penguin42jbicha: But the main one will?17:58
penguin42on the plus side, this week llvmpipe has survived for more than 10 minutes in a kvm guest, still painfully slow18:00
DaekdroomI wish those lenses/scopes could be disabled/enabled by some way that is not removing the packages.18:00
* penguin42 doesn't see an 'amazon' package to remove18:00
rawburt12:57 < trism> IdleOne: sudo apt-get purge unity-lens-shopping18:01
rawburtpenguin42: ^18:01
Daekdroomrawburt, that image shows how out-of-context the results can be.18:02
trismseems to be better since the other day though, previously you could get https://launchpadlibrarian.net/116749085/Screenshot%20from%202012-09-20%2014%3A42%3A50.png bug 105367818:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1053678 in unity-lens-shopping (Ubuntu Quantal) "Searching for software in the Dash now suggests software that can not be used with Ubuntu" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105367818:03
DrHalanhrmpf.. will ubuntu really ship with amazon ads?19:34
DarthFrogThat's a retrograde step.19:36
IdleOneit is more like amazon search results19:37
IdleOnenot really ads. not like while you're chatting all of a sudden you will get an amazon popup19:37
penguin42is it possible to disable - I can imagine that might be disallowed in companies etc19:39
IdleOnepurge unity-lens-shopping19:39
penguin42ah, I'd searched for amazon19:40
DarthFrogOh, it's just in Unity.  <phew>  Likely won't pollute Kubuntu.19:40
DrHalanwell its an ad in the sense that less relevant search results are shown19:44
DrHalanthe amazon results don't have any relation to my search query anyways.. so its even a very useless ad19:45
omacHi everybody.  I upgraded to Quantal Quetzal last weekend.  Downloading and installing packages took the better part of one night.  After rebooting in recovery mode, I was able to get some kind of gui back up, but the gui is not using the AMD CATALYST drivers i had installed before.  I had to resort to using gnome-panel/unity-2d  as somebody suggested here last week.  Thank you for that.  Anybody have any suggestions for getting RADEON 7970 graph19:48
omacics card back up.  AWESOME job.  hats off.19:48
omacis this the right place to talk about ubuntu arm stuff.  I tried the linuxonandroid with a 12.04fullimage.  shell runs, openssh runs, but unity seems to be too slow to boot up and display on the Advent Vega.  The gui shows up about 10 -20 minutes later and the unity colors are off.  Is there a better place to discuss this?19:55
penguin42omac: There is a #ubuntu-arm19:56
omacthx penguin4219:56
penguin42omac: I'd make sure you're running Unity2d on there19:57
DrHalanomac: fglrx (catalyst) doesn't work yet on quantal...20:01
penguin42leaving it a bit late this time aren't they?20:02
AaronCampbellHow do you enable 3rd party drivers in 12.10?20:11
IdleOneThrough the Additional Drivers application, you can also do ALT-F2 and type gksudo jockey-gtk20:13
jbichaAaronCampbell: Software Sources20:13
AaronCampbelljbicha: it says there are none, but in 12.04 there were some for my video card20:14
AaronCampbellA Radeon HD 687020:15
jbichaI don't know, maybe file a bug against ubuntu-drivers-common?20:15
yofeldoes the ati driver in quantal actually support that card?20:19
omacthx DrHalan20:22
AaronCampbellyofel: maybe, it seems to work mostly, but it has my monitors in the wrong order and I can't seem to drag them into the right order.  I have to restart real quick, but I'll keep looking into it20:23
omacbug: when I minimize the terminal, it doesn't come back in quantal queztal.20:24
omacI have to keep it open or else I lose it for good.  The odd part is that it shows it being alive in the left tray bar.20:25
omacAaronCampbell:  I think you're in the same boat as me.  I have a 7970 card.20:26
AaronCampbellOk, I got all my monitors working and in the right place, but ever since switching from 4 mirrored displays to 4 separate desktops, everything is super laggy.  Could this be the new driver?  Should I try the proprietary one?21:06
AaronCampbellI'm on an AMD ATI Radeon 687021:08
TJ-AaronCampbell: Depends on the GPU/driver scenario, but sometimes with multiple monitors 3D acceleration is turned off for all by the primary21:28
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bjsniderjbicha, don't you wish they'd take some of the whitespace out of the cantarell font?22:03
jbichabjsnider: I wish GNOME Shell didn't hard code Cantarell into the theme22:06
phunyguyHelp! I keep losing sound almost immediately after a reboot.  I will get the drums at the login screen, and start to play a song, then the sound cuts out, and doesn't work until a reboot again.22:21
DrHalanphunyguy: did you try restarting pulseaudio (just a guess)22:22
phunyguyyes, and no-go22:22
phunyguyno initial audio even22:22
phunyguyI don't even get the pop noises when hitting the volume buttons on my laptop like I would normally get22:22
phunyguyit just dies out completely.22:23
phunyguyLenovo T430s22:23
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penguin42phunyguy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems   you might try working through that?22:40
phunyguybug filed using ubuntu-bug audio22:46
penguin42bug number ?22:51
phunyguyI hope I did it right, 105477822:51
penguin42bug 105477822:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1054778 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "[2355G2U, Realtek ALC269VC, Speaker, Internal] fails after a while" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105477822:52
penguin42phunyguy: Is it only the internal speaker; I mean if you try headphones does that work?23:11
bjsniderso now there are over a million launchpad bugs23:12
penguin42not all open23:26
bjsnideryes i understand that23:35
penguin42although there is a scary number entirely untriaged23:44
jtaylorprobably 50% are private crash bugs no one is ever going to look at23:46
penguin42I've been trying to triage some older ones; there are still some 8.04 ones that are still triggerable on Quantal23:49

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