
IdleOne!guidelines > administrator_01:27
bazhang<hfic> ubunutu and windows are operating systems.01:34
bazhanga sandwich is two pieces of bread and some stuff in the middle.01:36
IdleOnebut is it still a sandwich if it has mustard also?01:37
bazhangHMMM...that makes it harder01:38
IdleOneactually, mustard adds a layer of moisture to what could a dry sandwich.01:39
IdleOnecould be*01:39
IdleOneSo, you are not correct in stating that it would make it harder01:40
* IdleOne ^5's bazhang 01:40
mneptokjrib: BE NICE!  :P03:21
* mneptok tootles off to slumberland03:21
wutixI can't talk in #ubuntu11:01
=== Guest56762 is now known as Mamarok
bazhangshould set up a factoid on how to remove the ads for 12.1017:19
bazhangalready the comments are coming17:19
leaftwigHey :)  Please find in your heart to forgive me for preaching, I should mind my own business and I realize that now.17:20
tsimpsonbazhang: please17:20
bazhangleaftwig, preaching?17:21
bazhangtsimpson, ok17:21
bazhangleaftwig, are you banned or quieted some place?17:21
=== cprofitt_ is now known as cprofitt
tinyfoxas a sidenote on him:17:29
tinyfoxI saw that you removed him earlier / a few days ago,17:29
tinyfoxso when he asked for a cloak I told him that evading any quiets / bans will get the cloak removed. I assume this was the reason for the visit. Poke me if he gives any trouble, but I didn't see any ban or quiet match where I looked.17:30
bazhangthanks tinyfox17:31
tinyfoxYou're welcome.17:33
bazhangrawburt joined with that and nothing else.17:57
bazhang<rawburt> loosen up your anus dude17:58
bazhangfrom PM17:58
ubottubekks called the ops in #ubuntu (denaz1)18:19
=== Guest67486 is now known as Mamarok
IdleOnebkerensa: Please and Thank you goes a lot farther then ordering.20:40
IdleOneerr than20:40
bkerensaIdleOne: k20:40
IdleOneknock it off please, would have been nicer :)20:40
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from rolling2k)20:44
ubottuBHSPiMonkey called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()21:32
bkerensauh oh21:36
tinyfoxAlanBell: looking at it already  (#ubuntu-offtopic, incog)21:42
tinyfoxgo back to you-know-what :p21:42
tinyfoxand get that z Nick back21:42
AlanBellbit drunk to do stuffs :)21:42
tinyfoxI know21:42
tinyfoxwhich is why I do my duty to send you back to you-know-who21:43
bkerensaAlanBell: Stay Calm and Drink Well :)21:43
ubottuBHSPiMonkey called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()22:46
tinyfoxyes, hi, fox here22:47
tinyfoxI felt free enough to quiet this, please take appropriate care, ubuntu ops22:47
tinyfoxoh well22:50
tinyfoxdecided to continue elsewere, was k-lined. Feel free to add another q if needed or he comes back, I'll remove them for now as the kline should be sufficient22:50

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