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TohuwHow can I use wget -r to retrieve all files and folders from a given location, but not have it pursue links to the parent directory? E.g., I want to download http://example.tld/foo/bar/*, but nothing above bar/. When I use wget -r, it begins at bar/ and pursues up the chain to begin downloading objects from foo/.04:02
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chovynzis there a command i can do to 1) search my home folder, 2)go through each filename and folder, 3)find any spaces and replace the spaces with underscores? I recently did a backup of windows files and some of them have spaces, despite every effort to enforce a no spaces policy.06:11
chovynzi guess this could be a general topical support issue?06:12
chovynzyeah. ill ask there instead. ignore my last messages06:13
sazawalI want to route pulseaudio to jack using pulseaudio-module-jack. Please help!06:31
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1054477 in checksecurity (main) "check-diskfree ignores fs with "media" anywhere in mount path" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105447707:55
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ae01I have some question11:20
ae01Somebody pls answer me.11:20
ae01About ubuntu automatic installation11:21
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`Dyanna83any admin on13:28
`Dyanna83or some body else?13:28
mrfishjoshwhats up? not really an admin13:29
ironm`Dyanna83, it is normally a good idea just to ask ...13:29
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:33
`Dyanna83some admin13:40
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Guest38055Hi, I am trying MaaS using ubuntu 12.04 server. Since i already have the 12.04 iso, is there a way to avoid doing " sudo maas-import-isos " while setting up MaaS.14:40
Guest38055I mean that can i use the iso i have already downloaded and using to create a MaaS machine, can that iso be used in the MaaS14:41
RoyKis qcow2 really very slow compared to raw, preallocated images?15:27
iqualfragilehi, what is this: http://sebsauvage.net/paste/?55fd498290eeb864#5IkplCMlxEkxEEKKbssQSOtabMCYsoRAE2DMTnwulR8= trying to tell me?16:01
patdk-lapsounds like nfs doesn't like your tgt16:06
iqualfragileyeah, thats the problem, my client mounts the share but every folder in it is owned by nobody:nogroup16:07
patdk-lapya that would be a nfs4 permissions issue16:09
patdk-lapeverything needs to match on the nfs client and server16:09
patdk-lapthe usernames and id's16:09
patdk-lapalso, you must use an authenicated login to mount the nfs16:09
iqualfragilei do16:10
patdk-lapif any of that fails, you get nobody and basically read-only16:10
iqualfragileand it matches16:10
patdk-lapthat error message says something doesn't match/is trusted16:10
RoyKiqualfragile: usually that means you don't have kerberos setup correctly16:15
RoyKiqualfragile: try nfsv316:16
iqualfragilewhat would that change?16:16
iqualfragilei have just tested: i can login on my client with an remote ldap-account16:16
patdk-lapEVERYTHING :)16:16
iqualfragileand i can use kadmin from the client16:16
patdk-lapwhat does any of that have to do with kerberos on nfs4?16:17
RoyKiqualfragile: mount -t nfs -o vers=3 ...16:17
iqualfragilebut the server runs v416:17
* patdk-lap hasn't heard of a nfs4 server that doesn't also do nfs316:18
lordievaderGood evening17:11
lordievaderHet iqualfragile, how are you?17:11
iqualfragileok, i solved that problem, i had to regenerate  all the keytabs17:12
iqualfragileim fine17:12
lordievaderiqualfragile: Good to hear.17:12
katronixHi all, I just had Ubuntu re-installed on my server, and now the bind directory I backed up is having issues. Are there changes I have to make for it to work?17:18
katronixanyone here?17:24
ironmkatronix, es .. I am here17:38
ironmkatronix, what is your exact problem with /bin ?17:39
katronixironm Not having an issue with /bin, having an issue with bind17:40
katronixits complaining about axfr.conf17:42
andolkatronix: You know, it would be a lot easier to help you if you told us what kind of issues you were having. Nevertheless, I'll take a shot in the dark and guess that you are having permission problems, due to the current bind user/group is having a different uid/gid than on your previous install.17:43
ironmkatronix, when you reinstall Linux than some default settings can get overwritten17:43
ironmkatronix, check the file  axfr.conf onto the new installation and the old version from backup17:44
andolkatronix: So, if you list the files under /etc/bind/, what users and group are they reported as beonging to?17:44
katronixthe afxr.conf file I have is from the previous install. some of the files are owned by root:root and others by root:bind17:45
andolkatronix: Also, instead of saying "complaining about foo", do provide the exact complain, without paraphrasing.17:45
katronixhttp://pastebin.com/bAjeMc6w here is the log file excerpt17:46
ironmkatronix, have you compared the old and the current axfr.conf already?17:47
katronixI didn't check to see if I had one previously17:48
ironmkatronix, you said already that you have made a backup17:49
katronixyes this is the backup17:49
katronixwhat does this file do?17:51
RoyKlooks like you created a zone file in the wrong place17:53
blendedbychrisanyone know of a good way to trigger a service restart on file change?17:53
blendedbychrisi was looking at incron17:53
katronixRoyK, can you be a bit more specific?17:54
RoyKusing puppet is perhaps overkill, but it's a jolly good framework :)17:54
RoyKblendedbychris: that was for you17:54
blendedbychrisi use puppet already but I don't think it's fast enough17:54
blendedbychrisfor what i'm trying to do atleast17:55
RoyKkatronix: looks like you put the zone definition into axfr.conf17:55
RoyKblendedbychris: I guess writing a wrapper using inotify could do it17:56
blendedbychristhis looks promising… http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man5/incrontab.5.html17:56
katronixI didn't but an old panel I was using may have, which of course not included on this version17:56
RoyKblendedbychris: oh, didn't know that one :)17:57
katronixah that fixed lol, silly simple mistake17:58
blendedbychrisRoyK: can you think how i could restart a service as a nonroot though?17:59
blendedbychrisincrontab doesn't let me create a crontab to root17:59
RoyKblendedbychris: you can't restart a service as nonroot, but you can use sudo to allow a user to do that17:59
blendedbychrishttp://www.howtoforge.com/triggering-commands-on-file-or-directory-changes-with-incron << dang the internet knows everything18:00
katronixonce bind is working, what would be the dig command to make sure its working as expected?18:19
blendedbychrisRoyK: can you think of a reason why running restart with inotifyd would cause two instances of the service to run?18:29
blendedbychrisi have no doubt that the problem is a crapp y init.d script but it seems only inotify does it18:30
RoyKI doubt they use inotifyd18:31
blendedbychriswell i know i had it just run service foo restart18:31
RoyKinotify is easy to use on files without a separate daemon18:31
RoyKquestion is18:32
RoyKwould you really want to restart a service once a file is changed?18:32
blendedbychrisya. i don't have much of a choice at this point18:32
RoyKmaybe the sysadmin changed something on the apache config and apache died because he wasn't finished18:33
blendedbychrisit's not a apache type service18:33
blendedbychrisit's Wowza… the only way for it to start playback from a given playlist file is to restart it18:33
RoyKstill, it should be up to the sysadmin to restart the service18:33
RoyKwhat makes wowza so cool, btw?18:34
blendedbychrisit's cheap and it works18:34
blendedbychriscompared to the other solutions18:34
RoyKI'm working on a project with mediamosa and researching how to do realtime with that18:34
blendedbychriswe use it for simulated live streaming18:34
blendedbychrisand also live streaming18:34
* RoyK wants to build an open system for such things18:35
blendedbychrisi think that's happening is notify is running restart twice maybe18:35
RoyKperhaps the makers of wowza should implement inotify calls18:35
RoyKwould make things a bit easier18:35
blendedbychristhis simulated live thing has a "brew your own" notion to it… it's open source18:36
blendedbychrisit'd be nice if they just made it read the dumb playlist file18:36
blendedbychrisor implimented reload18:37
RoyKwowsa's open source?18:41
blendedbychrisparts of it18:46
blendedbychrisRoyK: you still around?19:50
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RoyKblendedbychris: mhm19:56
patdk-laproyk, the new living google!19:59
blendedbychrisfor sure20:01
blendedbychrisi can't for the life of me figure out why inotify is starting wowza up twice20:04
blendedbychrisunless it simultaneously runs the service twice20:04
RoyKpatdk-lap: ?20:16
blendedbychrisfigured it out :)20:18
blendedbychrisinotifyd aparently has a NO_LOOP parameter that will prevent the thing from going nuts if the file is modified more than once i pressume20:18
blendedbychrisand the commnd hasn't finished20:19
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zasternis there some reason why the www-data group is always GID 33? Is it safe to change?21:01
guntbert_zastern: on a running system? why would you want to do that?21:03
zasternguntbert_: no, new system21:03
zasternim going to have multiple apache systems serving the same content, and for various reasons, its helpful to have users/groups have the same gid on every system21:04
zasternI don't mind keeping at 33, if that's safe to enforce21:04
guntbert_zastern: iirc those numbers are set somewhere in a seed file for the installation - should be stable at least for a while :)21:06
zasternguntbert_: welp, i have 2 apache 10.04 nodes and its 33 there, and a bunch of 12.04 and its 33 there. so it seems safe :)21:06
zasternim going to have puppet always create that group with GID 33 then.21:06
zasternand the user with UID 3321:06
guntbert_zastern: I just looked into a debian server: its 33 there too21:07
zasternguntbert_: I figured as much.21:07
guntbert_zastern :)21:08
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Guest93100Whats happening fellow Ubuntu enthusiasts22:25
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AucklaHi guys, I have a fresh install of Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS. I setup /etc/network/interfaces with proper *Stat* ip settings, yet for some reason. I come back four hours later to see my server using a DHCP assigned address?22:45
AucklaNetwork interface file http://pastebin.com/xX3Wqerg22:46
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kjsdhsudo ifconfig eth0 netmask
kjsdhauto eth023:00
kjsdhiface eth0 inet static23:00
WACOMaltHi folks. Wondering the best free web control panel for Ubuntu server 12.04?23:06
WACOMaltwas looking at EHCP, but it's not compatible with 12.0423:06
fdgeAuckla, try commenting the "auto eth0" lines23:15

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