
jbichaballoons: hey, are you around & not too busy?00:27
phillwjbicha: he was watching a film on the television00:28
jbichamaybe I should just ping him on Monday00:28
phillwjbicha: he is lurking some where, is there any thing I can help with?00:29
jbichaI just was wondering what Ubuntu GNOME should be doing to participate in tagging along for Beta200:30
phillwjbicha: I'm watching 2 dogs atm (I was watching Casino Royale)00:30
phillwjbicha: as a community build, you can follow the rules of 'official'.00:31
jbichaoh, where are those rules?00:31
jbichaI was looking at the testcases on the iso tracker and those look mostly specific to the installer working00:32
jbichaI'm hoping to find someone to step in to be the QA guy for Ubuntu GNOME as I really don't want that extra responsibility, but we'll see...00:33
phillwjbicha: I'm not sure if you will be allowed on iso-tracker. I'm lubuntu in back ground and they did have to re-write the "rules" on adopting a new flavour (read as had to write it from scratch)00:33
phillwjbicha: all teams would give their back teeth to have QA co-ordinators00:34
jbichahaha, yeah I haven't given up hope though :)00:34
jbichaI know it took lubuntu a long time to be accepted as official flavor00:36
phillwjbicha: you need some one with several years experience of ubuntu. A QA person needs to know the various areas and other teams. As the mentoring system ceased I'm doing my best with 4 new ones00:36
jbichaaccording to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecognizedFlavors use of the iso tracker is a perk for official flavors00:36
jbicha4 new QA people? for lubuntu in particular?00:37
phillwjbicha: even when lubuntu was accepted, the work to adjust the system to bring in a new flavor actually stopped lubuntu by one cycle.00:38
jbichanot enough infrastructure?00:38
phillwjbicha: they are not QA people, they are just learning the various areas that make ubuntu 'happen'00:38
phillwjbicha: there was no proceedure to bring in a new flavour.00:39
phillwjbicha: but, if you have support, then the other teams will treat you as if are adopted. Let the paper work catch up later :D00:41
jbichaoh wow, I didn't realize Xubuntu had been official for so long00:42
phillwyeah, they were in at the start... as things progressed there was no real system to bring in a new one. So, when gnome-ubuntu gets in - you can thank lubuntu, as they had to write up a set of rules to bring in a new flavour :D00:44
balloonsphillw, lol00:51
balloonsi don't watch tv :-)00:51
phillwwb balloons00:51
phillwballoons: I hope my chat with jbicha does not break any rules, I am just explaining what happened with lubuntu so he knows what to expect with gnome-ubuntu00:53
jbichaphillw: added my guess at "first official releases" to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFlavors00:53
balloonsand yes, the dogs called00:53
balloonsyep, dogsitting this evening00:54
balloonsanyways, jbicha phillw is more or less correct00:54
balloonsyou'll need to get recognition as a flavor00:54
balloonsas to how.. well, I guess phillw has laid it out :-)00:55
phillwballoons: ah, I've got rid of the 2 border collies & parents for the weekend :)00:55
balloonsI don't have any direct knowledge on thay00:55
jbichais there a checklist the flavors use to certify a milestone?00:56
phillwjbicha: there is now a system to bring in a new flavour00:56
jbichaphillw: I've just been reading & re-reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecognizedFlavors00:57
balloonsjbicha, the release team sets that.. in conjunction with the flavor00:57
balloonsyou need to test and pass your testcases00:58
jbichaI'm guessing the Tech Board would want 6 months of activity since 6 months is a magic number but that's not specifically stated00:58
balloonsor have a reason you didn't pass and rleease note it00:58
jbicha& the testcases are basically installability?00:58
phillwjbicha: WOW!!! I've never seen that page.00:58
jbichaphillw: oh, is there another process?00:58
jbichathat page may be outdated00:59
phillwjbicha: no, that is the system that was written from scratch to get lubuntu in.00:59
phillwI was not involved in the process00:59
phillwjbicha: I can see why you want a QA person, as I'm sure balloons will agree such people are in short supply.01:02
balloonsjbicha, more or less yes01:03
balloonsthere's also some post-installation stuff01:04
balloonsbut iso testing is about installing01:04
balloonsas far as post-install stability, etc.. again, I don't know.. once your a flavor with releases, you get choices01:04
balloonsmore or less, you need to support whatever it is you say you will support01:04
balloonsI would recommend starting small if you don't have alot of people01:04
balloonsonly support 1 or 2 images :-)01:05
balloonsand don't do LTS's at first, etc01:05
jbichawe're only doing i386 and amd64 desktop01:05
jbicha12.10 will include GNOME Classic but we're definitely going to talk about dropping that by default for 13.0401:06
jbichaEdubuntu still ships that session01:06
jbichaok, that's a good idea to not do the LTS01:07
phillwjbicha: lubuntu does not issue LTS - we do not have enough devs to support such a commitment01:14
phillwjbicha: as your flavour comes on line, please feel free to nag me to death - I'm one of those guys who have "Seen it, Done it and got the "T"-Shirt"01:15
phillwI will assist in any way I can.01:16
jbichayeah, 5 years is crazy01:16
jbichaphillw: thanks!01:16
jbichaoh I guess several flavors just did 3 years this time but that's still a long time01:18
phillwjbicha: to be accepted means that Canonical say you are worthy of it.01:36
phillwthat is, correctly, a thorough process.01:37
phillwwb kanliot01:41
silverarrowI have ruined my update manager with quantal07:58
silverarrowI happen to boot computer with quantal cd in the slot, and when update mangager launched its` self I got a mess07:59
knomeballoons, you should update your blog theme a bit :)14:24
silverarrowis it possible to come with requests for ubuntu?14:31
silverarrowI so wish RadeonTop could be found in repositories14:31
silverarrowespecially for ppc where graphics driver can be difficult14:32
silverarrowgenerally really14:33
silverarrowhave you ever heard of this ? http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTEzNTM14:33
silverarrowall new to me14:33
jbichasilverarrow: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages14:34
silverarrowso debian is the way? or "simply" build it yourself14:37
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smartboyhwsilverlightning, LOL15:09
=== taoseeker is now known as silverarrow
silverarroware you on perpetual inhalation of nitrous gas?15:15
silverarrowyes, there it was confirmed15:16
adeHate to state the obvious here but does anyone else find that when running the daily builds under a VM, that they don't get a lot of bugs?18:20
adeI only run a true hw test on the live session testcase and seem to discover a lot more issues this way. Just wondered if anyone else found the same??18:28
phillwade: VM's are designed to be very 'gentle' with operating systems :)18:33
phillwI did cover the differences a little at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Overview/TheStages18:36
adeThanks, I will have a browse at that now.18:37
knomeballoons, do you know how much can modify the themes with blogger?18:56
phillwknome: balloons is usually afk at weekends, he has a life :P19:26
balloonsknome, you can do custom css html whatev's19:26
balloonsmine needs help19:26
knomeballoons, as i said ;)19:26
knomeballoons, i think simply updating the wall could do wonders19:26
balloonsthe wall?19:27
balloonsbackground image?19:27
knomethe background image19:27
balloonsahh yes19:27
balloonsI'm not a web person19:27
balloonsor a graphics person19:27
balloonsbut I do get the point19:27
balloonsI know what I'd like to change..19:27
knomewhat then?19:27
knomei could play around a bit with the bg image19:27
phillwgood afternoon balloons :)19:27
knomei mean, i could do with some practicing ;)19:27
phillwand there was me covering for you :P19:28
balloonsknome, i'd be happy to get a custom theme19:28
knomeballoons, lol, i don't mean a custom theme .P19:28
balloonswhat all would you need access to?19:28
knomeballoons, just refreshing the wall ;)19:28
balloonswell.. I mean, and optimized version of what I have19:29
balloonsif that makes sense19:29
knomewell, i suppose anything that is needed to edit the css/html :P19:29
knomei would've created a blogger account, but they told me i can't delete the account afterwards19:29
knomeballoons, or alternatively, you can paste me what you see now, and i can simply send you new text/files19:37
knomeare you lolling at me! how rude!19:44
knomej/k ;)19:46
balloonsbroken english19:46
knomegot to keep you on your toes19:46
balloonsok, lets see19:47
balloonsgnome; http://pastie.org/private/dtevyex7xwawrvwlb6ejgg19:49
knomeok, let's see19:49
knomeshot from private setup19:52
* balloons noticed i typed gnome instead of knome19:52
balloonslong day19:52
balloonslookie there19:52
balloonsthat's amazing19:52
knomethat's two different images19:53
knome271.3KB vs 4.5KB19:53
phillwballoons: just as a quick ask... as the desktop test cases have been proof read, how do we mark then as done on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/QuantalTestcaseUpdates so people can see we are making progress?19:54
balloonsby marking them done19:55
balloonsI'm confused19:55
balloonsI've got to walk the dog again.. hey.. dogsitting19:55
phillwballoons: give me a ping when you are back.19:57
kanliotphillw u there20:42
phillwkanliot: indeded I am :)20:48
kanlioti'm concerned that we might be overtesting some ubiquity features.  for example we're doing auto-resize tests for each distro and each ISO.  IMHO, since the ubiquity code is identical across ISO,distro we're overtesting.  likewise we're overtesting manual partitioning.  if it works for amd64, it should work for i386. really we're spending a lot of time testing ubiquity features, when we really should be testing installation cases.  like inst20:48
kanliotalling on dual-boot systems20:48
kanliotwe should also be testing when ubiquity asks to "upgrade your installation"20:49
phillwkanliot: I have read your page that discusses this, and your points are valid.20:50
kanliotso we're busting our ass testing ubiquity features on every single iso20:50
kanliotbut really not testing other ubiquity stuff that should be tested.20:50
kanliotlike testing resize on ext4 AND NTFS20:50
phillwkanliot: if the installer fails, nothing else can happen20:50
phillwkanliot: if you cannot install, then you cannot report a bug?20:51
kanliotyeah we have to test the iso20:51
kanliotbut we're doing ubiquity testing20:51
kanliotdon't you think?20:51
phillwkanliot: again, I repeat... If you cannot install a system, you cannot report bugs nor test anything else.20:52
kanliotwhy are we testing each ubiquity feature for each iso?20:53
noskcajafter the 12.10 release we should look into it kanliot20:53
kanliotand if you use the livecd, you can report bugs20:53
noskcajthen we will have somme time20:53
kanlioti was asked to look into the issue20:55
phillwkanliot: because if you cannot actually install the system, how do you report a bug? "I tried to install, and it did not work" is of no use to the devs :P20:55
kanliotlivecd can report bugs20:55
phillwnoskcaj: please feel free to put a chat up on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Kanliot20:55
kanliotand you can't tell me we arent overtesting20:56
kanliotby testing auto resize for each of the isos20:56
kanliotand testing manual paritioning for each of the isos20:56
kanliotand testing the auto installer on each of the isos, when can test that in one go, by merging it with the livecd test20:56
phillwkanliot: with reference to your complaint, I have ubuntu 9.10 and lubuntu 12.04 on two pen sticks.20:57
phillwI cannot confirm your bug, mine work perfectly20:57
kanlioti don't understand20:58
phillwthe slow response of peristance.20:59
kanliotwell i bought my usb stick this year, and it's buggy on it21:00
adeHey all21:01
kanliotmaybe last year21:01
phillwkanliot: one thing that MicroSoft did bring in was 'certified' usb sticks after vista crashed and burned21:01
adeI have only ran a couple testcases the past few days but can confirm that a persistent partitioned USB almost always runs slow pre-boot when performing the past few live testcases21:02
kanliotthanks ade21:03
phillwkanliot: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReadyBoost there is a massive difference between $1 chips and $10 ones.21:03
phillwwb ade21:03
adeIt seems for some reason they also result in a couple of unique display issues too, which I found very strange21:03
kanlioti'm mainly concerned that we're doing 10x more testing of ubiquity than we should21:05
adeCourse I can only vouch for Ubuntu, see todays quantal build test for a link to the bugs21:05
kanliotand why isn't there a testcase for actual hardware?21:05
kanliotif i'm doing ubiquity testing on a vm21:05
kanlioti'm not going to find actual issues with the iso21:06
ade100% of the time if I spot an issue in, say partition testcase, it will be the same in all the others. That said I can still see the point in testing each one.21:06
noskcajkanliot: yes you are21:07
adeDon't think I have found an issue with a vm test yet - hw all the way21:07
kanliotthere are no test cases for testing with actual hardware21:07
silverarrowhow is ubiquity and ppc tested then?21:08
kanliotthat's up to the tester21:08
silverarrowand if the testers turn out to report no luck with ubiquity?21:09
kanliotsilver arrow, you can see how many isos we have21:09
silverarrowwho is clever enough to trouble shoot ?21:09
kanliotwhy are we testing auto-resize for each one?21:09
kanliotwe're testing ubiquity over and over21:10
silverarrowit is one of the first features users meet21:10
silverarrowit has to look good21:10
silverarrow...random answer really21:11
kanliotif the auto-resize works on i386, why do we have to test on amd64.21:11
kanliotand for kubuntu, edubuntu, etc21:11
kanliotwe're testing the auto-resize feature over and over21:11
silverarrowqirks are common21:12
kanliotbut we're testing auto-resize21:12
kanliothow many quirks in just that feature21:12
* phillw grabs toast 21:13
kanliotthat deserve so much testing21:13
kanliotfor each ISO21:13
silverarrowok ok21:13
kanliotno it's subtle21:13
kanliotnot obvious at all21:14
silverarrowI suppose desktop environments behaves differently21:18
kanliotubiquity is going to be the same component across ISOs21:20
silverarrowand it runs independend of desktop environment ?21:21
kanliotwhat would you test in ubiquity that would break across DEs21:22
silverarrowI`m thinking of all the ppc browser plugin packages that is all broken21:22
silverarrowI know I have had odd cases with ubiquity before21:23
silverarrowold screens and major hassle to reach the forward and feature buttons21:23
silverarrowif they are outside the screen it is problematic21:24
silverarrowwide screen is not that good for all21:24
kanliotwrite a test case for wide screen21:25
kanliotbut i was thinking of doing so21:25
kanliotwould you need to write that test case for i386 and amd64?21:25
kanliotboth of them?21:25
silverarrowyou tell me21:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1039762 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "freeze during Quantal install with USB non persistent key" [Undecided,Incomplete]21:26
silverarrowfreeze is the worst horror21:27
silverarrowjust not working21:27
adesee #7 what the hell???21:27
silverarrowyou have to be able to access feature21:27
silverarrowok, testing is needed21:28
silverarrowi`m having omlet with chantarelles21:30
silverarrowthey are in season21:30
silverarrowlive session issue21:31
adeyeah, non-persistent tho?21:31
silverarrowpuppy linux are really good with live session21:33
silverarrowhardly ever fails21:33
silverarrowwonder what do21:34

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