
rbelemapachelogger, do you think upstream would not like kubuntu-active running on zatab?02:32
apacheloggerrbelem: nono, it's about doing it right so it is perfect as many pitfalls can be avoided by talking to them as they did the same thing already02:44
apachelogger(thing = making a production quality tablet OS using active)02:45
rbelemoh! awesome!!! :-D02:52
drcodehi all07:46
drcodeany one here?07:46
=== Guest82509 is now known as Mamarok
shadeslayerI'd advise opening up yer laptop and cleaning the fans out ... need to do that myself sometime11:56
shadeslayerDarkwing: ^11:56
BluesKajHi all12:39
Peace-plasmate is not in the repo?14:26
Peace-git clone kde:plasmate 14:33
Peace-apachelogger: do you know why plasmate is not in the repo ?14:44
Peace-instable ?14:44
apacheloggerprobably in some other repo14:50
Peace-apachelogger: i men i can't find it on muon 14:54
Peace-mean 14:54
apacheloggerPeace-: cause it's not stable/usable/finished/...14:58
Peace-apachelogger: ok...14:58
Peace-ibattica-dev libgpgme11-dev libgpgme11 libgpgme-ruby installed15:16
Peace-but this bastard wont' be compiled15:16
valorieusually you have to have the -devel versions of everything installed too15:28
valorieI mean -dev15:28
valorieso check for that15:28
Peace-infact i did it15:30
Peace-  Could not find a package configuration file provided by "QGpgme" with any15:30
Peace-  of the following names:15:30
Peace-    QGpgmeConfig.cmake15:30
Peace-    qgpgme-config.cmake15:30
shadeslayer!find QGpgmeConfig.cmake15:32
ubottuPackage/file QGpgmeConfig.cmake does not exist in quantal15:32
shadeslayer!find  qgpgme-config.cmake15:32
ubottuPackage/file qgpgme-config.cmake does not exist in quantal15:32
shadeslayer!find QGpgme15:33
ubottuFound: libqgpgme115:33
Peace-shadeslayer:  ibattica-dev libgpgme11-dev libgpgme11 libgpgme-ruby installed 15:34
shadeslayeraye, seems like there's no libqgpgme1-dev15:34
shadeslayerPeace-: try  kdepimlibs5-dev15:34
shadeslayerthough it doesn't seem like the necessary qmake files are shipped15:35
Peace-shadeslayer: omg it worked15:36
Peace-shadeslayer: tx15:36
Peace-shadeslayer: :D make failed to 89%16:22
Peace-bad plasmate 16:23
shadeslayerfix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it 16:23
=== skreech__ is now known as Daskreech
shadeslayerScottK: could you look at bug 1054084 when you have the time?17:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1054084 in Precise Backports "Please backport kmymoney 4.6.3-1 (universe) from quantal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105408417:35
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1055114] three guest accounts on kdm login screen after "sign out" @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1055114 (by Pascal Rosin)17:56
shadeslayeroh wow20:15
shadeslayerhttp://wstaw.org/m/2012/09/23/plasma-desktopYL1983.png < nice :D20:15
jussishadeslayer: lol, ipod? 20:19
jussishadeslayer: btw, how are the password dialogs going...? 20:19
shadeslayerhaven't even started because the per contact notification dialog stuff spawned a new head20:20
shadeslayerapparently we just set a universal set of rules for notifications20:20
shadeslayerso now I have to subclass KDialog and embed the notification stuff into it and add a dropdown to select "Per user or Global"20:21
shadeslayerjussi: like I said, I doubt I'll start it before the 0.6 cycle ends20:21
shadeslayerright now, I have to install Win 7 on my old laptop :P20:22
jussioh for petes sake...20:22
shadeslayerwhich is why I'm nuking the iPod :D20:22
jussiwell that sucks... :P20:22
shadeslayerjussi: can't help it, my dad's office uses windows specific software20:22
shadeslayerand no, wine doesn't cut it :P20:23
jussimeh, im off to bed. have a good sleep.20:23
shadeslayernight :)20:24
* shadeslayer has to be up all night to install winduh's20:24
shadeslayerand drivers .... don't forget the drivers @_@20:24
yofelshadeslayer: win7 in a VM isn't enough? works for me usually20:32
shadeslayermy dad is ... ingrained in his ways20:33
shadeslayerinfact recently he somehow managed to change the wifi password and I was blamed for breaking the internet20:33
shadeslayerdid I tell you about what I found when I came back from Akademy?20:34
shadeslayerthe router wiring was fscked  .... the Port that connects the the modem to the router had been looped back into the router, and all the spare ethernet ports were connected together20:36
shadeslayerit was @_@20:36
shadeslayerthey had been living without a internet connection for 5 days20:36
yofelwell, my dad uses win7 as well, so I guess we're in the same situation ^^20:40
yofelhe does know enough about networking though to not break it - and when he doesn't he at least calls me20:41
shadeslayerI tried making him use FF and he still went back to IE :P20:42
shadeslayerthen again, half of the sites he uses have this nasty pop up that say "I needz the sacrifice of IE"20:42
yofelnah, mine uses firefox and likes gimp and vlc. And the biggest reason why he doesn't use Kubuntu would be that his canon printer is a lost cause in linux20:45
shadeslayeryofel: also, that's nothing, the fun part is when I went to a computer repair shop, he blamed linux for screwing up my laptop 20:48
shadeslayer"You don't use Windows?! :O" "Nope" <5 day repair gap> "Do you want me to install Windows? We determined that linux caused your laptop to go kaboom" "How did you reach that conclusion? 0.o" "Do you want Windows 7 or XP? We'll give a good price"20:49
yofelfrom my experience non-techy people do sometimes have that impression about linux. They hear that it works differently and is used by hackers. From that they conclude that it might mess with their stuff.20:50
yofelshadeslayer: bad part is that this actually does happen sometimes. I remember there once being a bug in a RC kernel that would destroy your network card chipset by writing crap into it20:53
shadeslayeroh yeah, I've heard about that20:53
shadeslayerapparently wiped your firmware20:53
shadeslayerand then you could nothing about it20:53
shadeslayerfun times20:54
shadeslayerugh, I think usb hub is USB 1.021:14
shadeslayerusb 4-1.2:21:16
shadeslayerBus 004 Device 013: ID 0e8f:0016 GreenAsia Inc. 4 port USB 1.1 hub UH-17421:17
debfxprobably the same companies that produce sd cards which fake the storage size21:22
shadeslayermaybe this was manufactured a long time back21:27
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SteveRileysewardj: one more ping, please :)23:39

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