
lifelessjames_w: +  var template = CompilerContext.compile("{{#goodbye cruel='CRUEL' times=12}}world{{/goodbye}}");05:16
lifelessjames_w: is what handlebars.js supports05:16
lifelessjames_w: I *thought* I supported that for pybars, extending it to support passing context refs should be doable05:17
cjwatsonHmm.  I'm pretty sure my latest branch will break derived distro creation, but no test failures ...13:16
* cjwatson will have to write something there to check13:17
lifelesswgrant: / StevenK: Your thoughts solicted on https://launchpad.net/~yavdr/+archive/main/+sourcepub/2680975/+listing-archive-extra20:14
lifeless    diff from 304.43-0yavdr0~precise to 295.75-0yavdr1~precise (139.1 MiB)20:14
lifelessdowngrades? wtf?20:14
lifelesssee #launchpad...20:14
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=== Ursinha is now known as Guest44137
StevenKwallyworld_: You have two revs of QA, and then we can deploy.23:00
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Guest21525
wallyworld_yes, doing them as we speak23:01
=== Ursula_ is now known as Ursinha
lifelesswgrant: around ?23:34
wgrantlifeless: Hi23:41
wgrantlifeless: What's the issue with those builds? They're trying to upload an older version.23:42
lifelesswgrant: yes, but LP seems to have let them...23:42
wgrantlifeless: Right, so it sounds like they deleted the source but not the binaries23:43
wgrantWhich probably means they deleted the source before the binaries were published23:43
wgrantIn that 5 minute window23:43
lifelessso, see #launchpad; are they wedged?23:46
wgrantThey should be able to redelete the old source23:48
wgrantWhich will hopefully take the binaries with it this time23:49

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