
holsteini have been messing with my broadcom driver.. brcmsmac is not loading anymore on its own now02:43
holsteini have the blacklist entries commented out.. not sure what i have done... i do sudo modprobe brcmsmac and it works02:44
meditatingfrogholstein: did you make sure any possible conflicting modules are blacklisted?02:49
holsteinmeditatingfrog: im 98%02:49
holsteinthe brcmsmac works fine out of the box.. ive just been messing with it02:50
holsteinto rephrase... it loads as its supposed to, though the driver was odd, or i would have left it alone02:50
meditatingfrogif on boot the system does something different than modprobe then i'm at a loss02:50
holsteini added a PPA with a special broadcam STA driver and i think it pulled the module out or something02:51
holsteinim marking the kernel for reinstallation02:51
meditatingfrogso you're trying to fix a problem that you had with the driver and now it doesn't load02:51
holsteinmeditatingfrog: correct.. well, it doesnt automatically load02:52
meditatingfrogholstein: does it fail to load or just doesn't load?02:52
meditatingfrogmaybe the syslog or dmesg will have some clues02:52
meditatingfrogi mean, is the system making an attempt at loading?02:52
holsteinmeditatingfrog: it works as before... loads just fine with modprobe02:52
holsteinim sure it was something in that PPA02:53
holsteini was hoping that driver version would fix everything though :/02:53
meditatingfrogi've done that before02:53
meditatingfrogwith kernels02:53
meditatingfrogthere was a time that i wanted to learn to write drivers, but never could get what i needed to make it happen02:53
meditatingfrogthat's interesting, so reloading the kernel will bring you back to the start you think?  i guess that makes sense, but i thought driver modules had their own packages02:54
meditatingfrogholstein: are you sure it's not the broadcom-sta-common package?02:55
holsteindepending on what that package did in the PPA02:55
holsteinmeditatingfrog: im not 100% of anything ;)02:55
meditatingfrogthat's just the package that came up when i did a search for broadcom02:56
holsteinim just trying things... i think i have the STA from the repo and the one from the PPA fully purged02:56
holsteinmeditatingfrog: the opensource one in the kernel "works" ...brcmsmac02:56
holsteinbut, its got issues02:56
holsteinso, i thought id try and "fix" it ;)02:56
holsteinanyways.. lemme reboot, and decide how much i actually care about this module auto-loading on boot if its not working02:57
holsteinwell, i have a feeling this is going to be an ongoing PITA, so im not going to sweat it right now02:59
holsteinmaybe a kernel upgrade will fix that open driver...03:00
meditatingfrogbest to slack, stressing over it won't help fix it03:00
meditatingfrogwhat was it doing?03:00
holsteinyeah.. i mean, i know i broke it with that PPA. i just should know how to look and make a module load03:00
holsteinmeditatingfrog: the open source driver just stops transfering around 50% signal03:01
holsteindoesnt ever lose connnect.. just cant do anything... cant ping the gateway03:01
holsteinand when i get closer, i'll get 40% packet loss or whatever03:02
meditatingfrogwhat chip do you have?03:02
meditatingfrogit's probably because you're using a general driver for a specific chip03:02
holsteini try the proprietary one and its better sometimes03:02
meditatingfrogi think that's what happened with the sdcard reader03:02
holsteini read that the channel needs to be a certain setting, but that wont work03:02
holsteini dont have control over public wifi channels03:02
holsteinthats what happend just now.. i coudnt get on somewhere i connected the other day03:03
holsteini removed the proprietary driver i was trying and loaded the open one, and its connected at least03:03
holstein02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)03:03
meditatingfrogholstein: have you read this?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1889170&highlight=BCM431303:04
* holstein looking03:05
holsteinmeditatingfrog: thats quite relevant03:06
meditatingfroghope it works, i can't really run the commands listed03:07
holsteinyeah, its hardware specific anyways03:08
holsteinmeditatingfrog: i think im going to roll with the open one for a bit and re-test.. i got that page bookmarked for the next try on the STA driver or where ever i go03:08
meditatingfrogit's interesting though, it looks like the bcmwl-kernel-source driver would have to be compiled03:09
holsteinmeditatingfrog: cheers! thats the most relevant forum post ive seen... relevant and promising03:09
meditatingfrogholstein: i just searched for your chipset03:10
meditatingfrogactually, i should probably search for the chipset for this motherboard on this notebook03:11
meditatingfroghmmm, no, i don't think that will make a difference, i doubt intel programmed the BIOS03:11
meditatingfrogi think03:12
holsteinwell, its some voodoo somewhere else..i installed the *-generic kernel expecting that the PAE one had been messed with by that package from the PPA03:13
holsteini'll have to ask that PPA maintainer.. but i think i'll just try the open one and if it fails, i'll just give up on it03:14
meditatingfrogit looks like that forum post did more than install a single driver03:15
holsteinyeah, its a "process"03:15
meditatingfrogit looked like it was both the firmware and a kernel driver03:15
holsteini'll do it if i need to though03:15
holsteinor switch out the hardware :)03:16
meditatingfrogwell i gave up on this system, it's as good as it's going to get.  i think anything short of development is going to get it working perfect03:16
holsteinwell..i added the module to /etc/modules so it starts now... anyways, im out for a bit.. thanks for the link and the moral support meditatingfrog :)03:22
nanahi everyone03:43
nanagd evening03:43
nanadoes everyone who talent in ubntu here?03:45
wilee-nileenana, If you have a problem ask a question regarding it.03:46
nanaok i want to ask something that complicated to me03:47
nanacan anyone give a solution for my question just now?04:05
holstein!ask | nana04:06
ubot2nana: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:06
wilee-nileeholstein, Hi hope everything is going good for you. ;)04:10
holsteinwilee-nilee: im good... and you?04:14
wilee-nileeholstein, Can't complain. ;)04:14
nanacan i ask why i cannot configure dansguardian sucessfulyy06:50
nanahow the exact configuration of tinyproxy?06:50
nanasoory,not tinyproxy,i mean firehol06:51
=== glebihan_ is now known as glebihan
smartboyhwHi penreturns15:15
penreturnshi there15:15
penreturnsohh u here too15:28
john___hello, i have a jpg image how would i get  it to fill 4 pages, huge16:03
john___aswering my question http://www.blockposters.com/16:31

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