
bkerensajbicha: +100:22
JoseeAntonioRmaybe we can just click random ads :P00:28
IdleOnebkerensa: I wasn't being sarcastic00:52
bkerensaIdleOne: So far I think your right I have seen a small sample of people actually happy about it and mostly negative =/00:57
IdleOneif i actually liked using all the social media stuff I might apply for a position as PR type person for Canonical.00:59
IdleOnebkerensa: You probably should. :)01:00
bkerensaIdleOne: I thought thats what Jono's team does to some degree01:00
bkerensaone of their functions at least01:00
IdleOneSure, but they can only put out there what they are told about I guess.01:01
IdleOneJust seems like every time there is something that might generate funds for Canonical it is dropped on us without any explanations01:01
IdleOneI bet if jono had 1 person dedicated to keeping the community up to date, it would lighten his teams load and make his job that much easier. I think Canonical likes playing damage control (very Republican of them :P )01:04
bkerensaThere is not very good synergy always between Canonical and Community01:04
bkerensathis seems to be one of those times01:04
bkerensaIdleOne: Yeah Jono should have a Marketing Specialist or something01:05
greg-gIdleOne: good point re another person to do that01:29
greg-gIdleOne: you *would* think that it was already done by the current crew, but they are already over committed on their own domains keeping things moving smoothly there that things like this aren't even in their purvue (it would probably only arguably be within jono's)01:30
greg-gwhich means: I don't blame the community team, but, maybe another horseperson is needed01:30
bkerensa:) we didnt even get global jam announced this year01:35
JoseeAntonioRI can talk to jono about that if we get the idea consolidated, maybe a couple emails would work to see what can the solution be01:40
greg-gsimply: a communications person for the community.01:47
JoseeAntonioRgreg-g: can we make the idea, like, more clear and specific, giving examples of what does that mean01:50
pleia2the Community Council has already offered several times to take on this role, but Canonical still doesn't talk to us much (Mark gives us heads up on some things sometimes, but nothing lately)01:51
pleia2so we stick to strickly community stuff these days01:51
JoseeAntonioRmaybe we can try a weekly update system, like Jono writes down everything that happened during that  week that's important, and then communicates the community01:53
greg-gJoseeAntonioR: I don't think adding anything to Jono's plate will work01:55
greg-gI've talked about this with Jono a few times, in fact01:55
greg-gapparently, many long time Ubuntu Members have voiced this same concern multiple times via various channels (judging from pleia2's comment).01:55
JoseeAntonioRok, not jono, but people from the different teams?01:56
JoseeAntonioRthe first thing we should note is that this is a difficult issue and will take time to resolve, but we should start now, or will never finish01:56
pleia2it's been discussed a lot, the trouble is that Canonical is a company, they want unveilings and surprises and they have secrets business-wise01:57
pleia2working with a community is hard01:58
JoseeAntonioRyeah, but they will say things at some point, right?01:58
greg-gmy main critique is that when this type of stuff is announced, the people doing it seem to forget about the community. That is and was the biggest thing I gave as feedback before01:58
greg-gso, here's the thing: when they DO say things, they need to have 2 press releases. One for the stupid press, and one for the community that uses language we want to hear and addresses our concerns. They have NEVER done that, it has always been damage control01:59
greg-gI've said this many times, but it is ignored.01:59
pleia2when Mark has told the CC about things it's been nice, we can give feedback about how it can be handled and how the community reacts01:59
pleia2er, how the community is likely to react :)02:00
* greg-g nods02:00
* greg-g shrugs02:01
pleia2there has been some discussion about having private community lists, but then it gets tied up in who can be on the secret list, and then there are leaks (there was a leak on the CC once, apologies abounded)02:01
greg-gI don't care much for that, really, that is just yet another old boys club02:01
JoseeAntonioRmaybe they can do one release, and the community can then announce to the press02:01
JoseeAntonioRif there's something I can help with, count on me, I'd be super glad to02:02
greg-gIt is simple: their PR people don't know anything about the community. They need to, or at least work with Jono et al on the releases (where Jono or someone writes a joint release). It really is that simple. It shows they care about the community equally to the press.02:02
greg-gIt shows they care about the community as much as the press (to clarify my english)02:03
JoseeAntonioRmaybe the CC can write an email explaining all that?02:03
* greg-g shrugs02:03
greg-gsure, I can write one...02:03
pleia2greg-g: yeah, that probably is what needs to be done, just separate releases02:03
greg-gbtw, I don't know the details of this situation (I haven't followed it) so I'll float it by you all before I send anything02:04
pleia2we have a lot of community members who defend Ubuntu to their LUGs and things, it's troublesome when we just have to shrug when people ask us02:04
JoseeAntonioRI think the CC should have a discussion previous to this email02:06
JoseeAntonioRso we can see what are the exact details of it02:06
greg-gI'm not on the CC, and I have opinions.02:06
JoseeAntonioRme too02:06
greg-gThe CC can get involved as they see fit, but I'm drafting an email now to send somewhere :)02:07
greg-gmaybe to the CC02:07
JoseeAntonioRand they can discuss in their public meetings, where anyone can join and give their opinions02:07
greg-gwhatever, no need to jam this up in committee right now02:08
pleia2it should be discussed everywhere by everyone, go greg-g :)02:09
pleia2also, I'm going to see about doing an ubuntu hour/see pleia2 before she runs out of the country for a month thing the first week in october, you should come02:10
pleia2probably do dinner02:10
philballewpleia2, is leaving us here in America02:10
pleia2America is sorted :)02:11
greg-gpleia2: definitely, it has been too long02:11
pleia2need to go fix other things02:11
greg-gpleia2: JoseeAntonioR http://paste.mitechie.com/show/805/02:21
JoseeAntonioRlooks great02:24
greg-gdid I represent the Amazon thing well? I mean, I haven't seen it yet, is there a blog post complaining about it I could read? :)02:26
* greg-g checks planet.u.c02:26
greg-goh, bkerensa ;)02:26
JoseeAntonioRyeah, looks fine02:27
greg-gok, yeah02:27
greg-galright, to the CC?02:27
greg-gI'll cc: jono02:28
greg-gpleia2: ping, just in case you see something02:29
* greg-g waits02:29
pleia2that's good02:30
pleia2I'd actually do it the other way - send to Jono and Cc the CC02:30
greg-gah, fair point. and I agree02:31
pleia2it's really To: Canonical (and the CC is well aware of these issues)02:31
* greg-g nods02:31
IdleOneI don't think the community can fix the problem of Canonical not communicating with us. This is an issue that Canonical needs to fix and the Community can and should be a part of the solution, but there definitely needs to be a Canonical representative at the head of all this. IMHO02:35
JoseeAntonioRthat's where Jono comes in02:36
JoseeAntonioRhe's part of Canonical02:36
* greg-g nods02:37
greg-gright, the community can't fix it, otherwise pleia2 and I would have already02:37
IdleOneWhich is why I suggested his team gets someone who only worries about getting info out to the community.02:37
JoseeAntonioRIdleOne: that's hard, but possible. let's see what they say first02:38
JoseeAntonioRonce we get their point of view, we'll see what can be done02:38
greg-gI like that, really. It can't be yet-another-thing-on-jono's-todo-list, but if someone was tasked with it, and had authority to go grab people from marketing and product development, that would be good02:38
JoseeAntonioRgreat, thanks so much, greg-g.02:40
JoseeAntonioRlet us know if there's something02:40
greg-gI'll hold off blogging it as that'll fragment the conversation unneededly too soon02:41
JoseeAntonioRyeah, JoseeAntonioR agrees02:42
JoseeAntonioRok, I'm out for today, hope to hear from you guys!02:50
greg-gyep, take care!02:52
cprofitthey greg-g02:58
cprofitthow have you been?03:00
greg-galright, taking on more work at work, and ramping up some projects, so busy during the days. But, keeping my evenings free for Rowan time :)03:01
greg-gRowan is amazing :)03:01
greg-gSaid his first word yesterday; Book.03:01
cprofittyes, kids are amazing... and should be our focus as fathers03:01
cprofittthat is awesome -- first words are thrilling03:01
cprofittI am putting in a great deal of time with cub scouts with my son03:02
greg-gcool! I was a scout (I mostly skipped webloes)03:03
greg-gwent to Life scout and stopped. "too cool" and all.03:03
cprofitthe started as a Tiger cub -- I took on the role of Den Leader03:03
cprofittyeah... I discovered girls and then stopped progressing too03:03
cprofittI was a Life scout and had progressed a bit toward Eagle.03:04
greg-gyep, ditto. Dang girls ;)03:05
cprofittI don't blame the girls... it was my fault for being attracted to them ;)03:05
bkerensaevening cprofitt04:09
jokerdinowe got some users thinking about the upcoming privacy issues in 12.10 - http://askubuntu.com/q/191897/2579806:37
=== glebihan_ is now known as glebihan
pleia2jono: thank you18:30
jonopleia2, np18:31
pleia2https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue284#Amazon_search_results_in_the_Dash is what I ended up for UWN to be released tomorrow (suggestions welcome from anyone)18:31
SergioMenesespleia2, :O18:32

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