
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
BigWhaleI updated, rebooted and now minimize, maximize and close buttons are on the right side ...11:39
BigWhaleof title bars ...11:39
LaneyBigWhale: what does "gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout" say?11:44
BigWhalehmm ctrl-alt-T is dead too ... :/11:45
Laneydifferent bug11:45
BigWhaleyeah ... :)11:46
BigWhalebigwhale@thefish:~$ gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout':minimize,maximize,close'11:46
Laneythere you go then11:46
Laneyyou reset it at some point, and that's just started working again11:46
Laneygsettings reset org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout should sort you out11:46
BigWhaleI am sure I never did that. Not on purpose. I installed 12.10 from one of the daily builds11:47
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charlesBigWhale, Laney: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/105398115:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 1053981 in unity "window decorations on right-hand-side of title bar" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:57
jbichacharles: do you have ubuntu-settings installed?16:00
charlesjbicha: nope, it's not installed. I didn't take any steps to manually uninstall it though16:01
jbichamore importantly, do you have ubuntu-desktop installed?16:01
charlesjbicha: same answer. no, though I didn't manually uninstall it16:01
jbichaplease install ubuntu-desktop to fix your problem :)16:02
charlesjbicha: lol, that part I already understood :)16:03
charlesjbicha: the more interesting question is what caused the change...16:03
jbichaif you didn't intentionally remove ubuntu-desktop, then you must have done a dist-upgrade without paying attention16:04
jbichaubuntu-settings is a new package to keep the Ubuntu overrides of GNOME settings separate so that Ubuntu derivatives can have an easier time picking and choosing which of those they want16:04
jbichainstead of having to patch (or unpatch) a dozen separate packages16:05
charlesah, cool16:06
charlesthanks jbicha :)16:06
charlesjbicha: confirmed, it was a blind dist-upgrade. thanks again :)16:15
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davidcalleLaney, I've spent some time tonight fiddling with Vala, only to discover your mp on the lens. You beat me to it by an hour. :)23:00
Laneydavidcalle: doing a similar thing?23:00
davidcalleLaney, yes, and your code is much cleaner.23:00
Laneyit's my first vala experience23:00
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LaneyI do know C# though23:01
Laneydid you have any thoughts about UI?23:01
davidcalleLaney, maybe a "Dash" tab in privacy with a "Disable Shopping" checkbox.23:03
LaneyYeah something like that23:04
LaneyIt's all so late though, for translating and stuff :(23:04
Laneyoh well, night23:05
davidcalleLaney, indeed. But we have the "More suggestions" string already used. So, it could be a on/off toggle for "More Suggestions". Even if it wouldn't convey it's only turned off in the Home Dash.23:05
davidcalleLaney, bye :)23:06
jbichaLaney: I don't think you should use schema path="/desktop/unity/lenses/shopping/" shouldn't you use a similar schema path to the schema id?23:08
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Laneyyeah, but the other lenses use this path already23:11
jbichayeah and they're wrong23:12
jbichawe finally got most of them using the same schema id pattern23:13
Laneythey should all be fixed at the same time imho23:14
Laneyalas, I'm going to bed23:14
jbichait's one less schema we're going to have to migrate for 13.0423:15
jasoncwarner_man...I did a reinstall yesterday (12.04.1 upgraded to 12.10) and my computer is RIDICULOUSLY hot today. :/23:59

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