
knomehow can we / who can update http://doc.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/ ?19:42
knomeor is that site used at all any more, and if not, can we remove the old xubuntu docs19:42
jbichaknome: that site is obsolete, the current site is https://help.ubuntu.com/ but that is focused on just Ubuntu itself19:44
knomejbicha, in that case, can we get the outdated documentation removed?19:44
knomeshould i just contact the IS or is there a contact person for that site?19:44
jbichahmm, I'm not sure where that site is maintained, mdke would know as he's been around for ever :)19:45
jbichathe non-wiki part of help.ubuntu.com is maintained at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-docs/help.ubuntu.com19:45
jbichabut that's probably not important to you19:45
knomeno, not really19:46
jbichayou're going to post your help at http://xubuntu.org/help/ ?19:46
knomejbicha, we're going to link to the offline docs there19:46
knomejbicha, it's possible we'll upload the docs under our domain too, if doc.ubuntu.com is obsolete19:47
jbichaare you going to them online there too?19:47
jbichayeah, doc.ubuntu.com is obsolete, hasn't really been touched since perhaps 201019:47
knomei asked IS if they host doc.ubuntu.com, and if they do, i'll ask them to remove the xubuntu part19:47
knomeand probably in the same RT, ask them to update our docs under our domain too19:48
jbichaask on the ubuntu-doc list too about it though since 2010 is before my time with docs ;)19:48
jbichaoh, IS manages xubuntu.org?19:48
knomeyes, why wouldn't they?19:49
knomei mean, we do of course have access to the wordpress installation, but not the files19:49
jbichaLubuntu might manage their own website, but Xubuntu is older19:50
knomethere's up and downs with IS managing the site obviously, and i believe they might let us host it on our own too, if we wanted19:51
knomeat least aiui that's possible19:51
knomebut let's say the less work, the better ;)19:52
jbichayeah :)19:53
bkerensajbicha: Lubuntu is hosted by canonical too20:01
bkerensaso is Kubuntu20:01
bkerensathey also own all the domains20:01
bkerensasince they have trademarks for them20:01
jbichawell that's not what whois lubuntu.net says20:04
bkerensajbicha: ahh and they are hosted at the OSL20:07
bkerensathats why Canonical has not yet trademarked Lubuntu20:07
bkerensaXubuntu on the other hand is trademarked to Canonical20:08

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