
=== zz_Kiall is now known as Kiall
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super-nathan(crap) Hello!11:32
=== Kiall is now known as zz_Kiall
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borneohello sages. I come to you asking for your wisdom.14:24
borneoI'm trying to build add a new flavor of a package and want to know if there is a tool to help aid creating the /debian entries.14:25
borneoIn specific, I having downloading nginx from   apt-get source nginx, I have been able to customize one of the packages to my liking, but would rather not have it interfere with current flavors, but make my own14:26
borneojtaylor: how would one go about creating an nginx-mega flavor with dh-make? if I have the apt-get source?14:27
jtaylorI don't understand, why do you need a tool to create dewbian/ if you base on an existing package?14:28
borneoI can set the rules to properly build a binary fine, by th eway14:28
borneojtaylor: yes, i want to add a flavor to an existing package. the debian folder has all these files and folders dedicated to each flavor, it looks as if I need to recreate them by hand?14:29
jtaylorjust copy them?14:29
jtayloralso what do you mean with flavor?14:29
borneoflavor as in, FLAVOURS:=full light extras naxsi in the debian/rules file of nginx14:30
borneois this not normal packaging parlance perhaps?14:30
jtaylorno its something specific to nginx14:30
borneoah that explains much14:30
borneoso perhaps this is a unique use case where it is manual14:31
borneothank for you for help jtaylor. I appreciate it.14:32
jtaylorlooks like you will have to add another BUILDDIR in rules, an approriate configure and then copy the appropriate debian files to install from that builddir14:36
borneojtaylor: that is exactly what i'm doing14:43
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cseslamhi guys18:09
cseslami am writing an application called "Tahrir", its a text editor18:09
cseslamcan i push it to the ubuntu repository ?18:09
tumbleweedcseslam: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages - we prefer new packages to go thorugh Debian18:12
TheLordOfTimecan someone dump me the link to the procedure(s) for requesting PPU rights?18:13
TheLordOfTimei've lost the link again :/18:13
tumbleweedTheLordOfTime: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard18:16
TheLordOfTimethanks tumbleweed18:16
Laney /j #ubuntu-unity20:08
LaneyOH WOE20:08
iulianNo worries. :)20:08
ajmitchand laney reveals the s3cr3t channel20:13
ajmitchfwiw, you can run the lens daemon yourself & get stdout/stderr ;)20:13
Laneyyou answer in a different channel?!20:14
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Laneyiulian: say, how is your name pronounced?22:06
LaneyI tried to say it on the phone the other day but couldn't :P22:06
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=== Ursinha is now known as Guest44137
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=== Ursinha_ is now known as Guest21525
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