
rsalvetiinfinity: qemu-linaro for armel failed to upload due: qemu-system_1.2.0-2012.09-0ubuntu1_armel.deb: deb contents timestamp check failed: E:Tar checksum failed, archive corrupted01:00
rsalvetiinfinity: just I just trigger a rebuild?01:00
skaet_plars, balloons - I just updated my quantal system to pick up the latest packages, and now am no longer able to get to the global menu bars for applications.   Are either of you seeing reports of this from others or could this be a problem specific to my system?  Global menus were working fine prior to me updating tonight.04:37
skaet_I've opened bug:1054850 to track the issue.04:38
skaet_If anyone else is seeing this issue,  could you please confirm the bug.04:40
bkerensaskaet: I am not seeing it and I just updated about 4 minutes ago04:48
iulianskaet_: I've just upgraded now and am affected by it too.08:35
* iulian switches back to xmonad.08:35
* iulian accepts rakudo.08:37
tumbleweedaww, you beat me08:44
=== rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti
tumbleweedgah, lp doesn't like that one10:03
tumbleweedshell loop time10:03
Laneyweird, the problem is usually bug closing and that only closes 510:05
tumbleweedno joy yet10:10
tumbleweedone has a handful of duplicates...10:11
Laneymaybe just wait for that LP deployment on Monday10:12
Laney(or whenever)10:12
skaet_thanks iulian.   I've marked it as confirmed then.     It might be the same as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1053288,  but that one had no comments since 9/20,   and there were uploads on Friday that could be interacting.13:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 1053288 in unity "Broken UI and no window management" [Critical,Confirmed]13:06
cjwatsontumbleweed: if it's not urgent, leave it until the next LP deployment so we can use it as a test case13:07
skaet_popey,  do you have any further data on the broken UI and missing global menus as reported in 1053288 and 1054850?13:09
popeyhi skaet13:10
popeyfor bug 1053288 I think Laura had staging enabled, so had a bit of a strange setup compared to most13:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 1053288 in unity "Broken UI and no window management" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105328813:11
skaet_that could be.    For 1054850,  its coming purely from the main archive.13:12
skaet_coming from a staging environment would explain om26er's comments on the bug.   But what I was seeing definitely wasn't coming from anything experimental.13:17
skaet_popey,  can you please work with olli to find the right people to start digging into this today13:18
skaet_thanks.   I'm going to be leaving for the airport in an hour,  and won't be online for most of the day in North America.13:19
knomeskaet_, what do you think are the possibilities to get an ACK for a B2Fe today?13:20
skaet_pgraner, infinity,  ^ please help.13:21
tumbleweedcjwatson: it isn't - leaving it13:21
skaet_knome,  depends on the detail?    what's the bug number?13:21
knomeskaet_, there's no bug yet, but the details are ready: we'd really like to update our themes with bugfixes + push a recolored USC icon to our icon theme13:22
knomeskaet_, doesn't affect others13:22
knomeskaet_, (at most US, but i'm quite certain they want these fixes too)13:23
skaet_knome,  open a bug for FFe/UIFe,  if its limited to you,  yeah,  we can look at getting it reviewed and in.   Am assuming your docs folk are ok with it?13:24
cjwatsontumbleweed: OK.  It'll take a little extra ops work after the deployment (adding a cron job and setting a feature flag), but I'll make sure that happens13:24
skaet_(ie,  no screenshots to redo)13:24
knomeskaet_, docs folks eg. me, yeah i'm happy with it13:24
knomeskaet_, i'll file the bug in a minute.13:24
tumbleweedhypera1r: FYI ^^^13:24
cjwatsonExcellent to have a known-previously-bad test case, actually.  wgrant and I had hoped this freeze would provide useful confirmatory data.13:25
cjwatsonDecent hope of being able to remove nearly 2000 LoC from LP on Friday ;-)13:27
tumbleweeddo you have a 2k sized feature in mind to fill the gap? :)13:27
cjwatsonMost of my near-term stuff will be net negative13:28
cjwatsonMaybe I can trade some of it for Adam's livefs buildd work13:28
cjwatsonI want to get chroot management sorted out in a bit, but that will probably end up negative by way of removing the old script13:29
tumbleweedso we've still lost you to lp for the forseeable future?13:32
cjwatsonNo, the guts of this project are done13:39
cjwatsonJust some loose ends13:39
cjwatsonBut I want to keep my hand in because it's handy to have somebody whose main focus is Ubuntu who's comfortable working on LP13:40
cjwatson(not the only one anyway; I know e.g. Brian and Bryce have contributed a fair bit)13:44
hypera1rtumbleweed: what?14:30
iulianhypera1r: It was about banshee. Read the scrollback.14:36
hypera1riulian: um, about the launchpad bug closing problem?14:37
tumbleweedyeah, we're going to leave the upload unapproved until the LP fix for that lands next week14:38
* iulian nods.14:38
hypera1roh i see.14:39
knomerelease team, bug 104350614:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 1043506 in xubuntu-artwork "12.10.5 xubuntu default settings - ubuntu software center icon is the same as Synaptic" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104350614:40
iulianknome: You said earlier there was no bug filed.14:45
iulianAnyway, -release subscribed.14:45
knomeiulian, yeah, i didn't know there was, and i filed a dup few minutes ago... :)14:45
iulianCould you please mark that as a duplicate then?14:46
knomeeh, it is marked :)14:47
* knome has started losing track of everything, running xubuntu, preparing training lectures and working with clients at the same time14:47
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olli iulian, seems the webapps, unity, WM issues are resolved?22:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 1054850 in indicator-appmenu "after applying latest updates, global appmenus are not appearing on the top of screen." [Critical,Confirmed]22:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 1053288 in unity "Broken UI and no window management" [Critical,Confirmed]22:09
ollicouldn't quite tell how, was there an updated libunity-webapps pkg?22:09
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xnoxqueue bot is asleep23:44
phillwxnox: it appears he has been poked into being awake :)23:55

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