
blast_hardcheeseDoes OpenStack have a mode that doesn't involve starting up a secondary network?00:14
chovynz1today i logged into my server via ssh, and found this : *** System restart required ***01:31
chovynz1When I typed restart --no-wait it spits out an error, missing job. What do I need to type to restart the system?01:31
patdk-lapjust type restart01:33
blast_hardcheese"reboot" is what you're looking for01:33
blast_hardcheesenot restart.01:33
blast_hardcheeserestart is to restart processes01:33
chovynz1thank you blast_hardcheese01:33
blast_hardcheeseno problem01:33
blast_hardcheeseAnyone have any idea regarding my OpenStack question?01:34
blast_hardcheeseThe documentation is really hard to follow unless you're doing it exactly like they have it written.01:34
blast_hardcheeseman pages are scattered to the four corners of the planet as well.01:34
chovynz1man the shotgun huh?01:34
patdk-lapnow I'm all messed up :)01:35
blast_hardcheesesome processes have decent help, others just give useless "This is a stub"01:35
patdk-laprestart is the cisco command :)01:35
blast_hardcheesepatdk-lap: It's easy to get confused, I've found when you live with this stuff for a long enough time your fingers automatically type the right thing in the right context01:35
blast_hardcheeseIf someone says something else that sounds right, your brain autocompletes the context01:36
chovynz1"you know, normal people just have aquariums"01:36
blast_hardcheesescrew normal01:36
blast_hardcheeseI have a friend that collects aquarium software ;)01:36
blast_hardcheese(obligatory xkcd: http://xkcd.com/1095/ )01:37
chovynz1(01:36:54) blast_hardcheese: I have a friend that collects aquarium software ;) ... you mean like this? www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DXMXBnTOH001:39
osX64Link [YouTube] :: chovynz1 :: High Res - Aquarium Mineral Oil Submersion HDD Media Server PC01:39
blast_hardcheesemm, no01:39
blast_hardcheesecan't wait until the next stable kernel rev01:43
blast_hardcheese3.5.4 broke my touchscreen, had to revert to 3.4.501:43
chovynz1I've just rebooted my server, what would cause the server to stop responding at the Award Software System Configurations screen?01:43
blast_hardcheesechovynz1: Any messages?01:43
chovynz1blast_hardcheese: no messages. the cursor is blinking at DDR SDRAM at Bank : 0 1_01:44
blast_hardcheeseA couple things jump to mind. Easiest would be the BIOS getting stuck.01:44
chovynz1how do i unstuck it?01:45
blast_hardcheeseCompletely remove power from the machine, hold the power button down to flush the capacitors, then plug it back in01:45
chovynz1bleugh. i dont want to do that every time i reboot.01:45
blast_hardcheeseshouldn't have to, but definitely something to test.01:45
chovynz1i can do it now, but it's not a long term solution01:45
blast_hardcheese(Not 100% sure the capacitor thing actually works, might have to wait for 15 seconds or something. Pushing the button is easier though.)01:46
chovynz1waited for 4001:48
blast_hardcheeseno dice?01:48
chovynz1no dice01:48
blast_hardcheeseCan you get into BIOS setup?01:49
blast_hardcheese(or your EFI utility, if you're EFI)01:49
chovynz1yes. there now01:49
blast_hardcheeseTurn off "quick boot"01:49
blast_hardcheesethat'll run extended diagnostics01:49
chovynz1how i flash my cmos and bios? they 2003.01:51
chovynz1bring it to the 21st century baby01:51
blast_hardcheeseThe general rule is leave it like it is unless you have to upgrade it01:52
blast_hardcheeseWhat did the diagnostics say?01:52
chovynz1ok. leaving it like it is01:52
chovynz1im not sure where to find the quick boot. having another look01:52
blast_hardcheeseMight not be "Quick boot" exactly01:54
chovynz1or anything that resembles it01:55
blast_hardcheeseWhat kind of BIOS01:55
blast_hardcheesewhat motherboard01:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #1054823 in dovecot (main) "package dovecot-core 1:2.0.19-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105482301:56
chovynz1how would i find out without the software diagnostic tools?01:56
blast_hardcheeseDid you build this server?01:56
chovynz1sort of. off someone else's computer. they used win xp well. I wiped their HD and installed ubuntu and let it do it's thing01:56
blast_hardcheeseso you didn't build it, but it's not stock?01:57
chovynz1open the case and read the mb?01:57
blast_hardcheeseMotherboards typically have the model number written on the board itself.01:57
blast_hardcheeseyeah, probly.01:57
blast_hardcheeseHow long have you had this machine?01:57
chovynz1about a month01:58
blast_hardcheeseHow many times have you rebooted it?01:58
chovynz1three times. first and second time i reinstalled ubuntu.01:58
blast_hardcheeseoh, a good question; What was the reason you needed to restart?01:58
chovynz1i've since put data on it so id prefer not to reinstall01:58
blast_hardcheeseDid you get any kind of "Your something or other has changed, please reboot"?01:59
chovynz1same thing. after the second i thought i had it stabilised as i rebooted and it went thought successfully.01:59
blast_hardcheeseI'm from Debian, Ubuntu still feels kinda weird, all the stuff it comes with out of the box01:59
chovynz1after updating then rebooting it did this again02:00
blast_hardcheese"do this, do that, here's how you do this" kinda stuff02:00
blast_hardcheeseWith debian, you install what you want02:00
blast_hardcheeseIf you want that stuff, install it. If you don't, don't.02:00
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blast_hardcheeseWhat about my last question?02:02
chovynz1other than that message no02:02
blast_hardcheeseCan you boot into the Ubuntu Installation media?02:03
blast_hardcheeseThere should be a "Rescue Mode"02:03
chovynz1*** System restart required *** was the only message i got02:03
chovynz1I could be able to boot using a usb / cd / dvd02:03
chovynz1rather not unless necessary.02:04
chovynz1I'd like the system to work by itself instead of me rescuing it all the time :)02:04
chovynz1sec, getting a torch for the mb02:04
blast_hardcheeseThat's the only other thing I can think of. If you can't get your BIOS to tell you anything useful02:04
* chovynz1 mutters under the desk, that's often the case02:06
chovynz1could the RAM be stuffed?02:07
blast_hardcheeseAnything could be the issue, but I try not to go around saying things are broken without proof02:07
chovynz1ga-7vaxp sound like the mb?02:08
blast_hardcheeseIf you suspect the RAM, run memtest86+, it should be on the Ubuntu install CD02:08
chovynz1holy moly, nvidia gforce 6 on a ubuntu server02:09
chovynz1completly unecessary02:09
chovynz1with dual boot. :(02:09
* blast_hardcheese jokes about Ubuntu Servers being more likely to have X02:09
chovynz1I think I may look at building my own in the near future, instead of relying on gifts.02:10
blast_hardcheeseUsually a good policy.02:10
chovynz1"gift" that I worked for in exchange for some web work02:10
chovynz1I dont even really know what hardware i need for a good server, i usually just bang it on02:11
chovynz1see what works02:11
chovynz1I know i dont need a graphics card02:11
chovynz1why would this have dual bios?02:11
blast_hardcheese"dual bios"?02:11
patdk-lapmost servers do02:12
blast_hardcheeseNever heard of it02:13
patdk-lapthe primary and a backup02:13
patdk-lapunless he is talking about the bmc and normal bios02:13
blast_hardcheeseApparently Gigabyte has a "Patented DualBIOS technology"02:13
blast_hardcheese(tm)(r)(bs) etc02:14
chovynz1I dont even02:14
chovynz1..really know what i would use this mb for. it's too underpowered for graphics, but too much and unecessary stuff for a sever02:15
blast_hardcheeseYou could try flashing the BIOS, if you can get into the flash utility02:15
blast_hardcheeseI downloaded the BIOS update EXE, it's self-extracting02:15
blast_hardcheeseand opens with wine, I should say02:16
chovynz1mm. Gentlemen. I shall need to depart. I thank you for your time. see you around.02:16
blast_hardcheesegood luck.02:16
CyclicFlux_good evening fellow ubuntu-server enthusiasts02:17
blast_hardcheese(and others, hopefully)02:18
CyclicFlux_Upon doing a re-installation of Ubuntu system, while preserving my home directory.  I am having some prob's with reference to getting grub installed on my lvm.  I had it installed, and have a root/swawp lvm.  I was re-installing ubuntu 12.04.1, while preserving home.  However, upon the system re-installing when prompted I then had grub re-installed.  It definitely didn't work(and I am using the alternate .iso 12.04.1 amd_64, which I read can handl02:19
CyclicFlux_e doing re-installation while preserving lvm, though it is not yet official for ubuntu), and I am told with grub2 you don't need a dedicated /boot partition02:19
CyclicFlux_blast_hardcheese, lol!!! Thank you for finishing!02:19
CyclicFlux_My question is my Ubuntu installation had no dedicated boot partition before, and I am not able to find any good resources on installing the grub2 to the root LVM drive(upon checking it appears that this is where it was before)02:21
blast_hardcheeseCyclicFlux_: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB2#LVM02:21
CyclicFlux_Everything else went very well, and everything is preserved.  My question is what is the best way to fix everything?02:21
blast_hardcheeseCheck to see if the "insmod lvm" is in your grub config, for one02:22
blast_hardcheeseOh, even better02:22
CyclicFlux_blast_hardcheese, thanks I will02:22
blast_hardcheeseSomeone's already asked this question on the Ubuntu forums02:22
blast_hardcheeseWhoops, that's not the right URL at all.02:23
blast_hardcheeseThis looks more helpful: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=177893502:25
blast_hardcheeseHow are you booting currently, if you didn't install GRUB?02:25
CyclicFlux_blast_hardcheese, I am using a live disk, because unfortunately I have only the ubuntu live alternate, and I am only able to get busybox shell, which is very limited.  When I try to boot the normal system it just stands still.02:32
CyclicFlux_So I am using a bt5 live disk02:32
CyclicFlux_BT5 R2 gnome 64-bit02:32
blast_hardcheeseErr, Ah.02:33
CyclicFlux_blast_hardcheese, sorry for the delay my client is not configured at all.02:34
CyclicFlux_blast_hardcheese, I will say though when I try to restore grub on the dvd, I get put into the grub-shell, not grub 2(grub> is what I see).  That tells me that the grub2 is not even found, so it is dropping back to grub.02:35
CyclicFlux_blast_hardcheese, will I be able to mount it and fix it with this BT5 R2 Live DVD?02:36
blast_hardcheeseCyclicFlux_: I'm not familiar with either technologies to know if you can02:36
blast_hardcheesefamiliar enough, rather.02:36
CyclicFlux_blast_hardcheese, this is my fdisk -l output: http://pastebin.com/UaSU3rpF02:38
blast_hardcheeseWhat's sda1?02:39
patdk-laphis /boot02:41
CyclicFlux_blast_hardcheese, the sda1 I believe is the logical volume for my swap02:41
patdk-laponly 200megs02:41
CyclicFlux_I think02:41
CyclicFlux_Here is the lvm output from lvdisplay: http://pastebin.com/8WAmNLMS02:41
blast_hardcheesepatdk-lap: Right, but he thinks he's got grub configured in LVM02:42
blast_hardcheeseCyclicFlux_: What makes you think /boot/ was in LVM before?02:42
patdk-lapif your using grub2 also, that won't work02:42
CyclicFlux_I saw it on the root partition I believe(however, I am not going to lie, I am not sure)02:43
patdk-lapyou need 1mb of space, not 32k space02:43
blast_hardcheeseCyclicFlux_: Good luck to you, going to go back to trying to configure OpenStack :)02:43
blast_hardcheeseSorry I couldn't help02:43
CyclicFlux_Should I make a new partition??(The ubuntu installer took care of everything, and this was done originally like 1 year ago, and I unfortunately didn't have notes when I did it, so its basically what the ubuntu installer did by default)02:44
CyclicFlux_blast_hardcheese, thanks for your help anyway!!02:44
CyclicFlux_patdk-lap, I am going to check it out.02:44
CyclicFlux_patdk-lap, the /dev/sda1 is definitely my boot, and the dev/matterhorn-root lvm partition had a boot in it because I told the ubuntu installer to use it to install the system, and then when it said to install grub2 I believe ti defaulted to there, so the /boot on the /dev/mapper/matterhorn-root is there because of the installer using it for the default grub2 location(I am guessing)02:46
patdk-lapyou either have it *mounted* or not02:47
patdk-lapnothing cares if what is pointed where02:47
patdk-lapif it's mounted it is used, if not, it won't be02:47
patdk-lapif it's mounted it will hide the lvm stuff02:47
patdk-lapare you using grub1 or grub2?02:48
CyclicFlux_patdk-lap, werrrrrd.  So I am going to unmount them(I am sorry I am not terribly familiar with lvm/lvm2), I just set it up for the first time on this system. And I am using grub202:48
CyclicFlux_I am thinkking by looking at everything now(via the file-explorer), the /dev/sda1 is the grub2 bootloader, and it is the 200mb partition.  So I am guessing the LVM partition does not even need to have a grub, one can just use that and then point it to the lvm, and then insert an lvm module for grub to use?02:52
patdk-laplvm should never have *a grub*02:53
patdk-lapit should have a /boot with stuff, if you want to boot via it02:53
patdk-lapbut if you have a partition for /boot that is pointless02:53
CyclicFlux_patdk-lap, thanks for telling me this I have been scouring the web for stuff, and it is telling me lvm can have grub2, and grub 2 doesn't need its own /boot partition/etc... I think I am now getting the pieces to come together.02:57
patdk-lapwell, yes02:58
patdk-lapbut as you already have a /boot, you can do either02:58
patdk-lapbut it makes sense to keep what you have :)02:58
CyclicFlux_patdk-lap, according to this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Troubleshooting on point 1, referencing the grub-shell02:58
CyclicFlux_I am getting dropped to the grub> shell, and according to the link, its possibly due to me not have a grub.cfg02:59
patdk-lapdid you boot into your system?02:59
patdk-laponce you do02:59
patdk-lapmake sure /boot is mounted03:00
patdk-lapdo a update-grub03:00
CyclicFlux_Now that I am looking at that its a really good resource to all grub2 issues.03:00
patdk-lapand a install-grub, or whatever it is, grub-setup?03:00
patdk-lapbut likely the issue is your boot partition03:00
patdk-lapit starts at sector 6303:00
CyclicFlux_I am in a live system now.  I will give it a whirl again. I tried it before I think, do I update the initramfs after?03:00
patdk-lapand that isn't enough space for grub203:00
patdk-lapwhy initramfs?03:01
patdk-lapI would use gparted to move your boot partition to start at the 1MB mark03:01
CyclicFlux_because I thought that initramfs had to have the modules/etc... updated for grub203:02
patdk-lapinitramfs is for linux03:02
CyclicFlux_patdk-lap, I will start by doing that then03:02
patdk-lapif your in grub, you haven't got anywhere near initramfs03:02
patdk-lapbios -> disk -> grub -> linux -> initramfs -> init scripts03:03
CyclicFlux_patdk-lap, if you could kinda walk me through this I'd be very much obliged because once I boot, if it doesn't work I will have to get back into my live disk mode.  My default ubuntu rescue doesn't work(when booting and holding shift key), the only thing that'll work is the 'previous linux versions'03:04
patdk-laphmm if previous works03:04
patdk-lapthen it sounds like a kernel thing03:05
patdk-lapeither /boot wasn't mounted when you upgraded the kernel, would be odd03:05
patdk-lapso it's missing03:05
CyclicFlux_patdk-lap, I just checked my output of fdisk -l, and my /dev/sda1 is currrently starts on 103:06
CyclicFlux_patdk-lap, http://pastebin.com/UaSU3rpF03:07
patdk-lapyes, but you didn't check via sectors03:07
patdk-lapit starts at cylinder 1 (where cylinder size = 63)03:07
AtomicSparkIs it better to manually install or stick with repo version and trust it works better for little things like python packages (django, fiencms, etc)? I understand that the maintainers can't keep up with every project out there, but missing a security release of something I want to use bothers me.03:07
CyclicFlux_patdk-lap, I am totally feeling like an amateur right now, lol!!! Thanks though I appreciate it!!03:08
patdk-lapAtomicSpark, heh, I try to use the repo versions, but normally end up not doing it, cause it's too hard to make it work in my usecase03:08
AtomicSparkAnd the other thing that bothers me, a lot of these "minor" packages should be install in a director and not system wide.03:08
patdk-lapdon't move it using fdisk, use gparted03:08
CyclicFlux_AtomicSpark, I use both repos(git), and pip(pip I think is better for python/django-related stuff), for all other stuff I definitely use git03:09
CyclicFlux_patdk-lap, no doubt!!03:09
patdk-lapAtomicSpark, if it wasn't system wide, how would it update it?03:09
AtomicSparkDoes pip uninstall too? or do you just delete the folder?03:09
CyclicFlux_AtomicSpark, yessir!! Its really much more up-to-date, and all-in-all fresh03:10
CyclicFlux_AtomicSpark, recommended to me by several python devs03:10
AtomicSparkpatdk-lap: updates can break things. and not everything can be imported/modified.03:10
CyclicFlux_AtomicSpark, see pip --help(but make sure its installed)03:11
AtomicSparkI think django would be fine installing site wide. For you create sites/apps with it.03:11
CyclicFlux_AtomicSpark, I have played/dabbled with django very little, I use php for that and then scrapy for crawling/etc... But it is something I'd like to get into messing around with because it definitely seems like it could be helpful03:12
AtomicSparkIt's nice, but i get to a point where it gets over my head.03:12
blast_hardcheeseI'm seeing stuff about site-wide python, if it hasn't been mentioned already, use virtualenv03:12
AtomicSparkblast_hardcheese: I saw that before, was trying to find it again.03:13
blast_hardcheesevirtualenv is effectively chrooted Python environments03:13
blast_hardcheesea must for system stability and general sanity.03:13
AtomicSparkI've never done it before, but it makes sense.03:13
AtomicSparkWhen projects start asking to instal prereqs, I get nervious.03:14
patdk-lapAtomicSpark, this is why I normally drop the ubuntu packages for website stuff, and update it myself03:14
CyclicFlux_patdk-lap, hey bud, I forgot for resizing in gparted is backing up necessary?03:16
qman__backing up is always necessary03:16
CyclicFlux_qman__, I figured it,  I am just gonna do a dd'03:17
AtomicSparkpatdk-lap:  Like phppgsql, which is just downloads and hides it somewhere, assuming you'll symlink it to /var/www? lol.03:17
qman__resizing with gparted is ~99% safe03:17
qman__that said, you should always have a backup, regardless of what you're doing03:17
patdk-lapAtomicSpark, if only it hid it somewhere, it splits it up into like 6 different locations03:17
CyclicFlux_qman__, I just remember there are some things/tasks that gparted should not be trusted for.03:18
* patdk-lap hasn't used gparted for anything other than carving up new disks03:18
patdk-lapso I haven't put any trust into it at all yet03:18
AtomicSparkDo you use apache or lighttpd?03:19
AtomicSparklol, I already had virtualenv bookmarked. As you can see, I've attempted this a few times.03:20
CyclicFlux_AtomicSpark, I use both Apache and NGINX!!! Love'em, but haven't tried lighttpd03:20
blast_hardcheeseAtomicSpark: There's nothing to it, really.03:31
blast_hardcheeseAtomicSpark: virtualenv ~/test-virtualenv && source ~/test-virtualenv/bin/activate && pip install django03:32
blast_hardcheesebam, django running inside a virtualenv.03:32
blast_hardcheeseThe tricky bit is getting virtualenv playing nicely inside Apache, I've not tried other webservers.03:32
AtomicSparkWould you keep your fastcgi stuffs (in this case python files) outside of /var/www? Keep that for static only?03:42
AtomicSparkOh, they seem to put it in /var/virtualenv/yourdirectoryhere. That works, and makes sense.03:46
AtomicSparkShould I install distribute and pip from the repos?04:31
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lordievaderGood morning.08:08
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lordievaderHey AtomicSpark, how are you?08:13
AtomicSparklordievader: Good. Trying to figure out what webserver I wish to use. I think I'm going to give up and just use Apache + WSGI.08:14
lordievaderAtomicSpark: I just use Apache, does the job so why change it?08:15
AtomicSparkLighttpd has a lot of FUD around it but develepment and bug fixing seems iffy, nginx is the new hotness, but I'd use apache as a backend anyways. Really just focusing on trying to get django set up.08:16
AtomicSparklordievader: Apache is pretty heavy for static files and I'm a good developer and on a VPS.08:16
lordievaderAtomicSpark: I see, well good luck with the decision.08:17
ElixirVitaeI just set-up my home server, but did not configure network during installation08:17
ElixirVitaewould it be easier to do it during installation, or right now?08:18
AtomicSparkElixirVitae: How far have you gotten? If you cannot dpkg-reconfiure it, might be a bit of a hassle.08:36
ElixirVitaeI installed it all, with ssh-server only08:39
ElixirVitaenow I want to control it using ssh, though, as I have not configured it during installation08:39
ElixirVitaeI am having a bit trouble configuring it now08:39
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maddini have a problem ....10:25
fdgelet me read you mind to find out your problem10:28
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:29
_rubenbugger .. 4 nics with 8 queues each and 8 cpu thread (4cores+ht) .. yet most packets seem to be processed by cpu0, as it has ~15% SI, with other have <1%10:57
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AucklaI have this problem that stems from my father not holding me enough when I was a kid.11:25
RoyK_ruben: irqbalance running?11:28
_rubenRoyK: yes11:31
_rubeneach cpu does get a fair ammount of ethernet interrupts, just that cpu0 seems to be getting far more than the rest11:34
RoyK_ruben: stats from /proc/interrupts ?11:35
_rubenRoyK: that's what i'm looking at, yeah, and top11:36
_rubenwonder if there's some realtime top like tool for interrupts11:38
_rubenshame it doesn't show per cpu stats :/11:42
RoyKbut it's open source, so SMOP :D11:43
_rubendoes show fairly evenly distributed rates for each int tho11:43
RoyKand each int is serviced by a core/cpu?11:43
_rubeni'll probably play with setting manual affinities, so that each queue goes to only 1 cpu thread11:47
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1055013 in postfix (main) "package postfix (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105501313:45
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tech936just re installed my ubuntu server what was the command again for connecting to the wifi?15:59
RoyK iwconfig?16:02
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:13
RoyKElixirVitae: ?16:16
ElixirVitaeoh, I just wandered what that trigger returned, that's all16:19
ElixirVitaeWhat other triggers are there for ubottu?16:19
RoyKtry asking it16:19
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:19
ElixirVitaeI know that one~16:20
tech936ok looking for ubuntu-Server Staff to Join a team of Networkers/Programmers/ETC message me if interested16:22
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guntbert_!brain | ElixirVitae19:06
ubottuElixirVitae: Hi! I'm #ubuntu-server's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots19:06
ElixirVitaeNice, grazie guntbert_!19:06
guntbert_ElixirVitae: niente :-)19:07
gabrielukhello, i have a 10.04 lts box. i'm installing php-fpm to work with apache2. what is the correct way to install fast cgi? sudo apt-get install  libapache2-mod-fastcgi ?19:33
gabrielukor libapache2-mod-fcgid19:34
nsudoPlease help me installing a webserver19:48
RoyKnsudo: | !ask19:52
RoyK!ask | nsudo19:52
ubottunsudo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:52
guntbert_!lamp | nsudo19:52
ubottunsudo: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)19:52
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
=== guntbert_ is now known as guntbert
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== cpg is now known as cpg|away
=== zz_Kiall is now known as Kiall
=== Ursinha` is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Guest44137
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Guest21525
=== Ursula_ is now known as Ursinha
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg

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