
DaraelMid-night uuk denizens! Run!00:19
AlanBellevening all00:19
Seeker`Dave2: you have to be different!00:20
* Seeker` wonders if Dave2 still prints out every leet o'clock00:21
Dave2Seeker`, no :(00:33
Seeker`:( :(00:34
Dave2after I realized I'd spent several hours of my life doing it00:34
bootlknvfMornin' everyone !04:58
AlanBellmorning all07:22
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
christelGOOOOOD MORNING08:01
MartijnVdS\o christel08:22
christelmaaaartijn :D08:23
MartijnVdStime for tea!08:37
MartijnVdShowdy popeyman08:53
jacobwmorning ubunteros09:07
* Laney wonders why the archers is entering his brain09:09
pinky-Laney, because you watched DrWho yesterday and got a brainwash?:)09:10
pinky-archers was mentioned yesterday in the Dr Who episode and I just wondered if it was your subconscious?09:13
popeyNot impressed with this series of Dr Who :(09:14
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:16
SuperEngineero/ brobostigon09:16
jacobwLaney: check out this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeIEovjOVdI09:17
brobostigono/ SuperEngineer09:17
matttarchers?  that weird show they play on bbc radio?09:20
pinky-to be honest I stopped watching Dr Who regular back in 1987 when Sylvester McCoy became the Dr.09:20
christelOooh dr who09:21
brobostigonlast night,09:21
christeli forgot about dr who amongst the happy houring with AlanBell and bigcalm and Dave2 last night09:22
christeli should watch it now!09:22
pinky-Though I will say the last two Doctors have been a lot less "Pantomime" and I do now at times watch the odd episode. It's been better since09:29
pinky-David Tennant09:29
popeyhmm, where can I buy bento flakes round here09:30
popeyduh, yeah09:31
Laneylocal chinese supermarket does them here09:31
Laneywell s/chinese/asian/?09:31
popeyi dont think we have any of those close by09:31
* popey rummages..09:31
popeybut not in iOS6 maps.. AMIRITE!?09:32
AlanBellpopey: in Aldershot near the station09:32
pinky-When I live in Alton and then later Bordon, my local DHSS was in Aldershot:)09:33
pinky-near the station09:33
popeySeyma Food Centre?09:33
AlanBelldunno if they have that specifically09:34
Laneygive them a tinkle09:34
AlanBellthe corner shop over the road from there does nice biltong (was no biltong in the seyma shop)09:34
* popey is doing that09:34
popeyno, they dont09:35
* gord got a new ipad3 for £350, good deal09:38
gordits not as good as everyone makes it out to be..09:38
popeygord, are you in foreign?09:40
jacobwin foreign?09:41
gordspending two weeks in seoul, half way done. gonna go hike a mountain tomorrow!09:41
* jacobw shakes head09:41
popeywhat made you choose seoul?09:42
popeyalso, get back here and fix unity! :)09:42
jacobwhe's looking for seoul mate09:43
gordi didn't know much about korea and wanted to know more :) really interesting history09:43
jacobw(really sorry)09:43
gordwent to the DMZ yesterday and stood in north korea09:44
* SuperEngineer hums "Paint It Black"...09:44
jacobwhow was it gord ?09:45
gordhttps://picasaweb.google.com/112811220238447511854/DMZAndJMATour?authuser=0&feat=directlink have photos09:46
popeyi see Sascha Pallenberg is in Seoul too, is there a conf on?10:02
gordiruno? i'm certainly not here for anything10:08
popeygord, you played nikki and the robots yet?10:10
gordnup, looks cool10:10
popeyit is, very, lots of community levels and an editor10:12
popeypay what you want too10:14
Laneywhat's the difference between that and the Free version?10:15
popeythe pay version gets you the levels they designed10:33
Laneythere's a package but I haven't built it yet to see what you get10:35
* Laney svn co svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-games/packages/trunk/nikki10:36
popeywhen you pay you get a 'key' which lets you download the extra content10:40
popeywhich works really nicely inside the app, it's a very well designed app10:40
popeye.g. when you go full screen it just works (as it should) unlike most of the humble bundle on linux this time around10:40
pinky-wow I just found another new word in a new news story, Headline reads, "World Record One Petabit per Second Fiber Transmission over 50-km."10:44
pinky-well new word to me anyweays10:45
=== SirCrispinTheJew is now known as ClaudeTheFascist
pinky-A petabit is one thousand terabits and a terabit is one trillion binary digit s, or 1,000,000,000,000 (that is, 10 12 ) bits. My mind has gone BLANK.11:05
MartijnVdSF1 time almost11:05
pinky-MartijnVdS, yeah 5 mins11:05
SuperEngineeranyway of doing a ban on the troll?11:06
SuperEngineer*any way11:06
MartijnVdSSuperEngineer: troll? Where?11:06
SuperEngineeris now known as [various inflamatory names]11:07
MartijnVdSah him11:07
MartijnVdShe who changes names every few hours11:07
SuperEngineerthat be the one11:08
pinky-F1 is about to start, need coffee!11:10
SuperEngineervrooom vrooom....11:11
Laneyyes, you definitely need caffeine to survive F111:11
* SuperEngineer switches status to "Watching F1" [& sends pity in Laney's direction]11:12
* Laney is going to go out :P11:12
Laneyafter test installing nikki11:12
SuperEngineerLaney: if you're lucky you'll end up in a pub with F1 on 80" widescreen11:13
* MartijnVdS likes his 46" :)11:39
pinky-I bet Eddie Jordan's jeans look even more strange on 46"11:41
MartijnVdSEddie rocks :)11:41
SuperEngineer_just seen that somehow I'm on here as me & me_ ... wtf????11:42
MartijnVdSYou, yourself and you?11:43
MartijnVdSSuperEngineer: 2 clients, or a disconnect of some kind :)11:43
SuperEngineer_suspects netbook disconnect - forget it was even on -whoops11:44
SuperEngineer_time to log off both & stop this Dr. Who impersonation11:44
SuperEngineerYou are now identified for SuperEngineer.  -that's what I wanted, thanks Freenode...11:47
MartijnVdS\o SuperEngineer11:48
SuperEngineer...next time please tell me - hey, you left the netbook on! Thankyou11:48
MartijnVdS\o = \o/ but with only 1 arm in the air :)11:48
penguin42the other one is busy....11:49
MartijnVdSpenguin42: yeah, Eddie Jordan on TV.....11:49
SuperEngineero? was to check if my arm still worked after becoming a split personality - dodgy stuff this time warping ;)11:50
MartijnVdSSuperEngineer: easier than space warping..11:51
SuperEngineer[plus I was distracted by salute to th2the prof"11:51
SuperEngineer*"the prof"11:51
MartijnVdSthey had a feature about him yesterday11:51
* SuperEngineer nearly has all molecules back in one body - non quantomly speaking11:52
SuperEngineer- it would spoil the race but it would be oh so nice to have a tribute random safety car lap11:53
MartijnVdSsafety car RACE11:53
MartijnVdS\o/ HD TV11:54
penguin42HD safety car - or smoke?11:54
SuperEngineerwot - no smoke?11:56
* SuperEngineer looks a tobacco ... mmmm11:56
=== alexander is now known as Guest65339
SuperEngineerverb - to smoke - to act like a tyre on a Ferrari with no traction control11:58
SuperEngineer[or a Top Gear presenter]11:58
* SuperEngineer doubts that these F1 cars carry a Boot Repair CD... SuperEngineers do12:01
* SuperEngineer smiles smugly12:02
pinky-silver Rizla ftw12:03
SuperEngineerDinosaurs on a spaceship?  I await "Tiny Vroom Vrooms on a Tardis" episode ;)12:03
SuperEngineerIn case it adds to anyones enjoyment of the race: live race on TV, live timings from F1.com, pit lane radio [livish] from BBC formula1 site.  F1 heaven.12:12
brobostigoni have the timings from the bbc f1 site.12:13
pinky-yup and ad-free heaven12:13
brobostigonthe almost ncurses terminal, view.12:13
brobostigonpinky-: yup :)12:14
pinky-28 seconds total pit time is a long pit, Singapore pit stops dramatically change positions12:25
pinky-But Singapore have a 100% record for saftey car so I guess that will always bring the cars all back together at times.12:28
* pinky- waits for the Saftey Car12:29
SuperEngineerpinky-: if a certain 2 drivers keep driving the same way your wish will soon be granted12:34
einonmI've just read a rather interesting blog post from Mr Shuttleworth, regarding Amazon search results.12:38
pinky-SuperEngineer, yup or a drivers investigation of a curiously close wall12:40
einonmOne line caught my eye in particular - "we have root". Can anyone shed some light on what he means? I assume it's not what I think it is.12:41
SuperEngineereinonm: I think you can safely assume it wasn't root beer12:42
* SuperEngineer also awaits URL12:42
penguin42einonm: Yes, that's a 'we can already do everything to your machine, so don't worry that we're doing something else'12:45
popeyyou already trust ubuntu developers with root access to your machine, every time you use software centre / apt / synaptic / dpkg12:46
einonmOk, fair enough. Not the most media friendly way of putting it though!12:47
einonmI've only just started using ubuntu in anger, that sort of comment doesn't really endear me to the platform.12:48
SuperEngineerpopey: isn't there a slight difference there? as in "I know I handed over control -temporarily-" ?12:49
popeyits just an example12:49
popeythere's plenty of other things which run as root on your machine12:49
SuperEngineer...and to give it another advert - including the Ubuntu Boot Repair utility - thanks ye gads it does!12:50
SuperEngineer[it does what you know it does - & it does it when you've been recovering with gparted & your eyes are tired]12:53
einonmpopey: true, but I trust the average developer more than someone who talks about what is essentially dropping adware onto my computer12:55
brobostigonthats the pub visit out of the window. rain, :(12:56
SuperEngineerI notice nobody picks up the next comment "In summary – please don’t feed the trolls". well said, Mr. S.12:56
popeyeinonm, same people12:56
* SuperEngineer hands brobostigon a virtual brolly12:57
* brobostigon thanks SuperEngineer 12:57
einonmpopey: that's a bit of a sweeping statement! Not all (not even the majority?) of the software on ubuntu is written by Ubuntu developers, to whom I think you're referring12:58
popeyyou misunderstood my point12:59
popeythe people who made the shopping lens are the same people who also have root on your box12:59
* SuperEngineer hands einomm a pair of virtual safety goggles, fireproof oversuit, magic shield & running shoes.. & good luck!13:00
penguin42popey: I just asked for a pointer to how the anonymisation is done; I pointed out that while you do indeed have root at least we can see the source to the packages we get13:01
einonmpopey: Ah, ok. But I guess you're giving root to anyone who has written any of the code that then runs.13:02
popeyits not a useful point that he's made13:02
einonmpopey: Maybe not useful to ubuntu, but I could argue that it's useful to someone deciding which distro to use!13:03
popeyyou know of a distro where there are no developers which have root on your machine?13:03
SuperEngineerooo, me sir, me sir, me sir; I do!!13:04
einonmpopey: not unless I put one together myself after reading all the code?13:04
SuperEngineer[it's called the mains plug]13:04
einonmbut that arrangement is based on trust - and I think I'm basically saying that comments like that erode the trust13:05
einonmAs I'm not fluent with lenses yet - you can just remove them, right?13:06
penguin42gah for some reason my comment has been by flagged by the Akismet spam detector - heck knows why, I wonder how the moderation system works13:06
SuperEngineerpinky-: your wish just came true13:07
pinky-safe ty!13:08
SuperEngineereinomm - it is, I hope, still a -circle- of trust, not just trusting one bod - *that* is the thing that must be defended & *proved* in such a scenario, & seems to have been forgotten by an interviewee13:10
* SuperEngineer slaps wrist for suggesting some people are kindling their own trust with pound coins13:17
SuperEngineer& if anybody got that meaning - slap my other wrist for not being obscure enough ;)13:19
SuperEngineer...this is the one that has a professor in thepassenger seat13:26
SuperEngineernow would be a good time for the nedical car to a memorial lap of honour13:28
SuperEngineer*to do a13:28
einonmSuperEngineer: As long as the source code is there, I'm not too worried!13:29
* einonm takes the foil hat off now.13:29
MartijnVdSheh https://twitter.com/sarcasticapple/status/24955662222821376013:32
balorAnyone have a working Samsung ML 2168 printer?13:34
StevenRbalor: iirc, Samsung provide drivers for their printers...somewhere13:35
StevenRI've made them work in the past13:35
SuperEngineerMartijnVdS: http://www.apostrophe.org.uk/ ...I was one of the founder's ;)13:35
balorStevenR, kinda.13:35
MartijnVdSSuperEngineer: one of the founder's what?13:35
balorStevenR, I don't quite get whether I should be using splix or some binary from Sammy13:35
MartijnVdSಠ_ಠ @ SuperEngineer13:36
StevenRbalor: splix?13:36
MartijnVdSwon't plugging in the printer start an automatic download though?13:36
MartijnVdSI've seen that happen with Epson drivers13:36
balorStevenR, Apparently an implementation of SPL (Samsung PRinter Language) for CUPS13:36
balorMartijnVdS, This printer seems to be too new for the available packages.  But the newer PPD doesn't work, so there must be some binary magic going on somewhere.13:37
SuperEngineersometime's, the way peoles's's use apostroph'es in the wrong the p'lace can be annoying13:37
MartijnVdSbalor: this is why I buy printers that list "Postscript" or "PCL" as a supported protocol/language ;)13:38
SuperEngineersometimes it's just a mis'take13:38
balorMartijnVdS, I should've done that.  Normally I don't buy anything that isn't on the linux printers database....time to return this13:39
penguin42balor: Which one is it?13:39
StevenRbalor: I think Samsung provide drivers13:39
penguin42Sammy are normally pretty good about Linux support - I've had two that just worked13:40
MartijnVdSDid anyone notice the Ubuntu release manager in yesterday's Doctor Who? :)13:41
balorpenguin42, ML-216813:41
penguin42balor: And what happens - is it recognised at all?13:42
balorStevenR, They seem to provide a 42Mb tar.gz that puts binaries all over the place13:42
balorpenguin42, It's recognised, configured as a 2150, by default, but does nothing.  If I change the driver to something incorrect, it prints an error - bad driver - message13:43
balorIt looks as if the 216* series is quite new13:43
penguin42balor: Can you submit a bug for it13:45
SuperEngineerMartijnVdS: surely you mean "in next week's" Dr. Who... whoops - darn this time travel!13:46
MartijnVdSSuperEngineer: nah yesterday's13:46
MartijnVdSmore proof that Canonical = UNIT13:47
penguin42balor: Looks even the ml-2150 is listed as untested on the splix site13:48
SuperEngineer...but the mitilia aren't in Canonical HQ yet. [hang on - I'll have a quick look see.]13:49
MartijnVdSSuperEngineer: no secret basements?13:49
* SuperEngineer jumps forward a little teensy weensy bit13:49
SuperEngineer  - Damn.... very soon now!]13:50
SuperEngineer& the place is full of little cubes, not dinosaurs!13:51
MartijnVdSnext week is going to be sad :(13:51
penguin42SuperEngineer: You could try reselling them on amazon13:51
SuperEngineerend of pretty lady & less than pretty man?13:52
SuperEngineerMartijnVdS: I did... three decades from now .... everyone said they were boring... didn't do anything. no sale13:53
MartijnVdSSuperEngineer: but come Christmas, new pretty lady!13:53
SuperEngineerMartijnVdS: I did... three decades from now .... everyone said they were boring... didn't do anything. no sale;(13:53
MartijnVdSpenguin42: they'll show up in the dash anyway13:53
SuperEngineerhmmm Senna has become a decorator?  "Senna brushed the wall just now" according to commentator13:55
SuperEngineerhe's not very good - nice blue colour walls but obviously keeps missing large bits13:56
SuperEngineer1st person to come up with a Dr. Who, Formula 1 & Amazon combined sensible comment gets a Darwin award13:58
MartijnVdSSuperEngineer: Brazilian GP, TARDIS materializes on track?14:00
MartijnVdSthat's Formula 1 in the Amazon + Doctor Who14:00
SuperEngineerStevenR: you came close with "I think Samsung provide drivers" but no Amazon comment.. you're saved14:00
* SuperEngineer ignores MartijnVdS comment... obviously trying too hard :D14:01
SuperEngineer...but in view of the lack of other contenders......14:02
Azelphurbarclay/google are trolling me, I tried to use pingit but they block me because I have a rooted phone, now that I've tried to use it they keep showing me adverts for it even though they won't let me use it :@14:02
MartijnVdSAzelphur: stop rooting your phone :)14:02
AzelphurMartijnVdS: xD14:02
Azelphurit's funny because there's no real bonus to security anyway14:02
MartijnVdSI've only unlocked my bootloader14:03
MartijnVdSnot rooted14:03
Azelphurhehe, I need root :)14:03
SuperEngineerAzelphur: stop trying to reply or feed them... danger will; robinson, Danger14:03
MartijnVdSAzelphur: coin mining eh14:03
AzelphurSuperEngineer: xD14:03
AzelphurMartijnVdS: titanium backup / datasync / clocking / rom manager are a few reasons I use root :)14:04
MartijnVdSAzelphur: My data syncs with Google.. I don't need over/underclocking14:04
MartijnVdSAzelphur: I use stock ROM14:04
MartijnVdSso.. meh :14:04
AzelphurMartijnVdS: you can auto sync app data with google?14:04
Azelphureg save games?14:04
MartijnVdSgames? on a phone?14:05
Azelphurand a tablet14:05
MartijnVdSsome preferences are saved to google14:05
Azelphurnot at all similar to datasync14:05
MartijnVdSI don't have games.. other than Wordfeud which stores everything server-side14:05
=== slvr_ is now known as slvr
SuperEngineerdid anyone else spot the major guff at the end of the F1 race commentary?14:10
penguin42http://spectrum.ieee.org/robotics/industrial-robots/rethink-robotics-baxter-robot-factory-worker   nice robot  (running Linux apparently)14:11
SuperEngineer"as the safety cars and fireworks explode above the track"14:11
SuperEngineergood on ya Sid - RIP14:12
Azelphurhave we passed the point of no return for changes in 12.10 yet?14:49
penguin42Azelphur: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule14:49
penguin42Azelphur: So there are some freezes not for another week or two14:50
Azelphurdesktopinfrastructurefreeze, I assume that means we're stuck with the whole privacy leaking amazon thing now?14:50
penguin42Azelphur: Looks like it, you can remove the package that does it14:50
Azelphuryea, leaking privacy by default isn't my cup of tea though.14:51
penguin42Azelphur: I agree14:51
Azelphurpopey: figured you'd have an alternate opinion, lets hear it :)14:51
penguin42popey: But security doesn't seem to be on the agenda in any of the design, things like the default guest session (and not having a GUI way to disable it) are the same type of lack of thought14:52
popeyNope. Been talked about over and over for the last 8 hours14:52
penguin42apologies, that was intended for Azelphur:14:53
Azelphurscrolled up a bit and perused over what you said :)14:53
AzelphurI agree trusting the developers is one thing14:53
Azelphursending all my searches, unencrypted, to an advertiser, is a totally different one.14:54
popeyyou're wrong14:54
popeythey aren't14:54
popeybut lets not let facts get in the way of a good mis-informed rant eh?14:54
Azelphuraccording to the bug report I read that they are unencrypted *shrug*14:54
penguin42Azelphur: It's anonymised somehow - it doesn't apparently go straight to Amazon14:54
popeyhas 12.10 been released yet?14:54
Azelphurpopey: no, but the freeze is in place14:54
Azelphurso it's not going to change?14:55
popeyit can14:55
* Azelphur shrugs14:55
Azelphurfair enough, I shall wait and see14:55
Azelphurthey have to send the search query to amazon eventually though, even if it is anonymous it's still not good.14:56
popeynot every search query14:56
Azelphurhow does it decide which to send and which not to send?14:56
penguin42Azelphur: Agreed, although it's unlikely to reveal much in the query if you can't tell where it's from, but it is possible14:57
popeyif you search from the files lens, or applications lens it wont14:57
penguin42Azelphur: Do you have the bug number for the unencrypted bug?14:57
popeyor many other lenses14:57
Azelphurpenguin42: sure it is, I've installed Ubuntu on machines owned by doctors that have patient records on their machines, leaking the file names would be totally illegal.14:57
Azelphurbut the default, press the super button search still searches amazon?14:57
penguin42Azelphur: Yes, agreed, although searching for JohnSmith but not knowing where it came from wouldn't let you know much; although JohnSmithSyphalisTestResults.odt might :-)14:58
Azelphurpenguin42: indeed, a lot of confidential stuff can be in a file name :)14:58
Azelphur"No obvious way to restrict shopping suggestions from displaying adult products"14:59
* Azelphur facepalms14:59
penguin42Azelphur: What seems to be needed is a makeitsecure package that stops things like that, and guest logins and everything else like it15:00
popeywhat's wrong with guest account?15:00
penguin42popey: It's got more holes than a piece of swiss cheese15:00
popeygot bugs for example15:00
Azelphurpenguin42: stuff that sends any data to an advertising company needs to be opt-in by default :)15:00
Azelphuris the simple crux of the matter xD15:01
penguin42popey: No specifics, but it gives your machine all the classic holes that you can only normally do when logged in; any kernel or X bug can be triggered from it, which is something you tend not to be able to do from an unlogged in terminal15:01
Azelphurphysical access is always game over anyway15:02
penguin42Azelphur: Not if done properly15:02
Azelphurpenguin42: yes it is *picks up laptop and drops it out of a window*15:03
penguin42Azelphur: That's why it's kingston locked to the desk15:03
penguin42popey: The trivial (very very old school one), since Guest can do full screen windows is that it should be trivial to make a mock lightdm screen and ask for a password15:04
popeyprobably wouldn't need to mock lightdm but actually _run_ lightdm :)15:04
penguin42popey: Nod (we did something similar back in the terminal days at college on 1st Unix box we used :-)15:06
popeyyeah, me too15:06
popeyVT52 terminals connected to a Pr1me computer running Pr1mos15:07
penguin42popey: The problem really is that there is very little chance of you exposing a bug at the login screen (unless you're SGI)15:07
penguin42popey: Actually, a specific one - at the 'Remote desktop' registration login on 12.10 should you be able to get a terminal; it's just a Guest account, but it seems to be trying to stop doing things like that15:07
SuperEngineerpenguin42: Azelphur SuperEngineerSanityTestResults.odt you *would* want to see ;)15:09
penguin42SuperEngineer: It's a very short file isn't it?15:09
SuperEngineerpenguin42: :D15:10
SuperEngineerpenguin42: shortest file on t'internet .. it says -bof-"not"-eof-.15:13
SuperEngineer...you should read the file from my own planet though.... much more detail ;)15:14
penguin42SuperEngineer: Mostly not ?15:14
penguin42interesting, as a guest user I seem to be able to add an arbitrary new wired connection to network manager, visible to the real user15:20
penguin42with an arbitrary MAC!15:21
AlanBellis that really bad?15:29
penguin42AlanBell: It is if the mac address you pick is of something else on the network15:29
AlanBellsounds mildly annoying15:31
penguin42AlanBell: Would you expect a user logged into a guest account to be able to take down your whole network?15:32
SuperEngineerhmm... DNT article ends "They [certain big companies] have said they will stop serving targeted ads but will still collect and store and monetize data."15:34
SuperEngineerit's knock me over with a feather time... I'd never have guessed ;)15:36
SuperEngineerso when your search data is sent to amazon on a totally free op sys...  perhaps we should consider the overall context?15:41
popeythey're on the network, surely someone could plug any random device into the same LAN port and effect the same issue penguin4215:42
penguin42popey: I'm thinking of somewhere like a library or a school where the boxes/cabling ports might be physically secured15:42
popeyI would imagine such places wouldn't have a default install with guest enabled then15:43
penguin42popey: It's a shame it's not made easy to disable15:43
popeypfft, one file to edit _is_ easy15:43
popeyI would imagine a school/library have many other files they edit/deploy15:44
popeyI'd be more bothered if it _wasn't_ something easily editable in /etc15:44
popeyi.e. hard wired15:44
penguin42sigh, people shouldn't need to go and hack about in config files to make their machine secure15:44
SuperEngineerre my last: [as in, so far, all I've given Canonical is a pat on the back - so who was paying for my totally free op sys?]15:44
SuperEngineer...I'd rather the soft route than the criminal route provided by others15:45
* SuperEngineer has: said his bit, would prefer total privacy, can obtain it if needed, is a realist.... & shuts mouth15:47
pinky-SuperEngineer, To live in reality is to understand you are connected to everything.15:51
penguin42popey: I've logged that one as bug 105506815:51
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1055068 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Guest user can use arbitrary MAC addresses" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105506815:51
popeythanks penguin4215:52
SuperEngineerpinky-: to live in my reality is to realise everything is connected to me15:52
SuperEngineer...phew, back to normal again15:52
SuperEngineer[just realised just how philosophical that was]... sounds like a case of paranoia15:56
SuperEngineerok - who said that! I know you're watcin15:56
penguin42popey: I'd be interested to know what is used to restirct /tmp and /proc from guest users, it's interesting16:00
SuperEngineerThe only normal pooter not known to the outside world has no in or out ports, is in a room more secure than fort knox and has no owner16:01
penguin42Azelphur: At least searching for gimp doesn't bring up anything too unsurprising16:01
Azelphurpenguin42: xD16:01
popeypenguin42, yeah, it's quite cunning16:30
oimon1afternoon, anyone had problems creating mp3s on rhythmbox in 12.04?16:32
oimon1canont change settings for mp3.16:32
penguin42popey: It could do with protecting /sys as well though, although I suspect that's a kernel issue16:33
oimon1bug 94598716:35
lubotu3Launchpad bug 945987 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "No Settings are available in "Preferred format", only preset defaults are used" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94598716:35
oimon1i can't get my head around this :(16:35
oimon1nobody else rip CDs anymore?16:42
baloroimon1: use sound-juicer?  It's the default CD ripping app in Gnome16:47
oimon1balor: sound juicer , rhymbox has the same problem. cannot change mp3 setings16:47
baloroimon1: It's in the preferences of sound-juicer16:48
oimon1not for me,16:48
oimon1are you on 12.04?16:49
baloroimon1: No. Fedora 17 :)  Do you have the gstreamer mp3 plugin installed?16:50
oimon1they've broken something, i even downloaded the supposed fixed version and it's still broke :(16:51
brobostigonsuggestions, a calendar and contacts server, that will interface with android. ?16:51
oimon1brobostigon: owncloud?16:52
brobostigonoimon1: let me look, thank you.16:52
balorbrobostigon, I use zarafra16:53
brobostigonbalor: and BigRedS thank for those also.16:53
popeyoimon, leave a comment on the bug?16:58
popeyoimon, settings is greyed out for me, but I dunno if thats because i have no cdrom drive16:58
popeyLaney, set it verification done16:59
oimon1popey: i'm not actually sure what the rhythmbox update should do17:02
popeyme either, will look into it once kids in bed17:02
brobostigonany suggestions that are in the ubuntu repos?17:14
popeyowncloud is super easy to setup17:23
brobostigonit seems to have the calendaring, yes.17:24
brobostigonpopey: i will look again.17:25
matttbrobostigon: exchange?17:27
* mattt lols17:27
penguin42hehe stuff pops up in odd places; I'm reading a paper on brain imaging (slice and dice a brain, get your RNA expression from different bits) and it describes all the wacky bits of technology and stuff and then has 'sample locations were mapped from histology data into MR space using Inkscape'17:55
BigRedSAnyone know of a way of changing the number of workspaces in Quantal?18:10
AzelphurBigRedS: can you not install compizconfig-settings-manager and do it from there?18:11
BigRedSAzelphur: not that I can find. it used to be 'desktop size' or something, but I can't find anything related there18:12
Azelphurif you've got ccsm, it should be in general options > desktop size18:12
BigRedSAzelphur: Ta!18:13
BigRedSThat's hilariously hard to find18:13
BigRedSI searched for 'Desktop' 'Size' and 'Desktop Size' and didn't get that18:13
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brobostigonwhy would ping result in the error, connect: Invalid argument19:25
brobostigon ?19:25
brobostigonwhen the dns addr is correct.19:25
penguin42not specifying the length or interface?19:30
penguin42and it's definitely not a broadcast address?19:30
brobostigonsaid device, only has one interface i am pingging from, my vps.19:31
penguin42what type of vps is it ?19:32
penguin42but is it a kvm guest or something wackier?19:32
brobostigonxen, and my dns is with gandi.19:33
penguin42brobostigon: Odd19:34
brobostigonpenguin42: agreed.19:34
penguin42brobostigon: Only type of thing I can think of would be something like a corrupt /etc/protocols or the like19:35
brobostigonpenguin42: let me pastebin it.19:35
brobostigonpenguin42: http://paste.debian.net/192285/19:37
penguin42brobostigon: Looks normal - in particular the icmp line19:39
penguin42anyway, got to go19:40
brobostigonok, thank penguin4219:40
brobostigonthank you*19:40
zleapah hi tombrough20:09
AzelphurHmm, trying to debug my printer printing blank pages, it might be out of ink, but Ubuntu says "Marker levels are not reported for this printer", not sure if it's broken or just old or just needs new ink, xD21:04
AzelphurIt's a HP Deskjet F418021:05
mgdmI would get new ing21:20
Azelphurlol, just restarted the printer and it shows a big "E" in the LED and is flashing black and color ink symbols, that's fairly conclusive :)21:28
Azelphuranyone know a good cheap place I might get ink for it, somewhere with next day delivery preferably? :)21:31
popeyi refilled my printer with ink just today21:36
popeyI'd never done the ink refill thing before, turned out eay21:36
Azelphurhaha, I have a feeling I'd be terrible at something like that and get ink everywhere21:37
AzelphurI very rarely print too, this was a second hand printer and I've had about 2 years use out of it before it's ran out of ink, lol21:38
popeywell, turns out wifey wanted to print a photo all big - A421:38
popeyI said "we're out of ink", she wanted it printing NOW21:38
popeySo I dug that pack out, which I just looked in my orders for on amazon, turns out I bought it in August 2011, and never used it21:39
popeythat's how little ink I use21:39
popeyI expect to get it out again in another year21:39
popeybut honestly it was pretty easy21:40
popeypeel off the label, inject the ink, job done21:40
Azelphurout of stock now though XD21:40
popeyonly got a tiny bit on the desk :)21:40
popeymaybe another one thats similar21:40
popeydo you need colour?21:41
Azelphuryea, and I have a feeling it will be more complex with my cartridges as it's one cartridge for all colors21:41
popeyin stock21:41
popeysame as mine21:41
popeyI had to do magenta, cyan and yellow21:41
popeyyou get a bit of paper in the pack which has diagrams of every single printer cartidge21:42
Azelphurnot much cheaper than the cartridges though and I need to get it going, I got people waiting for me to ship stuff, and I can't print the shipping labels xD21:42
popeywith little arrows telling you where to inject, and how21:42
popeyit's actually really easy, and you know me, i hate doing manual stuff21:42
popeyoh it is cheaper21:42
popeyi only used a tiny bit of ink21:42
popeylike 3ml per colour21:42
Azelphuroh good point, you get multiple goes out of it21:42
popeyyeah, loads21:42
popeyanyway, thats what i did today :)21:42
Azelphurhehe :)21:43
popeyand my printer didn't explode \o/21:43
Azelphurpopey: http://image.made-in-china.com/2f0j00VCoEupbsbLqM/Ink-Cartridge-22-28-57-817-for-HP-.jpg21:43
Azelphurreckon it will work with this though?21:43
Azelphurbecause it's 3 inks in one cartridge, might not be so simple *shrug*21:43
popeyyeah, looks like mine21:43
Azelphurmy printer takes HP Ink 22 and HP Ink 21 if that's in your manual21:44
popeywhats the exact model number?21:44
* popey looks21:44
Azelphurthe printer itself is a HP Deskjet F418021:44
popeyodd, hp 21 and 22 not listed21:45
popeybut 20, 26, 29 and loads of others are21:45
AzelphurIt is quite an old printer, I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't work21:46
popeyunder those labels are holes21:46
popeyyou can peel them off safely21:46
popeythey re-stick21:46
Azelphursuppose I'll peel a label off (nothing to loose xD)21:46
popeyrefill hp 22 ^^21:47
popey"very easy to refill"21:47
popeyi think the 21 and 22 are the starter ones you get with the printer21:48
popeylow capacity21:48
Azelphuralso, this label is so not easy to get off xD21:48
popeyso your printer probably takes 20 and 26 or some other pair of numbers21:49
popeywhich are the retail ones you can actually buy21:49
Azelphurhmm, the color one has 5 fill ports o.O21:50
popeyok, its 57 and 58 yours takes21:50
popeyyes, so does mine21:50
popeywatch that video21:50
popeyshows you21:50
* Azelphur is watching21:50
popeyright, 57 and 58 are listed on this thing21:50
Azelphurseems simple enough21:51
Azelphurwill give it a go :)21:52
popeyi even found a nice little box to keep them in21:52
* popey is scanning in the leaflet21:52
Azelphurlol at £8.99 for next day shipping21:53
popeysome supermarkets have a refill station21:54
popeyyou walk in and pay a couple of quid and some nutter does it for you21:54
popeyeasy, no mess :)21:54
Azelphurnice, doubt I have anything like that here though, I live in middle-of-nowhereville21:54
popeyno big supermarkets nearby? margate?21:54
Azelphurwe've got a tesco metro21:54
Azelphurwe have a computer shop, me and my brother jokingly call it the come back on friday shop21:55
popeytbh I used to think people who refilled printer cartidges were nut-jobs :)21:55
Azelphurthere's only one guy who knows anything, and he works there on fridays, the rest of the people just tell you to come back on friday21:55
Azelphurpopey: btw, I already have ink all over my hands somehow21:56
Azelphurordered that refill kit anyway, hopefully will get me back up and running again21:57
popeyhave you seen the continuous refill systems people make?21:58
popeynow _they_ are for nutters21:58
Azelphuryea, I have haha21:58
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Danno_is there an on screen keyboard on Lubuntu or do i need a 3rd party program for this?23:36
popeyi dont think lubuntu has a specific one23:38
popeyyou could try onboard23:38
popeymaliit is another23:38
popeyand there's one I forget the name of.. one mo...23:38
Danno_awesome, i was going a bit mad there. spent ages setting up my tablet only to discover i have no on-screen keyboard :-/23:40
popeyhave fun23:40
* popey goes to bed23:40

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