
greg-gsnap-l: very interesting! (sorry, had to run out)01:18
greg-gbrousch: that's all lies01:18
Blazeixturns out everything cool starts in Davenport, Iowa. SF just has a better marketing team01:34
snap-lsi si14:20
brouschVery nice http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/10ca2c/dont_trust_us_erm_we_have_root_you_do_trust_us/15:55
Blazeixeh, it's maybe poorly worded, but i agree with Mark's post17:09
rick_h_yea, I think end of the day it's just overreaction on that stuff17:10
Blazeixit gives fodder to  people who like knee-jerk reactions17:10
rick_h_it'll get polished up17:10
rick_h_but yea, seeing things just pop out of the air gets the troll feeding going17:10
snap-lFrankly Mark could post that he likes unicorns and lolipops, and end up pissing off the narwhal sucker-lovers.18:14
greg-grick_h_: it isn't that the troll feeding goes, its that things pop out of the air unannounced and without any communication to the community. I don't care about any specific change. I do caremad, however, that the changes are done without regard to the wider community's interestings.19:47
greg-gthat was my first use of the word caremad ;)19:47
* greg-g had an email exchange with Mark and Jono about this yesterday/last night/just now19:48
rick_h_greg-g: yea, understand.19:49
rick_h_you make a valid point on the community involvement, but I guess I've kind of given up on that long ago really19:49
greg-gwell, I'm a bulldog in this regard19:49
greg-gI'm not letting go19:50
rick_h_and I don't use the stuff (shhh don't tell anyone) so my caring levels are a bit lower19:50
snap-lYeah, frankly I'm of the opinion that community is just another word for volunteer labor20:47
snap-lWhatever voice I might have in the decisions of Ubuntu is moot when it's all said and done20:48
snap-lThe thing that kind of pisses me off about this whole thing is the notion that the door is open if you don't agree wit the choice.21:09
snap-lAlso, I think GnuCash has succeeded in making importing a QIF file more of a chore than any other program.21:28

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