
gopher2xanyone here know how to overclock a eee-pc netboot in ubuntu?00:00
Cosman246jrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1221576/00:00
gopher2xerr netbook00:00
jribCosman246: run apt-cache policy on each of those packages and remove whatever isn't coming from the repositories you have enabled00:00
wilee-nileegopher2x, Use at your own risk. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC/Using#Overclocking00:01
Cosman246jrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1221579/00:02
gopher2xhumm ok. not sure how to click the link in console irrsi.. but will type in links2.. thanks00:02
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Cosman246None of them seem to be PPA-derived, jrib00:03
jribCosman246: I like your prompt :x  You see how apt-cache policy lists all of the versions?  It has a *** next to the installed one.  If you only see "100 /var/lib/dpkg/status" under the version with *** and don't see some repository as well, then that means it came from a repository you no longer have enabled.  So you should remove libwebkitgtk-3.0-common00:03
ubuntoo10hi, can someone please tell me if it's possible to set the colors of x-terminal-emulator in a file rather than with the gui, and where that file is located?00:04
jribubuntoo10: probably depends on the x-terminal-emulator you are using00:05
ywonuwerkHanvon Artmaster AM1209 not recognised in 12.04lts any ideas?00:05
ubuntoo10jrib: how do i find out which one i am? i simply run x-terminal-emulator00:05
Cosman246jrib: OK, done that00:05
Cosman246now what00:05
jribubuntoo10: readlink -f $(which x-terminal-emulator)00:05
jribCosman246: now try installing whatever it was you were originally trying to install00:06
Merisywonuwerk, do you know which chipset it uses? What does lspci say about it?00:06
ubuntoo10gnome-terminal, sweet :D thanks00:06
Cosman246jrib: no change :(00:06
jribCosman246: pastebin00:06
Cosman246http://paste.ubuntu.com/1221587/ jrib00:07
jribCosman246: what happens when you do « sudo apt-get install libwebkitgtk-3.0-0 »?00:08
TJ-jrib: those package that are held came from the elementarydesktop PPA: http://ppa.launchpad.net/elementaryart/elementarydesktop/ubuntu/pool/main/w/webkitgtk+/00:08
jribTJ-: ah00:08
Cosman246jrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1221590/00:09
TJ-jrib: maybe there's an elementaryart-desktop meta-package we can get the depends from?00:09
jribCosman246: was this actually an ubuntu install at some point?00:10
jribCosman246: and then you added this elementary os ppa?00:10
Cosman246It started as 11.04. I made a few foolish mistakes then00:10
Cosman246Then I upgraded to 11.1000:10
Cosman246I tried out MATE, saw as it screwed up my setup with Mint tentacles00:11
Cosman246and moved back00:11
jribCosman246: it might be easier to just enable it again and then try the ppa-purge tool (if you can get it to install :D)00:11
jribTJ-: that's a good idea, though I think ppa-purge does basically that00:11
ywonuwerkmeris, seems to be amd hudson usb controllers00:12
Cosman246also, what's ppa-purge?00:12
WeThePeoplecosman246, what do you want to do??00:12
jrib!info ppa-purge00:12
ubottuppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+bzr56 (precise), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB00:12
Cosman246WeThePeople: save my system, then switch to xubuntu00:13
Cosman246hm. the elementaryOS thing isn't in the PPAs00:14
Cosman246at least, it doesn't show in sources.list00:14
jribCosman246: is that one of the PPAs you disabled?00:14
Cosman246jrib: no, it's not00:14
jribCosman246: well that makes this more interesting :)  Do you remember what you disabled?00:14
ubuntoo10also, what is the name of the applet that shows your battery life on a laptop ?00:15
rsserhow can I install old version of wine?00:15
Cosman246MATE and  YaCy were disabled far before00:15
rsserI'd like to install wine version 1.300:15
Cosman246Tor, Emacs24, and Racket were not00:15
Cosman246I just disabled them00:15
Merisywonuwerk, did you look up that controller on the linux hardware DB? Hang on, that is probably the USB hub that your AMT device connects to, not the Hardware ID of the device itself.00:16
jribCosman246: which of those had the webkit packages?00:16
jribCosman246: I'll be back in a bit00:16
TJ-Cosman246: jrib The 'Packages' file for elementarydesktop Natty PPA: http://ppa.launchpad.net/elementaryart/elementarydesktop/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/binary-amd64/Packages00:16
TJ-jrib: elementaryartdesktop has webkit and gir00:16
Cosman246but I never used such a PPA!00:17
jribTJ-: oh right, elementary was in his sources.list.d iirc00:17
TJ-jrib: In /etc/apt/sources.list.d/00:17
jribCosman246: if you do: ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/   you should see some files related to the elementary os ppa00:18
TJ-jrib http://paste.ubuntu.com/1221560/00:18
TJ-jrib: (that's what Cosman246 pasted earlier)00:19
Cosman246OK, I'm working on it00:19
jribCosman246: I would enable them and then use ppa-purge to disable them again as ppa-purge tries to downgrade packages.  I have to leave for a bit though.  I leave you in TJ-'s capable hands00:19
ywonuwerkmeris, not sure i follow, but looking at ubuntu database now00:19
* TJ- is off to bed! It's 1:20 am00:19
Cosman246oh crap00:20
Cosman246TJ-, what's your advice?00:21
jackwuwhen the new version is going to be released?00:23
TJ-Cosman246: Save your data and important configuration files, delete OS and install clean and fresh.00:24
TJ-ywonuwerk: I saw your Ubuntu Answers question. Have you looked at the driver here? http://linux.fjfi.cvut.cz/~taxman/hw/hanvon/00:24
Cosman246TJ- OK00:24
TJ-Cosman246: PPAs can be very dangerous once you start adding them ad-hoc... you depart from the controlled packaging that the Ubuntu archives maintain00:25
ywonuwerkcosman246, thanks, yes tried without success. Favux on digimend suggested this was because it id's as Hanwang not Hanvon in lsusb00:28
TJ-ywonuwerk: Ahhh00:28
zykotick9jackwu: ubuntu release numbers are the release date so 12.10 will be released 2012 - 10th month00:28
dgsafewrightDoes anyone have any personal finance software suggestions? I am running Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS 64 Bit. Ubuntu software center shows wxBanker, KMyMoney, GnuCash, Grisbi, Darhon, and skrooge.00:29
jiffe1if I have a bunch of servers that are going to be setup very similarly is there an easy way to deploy the software on those servers?00:30
this_can anyone tell me how long gparted will take to resize a 440gb ext3 partition to 160gb? It's been about 90 mins and its still working00:31
TJ-ywonuwerk: I just fetched that hanvon driver source-code. It claims to support the USB ID of your tablet00:31
Merisjiffe1, if they have the same hardware, you might consider cloning them and adjust the hostname afterwards00:31
TJ-ywonuwerk: After you built that driver, and modprobe-d it, did you monitor /var/log/kern.log when plugging the tablet in to see what the driver reports?00:32
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Merisywonuwerk, hint: try sudo tail -f /var/log/kern.log00:33
TJ-jiffe1: Create a virtual machine on a *raw* file, install the image into it, then 'dd' the image to each server?00:33
TJ-Meris: I'm not clear if the driver was built yet00:33
kostkondgsafewright, check also moneydance http://moneydance.com/ (although it's not free) and homebank00:34
ywonuwerktj, not sure now as i've tried various versions of that driver and got no response from it. did not monitor kern.log tho. what should i see?00:35
dgsafewrightthank you kostkon00:35
kostkondgsafewright, you can download a trial version of moneydance if you want to check it out00:35
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TJ-ywonuwerk: I'd expect to see at least the driver name and version.00:37
TJ-ywonuwerk: you'd probably need to enable some enhanced usb sub-system debug messages, but the code is written to recognise the USB ID of your device00:39
jiffe1I was thinking of something like a configuation manager00:39
ywonuwerktj: you're going in over my experience level, i'm new at this00:40
TsavoSSH into a somewhat fresh install of Xubuntu (12.04.1) suddenly having the Connection closed. -v flag reveals: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1213903/  usual fixes involving /etc/hosts aren't working00:47
zodiakanyone got any xen 4.2 ppa/packages ?00:47
UhHi, can someone take a look at this, and tell me what it means? http://i.imgur.com/PFOo8.jpg00:49
wilee-nileezodiak, The channel works as state your problems. ;)00:49
zodiakwilee-nilee, got it.. problem (I guess) is I can't/don't know where to find xen 4.2 packages/ppa ;)00:50
zodiaksearched launchpad and google.. hoping I missed something00:50
LeChacal2hello all, does anyone have advice on what filesystem I should used on a storage drive that is going to be inside of an ubuntu server and accesed through samba as well as other linux boxes? ext4? ntfs?00:50
MaksimI had the same error last week00:51
wilee-nileezodiak, here is a ppa with 4.2 and 4.3 https://launchpad.net/~xtaran/+archive/xen-tools/00:51
zodiakwilee-nilee, ah, sadly, xen-tools != xen00:51
zodiakthink the difference between rc.d scripts and kernel00:52
zykotick9LeChacal2: samba is a lame choice if you only have gnu/linux clients (not so bad if you have windows clients).  BUT filesystem shouldn't matter for samba/nfs.00:53
NFisherhi all! how can i play shuffle all contents of all subdirectories from 1 folder in mplayer command line?!?!00:53
zodiakthanks for the thought though00:53
wilee-nileezodiak, hehe I don't really need to but thanks, just trying to point you if possible to the right source.00:53
UhHi, can someone take a look at this, and tell me what it means? http://i.imgur.com/PFOo8.jpg00:53
zodiakUh telepathy borked majorly00:54
Uhwhat is that?00:54
UhHow can I fix it?00:54
wilee-nileeUh, Multiple bugs it looks like find yours if it applies. https://www.google.com/search?q=telepathy-idle+12.04&btnG=Search&sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&site=webhp00:55
LeChacal2zykotick9, thank you for the input00:55
meditatingfrogUh: i use pidgin.  you could file a bug report00:55
UhBut I don't know which bug, and I don't know why it crashed00:55
wilee-nileeUh, Try using the report option on the gui you posted.00:56
UhIs it anything to worry about?00:57
UhOr can I safely ignore it00:57
f1cccgoogle earth witch ubuntu 12.04 ?00:58
MrHacksDoes anyone know of a package that allows me to view my CPU core temperature?  I'm currently running a netbook without a fan and I need to know how hot is too hot for compy00:58
zodiakMrHacks, lm_sensors should do that00:58
UhCan I safely ignore telepathy errors?00:59
adoniscikhow can one list files in all subdirectories without separating them by folder?00:59
zodiakUh do you ~use~ telepathy at all ?00:59
* MrHacks can read your mind00:59
UhI don't know what telepathy is.00:59
zodiakUh then yeah, ignore it00:59
UhWhat is it?01:00
zodiakor be nice and report it01:00
UhI reported it also01:00
UhI'm just curious now01:00
zodiakdon't make me invoke google on you01:00
f1cccgoogle earth witch ubuntu 12.04 ?01:00
UhDoes it have anything to do with Empathy? Because I do use that.01:01
adoniscikin one flat list01:01
UhFirst Google link said Empathy01:01
f1ccci'ts possible reponse !!!01:01
wilee-nileef1ccc, Can you translate what you want.01:02
MrHackswho said lm_sensors?01:02
zodiakMrHacks, me01:03
MrHacksThere doesn't seem to be a package for that. Do you know the package it belongs in, zodiak ?01:03
zodiakMrHacks, try lm-sensors01:03
zodiaksudo apt-cache search sensors | grep -i lm01:03
alusionDear ubuntu, I am a power user who likes to do many things at once. When I browse the internet, 50-100 tabs open on my machines is normal. How can I manage my tabs easier or workspaces? I have gnome-shell 3.4 ubuntu 12.04 thanks01:04
MrHacksgot it. s/_/-/01:04
zodiakalusion, use the workspaces, have chrome running with certain amount of tabs in each screen01:04
WeThePeoplealusion, how do you want to manage them?01:04
zodiakor use firefox and the groups that they put in a while back01:04
zodiakMrHacks, after it's installed, run sensors-detect (answer 'yes' to everything really ;)01:05
alusionHow do I envoke workspaces? Should I manage different profiles as well perhaps? I will upload a screenshot of my current workstation01:05
effigyis there an easier way to install java into firefox?01:05
zodiakthen you can jst run sensors from the command line or get one of those fancy gui's or..whatever01:05
MrHackszodiak: tyvm01:06
WeThePeoplealusion, do you have a dock?01:06
zodiakMrHacks, np01:06
f1cccmy ubuntu12.04 ,request terminalfor enter google earth??  why01:07
alusionWeThePeople, yes I do. I use cario dock. One moment, I am wondering if there's a way to use workspaces with gnome-shell environment, I am also looking to use compiz01:07
alusionPerhaps I'll make a second profile..01:07
MrHacksMeanwhiile, I would like to announce a boycott on lens and scope packages.  Starting in 12.10 Canonical says they are going to insert Amazon ads into stuff. So so much for FOSS.01:07
zodiakf1ccc, what ? repeat in english please ?01:07
zodiakMrHacks, well, it's still -free- .. unless you are paying for it01:08
f1cccrequest : sudo or other command !!!! is bordela01:08
zodiakjst stick with xfce and forget gnome ;)01:08
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adoniscikhow can one list files in all subdirectories without separating them by folder?01:09
h6sidhufor some reason ImageField doesn't get validated for me but FileField does. The error I get from the form is "This field is required". The file is a jpeg file.01:10
h6sidhuWhat could be the problem?01:10
sunil__hello all01:10
sunil__any one help me ....... i am not able to open any program from terminal01:11
sunil__pls help me01:11
zodiakadoniscik, find ./ -type f01:11
cromagsunil__: what have you tried, and what happens01:11
zodiaksunil__, what do you mean open any program ? can you run command line items such as ls ?01:11
adoniscikzodiak: how can you sort the results?01:11
f1cccmy question: i'ts possible google earth witch ubuntu 12.04 ?01:12
zodiakadoniscik, urm.. by using sort ?01:12
h6sidhuf1ccc: i dont understand your english01:12
zodiakh6sidhu, snap01:12
adoniscikcan you show me show? let's sort by date01:12
h6sidhuzodiak, snap?01:13
sunil__it says command not found01:13
f1cccso long ...bye01:13
zodiakh6sidhu, can't understand his/her english01:13
cromagsunil__: what command ?01:13
cromagthat is most likely also incorrect.01:14
sunil__i m trying to open google chrome from terminal01:14
Piersi thought it was just chrome01:14
cromagchromium ?01:14
cromagor chrome01:14
sunil__tried every thing01:14
sunil__actually i m not able to open any program from terminal01:14
cromagdoes /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --enable-plugins work ?01:15
Pierswell you were able to run irssi right?01:15
adoniscikfind does not list the date so I do not understand how sort can work. I appreciate your help01:15
escottadoniscik, somewhere in the find manual it should mention how to print the date as well as the filename01:16
zodiakadoniscik, you never mentioned by date01:16
zodiakuntil as the addition, but yes, you have to print out the date and then use sort on that column01:16
sunil__no it says no such dir01:16
adoniscikis it possible to use ls?01:16
sunil__ls is working01:17
escott!who | adoniscik, you are confusing sunil__01:17
ubottuadoniscik, you are confusing sunil__: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:17
cromagsunil__: what works?01:17
sunil__ls works @cromag01:18
cromagsunil__: can you start it from the menu ?01:18
zodiakadoniscik, I would probably pipe the find into awk01:18
adoniscikzodiak, is it possible to use ls?01:18
escottadoniscik, some shells support ls **/* syntax or ls */* syntax but not all01:18
sunil__yes @cromag i can start. but i want to open programe with terminal01:19
rsserhow could I install the framework 4 on ubuntu? it is missing its libraries!01:19
cromagi understand, but start the program from the menu01:19
zodiakadoniscik, not jst ls on it's on, no, I don't believe so01:19
cromagthen in the terminal do ps aux|grep chro01:19
cromagyou should then get some paths01:19
cromagmaybe usefull01:20
sunil__oooh thaks i guesss i will fix it now01:21
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f1cccsudo apt-no-h6s i dhu       ah ah ah  understand  english01:21
ring2f1ccc, what do you want?01:22
cromagsunil__: got it fixed ?01:23
MrHacksAt any rate, if nobody wants to be sold as products, sudo dpkg --list | gawk '/lens|scope/{print $2}' | xargs sudo apt-get remove -y01:24
Ray2I am trying 12.04 from a live cd with unity...I would like to try gnome-shell..downloaded and installed ...when I click the icon it only blinks ??01:26
Cache_MoneyI have a Win7 laptop w/ dual-boot Ubuntu (40G partition).  I'd like to get rid of the Win7 partition and add the partition into the currunt Ubuntu partion. Is this possible?01:26
xanguaRay2: if you wanna try gnome-shell on live cd try any of the distros that it comes with gnome3.org01:27
escottCache_Money, yes, but you can only grow/move the ubuntu partition from the livecd01:27
xanguaRay2: you can also install gnome shell on Ubuntu once you install it01:27
Cache_Moneyescott: is that the easiest solution or should I erase Windows and install Ubuntu on top of that (leaving 40G free)?01:29
Ray2xangua, If I install then I will have to select gnome-shell at login01:29
xanguaRay2: if you install ubuntu, you will need to install gnome-shell after to select it at the login screen01:30
ring2it is possible to just install gnome-shell after booting the live-cd. after logging out, gnome-shell is available as session01:30
Ray2xangua, Thanks for the info01:30
wilee-nileering2, a live cd wont save any sessons01:32
ring2wilee-nilee, if you reboot, it doesn't save anything, sure. but if you just log out, you can select a different session01:33
wilee-nileering2, true you can probably install gnome-shell it is just a few more packages, use a usb with persistence maybe.01:35
ring2wilee-nilee, i know it's working, but i don't need it. the info was for Ray2 ;)01:36
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wilee-nileering2, sorry about that I'm messing with 2 computers, not paying attention really my bad.01:37
ring2wilee-nilee, no problem01:38
james__is it possible to boot ubuntu without a bootloader installed? like maybe from usb key?01:38
wilee-nileejames__, yes and manually, why?01:38
wilee-nileebootloader in the mbr though, you need grub01:39
james__wilee-nilee, grub failed to install, i assume its because my laptop uses uefi so now that the system is installed, ill just use a usb drive to boot into it from now on01:39
ironfoot495hello can someone help me find the problem with suphp cause a 500 error???01:40
wilee-nileejames__Ah uefi this a dual boot with another OS?01:40
melkorokay, my hard drive has lost the ext4 partition again. Is this a hardware failure or is it software?01:40
rsserhow to solve this error ==> http://postimage.org/image/a9mm8woch/01:41
james__wilee-nilee, i would like to dual boot but with linux on the internal hard drive and windows on a usb hard drive01:41
MrHackszodiak: you still here? I installed lm-sensors, ran the sensors-detect and restarted the modules-init-tools service. How do I get the CPU temperature?01:42
xangua!appdb | rsser01:42
ubottursser: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help01:42
ring1MrHacks, run sensors01:43
zodiakMrHacks, sensors01:43
MrHacksthanks, ring1, zodiak01:43
wilee-nileejames__, Which windows I don't think it will run continuously on a usb.01:44
graingertjames__: you'll need windows 8 Enterprise for external drive boot01:44
wilee-nileeMS does not like that W8 might be the only one that will.01:44
graingertwilee-nilee: + enterprise only01:45
james__wilee-nilee, windows 7 is what im planning booting from an external usb 3 hard drive haha01:46
wilee-nileein the words of eddie murphy playing buckwheat01:46
MrHackswho shot buckwheat?01:46
THE_GFR|WORKMrHacks: me :P01:48
wilee-nileejames__, You ever try the ubuntu forums with this dual boot thought on the internal HD?01:48
MrHacksAnyone know how I can get a textual readout of battery information?  For running linux in a pure text environment in something like tmux?01:49
MrHacksTHE_GFR|WORK: I will avenge his fans and family by making a holographic buckwheat!01:49
james__wilee-nilee, no i havent, i assumed that it could be done, i want to do it for gaming only and use linux on the internal drive for my daily work01:50
MrHacksHe can kick holo-2pac and holo-Biggie's ass with holo-Kurt Cobain's shotgun!01:50
wilee-nileejames__, Try the forums, your assumptions are not working. I think there are problems with windows in a uefi and running ubuntu, not sure really, I have not had to mess with a uefi.01:51
brainysm1rfJust wondering if anyone can think of any reason why you cannot ping a server but can access its resources. I haven't turned off ping.01:51
escottCache_Money, if windows is after ubuntu a grow is very fast. if windows is before ubuntu then you have to move the entire ubuntu partition first which can take a long time01:52
ring1MrHacks, maybe acpi -V01:52
Cache_Moneyescott: windows is before01:52
james__wilee-nilee, ok, im not really concerned with windows, i just need to have linux boot normally01:53
wilee-nileejames__, Is this a computer that has to have uefi?01:53
james__wilee-nilee, actually, i think so01:54
james__wilee-nilee, i dont see any options on turning it off01:54
ring1MrHacks, you could browse /proc/acpi/ and then cat the corresponding file01:54
wilee-nileejames__, Post your setup on the forums and relax for some help if you do not get it here.01:54
Techie-MichealHi. I've got a 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04 server that is having weird load issues. It seems that when I log in, my load starts climbing and will generally sit at .4 or higher on the 5 min average when it is doing nothing. I've not yet deployed my apps to this server, I'm still setting it up. However, when I log out and log in after a bit, my 5 min avg load is at 0.00 and will then start climbing. What01:56
Techie-Michealcan I look for to figure out what's going on? top/ntop give me nothing useful. vmstat doesn't show any waiting.01:56
Techie-MichealI can't seem to figure out what's going on.01:56
james__wilee-nilee, ok, i think for now i will see if i can get a thumbdrive to act as my bootloader for linux until this uefi can be sorted out01:56
brainysm1rfTichie-Michael ps aux01:56
zodiakTechie-Micheal, login .. leave htop runninbg01:56
Techie-Michealbrainysm1rf: Okay, one sec. I'll paste it in to paste.ubuntu.01:57
zodiakurm.. I don't think that's going to be much use..01:57
zodiakyou are reporting a growing trend, a snapshot of ps auxfw won't do much01:58
maxflaxstrange thing.. my computer wont start but I can log into it with ssh.. but I see nothing in the dmesg logs and so on.. but I can clearly see on the tv that its trying to start up01:58
zodiakhtop and leave it running01:58
Techie-Michealzodiak: Okay.01:58
wilee-nileejames__, I would just use supergrub on the thumb.01:58
zodiakmaxflax, basically your video output isn't reaching the tv.. probably it can't get the resolutions for X from the tv01:58
Techie-Michealzodiak: Right now my load is 0.00 0.01 0.05. It generally starts climbing pretty soon here.01:59
brainysm1rfps aux | head has told me what processes were running hot in the past01:59
zodiakTechie-Micheal, well.. look at the top of htop .. you will see things bubbling up01:59
james__wilee-nilee, thanks for the help, i will look into supergrub02:00
rgenitojoin #bitcoin-otc02:00
maxflaxzodiak: it's something else aswell... but I can't see crap in the logs.. very frustrating02:01
zodiakmaxflax, well, if the x server can't get resolutions, you would ONLY see it in your /var/log/Xorg.0.log (or whatever)02:01
rgenitodoes anyone here mount encrypted HFS+ dmg images?02:02
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ktklam9hi, why does Rhythmbox keep messing up my ID3 tags for my mp3 files? Even after I manually corrected them?02:02
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zodiakktklam9, no idea.. I use quod libet02:03
zodiakmuch (MUCH) faster on my 80gb+ music02:04
Guest93525I can't seem to install linux on my desktop co-existing with windows xp02:04
maxflaxzodiak: have looked in Xorg log file.. what should I be looking for telling me it's like your stating?02:04
Guest93525it only gives me the option to replace windows xp completely02:04
zodiakmaxflax, fling it up on pastie or pastebot or.. someplace02:04
ktklam9my ID3 tags are still messed up even after I uninstalled Rhythmbox??? How can I stop Ubuntu from trying to fix ID3 tags of my mp3 files? It does a really bad a job at it!02:05
arooni-mobileis there a way to monitor fan speed on ubuntu 12.04 64bit?02:05
ring2rgenito, what's your problem? mounting?02:05
rgenitoyes, trying to mount an aes256 disk image02:05
zodiakktklam9, seriously, jst ignore rhythmbox02:05
zodiakarooni-mobile, lm-sensors tells you fan speed (if it can)02:06
xanguai've had having a lot of chashes in firefox 15 (starting with it) lately, every time i want to enter it's preferences or even change the buttons with edit>customize firefox just closes up; i even deleted my profile and create a new one...keeps crashing02:06
ktklam9zodiak: I uninstalled rhythmbox and my ID3 are still messed up02:06
rgenitoring2, i get the error "ioctl: LOOP_SET_STATUS: Invalid argument"02:06
zodiakktklam9, STOP USING IT02:06
ktklam9zodiak: I uninstalled it? So how can I be using it?02:06
zodiakyour id3 are now 'messed up'02:06
zodiakit's not something the program does that's revertable02:06
arooni-mobilezodiak, how do i use that?02:07
superfake123my sound control thing in the top right of the window doesn't seem to be working anymore how do I reset it?02:07
ktklam9zodiak: then how am I supposed to organize my mp3 files?02:07
maxflaxzodiak: here is the log http://pastebin.com/q95xv0aH02:07
zodiakarooni-mobile, apt-get install lm-sensors, run sensors-detect (answer yes to jst about everything), then run sensors02:07
zodiakktklam9, urm.. by directories and using a good client ?02:07
zodiakmaxflax, danke.. let me take a look see02:08
ktklam9zodiak: the problem is I am transfering those mp3 to my android phone too, which uses ID3 to organize them02:09
arooni-mobilezodiak, looks liek: fan1:        3395 RPM... looks helathy huh02:09
ktklam9zodiak: the name of the songs and the artists are all messed up when I transfer them02:09
ring2rgenito, do you have loop-aes-utils installed?02:09
zodiakarooni-mobile, looks like it02:09
rgenitono i do not... but now i shall install it....02:09
rgenitoi wish there was a way to automatically create a directory when mounting to a new directory that doesn't exist.... is there a way?02:10
zodiakmaxflax, I am curious.. if you boot using a live cd/iso .. do you get a picture ?02:10
rgenitoring2, awesome btw... that helped. but now i get "password must be at least 20 characters" @_@02:10
zodiakmaxflax, did you also terminate the X server perchance in that logfile or is the machine still running ?02:11
oohadoes anyone use thinkpad t430s here?02:11
maxflaxzodiak: it's running02:11
zykotick9ktklam9: fyi there are different version of ID3 tags, i'd recommend seeing them in easytag.02:11
GNS3TalkHi everyone, does anybody know the command used to start the built-in 'vino-server' in 12.04?02:11
zodiakmaxflax, then google that last line ; ddxSigGiveUp: Closing log02:11
ring2rgenito, i think, you always have to create the directory first. i could be wrong02:11
zodiaknothing good comes up I am afraid :(02:11
ring2rgenito, sorry, i don't know about the password error02:12
zodiakmaxflax, I would try a live cd/iso of ubuntu next, as that defaults to REALLY very safe defaults02:12
rgenitoring2, ah ok...that's what i figured. anyhoo, i'm still unable to mount... need to dig deeper. ty for that suggestion02:12
ring2rgenito, is your password >20 characters?02:12
GNS3TalkHi everyone, does anybody know the command used to start the built-in 'vino-server' in 12.04?02:13
maxflaxzodiak: Got this problem after a update i did before.. rebooted and this happend. Wondering if it has something to do with me having a autologin program running.. can't remember what the name was though02:15
superfake123my sound control volume thing in the top right of the window doesn't seem to be working anymore how do I reset it?02:15
zodiakaaahhh.. so. this is a self-inflicted pain eh ? :)02:15
zodiakbrb.. coffee02:16
NautilusMy desktop shows only the background image, nothing else.  12.04 logged in via NX.  It -was- working before I applied the 296 (396?) pending updates.  How to diagnose & fix this?02:17
ring2rgenito, as i read, loop-aes really requires at least 20 characters. doesn't seem to have a workaround :(02:17
rgenitoring2, damn, that sucks... because my password is not 20 characters :(02:18
zodiakNautilus, nx ?02:18
Nautiluszodiak: nomachine.com, a remote access desktop.  Worked great in 10.04 anyways02:18
zodiakNautilus, does it work when you login normaly or is nomachine some kind of 'you don't own the computer' service ?02:18
ring2rgenito, if you find a workaround, let me know .)02:19
rgenitoring2 do you also have encrypted dmg's? :)02:19
Nautiluswhen I log into the box locally the desktop is there.  NX is a client/server app installed on both machines02:19
rgenitoif i find a work around... i'm gunna post it online too haha02:19
ring2rgenito, no, i don't. i'm just curious :)02:20
mack_what about the topic?02:20
pootytootyi have some updates and my boot partition is quite full. im running 12.04 without synaptic and i can see that i have quite a number of old linux images on my 250mb boot partition. how do i get rid of them? sudo apt-get clean does not do the trick. Also is there a way to configure 12.04 such that it only keeps the current image and the previous rather than keeping many?02:20
Nautiluszodiak: when I log into the box locally the desktop is there.  NX is a client/server app installed on both machines02:21
zodiakNautilus, sounds like a 'nx' problem then.. not much we can do :\02:24
Nautilusi suspect its rooted in compiz02:25
zodiakNautilus, if that's true, try using lxde02:26
DeltaHeavyDoes anybody else find Unity to be less responsive than other DE's you've tried in the past?02:27
zodiakDeltaHeavy, good gods yes. this is why I have been (and am eternally grateful) to have been using xfce since 10.04 :)02:27
MrGizmo757unity works fine for me02:27
MrGizmo757one of my usb sticks wont automount.  dose anybody know how to fix it?02:28
lmbeta8DeltaHeavy Unity as always seemed bloated to me02:28
DeltaHeavyGlad it's not just me. Between this and the Amazon sell out I think I'm not going to even consider Ubuntu again.02:29
zodiakMrGizmo757, check logs, probably a usb bus detection error. I get those randomly on certain machinse02:29
zodiakDeltaHeavy, meh.. you are assuming all ubuntu's are the same02:29
wilee-nilee!cookie | imbezol for the use of bloated02:29
ubottuimbezol for the use of bloated: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!02:29
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:29
DeltaHeavyzodiak: Have you seen the Amazon sellout?02:29
xangua!ot | DeltaHeavy zodiak02:29
ubottuDeltaHeavy zodiak: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:29
MrGizmo757its only the one USB though.  all the others ones i have work fine. i think its an issue with how its formatted02:30
zodiakyeah.. scroll up .. I have been helping02:30
zodiakMrGizmo757, check the logs, seriously! there is usually a tonne of useful stuff in there02:30
wilee-nileeMrGizmo757, Does it show in the disk manger gparted or on running sudo fdosk -l02:30
zodiakif ubuntu can't find the filesystem, it will say unrecognised ;)02:31
wilee-nileeops sudo fdisk -l02:31
MrGizmo757yes. it shows up just fine. but i have to manually mount it every time.02:31
MrGizmo757it wont automount like the rest of my usb sticks02:31
locoguanoI love you, Ubuntu. That is all.02:31
kyubotsuMrGizmo757: tried using a different port ?02:31
xanguadoes someone have problems with firefox¿ i've had a lot of crashes lately starting with frefox 15.0.1, everytime i open preferences, edit the toolbar or even just open iot and after 10 seconds it closes; i even tried to delete my firefox profile directory and start fresh; the chashes returned after a couple of days02:31
MrGizmo757yes. this started after i formated it using the disk utility.02:32
wilee-nileeMrGizmo757, Please use nicks, what did you format it as.02:32
MrGizmo757its been messed up ever since. i have reformated it using gparted but that didnt take care of the plablem02:32
effigyughh anyone know anything bout putting mp3's onto an apple product? i've been trying everything on google for like 2 hours. in banshee everything looks like it's working... takes time to transfer, shows up on the ipad in banshee and all that, and then i undock it and the files are not on my ipad.02:32
MrGizmo757it was FAT 32  MBR02:33
wilee-nilee!who > MrGizmo75702:33
ubottuMrGizmo757, please see my private message02:33
pepperjackeffigy: depending on the app youre using there is might be a 'commit' or 'save' or something menu option you have to do02:33
Nautiluszodiak: lxde looks interesting, any comparison to kde?02:34
zodiakNautilus, none at all. much lighter, simpler, runs amazingly quick. doesn't use compiz I believe02:34
xanguacan't even start in safe mode in firefox :(02:35
KatronixHi all, for apache is there an easy way to allow it to have access to the user directories?02:35
zodiakKatronix, mod_userdir02:35
Katronixzodiak thanks02:35
Nautiluszodiak: is that what xubuntu is then? ubunto+lxde?02:35
zodiakI think you could even get away with a2enmod mod_userdir02:35
lmbeta8DeltaHeavy:It takes alot ressource to put distro  out for free and they make something out of it as a company. No money no new ubuntu releases02:36
zodiakNautilus, xubuntu is ubuntu but running xfce (or lxde, I think both are on the same iso these days)02:36
uhgreenXubuntu = Ubuntu + Xfce, right?02:36
kyubotsuNautilus: xfce02:36
wilee-nileeuhgreen, nope02:36
DeltaHeavylmbeta8: The information gathering isn't something I'd want though, so I simply won't use it.02:36
kyubotsuNautilus: lubuntu has lxde as gui02:37
zamn_hey i just recently switched to gnome-shell as my de and whenever i maximize an application it doesn't actually maximize. Is there any way to fix this?02:37
Hawk220I'm new, so I'm not sure if I'm messing up some protocol, but I really need help. Is this where i should ask, or is there another channel for that?02:37
lmbeta8DeltaHeavy:They will provide a way to turn it off but understand your point02:38
wilee-nileeuhgreen, xfce is just xfce, it is a full desktop without ubuntu or xubuntu02:38
kyubotsu!ask | Hawk22002:38
ubottuHawk220: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:38
Nautilusis there any advantage from 10.04 to 12.04 for me, where I just use the box as a LAMP stack for web dev?  Want to get into using a php debugger and sass next.02:39
DeltaHeavylmbeta8: Plus with the 1000 other options I have, why pick one that's shoving advertisements down my throat right?02:39
c|onemanin top, how do I display the full USER (not truncated)02:39
kyubotsuNautilus: that's up to you.02:39
Hawk220Okay. Some how my <ALT> key is stuck on. To do anything, I have to hold the button down. I can't click without holding it, nothing. If I don't, it acts like it normally would without the button being held. I'm sure I did something wrong.02:40
Nautiluskyubotsu: just wondering if I lose anything going back to 10.0402:40
Katronixzodiak great now to just figure out what perms I need to give the public_html directory02:40
zodiakKatronix, np :)02:41
xanguaNautilus: 10.04 only have 7 more months of support02:41
Nautilusdont think i need it02:41
lmbeta8DeltaHeavy:Your 100% right02:42
kyubotsuHawk220: try re-plugging it ; also, is it clean? dirt can cause malfunctions too02:43
Nautiluszang: installing updates for 12.04 is what broke it for me02:43
Nautilusxangua: ^02:43
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Hawk220I might not have explained well enough. It's not the key, itself. I have to hold the key down to do almost anything. To click a link, I have to hold the <ALT> key, right click and new tab it. If I just try and click it, it grabs the window and tries to move.02:44
Hawk220Somewhere along the line, my <ALT> off and the <ALT> on have gotten switched, if that makes any sense.02:47
pepperjackHawk220: dunno.  you could try disabling the alt key in the window manager config. I know thats not ideal...02:48
pepperjackHawk220: do you want to know how to do that?02:49
Hawk220Pepperjack: No. I do not.02:49
moi"/dns <fenix79>02:51
lmbeta8DeltaHeavy:Pinguy  & LinuxMint are 2 of my favorite ubuntu based distro02:51
pepperjackok then. if it were me I'd want to stop the wm from capturing alt at least temporarily02:52
Nautilusi'd try turning it off then back on again02:52
Hawk220Nautilus: Did that a few times02:53
Hawk220Pepperjack: How do I disable the key?02:53
Nautilusoh, i meant the alt key not the system02:54
Hawk220Okay. How do I do that? Sadly, I am a new user and am not that use to Ubuntu.02:54
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NautilusHawk220: I dont know either, have to ask pepperjack02:55
Hawk220;-) Gotchya.02:55
Hawk2201510 people, and only Pepperjack knows how to disable a key?02:56
Nautilusthe only one that said he knew how ;)02:57
pepperjackHawk220: you'll want to install compizconfig-settings-manager.  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager02:57
pepperjackthen you run ccsm to launch it02:57
ulkeshGoogle is one's friend, Hawk220:  https://www.google.com/search?sugexp=chrome,mod=10&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=ubuntu+disable+key02:57
pepperjackits a gui tool so you just click the mapped alt key in it and disable it.  if you can type without needing to hold down alt (you dont get a bunch of garbage) then it might just be a window manager problem02:58
Hawk220Installing now. Thank you.02:58
pepperjackHawk220: thats an odd problem :)  not seen it before02:59
Hawk220I only have the odd ones.02:59
Nautilusi know how that feels02:59
Nautiluswhat would be the most suitable way to install lxde?  apt-get?   like this?:   sudo apt-get install lxde03:04
OerHeksNautilus, check softwarecentre, install lubuntu i guess03:05
ring2Nautilus, i would try lubuntu-desktop instead of lxde03:05
kyubotsuNautilus: i'd use software center.. one click install from there03:05
kyubotsudoing it the console way then it'd be lubuntu-desktop, not simply lxde03:06
Hawk220Pepperjack, If you were here, and a female, I'd kiss you.03:06
OerHekspepperjack, go there, be female03:07
Nautilusif I do the lubuntu-desktop, am I still able to switch back to unity?03:07
Hawk220"Initiate Window Move" was set to Button1. Once I restored it to default, everything was all better.03:07
OerHeksNautilus sure, just change DM at login03:08
G_chaaHow can I make a completely new GRUB install?  The one I have on my new hard drive seems to be the same one as on my old hard drive; which is no longer relevant on the GUID partition identifier level.03:08
kyubotsuG_chaa: run update-grub03:09
wilee-nileeG_chaa, Can you run sudo update-grub from the desktop03:09
G_chaaI've tried booting into a Xubuntu live CD and running `sudo grub-install` from there, but I keep ending up with the same03:09
G_chaaok I'll try `update-grub`03:09
wilee-nileeG_chaa, Can you boot to the desktop, you have to chroot in to install grub03:09
wilee-nileefrom the cd03:09
G_chaaok I'll chroot into the new HDD03:10
G_chaaand do it from there03:10
kyubotsui think update-grub will do the trick tho03:10
wilee-nileekyubotsu, not from a live cd03:10
wilee-nileewithout a chroot03:10
kyubotsulive cd.. copy that..03:10
G_chaa"Cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied"03:11
G_chaathis is after mounting the new HDD and chrooting into it03:11
G_chaaand running `update-grub`03:11
Hawk220Thank you all, for the advise and the company. I hope you all have a lovely evening.03:11
G_chaaI'm assuming something's trying to write its output to /dev/null.  What am I missing here?03:11
wilee-nileeG_chaa, you need to install grub to the mbr03:12
G_chaaGRUB is already in the MBR03:12
G_chaait just has outdated information pertaining to my old hard drive03:12
TheMadDrizzleCan anyone help me with a bit of a sega genesis emulator problem on linux?03:12
wilee-nileeG_chaa, put it in from the cd then reboot03:13
TheMadDrizzleThe genesis emulator Gens will not pick up the LEFT analog button from my Saitek p990 gamepad.   The ONLY button it will not register for some reason, anyone know hy?03:13
wilee-nileerun update-grub from the desktop of the reboot G_chaa03:13
G_chaaI've done that twice already by running `grub-install --root-directory=/dev/(the guid of my new hdd) /dev/sda03:13
G_chaaand I did check the device letter03:14
wilee-nileeG_chaa, In a chroot it is grub-install /dev/sdX03:14
G_chaaI'll try your advice again wilee-nilee, thanks03:14
wilee-nileeG_chaa, the mount and the command you ran should load it but that is not a chroot so a update wont work from there.03:15
wilee-nileealthough the guid I have never seen used.03:15
kyubotsuwhat puzzles me is: how is grub from a different drive in this other one anyway..03:16
G_chaawilee-nilee: I don't have my storage devices in my chroot03:16
* kyubotsu ponders03:16
G_chaahow can I tell chroot to make the devices from the "real world" accessible from inside the chroot?03:16
ystestaokay so I have the problem that some people with atheros wireless cards have03:16
ystestanamely the wireless 'randomly' hangs03:17
wilee-nileeG_chaa, here is chroot link and after the command you reference you ran although different. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_ChRoot03:17
phunyguyMy ~/.gvfs folder keeps disappearing... how can I put it back? I have shares mounted but there is no gvfs folder!03:22
JokesOnYou77Hi all, I installed virtualbox-guest-additions in my Ubuntu guest OS but I can't get it change the screen resolution of the guest03:22
G_chaawilee-nilee: Thanks!  Everything went smoothly and I am now booted into the operating system!03:22
blendergeekHow do you mount an ipod touch in ubuntu? I get an (unhandled lockdown error (-5))03:22
wilee-nileeG_chaa, cool man. ;)03:23
ring1blendergeek, try gtkpod03:23
Canuckian!patience | blendergeek03:25
ubottublendergeek: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:25
drelyn86has anyone got sound working in the Humble Indie Bundle, Space Pirates and Zombies?03:26
ring1blendergeek, does it work?03:28
PratterFaksounds like gtkpod is having issues on 12.04 and I didn't have any issues with sound on SPAZ03:28
solocommandHey folks. I'm trying to get postfix setup on my media server so I can have logging reports sent via my google apps account. in the mail queue, i see this message for my test email: relay=smtp.gmail.com[]:587, delay=1198, delays=1198/0.03/0.58/0, dsn=4.7.5, status=deferred (Server certificate not trusted). I'm using the smtp_tls_capath config option so I won't have to update the certificate if GA changes their CA provider, but I'm not sure h03:29
WeThePeopleblendergeek, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186161703:29
wilee-nileeblendergeek, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186161703:30
WeThePeopletoo late :)03:30
wilee-nilee!op | ObamaSucks03:31
ubottuObamaSucks: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!03:31
Sirisianrandom question. Does Ubuntu use the CPU or GPU to render its UI?03:31
drelyn86Sirisian, 12.10 is handling that a little differently03:32
wilee-nileeWeThePeople, heh missed that. ;)03:32
drelyn86Sirisian, basically it's the GPU, but if GPU acceleration is not available then it's the CPU03:33
drelyn86Sirisian, but in 12.04 and earlier if GPU acceleration is not available then it just falls back to 2d mode... so in short, 2d mode unity is being retired in 12.1003:33
solocommandIf I change my config to use smtp_tls_cafile, how do I add the Equifax CA to my cacert.pem?03:35
Sirisianah nvm found it.03:35
Nautiluskodiak: lxde working via NX!  thanks :)03:36
=== paulus68_ is now known as paulus68
jagginesssolocommand, you need ssl 10103:38
solocommandjagginess: I know. I just figured it out though03:41
solocommandjagginess: Any recommended reading? My SSL experience is pretty much just generating self-signed certs for encryption purposes. :/03:42
blendergeekHi raul78203:44
jagginesssolocommand, there's guides here and there, basically you need to know what ssl is all about..03:44
blendergeekHi nevadasmith03:44
blendergeekHey, ferret03:45
blendergeekHey, Senix03:48
myersgHow do I block mumble from the network03:49
myersglike, to block people from being able to use it over the network...03:49
blendergeekI don't know, from what network?03:49
myersgMy brother uses it.. my mom wants me to block it. from the router03:50
wilee-nileemyersg, That is bad parenting.03:52
myersg...no.. It needs to be blocked.03:53
blendergeekmyersg, I'm not sure exactly what you want but adding " www.example.com" to /etc/hosts will block the site www.example.com03:53
Flannelmyersg: You'd likely do that at the router level.  Unless you have admin rights to his computer (and he doesnt)03:53
myersghmm I will try03:53
kyubotsuthat's besides the point. and yes, it can just be set at the router to allow or block any app03:53
blendergeekI don't know the first thing about routers, and who has admin rights to the router?03:53
myersghow do I block apps in the router?03:54
myersgI use dlink03:54
kyubotsucheck the documentation for it03:54
myersgI think I figured it out03:56
ClientAliveI have two little questions: (1) Is there some program already on my ubuntu 12.04 system that can merge files together? (2) Is there some program that runs on linux that can merge ANY type of files together.03:56
kyubotsuit's usually a simple step as long as you have access to its portal03:56
ClientAliveI know cat can concatenate files but there may be times I need a more intelligent merge03:57
FlannelClientAlive: I don't believe any merge tools are default, but there's oodles in the repos.  There's no program anywhere that can merge "any" files together.  How you "merge" a graphic file is completely different (and totally subjective) from a text file, or even an audio file (again, totally subjective).04:00
JokesOnYou77Hi all, I installed virtualbox-guest-additions in my Ubuntu guest OS but the screen resolution still doesn't change as I re-size the window, can anyone give me a hand?04:02
wilee-nileeJokesOnYou77, have you logged it out or rebooted it?04:02
wilee-nileeJokesOnYou77, YOu mean the resolution or the screen size the resolution you have to set.04:03
shrimantsim running 12.04 32 bit inside of a 12.04 64 bit VM. the entire system is hanging horribly and all of my work is in the VM. i have no idea how to safely handle this situation without losing all of my work, but i cannot use my mouse whatsoever04:03
JokesOnYou77wilee-nilee: quite a few times.  I installed x32 server 12.04.1 with xorg and awesome for a window manager04:03
shrimantsall i'm showing is nearly constant disk access04:03
wilee-nileeJokesOnYou77,  excellent. ;)04:03
shrimantsdisplay, mouse are both completely frozen, but keyboard seems to be working. i can get to a tty04:04
shrimantsthe cause of this hangup was to send myself a 12mb zipped file in gmail from within the virtual machine using firefox. The system is a 2.8ghz 4gbRAM machine, and should be able to handle the virtual machine04:05
JokesOnYou77wilee-nilee: HAHAHA!! It worked!  Or, maybe it didn't..I'm not entirely sure I did all that much, but having the window in full screen before I startX seems to get it to occupy the entire window :)04:05
JustBelievinItshrimants: Well you are trying to send a zip file over gmail and gmail has a attatchemnt limit for sure.04:05
shrimantsgmail's attachment limit is 20mb04:06
kyubotsushrimants: why didn't you just copy the file over to a usb ...04:06
shrimantskyubotsu: I have a dedicated folder for all of my school things in gmail.04:06
JustBelievinItshrimants: I believe that the browser is freezing up the computer. Try shutting it down through the task manager.04:08
shrimantsi cant04:08
JustBelievinItehh so your display isnt working correct?04:08
shrimantsentire gui is frozen04:08
shrimantsnot only the VM gui, the host gui too04:09
shrimantsbecause the VM is bogging it down now04:09
kyubotsushrimants: you have access to terminal. run TOP and kill it that way04:09
JustBelievinItkyubotsu: his mouse and screen are frozen04:10
shrimantsi cant kill the VM without losing all of my work, presumably04:10
JustBelievinItshrimants: Well, did you save before sending?04:10
kyubotsushrimants: just the browser, anyway04:10
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shrimantsi didnt save the VM state or anything. but the file/folder I need is just a zip folder in the VM04:11
shrimantsif I kill the VM, will that still exist?04:11
maxflaxzodiak: Solved it.. *sign* finally04:11
JustBelievinItshrimants: I'm pretty sure shutting something down doesn't mean you lose all your work unless you didn't save.04:12
JustBelievinItshrimants: if the zip file is in the temp folder04:13
julius_what webmail software like squirrelmail does support IMAP IDLE, so that when the server that squirrelmail gets its mail from has new always sends it and i just have to refresh the webinterface?04:13
JustBelievinItshrimants: there is a good chance in my experience04:13
shrimantsbut we arent talking shutdown the VM. we're talking force kill the virtualbox program04:13
shrimantsif you shutdown the VM everything is dandy04:13
wilee-nileeshrimants, run tops and see whats running and kill what is making the problem.04:13
JustBelievinItshrimants: Do you have the a backup zip folder in case the one you were using disappears?04:16
Cellbazhang: sup ba?04:16
Cellknow of any good movies to torrent?04:16
shrimantsthat is what i was in the process of doing04:16
Cellillegally torrent, that is04:16
CalinouCell: not even funny04:16
Calinoutry at least to be funny :>04:16
bazhangCell, wrong channel04:16
lotuspsychje!warez | Cell04:16
ubottuCell: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o04:16
JustBelievinItshrimants: by sending it through the email?04:17
Cellit is funny because ba rages hard whenever he sees a chance to talk about the rules04:17
shrimantsyup. generally, sending myself an attachment is not something i regard as a cataclysmic event04:17
Calinouno, he is right04:17
bazhangCell, take it elsewhere04:17
Calinoupiracy is not legal, sorry04:17
WeThePeoplejulius_, is your question ubuntu related04:17
julius_not directly04:17
=== resistivecorpse is now known as siresistivecorps
JustBelievinItshrimants: well all there is, is chance and luck. just force shut it down and hope for the best in my best opinoin04:18
WeThePeoplejulius_, see #web04:18
shrimantsthe tty is still attempting to log in04:18
shrimantsat this point it seems my best option might just be to do a hard boot04:18
shrimantsand try a flash drive, this time04:18
shrimantsassuming my work still exists, by some odd stroke of luck04:18
JustBelievinItEhh.... hard boot sounds like you'll lose lots of things.04:18
shrimantsi cannot type, i cannot move my mouse, i cannot view my display04:19
JustBelievinItIn other words, you are using another computer right now to talk in the irc chat? lol?04:19
whackatrehow do i install wireless on 12.0.4?04:20
JustBelievinItWell anyways I guess hard boot is the way it is. Maybe the VM has a failsafe and you'll have your files.04:20
bazhang!wifi | whackatre04:20
ubottuwhackatre: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:20
JustBelievinItgood luck!04:21
shrimantsthe only thing that is happening right now is an excessive amount of read/writes to the HDD04:21
WeThePeopleis tty slang for terminal?04:21
shrimantsand i have no idea what it is read/writing04:21
shrimantsbut it shouldnt be doing anything at all04:21
JustBelievinItIt's probably reading the info being sent by the VM04:21
JustBelievinIta lot of info04:22
kyubotsu!tty | WeThePeople04:22
ubottuWeThePeople: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.04:22
JustBelievinItJust wondering, what irc chat should i join for league of legends?04:24
bazhang!alis | JustBelievinIt04:24
ubottuJustBelievinIt: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*04:24
JustBelievinItLol it worked didnt it04:24
superfake123my sound control volume thing in the top right of the window doesn't seem to be working anymore how do I reset it?04:25
shrimantshowever, i wasted a heck of a lot of time staring at a blank screen with no keyboard/mouse input waiting for something to happen04:25
shrimantsto the flash drive!04:25
JustBelievinItand to the desktop04:25
JustBelievinItsave two copies04:25
shrimantssave ALL the copies04:25
JustBelievinItsuperfake123: umm try changing the settings?04:25
JustBelievinItsuperfake123: Also what do you mean the sound thing doesnt work?04:27
superfake123JustBelievinIt, I can see the speaker but then there is just 3 dashes, if I click it and go into the drop down I cannot move the volume level04:28
superfake123JustBelievinIt, then when I go into sound settings there is nothing under output, however I do have sound working through rhythombox and other apps04:29
shrimantsmy VM cant see the usb stick04:29
shrimantsso i guess its time for plan C: upload to dropbox04:29
ClientAliveFlannel: sorry, got sidetracked looking for info. Found rcs (merge command). Guess it uses diff or something - idk   :)04:30
bazhang!cn | sanga04:31
ubottusanga: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw04:31
bazhang!ot | delinquentme04:32
ubottudelinquentme: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:32
wildman330what does the following mean?04:33
delinquentmebazhang, did you read the url?04:33
wildman330type=1400 audit(1348374621.456:230290): apparmor="ALLOWED" operation="file_perm" parent=23271 profile="/opt/google/chrome/*chrome//chrome_sandbox" name=2F686F6D652F726F6F6B63696665722F2E636F6E6669672F676F6F676C652D6368726F6D652F44656661756C742F50657070657220446174612F53686F636B7761766520466C6173682F2E636F6D2E676F6F676C652E4368726F6D652E6C7842546343 pid=24021 comm="chrome" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=100004:33
bazhangdelinquentme, its not the chat channel. #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat04:33
delinquentmeas in .. I posted it in this channel because its ubuntu and its unbelieveable04:33
bazhangdelinquentme, and this is Ubuntu support ONLY04:34
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NautilusI am in Xfburn and added a bunch of files to burn to a data DVD, when I put in a blank I get an error dialog "Not Authorized" ... whaaaat?    (12.04, lxde, xfburn)04:34
JustBelievinItsuperfake123:  what distro is it04:35
zodiakmaxflax, what was it ?04:35
zodiakmaxflax, sorry, I was away in xen hell :D04:35
superfake123JustBelievinIt, Ubunutu 12.04 freshly installed last night. I installed some driver to make LoL work in PlayOnLinux and now I don't think the pulseaudio thing is working correctly04:36
maxflaxzodiak: found the problem  in my xsesssion-errors - Was a missing opengl file.. libGLEW 1.5 I think.. the update must have removed that thinking it was something useless04:36
JustBelievinItsuperflake123: killall pulseaudio try this command04:36
zodiakmaxflax, that's.. beyond.. huh ?!04:37
JustBelievinItsuperflake123: use it in terminal in other words.04:37
superfake123JustBelievinIt, pulseaudio: no process found04:37
maxflaxzodiak: yeah.. I know04:37
zodiaksnakehunt2012, english :\04:37
bazhang!cn | snakehunt201204:37
ubottusnakehunt2012: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw04:37
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snakehunt2012which country are you from?04:37
bazhangsnakehunt2012, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic04:38
zodiakooohhh. a/s/l 'fun' :D04:38
zodiakmaxflax, I don't even know what libglew -is- .. and I have done xlib programming! sheesh04:38
snakehunt2012first come to this irc, actually first use irc...04:38
JustBelievinItsuperflake123: Take a look at this link.04:39
bazhangsnakehunt2012, did you have an Ubuntu support question?04:39
maxflaxzodiak: it's something xbmc uses anyway.. was on my htpc this problem arised04:39
NautilusI am in Xfburn and added a bunch of files to burn to a data DVD, when I put in a blank I get an error dialog "Not Authorized" ... whaaaat?    (12.04, lxde, xfburn)   What do I need to do?04:40
zodiakmaxflax, well.. good to 'know' I guess. glad you got it sorted.04:40
benignbalaHi, I just downloaded Ubuntu 12.04.1 i386 CD. I want to check the MD5sum. But the UbuntuHashes page has it only for the 12.04 initial release.04:41
benignbalaWhere can I get the MD5sums for this CD image ?04:42
xanguabenignbala: with 12.04.1 is with security updates that were released since april to october04:43
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wilee-nileebenignbala, http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/MD5SUMS04:43
benignbalawilee-nilee: xangua Thanks.04:44
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wilee-nileeno problem04:44
alkisgIf I have less than 3 Gb RAM, is there any benefit at all by keeping the -pae kernel instead of switching to -generic?04:45
Nautilushow do i get authorization to put a blank DVD in my computer?04:45
FloodBot1Roached: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:46
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Nautilusi have an error message that says "Not Authorized", but the only button available is "OK".  It's not OK.04:48
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SecretFirefor some reason I am having trouble with avi playback in both vlc and dragon player in kubuntu 12.0404:50
sanga /join #ubuntu-cn04:51
sanga /join #ubuntu -cn04:51
FloodBot1sanga: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:51
bazhangSecretFire, try from the terminal04:51
maxflaxNautilus - start xfburn as sudo then and see if it works04:51
Nautilusmaxflax: how do I do that from the (lxde) menu?04:52
SecretFirebazhang : I get [mpeg4 @ 0xb52257e0] Invalid and inefficient vfw-avi packed B frames detected04:52
bazhangSecretFire, file corrupted?04:53
bazhangBeetles, stop that04:53
DrBrownbearBeetles, we got it the first time. thanks.04:53
Beetleswhy ads?04:53
Beetleswhy we having ads04:53
bazhangBeetles, take it to offtopic04:53
SecretFirebazhang : possibly04:53
Beetleswhy ads?04:54
Beetleshow removen04:54
bazhangSecretFire, you could try using ffmpeg to repair it04:54
Nautilusbeetles so you will shoot yourself04:54
bazhangBeetles, stop it last warning04:54
nexussixhi all04:54
maxflaxNautilus: I would guess you can press ... Alt + F2 and in that command prompt write gksudo xfburn .. don't run lxde so not sure and don't have xfburn but logic says it's that name04:54
Beetlesfine mister04:54
Beetlestell me why ads04:54
Nautilusmaxflax: thanks04:54
SecretFirebazhang : in order to do that Id have to extract from disc and do to a copy of the original04:54
bazhangSecretFire, not really no04:55
SecretFirebazhang : how do I use ffmpeg to repair it?04:55
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superfake123now the sound icon doesn't even show up on the top right :(04:56
bazhanghttp://myridia.com/dev_posts/view/197 SecretFire . try using mplayer as well04:57
nexussixso I am having a little trouble getting my geforce4 mx 440 working with 12.04. I upgraded from the previous version, and could only get 1024x768 with the nouveau drivers - I apt-get rmnoved and isntalled a bunch of stuff and now I can't even get the desktop to appear04:57
akisi noticed that many extensions of chromium (Novell Moonlight included) give the alert that they 'can access all data in your computer and  the web sites you visit'. I read many opinions after googling a lot about it, but i didnt read any official opinion or any developer's opinion from ubuntu's site or any other distro.04:57
nexussixXorg.0.log just saus "no screens" :/04:57
akisAny opinion from here would be appreciated if actually this scary warning is true or not and if in ubuntu special is possible an04:58
akisextension to make a 'hole' and get inside the system, or if this warning is just because an extension it would just use any file in the system outside chrome shell.04:58
bazhangnexussix, what does a bunch of stuff mean04:58
nexussix"a bunch of stuff" means "I can't remember because it was a couple weeks ago" :/04:58
nexussixbazhang: well it installing nvidi ORDERa drivers and removeing them and removing xorg-core and putting it back - but i CAN'T REALLY REMEMBER TH04:59
nexussixI can't remeber the order04:59
Nautilusmaxflax: wow, no-go via sudo either.05:00
Nautilusmaxflax: just got it going.   I clicked on "Burn" and while it said "ni media in device" I found a refresh button and I'm on my way.  but man, a real wtf of user experience05:02
nexussixso I guess my issue is with trying to use nouveau - "[drm] failed to load kernel module "nouveau""05:03
nexussixand kern.log gives me "init: Failed to spawn hybrid-gfx main process: unable to execute: No such file or directory" which is a little more worrying05:05
Beetlessomeone help me with adds from amazon?05:05
Nautiluswhoa, xfburn burned this DVD as a 200M CD format?  (yes the data is only 55M, but this seems odd)05:06
bazhangBeetles, stop asking here05:06
Beetlesbazhang where can then I ask?05:06
Beetlesis this support channel?05:06
bazhangBeetles, thats for 12.1005:06
Nautilussupport != marketing05:06
Beetlesbazhang so no support for version yet?05:06
bazhangBeetles, so it's offtopic here05:06
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Beetleswhere is place ask for hgelp?05:07
Beetlesplease these ads are on now someone message me private and give instruction for remove from05:07
Beetleswhy adding adds to amazon on ubuntu05:07
Beetlesi dont enjoy05:08
Beetlesif you have tip send private message for me05:08
Beetlesbazhang u helo me05:09
Beetlesplease mister show me where to get removeal05:09
Beetlesbazhang s05:09
superfake123that guy was annoying D:05:10
bazhanghe's gone05:10
nexussixhmmm when I modprobe nouveau I get 7 errors - all "error inserting wmi (path to ko file): no suck device05:11
nexussixand the same for mxm_wmi05:11
nexussixand drm, i2c_algop_bit, ttm, drm_kms_helper anmd nouveau itself05:12
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alkisgIf I have less than 3 Gb RAM, is there any benefit at all in keeping the -pae kernel instead of switching to -generic?05:17
superfake123my sound has stopped working and the icon no longer shows at the top. how can sorta start all over with the sound? I don't think I can even get pulseaudio to run D:05:17
nexussixalkisg: I wouldnt say so - but I guess it can't hurt either05:18
alkisgnexussix: I'm using my system as a template for others, so switching to non-pae might help older computers that don't have -pae support at all. Thank you.05:19
nexussixalkisg: i went to 6 gig from 4 at work, changed to a pae kernel and didn't nitice any difference in that direction05:19
pishguyhi all after, installing nvidia driver, i cant get high resulation05:19
kyubotsu!pae | alkisg05:19
ubottualkisg: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info05:19
kyubotsuguess not05:19
alkisgYeah, was looking for the opposite + any other possible -pae benefits05:20
effigyi feel like i'm about to lose my shit. does anybody know how to put 1 mp3 onto an ipad? i'm going on a long drive tomorrow and i need to get this audiobook on here. i'm going crazy i've been trying for hours to get this to work. i just want to put mp3's on my ipad.05:21
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bazhangeffigy, no cursing here05:21
bazhangeffigy, from what version of ubuntu05:21
superfake123I can do it no problem with rhythmbox05:22
effigybazhang, sorry i quit smoking a couple weeks ago and i'm just going crazy with this05:22
effigybazhang 11.04 completely updated05:22
effigysuperfake123 how do you do it?05:23
superfake123effigy, i just plug in my ipod and it shows up in rhythmbox, then I can drag and drop mp3s from rhythmbox05:23
superfake123effigy, I'm on 12.04 though05:24
xanguaeffigy: but not the latest ubuntu, with 12.04 you'll have better chances to work with latest iOS05:24
xanguaeffigy: but again, everytime iOS updates, ubuntu support is broken, it's a never ending story05:24
effigyhow long does it take to update to 12.04? it's 12:30am here and i'm leaving in the morning, i need this guys, haha, i know it sounds stupid but i'm in dire straits here... i've been trying to get this to work for hours05:25
rgenitohmm, i think #virtualbox might be an appropriate place to ask this... but i'm really not sure since the problem might be ubuntu05:26
xanguaeffigy: the fastest way would be a fresh install05:26
bazhangeffigy, does the iPad even have a usb connector? what about going the way of dropbox05:26
rgenitois it possible to have 64bit OSes running on virtual box on a 64bit ubuntu install?05:26
superfake123bazhang, any ideas about my sound issues? :D05:27
Flanneleffigy: Try using a 12.04 LiveCD, since all you have to do is put a single file (or attempt!) onto the ipad, right?05:27
effigybazhang doesn't dropbox need the internet? i won't have internet access. i just want the mp3s on my ipad.05:27
rgenitowhoa wait, ipad? liveCD? dropbox? what's going on here?05:27
kyubotsueffigy: fresh install might seem faster but you would still have to update the system as well.. this could take at least couple hours depending on your download speed and processor05:27
effigyrgenito i have no idea05:28
rgenitoeffigy are you the one asking for help?05:28
effigyrgenito yup05:28
rgenitowhat's your question?05:28
effigyi just want to put 5 mp3s on my ipad. that's it.05:29
rgenitoah ok05:29
rgenitowhat methods have you tried?05:29
kyubotsueffigy: you would also have to monitor the whole thing as setting some proprietary software during install requires user input to continue05:29
effigyrgenito i've been trying all of google's luck for honestly 4 hours.... so i've tried a lot of stuff....05:30
rgenitook cool, sooo tell me about your setup05:30
rgenitoit's not an internet ipad, right?05:30
rgenitoactually, first question: on what system are the mp3s?05:30
rgenitoor they on a web server? on your computer? etc05:30
effigyubuntu 11.04 fully updated05:30
rgenitoand the mp3s are on there?05:30
effigyyeah but i can upload them anywhere, it's an audiobook i really want to listen to on a road trip05:31
kyubotsurgenito: the ipad he wants to transfer the mp3's does not mount05:31
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kyubotsutransfer to05:31
effigykyubotsu: i can get the ipad to mount on banshee and everything looks like it's working... but they don't show up when i dismount and check the ipad05:32
rgenitoeffigy and you don't have an 3G or LTE ipad, right?05:32
effigynah, just wireless05:32
rgenitoif you absolutely cannot get the mount part to work...05:33
DeltaHeavyIs there any way to fix dragging tabs in Chrome without leaving fullscreen?05:33
DeltaHeavyIn Unity*05:33
Flanneleffigy: Can you host them on your desktop/laptop and download them or ftp them or anything from the ipad? (I have no idea what options the ipad offers, if you can even "download" things)05:33
rgenitoactually ya, you're going to have to get it to mount :( sorry but i dont have experience with that05:34
rgenitodo yourself a favor and get an internet iPad05:34
rgenitoTRUST me.. completely worth it. i bought an internet iPad before a road trip from FL to CA, it was SO worth it.05:34
effigyflannel i tried that but you can't download mp3's on an ipad... some stupid stuff i know, i found this out about an hour ago, ha05:34
Flanneleffigy: can you download "other" files? (rename the extension, zip them, whatever) and then "unconvert" on the ipad?05:34
kyubotsueffigy: try copying the file directly to the ipad then, if the ipad mounts and i can just open it as a drive , thats what i'd try05:35
superfake123rgenito, I need help :) My sound works, except the controls (top left) and all other stuff seems to have disappeared (no output devices listed under sound settings)05:35
effigyrgenito what are you saying? i can mount it with banshee but it doesn't actually 'sync'05:35
rgenitosuperfake123, good for you, what makes you think i can help? :)05:35
rgenitoeffigy OH ... why dont you do this...05:35
rgenitoeffigy do you have a win or mac? :)05:35
effigyflannel: nah ipad doesn't 'save' files like that05:35
superfake123rgenito, because you seem to know what you're talking about D:05:35
effigyrgenito i only have this laptop running linux.05:36
rgenitosuperfake123, i don't really...i just know some server admin stuff. i hate messing with config stuff and wasting my time... so i just develop on ubuntu. for anything else i use my ipad or mac...screw computers lol05:36
Flanneleffigy: Like I said, no idea :)  Did I see that someone said that it mounts on 12.04?  Could you use a LiveCD for 12.04 to mount the ipad?05:36
rgenitoeffigy, ever think about getting virtual box and running windows? :)05:36
rgenitothat would solve your issue with having a lack of systems05:37
effigyflannel yeah i see people saying they get it to work... google my question and you'll get all sorts of answers... it just doesn't work tho05:37
rgenitoeffigy if i were you... i'd torrent windows or OSX (later versions that allow virtualization) and i would install that on virtual box ASAP05:37
rgenitothat way you don't have to mess around with the sub-optimal world of linux.05:38
Flanneleffigy: ah, you have tried it, ok!05:38
effigyflannel i've been trying to do this for over 3 hours05:38
kyubotsurgenito: that's complicating the issue, setting up vm's will not fit in his deadline05:39
htamayohi, well i have a problem with ubuntu precise and my ati x1200 series video card, I don't graphical mode, also i don't have xorg.conf file, the fglrx is already installed, every time i try to run the X i got the error no screens found, checking in the xorg.0.log the only weird thing I found is this: "warning, couldn't open module fglrxdm", so i have several questions, the first is what else should I check? how can i load the fglrxdrm module?05:39
htamayoin fact i'm ircing from text mode, it's very different05:39
effigyrgenito i'm going to install windows just to install itunes to do this. lk;asjdf;lsakjdflk;sjf05:40
effigyi'm ^not^ going to, i'm so mad hahaha05:40
The_JoshI am trying to install some software (nemo)05:41
The_Joshwhen I did ./configure05:41
htamayothe ati x1200 card is supported to ubuntu precise?05:41
The_JoshIt said My intltool is too old05:41
kyubotsueffigy: try Flannel 's suggestion of using a 12.04 live cd ...05:41
The_JoshWhat does it mean?05:41
effigykyubotsu i just feel like there is some super simple package i don't have. if you google this you'll see lots of people claim to find it easy way before 12.0405:42
htamayoi'm checking in my /etc/X11/ dir but i don't have xorg.conf file, so why is that? where is it?05:43
kyubotsueffigy: also, see if there is a 'sync' button on banshee's interface, never know ..05:43
htamayoi'm trying to generate xorg.conf file with Xorg  --configure but still got the error that no screens found, not supported file, any suggestions?05:44
effigykyubotsu yeah i sync it, i'm mounting and syncing on 3 different media players... blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh4uij4fd05:45
AfflictoHey all. I just some hardware around and bootet up ubuntu 1204 via grub and it took me to the command-line. I logged in and tried "startx" and it says: "WARNING: -e needs -E or -F" Please help. thanks in advance.05:46
kyubotsuinstall rhythmbox , its what 12.04 has as player.. maybe it'll do the trick05:46
kyubotsueffigy: ^05:46
effigyrhythmbox... haven't tried that, thanks will do05:46
* Afflicto also, what I see now is just a flashing underscore.05:47
The_JoshHow do I install intool :305:47
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effigykyubotsu ha nevermind already installed, but why doesn't it recognize my mp3 player?05:49
xanguaeffigy: because you are using an old ubuntu release as i told you already05:49
effigyxangua don't come at me with the old release stuff, people have been putting mp3s on apple products for a long time05:50
xanguaeffigy: yeah, everytime there is a new ubuntu release it supports the current iOS, then a new iOS version is releases and the support is broken...is a never ending story05:51
effigyxangua so if i update to the latest ubuntu it'll just start working?05:52
xanguaeffigy: maybe...iOS 6 was just released05:52
effigymy ipad isn't on iOS 605:52
effigyyou're telling me "as i told you already" like you're preaching a truth05:53
kyubotsubest bet seems to be to upgrade your system, and that'll take couple hours of your time anyway05:53
Togowhy does some cnn.com videos play and most dont  ?05:54
alkisgkyubotsu: `lspci -nn -k | grep -A 3 VGA` will tell you if there's a driver available for your graphics card05:55
effigywow i am seriously on the verge of breaking my laptop and ipad. this is so silly i can't believe nobody knows how to do this.05:55
alkisgkyubotsu: for more, try also #ubuntu-x05:55
kyubotsualkisg: thanks. but, i don't know what you're talking about..05:56
xanguaeffigy: apples just don't like neither want to play with penguins, not the oposite :)05:57
alkisgkyubotsu: sorry, wrong nickname, those were ment for htamayo ^05:57
xanguaeffigy: how about you just sens yoursel an email with the mp3 atached to it¿ or neither can you save files that are sent to your mail on an ipad/iOS ¿05:58
kyubotsutab complete is your friend05:58
effigyxangua i know but when i had an ipod years ago i figure dout. don't have the ipod anymore i'm about to drive 12 hours and i really need to figure this out osaidjadfhgadfhf sorry haha05:58
effigyxangua you can't "download" files like that... i already tried uploading them to a server05:59
Calinouyou can't download/upload anything from iOS06:00
Calinouandroid 1-0 iOS (iirc, it can :P)06:00
kyubotsueffigy: ipad has not usb 2.0 port?06:00
Calinoukyubotsu: LOL, no06:00
Calinouonly proprietary port06:00
effigykyubotsu no just the weird port for apple shit06:00
effigycalinou do you know how i can do this?06:00
Calinoueffigy: no idea06:01
Calinouwhy do people buy apple products? :|06:01
xanguaeffigy: there is also Ubuntu Music if you use ubuntu one, you can sync your mp3 and also play them offline; it's a pay service but it's free the first month06:02
effigyi got this as a birthday gift and it's actually really cool, but this is the first time i've tried to "do something" with it and i've spent the last 4 hours raging06:02
effigyit's ridiculous, this thing is making me so mad06:02
kyubotsuuse your other player then06:02
Calinouxangua: iOS cannot download anything and there is no ubuntu one app on ios06:03
Calinoueffigy: tell your friends/family to give real birthday gifts06:03
kyubotsuwe just happen to hit the proverbial brick wall , effigy06:03
effigyxangua that doesn't put the mp3 on my ipad, i am going to be in the desert and really want to listen to this audio book06:03
xanguaCalinou: use ubuntu one with...yes iphen and ipad https://one.ubuntu.com/services/ ooh now it says it's fre for 6 months hehe effigy06:04
xanguaiphone* and ipad06:04
Calinoupaid <_<06:04
kyubotsuxangua: his isn't internet ready either06:05
effigyxangua: i don't really get what you said06:07
=== ariel is now known as Guest81932
effigykyubotsu: so it just isn't possible: even tho i see people saying they do it on google searches?06:08
xangua6 months free*06:08
=== cccaldas_ is now known as cccaldas
effigyi waited and tried to do this for over 4 hours. all i wanted to do was put an mp3 on my ipad. i bought the mp3 if you're wondering. damn apple is running some serious game, i honestly didn't expect it to be so hard. but i remember trying to do this same shit. just add an mp3 to my ipod.06:16
effigyhow is apple's structure so hardcore?06:16
IdleOneeffigy: Please stop the cursing06:17
effigyidle0ne i didn't curse06:18
IdleOneeffigy: the s word is not family friendly. Please stop using it.06:19
superfake123anyone know how to get my sound working again? D:06:19
effigyoh snap sorry, context and stuff, my bad06:19
roadrash1965hey room06:21
effigyi can't believe i'm just going to let this ipad defeat me, haha. i just want to put 5 mp3's on it. and it's just laughing at me. i can't believe it.06:23
Calinou^ apple products06:25
effigycalinou that is not the linux spirit.06:26
phunyguycan anyone tell me how to change the theme of QT apps in Ubuntu?06:27
Calinouthere is no linux spirit in buntu :P06:27
aeon-ltdphunyguy: with a qt theme manager06:28
phunyguyhave one that doesnt want to run correctly, and apparently the theme is the issue06:28
phunyguyaeon-ltd, can you name one?06:28
effigycalinou says the tryhard lurking in #ubuntu, go be cool somewhere else06:28
Calinouno u06:28
xangua!Info qt4-qtconfig | phunyguy06:29
kyubotsuapple does not show any interest in 'cross-platform compatibility'; linux isn't the 'bad guy' here06:29
xangua!info qt4-qtconfig |06:29
ubottuNone: qt4-qtconfig (source: qt4-x11): Qt 4 configuration tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.2 (precise), package size 92 kB, installed size 529 kB06:29
=== ^GeCk0^ is now known as DjGeCk0
effigykyubotsu what? i know linux isn't the "bad guy" i just want to put these mp3s on my ipad. i know it's possible, i just want to do it.06:30
phunyguyeffiejayx, what gIOS?06:31
phunyguyeffigy, ^^^^06:31
effigyphunyguy: 5.1.106:31
phunyguyusing something other than iTunes?06:32
kyubotsueffigy: you have gotten suggestions from a number of folks already. it seems to me you have not tried all of them yet ...06:32
phunyguyIf so, give it up.06:32
phunyguyiOS 5.1.1 doesn't have support IIRC for libimobiledevice06:32
phunyguyerr i said it backwards but you know what I mean06:32
phunyguyits a database issue06:33
effigyoh shit, haha06:33
phunyguythe songs will write to the filesystem, but the iPad won't care06:33
kyubotsuand again with the curse word...06:33
phunyguy!language | effigy06:33
ubottueffigy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.06:33
bazhangeffigy, enough with the cursing06:33
effigyi'm sorry, last time, i figured it out with the help of y'all06:34
phunyguyeffigy, this is one of those things that just won't work yet06:34
=== DjGeCk0 is now known as ^GeCk0^
phunyguyapparently it was supposed to be part of the google summer of code projects06:34
phunyguyhavent heard anything since that statement06:34
effigyphunyguy i got you, i downloaded the libimobiledevice pac but didn't know 5.1.1 didn't support it06:35
phunyguya solution will be to load virtualbox with XP or the like, and USB passthrough06:35
effigyit's funny all these fanboys calling me stupid and telling me to do stupid stuff06:35
phunyguyand load iTunes06:35
kyubotsuwe tried to help with your issue but all said and done there is no actual support for apple products here, and now you call us stupid.06:36
phunyguyno support for apple products?06:36
phunyguyis it in the repos?06:36
phunyguyand provided as a package?06:37
phunyguyit is supported, yes, but no it doesnt work and wont for a while.06:37
effigykyubotsu google my problem, there's a lot of support06:37
phunyguyeffigy, he meant official06:37
phunyguybut libimobiledevice is in the repos and installed by default, so it IS supported here.06:37
effigywhat? it's a repo06:38
phunyguyunfortunately not all IOS versions are supported yet06:38
kyubotsuphunyguy: that does not mean apple support, thats just one file06:38
phunyguykyubotsu, hes not asking for support with the device itself, he is asking for support on a feature of libimobiledevice06:39
phunyguyiTunes works great, therefore the device works great. libimobiledevice works as well, just not on iOS 506:39
phunyguyand libimobiledevice is what the request was for.06:40
phunyguyI helped him, please drop it.06:40
kyubotsuhere's your cookie06:40
phunyguywhat's the issue here?06:41
phunyguyhe was misled.06:41
Jordan_Ueffigy: Do you know which version of iOS your iPad is using?06:45
phunyguyJordan_U, already asked him that... 5.1.106:46
phunyguywhich isn't working yet with libimobiledevice06:46
superfake123anyone know how to get my sound working again? D:06:47
phunyguysuperfake123, what version of ubuntu?06:47
superfake123phunyguy, 12.0406:47
phunyguysuperfake123, what are the symptoms?06:47
phunyguyand what have you done so far06:48
effigyJordan_U 5.1.1...06:48
effigybut i'm going to bite the bullet and stay awake and update06:48
superfake123phunyguy, the sound itself works, but I cannot change volume or anything, and the volume control thing that is supposed to be in the system bar is not there, and when I go system settings > sound nothing shows up under the output device list06:48
effigyalso thanks phunyguy06:48
Jordan_Uphunyguy: http://www.libimobiledevice.org/ states that at least libimobiledevice 1.0.7 should work with "iOS 5.1", do you know for sure that "5.1.1" is not supported?06:48
inasnedoes anyone know how to get the touchpad to work in ubuntu on a u552 fujitsu laptop?06:48
phunyguyJordan_U, unless something changed recently, that's what I was told06:49
effigyJordan_U i know for sure it's not working06:49
phunyguyand mine doesnt06:49
effigycause i'm trying it right now06:49
Jordan_Ueffigy: You're not using libimobiledevice 1.0.7, you're using a much older version.06:49
phunyguysuperfake123, that one may be beyond me06:50
`Nanoanyone know where the default context definition is for tomcat7 on 12.04?06:50
effigyJordan_U: i'm using an updated version of ubuntu06:50
`Nanoi've looked in /var/lib/tomcat7 and /etc/tomcat7 but I'm probably overlooking it...06:50
`Nanodon't see root.xml anymore06:51
effigyJordan_U: how do i use the most updated version of libimobile?06:51
phunyguyI am on 12.10 and I have 1.1.4-1ubuntu1 version installed of libimobiledevice06:52
phunyguyyay netsplit06:52
effigydat netsplit06:52
Jordan_Ueffigy: The safest and fastest way is probably to use an Ubuntu 12.04.1 LiveCD.06:52
nibbierlooks more scary on the other side ;-)06:53
phunyguyso maybe I should start barking up the libimobiledevice tree again06:53
phunyguyI am thinking my issue is more along the lines of other software supporting libimobiledevice06:54
phunyguybut that is a question for +106:54
effigyJordan_U why is libimobiledevice such a thing?06:54
Jordan_Ueffigy: I don't understand your question.06:54
effigyJordan_U why can't i keep my current distro06:56
tjzhello guys06:57
effigyi've learned that libimobiledevice is important in what i'm trying to do.06:57
effigyshould i just go ahead and upgrade to the newest distro and go to bed?06:58
effigyis that the only solution? if so that's fine.06:58
Jordan_Ueffigy: Because Ubuntu packages applications and the OS together, supporting a set of applications at a specific version which are known to work well together.06:58
Jordan_Ueffigy: There are certainly other solutions but they are probably not easy, and may break things if you do it wrong and I am not very familiar with Apple devices, or the libraries used to support them and so I can't walk you through that process myself (and it's generally better to just upgrade, and then you'll have all your apps up to date).07:01
kyubotsuwhich already was suggested more than an hour ago...07:01
Jordan_Ueffigy: Starting the upgrade then going to bed sounds like a good plan if you don't want to go the liveCD route. Just remember that you will probably need to respond to prompts during the upgrade, so leave some time tomorrow for that and allowing the upgrade to continue afterward (all the downloading, which is usually the most time consuming part, will be done first though).07:03
drcodehi all07:03
effigyi like you guys but you're basically just saying update. i wish you knew why this is a frustrating answer. we don't all have cool internet connections.  some of us can't waste gigs of internet. i know most of you can.07:03
Jordan_Ueffigy: Also, understand that none of us is sure that upgrading will solve your problem.07:04
FloatingGoat_whats the most ideal format to format a flashdrive for booting ubuntu on a MBP?07:04
Jordan_Ueffigy: Some ISPs will allow you do download from ISP hosted mirrors of Ubuntu repositories without it counting toward your download limit.07:05
sirtsuhi folks, how to solve system is running in low-graphic mode?07:06
mikubuntuso IS THERE or ISN'T there an Android Emulator that works on ubuntu?07:07
TonisiusI thought they all worked...07:07
Tonisiusit's down to ADB..07:07
Tonisiusand the qemu emulation07:07
Tonisiusmikubuntu: any reason why it's not working for you?07:07
mikubuntuTonisius: i was about to say i can't find one -- i'll look at your link now, thx07:08
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy07:10
newzi!themes | FloodBot107:10
ubottuFloodBot1: please see above07:10
newzi!themes | FloodBot107:10
ysykhello everyone07:11
mikubuntuTonisius: um, so i can't find 'goldfish' on software center -- and the link you sent me doesn't show a download07:11
Tonisiusmikubuntu: it's not a download from them, or any place reallym, go to Google for their SDK07:11
Tonisiusit's all included07:12
TonisiusI just installed it on my win7 and ubuntu 11.0407:12
Tonisiusbut you're looking for specifics to just emulating android07:12
Tonisiusqemu can do it07:12
Tonisiusyou just need to emulate the arch, and you're set07:13
Tonisiusmikubuntu: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QEMU  more info on QEMU07:13
newzi!upstart | FloodBot207:13
ubottuFloodBot2: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/07:13
mikubuntuTonisius: k07:13
Tonisiususe the ARM options, and you're set.  Of course you need an image to start with, and there are plenty floating around, including an image of your phone to use07:13
newzi!themes | Tonisius07:14
ubottuTonisius: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy07:14
Calinoupoor newzi07:14
bazhangnewzi, stop that07:14
Tonisiusnewzi: thanks.... I guess07:14
newziCalinou: :(07:14
newziHaha ok soz guys07:14
Tonisiussomeone isn't seriously sorry07:15
newzi4chan trollin?07:15
Tonisiusit's like me saying "I am against MURDER, LOL" and saying I'm serious07:15
bazhang!ot | newzi07:15
ubottunewzi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:15
Tonisius!ot | newzi07:15
newzi!guidelines | Tonisius07:16
ubottuTonisius: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines07:16
mikubuntuTonisius: i had heard that android code was being merged directly into the linux kernel -- i guess thats what i was looking for, i think qemo is prolly over my head07:16
OnlyMAJhi . i use ubuntu 12.04. i install autokey-gtk and when i run it, it's icon doesn't appear in taskbar on top ????07:17
FloatingGoat_if i where to backup with deja duppe and restore on a new install07:17
FloatingGoat_would my gnote(tomboy alternative) notes be kept?07:17
OnlyMAJ i use ubuntu 12.04. i install autokey-gtk and when i run it, it's icon doesn't appear in taskbar on top ????07:18
OnlyMAJi use ubuntu 12.04 with unity 2. i install autokey-gtk and when i run it,it's icon doen't appear in try icon. but i can achieve to it's option with autokey-gtk -c . it's special checkbox on perference menu was checked already . anyone have soloution ????07:23
Tonisiusmikubuntu: what???07:24
Tonisiusmikubuntu: you don't make any sense... it's always got some android code in it... it's directly contributed to kernel.org07:24
FloatingGoat_I accidently put my window border icons on the right side07:25
FloatingGoat_how do i get them back07:25
mikubuntuTonisius: no, it was broken off and only recently is coming back into kernel -- that is my understanding07:25
gordonjcpFloatingGoat_: what, the minimise,maximise,close ones?07:26
FloatingGoat_idk how they got there07:26
gordonjcpFloatingGoat_: yeah, you actually have to try quite hard to do that ;-)07:26
FloatingGoat_gordonjcp: im serious it must be a bug or something07:26
gordonjcpFloatingGoat_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133311507:26
Tonisiusmikubuntu: you should be asking some of these questions in Linux, or kernel.07:26
FloatingGoat_im suspecting i clicked the wrong button in myunity but idk07:27
Tonisiusas those are specific07:27
Tonisiusubuntu people would most likely not know about this.07:27
Tonisiusbut regardless, since it's aboout kernel changes, Google is upfront and open sourced with all kernel changes.07:27
Tonisiuscheck the SDK, as it has all the kernel sources, and the kernel versions they are based on07:27
=== CAiRO is now known as Guest31198
=== Guest31198 is now known as CAiRO-
mikubuntuTonisius: no, i want to know when it's 'ubuntu-ready'07:28
=== willythewisp_ is now known as willythewisp
nnggerhey guys, it;s not about ubuntu, but maybe you know:  why    some extensions just dissapear form extensions.gnome.org? For example: Weather indicator,07:28
drcodewhere can I aslk about amd card?07:28
CAiRO-Whenever I do backups (e.g with faubackup) it kills the fs cache from the kernel and then in the morning (the backups run at night) it takes ages to start firefox or other programs in gnome07:28
CAiRO-How can I make backups not kill the fs cache for my gui applications?07:29
Tonisiusmikubuntu: oh!!! hmm, I'm assuming it comes down to versions that ubuntu will use. Check what verions have it at kernel.org, then you should ask "whatv ersions are in ubuntu"07:29
mikubuntuTonisius: k, thx07:30
sin_taxis there a 'safe' command to shut down a headless ubuntu server?07:32
llutz_sin_tax: sudo halt07:32
sin_taxthanks llutz07:33
adoniscikhow can I copy a bunch of files with spaces and quotes in them? I get "cannot stat" even when I surround them in quotes.07:49
adonisciki meant apostrophes not quotes in the first sentences07:50
adoniscikthe syntax I used was cp -t targetdir "long file 1" "long file 2"07:50
=== yudhi is now known as r14n
drcodeI need help with amd 7750 under kubuntu 12.04 , please07:52
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)07:56
auronandace!msgthebot | IboS07:56
ubottuIboS: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".07:56
FloatingGoatlets say i backed up about 200MB08:00
FloatingGoathow big would the deja dup file be?08:00
d13604f6cual es el tema del dia de today08:00
llutz_adoniscik: use single quotes08:00
akiscould you please advise me how (under gnome) can i make an application to run from terminal every time i click its icon? in xubuntu is simple choosin to run form terminal with a right click. but in gnome? is thee any option for this?08:06
Aaronakis, make a shell script,08:08
=== lub` is now known as lubmil
Aaronbut right click and create a launcher,08:08
=== kashida is now known as Kashida
KashidaHeythere, anyone able to answer some beginner questions?08:09
[deXter]Kashida, Don't ask to ask, just ask!08:10
=== ^GeCk0^ is now known as DjGeCk0
=== DjGeCk0 is now known as ^GeCk0^
KashidaSure!! I'm trying to install ubuntu 12.04 on my dell xps 15z, and having some issues. Attempting to check for updates fails, telling me that it can't download the repository information. The same thing happens when trying to install some packages through the software centre.08:12
=== troy_ is now known as Troy^
[deXter]Do you have an active internet connection?08:13
KashidaThat I do, I'm using the laptop now.08:13
KashidaSome people have had problems with it cutting out, but so far it seems stable, if a little slow.08:14
akisAaron: how can i do this? i am new on gnome.08:14
Aaronakis, right click, and create a launcher and then put the info there that easy08:14
[deXter]Kashida, So does it fail every single time or just some times?08:14
akisok, where do i have to right click to creat the launcher?08:15
KashidaIn the update manager, every single time. With the software centre it's only certain programs. Trying to install VLC doesn't work either.08:15
Aaronakis, on you're desktop,08:16
Aarondon't click on any icons, though08:16
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest73022
[deXter]Kashida, I think you could try selecting a different mirror08:18
[deXter]In the Ubuntu Software Center, go to Edit -> Software Sources in the menu. Under the Ubuntu Software tab there's a drop-down next to "Download from:" If you select "Other..." you'll get a button that says "Select Best Server"08:19
akisright click on desktop gives me only 'create new folder' & 'create new document'08:20
KashidaThat seems to have worked, thanks!!08:22
ScottHarrisonakis, what were you expecting?08:24
akisi am trying to make an application to run through terminal under gnome. althought in kubuntu/xubuntu is easy to do it, i dont know how to do it under gnome. could you please help me?08:25
ikoniaakis: what application ?08:26
ikoniaakis: why is it different in kubuntu/xubuntu, the terminal is the same08:26
akisyep. the same, but in xubuntu you can make a right click at application's icon and choose run from application iving a special comman every time to force it to open. how can i do the same under gnoem?08:27
ikoniaakis: what is the application you are trying to run ?08:27
ikoniaakis: not all applications will run in a terminal08:27
akisunetbootin. it runs under xubuntu without any problem pre-choosing the language08:28
KashidadeXter, I just tested it with VLC and everything seems to work. Might I also ask what the difference between the amd64 and i1386 installations of Ubuntu are? Is it just for either an Intel or an AMD CPU?08:29
ikoniaakis: unetbootin is a gui tool08:29
ScottHarrisonKashida, no, it's simply for 32bit or 64bit architecture.08:29
[deXter]Kashida, AMD64 just means it's 64bit, which is what you should go for, since most desktop CPUs today are 64 bit08:29
akisi want every time that unetbootin starts to execute this command: unetbootin lang=en. under xubuntu i make it work.08:30
ScottHarrisonKashida, so an Intel i7 processor would still use the amd64 installer08:30
ikoniaakis: is your native language not English in ubuntu ?08:30
akismy 2nd lang is greek and unetbootin opens in grek language. but as i am using english interface i want to see it also in english.08:31
NpcScottHarrison: yes08:31
ikoniaakis: is ubuntu set to english or greek as it's language08:32
ScottHarrisonNpc, lol, thanks but I was just explaining that to Kashida, not asking the question. ;)08:32
KashidaAh, thanks for that. I tried installing the 64bit build first, but never got past the screen asking if I'd like to boot from the usb or install to the harddrive. It always froze, so I tried the 32bit build. Any idea why? The laptop is running 64bit W7, so it should be able to handle it.08:33
[deXter]Kashida, the AMD64 platform is so called because AMD was the first to come out with real 64bit desktop CPUs.08:34
WizrdKashida, that is an issue with unetbootin08:34
=== Chase is now known as Scourking
WizrdI had the same problem with my i708:34
KashidaWizrd, what do I do about it?08:34
akisenglish: dialogues. greek: just to have the option to write. but it isnt that the point. i am running next to me xubuntu with the same configuration and i manage to make unetbootin start in english using the above command. how can i fdo the same in gnome. that's the point. how can i give permanenty this command to be ececuted every time unetbootin starts.08:34
WizrdI burnt the iso to a cd and started it from an external usb cd rom08:35
ikoniaakis: please answer the actual question. Is your ubuntu install's default language set to English or Greek08:35
ikoniaactually - don't bother, I've lost interest trying to actually get information out of you. Good luck.08:36
juan__Join #Ubuntu-es08:36
juan__# Join Ubuntu-es08:36
akisgreek is my 2nd lang to have the option to right in that lang. it is set also for time/date etc. everything else is in eng lang. so simple.08:36
ikoniajuan__: /join #ubuntu-es08:36
juan__Thank you ikonia08:37
WizrdKashida, there is also an issue that most usb sticks tend to use sector 1024 as a start instead of 0. By putting the iso on an external USB drive you might get lucy to install from that08:37
=== _dd_ is now known as _dd
Wizrdthats why I keep an old 8Gb HD as external drive08:38
rpgsimmasterHello all. I am having a bit of an issue, it's driving me nuts and I can't resolve it: I am attempting to use curl, but it's refusing to connect to hosts. It's saying "curl: (7) couldn't connect to host", but everything else I've used on the system seems to be fine.08:38
rpgsimmasterThe closest I've got is to it being related to IPv6 possibly - I tried 'curl www.google.com' and got "Failed to connect to 2404:6800:4006:801::1007: Network is unreachable"08:38
rpgsimmasterI've disabled IPv6 in sysctl.conf, but that didn't help. My network router is *not* IPv6 enabled.08:39
ikoniarpgsimmaster: please type "nslookup www.google.com"08:39
ikoniarpgsimmaster: what ip address do you get back ?08:39
rpgsimmasternslookup www.google.com08:39
rpgsimmasterwhoops, um08:39
FloodBot1rpgsimmaster: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:39
rpgsimmasterI tried a few google terms but, since I'm not actually sure where the issue is, I haven't had much success in finding any useful suggestions besides disabling IPv608:41
ikoniarpgsimmaster: please pastebin the output of nslookup www.google.co.uk08:41
ikoniarpgsimmaster: ok, so that's not responding to a ipv6 address08:42
ikoniarpgsimmaster: curl
rpgsimmasterThat works08:43
ikoniarpgsimmaster: ok, now "curl http://www.google.com"08:43
rpgsimmastercurl www.google.co.uk works fine, but curl http://www.google.com returns: curl: (7) couldn't connect to host08:45
rpgsimmasterhttp://pastebin.com/aQZDuNjS <-- just so we're clear what nslookup www.google.com returns08:45
ikoniarpgsimmaster: so only when you put http in front of it it fails08:46
rpgsimmasterAh. Apparently so08:47
rpgsimmasterEr, not quite, actually08:47
rpgsimmaster...apparently any domain starts working *after* I run nslookup against it08:48
ikoniarpgsimmaster: sounds like you may have some bad dns cachced08:48
rpgsimmasterSo it appears.08:48
lluocUmm, not sure if this is the right place but anyway. I live in Australia and I started a descktop ubuntu image download and it redirected me to a  mirror in the UK. Though this might be odd as the mirror was 'melbourne.co.uk'. If you don't know, Melbourne is also a city in Australia...08:49
sysnod1359hello. my ubuntu system filesystem is corrupted. i need to run fsck but I need to unmount my hdd before i can run fsck. could someone help me with it. whenever i run umount /dev/xvda1  umount: /: device is busy08:49
ikoniasysnod1359: run it from a livecd08:50
sysnod1359i am running it on a server08:50
sysnod1359a remote server08:50
ikoniasysnod1359: so ? run it from a livecd08:50
sysnod1359run it from a liveCD on a remote server?08:50
sysnod1359@ikonia...ok i'll try08:51
llutz_sysnod1359: "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo reboot"08:51
ikoniasysnod1359: yes, or ask one of the data center team to do it08:51
iliashi all. i am running dolhin under ubuntu/gnome. is there any way to change oxygen interface to make it more native to gnome?08:51
chovynzlluoc: so whats the issue?08:51
lluocThe mirror speed as ~180kbs...08:52
bekkslluoc: Then just choose another mirror.08:53
lluocI did. The issue was more that the site assignend me a rather odd mirror.08:53
chovynzlluoc: nonissue isn't it? the power is in your hands.08:54
bekkslluoc: You can also choose a mirror manually.08:54
lluocAnd with the host name I was wondering if there could possibly be some link between the host name and me being assigned it.08:54
ubottuclaymarzo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:54
lluoc@bekks: Already did08:54
bekkslluoc: Why did you choose the same slow mirror manually then? :)08:54
lenochka any idea what is the direct equivalent of x permission on a dir in windows?08:55
bekkslenochka: There is no direct equivalent, since Windows does not use POSIX permissions.08:56
lenochkabekks: OK, but something similar then?08:56
lluocbekks: I didn't. I was assigned the slow mirror when usiong the main download link at www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop08:56
bekkslenochka: No. Windows uses a totally different permission concept.08:57
lluocbekks: I chose a closer mirror after and maxed out my connection speed.08:57
lenochkabekks: ok....08:57
bekkslenochka: Whats the specific question causing you to ask?08:57
llutz_lenochka: "traverse directory/execute file"08:58
lenochkallutz_: no, doesnt work08:58
bekkslenochka: "doesnt work" is not a specific error message - what are you trying to do?08:58
lenochkabekks: well, the question is that I need to allow users to get to the folder but not list its contents08:58
lenochkabekks: doesnt work in the sense that it doesnt do what it is supposed to08:59
bekkslenochka: And how is that windows problem related to Ubuntu?08:59
rpgsimmasterAlas, I'm still having issues. I took away what you said, ikonia, but I'm still unable to fix the issue.  The DNS issue persists - I have tried the following: restarting networking; restarting dns-clean; adding Google's nameserver to all network connections in NetworkManager and enabling 'Require IPv4 addressing for this connection to complete' and, finally, restarting. Alas, to no avail. What do you recommend as my next step?08:59
lenochkabekks: well, not directly related...08:59
bekkslenochka: Then not directly supported in here :)09:00
lenochkabekks: just asking, thought someone would know09:00
vartotojashello guys. i need some help with some files location.. ive installed one game and now i cant find it where its installed09:00
vartotojascan anyone tell me where to look for it?09:01
arijitdo a find vartotojas09:01
bazhangvartotojas, installed how09:01
vartotojasbazhang: lineage2 with wine Oo09:01
vartotojasarijit:  how? Oo09:01
arijitvartotojas: do you know the game binary name ?09:02
vartotojasncsoft i think09:02
arijityou can do a find / -name "*ncsoft*" -print 2>dev/null09:03
arijitor something09:03
countleyif i use a gnome app on kde will it messup my operating system09:04
bazhangcountley, no09:04
vartotojasare there any other ways to look for it?09:04
vartotojasi mean, it should be installed somewhere09:04
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llutz_vartotojas: find .wine -iname '*lineage*'09:04
arijitcountley: you probably need the gnome libraries too09:05
arijitand you can end up with lots of gnome libraries on your KDE environmnet09:06
arijitto run a single gnome app09:06
bekksToday, space is cheap.09:06
arijitmore than space ,it makes your system messy09:07
bekksIt doesnt.09:07
bazhangarijit, thats not correct09:07
countleyis that bad arijt09:07
bekkscountley: No. Do not believe him.09:07
bazhangcountley, dont list to what he said09:07
bazhangerr listen09:07
arijitbazhang: the Linux philosphy was keep it simple always09:07
bazhangarijit, that is not related to this at all09:08
arijitbazhang: do you suggest a ton of gnome library installations to run a single gnope app on kde09:08
bazhangarijit, lets just move on09:08
arijitmaybe a similar app is available for KDE too09:08
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countleythe app is sound converter09:09
bazhangcountley, its fine, install it09:09
arijitcountley: you can search similar app for KDE09:09
llutz_countley: theres is "soundkonverter" for kde, dont know if that does your job09:09
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countleyok ill try that one cheers09:10
vartotojas_llutz:  hey man, i got this directory09:12
vartotojas_llutz: .wine/drive_c/Program Files/NCsoft/Lineage II/09:12
vartotojas_llutz: still dunno where to find those Program files :D09:13
til4kattempting to troubleshoot the fact I have to turn speakers to 0 in alsamixer and master up to hear out of my headphones, I ran the command in step 1 on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure09:13
fw190I'm just a step from filling a bug but thought to as here first09:13
til4kthe result was not only did it fix my problem, but ubuntu is about three times faster and 5x crisper09:13
til4kwhat did the command do, wise ones who understand this stuff09:13
llutz_vartotojas: i'd guess inside that dir, or do you mean location in the menu?09:13
fw190when I minimize writer in Unity it sometimes doesn't show u09:13
til4kive been running this install for 3 mos and it resolved like all my problems09:13
fw190and I have to start the file from the folder again09:14
vartotojas_inside the dir09:14
vartotojas_i need to open that folder and changee some files09:14
vartotojas_dunno where i can fine program files directory09:14
llutz_vartotojas:  ".wine/drive_c/Program Files/NCsoft/Lineage II/"  seems to be the dir youre looking for. open it in nautilus and look for the files to change09:15
vartotojas_im opening my computer, my partition and boom, theres no program files Oo09:15
vartotojas_and how do i open nautilus?09:16
llutz_vartotojas: ahem, isnt there a starter or something like that for "filemanager"? sry, i dont use gnome/unity09:17
Calinouvartotojas_: ctrl+alt+t nautilus09:17
bekks!list | unipol09:18
ubottuunipol: bekks: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:18
vartotojas_how do i open .wine/drive_c/Program Files/NCsoft/Lineage II/ this dir?09:18
sysnod1359i ran a  the command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo reboot " ----> any idea how long with the fsck take?09:18
bekkssysnod1359: minutes or hours.09:19
sysnod1359oh ok.09:19
IdleOnesysnod1359: depends on size of drive.09:19
bekkssysnod1359: How large is that filesystem?09:19
sysnod1359i suppose until the fsck is not over, i wont be able to ssh in?09:19
llutz_sysnod1359: what filesystem and what size for /?09:19
llutz_that shouldnt take too long09:19
SwedeMikefew minutes max.09:20
sysnod1359oh ok. because i cant ssh anymore into the system09:20
sysnod1359i might have to restart from the console09:20
IdleOnesysnod1359: wait for the fsck to finish09:20
llutz_sysnod1359: fsck pauses the boot-process, so sshd wonÄt be started until fsck finishes09:21
sysnod1359ok. thanks. noted09:21
llutz_grr, anyone have a new '-key for me :(09:22
GorlistHi, im running a ubuntu 12.04 server, having problems with Postfix - however nothing can be sent SMTP09:22
Gorlistit works fine on reciving etc09:23
llutz_Gorlist: check logs why mails aren't sent09:23
Gorlistthis is the problem, nothing is appear in the logs09:23
Gorlistit seems as if a "port" is blocked, however Qmail works fine09:23
bekksGorlist: Then a port cant be blocked, since qmail uses the same port.09:24
RudeboyIs anyone using a Dell XPS15 here?09:24
bekksThen run postfix with a higher debug / log level.09:24
bekksRudeboy: Why?09:25
llutz_Gorlist: increase debugverbosity and check logs again09:25
llutz_Gorlist: there's #postfix too, maybe they could help09:26
Gorlistthanks, looking now09:26
RudeboyI have a graphics question, Bumblebee specifically. THis is my scenario: last time I ran Updates via the Update Manager, I lost all visual effects and my graphics weren't smooth anymore. Then I tried to install BUmbleBee, ended up having a tiny column of screen space and had to eventually re-install Ubuntu. Trying to figure out what to do now, cause I want to install Updates, but dn't want to lose my full graphics09:26
vartotojasi cant program files directory -.-09:27
RudeboyDoes that make sense?09:27
vartotojasi cant fine program files directory -.- **09:28
vartotojasi cant find program files directory -.- **09:28
vartotojasdamn it09:28
bekksvartotojas: cd ~/.wine09:28
bekksThere you go... in a terminal :)09:28
blackshirtvartotojas, what you mean? This is not windows09:28
bekksOr press ctrl+h to enable the display of hiden folders.09:28
bonnohello ..i am having some trouble with my pc.. the last week has crashed 3 times (2 of them was during the night when i leave it running sometimes)  i am getting a screen where mouse and kayboard dont work...what might be the problem?09:29
vartotojasbekks: it does not open the directory09:29
bekksvartotojas: And what happens instead?09:30
blackshirtbonno, is screensaver cauaed them?09:30
daddybonno : did you check the batteries?09:30
vartotojasbekks: vartotojas@vartotojas-Aspire-5738:~$ cd ~/.wine09:30
bonnoi have disable screensaver..i just close manually the screen09:30
bonnono batteries..09:30
bonnoits a tower-pc09:30
blackshirtbonno, some power management?09:31
bekksvartotojas: Works as expected. You changed the directory to ~/.wine09:31
bonnopower is fine..i have UPS controlling the power09:31
vartotojasand how do i have to open that dir?09:31
vartotojasi need to modify some files09:32
vartotojasi mean, i installed lineage2 and now i need to change some files on its system folder09:32
bekksvartotojas: You dont need to open the directory in nautilus to edit files.09:32
llutz_vartotojas:  nautilus "~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/NCsoft/Lineage II/"09:32
bonnomy pc crashes..files is a minor problem :P :P lol09:32
bekksOr even that.09:32
fathimaI installed ububtu 11.10. But no internet connection through Ethernet ant wifi09:33
bonnoany ideas?09:34
fathimawhy toshiba satelite c850-p5010 not workig wifi and ethernet in ububtu????09:35
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bonnodrivers not installed maybe fathima09:36
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solsTiCehi. So i Just instlled ubuntu 12.04.01 on my netboook. And i am a pleased custmer ;-) expect it bugs me with with a partial upgrade needed and when I said ok it failed it eems to froze :-(09:37
eliteprodigytrying to install ubuntu 12.4 LTS 64 bit on an HP Pavilion with 8Gb DDR3 RAM, AMD Athalon II 650 3.2Ghz but the screen keeps "Sleeping" during install but will not wake.09:38
eliteprodigyI set the screen sleep timer to never during install through system settings on the live disc.09:39
solsTiCeok. I missed a dialog and clicked ok. hoping for the good now09:39
ILikeMooseanyone have an idea on this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205808509:39
enyceliteprodigy: im not gfamilair with that issue.  maybe you could get the text/alternate  intall ?09:40
solsTiCeargh no good. trying yo install vlc with softare center gives "package operation failed." oh my09:40
thenewsguysolsTiCe: did you apt-get?09:40
eliteprodigyenyc the problem continues into running the system, enyc09:41
enyceliteprodigy: hrrm  i wonder if it is powermgmt related09:42
solsTiCeat one time I run a apt-get install -f because it aks me to do so. and then a dpkg configure -a to finish install a drm driver for cedar trail. but seems to fial.09:42
eliteprodigyI'm dual-loading ubuntu/win7 no probs in 709:42
solsTiCethenewsguy: ^09:42
eliteprodigyI have a similar issue with Fedora.09:42
enyceliteprodigy: bios-upgrade, i have found to fix some weird things like that ... it could be anything =(09:42
sunil__hello ,i have recently installed software called fsl but cound not start it .....please see this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1222125/09:43
eliteprodigyFedora installs fine (since it doesn't last long enough to black the screen) but when it sleeps the screen won't come on.09:43
enyceliteprodigy: nodsnods09:43
eliteprodigyHowever, when I manually suspend, it comes right back.09:43
eliteprodigyhow does one go about updating a bios?09:43
enyceliteprodigy: my instinct would be to try updated bios, if available,  out of interest.  i've had ACPI related nonsense before...09:44
bonnoany ideas why my computer crashes/freezes ?09:44
eliteprodigyThis machine is fairly new <1yr, and I've never done that.09:44
enyceliteprodigy: but it could equally be nothing to do with that =)09:44
enyceliteprodigy: usually HP etc. will give you a tool that does it09:44
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enyceliteprodigy: sometimes via bootdisk, sometimes via windows binary, etc.09:44
enyceliteprodigy: traditionally it was done with dos boot disk but many manufacturers have moved to mini iso images etc09:44
sunil__anyone please help me09:45
sunil__hello ,i have recently installed software called fsl but cound not start it .....please see this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1222125/09:45
enyceliteprodigy: it can be graphics card related and allsorts i dont have a specific answer =)09:45
eliteprodigyI'm assuming it's somewhere is system restore or windows or something because I didn't get any discs, all hidden drive images.09:45
enyceliteprodigy: lok on hp's support site for your model09:45
almoxarifeeliteprodigy: is yours a intel system?09:45
enycit could be graphics realted... depending how these things work...09:46
humboltI am wondering how GlusterFS behaves, if I have 3 HDDs each in three nodes and I set replication count to 3. Will I end up with all 3 replica on disks/bricks of just one node?09:47
enycit could be acpi tables in bios bug.. i've had that before too =)09:47
ILikeMoosecan someone help me with this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205808509:49
thenewsguyenyc, Update your BIOS09:49
thenewsguyILikeMoose, have you installed drivers for the nvidia card?09:50
ILikeMoosethenewsguy, yes09:50
bonnomoose :P09:51
GorlistSep 23 10:48:57 postfix/smtpd[3684]: warning: connect to Milter service inet:localhost:12768: Connection refused09:51
Gorlistthats I believe is the cause09:51
Gorlisttelnet works fine on 12768 however09:51
thenewsguyILikeMoose, have you verified the checksum of the ubuntu ISO you downloaded?09:51
thenewsguyILikeMoose, if it was working, then you installed...09:52
ILikeMoosethenewsguy, yes09:52
fathima@bono  How install drivers in ububtu for Toshiba satelite???09:52
llutz_Gorlist: check your configs (main.cf, master.cf)09:52
Gorlistllutz_: any suggestion on which area, ive already gone through them09:53
thenewsguyILikeMoose, have you updated your GPU firmware?09:53
bonnoi have no idea.. i would try Ubuntu Software Center09:53
ILikeMoosethenewsguy, i had it installed on an external hd and it was working, when i replaced that with an internal and reinstalled it dropped the resolution, same disc09:53
mahdyhi friends09:53
fathimano internet on toshiba satelite with ubuntu 11.1009:53
thenewsguyILikeMoose, try install it from a USB09:53
fathimaya bonno09:53
ILikeMoosethenewsguy, no i haven't updated any firmware other than my bios09:53
thenewsguyILikeMoose, the CD might be faulty09:53
ILikeMoosethenewsguy, doesn't work on this pc09:54
thenewsguyILikeMoose, you have no usb ports?09:54
ILikeMoosei've checked the cd, it's fine09:54
thenewsguyhold on09:54
ILikeMoosethenewsguy, it doesn't like booting from my usb stick09:54
mahdyi recreate initrd.lz and change plymoth theme in lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth but default theme still appears in live mode , why ? any idea ?09:54
thenewsguyILikeMoose, try this: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:56
thenewsguyILikeMoose, and edit "Section "Screen"09:56
thenewsguy     Identifier "Default Screen"09:56
thenewsguy     Monitor    "Configured Monitor"09:56
thenewsguy     Device     "Configured Video Device"09:56
thenewsguy     Subsection "Display"09:56
thenewsguy         Modes      "1280x800"09:56
FloodBot1thenewsguy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:56
fathimacant connect to interet09:56
ILikeMoosethenewsguy, post it to my ubuntuforums post pleasee :)09:57
greencathi all09:57
llutz_Gorlist: "grep milters /etc/postfix/main.cf"09:58
bonnoany ideas why my screens freezes?09:59
thenewsguyILikeMoose, Here http://paste.ubuntu.com/1222149/10:00
thenewsguyILikeMoose, I cant register for some reason10:00
ILikeMoosethenewsguy, ok10:00
thenewsguyI'm out all! Laters10:00
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akishi. i would like to run an application every time i click on it from terminal executing a special commad. is that possible under gnome?10:01
mahdyakis: yeah , everything is possible in gnome10:05
akissure it is possible but how?10:06
akaWolfhello! why i can not see in iwconfig wlan0?10:06
akaWolfbut ath5k kernel module in use10:07
akaWolfhelp me, please :)10:07
bekksakaWolf: ifconfig -a shows you all available interfaces.10:07
akisin xubuntu i do a right click on the icon of the application in main menu and i am choosing to run it from terminal giving the command i want to execute. but in gnome there is no right click for the icon's application10:07
akaWolfbekks: eth0, lo, vboxnet010:08
bekksakaWolf: So there is no interface for your wifi at all. Check dmesg next.10:09
bonnoakis you can use alt+f2  instead of terminal10:09
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akaWolfbekks: what should i find?10:12
bekksakaWolf: Some hint on what happened after loading the ath5k module.10:13
akaWolfbekks: keywords? :)10:14
bekksakaWolf: "ath5k" or similar.10:15
akaWolfbekks: "ath5k" not found...10:15
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bekksakaWolf: Then search for similar entries...10:16
samaraa hug from arabia10:17
bekksakaWolf: Can you pastebin the entire output of dmesg please?10:17
bekks!paste | akaWolf10:17
ubottuakaWolf: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:17
akaWolfbekks: one moment =)10:17
silverarrowcan someone clarify the situation with adobe flash for ubuntu? will there continue be one?10:19
akaWolfbekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1222179/10:21
samaramy husband will lear linux someday10:21
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samaraI am not kidding10:22
k3t3ryou married to bill gates10:22
samarathe brazilian bill gates10:22
silverarrowor not it seems10:22
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N03LHey guys, I think it's about time I updated my Ubuntu 11.10 OS10:25
bonnoi am thinking the same thing10:25
N03LPeople have been recommending that I update to the lates Ubuntu, but have also been suggesting that I switch to Debian10:25
fdgewhat makes you think that?10:25
arijitwhich HP laptop models work great on linux or in Ubuntu ?10:26
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N03LWhich one is better?10:26
dr_willissilly irc client crashing....10:27
akaWolfbekks: i can not find...10:27
fdgewhen it comes to linux, better is "which one are you familier with?"10:27
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N03LAt the moment, I've only ever used one Linux based OS, which is Ubuntu (11.10)10:28
N03LI'm leaning to towards updating to the latest Ubuntu, however, I don't know how to go about doing that.10:29
obounaimN03l: switch to 12.04 LTS10:29
dr_willis12.10 will be a nice jump when it gets here10:29
N03LBecause at the moment, I'm dual booting windows 7 and ubuntu10:29
fdgeN03L, "do-update-release"10:29
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade10:29
readeN03L: Debian is similar in a lot of ways, but it generally requires a little more work. On the upside, that means you learn a bit more about how things work.10:30
dr_willisi tend to do clean installs. i test a lot of stuff.10:30
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obounaimYes Debian is very good distribution10:30
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N03LI'm also afraid that the upgrade will mess up my settings and stuff.10:32
dr_williswhat settings10:32
N03LEver since I first installed ubuntu 11.10, I never allowed any updates, because some update didn't allow me to dual monitor10:32
N03LIt did, but only as a mirror, not as an extended monitor.10:33
akaWolfbekks: hm?10:33
N03LSo I reinstalled and just left it as it was.10:33
dr_willisN03L:  sounds like a 'windows' mindset thinking to me10:33
dr_willisN03L:  whats your video chipset?10:34
akisany idea why tv zapping gives that it cannot open /dev/video0 although my usb tv card is recognized from ubuntu and vlc detected it at this port?10:34
Calinoudr_willis: yay, with ads :p10:35
Calinouand more slowness10:35
akaWolfwhy i can not see on my laptop in iwconfig wlan0? but ath5k kernel module in use...10:35
dr_willisnever heard of 'tv zapping'10:35
dr_willisakaWolf:  it may be some other name, what does ifconfig  show?10:36
akaWolfdr_willis: nothing to wireless10:36
dr_willisor was it ipconfig10:36
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dr_willisive had wireless  cards show up as eth1 and so forth10:37
N03Ldr_willis: I think it may be because I installed it in Windows.10:37
akaWolfdr_willis: ifconfig -a: eth0, lo, vboxnet010:37
dr_willisN03L:  you did a wubi install 'insidee' windows? ewwww10:38
N03LAs in I didn't go through the manuak process of creating a partition etc. I chose the Install in Windows option10:38
N03LIs that bad?10:38
dr_willisakaWolf:  id check dmesg, see if it mentions the card.10:38
Calinouyeah; wubi causes people to "eww"10:38
Calinouwith no apparent reason10:38
dr_williswubi is ok to play with.  but not a long term solution10:38
akaWolfdr_willis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1222179/10:38
dr_williswubi exploding on updates, upgrades, and other genral failures = ewww10:39
N03LOh ok. So if I were to upgrade to the latest Ubunut, it's best if I didn't Wubi it?10:39
N03LWould that mean I'd have to backup all my files etc.?10:39
dr_willisi would NOT upgrade a wubi install10:39
N03LStart from scratch.10:39
dr_willisyou should allready keep backups10:39
blackshirti think wubi was for people from windows to try linux on their windows10:39
solsTiCeso I forgot to check "install mp3 support" during install and totem redfuse to play an aviµ. What do I need to install for it to ork ?10:39
dr_willissolsTiCe:  depends on the codec of the avi. install 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' for a start10:40
akaWolfdr_willis: are you can see on log? :)10:40
blackshirtsolstice, install ubuntu-restricted-extras10:40
akaWolfor to*10:40
dr_willisakaWolf:  im on my phone so web surfing is slooooow..10:41
N03LOkay. SO to make the switch, I would have to uninstal my current Ubunut via Windows (wubi) and then just install the latest Ubuntu?10:41
akaWolfdr_willis: sorrow...10:41
akaWolfdr_willis: what are keywords for find in log?10:41
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bekksakaWolf: Can you provide the output of "lsmod|sort" too, please?10:43
dr_willisakaWolf:  this is a real machine, not a ubuntu install IN a vbox vm10:43
akaWolfdr_willis: real10:43
akaWolfbekks: ok10:43
bekksakaWolf: And please provide the output of "lsb_release -a" too.10:44
dr_willishad a guy last week trying to acces his wifi card direcltly from inside a vm. ;)10:44
akaWolfbekks: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/20759199/loglsmod.txt10:46
akaWolfbekks: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/20759199/loglsbrelease.txt10:46
akaWolfdr_willis: fire guys =)10:46
bekksakaWolf: There is no ath5k loaded at all.10:47
bekksakaWolf: Fixed. Next. :)10:47
akaWolfbekks: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/20759199/loglspci.txt -- here ath5k10:47
bekksakaWolf: But there is no ath5k module loaded as you stated.10:48
bekksakaWolf: Please provide the output of "lsb_release -a" too.10:48
akaWolfbekks: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/20759199/loglsbrelease.txt10:49
bekksakaWolf: Ubuntu 9.10 isnt supported here for a long time now. Please upgrade to a supported release.10:49
akaWolfbekks: thanks :)10:50
dr_willisbeen a lot of improvemrnts in wifi since 9.1010:51
L30n0vhi all10:52
L30n0vquick question about TOR10:52
akaWolfbekks: after last update, it has broken sound and a few other things... =)10:52
bekksakaWolf: Still, 9.10 isnt supported anymore.10:53
L30n0vwhen i weak my laptop from sleep i cannot connect to any of th TOR networks10:53
L30n0vand cannot restart it because it gives me some bs about starting10:54
bekksL30n0v: "bs"?10:54
L30n0vyeah, "bulls***"10:54
bekksL30n0v: Well, without specific error messages, we cant help you.10:55
L30n0vto be exact this is the message "Faild to parse/validate config: Faild to bind one of the listener ports"10:56
layke__If I drop a bash script in /etc/cron.daily/ do I still need to add the cron? Or is everything automatically executed daily?10:57
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blackshirthello marcellus10:57
L30n0v@bekks: also have warning message about /var/tor not owned by my user10:57
MarcellusI'm having r=trouble playing the Indie game SPAZ10:57
blackshirtmarcellus, is that a windows game?10:58
MarcellusLinux, Mac and WIndows10:58
MarcellusPart of the Humble Indie Bundle10:58
blackshirtmarcellus, have you installed it correctly on linux?10:58
MarcellusI read about it in the Ubuntu site10:59
MarcellusI think I have10:59
MarcellusI dragged the .bin into Terminal and that created a folder named 'SPAZ'10:59
WarOfTheNerdMarcellus, why use the binary?11:00
MarcellusWhen I try to run the game I get the error:11:00
WarOfTheNerduse the package instead! :)11:00
MarcellusI'm a linux noob :/11:00
N03LI am too11:01
MarcellusThat's the package I got when I bought it11:01
L30n0v@bekks also this in log: "[Warning] Before Tor can create a control socket in "/var/run/tor/control", the directory "/var/run/tor" needs to exist, and to be accessible only by the user account that is running Tor.  (On some Unix systems, anybody who can list a socket can conect to it, so Tor is being careful.)"11:01
WarOfTheNerdMarcellus, on the Humble Indie Bundle page use the Ubuntu Software Centre button11:01
N03LGoing to upgrade now. Hope it's worth it.11:01
L30n0v@bekks and there is that dir11:01
Marcellusoh, didn't see that, thanks!11:02
L30n0v@bekks and i gave permission for my user during tor installation11:02
WarOfTheNerdMarcellus, it's the first thing you should use on newer bundles; though some packages are still broken11:03
WarOfTheNerdMarcellus, like Bit.Trip Beat is still broken for me from the Android bundle11:03
afidegnumhello good morning all, pls anyone ever tried connecting a 3G modem to Ubuntu b4? I am having problem here.11:03
afidegnumI am using Huawei e30311:04
solsTiCeFirst time I instllaed, it suggested to install cedar trail drm driver. not this time ? I did not even know what cedar trail is ? some related to intel cpu.11:04
WarOfTheNerdafidegnum, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=200827511:04
WarOfTheNerdafidegnum, have you tried this; it's the top google result for Huawei e303 on Ubuntu11:04
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afidegnumWarOfTheNerd: I tried it already and it didn't work11:06
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WarOfTheNerdafidegnum, which Ubuntu version are you on by the way?11:07
afidegnumWarOfTheNerd: I am using ubuntu 12.0411:08
adeI have just had apport run and then fail to upload the bug (Bad Gateway), does anyone know if there is a way to find previous errors found by the system so I can resend the bug??11:09
WarOfTheNerdafidegnum, http://sgolubtsova.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/installing-huawei-hilink-3g-modem.html11:09
solsTiCewhat's the "best" way to install dropbox ? with software center or with deb from dropbox site ?11:09
WarOfTheNerdafidegnum, those are the manual install steps for if Ubuntu can't do it automatically; it applies to ArchLinux but works mostly for Ubuntu too11:10
afidegnumWarOfTheNerd: thanks let me try11:10
Stanley00solsTiCe: I prefer installing via Ubuntu Software Center11:11
WarOfTheNerdsolsTiCe, Ubuntu Software Centre integrates updates/patches for you11:11
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WarOfTheNerdsolsTiCe, it also helps guarantee support across releases11:12
WarOfTheNerdsolsTiCe, (because, what it does, is it adds a repo for updates when you install 3rd party apps)11:12
PriyansHello, wanted to know why cant I have TinyOS and Arduino Linux IDE installed together on Ubuntu ?11:12
SurioHello room, Installed Ubuntu 12.04 desktop using VMWare player 5.011:12
SurioNow I am facing a problem with this11:12
WarOfTheNerdSurio, what is the problem? :)11:13
SurioThanks @Warofthenerd11:14
layke__This is fine right? * * * * * root cd /home/ubuntu/ && ./check_mount  >> /var/log/syslog11:14
SurioThe screen resolution flickers during login, and then I am left with wallpaper11:14
layke__For a crontab11:14
Suriobut neither the icons nor the top menu is shown11:14
WarOfTheNerdSurio, choose Unity 2D from the list on the login screen11:14
akaWolfbekks: sudo apg-get dist-upgrade?11:15
WarOfTheNerdSurio, you see next to the username there's like a mini Ubuntu logo?   Click it and see if you can pick Unity 2D11:15
SurioWhere exactly do I try it?11:15
SurioAhh. OK. Let me try it now. I am starting up11:15
WarOfTheNerdSurio, the reason it's not working so well is because until VMWare Tools is installed; 3D graphics does not work.  Unity needs 3D graphics by default on 12.04, once you've chosen Unity 2D it should work :)11:16
SurioWhao! Whoa! etc...11:17
Surio:-) Well whaddya know. It's that simple?11:17
SurioThanks. I can see the icons and the top menu now11:17
SurioBut, but, I now have another question11:18
WarOfTheNerdSurio, Ubuntu 12.10 will be out soon; that will fix that issue by using the processor to make 3D if the graphics drivers do not support 3D11:18
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Surio@WarofTheNerd, thanks once again11:18
WarOfTheNerdSurio, what is the question? :)11:18
WarOfTheNerd(and, you're welcome ^_^)11:19
SurioYou said >> because until VMWare Tools is installed11:19
SurioBut, I did install it.11:19
WarOfTheNerdSurio, maybe the VMWare Tools drivers are broken at the moment.  They seem to be broken on Windows 811:19
SurioDuring the install, I allowed the VMWare player11:19
Surioto download the Tools for Linux 9.2.011:20
SurioOh, so that's what you reckon?11:20
WarOfTheNerdClick on Virtual Machine at the top11:20
WarOfTheNerddoes it have 'Install VMWare Tools' as an option?11:20
WarOfTheNerdor does it say 'Reinstall VMWare Tools' ?11:21
MonkeyDustSurio  I havent followed, why don't you try virtualbo11:21
WarOfTheNerdMonkeyDust, because VMWare is better for all intents and purposes?11:21
SurioFunny you mentioned that, because, it did say "reinstall VMWare tools",11:21
Surioand I looked at it before logging in here, and followed instructions11:22
MonkeyDust"better"? ok, not starting discussion11:22
mevvisI play games on vbox-xp, FX410011:22
PriyansHello, wanted to know why cant I have TinyOS and Arduino Linux IDE installed together on Ubuntu ?11:22
Suriofrom "http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/11287/how-to-run-ubuntu-in-windows-7-with-vmware-player/"11:22
WarOfTheNerdMonkeyDust, VirtualBox makes the kernel unsupportable by tainting it11:22
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WarOfTheNerdMonkeyDust, VMWare does not, upstream kernel developers will still support you11:22
Surio@MonkeyDust, one other reason is that I am used to VMWare, and having used it for running Knoppix LiveCD, it was my default/fallback11:23
WarOfTheNerdMonkeyDust, advocating use of software that is so bad Linux kernel developers will not support it and Microsoft will ignore bug reports for when it's installed..... tells you a lot11:24
WarOfTheNerdMonkeyDust, check this out:  https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/1074211:25
Surio_Sorry guys, we had a poweroutage here. I may have missed some of the earlier chat @Warofthenerd, did you reply to me?11:26
MonkeyDustWarOfTheNerd  the end goal of life: to be ignored by Microsoft11:26
WarOfTheNerdSurio, 1 sec lemme check11:26
killer_how can i make pcmanfm my default file manager as nauttilus is acting too slow11:26
WarOfTheNerdSurio_, that is one old tutorial >_>11:27
WarOfTheNerdSurio_, if you want Unity to work; try 'sudo apt-get install gnome-panel'11:27
WarOfTheNerdby Unity I mean VMWare Unity11:28
WarOfTheNerd(damned choice of names.... )11:28
WarOfTheNerdSurio_, because VMWare Unity, the thing that lets you have a small menu inside Windows for running just the apps uses GNOME if I remember rightly =]11:29
skraitohi guys this my music and album http://0x71.org/Music for your ubuntu11:29
skraitois free11:29
jribskraito: this channel is only for ubuntu support, please don't do that again11:29
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akishow can i disable in gnome the option to not open a programm when i insert a usb device (flash disk) or cd/dvd in my pc?11:30
akisi mean how can i disable usb/cd/dvd auto play?11:32
SurioSorry folks.... power outage again... hopefully that's the end11:34
Surio@Monkeydust, like I said, it was a default option for me, unlike @Warofthenerd, I am not so keenly aware of the nitty-gritty.11:34
AristideHi !11:34
Surio@Warofthenerd, did you give me any replies since our last discussion?11:34
SurioHi Aristide11:35
WarOfTheNerdSurio, none since last outage11:35
WarOfTheNerdSurio_, VMWare Unity, the thing that lets you have a small menu inside Windows for running just the apps uses GNOME if I remember rightly =]11:35
WarOfTheNerdSurio_, if you want VMWare Unity to work; try 'sudo apt-get install gnome-panel'11:35
WarOfTheNerderr and pick GNOME from the list on log in screen11:36
vartotojas_hey again. any advice how to install new java on my ubuntu?11:36
SurioOK, so, although VMWare was my fallback due to familiarity, you gave me some pointers on its advantages over virtualbox. Thanks for that11:36
jrib!java | vartotojas_11:38
ubottuvartotojas_: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.11:38
akisi found it. dconf-editor -> org -> gnome -> desktop -> media-handling -> uncheck automount_open11:38
SurioAgain, what was the tip for GNOME for? to have a better UI experience? Because, I seem to have no issues navigating my way around UNITY at present11:38
ubottualessio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:39
PriyansHello, wanted to know why am I facing problems to have TinyOS and Arduino Linux IDE installed together on Ubuntu ?11:40
Surio@Warofthenerd, we were discussing if the Menu reads "Install" or "Reinstall" VMWare tools for Linux11:41
SurioAnd for me it says "Reinstall".11:41
WarOfTheNerdSurio, if it says Reinstall, it's all good :)11:41
WarOfTheNerdSurio, it just means that VMWare Tools has broken 3D graphics at the moment11:41
SurioAlso, following the http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/11287/how-to-run-ubuntu-in-windows-7-with-vmware-player/ I reinstalled again11:42
WarOfTheNerdSurio, which to be honest, I've found VMWare Player 5 is broken11:42
Surio>> it just means that VMWare Tools has broken 3D graphics I got it now!11:42
SurioI got it now, thanks!11:42
SurioAww, sugar. I was on VMWare 4 till today. I updated to ver.5 just this afternoon11:43
WarOfTheNerdSurio, 4 was awesome, but I've had weirdness with 511:43
spud__Hello.... I had a /opt partition (on the same this where all the other partitions are) but when I try to mount it, it say it does not exist...11:43
WarOfTheNerdlike paths that do exist being claimed to not exist11:43
WarOfTheNerdwhich broke shared folders for me :(11:43
spud__SMART status says the disk is healthy11:44
Surio@WOTN, Under the circumstances, Do you think it would be better to revert to release 4 agian?11:44
Surioagain -typo-11:44
WarOfTheNerdSurio, yeah, and try reinstalling Ubuntu from scratch with it11:44
Surio>> Surio, 4 was awesome11:44
WarOfTheNerdSurio, see if it works any better11:44
SurioYea, I agree! :-)11:44
SurioNooooooooooo... there goes the rest of the evening! ;-)11:45
Surio@WOTN, OK, I will probably try it again, tonight11:45
SurioAnd just to reconfirm, removing the Virtual machine on 5 is just as simple as in 4, right? Right-click and select "remove VM from disk"?11:46
WarOfTheNerdSurio, yeah the interface is the same11:46
Surio@WOTN, re: the Unity thingy, do you think that is still needed even if I switch to VMplayer 4?11:50
cagfaissnick cag11:52
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Surio@WOTN, re: the Unity thingy, do you think that is still needed even if I switch to VMplayer 4?11:57
nokiahi. Can someone confirm if chmod744 is correct for  creating folders/files = root read,write,execute and everyone else read only11:59
jribnokia: no.  You want 75512:00
jribnokia: 755 for directories and 644 for non-executable files12:01
jrib!permissions > nokia12:02
ubottunokia, please see my private message12:02
auronandaceblackshirt: it means be right back12:05
blackshirtoh.. I don't know12:05
auronandacenow you do12:06
blackshirtthank you auronandace12:06
akiscould any advise me how can i make start an application from terminal clicking its button? under gnome.12:06
BenxyzzyWhat options do I need to mount a volume on the command line so any user can access it? Right now the mountpoint and all contents of the mount are appearing with owner/group of me, and 700 permissions. I want something like 77712:07
nokiajrib I was setting permissions just for samba and forgot about the linux file system permissions12:08
Benxyzzyakis: You mean you want a button in gnome that fires a terminal command?12:08
jribBenxyzzy: what filesystem?12:08
Benxyzzyjrib: vfat - but it's complicated by the fact it's a Truecrypt volume. Truecrypt decrypts the volume and then uses mount to actually mount it. I can pass options to mount through truecrypt on the command line though12:10
EweRhow to get back to terminal when i launched a process, and know whatever i write doesnt pharse and when I push arrow keys it adds "^[[A" to the line of text12:10
jribBenxyzzy: well if you really want everyone to be able to read and write everything then just give 777 I guess12:10
casper_hi, how can I add a particular command to sudoers list. eg, no one without root privileges can do "who", it should be "sudo who"?12:10
jribEweR: you want to terminate the process?12:11
Benxyzzyjrib: Give 777 to which mount option?12:11
jrib!vfat > Benxyzzy12:11
ubottuBenxyzzy, please see my private message12:11
bekkscasper_: Wrong. :)12:11
jribBenxyzzy: there are several *mask options you can use (think of masks as "subtracting" permissions)12:11
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EweRjrib: no, i want to be able to write commands to terminal and execute them12:12
bekkscasper_: sudo does not inhibit to run a specific application as user. sudo runs that application with root privileges. Which is a big difference.12:12
jribEweR: open a terminal, then you can write commands and execute them12:12
EweRjrib: but when i executed this one command i cant do anything anymore, whatever i write and press enter it just adds the line of text but doesnt do anything else12:13
EweRits happening all in terminal12:13
jribEweR: press ctrl-c12:13
EweRjrib: thanks12:13
casper__Wrong? Sorry, I had a connection problem. Could you please answer again, or is there any log?12:15
jribMARCELLUS: ok, we can stop with the caps now, please12:17
MARCELLUSfixed it, sorry about that.12:18
MARCELLUSi logged into ubuntu and the vars on the left anthe top are gone12:18
dr_willisuse the console. check permissions on .Xauthority  MARCELLUS12:19
MARCELLUShocant log  intoo console,, says my login is incorrect, im using my default name and pass12:20
dr_willisalso you may want to add a new user for testing. see if they have the same issue12:20
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akisBenxyzzy: i mean i want to run an application through terminal but just clicking on the application's icon, like it is possible in xubuntu with a right click on the application's icon and choosing 'run form a terminal'12:22
MARCELLUSi webt into guest session, it hss same problem12:23
MARCELLUShow to fix?12:23
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dr_willistry reinstalling the proper video drivers from the recovery mode. perhaps MARCELLUS12:24
mechteamhey all12:27
Benxyzzyakis: Hm, I would create a new launcher (shortcut) and add the command there: http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/GNOME.html#LAUNCHER12:27
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akismy right click on desktop doesn't give me the option to create a launcer12:29
foobArrrrmy usb dvb-s2 device (TechniSat Digital GmbH DVB-PC TV Star HD) stopped working and I don't know why. worked fine last week. /dev/dvb/adapter0/ exists, /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0 doesn't. I pastebined the relevant parts of lsusb, dmesg, lsmod and the error messages of scan-s2 and vlc: http://sprunge.us/faII12:29
killer_how do i add compiz as default compositing manager in lubuntu12:29
supercemanhi all12:30
dr_williskiller_: you are using lxde?12:30
supercemanhi all12:30
coder__anyone here12:30
killer_dr_willis :  yea ..i installed lxde in my ubuntu 12.0412:31
supercemani am using uity in ubuntu 10.04 LTS12:31
dr_willisseveral hundred here12:31
coder__i'm trouble with linuxmint12:31
coder__someone help me12:31
akisis there any option to give the command somewhere else?12:31
auronandace!mint | coder__12:31
ubottucoder__: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org12:31
KircleI want to install the KDE desktop but I don't want all the applications that come with it. Can I just get the desktop with the bare minimum of bundled applications?12:31
compdoccoder__, whats the problem? Thats usually the best place to start12:32
dr_williskiller_:  you use compiz az the window manager. not sure why you would use lxde if you want the eyecandy of compiz12:32
b43156I have some preformance problems with my samba. When I am transfering from/to it I get 700kb/S .. I am in a Gbit local network. Any idea? Some configurations? Have asked google but it did not know :/12:32
dr_willisb43156:  the smb.conf file had some tweaks mentioned in its comments i recall12:33
compdocb43156, it should be a lot faster, but are you sharing a USB drive or soemthing?12:34
b43156compdoc, I have a debian machine which is the samba server.. then I am connected to it from a windows machine and a ubuntu laptop. I get same speed from both of them.12:35
b43156compdoc, if I use somekind of FTP program I get very good speeds!12:35
dr_willisi tend to use ssh and sshfs these days12:36
compdocb43156, is the hard drive slow? Is there a wifi conenction involved?12:36
b43156compdoc, When I'm using my laptop wifi... transfering files trough FTP I get 100MbiT .. but trough samba I get 7Mbit.. So there is something wierd with samba.. I will maybe get alittle better speeds using a cable but it's not much better.12:39
BluesKajHi all12:39
coder_help me, please12:42
coder_i can't boot linuxmint12:43
dr_willis_we dont do mint support here12:43
coder_here your can see the error http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umXGStxNskY12:43
coder_please take a look12:43
dr_willis_mint has its own channels12:43
installanyone can help with grub install on software raid 0? I can get the correct place to put it12:44
kisharc.p2p-net.eu #TC.Support12:45
AMoroneWish I could for you  As it is, I need help, too, though with something else.12:45
akaWolf32 bit or 64 more stable?12:47
compdocthe same12:47
compdoc64bit is faster12:47
akaWolfbut why is not recommended12:47
akaWolfand recommended 3212:47
compdocnot sure why they do that. maybe because ppl running linux have older computers12:48
MarcellusHello, when I log into Ubuntu, there are no longer 'task bars' on the left and top of the screen. How can I restore them?12:48
dr_willis_a form of idiot proofing12:48
MonkeyDustMarcellus  Unity?12:48
solusipsethats because there is still much software that wasnt ported to 32bit i think12:48
solusipse64 i mean12:49
dr_willis_ive seen very few reasons to  not use 64 bit these days12:49
tom_Jiangthis is my first time come here12:50
MarcellusI think it's Unity... I just downloaded the Windows Installer and ran it12:50
MarcellusIt's been working fine until I last logged out12:50
installcan anyone help with bootloader installation on 12.04, on top of RAID 0? I can't understand which volume should I select12:50
MarcellusAny ideas as to how I get the bars back?12:51
MonkeyDustMarcellus  wubi?12:52
AMoroneHaving an issue with getting Jack The Ripper password cracker to work through Cygwin in Windows 7. My tech instructor wanted us to install it and see how it works and then write a paper on it. How do I get it to work through Cygwin when I get the error message to every bash command I enter in Cygwin command prompt? Any ideas?  By the way, that error message is that the command isn't...12:53
AMorone...recognised.  Am I supposed to use 'Singular' Terminal for Windows? I am aware that the programme is normally only used in Unix, but it can be in Windows, as well, from what I'd read. But, I just am not aware of a workaround to do this to circumvent this problem.  Please let me know what can be done.  Thanks.12:53
MarcellusYes I used that12:53
akaWolfsolusipse: but under 64 all 32 bit soft are working...\12:53
MarcellusIt was been working fine all morning12:53
MonkeyDustMarcellus  and it stopped now... better install ubuntu on its ow partition, not inside windows12:53
OpenbsdVboxMarcellus: wubi is meant as more of a preview than a solution12:54
twitchie!ot | AMorone12:54
ubottuAMorone: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:54
solusipseakaWolf nope, if something was compilled for 32bit it wont work without 32bit libraries12:54
Marcellushow so? it seems to be working fine12:54
solusipsebut its easy to get them though12:54
MonkeyDustMarcellus  wubi is a pseudo-instaalion inside windows, not alongside it12:54
yankwhy do we use sudo when we can do same work from root shell ?12:55
akaWolfsolusipse: what prevents deliver 32-bit libraries?12:55
OpenbsdVbox!sudo | yank12:55
ubottuyank: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo12:55
MarcellusI'm pretty sure its outside of it... When I boot my computer I can use Ubuntu or Windows 7...12:55
MonkeyDustyank  sudo is safer12:55
genoobiehey all12:55
MonkeyDustMarcellus  wubi is inside windows12:55
bazhangyank, for a root shell, sudo -i , if you must12:56
OpenbsdVboxMarcellus: no, wubi is inside windows, it lives on the ntfs partition as a file12:56
dr_willis_wuni can be fragile12:56
genoobieI was running lubuntu and one day I ended up with a "busybox" interface and no boot12:56
MarcellusRegardless, my task bars are missing and I cannot do anything12:56
genoobieso I put a livecd in and tried to mount the filesystem12:56
dr_willis_can you login at the console Marcellus12:57
AMoroneubottu: k, hon.  Ty.  I will.  :)12:57
ubottuAMorone: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:57
solusipseakaWolf well i use them with no problems but some ppl say that using them should be avoided, dont really know why12:57
MarcellusNo. I opened it with ctrl + alt + f1, but it asks for a login, and my usual details don't work on it12:57
yankbut i see that its always recommended to use sudo rather than dropping to root shell. Any special reason for that?12:57
genoobieI got an error of "error mounting, mount wronf fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda212:57
MonkeyDustyank  sudo is safer12:57
bazhangyank, yes?12:58
OpenbsdVboxyank: root shell is hardly ever needed12:58
akaWolfsolusipse: mm..12:58
genoobiein some cases useful info is found in syslog12:58
yankbazhang: but i see that its always recommended to use sudo rather than dropping to root shell. Any special reason for that?12:58
genoobietry dmesg | tail or so12:58
bazhangyank, sudo -i for a root shell, the root password is not enabled by default12:58
OpenbsdVboxyank: if you ran everything as root then your system can be compromised far easier than if you were a normal user12:58
MonkeyDustyank  told you twice why12:58
genoobieany ideas?12:58
dr_willis_security is king.12:58
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yankOpenbsdVbox: yes that what i wanted to hear...but how so?12:59
genoobieso I looked at dmesg | tail12:59
Surio@Marcellus, I had a related problem like yours', and switching to Unity2D solved my problem. Why don't you try that?12:59
dr_willis_glebihan:  whats the exact  line you are using12:59
MonkeyDustyank  to work permanently as root would turn your pc into a windows machine, nobody want that12:59
OpenbsdVboxyank: root has access to everything, you don't always need access to everything12:59
genoobieend_request io error dev sda sector 12012241513:00
genoobieand failed to read block errors followed by recovery failed13:00
yankOpenbsdVbox: ohk13:00
dr_willis_io errors  are not good.13:00
genoobiethis sucks13:00
yankmonekydust: ok thanks13:00
genoobiedr_willis_, data is toast?13:00
dr_willis_depends. genoobie13:01
genoobiewell I can't simply mount the fs from the livecd so that sucks13:01
genoobiedr_willis_, any tips?13:01
dr_willis_fsck  the fs may fix it.13:01
genoobiedr_willis_, not so skilled with fsck13:01
dr_willis_or try ddrescue. but that may take days.13:02
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot13:02
dr_willis_fsck /dev/sda2   for example13:02
genoobieoh that's easy13:03
dr_willis_man fsck       ;-)13:03
genoobieugh the man pages...13:03
dr_willis_be sure to use the right dev/sd##13:04
genoobieyep it's sda213:04
genoobieso when it returns ignore error, do I say, "yes"?13:04
dr_willis_normally. yes13:05
genoobieforce rewrite?13:05
SurioOK, thanks irc, I got what I wanted, and thanks to @WarOfTheNerd also. :-)13:05
dr_willis_never seen that message.13:06
dr_willis_if you feel lucky.. yes. =-O13:06
genoobiedr_willis_, do I keep doing that or is once enough with the command13:07
dr_willis_once it passes a fsck. try mounting it again13:07
genoobieokay it mounts...13:08
genoobievery cool13:08
genoobieI'll poke around and see what's up13:08
dr_willis_id be making backups also13:08
genoobiedr_willis_, thanks13:08
OpenbsdVboxgenoobie: backup your data now that you have the chance13:08
genoobiejust need it for one more day13:08
genoobieand then I'm going to dump the hdd13:08
genoobiebuy a new one13:08
dr_willis_backup the backups13:08
genoobieI have a raid 1 NAS box13:09
* skraito said why the fucker dev null keep on flooding freenode13:11
OpenbsdVbox!language | skraito13:11
ubottuskraito: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.13:11
skraitoshut up13:12
ubottuBren_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:13
shomonhi, how do I change keyboard to italian?13:14
shomonit's spanish atm13:14
shomonis it easier via terminal or can I get an icon to do it for me each time?13:14
Bren_shomon, in a window manager (which?) or console?13:14
shomonI was asking both.. is it easier in gnome or terminal?13:15
webfoxI need to reduce the console font of Ubuntu Server. If I change the console-setup it changes it but when I restart the machine those changes are lost. How do I keep those changes alive ?13:15
OpenbsdVbox!keyboard | shomon13:15
ubottushomon: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard | KDE: System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout | XFCE: Settings -> Settings Manager -> Keyboard, Layout13:15
crizisshomon, system preferences > keyboard layout13:15
Bren_crizis, edit /etc/default/console-setup13:16
Bren_sorry, wrong address :)13:17
Bren_webfox, /etc/default/console-setup13:17
papnaI'm running Natty and my audio is all crackly and stuttery (and sometimes gets stuck in a loop). It seems to start when I use Flash. How can I get it to work?13:17
webfoxBren_, yes, when I change it it get lost after a restart. How do I persist those changes from restart to restart ?13:18
OpenbsdVboxpapna: any reason you are still on natty, its eol next month, consider upgrading13:18
shomonthanks OpenbsdVbox and crizis !13:18
Bren_webfox, is only the effect not working after reboot or is that file back to its old content?13:19
papnaOpenbsdVbox: Because this install is slightly old, it's otherwise working. Dist-upgrade has a habit of making things stop working. (Also, I'm in no hurry for a WM change.)13:20
theadminDoes anyone know of a way to sync stuff on two devices, but only in case both devices are mounted?13:20
mafiaboyhow do i open sound preferences using terminal (need it)13:20
webfoxBren_, I think the effect does not sustain. But perhaps the file turn back as well.13:20
OpenbsdVboxpapna: flash is one nasty beast, not sure how to help you there13:20
Nedemy new vps have a problem: Add my user "milanese" in group sudo and adm. But the command "sudo su" :sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified13:21
Alligadi_flash needs to die :D13:21
L3toptheadmin: I could write something.13:21
Bren_webfox, then please try to configure it in the file, reboot and check if your changes in the file persisted.13:21
webfoxBren_, I will do that now.13:22
theadminL3top: Well, if you're thinking a bash/perl/python script I could do something along the lines too, just wondering if there's a ready solution somewhere13:22
papnaOpenbsdVbox: Search results suggest it's pretty terrible in Oneric and Precise, just like it has been terrible since Warty.13:22
theadminL3top: All I really want is sync my music collection to my android phone, but I always look for generic solutions, lol13:22
OpenbsdVboxpapna: well, flash is flash13:22
* L3top always prefers a custom solution he sets and forgets... *shrugs*13:23
OpenbsdVboxpapna: you can try the version in the repos or the very latest from adobe or just abandon it altogether (or even try gnash or lightspark)13:23
dr_willis_i use flash downloader extensions. or flash replacer extensions to play flash in vlc.13:23
papnaThe bigger problem is that the audio situation is a mess. One rogue application can screw up the audio for the system as a whole.13:24
theadminL3top: Well, thanks anyway, I'll think of something13:24
Alligadi_@papna: with pulseaudio and such crap thats true :D13:24
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Alligadi_but with ALSA alone, sound works perfect13:24
papnaExcept when it doesn't.13:24
Alligadi_sure that pulseaudio isn the reason?13:25
dr_willis_sound just gets locked with alsa..13:25
papnaNot at all. I'm just sure that ALSA alone doesn't work perfect. :)13:25
theadminpapna: Why are you so sure? I have a pure ALSA setup without Pulse, it works. With Pulse, it doesn't (garbled sound :/)13:25
foobArrrrmy usb dvb-s2 device (TechniSat Digital GmbH DVB-PC TV Star HD) stopped working and I don't know why. worked fine last week. /dev/dvb/adapter0/ exists, /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0 doesn't. I pastebined the relevant parts of lsusb, dmesg, lsmod and the error messages of scan-s2 and vlc: http://sprunge.us/faII13:25
Alligadi_the last two years I had sound problems on about 5 computers running Ubuntu with pulseaudio. And just one with ALSA alone so far (lightweight distributions)13:25
Alligadi_pulseaudio is a big step back like nearly all the bloated software ubuntu consists of today13:26
webfoxBren_, it seems the console-setup file is correct like after I have changed it. The thing it console-setup are not read again after a restart suppose.13:26
OpenbsdVboxpapna: i've used stock ubuntu and my sound has never had a problem13:26
papnatheadmin: Because I've ran straight ALSA on many machines and had a single application hose it until the ALSA daemon is restarted many times. :)13:26
papnatheadmin: Because many old applications won't work with ALSA at all.13:27
theadminpapna: Doesn't seem to happen here, though yes, familiar with the problem13:27
Saevohi rsync wont accept my id_dsa.pub key13:27
Bren_webfox, ok then i'm out of wits here. as a work-around, you could try and add your console-setup command to /etc/rc.local13:27
Alligadi_but with alsa-oss :)13:27
Saevonormal login as root works13:27
Alligadi_(oss emulation)13:27
webfoxBren_, what line I would put on rc.local ?13:28
BluesKajpapna, alsa works fine for pc based audio and video , even flv files , but unfortunately pulse is required for most soundcards to extract the flash audio on websites13:29
myk_robinsoni notice with every release of Ubuntu, it seems the longer I keep it, the slower start up gets. If I create  new user account and log into it, it seems to go to the desktop MUCH faster. How can I troubleshoot slower boot times?13:30
Bren_webfox, try the commands you used to set it manually. /etc/rc.local is just a shell script. but be sure to add your commands before the "exit 0" which should be at the last line.13:30
OpenbsdVboxmyk_robinson: check what you have installed13:30
webfoxBren_, doing it now.13:31
OpenbsdVbox!bootchart | myk_robinson13:32
ubottumyk_robinson: bootchart charts your machine at boot time, to install >> sudo apt-get install bootchart << the graphic is in /var/log/bootchart after the next reboot13:32
myk_robinsonOpenbsdVbox: can you be more specific? Yes, I have some things installed, but nothing I would say is unusual. How can I check for apps that run on startup? It seems that even the login ...13:32
Alligadi_@myk_robinsons: if you want no software aging, you will need a other distribution i guess :D13:32
myk_robinsonyou beat me...13:32
BluesKajAlligadi_, well, wrong for you maybe , but that's my experience ..I'd be glad to hear how to use alsa exclusively without pulse and still hear audio on websites13:32
bazhang!behelpful | Alligadi_13:33
ubottuAlligadi_: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.13:33
myk_robinsonOpenbsdVbox: installing Bootchart now, hopefully that will shed some light on what is stalling the boot time.13:34
pranjal710hi, how can I add a particular command to sudoers list. eg, I want that no one without root privileges can do "who" .13:34
Alligadi_@BluesKaj: I switched to TinyCore when Ubuntu was too less transparent for me 2 years ago. I never had problems with sound in TC, not on websites, not in flash not in applications. Maybe it helps when i write what i have installed for audio:13:34
webfoxBren_, seems did not works.13:35
bazhangAlligadi_, this is NOT the chat channel13:35
bazhangAlligadi_, #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat, NOT here13:35
dr_willis_pranjal710: i dont think it works that way13:35
Bren_Bren_, ok, then you'd have to hope for somebody else here13:35
BluesKajAlligadi_, well we're talking about ubuntu here , not tinycore13:36
pranjal710dr_willis_:  Cant we add certain commands to sudo commands, so that no other person can use it?13:36
Saevorsync with pubkey doesnt work13:36
htamayohi, I have problems trying to bringing up my ati radeon x1200 series in ubuntu precise, i don't get any video i got an error that "no screens found" and that the device  is not supported, also i don0t have any xorg.conf file13:37
dr_willis_pranjal710:  ive never seen it done that way. thats the opposite of what sudo does13:37
htamayoso, checking in the web i didn't any helpfull, so any suggestions are welcome13:38
theadminpranjal710: Take off the execute bit for "other" on the file: sudo chmod o-x $(which who)13:38
dr_willis_pranjal710: check the sudo homepage perhaps.13:38
leblebihello! I am customizing an ISO with Ubuntu Customization Kit. I am on the step which I install from terminal the applications as root with apt-get install command. But I always get this error: Unable to locate package I have on the source list these lines: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise main restricted13:38
leblebideb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-security main restricted13:38
leblebideb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates main restricted13:38
leblebiCan somebody please help me? Thank you!13:38
FloodBot1leblebi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:38
dr_willis_theadmin: aha. forgot about those.13:39
OpenbsdVboxmyk_robinson: what has /var/log/bootchart revealed?13:41
theadmindr_willis_: Ridiculous solution though -- apt-get would fix them back to normal on an update13:41
myk_robinsonOpenbsdVbox: not sure, looking at it now. Just uploaded it to share   http://www.imagebanana.com/view/1y5sub29/mykIdeapadZ570precise201209231.png13:41
eduardhey I am having trouble with updating anything on my jaunty13:42
nsudosomeone can please check my vnc and ports forwarding13:42
theadmineduard: Jaunty is EOL -- the repos are taken down, you can't install/update anything there13:42
pranjal710theadmin , dr_willis_  : I think I wasnt clear with my question. Example: Anybody can do "ls" to view the directory contents. I want that only people with root privileges can do "ls" . Is there a way?13:42
webfoxBren_, thank you!13:42
bazhang!eolupgrades | eduard13:42
ubottueduard: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:42
theadminpranjal710: Just told you how. But... That would be just stupid for such a core tool as ls13:42
nsudoalso i need help in installing my sound on 12.0413:43
webfoxCould someone help me figure how to keep console-setup setting over a restart procedure please?13:43
Saevorsync with pubkey isnt working13:43
eduardso I cant even upgrade my version?13:43
pranjal710theadmin:  yes, I was just giving an example. sorry13:43
theadmineduard: See the link bazhang gave to you13:43
theadminpranjal710: Anyway, just take off the execute bit: sudo chmod o-x $(which ls)13:44
Saevowhats with do-release-upgrade?13:44
eduardalright ill try that one again thx bazhang and theadmin13:44
theadminpranjal710: Then only root will be able to execute it13:44
myk_robinsonOpenbsdVbox: so I'm looking at the chart, and am not sure I really understand what I'm looking at :) Any of this stick out as the culprit to you?13:44
pranjal710theadmin: Thankyou13:44
leblebihello! I am customizing an ISO with Ubuntu Customization Kit. I am on the step which I install from terminal the applications as root with apt-get install command. But I always get this error: Unable to locate package I have on the source list these lines: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise main restricted13:45
leblebideb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-security main restricted13:45
leblebideb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates main restricted13:45
leblebiCan somebody please help me? Thank you!13:45
FloodBot1leblebi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:45
OpenbsdVboxmyk_robinson: hmm, nothing much sticks out to me13:45
Sven_vBleblebi, did apt-get update run already?13:45
myk_robinsonOpenbsdVbox: maybe its just perception...13:46
OpenbsdVboxmyk_robinson: seems that fsck is being run13:46
myk_robinsonSeems like startup is much slower compared to a month or two ago13:46
* l057c0d3r bashes his head off the wall13:46
myk_robinsonOpenbsdVbox: for whatever its worth, the only additional startup application I have listed is Synapse13:46
OpenbsdVboxmyk_robinson: some of the modprobes seem to take a while though13:47
OpenbsdVboxmyk_robinson: what does synapse do?13:47
SaevoIve a problem with rsync13:47
myk_robinsonOpenbsdVbox: Synapse is a launcher, it doesn't start until the user session, though.13:47
l057c0d3ri dont understand it where did i go wrong.. i've tried 5 times now to make a ubuntu live usb with persistent and still not working right....  tried using the ubuntu live cd..  universal-usb-creator and Unetbootin13:48
myk_robinsonOpenbsdVbox: I notice modem-manager and a bluetooth module. I have neither. How di I prevent them from starting?13:48
OpenbsdVboxmyk_robinson: not sure sorry13:49
l057c0d3ri can get it to boot into the live session.. but if i add persistent to the boot option.. it boots the first time.. but laggy as hell..  and the cow directory shows up.. but sais unable to access drive...  and then if i try to boot a second time with persistent it hangs during load.. locks up.. nothing....  but if i delete casper-rw and remake its the same over again13:49
leblebiSven_vB no I had not. But I did it when you told me, now. But the same problem still.13:49
KRomeleoNanyone know if gthumb is in active development?13:49
OpenbsdVboxmyk_robinson: synapse doesn't seem to be the culprit there though13:49
KRomeleoNshotwell has been crashing a lot on me13:49
KRomeleoNand gthumb is better i find13:49
myk_robinsondoes the boot time look normal to you? Like I said, maybe its just perception and impatience13:50
KRomeleoNbut idk if its active13:50
OpenbsdVboxmyk_robinson: 60secs seems reasonable to me13:50
nsudocan someone help me installing my intel hda via remote help will be appriciated a lot as i am trying a lot but no sucess13:51
myk_robinsonOpenbsdVbox: i think really the part that is troubling me is after I log into my user account, the amount of time it takes to actually get from login to desktop. I suppose its no big deal, because the laptop works plenty fast enough. Just noticing things, I guess13:52
myk_robinsonthanks for your attention and assistance, however13:52
BluesKajnsudo, sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel13:52
OpenbsdVboxmyk_robinson: no worries13:52
bootchhi guys13:53
webfoxHow do reset a window size to 100% after a Resize operaton on VirtualBox ?13:53
SaevoOpenbsdVbox: i worry and nobody wants to tell me how to rsync with pbkey13:53
nsudoBluesKaj no soundcard found13:53
bootchI got some problem compiling kernel, my ubuntu wont start. Could you give me a hand?13:53
papnaHrm. Well, my audio problems don't actually seem to have anything to do with Flash, but that is of small comfort.13:53
Muellibootch: what's your exact problem?13:54
Saevohelp, rsync wont work13:54
bootchhere's error message I got on boot http://paste.ubuntu.com/1222394/13:54
l057c0d3rjust wondering if anyone has actually got persistent to work with usb on 12.0413:54
ubottursync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync13:54
BluesKajnsudo, you're ssh'd into a remote pc ?13:54
juliuscan i just do a  do-release-upgrade from 11.10 to current?13:54
bootchMuelli, hi13:54
Muellibootch: hm. What's your kernel cmd line? Looks like you're trying to wrongly mount a root fs13:55
bootchMuelli, I didn't edit it, I installed kernel from .deb give me a sec I will check the line13:55
bootchMuelli, where should I look, I'm confused with grub213:57
Muellibootch: I have no idea tbh. I still don't use grub2 -.-13:58
oldskool_Hey I am trying to setup a virtual bridge for my ubuntu server but keep running into problems...13:58
BluesKajnsudo, in the remote server terminal , sudo aplay -l13:58
nsudosudo aplay -l13:58
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oldskool_when I edit the /etc/network/interfaces file and add the br0 interface it makes my eth0 ip the one I assign to it13:58
nsudoaplay: device_list:252: no soundcards found...13:59
MikeWorthI'm after a piece of 2D CAD software that is capable of drawing nets to cut out and form into tubes. I need to be able to have oblique ends to the tubes, so need to be able to draw lines with trigonometric curves. I've tried libreCAD but don't seem to be able to do trigonometric curves, is there something that can do this?13:59
SindirHi, I checked my servers /var/log/syslog and saw that UFW kept blocking a connection from my mac. Any ideas on why my mac want to try connect to my ubuntu server?13:59
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Saevohelp damm13:59
=== laurd is now known as larud
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.13:59
papnaOr with pulse :/13:59
leblebiHi! I am customizing an ISO with Ubuntu Customization Kit. I am on the step which I install from terminal the applications as root with apt-get install command. But I always get this error: Unable to locate package I have on the source list these lines: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise main restricted14:00
leblebideb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-security main restricted14:00
leblebideb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates main restricted14:00
leblebiCan somebody please help me? Thank you!14:00
nsudolspci says 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)14:00
FloodBot1leblebi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:00
jribleblebi: run sudo apt-get update14:00
leblebijrib I already try it. :(14:00
oldskool_** Does anyone have experince setting up a bridge to utilize with virt-manager14:01
jribleblebi: pastebin full input and output of install command14:01
MuelliSaevo: does SSHing into your server work with the pubkey auth?14:01
oldskool_does for me :)14:01
bootchMuelli, that's what is in my grub http://paste.ubuntu.com/1222559/14:01
BluesKajnsudo,  lspci ,-nn | grep -i audio , pastebin the output14:02
nsudo@ BluesKaj I also tried uninstalling alsa and pulse audio, reinstalling them, changing the /etc/pulse/daemon.conf14:02
l057c0d3rhmm.. so no one has any experience with ubuntu live usb with persistent turned on...14:02
l057c0d3rthanks to any info that can be given14:02
bootchMuelli, I'm worried that I didnt include some drivers in my kernel14:02
actionParsnipl057c0d3r: well...what do you need to know?14:02
Muellibootch: hm. It lists UUID b6848bab-9915-4199-8ed0-5245e7714d90. Does blkid list that, too? And will that be available during boot?14:02
aducolognehi all! i am trying to centralize my ubuntu installations (like using landscape without using landscape). i wanted to use a shared /home on our nas that is shared by all ubuntu desktops. i also want to use a shared /usr ro on our nas so that I can centrally install applications to everyone's availability14:02
oldskool_Can someone help me with setting up a bridge for my vm server14:03
oldskool_it doesn't work...14:03
leblebijrib http://pastebin.com/UbrtF0qQ14:03
aducolognejust curious how to keep etc synced - should i share it too in that case?14:03
l057c0d3ractionParsnip, well....  when i boot with the persistent option...  it boots the first time.. but has the cow drive and sais can not access the drive.. and then every boot afterthat with persistent just locks up..14:03
actionParsnipoldskool_: what have you tried and what happens?14:03
oldskool_I assign a static ip for my eth0 in my /etc/network/interfaces14:03
oldskool_then I use dhcp for the br014:03
jribleblebi: pastebin the output of « sudo apt-get update »14:03
oldskool_in the /etc/network/interfaces14:04
l057c0d3ractionParsnip, tried several times now with the unbuntu live cd..  universal-usb-installer and unetbootin..  same thing every time14:04
leblebijrib http://pastebin.com/WfnrPQjg14:04
oldskool_then it seems to take over the eth0 and I can't resolve any ips14:04
actionParsnipl057c0d3r: same USB stick each time?14:04
Alex_portugalI have a sony laptop (vaio 397XP)... with only Ubuntu. Does not reboot when i insert sudo reboot.... what can i do?14:04
l057c0d3ractionParsnip, nope.. even got a new usb stick the other day.. and same thing still..14:04
actionParsnipl057c0d3r: did you MD5 test the ISO you transferred?14:05
actionParsnipAlex_portugal: do you have the latest BIOS?14:05
nsudohttp://pastebin.com/4ZXn0H3A @BluesKaj14:05
Alex_portugalyes i have14:05
l057c0d3ractionParsnip, maybe im making the casper-rw file to big or something but only making it 4 gig and got a 8 gig usb14:05
bootchMuelli, when I type blkid It gives noting, I'm on Thinkpad laptop I got only one hdd14:05
Sindir@Alex_portugal sudo shutdown -r 114:05
jribleblebi: apt-cache policy vlc14:05
l057c0d3ractionParsnip, yep..  even redownloaded and tried the lubuntu iso as well14:06
BluesKajnsudo,don't fool with pulse.conf14:06
leblebijrib Unable to locate package vlc14:06
Muellibootch: hm. I am confused. Can you paste the exact commands you entered and the exact output you receive?14:06
oldskool_actionParsnip: Can you explain how to setup a bridge for my vm server?14:06
actionParsnip!info vlc14:06
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.3-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 (precise), package size 1366 kB, installed size 3387 kB14:06
oldskool_actionParsnip: so I know if I doing it wrong14:06
L3topl057c0d3r:  again... check the md5sum of the image.14:06
actionParsnipleblebi: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  grep universe /etc/apt/sources.list14:06
nsudook tell me what to do now14:07
l057c0d3rl3top..  been there done that...  they all checked out..  all 4 iso.s i've downloaded14:07
actionParsnipoldskool_: is it not a setting of the VM ?14:07
shomonwhat is the best or most recommended video editing software for someone coming from commercial packages?14:07
l057c0d3ras long as i dont put persistent in the boot option it boots fine.. but like i said no persistent14:07
actionParsnipshomon: there is no most recommened, nor best14:07
L3topl057c0d3r: you mentioned casper... are you trying to use remastersys or something?14:07
SaevoMuelli: yes it does14:07
shomonnot very good then?14:07
oldskool_actionParsnip: No I want it setup as a bridge not NAT... I think the vm installs a nat interface ... virsomething14:07
bootchMuelli, I forgot sudo sry here's result http://paste.ubuntu.com/1222569/14:07
jrib!best | shomon14:08
ubottushomon: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:08
MuelliSaevo: so what's your exact problem then?14:08
jribshomon: bestbot should have a list14:08
SaevoMuelli: thats whats mocking me14:08
BuPy7Windows true!14:08
leblebiactionParsnip no output :(14:08
actionParsnipshomon: http://techcityinc.com/2009/02/04/top-10-free-video-editors-for-ubuntu-linux/14:08
l057c0d3rcasper-rw is the file...  used to store persistent on the usb stick... that is also booting the live session...14:08
shomon:) I understand thanks14:08
actionParsnipleblebi: try:  sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/precisesources.list14:08
leblebiactionParsnip this command: "grep universe /etc/apt/sources.list" does not show me anything.14:08
Muellibootch: hm. So you're trying to make ext4 your rootfs. Do you have ext4 compiled in the kernel?14:08
dr_willis_i think theres 4 nonliner video editors out now. kino. pititv. openshot. and that one by the vlc guys14:08
l057c0d3rl3top  what im trying to do is get persistence on a live usb14:08
L3topI see... I have never used persistence l057c0d3r... however I do master distros... which is why I am familiar with it.14:08
oldskool_actionParsnip: Once I add br0 in the /etc/network/interfaces and reset the networking is that all I need to do to setup a bridge interface?14:09
actionParsnipshomon: what is the best video editor in Windows? or the most recommened? Same difference....you will only get people's opinions and noting more14:09
L3topl057c0d3r: I do not believe I will be able to help much if persistence is the only issue14:09
oldskool_actionParsnip: I think part of the problem is I am trying to keep a static ip for my eth0 and add dhcp for my br014:09
bootchMuelli, I believe so, here's my kernel config http://paste.ubuntu.com/1222473/14:10
SaevoMuelli: ssh alone works, if I do rsync it doesn't14:10
oldskool_via /etc/network/interfaces14:10
nsudopurging pulse and re=installing now14:10
actionParsnipoldskool_: its not something I've done to be honest. I've seen lots of guides online but I'd start in #vmware to make sure your settings are appropriate for the networking you want to do14:10
MuelliSaevo: how do you know it doesn't work?14:10
L3topoldskool_: if you are trying to do routing you will need two physical nics.14:10
Alex_portugalI have a sony laptop (vaio 397XP)... with only Ubuntu. Does not reboot when i insert sudo reboot.... what can i do?14:10
jribleblebi: note that your existing sources.list get overwritten, but yes you need to add universe as actionParsnip concluded14:10
l057c0d3rl3top  k thanks anyway....  it just dosn't make sense..  why it will boot the very first time.. and then lock every time after that when trying to use persistent14:10
bootchMuelli, I selected ext4 to be included in kernel not as module14:10
shomonI want to be able to choose one that does what maybe a step up from windows movie maker would do.. I use avidemux and I had a look at cinelerra years ago.. I wanted a few rather than a top one so thanks14:10
leblebiactionParsnip http://pastebin.com/yx7Ww0th14:10
BuPy7JognBall, ты пидар!14:10
actionParsnipjrib: the file is the default one from Precise with the good stuff enabled :)14:10
JohnBallHello, Russian shlushka14:10
shomonwe have lots of aftereffects people and I'd like them to switch to open source video if there's something comparable14:11
SaevoI tried it and I >> everything in a log with -v14:11
Muellihm bootch. Seems so. Interesting indeed. And well, you're trying to boot off the machine you're currently running, right? i.e. not a virtual system or so where that UUID is not available..?14:11
nsudo@BluesKaj ok?14:11
jribactionParsnip: right, but in case he's added some repositories of his own14:11
leblebijrib what actionParsnip has gave me. They are official repos of Canocical?14:11
jribleblebi: yes14:11
SaevoMuelli: I tried it and I >> everything in a log with -v14:11
SindirGot a mac that's getting blocked by UFW on my linux. Any idea why it tried to connect with my linux system in the first place?14:11
fantaghirJo :D14:11
MuelliSaevo: what did you try exactly and what is the exact output? Come on you have to be nice with us in order for us to help you.14:11
bootchMuelli, yep on this machine with no virtualiation14:12
actionParsnipleblebi: read the file, you can see it references the official sources.14:12
oldskool_L3top: I have a ubuntu server that I want as a vmserver... I want the static ip for my nic and bridge so it gives my vm's access their own ips instead of them using the NAT built into the software14:12
htamayoi'm having trouble with the graphical mode in ubuntu precise, in fact, i don't have graph mode, i installed precise using an iso when it was unstable, but now i understand that precise is lts, my question is: i'm having trouble with the video cause i used an unstable iso? is a better way to download the latest and then reinstall?14:12
leblebiactionParsnip he already told me that they are official :D14:13
L3topwhich VM are you using, and you really need 2 nics minimum to do this correctly oldskool_.14:13
Muellihm bootch. I'm confused. Looks like it should just work^tm. But maybe you need to build a new initrd or so..? Do you have your cmdline and the error message again? (sorry, I closed the browsers and can't find it again)14:13
bootchMuelli, I did include my chipset driver and AHCI in kernel, but I fear I missed something14:13
oldskool_L3top: I have 2 nic's on my mobo can I utilize them?14:13
dr_willis_htamayo:  once you update and apt-get upgrade its the latest14:13
L3topoldskool_: absolutely.14:13
SaevoMuelli: cronjob as root will be excuted as root?14:13
Muellibootch: there is "make localmodconfig" or so which tried to guess your hardware IIRC.14:13
MuelliSaevo: yes14:13
L3topoldskool_: which vm?14:13
SaevoMuelli: ok, very bad14:13
oldskool_L3top: How would I go about doing that?  .. virt-manager14:13
htamayodr_willis: thanks i will try cause i didn't upgrade14:14
SaevoMuelli: seems I found out why it doesnt work -.-14:14
oldskool_sorrry I am new to vm's on linux14:14
oldskool_not sure if that is the software I use14:14
MuelliSaevo: you're welcome ;-)14:14
actionParsnipleblebi: if you run:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install vlc      does it install OK?14:14
L3topWhich virtual machine oldskool_... vmware, virtualbox, kvm-qemu...14:14
bootchMuelli, here's my error message http://paste.ubuntu.com/1222394/ I did lspci -n and checked hardware manually I only couldnt find my wifi driver14:14
L3topoldskool_: I am not familiar with the ins and outs of them all.14:15
bootchMuelli, I used config from kernel-seeds.org if it is any help14:15
oldskool_sorry had to figure that out14:15
oldskool_vmware is avil on linux too?14:16
Muellihm bootch. Maybe there is some unrecognised hardware. I would try localmodconfig or whatever it was called. Or maybe try with your current config and do an oldconfig just to check whether it's the configuration14:16
L3topoldskool_: yes. kvm probably has the best performance, virtualbox the easiest to use/configure... vmware somewhere in between.14:16
leblebiactionParsnip yes it works. thank you! But I need to ask you something else: where did you get this link: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/precisesources.list14:16
actionParsnipleblebi: its my dropbox public folder. I keep one there for when people start messing with their sources.list file and botch it14:17
oldskool_L3top: Cool so I made a good choice :)14:17
l057c0d3rl3top i think i might have found the problem..  fat32 can not have over a 4 gb file size....14:17
l057c0d3rsooo that might have something to do with it... going to try and make a smaller one and see if that helps14:18
oldskool_why is my other nic not showing up in my ifconfig does it need to have a cable plugged in before the interface is up? Shouldn't it be shown if I do a ifconfig regardless?14:18
bootchMuelli, before I used config from kernel-seeds.org I was able to find my wifi driver in make menuconfig now it's gone14:18
bootchMuelli, so how can I get it back?14:18
Muellibootch: well. wifi should really not be important to boot.14:18
bootchMuelli, you're right14:19
htamayoother question: after the installation of precise i never get graphical mode, because an issue of fglrx driver, but ubuntu can't use and generic module for the video? in fact it's the first time that i have this problem in ubuntu, it always got me graph mode14:19
SaevoMuelli: is the a network boot option via wifi?14:19
Muellibootch: so try both: you current configuration and then make oldconfig, and then make localmodconfig or smth like that. You'll find it ;-)14:19
oldskool_L3top: I was thinking I wanted to utilize the 2 nics anyhow .. Wanted to seperate my vmserver with one of my vm's so they look like 2 machines on the network14:19
theadminhtamayo: Remove fglrx14:20
SilverSlimeris anyone here already using windows 8?14:20
theadminSilverSlimer: Wrong channel14:20
SaevoMuelli: yup, it worked14:20
bootchMuelli, thx will try it!14:20
SilverSlimertheadmin just noticed lol14:20
htamayotheadmin: and then ubuntu will choose another driver?14:20
theadminhtamayo: Yes, then Ubuntu will use the opensource one, "radeon"14:20
L3topoldskool_: public bridge particularly relevant to you... but you should give the whole thing a read. http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Networking14:20
SaevoSilverSlimer: Im using Windows 2000 youre oldfashioned14:21
htamayotheadmin, in fact that is the default option but it doesn't work14:21
SaevoSilverSlimer: lets talk in #offtopic14:21
theadminhtamayo: Hm, I dunno if it supports all devices14:21
leblebiactionParsnip I will install fresh Ubuntu 12.04.1 now. It will have exactly the same source.list file with yours (which you gave me here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/precisesources.list14:22
actionParsnipleblebi: mine has all the repos enabled. Yours either has missing lines, or they are commented out14:22
borneoIs this the channel to ask Package maintenance questions in? I'm trying to build add a new flavor of a package and want to know if there is a tool to help aid creating the /debian entries.14:22
htamayotheadmn: well yes it support my video card, i'm use ubuntu since 4 years i never got this problem, in other distros yes cause the restricted repos but in ubuntu i got video at first boot, even in live mode14:23
oldskool_L3top: THanks I'm gonna go read up14:23
L3topoldskool_: this will provide you an internal and external network... it should be noted that if one of your nics is wireless... this doesn't count. It will not bridge wireless.14:23
Muelli!motu | borneo may here they know14:23
ubottuborneo may here they know: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU14:23
oldskool_L3top: Yeah I thought I saw something about not being able to bridge wirless14:23
oldskool_L3top: KK gimme a sec to read up on this14:24
borneoMuelli: 谢谢14:24
l057c0d3rpny usb drivers are good drives right.. i always thought pny was a good brand..  but they were cheep  soo.. maybe the drives are just junk ...  sigh14:27
Saevol057c0d3r: what do you want us to tell?14:28
l057c0d3rsaevo.. ahh nothing really..  still fighting to get persistent working14:28
l057c0d3ron live usb14:29
Saevol057c0d3r: use kingston14:29
oldskool_L3top: I was doing right the first time...14:29
Saevol057c0d3r: theyre slow, but they never failed me14:30
oldskool_L3top: THe confusion was that my eth0 wasn't getting a ip and taking on the first dhcp ip from my pool .... I always use static and opened a pool of 10 ip's I planned to use for vm's..14:30
Saevobye guys14:30
l057c0d3rsaevo:  yeah..  got one more thing im going to try making a smaller casper-rw file..  if that doesn't work.. i might just install to the usb with no swap and make tmp use tmpfs / ram14:31
oldskool_L3top: Thanks for the read bro :)14:31
Imortalisboa pessoal14:34
Imortalisestou a tentar instalar o ubuntu server via pen usb mas da-me sempre erro ?14:34
Imortalisna altura de verificar os pacotes pelo cdrom, diz que nao enonctra o cdrom14:34
tomreyn!pt | Imortalis14:36
ubottuImortalis: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:36
CTLwmanyone can recommend a good software to communicate between users in LAN?14:36
L3topoldskool_ ... not if you are using a single nic. This exposes traffic and is not recommended. Recieving/providing dhcp over a single connection causes all sorts of stupid problems as any traffic reaching that box is already on the destination network.  This is not suggested... It is a bad idea. What you're asking to do has a severe overhead, and is not intended for your purposes.14:36
L3topoh... he gone.14:36
shomonCTLwm, I used to use talk14:37
BluesKajnsudo, sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf , add this line to the bottom , options snd_hda_intel index=0 , then save the file and do , sudo also force-reload14:39
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installcan anyone help with bootloader installation on 12.04, on top of RAID 0? I can't understand which volume should I select14:40
L3topnsudo: sudo alsa force-reload ^^ (force-reload can be glitchy... if it pukes errors it is best to reboot)14:40
CTLwmshomon: talk, what? any full name?14:40
BluesKajnsudo, correction , sudo alsa force-reload14:41
eduardI seem to be missing var/www14:43
BluesKajnsudo, actually before the reload do . sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel14:43
jribeduard: what makes you think that?14:44
eduardwhen I go to the var directory and type ls it doesnt show14:44
jribeduard: what does "ls -ld /var/www/" return?14:44
eduardls -ld /var/www/14:45
eduardNo such file or directory14:46
jribeduard: how did you install ubuntu?14:46
K4kHi, I just installed Ubuntu 12.04 on my Macbook Air 4.2 and I've noticed that tripple clicking on text, the URL bar in firefox, for example, it does not highlight the entire text as it does in Ubuntu 12.04 on my desktop. Does anyone have information on whether the MBA has issues with this, google searches have not pulled up anything so far.14:46
jribeduard: and have you installed apache?14:46
Imortalis <Imortalis> how can install zentyal from usb pen drive ?14:46
Imortalis <Imortalis> how can install zentyal from usb pen drive ?14:46
Imortalishello, i try to install ubuntu server 12.04 from usb pen drive14:46
FloodBot1Imortalis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:46
Imortaliserror when try cdrom drive14:47
jribImortalis: not sure why you thought that would be a good idea, but please don't do it again14:47
eduardls: cannot access /var/www/: No such file or director14:50
eduardto be precise14:50
jribeduard: and have you installed apache or some other web server?14:51
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eduardI just tried to install apache14:51
eduardand I got some error things14:51
jribeduard: you should pastebin14:52
eduardI installed ubuntu years ago thru my vista14:52
eduardas dual boo14:52
installcan anyone help with bootloader installation on 12.04, on top of RAID 0? I can't understand which volume should I select14:53
OpenbsdVboxeduard: years ago? then the version you are using is probably no longer supported14:53
K4kinstall: are you using the onboard RAID controller on the motherboard of your computer or a seperate RAID card?14:53
eduardyes I know thats why im trying to upgrade, I found this guide online14:53
installK4k: onboard AMD 88014:54
dr_williseduard:  you did a WUBI install inside windows?14:54
OpenbsdVboxeduard: much more straightforward to install afresh14:54
io2hi, I have been told that ubuntu is to become ads - supported, is this true?14:54
dr_willisheard from whom?14:55
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eduardI cant its a laptop and my cd thing is messed up and this is now the only os I have on here14:55
io2hmm slashdot, reddit, etc14:55
K4kinstall: and, with RAID setup you still see two seperate disks?14:55
dr_williseduard:  boot/install from usb?14:55
ampddr_willis: the amazon lens14:56
eduardthat could work xD14:56
io2so, is this true or is it much ado about nothing?14:56
ampdio2: it will be installed by default in unity14:56
ampdio2: you can uninstall it14:56
eduarddr_willis: thank you14:56
ampdio2: i use awesome wm with ubuntu, so it won't effect me at all14:56
dr_willisi dont consider the amazon lense to be 'ad supported'14:56
installK4k: I actually see 6 possible choices after it fails to find /dev/sda . Googled around and the output of /dev/mapper is paste.ubuntu.com/1222659/14:56
io2what's the purpose of having it installed by default then?14:57
installio2: money ;)14:57
dr_willisunless we get special offer  wallpaper.14:57
io2install: of course14:57
jribio2: as I understand it, it's basically like when you do a google search and you get relevant results from amazon on the side...14:57
ampdio2: probably money, i assume it's like when you install something and they have the check box for google bar or something on by default14:57
io2i see14:57
dr_willisamazon lens is the sort of thing i would install sounds like.14:57
io2is there going to be a respin of ubuntu removing that by default?14:58
io2and all the "ads - related" stuff that might pour in?14:58
dr_willisi got most evey lens installed that i can find14:58
ampddr_willis: i'm not opposed to it, but i wouldn't want everything i search for in launcher going to amazon. i'd rather have something separate14:58
K4kinstall: what is the output of "fdisk -l"14:58
installK4k: nothing14:59
dr_willisyou click on the amazon/shopping icon i imagine and you search amazon.. same as the askubuntu.com lens works now i imagine14:59
OpenbsdVboxinstall: sudo fdisk -l14:59
dr_willisa 'shopping' lens with scopes for different online stores..14:59
K4kOpenbsdVbox: oh, thank you XD14:59
ampddr_willis: it loads in launcher when you search for something if you scroll down14:59
io2isn't this somewhat awkward?14:59
K4kI always forget about that, I just assume people troubleshoot after having run sudo -i15:00
installOpenbsdVbox: K4k fdisk: unable to seek on /dev/sda: Invalid argument15:00
OpenbsdVboxK4k: sudo -i is hardly ever neccessary15:00
dr_willishow it will be finalized - i imagine remains to be seen15:00
K4kOpenbsdVbox: to each his/her own I suppose.15:00
io2dr_willis: is there any petition online to sign against such a feature?15:01
gotgnuI have a windows phone 7 is there a way to sync music with ubuntu?15:01
dr_willisio2:  no idea. ubuntu is not a democracy15:01
installK4k: yes, but sometimes while troubleshooting with -i you can make even a bigger mess if you're not carefull15:01
io2dr_willis: heh15:02
dr_willisand lens and scopes are normally easy to remove15:02
dr_williswe need a lens lens to help find more lens....15:02
K4kinstall: so, I've run into this before and I'm trying to find the documentation I had at the time. Basically, Ubuntu is seeing it as a software based raid. Try hunting around for info regarding grub2 and dm-raid. I'm coming up empty so far though (at least anything recent/relevant)15:03
dr_willisim glad the askubuntu lens/scope is in the default 12.1015:04
OpenbsdVbox!raid | K4k15:04
ubottuK4k: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto15:04
K4kOpenbsdVbox: heh, I really need to learn to operate ubottu :)15:04
installK4k: am i going to have lower performance, or maybe try to load some driver?15:05
ampddr_willis: any interesting lens' you can recommend?15:06
elaminatohey. I am looking for a browser which works in the shell for ubuntu 12.04? is there such thing? :D15:06
OpenbsdVbox!browser | elaminato15:06
ubottuelaminato: Some of the Web Browsers in Ubuntu's repositories include: Firefox (XUL, Gecko), Rekonq (KDE, WebKit), Konqueror (KDE, KHTML/WebKit), Chromium (GTK+, WebKit), Epiphany(GTK+, WebKit), Arora (Qt/KDE, WebKit), Midori (GTK+, WebKit), w3m (terminal-based), links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !manpage), edbrowse (terminal-based). Along with many others.15:06
jonysiguelummm, not that I know of15:06
melkorIt turns out the HDD enclosure I bought, doesn't work with ubuntu and will ruin hard drive partitions when it is mounted. Does anybody know of a good hdd enclosure that works with linux?15:06
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dr_willisampd i seem to use the askubuntu lens in here like every 5 min. ;) they got a list of lens there alsi i recall15:07
dr_willismelkor:  weird.. ive nevere seen one NOT work reguardless of os.15:07
ampddr_willis: hah, thanks, i'll take a look. still havent warmed up to unity yet15:08
dr_willismelkor:  and ive used dozens of them over the years15:08
K4kinstall: I honestly don't know. I stopped using fake/soft raid in favor of "zfs for linux" a while back. I don't know if that's officially supported under Ubuntu though because it's still in a < v.1 RC status, according to the project page.15:08
melkordr_willis: my partitions will get created by gparted, and then if I unmount and mount again, they are gone.15:09
melkordr_willis: it works fine in windows and the drive never had a problem before I put it in the enclosure.15:09
sayersHDD issues...15:09
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dr_willismelkor:  err.. you do use the 'apply/write changes' button? ;)15:10
OpenbsdVboxmelkor: are you sure you are applying the changes from gparted15:10
OpenbsdVboxdr_willis: read my mind :)15:10
melkorOpenbsdVbox: yes15:10
dr_willisunless the enclosure has some sort of av/mbr protection. ;)15:11
melkordr_willis: absolutely, I have formated it numerous times, I have even briefly written to it afterwards. It alwas fails.15:11
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dr_willisi have seen enclousres not supply enough power and be flakey15:11
OpenbsdVboxmelkor: sounds like a make to avoid in the future15:11
melkorSome othe people have had the same problem in the amazon reviews.15:12
melkordr_willis: this has a two pronged usb port.15:12
melkorI haven't tried plugging in both prongs.15:12
melkorDo you have a recommended brand of enclosure?15:13
dr_willisive seen hd enclousere not work unless both are in..15:13
dr_willisexpecialy with higher speed hds15:13
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dr_willisi tend to use the bigger powered enclosures. not really worth the $$/time to put a hd in a portable enclosure. unless its a hd i allready have15:14
dr_willisi must have 10+ external usb hds....15:15
dr_willis4+ are of the portable type15:15
dr_willisiomega brand has issues.. had to return one segate for a new one. i think i got an old old segate thats dieing now.  but it dies then comes back. ;)15:16
Sonderbladeis there a plugin to get chromium to play silverlight on ubuntu?15:21
OpenbsdVbox!moonlight | Sonderblade15:21
ubottuSonderblade: For Microsoft Silverlight support, install Moonlight with the following command: « sudo apt-get install moonlight-plugin-mozilla » in a terminal.15:21
Sonderbladeapt-get can't find that package15:22
OpenbsdVboxSonderblade: best to avoid silverlight altogether15:22
OpenbsdVbox!find moonlight15:22
ubottuFile moonlight found in gnome-user-guide, language-pack-gnome-ast-base, language-pack-gnome-az-base, language-pack-gnome-bs-base, language-pack-gnome-ca-base, language-pack-gnome-cs-base, language-pack-gnome-da-base, language-pack-gnome-de-base, language-pack-gnome-el-base, language-pack-gnome-en-base (and 41 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=moonlight&mode=&suite=precise&arch=any15:22
xanguaOpenbsdVbox: Sonderblade moonlight is an abandoned project15:22
OpenbsdVboxxangua: ah15:22
d3bugMoonlight also happens to be the name of a TV show I like. :)15:23
Sonderbladexangua: so there is no way?15:23
OpenbsdVboxxangua: that factiod needs removing/revising then15:23
u42phi, i understand ufw is a ubuntu thing? how can i make it not spam dmesg but log to a file instead?15:28
OpenbsdVbox!ufw | u42p15:28
ubottuu42p: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.15:28
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defaultrohey folks, i would like to install ubuntu. However, the fonts is what always make me worry. I got used to Windows font being nicer15:28
OpenbsdVboxdefaultro: whats wrong with the fonts?15:29
defaultroalso, Microsoft Office, what's the very closest I can use?15:29
dr_willisdefaultro:  cant say ive noticed windows fonts being nicer. at least not in yeaaars.15:29
dr_willisdefaultro:  libreoffice is the standard15:29
OpenbsdVboxdefaultro: libreoffice is an alternative15:29
defaultroOpenbsdVbox, I haven't used ubuntu. The xorg I am used to is not nice15:30
dr_willis'the xorg' ?15:30
defaultrothe gui15:30
Pinkamena_Dhello, i am a sort of gamer transferring over to linux. I am trying to get one of my favorites, haloCE (the first one) on ubuntu. I have followed several online guides on how to do this using WINE and it installs ok but after loading the graphics driver does not seem to work, it shows a black screen or weird lines and shapes with the background menu music.15:30
defaultrothe display manager15:30
OpenbsdVboxdefaultro: what was the last time you tried linux?15:30
defaultroi'm a command line user in linux15:30
dr_willisdesktops are  easially changed15:30
Pinkamena_Di have a Mobility Radeon X1300 card15:30
defaultroi started using linuix sinc 199415:30
defaultrobut 95% command line and not X15:31
defaultrodoes  libreoffice come with ubuntu?15:31
dr_willisat least you should know linux fundamentals. ;)15:31
OpenbsdVboxdefaultro: so you just don't like the console font?15:31
dr_willisdefaultro:  libreoffice is the standard default office suit15:31
defaultrodr_willis, I know the command lines very well15:32
defaultrocan I exchange files between microsoft office?15:32
dr_willislibreoffica is avail for windows also15:32
u42pOpenbsdVbox: cheers, that only talks about toggling logging, no mention of logging to a file15:32
AndrewM_Hello I've got bind9 configured on two ubuntu 12.02 servers. Each server is in a different domain and has a masters zone which works happily for its respective domain. I've added forwarders on each to point to the other server so that they can queries for the other domain get forwarded to the other server. Unfortunantly I cannot get it to work. I have also tried adding specific forwarder zones for the other domain to each with no ava15:32
defaultroi mean, is the doc, xls file compatible?15:32
AndrewM_s? Help/advice appreciated. Can share configs if required.15:32
OpenbsdVboxu42p: sorry, i just showed you the factoid to tell you that ufw is for managing the firewall (not just a "ubuntu thing")15:33
u42pOpenbsdVbox: oh i know. it is made by canonical though, that's what i meant. i use it on a non-ubuntu box15:34
defaultrowhat is a nice gui interface?15:34
OpenbsdVboxdefaultro: libreoffice is as close as you will get to being compatible with microsoft office15:34
dr_willisdefaultro: try the default unity15:34
OpenbsdVboxdefaultro: depends what you like15:34
defaultroit's because the people who will be using this box is my wife and kids15:34
defaultromaybe Windows like interface15:35
dr_willislubuntu is close to the old win95 type desktop. unity is more mondern15:35
dr_willisboth can be installed..15:35
defaultrounity then is what I should go15:35
BluesKajunity is modern ? ...hehe15:35
defaultrothey're currently using windows 715:35
dr_willisjust pick what to use at login screen15:35
defaultroah, cool, i'll let them try it then15:35
defaultrothis friggin windows 7 is so full of virus15:35
BluesKajdefaultro, the closest experience to a windows gui is KDE , IMO15:36
defaultromy fedora 12 has been running for almost 3 years now and never slowed down15:36
dr_williskde can be confuseing however15:36
ubottunickjr: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:36
defaultroi know kde and gnome15:36
OpenbsdVboxdefaultro: if your windows 7 has viruses you must be doing something wrong15:36
dr_williswhat is with people going caio,list.....15:36
defaultroi love enlightenment :P15:36
dr_willisdefaultro:  also installable..15:36
defaultrowill do15:36
dr_willisi fine 'e'  sort of weird in ways15:37
defaultrowhat about mac interface? :p15:37
defaultroe is very old15:37
dr_willisbuy a mac15:37
dr_willisE17 i think just had some updates/release last few months15:37
defaultrowhat version of firefox is in ubuntu?15:37
defaultrooh cool15:38
ubottufirefox is the default web browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | To install plugins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxPlugins15:38
OpenbsdVbox!info firefox | defaultro15:38
defaultrovery cool15:38
ubottudefaultro: firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 15.0.1+build1-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 (precise), package size 19338 kB, installed size 40147 kB15:38
crizisdefaultro, current LTS tracks firefox releases, so it has the newest firefox15:38
defaultrowhen I update my firefox here in my jurassic fedora, it stops working until i restore the old version15:38
defaultrocool crizis15:38
ToxicFrogHaving a bit of a bluetooth problem with 12.04.115:38
defaultroi really heard good things about ubuntu and will definitely install it today15:39
ToxicFrogIt can pair with my phone just fine, and send files to it. Can't browse it, but the phone doesn't support OBEX FTP, so that's expected.15:39
ToxicFrogHowever, when I try to send files from my phone to the computer, I get a generic "transfer failed" message from the phone.15:39
defaultrowhere is the safe download site?15:39
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ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Precise, and help keeping the servers' load low!15:39
defaultrofound it15:39
webfoxI figured that in order to console-setup load after a restart I have to type setupcon command. Then I need to from each restart automatically run this command. could someone help me figure where to add this command in order to it load every machine starting please?15:40
nsudonot helping @Blues15:40
defaultrothis is in topic, ttp://ubottu.com/y/dl15:40
ToxicFrogInstalling obexpushd and running it fixes this - the phone can send files just fine and obexpushd catches it15:40
dr_williswebfox:  /etc/rc.local perhaps15:40
TuduAny one can hear me ???15:40
Tudui am new to XChat15:40
webfoxdr_willis, let me test it.15:40
nsudoPlease some one help me fixing my sound issues 12.0415:40
dr_willisTudu:  yes15:40
ToxicFrogHowever, it would be nice to have this integrated with the rest of the bluetooth stuff - eg, phone sends file, get a confirmation message in the same way I do when it tries to pair, pick a download location15:40
tomreynTudu: not hear, but read15:40
pr0metheu5So, Ubuntu 12.04 won't detect my nVidia optimus gfx card. I mean, it shows up in lspci, but not in "Additional Drivers," to install and enable it.15:40
ToxicFrogIs there some package or configuration I'm missing?15:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:41
BluesKajTudu, can't you see the text ?15:41
TuduYes Great15:41
dr_willispr0metheu5:  for optimus you need to uyse the bumble tools to allow it15:41
TuduI can see15:41
ToxicFrogOr does the default/gnome bluetooth configuration stuff just not support receiving OBEX PUSH, and i'm stuck with running obexpushd by hand?15:41
dr_willisbulblebee ;)15:41
TuduHow is ubuntu 12.04 ?15:42
pr0metheu5dr_willis it used to be, the nVidia drivers would show up in "additional drivers," before. Has anything changed?15:42
nsudo@BluesKaj please help me sir15:42
dr_willisbumblebee - i think theres a  wiki \age15:42
OpenbsdVboxTudu: try it and find out15:42
dr_willispr0metheu5:  with optimus systems...    yes...15:42
BluesKajnsudo, didn't you see my posts to you , above ?15:42
dr_willispr0metheu5:  with nonoptimus systems...    no...15:42
pr0metheu5dr_willis, Aah, well, bullocks. I hate the horrible nVidia support on Linux.15:42
dr_willisi have few nvidia issues. but i dont use optimus15:42
decciI have a small Ubuntu network (6 user) with Ubuntu Server.  I need a disaster recovery plan and implementation for the Server (user data backups are automatic), users use the server for storing only data and using DaviCal calendar system.  Ideal would be a way to get the server backup and running remotely in the event of a hardware failure. (assuming someone who would replace hardware does not know much about Ubuntu server).15:42
dr_willisand i hear optimus/bumblebee is getting good15:43
pr0metheu5dr_willis, yes, it has come a long way.15:43
defaultrolooks like my download is from uk. it's 98k/sec :(15:43
pr0metheu5dr_willis thanks for your help, sir.15:43
tomreynToxicFrog: sounds like you want to script this. i don't know ehther there are hooks in gnome or elsewhere to trigger the script, though, so you might need to click on a button15:43
BluesKajnsudo, sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf , add this line to the bottom , options snd_hda_intel index=0 , then save the file and do , sudo  modprobe snd_hda_intel , then reboot15:43
dr_willisdefaultro:  thats why the factoid suggested torrents15:43
tomreynToxicFrog: but then there are hooks for almost everything15:43
ToxicFrogtomreyn: script what, the launching of obexpushd?15:44
tomreynToxicFrog: yes15:44
ToxicFrogYeah, I can do that, I was wondering if there was official push-receive support I just can't figure out how to enable or something15:44
TuduI am alrady using ubuntu 12.04 :) Coool :P15:44
defaultroI don't see torrent links here, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors15:44
webfoxUbuntu 12.04 rocks! ;)15:44
tomreynToxicFrog: i couldn't tell, maybe someone else can. have you checked the community help wiki, yet?15:44
OpenbsdVbox!torrents | defaultro15:45
ubottudefaultro: Precise can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/desktop/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/server/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696915:45
puppy_paradeI'm trying to map a keyboard page back/page fwd button in vim, but when I try to get the key code using ctrl V. it doesn't work.15:45
puppy_paradeI have the X keycode, can I use that for mappings in vim?15:45
defaultrothanks muc15:45
defaultroI also found this, not sure, if it's good. I see torrent files - http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/15:46
ToxicFrogtomreyn: yeah, it was...not helpful.15:46
OpenbsdVboxdefaultro: yes, thats the official site15:46
=== Roasted is now known as roasted
defaultroFile not found - http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/desktop/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent15:46
ToxicFrogtomreyn: it has a lot of information, but all of it is for solving problems I don't have; AFAICT there's nothing on OBEX PUSH support.15:47
nsudo@blues sound still shows output as dummy device15:47
nsudoi did as you instructed sir15:47
ToxicFrog(or, well, receiving it; there's stuff on getting it working for sending, but that's already working for me)15:47
defaultroi'm good now15:47
webfoxdr_willis, did not work.15:48
webfoxwhere do I put a command in order to it execute each machine boot ?15:49
defaultronice 5 mins remaining15:49
=== Youri is now known as YBook
jribwebfox: what kind of command?15:50
webfoxjrib setupcon15:51
webfoxjrib, I think it loads or reloads the console-setup15:51
jribwebfox: is there a reason you are not using /etc/default/console-setup?15:52
daddythats too much to type...15:52
webfoxjrib, I am, but it does not keep the setting from one restart to another.15:53
tomreynToxicFrog: since obexpushd is a daemon, does it have an init script? and if so, how about starting it whenever your system enters the multi-user init stage?15:53
tomreynToxicFrog: that's still not integration, but at least receiving files should work by default then, i guess.15:54
nsudo@blueskaj what do i do now15:54
webfoxjrib, I would have to load it manually each new restart. The file is ok but it is not used during boot, then I need to open it every once I boot the machine or setupcon command.15:54
ToxicFrogtomreyn: it doesn't, but it wouldn't be hard to write one.15:54
tomreyni bet15:55
jribwebfox: have you tried running « sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup »15:55
ToxicFrogA better approach, I think, would be to - as you suggested earlier - hook it up via gnome so that it launches when a device is paired with and exits when unpaired15:55
BluesKajnsudo, did you follow the suggestion i gave you , above ?15:55
Aster|LostSo, I did something. And now I can't login anymore.. My password is correct, and when I type it into the startup login prompt thing, it just gives me a blank screen before setting me back to the login screen... However, logging in to the guest account works fine..15:55
ToxicFrogAnd for bonus points, pipe it through something that can ask for confirmation when receiving files15:55
webfoxjrib, yes, this is the way I configure it. But after a restart everything comes back as was before.15:55
nsudoyes, i did a restart but it still shows dummy device15:55
ToxicFrogAssuming, of course, that the necessary hooks exist in gnome.15:55
nsudoi followed al instructions15:55
jribwebfox: hmm, that shouldn't be happening15:56
OpenbsdVboxAster|Lost: might be helpful to know what it was you did15:56
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jribwebfox: maybe try doing a « sudo update-initramfs -u »15:56
Aster|LostOpenbsdVbox, I attempted to start X on display 2 in TTY 1.15:56
=== Youri is now known as YBook
landiHey there, i have a problem after the newest LTS update. My system starts but all i can see is a black screen and a blinking cursor. Ctrl+Alt+F1-4 doesn't work anymore. Someone help me please?15:57
BluesKajI'm talking about the remote pc , correct , nsudo ?15:57
tech936im guessing the ubuntu server irc is ubunuserver?15:57
OpenbsdVbox!server | tech93615:58
ubottutech936: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server15:58
webfoxjrib, already running.15:58
OpenbsdVbox!nomodeset | landi15:58
ubottulandi: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:58
BluesKajcan you reboot a remote pc , or is the pc close to you  , nsudo?15:58
melkor Anybody know what I can do about wireless that cuts out?15:59
nsudoits a pc close to me15:59
jribwebfox: you're on 12.04?  There are some bugs on earlier versions regarding console-setup15:59
nsudonot remote15:59
landiThank you ubottu, i'll read that15:59
webfoxjrib, yes 12.04 Server15:59
tomreynToxicFrog: in case you're currently using bluez-gnome, try replacing it with gnome-bluetooth and see if this helps15:59
BluesKajnsudo, pls use my nick so i can see it ..my nick will highkight16:00
JohnHello, i have a jpg image and i want it to fill more then 1 page. How would i get it to print?16:00
jribwebfox: well you can probably workaround it by putting setupcon in your /etc/rc.local but it really should be working without needing that.  You should consider filing a bug16:00
ToxicFrogtomreyn: already using gnome-bluetooth. This is a clean install of 12.04, so16:01
tomreynokay, was just a guess16:01
xanguatomreyn: doesn's both use bluez¿16:01
nsudoBluesKaj so how do we take this forward now16:02
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BluesKajnsudo, I suggest you install pavucontrol , it can help16:02
decciWe want to set up a simple service that when you send an email and will hold the email for a certain amount of time and then forward it.16:03
nsudoBluesKaj Ok16:03
john____hello, i have a jpg image how would i get  it to fill 4 pages, huge16:04
webfoxjrib, it do not work either if I add setupcon on /etc/rc.local16:05
jribwebfox: you added it before the exit line?16:05
webfoxjrib, yes16:05
AaronCampbellWhen I used to type a command in terminal that wasn't valid it would say "command not found" and suggest packages that contained that command.  On a new install I don't get any suggestions.  Is there a package I can install that will put that back?16:07
jribAaronCampbell: command-not-found16:07
nsudoBluesKaj I have installed via Synaptic do i restart now?16:07
jribwebfox: I don't know what the right way to fix your issue is.  It sounds like a bug to be honest16:08
jribwebfox: remove it from your rc.local.  Have you tried the --save-only option to setupcon?16:08
webfoxjrib, no, I just use setupcon --save-only ?16:09
AaronCampbelljrib: I just checked and it looks like that's installed16:09
kodo_hi everybody16:09
jribwebfox: I think so.  Again, I have no experience with this16:09
jribwebfox: I see that /etc/init/console-setup.conf just loads some keymap that's saved.  And I think that setupcon --save-only will save your settings to the right place.  But I'd also expect for the dpkg-reconfigure console-setup to do all this for you16:10
nsudoBluesKaj I have installed via Synaptic do i restart now?16:10
jribAaronCampbell: you need to make sure your shell is sourcing the relevant config file16:10
kodo_i've just installed shockwave plugin but when i try to use youtube it cannot  load the plug in..anyone can help me?16:10
OpenbsdVbox!flash | kodo_16:11
ubottukodo_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash16:11
webfoxjrib, well, lets see what happens. Just used --save-only option16:11
BluesKajnsudo, no , open pavucontrol and set up your outputs , alt+f2 pavucontrol16:11
AaronCampbellThanks jrib ... I got it working.  I appreciate the help16:13
webfoxjrib, no. did not solve it.16:13
jribwebfox: can you describe exactly what doesn't work?  Are you modifying the font or just modifying the keymap?  (bear with me as I'm not familiar with setupcon and console-setup)16:14
webfoxjrib, I am just changing the default font type and size.16:14
nsudoBluesKaj: still dummy sound device16:15
nsudoBluesKaj: still dummy sound device16:16
BluesKajnsudo, you left too soon , have some patience please , , open pavucontrol and set up your outputs , alt+f2 pavucontrol16:16
nsudoBluesKaj: No output device available16:19
l057c0d3rjust wanted to thank everyone for the help earlier.. i actually figured out the problem finally.. and got persistence working on my lubuntu live usb..  also got password added to lubuntu live session account and got my account added and set to auto login :-)16:19
nsudoBluesKaj: No output device available; only virtual device is shown as Dummy Output16:19
l057c0d3rdecided to try and make the casper-rw file from 4 gb to 3.  even though it said it supported up to 4 on fat32.  and it worked16:20
nsudoBluesKaj: No output device available; Hardware output devices are none16:20
l057c0d3rso a gig less space.. but oh well... i can use another usb to store personal files if needed... since i dont want to use the hdd.,  because i want it to be a portable system16:20
jribwebfox: what changes do you make exactly?  I'll try here and see what happens16:22
BluesKajnsudo , lsmod | grep snd , paste the output , I need to know if the kernel module even exists16:22
nsudoBluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/CSdr9u0216:24
nsudoBluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/CSdr9u0216:25
peakI recently install fedora on ubuntu (dualboot ) , After installing fedora i can´t login ubuntu .Help me out !!!16:26
nsudoBluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/CSdr9u0216:26
wilee-nileepeak, Is the fedora wheezy?16:27
peakwilee-nilee: fedora 17( yum based )16:28
l057c0d3rwell thanks again for the help....  may not have found the answer... but at least you all pointed me in the right direction and i cant thank you enough for that... happy as hell right now.. take it easy all.. and good luck with your linux adventures16:28
wilee-nileepeak, oops Thats a debian release my mistake, fedora has the grub control?16:29
nsudoBluesKaj did you manage to look at the pastebin16:30
BluesKajnsudo, try this , sudo modprobe snd_hda_codec , then , sudo alsa force-reload , if there's no output after the force reload , then reboot16:30
UbuntuNoobHello, I'm having difficulty installing ubuntu16:31
peakwilee-nilee: fedora is not debian based .I just want to know how to configure grub so that i can have my ubuntu back16:31
nsudoBluesKaj Yo16:31
BluesKajnsudo, yo ?16:31
AaronCampbellUnder the little gear icon in the top right in 12.04 there was an option to set startup applications.  On a fresh install of 12.10 it's not.  Am I just missing a package?  Or did it move?16:32
OpenbsdVbox!12.10 | AaronCampbell16:32
ubottuAaronCampbell: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+116:32
nsudoBluesKaj I am rebooting now16:32
UbuntuNoobI downloaded the 12.04 ISO, and used Daemon Tools Pro to burn it onto a DVD. I booted my computer from the disk and checked it for defaults, of which there are none. I go to install alongside Windows 7. It brings up a Command Line Interface with a load of text, ejects the disk  and says "Please remove installation media and close the tray (if any) then press ENTER16:33
nsudoBluesKaj I am rebooting now its says unloading and loading alsa16:33
UbuntuNoobHow can I fix this?16:33
blast_hardcheeseUbuntuNoob: Don't put that DVD in the drive on boot16:33
blast_hardcheeseproblem solved16:34
UbuntuNoobThen where do I boot from?16:34
blast_hardcheeseoh, good point.16:34
UbuntuNoobThe only other option is to launch Windows 716:34
blast_hardcheeseoh dear, don't do that.16:34
UbuntuNoobIs booting from the LiveCD not how its installed?16:35
OpenbsdVbox!install | UbuntuNoob16:35
ubottuUbuntuNoob: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:35
wilee-nileepeak, actually fedoras is debian based.  I have had problems my self with the way fedora 17's grub is set up and running with ubuntu, not sure I have any real answers for you.16:35
OpenbsdVboxwilee-nilee: fedora is red hat based16:35
UbuntuNoobYes, I've read that, and I've followed the instructions, but it just ejects the disk and reboots...16:36
peakwilee-nilee: Ok !16:36
wilee-nileeah that is right it is redhatI forgot openbsdnoob16:36
nsudoBluesKaj: no luck16:36
bobweaverhello there I am trying to play a older game that uses directX8.1   I have installed that(directx9) using wine tricks but I am still getting the same error. any ideas ?16:36
wilee-nileeOpenbsdVbox, that is a nick just like another thanks for your input. ;)16:36
OpenbsdVbox!appdb | bobweaver16:36
ubottubobweaver: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help16:36
peakwilee-nilee: yup ! it based on REDHAT16:37
BluesKajnsudo, if you are working on a remote pc , why are you rebooting this one ?16:37
UbuntuNoobCan Ubuntu be burned onto a DVD? Or must it be a CD?16:38
nsudothis is my pc there is no remote pc , i said if u can help me with this via remote connect16:38
webfoxjrib, I changed the font to Terminus and font-size to 12x6. Just it.16:38
nsudothis is my pc there is no remote pc , i said if u can help me with this via remote connect @BluesKaj sorry16:38
OpenbsdVboxUbuntuNoob: either should work fine (a dvd might be a bit of a waste though)16:38
develop7Hello all16:39
bobweaverUbuntuNoob,  as of 12.10 it will not fit on cd anymore16:39
UbuntuNoobWell, it's not working, when I go to install alongside windows it opens a CLI, ejects the disk and restarts the computer and boots into Windows 7. Not what I want.16:39
bobweaverserver will still though16:39
bobweaverUbuntuNoob,  how new is this computer ?16:40
UbuntuNoobI bought it 1 month ago, a HP Pavillion G6 with Windows 716:40
bobweaverUbuntuNoob,  is it new enough to have windows secure boot ?16:40
crizisyou can just put ubuntu on usb stick.. no need for dvd or cd16:40
bobweaveris that out yet ?16:40
BluesKajnsudo, well i'm out of ideas , but try to configure your phonon and pavucontrol again16:41
MrELusiveonehow well does the usb ver of ubuntu installer work?16:41
bobweaverUbuntuNoob,  did you check the MD5Sum ?16:41
peakcan´t see ubuntu option in fedora grub loader .I install fedora 17 on ubuntu and after installation i can switch to ubuntu .Please help me out .I want to use both linux16:41
wilee-nileepeak, Have you tried the #fedora channel as well, they are a bit snarky there but it may help.16:42
webfoxjrib, I think it has something to do with grub vga=XXX16:42
UbuntuNoobbobweaver I don't think it has secure boot16:42
bobweaverpeak,  re-install grub to Ubuntu then scan again16:42
UbuntuNoobbobweaver whats MD5Sum?16:42
bobweaverpeak,  from a live cd16:42
MrELusiveonehow well does the usb ver of ubuntu installer work?16:42
bobweaver!md5sum | UbuntuNoob16:42
ubottuUbuntuNoob: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:42
nsudoBluesKaj Thanks for all those ideas! does anyone know how to configure the sound16:42
peakbobweaver: UBUNTU live CD or fidora LIVE CD16:43
bobweaverpeak,  Ubuntu16:43
bobweaverwell whatever just re-install grub to your Ubuntu partition16:43
bobweaverpeak,  ^&^16:43
BluesKajnsudo, you may have a broken soundcard16:43
nsudodoes anyone know how to configure the sound! pls intel hda does not fix in 12.0416:43
UbuntuNoobI'll check it now bobweaver16:43
nsudoBluesKaj: Its onboard16:44
BluesKajnsudo, , but good luck16:44
peakbobweaver: Hope it works16:44
bobweavernsudo,  open terminal enter in   "aplay -l "    PASTEBIN that for us to see16:44
bobweaverpeak there is tutorial about that ... too late16:44
nsudobobweaver: k16:45
UbuntuNoobbobweaver the sum is e235b63c02644e219b7bf3668f479c9e16:45
sdiahello everybody !16:45
bobweaverUbuntuNoob,  then check it :)16:45
nsudobobweaver: http://pastebin.com/Qpa1h7PF16:46
nsudobobweaver: http://pastebin.com/Qpa1h7PF16:46
sdiawhile moving my .thunderbird  from win to ubuntu i have some freqent freeze.16:46
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sdiadoes anyone face the same problem here ?16:46
bobweavernsudo,  that is not good haow about a   "lspci -vnn "16:47
wilee-nileebobweaver, It appears that with Fedora 17 which I have had problems with in tandom with ubuntu and I know grub quite well, needs a mounted of the other when updating grub.  http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=27922116:47
killer_how do i change lightdm with mdm(mate display manager).....i have installed mdm but dun know how to use it instead of lightdm16:47
UbuntuNoobbobweaver how to check the sum?16:47
wilee-nileebobweaver, Just passing it on if peak comes back16:47
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UbuntuNoobbobweaver its correct, now what? It still ejects the DVD when I go to install alongside windows 716:48
nsudobobweaver: http://pastebin.com/Ni7JYeHp lspci -vnn16:49
bobweaverwilee-nilee,  Thanks yeah I had the same trouble like 2  months ago, once secure boot happenes it is going  to be even better for newer people to *nix16:49
nsudobobweaver: http://pastebin.com/Ni7JYeHp16:50
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bobweavernsudo,  apt-cache policy libpulse[0..9]  && apt-cache search indicator-sound   << pastebin please16:53
bobweavernsudo,  sorry typo16:54
bobweavernsudo,  apt-cache policy libpulse[0..9]  && apt-cache policy indicator-sound   << pastebin please16:54
nsudobobweaver: ok16:54
nsudobobweaver: http://pastebin.com/FxPG3mWd16:55
bobweaver!bug 126157 | nsudo16:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 126157 in linux-source-2.6.22 (Ubuntu) "[gutsy] no sound with PCID ID 8086:27d8 (rev 02) and subsystem: 14ff:a003" [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12615716:56
bobweaverthat looks old but that is your card16:56
bobweavernsudo,  what kernel are you useing ?   (uname -r)16:57
nsudobobweaver: 3.2.0-23-generic-pae16:57
akisany idea on how can i run an application on gnome through terminal but permenently just clicking its icon, like its possible under xubuntu where from main menu with a right click on the icon i can take the option 'run in terminal'. how can i do the same under gnome?16:58
OpenbsdVboxnsudo: why haven't you updated at all?16:58
bobweavernsudo,  is alsa-base or alsa-utils installed ?16:59
nsudoalsa base17:00
tech936looking for Ubuntu admins anyone Want to join a Network team msg me17:00
nsudobobweaver alsa-base OpenbsdVbox: recon update?17:00
OpenbsdVboxnsudo: you are using the kernel that shipped with 12.04 release, why aren't you using the latest one from the repos?17:01
OpenbsdVbox!info linux-generic | nsudo17:01
ubottunsudo: linux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB17:01
bobweaver!info alacarte17:03
ubottualacarte (source: alacarte): easy GNOME menu editing tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.2-2ubuntu4 (precise), package size 91 kB, installed size 1116 kB17:03
bobweaverdude that was asking about menu scripts ^^17:03
nsudoi am doing it now \17:05
bobweaverweer my scroll will not work in my irc client17:05
tyhgvgwell there is a bubuntu os and it cannot read ebooks. what to do?17:09
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scatterpHi can some one help me install this i think i am missing a repository https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/bitlbee-skype/0.8.4-0ubuntu117:13
bobweaverscatterp,  can you please open your terminal and enter in "apt-cache policy skype"   then Pastebin that17:14
scatterpyes one sec17:15
bobweaverscatterp,  it has to be bitlbee-skype  or can it just be skype ?17:16
OerHeksah i found the bugreport for unity-amazon lens > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-lens-shopping/+bug/105477617:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1054776 in unity-lens-shopping (Ubuntu) "Don't include remote searches in the home lens" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:19
bobweaverthanks scatterp17:19
barkOerHeks: and another: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-lens-shopping/+bug/105428217:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1054282 in unity-lens-shopping (Ubuntu) "No obvious way to restrict shopping suggestions from displaying adult products" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:19
bobweaverscatterp,  32 bit or 64 ?17:20
OerHeksthanks bark17:20
bobweaverscatterp,  I would try the 2 debian packages on this page  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bitlbee-skype/0.8.4-0ubuntu1/+build/210023817:22
scatterpOk but how ?17:22
tyhgvgwell there is a bubuntu os and it cannot read ebooks. what to do?17:22
OpenbsdVboxtyhgvg: what is bubuntu?17:22
bobweaverscatterp,  click on the .deb files to download then open with software center17:23
bobweaverscatterp,  then install17:23
scatterpOk testing17:23
tyhgvgthe distro we're discussion in that one channel17:23
OpenbsdVboxtyhgvg: this is the ubuntu channel, what is bubuntu?17:24
tyhgvgbubuntu, smubuntu I don't care. but it cannot read ebooks17:25
WizrdWhy build a new distro just for reading ebooks?17:25
mirajtyhgvg , that has more to do with needing a specific app than a problem with the os17:26
llutzand how is that ubuntu-related?17:26
tyhgvgeven android can!17:26
scatterp-bobweaver, i tried the package skyped and it came up with an error can not install python:i38617:26
DeltaHeavyMy Chrome tabs aren't moving between window instances under Unity. Anybody know how to fix this?17:26
llutz!ot | tyhgvg17:27
ubottutyhgvg: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:27
tyhgvgyou heard my support question. what is the purpose of a desktop os without compartible bookreader apps?17:27
DeltaHeavytyhgvh: For other various day-to-day tasks~17:28
llutz!info fbreader |tyhgvg: stop the misspelling of ubuntu if you want help17:28
ubottutyhgvg: stop the misspelling of ubuntu if you want help: fbreader (source: fbreader): e-book reader. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.10dfsg-6 (precise), package size 886 kB, installed size 2821 kB17:28
tenXtyhgvg: cant think of anything else but ebooks on a desktop, really17:29
tenXDeltaHeavy: is that the case17:31
DeltaHeavytenX: It would seem that's what tyhgvg is arguing17:31
tenXDeltaHeavy: ah.17:31
tyhgvgllutz: lolwhut? it is fbreader 0.12 there17:32
tenXDeltaHeavy: more like "its not working. damn"17:32
tenXDeltaHeavy: gotta complain somewhere17:33
DeltaHeavyWhen I'm angry at something not working at least I'd like to think my complaints are more credible :p17:33
ninuxhi everybody! can someone tell me, where the content of an webdirection lays? i have the content on the graphical in nautilus and konqueror but i want to handle them in the terminal. any ideas?17:33
hatmanCan't format because USB drive is busy... what to do?17:33
jribninux: "webdirection" means?17:33
mirajhatman, something is cd'd to it, probably17:34
hatmanmiraj: so do I have to unmount it to format?17:34
mirajhatman, yes17:34
tenXDeltaHeavy: that requires some effort being put in the issue17:34
hatmanwhat was the cmd for that?17:34
mirajhatman , umount /mntpoint17:34
ninuxjrib: i have some files on my university page and i can open them in the browser or "open as webdirection"17:35
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CellTechDoes the u1 program let you upload 1 single file? I don't want/need an entire folder backed up17:35
DeltaHeavytenX: Eh, bitching about Unity ain't to hard in the couple days I've used it :p. Friggen nice just slow T_T17:35
hatmanmiraj: so lets say my drive is called /dev/sdb how do I instantly unmount it from terminal?17:35
tenXDeltaHeavy: but actually i like the idea to just quit right ahead17:35
mirajhatman , what is it's moint point? a "df" command should tell you17:36
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ninuxjrib: for nautilus i have to hit in "davs://" and for konqueror "webdavs://" at the begin of the adress17:36
hatmanmiraj: /dev/sdb117:36
truexfan81hatman: sudo umount /dev/sdb117:36
hatmanthanks truexfan8117:37
tenXDeltaHeavy: never really been using it. i see the problem not in unity itself but breaking up with what everybody has been used to as default17:37
mirajhatman , the mount point is listed under "df" as "Mounted on"17:37
DeltaHeavytenX: You mean GNOME2?17:38
tenXDeltaHeavy: people that can deal with it can change but beginners cant17:38
tenXDeltaHeavy: yeah probably ;)17:38
deadmundIf I create a new .desktop file in ~/.local/share/application what do I need to do to get XFCE to show it in the application menu?17:38
webfoxCould someone tell me a application for converting a music cd to mp3 please?17:38
DeltaHeavytenX: Yeah but GNOME 2 is obsolete now, and replaced with the pile of crap known as GNOME 3.17:38
tenXwebfox: rip17:38
deadmundwebfox: sound-juicer17:38
pthdeadmund: As far as I know drag it into the launcher17:38
webfoxthank you guys!17:39
deadmundpth: really... lemme try17:39
tenXDeltaHeavy: okay guess i shouldnt talk about something i have no idea about ;)17:39
mirajwebfox, but ogg files sound better17:39
webfoxmiraj, better then mp3 ?17:39
e4gJust want to make sure I'm thinking correctly: If I want to dual boot Ubuntu and Fedora, on two separate drives, I just need to install Fedora on the second drive and then add it to grub in ubuntu correct?17:39
tyhgvgfbreader 0.12 is more than 2 years old, and is as usable as gedit to read webpages17:39
deadmundpth: That isn't working...17:40
mirajwebfox, more people think they sound better than mp317:40
tyhgvgis there a normal software?17:40
jribninux: try ~/.gvfs/17:40
tenXtyhgvg: normal like what?17:40
hatmanmiraj: ok, I'm not so good with formatting... I have a super modern Sony dvdplayer and want to see some movie from this usb-drive I just unmounted, I have the choice to unmount it as the following: Master Boot Record|GUID-partitiontable|Don't partition, keep Fat32|Apple Partition map              so which one do I need?17:40
OpenbsdVboxe4g: essentially yes17:40
webfoxmiraj, Mmm, good to know. I will test it. Thank you for the tip.17:40
pthdeadmund: Do I understand you right, that you want an application to start when you press its icon in the launcher?17:40
tyhgvgnormal like supporting formatted text and pictures17:40
hatmanmiraj: sorry I meant I have the choice to *format as following17:41
tenXtyhgvg: no there is no such thing.17:41
mirajhatman, what filesystem would you like it to be?17:41
deadmundpth: :P  I feel stupid.  I am running xfce but I have the LXDE Panel.  I'm trying to add a launcher to the LXDE panel.  It only allows you to add applications that show up in the menu.  This application (matlab) does not show up in the menu.  I wrote a .desktop file, but it is still not showing up in the menu17:42
mirajhatman, just a second17:42
tenXtyhgvg: you can either have text OR pictures, not both17:42
pthdeadmund: Stand by.17:42
tyhgvgtenX: wut?17:42
rockyi have problem chrome browser problem in ubuntu 12.04. it automatically disappears now it is happening frequently, then i reopen to restore my tabs17:43
deadmundpth: I just got it.  In the desktop file I had OnlyShowIn=XFCE; set and so it wasn't showing in LXDE.  Removed that, it shows in the menu know.  Problem solved.17:43
deadmundpth: Thanks for trying though :)17:43
rockyi have problem chrome browser problem in ubuntu 12.04. it automatically disappears now it is happening frequently, then i reopen to restore my tabs, can someone help to fix this problem?17:43
tenXtyhgvg: deal with it.17:43
pthdeadmund: Very good.17:44
ninuxjrib: i can navigate to gvfs but i cannot ls anything even if i'm loged in as root its tellin me tha i do not have permission to do anything17:44
tyhgvgtenX: I won't deal with it, even mobile phones have better readers than fbr 0.1217:44
pthdeadmund: The drag and drop is in Unity. Sorry I misunderstood your question.17:44
mirajhatman, here's the cmd I tend to use: mkfs.vfat -F32 -n "somelabel" /dev/sdb?17:44
obitenX: Stop feeding the troll :p17:45
jribninux: what does "cannot ls anything" mean?17:45
hatmanthank you miraj17:45
deadmundpth: Yeah, this had nothing to do with unity.  :P17:45
deadmundpth: Thanks! :)17:45
llutztyhgvg: go find another ebook-reader-soft or blame the fbreader-devs who dropped support for nearly all OS except android17:45
tenXobi: it just happenend :(17:45
rockyi have problem chrome browser problem in ubuntu 12.04. it automatically disappears now it is happening frequently, then i reopen to restore my tabs, can someone help to fix this problem?17:46
obitenX: Lol, I know. They get hungry :)17:46
ninuxif i hit "ls" the output is "not possible: no permission"17:46
pthrocky: Can you be more specific?17:46
OpenbsdVbox!info calibre | tyhgvg17:46
ubottutyhgvg: calibre (source: calibre): e-book converter and library management. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.38+dfsg-1 (precise), package size 14394 kB, installed size 29654 kB17:46
rockypth, when chrome crashes it does give any error message17:46
Sander__hello there, can anyone help ne with ndiswrapper on 12.04?17:47
pthrocky: You mean it just dissapears?17:47
jribninux: ls -ld ~/.gvfs/17:47
tenXobi: nothing to do, no other right to exist17:47
rockypth, i meant disappears17:47
BlackWoolgreets to all.17:47
SynrGin prep to install ubuntu, in win7 using Disk Management, the fool thing refuses to shrink the ~280G partition to anything less than about half the original size, even immediately after defragging (the partition has 254.5G free, which is most of the drive, so I had hoped for far more)17:48
aniasisI am on my VPN using vpnc but I am ping internal IPs with no response17:48
aniasisanyone experience this before?17:48
tyhgvgcalibre is 114 megabytes: does it work for sure?17:49
Sander__im new to linux i need my question answered aswell :P17:49
SynrGany clues as to how to get win7 to reduce the volume size further?17:49
hatmanmiraj: Ah, screw it, it is way too difficult for me, I don't understand a thing. I used the partitioningtool from the softwarecentrum. Thanks all for the help. Bye17:49
ClientAliveI don't understand something part of a manual I'm reading. My question is whether the word they're using is to be replaced when you write the actual line of scrip or if the word 'IS' the thing to use. Can someone with more experienfce take a peek at this and help me understand?17:49
jribClientAlive: ask the actual question...17:49
llutzcalibre is not an ebook-reader more a nice tool to manage/convert them, though it has an ebook-viewer built-in17:49
mirajsorry hatman, I was trying to keep it simply17:50
rockypth, does this info helps?17:50
truexfan81miraj: gparted is simple :)17:50
pthrocky: There is a lot about chrome crashes out there, maybe you could try a search trying to be as specific as possible.17:51
NastyNazwhen I transfer things over SFTP the rate seems to be capped at around 150 KB/s, anyone know why this could be?17:51
ClientAliveThe manual part is here: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/download/releases/stable/unison-manual.html#merge   they are using the word: current1, current2, currentarchopt, and so on (in the bulleted list). Can soomeone look at this and tell me are those words the actual thing to write in my script or are they like variable and I have to replace them with something?17:51
CPCookieManCheck your scp config?17:51
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CPCookieManThat or if your on wifi you could actually be maxxing it out17:51
mirajtruexfan81 , but hatman didn't start out talking about partitioning, just formatting17:51
truexfan81but that program does formatting, may be simpler to use it17:52
pthClientAlive: Stand by.17:52
tenXCPCookieMan: why wifi?17:52
rockypth, does this info helps?17:52
jribClientAlive: "Within this string, several special substrings are recognized; these will be substituted with appropriate values before invoking a sub-shell to execute the command."17:52
ninuxjrib: the output of ls -ld ~/.gvfs/ is "drwx------ 2 root root 4096 Mai 23 01:35 /root/.gvfs/"17:52
CPCookieMantenX: I was talking to nastynaz17:52
jribninux: why are you doing this as root/with sudo...?17:52
aniasiscompdoc vpnc = vpn client17:53
CPCookieManI figured his cap might be from wifi, if he's far away from the router or something17:53
CPCookieManCould happen17:53
BlackWooli'm having an issue on macbookpro (ubuntu 12.x). keyboard backlighting resets on boot. any way to save the setting. total noob here.17:53
NastyNazCPCookieMan: I've checked both scp and the server is on a 1gig line and im also on a 1gig line. FTP transfers at 90MB/s17:53
tenXCPCookieMan: ah okay but thats pretty constructed17:53
ClientAlivejrib: ok, I guess that went over my head when I read it. thx. But now, can you give an example of something you would replace it with (a concrete example)?17:54
bekksNastyNaz: Which is quite good. Whats the problem with that bandwidth?17:54
CPCookieManNastyNaz, Ahh ok, then I have no idea :P17:54
banyantreeHi Guys =)17:54
compdocaniasis, if the vpn is working, you should be able to ping any ip on that lan17:54
NastyNazbekks: SFTP transfers ultra slow (125KB/s)17:54
Sander__can anyone tell me how to install ndiswrapper 1.58rc1 on Ubuntu 12.04?17:54
CPCookieManFirewalls maybe?17:54
CPCookieManOnly other thing I can think17:54
bekksNastyNaz: Then ask the ISP(s) wether they slow down SFTP or not.17:54
jribClientAlive: sure, here's what I use: merge = Regex .* -> gvimdiff --nofork CURRENT1 CURRENT217:55
NastyNazbekks: it's on a cogent backbone connection, there's no filtering17:55
ninuxjrib: where is the "sudo"?17:55
jribninux: I didn't say there was one17:55
ClientAlivejfib: Rereading that quote, I recall why I was confused: because it says "...will be..." replaced. So I thought that the program does the replacing.17:55
bekksNastyNaz: Did you ask them?17:55
NastyNazbekks: yes17:55
tyhgvgninux: it is a program which allows arbitrary strangers to be a root on your machine17:55
banyantreei have a fresh ubuntu 12.04 installation on my dell latitude e550017:56
jribClientAlive: unison will replace the CURRENT1 placeholder with the name of the local file when it calls the command17:56
banyantreebut it's not as smooth as windows 717:56
ClientAliveohh! ok, So unison is what does the replacing. I wonder where it get the content to replace it with. From the root = preference or something?17:56
CPCookieManSo here's my problem. One day I restart my MacBook (newest LTS) and now GRUB won't boot to ubuntu. I'll have to get my machine real quick. If someone thinks they can help, PM me. This chatrom is moving fast17:56
banyantreedo i need to install some drivers?17:56
ClientAliveYes!  :)17:56
truexfan81banyantree: can you be more specific? what do you mean by not as smooth?17:57
ClientAlivewherre does it get the content to replace current1 current2, etc... ?17:57
compdocCPCookieMan, boot the ubuntu Live cd and access your files, or even fix grub17:57
jribninux: what I said was that you should be doing this as your regular user17:57
ClientAlivewhat are those variables connected to?17:57
tenXbanyantree: you can also wait for windows 7 to slow down17:57
tydynrainCPCookieMan, downloading and burning Rescatux to a disc, then booting into it can fix your dilemma most likely.17:57
jribninux: which obviously wasn't the case since ~/.gvfs is pointing to /root/.gvfs in what you pasted here17:57
truexfan81tenX: thats true lol it will happen eventually17:57
_MarcusI think my AMD graphics drivers are broken, how do I uninstall them?17:58
ClientAlivemaybe it says in the manual there and I missed it. Hang on, let me re-read17:58
banyantreetruexfan81: sometimes its something like micro stutters17:58
tydynrainsynaptic is the easiest manner Marcus17:58
tenXtruexfan81: pretty reliable ;)17:58
CPCookieMantydynrain: If only it was that simple. Remember, this is a MacBook, so booting to a CD is REALLY hard.17:58
ninuxjrib: hehe sorry i just had a mental shortcircuit =)17:58
truexfan81tenX: yeah lol17:58
_Marcustydynrain: What is that?17:58
CPCookieManPlus my disk drive is actually broken17:59
tydynrainSynaptic is a package manager17:59
BluesKajnsudo, make sure you have alsa-utils installed , I assumed you had it17:59
CPCookieManI installed ubuntu using another macbook.17:59
deadmund_Marcus: what makes you think it's broken?17:59
jribClientAlive: when unison tries to merge file x.jpg on your laptop with file x.jpg on your desktop and there's a conflict, you end up with something like x.jpg.LOCAL and x.jpg.REMOTE (I made this up; I don't remember how exactly the files are named).  And then it passes "x.jpg.LOCAL" instead of "CURRENT1" to your command17:59
tydynrainavailable in the official repositories17:59
ClientAlivejrib: Oh, it does say in the manual - basically its saying (between the lines) that it's internal to the program.17:59
banyantreetruexfan81: my graphic card: intel 4500mhd18:00
tydynrainyou can most likely boot from a USB stick if the CD/DVD drive is not functional.18:00
_Marcusdeadmund: I get an error when trying to use my second montior as anything that isn't just duplicating my first one. This happens in both AMD Catalyst Center and the Ubuntu settings too18:00
bekks_Marcus: Why do you think they are broken? And why dont you want to fix them, but uninstall them then?18:00
CPCookieManSo I choose the option to boot to ubuntu, and it stays on the typical purple screen for a minute...18:00
deadmund_Marcus: what driver are you using?  What is the error?18:00
ClientAliveright!  :)  ooh... this is exciting. Thank you jrib. Think I'm ready to try it.   :>18:01
_Marcusdeadmund: When I checked how to uninstall the drivers online, every source said to use a command that I don't have. Some fglrx thing, and I have some folder called amdcccle.18:01
bekks_Marcus: Which error...?18:01
_Marcusdeadmund: I have no idea what driver I am using. Let me get the error again, hold on.18:01
truexfan81banyantree: there are no drivers to install for intel graphics, the opensource drivers are installed with the os18:01
deadmund_Marcus: ok18:01
deadmund_Marcus: You can check the driver by running and reading the output of sudo lspci -k18:01
jribClientAlive: yeah unison is pretty nice; I wish I didn't have to do a funny screen dance to use without a gui though -_-18:01
banyantreeokay =) thank you18:01
deadmund_Marcus: fglrx is the name of the proprietary closed source driver18:01
_Marcusdeadmund: It says this: "required virtual size does not fit available size: requested=(3200, 900), minimum=(320, 200), maximum=(1600, 1600)"18:02
bekksWell, that error is obvious on AMD.18:02
bekksYou cant do what you are using, since the maximum virtual size is limited.18:03
_Marcusdeadmund: I did that command, but how do I know if the driver is graphics? I have an AMD CPU as well as an AMD graphics card.18:03
_Marcusbekks: How do I fix that?18:03
bekks_Marcus: By bying another graphics card, like Nvidia, which has a max. virtual size of 8192².18:03
deadmund_Marcus: "how do you know if the driver is graphics?"  What does that mean?18:03
Troy^what themes can you use in unity?18:03
deadmundbekks: Are you sure?  Maybe he can try adding a modeline using xrandr and cvt18:03
bekks*buying even.18:03
_Marcusbekks: Hah, no! This one cost enough already. I had no problem using this on Windows, I see no reason it shouldn't work on Ubuntu.18:04
bekksdeadmund: I am pretty sure, yes.18:04
Sander__does any1 have ndiswrapper on his ubuntu 12.04? or is it not even possible?18:04
bekks_Marcus: Because the driver does not support it.18:04
obiTroy: gtk318:04
bekks_Marcus: If you like to use that feature, you have to use Windows.18:04
bekks_Marcus: Or you have to try the opensource AMD drivers.18:04
Kingsywhat is a good undelete tool for ubuntu?18:04
deadmundbekks: whoa whoa whoa18:04
ClientAlivejrib: I'm just curious. In the comand that you use (the one you shared with me here), what does the --nofork option mean? Is that an option telling gvimdiff not to use a third file for the merge but only the two that need merged?18:04
bekksKingsy: "backup".18:05
Kingsybasically just looking to recover some files on a formatted drive18:05
OpenbsdVbox!undelete | Kingsy18:05
ubottuKingsy: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel18:05
deadmund_Marcus: there is something we can try.  What model card do you have?  Please pastebin the output of sudo lspci -k   so I can read it:  paste.ubuntu.com18:05
OpenbsdVboxKingsy: but nothing can beat a backup18:05
Kingsyhehe yeah18:05
Jordan_UKingsy: "formatted" how?18:05
KingsyOpenbsdVbox: do any of those have a GUI ?18:05
jribClientAlive: nah, by default gvim will fork into the background and free up the terminal.  I don't want it to do that18:05
_Marcusdeadmund: Okay. I refuse to go back to an operating system that uses up almost 2 GB of memory on just normal startup (which would be Windows)18:05
OpenbsdVboxKingsy: no idea, i've never used them18:06
Sander__Does anyone have NIDSwrapper on his Ubuntu 12.04 or is it not possible anymore, I can't seem to get mine working.18:06
CPCookieManWhy would I be hanging at the purple screen on bootup?18:06
KingsyJordan_U: not sure at this point, it was done a MAC.. just seeing if I can recover any files for a friend18:06
bekks_Marcus: Then your only chance is to try the opensource drivers IF they do support your graphics card.18:06
deadmund_Marcus: well Id on't think you fully understand why it does that but Windows is lousy for other reasons.  Answer my questions and make that pastebin18:06
deadmundbekks: wrong18:06
BlackWoolhow do i set default keyboard backlight level? Seems like it resets after shutdown -on MacBookPro Ubuntu 12.04. Anyone?18:06
deadmundbekks: He can try to set a new modeline in xrandr18:06
bekksdeadmund: That wont make the virtual size magically larger.18:06
tyhgvgwhat else should 2GB ram be used?18:07
bekksWhy should RAM not be used?18:07
deadmundbekks: the virtual size maybe be incorrectly probed18:07
bekksdeadmund: point taken.18:07
Kingsythere must be a generic undelete application somewhere that attempts to recover lost files. I am sure I have used one, but I cant remember what it was18:07
_Marcusdeadmund: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1223017/ It seems a bit confusing in that paste, because I have both an AMD CPU and GPU.18:07
deadmundSander__: I've gotten it working.  What wifi card do you have?18:07
bekksKingsy: No. There is no generic undelete application.18:07
ccallahanI am having issues running the AMD video drivers on a FireGL V5250. I installed the drivers per http://askubuntu.com/questions/162831/ubuntu-12-04-radeon-hd-6670-help and in lspci it's clearly shown (http://sprunge.us/NGIe).18:07
ccallahanAny thoughts?18:07
CPCookieManEXT4-FS: Failed loading journal18:08
ClientAlivejrib: oh, ok. thx man.18:08
deadmund_Marcus: the graphics card is on line 6618:08
CPCookieManThere's a lot of other ATA errors in there18:08
_Marcusdeadmund: Okay. So how do I solve this?18:08
CPCookieManAnd then it drops to initramfs prompt18:08
deadmund_Marcus: hang on... reading18:08
CPCookieManIs it trashed?18:09
bampersandHey guys, I've got thousands of ebooks and I'm sure there'll be many duplicates, what tool should I be using to detect dupes? (the problem is though that some may be the same document, just scanned differently - meaning the dupe may not identify them?)18:09
Kingsylooks like its been formatted to FAT3218:09
deadmund_Marcus: what resolution are you trying to achieve?  http://www.amd.com/us/products/notebook/graphics/ati-mobility-hd-5700/Pages/hd-5750-specs.aspx18:10
CPCookieManKingsy: What?18:10
KingsyCPCookieMan: the drive I am trying to recover is Fat3218:10
deadmund_Marcus: Cause this web page says the card only supports 2560 x 160018:10
CPCookieManOh, you should be able to recover files then18:10
ninuxlynx webdavs://elearning.hslu.ch/ilias/webdav.php/hslu/ref_1807128/18:10
* tyhgvg wonders what bampersand is using to read them18:10
KingsyCPCookieMan: yeah, it would be nice to use an application that has a GUI tho18:10
deadmund_Marcus: FYI, there are two drivers you can use. The open source one called 'radon' and the closed source one called 'fglrx' right now you're using fglrx18:11
truexfan81CPCookieMan: if you boot to a cd or usb can you access the drive? if yes, i suggest backing up whatever you can from it18:11
llutztyhgvg: no pc/laptop i guess18:11
ClientAlivejrib: but diff3 is what I'll be using (along with backupcurrr, backupdir, and backuploc with unison). diff3 uses 3 files to do it's thing. So is the order to write those variable in my script like this?  [Code]merge = Name /* diff3 CURRENT1 CURRENT2 CURRENTARCH[/Code] ? Or does "CURRENTARCH" need to come first in sequence?18:11
CPCookieManata1.00: Failed command: READ DMA EXT18:11
CPCookieManMedia error18:12
_Marcusdeadmund: I'm nowhere near that maximum. I am trying to use 1600 x 90018:12
CPCookieManAnyone care to help here?18:12
deadmund_Marcus: 1600 x 900 on two monitors? so 3200 x 1800 ??18:12
CPCookieManIf possible I'd like to get it back running without a CD18:12
_Marcusdeadmund: Uh, I guess.18:12
deadmund_Marcus: That's the problem.18:13
tenXCPCookieMan: hw errors. try dd_rescue18:13
_Marcusdeadmund: So is this a problem with xorg? Because like I said, it works on Windows.18:13
deadmund_Marcus: the card won't do it (regardless of driver).  I think bekks was right about needed a different card18:13
tenXCPCookieMan: and i'd use a cd18:13
deadmund_Marcus: Well, we can try to set a lower resolution over two monitors18:13
deadmund_Marcus: But it will make everything larger.  Do you understand?18:13
CPCookieMantenX: Not really an option, this laptop has a broken DVD drive and won't boot from the external ones18:13
_Marcusdeadmund: What kind of card would give you three DVI ports, 1 VGA port, and an HDMI port, and expect you to not use 2 monitors?18:14
deadmund_Marcus: alright let's try here...  I've never done 2 monitors but I can do large resolutions no problem18:14
_Marcusdeadmund: This doesn't seem to make sense. Why is this only happening when I use Gnome Desktop?18:15
deadmund_Marcus: Can you show me the output of xrandr18:15
_Marcusdeadmund: How do I do that?18:15
Troy^arg unity is frustrating trying to use it over xfce18:15
deadmund_Marcus: run xrandr  , use paste.ubuntu.com18:15
ClientAliveI'll just try the variations till it works  :)18:16
deadmund_Marcus: right now you have a clone running?18:16
killeris there a download manager that has feattures comparable to idm?18:17
_Marcusdeadmund: Yes.18:17
deadmund_Marcus: try setting a lower resolution then turning on two monitors18:18
_Marcusdeadmund: That does work, I have tried that.18:18
eheirwerhello, does anybody know what "rigger-heads" means in this sentence: He held on through the level stretch of woods for several miles, crossed a wide flat of rigger-heads, and dropped down a bank to the frozen bed of a small stream.18:18
ccallahan(Ubuntu 12.04) I am having issues running the AMD video drivers on a FireGL V5250. I installed the drivers per http://askubuntu.com/questions/162831/ubuntu-12-04-radeon-hd-6670-help and in lspci it's clearly shown that Linux detects the card. (http://sprunge.us/NGIe). Any ideas why Catalyst won't detect them?18:18
deadmund_Marcus: ...18:18
jribeheirwer: ##english, not here18:18
deadmund_Marcus: that's the solution18:19
OpenbsdVbox!ot | eheirwer18:19
ubottueheirwer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:19
_Marcusdeadmund: Actually, no. I can't do 1900 x 600 and 800 x 60018:19
eheirwerccallahan, just use the opensource drivers. Those are much better18:19
JeanShow can i clear the command history used in a bash?18:19
deadmund_Marcus: I think the best resolution you can get is 1280x80018:19
Kingsyisnt there any data recovery tools that have a GUI?18:19
_Marcusdeadmund: But why?18:19
deadmund_Marcus: Because your card has a limit of 2560x1600.  So if you want two monitors you can put 1/2 of 2560 on each monitor18:20
_Marcusdeadmund: I know you showed me that page, and it said it could be only so big, but I don't believe that inside Windows 7 is some wizard who makes AMD cards work with two 1900 x 600 monitors magically.18:20
deadmund_Marcus: that's 128018:20
deadmund_Marcus: I think windows is automatically changing your resolution down to 128018:21
llutzJeanS: "history -c"  "help history" for more info18:21
_Marcusdeadmund: It doesn't look like it.18:21
deadmund_Marcus: Well maybe you can check.  Also, that wizard is typically referred to as the windows proprietary driver which often does magic.18:21
ccallahanJeanS: rm -Rrf ~/.bash_history18:21
deadmund_Marcus: Maybe you can check the actual resolution instead of eye-balling it.18:22
_Marcusdeadmund: Then isn't it xorg's fault?18:22
deadmund_Marcus: I guess? I mean, the card lists a max resolution on that website and you're explicitly asking to break that limit.  I would blame amd / radeon for showing a max resolution that is actually a lie and better resolutions can be achieved on different OS's18:23
deadmund_Marcus: But, to be clear.  I think that you're mistaken and on windows the resolution is changed when you selected 2 monitors18:24
ezioai'm just trying to get a simple test of grep working here ... ls | grep '.\{6\}' ... i was hoping that this would print files of only 6 characters in length but it only prints them all18:24
Sander__deadmund its not my wifi that is the problem, its the installing of NDISwrapper itself :P18:24
nsudoOpenbsdVbox I have updated my Kernel still the device is not listed sound18:24
_Marcusdeadmund: Would that mean Ubuntu is changing it as well? Because it the resolution looks the same on both operating systems.18:25
Sander__and my usb networkcard is on the "working"list18:25
deadmundSander__: Sounds like the same issue to me.  I ask because it's often much easier to use drivers besides ndiswrapper.  Also, I'm not 100% sure your card is supported by ndiswrapper.18:25
deadmund_Marcus: I mean.  I think that the resolution is being changed on windows when you turn on 2 monitors.  My understanding is you haven't been able to turn on two monitors in Ubuntu.  And no, I don't think it's changing the resolution at any point without notifying you (windows might be doing so when you turn on the 2nd monitor)18:26
_Marcusdeadmund: Do you think any difference could be made if I switched to the open source driver instead of fglrx?18:26
Sander__deadmund:  802.11g WPA2 PSK18:26
deadmund_Marcus: I think that the max resolution is 2560 and you can't break it regardless of what driver you use.18:26
OpenbsdVboxnsudo: i've never had an issue with sound, what are the specs of your machine?18:26
deadmundSander__: That's not the wifi card.  That's your encryption scheme.  To see the chipset (the card) run sudo lspci -k -C Network18:27
llutzezioa: ls | grep -o -w '\w\{6\}'18:27
_Marcusdeadmund: I don't believe in limitations.18:27
N03LHey people, what's the command for weechat to see everything within server?18:27
deadmund_Marcus: ur insane18:27
_Marcusdeadmund: I could be18:27
Sander__deadmund oh ok its Sitecom 300n18:27
smthi, i have problems with the speed of my (brand new) dvd drive, on a pure copy job it just gives me 5.4 MB/s reading speed, any ideas what i can do (its a sata drive in ahci mode, that should deliver 22x reading speed)18:27
N03LI think it was like irc.server*18:27
N03LOr something, right?18:27
deadmundSander__: That's the ROUTER.  I wanna know the card in the computer.  Please runt he command18:28
ilaihoon 12.04, avahi wrongly claims that i am using .local domain while it is actually .internal18:28
nsudoOpenbsdVbox Is thr any command to look18:28
OpenbsdVboxnsudo: lspci18:28
deadmundSander__: sorry, I made a typo.  The command is sudo lspci -k  you can put it here for me to look at: paste.ubuntu.com18:29
TheLordOfTimeSander__, do lspci and pastebin the output18:29
N03LOh wait, was it /set irc.server* ?18:29
TheLordOfTimeor what deadmund said18:29
nsudoOpenbsdVbox http://pastebin.com/uxkaJ0rb18:29
TheLordOfTimeN03L, irssi?18:29
lwizardlin 10.04 64bit I am having problems with toem playing video formats. I already have the restrictedextras installed. any ideas ?18:30
atari314Hello, does anyone know if is it possible to launch the network control applet from Unity on other WMs, like fluxbox/openbox? If positive, does anyone know which bin is it?18:30
_Marcusdeadmund: I don't care what AMD says. I'm going to make this work one way or another. I know someone who had a card about the same as mine and had two monitors that were larger in resolution.18:31
N03LTheLordOfTime: weechat18:31
_Marcusdeadmund: But thank you for your help :)18:31
OpenbsdVboxnsudo: lspci18:31
TheLordOfTimeN03L, did you ask in weechat support?18:31
deadmund_Marcus: Good luck!18:31
ElixirVitaeDoes changing ownership of partitions through chown make it constant18:32
obideadmund: "Good luck" won't even beat the impossible :p18:32
nsudoOpenbsdVbox http://pastebin.com/1NNpqnbF18:32
ElixirVitaeor do I need to do it everytime I boot18:32
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N03LTheLordOfTime: Hahaha, that's a good idea.18:32
atari314Nvm, it's nm-applet18:32
deadmundobi: Your telling me! :)18:32
OpenbsdVboxnsudo: and: lsmod18:33
obideadmund: it's like saying you are gonna fly your plane that's hardware is a that of a boat, lol18:33
KatronixHi all, can anyone lend me hand in figuring out why my apache subdomains aren't work? Code snippet here: http://pastebin.com/VX0yLYHu18:33
Sander__i cannot paste it there becouse this chat is on my windows laptop18:34
deadmundobi: I know!  I didn't realize when I started helping him that he was insane :P18:34
nsudoOpenbsdVbox http://pastebin.com/nnbdYDpD18:34
deadmundSander__: Does the target machine not have an internet connection?18:34
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obideadmund: At least you tried! :)18:34
deadmundobi: yeah18:34
Sander__deadmund no18:34
ccallahan(Ubuntu 12.04) I am having issues running the AMD video drivers on a FireGL V5250. I installed the drivers per http://askubuntu.com/questions/162831/ubuntu-12-04-radeon-hd-6670-help and in lspci it's clearly shown that Linux detects the card. (http://sprunge.us/NGIe). Any ideas why amd won't detect it?18:34
Sander__deadmund thats why i need the NDISwrapper :)18:35
deadmundSander__: Then you're gonna have to read the output on that machine and tell his.  Look for network controller or wlan controller or something simillar18:35
deadmundSander__: Understandable :)18:35
deadmundtell us*18:35
OpenbsdVboxnsudo: sudo modprobe snd_hda_codec18:36
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nsudoOpenbsdVbox no output18:37
OpenbsdVboxnsudo: that means the module is now loaded18:37
_cbis it against the rules to hijack a nick?18:38
OpenbsdVboxnsudo: see if you can open your sound preferences thingy to select your output18:38
KatronixHi all, can anyone lend me hand in figuring out why my apache subdomains aren't work? Code snippet here: http://pastebin.com/VX0yLYHu18:38
_cbKatronix: please use ubuntu paste18:38
Sander__deadmund i cannot find it, but i have the package of the usb network card, the model number is WL-35218:39
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nsudoOpenbsdVbox output device shows Dummy Output and no hardware output device18:39
OpenbsdVboxnsudo: you did restart after the kernel update yes?18:40
nsudoOpenbsdVbox yes18:40
OpenbsdVboxnsudo: then i'm out of ideas18:40
Katronix_cb ok http://paste.ubuntu.com/1223086/18:41
praveen_Hey Guys! I have a problem booting ubuntu in my Lenovo T43018:42
Sander__deadmund: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/ndiswrapper/index.php?title=Sitecom_WL-352 this is my network card18:43
praveen_It just does't boot automatically. But it can boot with the help of installation media18:43
praveen_Can anybody help?18:43
arooni-mobilei have tried both: http://www.ryukent.com/2010/10/changing-chrome-magnet-link-association-in-ubuntu/ and http://myinterestingubuntu.blogspot.com/2012/01/change-magnet-links-association-in.html ... but im not able ot change my association for magnet links18:43
_cbis it against the rules to hijack a nick?18:43
anti-freeze_cb, im pretty sure its against law18:44
_cbanti-freeze: really?18:44
llutz_cb #freenode, this is ubuntu-support18:44
_cblol sorry18:44
anti-freeze_cb, dont apologise to me, apologise to the person you hijacked18:45
nsudocan anyone help me with the sound card of mine18:45
nsudoreally bugging me now!18:46
deadmundSander__: because it's a USB device it doesn't show up in the output of sudo lspci -k18:46
praveen_llutz: I have a problem with ubuntu booting18:46
arooni-mobilei have tried both: http://www.ryukent.com/2010/10/changing-chrome-magnet-link-association-in-ubuntu/ and http://myinterestingubuntu.blogspot.com/2012/01/change-magnet-links-association-in.html ... but im not able ot change my association for magnet links18:46
deadmundSander__: make sure you have the .inf and the .sys file (that make up the driver) put them in the same folder.  Then point ndisgtk to the .sys file (I think)18:47
markovhwhat's the actual installer package that ubuntu uses to install itself?18:47
markovhtyhgvg: that was directed at me?18:48
OpenbsdVbox!info ubiquity | markovh18:49
ubottumarkovh: ubiquity (source: ubiquity): Ubuntu live CD installer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.10.20 (precise), package size 4017 kB, installed size 14036 kB18:49
markovhtyhgvg: thanks18:49
vessouhi, i just upgraded my ubuntu 12.04, and somehow, it lost mouse support, someone can help?18:49
=== JoshuaP is now known as jsp0
=== jsp0 is now known as JoshuaP
obivessou: what machine are you using?18:50
chris__hey guys18:50
chris__whenever i watch a youtube video18:50
chris__the colours are all inverted18:50
bekks!enter | chris__18:50
ubottuchris__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:50
chris__okay understood!18:51
obichris_: install flash :p18:51
cielakhello everyone! I have a trouble getting X to start correctly on a newly installed Ubuntu - can anyone give me a hand troubleshooting that?18:51
bekkschris__: Right click on that flash video, and disable the hardware acceleration in the flash settings.18:51
nsudocan anyone help me with the sound card of mine18:51
praveen_I am not able to boot ubuntu. Can anybody help?18:51
cielakor maybe can someone instead point me to where should I seek better assistance in that matter?18:52
chris__obi, thanks for the reply, already have :D18:52
wilee-nileepraveen_, This a fresh install, you have any history leading to this?18:52
chris__bekks, thanks for the reply, trying now18:52
gunarm1i was trying to fix my wifi drivers by following some instructions and ended up (i think on a development branch) of the kernel,  when I get to the login screen on a terminal it says "Ubuntu quantal (devleopment branch)"  everything is screwed up, my gdb background is different, the battery icon in my toolbar is too big to fit in its allotted space, and worst of all my desktop manager won't run anymore so none of my windows have boarders.18:52
gunarm1Any suggestions on how to fix this?18:52
praveen_wikee-nilee: This is a fresh 12.04 installation18:52
bekksgunarm1: Now, you have installed the next release of Ubuntu, 12.10 - to get back to 12.04, you have to reinstall your Ubuntu.18:52
EvdbHi Guys18:53
chris__bekks, I can bring up the menu however i cant select any options, and now the window wont close :S18:53
EvdbI need urgent help18:53
EvdbI've been trying all day to install Ubuntu on my Mac18:53
chris__!enter Evdb18:53
OpenbsdVbox!mac | Evdb18:53
ubottuEvdb: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages18:53
gunarm1bekks, did that happen because I added these "quantal" sources in /etc/apt/sources.list ?18:54
Evdbyeah but I can't find ANY solution18:54
wilee-nileepraveen_, Is the HD it is on being read first in the bios, was this a auto install or did you use the something else option and know which mbr grub was put in, last was this a install from windows=wubi?18:54
Evdbbut can someon ehelp me determining what to do?18:54
EvdbMy bootbale USB gives me kernel panic18:54
Evdbnot syncing18:54
nsudocant find any solution for probing my onboard sound can anyone help18:54
OpenbsdVboxgunarm1: never mix releases18:54
cielakguys, anyone knowledgable about Xorg?18:54
bekksgunarm1: Yes.18:54
praveen_wilee-nilee: Its a fresh new installation on Lenovo T430. I installed using USB stick. Its not booting. It shows black screen with cursor blinking on top.18:54
Sander__deadmund: i dont know what to look for18:55
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | praveen_18:55
ubottupraveen_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:55
bekksEvdb: Why dont you use a cdrom for installing Ubuntu?18:55
vessouobi, this one:  Aspire one D270-268bb18:55
praveen_wilee-nilee: The grub is the one that comes with 12.04 LTS18:55
gunarm1OpenbsdVbox, it was an accident, trying despeartly to update my wireless drivers18:55
bekksgunarm1: So which wireless chipset do you have very exactly?18:56
wilee-nileepraveen_, Check the nomodeset option, use the shift key to show the grub menu at powering on if this OS is the only install on the HD.18:56
obipraveen_ your mbr is probably set to boot from usb, instead of main hard drive. I actually went through this last week during a fresh install18:56
vessouobi, this one:  Aspire one D270-268bb18:56
EvdbCan someone please help me one sec in private chat or something. I need ubuntu for school18:56
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deadmundEvdb: Just ask your question and anybody that knows will help18:56
wilee-nileeobi, Don't assume please.18:56
deadmundSander__: can you be more specific?18:56
OerHeksnsudo, did you follow this howto ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems18:56
vessouEvdb, download edubuntu.18:56
EvdbI already did18:56
vessouobi, this one:  Aspire one D270-268bb18:57
Sander__deadmund: I don't know for what.inf and .sys file I have to look18:57
Evdbyeah but it's about an error18:57
Evdbnot about hwich version18:57
OerHeksnsudo, and this one > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting18:57
praveen_Let me check that.18:57
Evdbmy bootable usb give kernel panic on my macbook18:57
obiwilee-nilee: don't assume what? i will just not respond to whatever you are referring to then, no problem18:57
bekksEvdb: Why dont you use a cdrom for installing Ubuntu?18:57
Sander__[20:48] <deadmund> Sander__: make sure you have the .inf and the .sys file (that make up the driver) put them in the same folder.  Then point ndisgtk to the .sys file (I think)18:57
Evdbhat failed miserably18:57
EvdbI've waisted 3 DVDs18:57
deadmundSander__: Those are the driver files.  ndiswrapper uses the windows driver in linux.  It is a wrapper (hence the name)  You need to find the windows driver for your USB wifi thingy and pull out the .inf and .sys file and get them on the target machine18:57
EvdbUSB goes a litlle better than DVD18:58
wilee-nileeobi, A black screen with a blinking cursor would not happen under your scenario.18:58
Evdbbut still Kernel panic18:58
bekksEvdb: I am not talking about the dvd version. :)18:58
Evdbyou mean I should use a 700 mb cd?18:58
gunarm1bekks, atheros ar9485,  and it has this problem that people talk about in both ubuntu and windows where it drops connection every few minutes, for ubuntu it was suggested to install compat-wireless, but the link was out of date (the compat-wireless didn't support my newer kernel) but I thought it was the other way around and my kernel was too old so I tried to update the kernel (which I thought failed), then downloaded a newer compat wirele18:58
gunarm1ss, which worked (well i'm not convinced it was fixed), then an apt-get upgrade and two reboots later and my computer goes haywire18:58
obiwilee-nilee: it did18:58
vessoui just upgraded my ubuntu 12.04, and it lost mouse support. can someone help me please?18:58
Evdbbekks: you mean I should try a normal CD?18:59
obiwilee-nilee: changed the mbr (which was set to sda2 (usb)) to sda (main hard drive). Have a nice day18:59
Sander__deadmund: i think i found them, net8192su.inf and rtl8192su.sys, they where in my cd>drivers>winxp18:59
bekksgunarm1: You didnt mention the fact that you either modified your sources.list to use quantal instead of precise OR you didnt mention the fact that you used do-release-upgrade to upgrade to quantal.18:59
deadmundSander__: that's it18:59
wilee-nileepraveen_, I have top get to writing some papers for a universiy course, your problem sounds easily fixable, others will help.18:59
vessoui just upgraded my ubuntu 12.04, and it lost mouse support. can someone help me please?18:59
bekksgunarm1: However: To get back to 12.04, you have to reinstall Ubuntu 12.0418:59
Evdbbekks: should I use a CD?19:00
Sander__deadmund: do i need the xp ones becouse i can also choose other versions19:00
bekksEvdb: For the CD version - sure.19:00
OpenbsdVboxobi: sda is the same device19:00
gunarm1bekks, true, adding quantal into sources.list is how some link said to update the kernel (which I thought failed)19:00
gunarm1but ok19:00
Evdbbekks: if i download the default it's not for DVD? only for CD?19:00
vessoui just upgraded my ubuntu 12.04, and it lost mouse support. can someone help me please? this passed on my Aspire one D270-268bb machine.19:00
bekksgunarm1: That does LOT more than just updating the kernel.19:00
bekksEvdb: Which file did you download very exactly?19:00
obiOpenbsdVbox: oops, sdb19:00
Sander__deadmund: like 2000 win7x86 and x64 vista19:01
gunarm1bekks, just feeling around in the dark to make the wireless tolerable on my brand new 1000$ ultrabook, so I dont have to just use windows19:01
ClientAlivejrib: Are you still around? I'm getting there man. A different thing I had a problem with before was syncing a file that's owned by root (or maybe it was the perms on the file). I would get a permission denied error. I see a section in the manual that talks about permissions but it's talking about something different. Do you know how to deal with that issue? How to sync files owned by root or with certain perms on them?19:01
Evdbbekks: ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso19:01
gunarm1but ok Ill reinstall, wouldnt you know its the first time in a decade I havent put /home on its own partition ;(19:01
EvdbI burnt it to a dvd but that didn't work19:01
Jellyg00seHello, using ubuntu 12.04, unity after changing to a console using ctrl+alt+f1 and back to ''+f7 the indicators on the top seem to have "lost" their.. background? they look inverted, I tried compiz --replace but no joy, any clues without rebooting? :)19:01
vessoupastebin! ClientAlive19:01
bekksEvdb: Then use a CD.19:02
vessoupastebin! ClientAlive19:02
vessoui just upgraded my ubuntu 12.04, and it lost mouse support. can someone help me please? this passed on my Aspire one D270-268bb machine.19:02
Evdbbekks: that will really just work?19:02
bekksEvdb: For me, it did on every release since 7.x19:02
zoktaris there any file manager that has "gksudo" when trying to remove a file you dont have write permission to?.19:02
Evdbbekks: I'll try ;)19:02
ClientAlivevessou: I'm sorry that was a while back and I no longer have the profile that was causing it. I can try my question at a later date but I thought I'd just give it a shot now - to see if there was any useful tidbits that might help me.19:03
OpenbsdVboxzoktar: gksudo is a command19:03
zoktar well, a default elevation prompt of sorts then19:03
Muellizoktar: I don't know. I'd be surprised. There is usually a good reason for you not to remove the file then.19:03
OpenbsdVboxzoktar: what file are you trying to remove and why?19:04
obivessou: Not sure if this is right for your machine, but for me adding "options psmouse proto=imps" in a line at /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf (or any other file in that directory) fixed mine19:04
guntbert_zoktar: what file? where?19:04
zoktarin my case its a remote directory that i have not found how to change mask to19:04
praveen_obi: how can i check mbr?19:04
Sander__deadmund: the two files are on my desktop, so what do I do now? I tried ndiswrapper -i driver.inf but then it says: the program 'ndiswrapper' is not installed19:04
Muellizoktar: so you want to delete a remote file? Or change permission bits?19:05
zoktara nfs4 share to be more precise19:05
icathi all, a quick sound question: I swapped the hdd from one machine to another, hw should be identical and everything works, expect for the sound ... ubuntu finds no sound devices in the new box. how can i run reconfiguration?19:05
obipraveen_: sudo fdisk -l19:05
zoktaras a normal user i can delete files, but not directorys created19:06
deadmundSander__: You need to install ndiswrapper which means you need an internet connection temporarily.  Also, use ndisgtk  (it's graphical)19:06
Muelliicat: that sounds odd. How do you know that ubuntu doesn't find "sound devices"?19:06
deadmundSander__: I'm here, I'm working on something at the same time so feel free to ping me.19:06
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest51908
hvqhi, is it possible to have a shortcut for a favorite command? For eg, type editvim instead of vim $HOME/.vimrc19:07
kieppiehi guys19:07
hvqtype installapp instead of sudo apt-get etc,19:08
praveen_obi No partitions on HDD is marked as boot. However, the USB drive is marked boot.19:08
Muellizoktar: well. maybe the server is configured such that you cannot delete directories.. Or it is broken. Are you sure that elevating your (local) priviledges will enable you to delete directories?19:08
icatMuelli, xfce4-mixer only shows a "dummy sound device"19:08
kieppiethe power management on my 12.04 is fairly limited & sometimes doesn't even kick in (no idea why). are there any other desktop tools I can use to tweak the various settings?19:08
llutzhvq: http://www.hypexr.org/bash_tutorial.php#alias19:08
icatalsamixer find nothing19:08
Muellihvq: totally. Search for "bash alias".19:09
escotthvq, "alias editvim=vim $HOME/.vimrc"19:09
icatMuelli, sry, "Dummy output"19:09
hvqicat, Muelli, escott: thank you19:09
obipraveen_: sudo ms-sys -m /dev/sda19:09
Muelliicat: hm. what does "sudo aplay -l" say? and pastebin us dmesg and sudo lspci -vv19:10
zoktarMuelli, yeah, i can delete the directorys as root on my system. this is how directorys created by the remote system look for me, drwxr-xr-x19:10
praveen_obi How can I install ms-sys ?19:10
Sander__deadmund: I have the files on my desktop now but I don't know what to do with them :S19:11
bekkszoktar: Which directory do you want to delete?19:11
zoktarMuelli, those created by the remote system within the shared directory19:11
Muellizoktar: in order to be able to delete something in a directory, you need write permissions on it. So if you wanted to delete a directory in a directory, you'd need write permissions in that first directory. Do you have that?19:11
vessouobi, i do it , but no results.19:11
obipreveen_: Not installed? Did you simply try sudo apt-get install ms-sys (guessing)19:12
vessouobi, i do it , but no results.19:12
zoktarMuelli, yes drwxrwxrwx19:12
obivessou: sorry, I'm no help then :(19:12
vessoui just upgraded my ubuntu 12.04, and it lost mouse support. can someone help me please? this passed on my Aspire one D270-268bb machine.19:12
Muelliwell zoktar. It seems like a server issue to me anyway. So I would try to get some debug output from the server side.19:13
Muellivessou: how do you know that you lost mouse support?19:13
zoktarguess ill go hunt down the nfs setting :/19:13
=== Danielpk_ is now known as Danielpk
praveen_obi I tried that and its not working19:14
praveen_No packages found.19:14
obipraveen_: Hmmm, one minute19:14
praveen_obi sure19:14
icatMuelli, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1223162/19:15
vessoullutz,i just upgraded my ubuntu 12.04, and it lost mouse support. can someone help me please? this passed on my Aspire one D270-268bb machine.19:15
obipraveen_: http://ms-sys.sourceforge.net/#Download19:15
icatMuelli, I'd like to avoid a reinstall if possible19:15
=== dpac is now known as dpac|away
kieppieanyone able to help with power management please?19:16
vessoullutz,i just upgraded my ubuntu 12.04, and it lost mouse support. can someone help me please? this passed on my Aspire one D270-268bb machine.19:16
Muellihm icat. Weird indeed. Looks like you don't have any soundcard at all... O_o19:16
Muellivessou: how do you know that you lost mouse support?19:16
Muelli!anyone | kieppie19:16
ubottukieppie: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.19:16
OerHeksicat check your bios, is there an option for sound card  ~ AC97 / ~  digital sound ? try AC9719:17
kieppiethe power management on my 12.04 is fairly limited & sometimes doesn't even kick in (no idea why). are there any other desktop tools I can use to tweak the various settings?19:17
vessouMuelli, my mouse do not move. it stays at the desktop center.19:17
vessouMuelli, can u help?19:17
bulutry (hd 0,0) EXT19:17
buluhw  to slove this19:17
vessoubulu, what?19:18
Muellikieppie: hm. you can dig with gconf-editor or dconf-editor. There is a settings path somewhere to fiddle with more advanced settings. Maybe gnome-tweak-tool helps.19:18
Muellivessou: hm. sounds weird. Can you pastebin us "xinput --list"?19:18
kieppieMuelli - have done, but just curious re additional tools specific to pm19:18
schreberwhat would be the easiest way to modify how the day, month, & year are displayed in the top bar? I've looked in time & date settings and it doesn't seem apparent to me that it can be changed there.19:18
vessoubulu, is it for me?19:19
bulutry (hd 0,0) EXT  how  to solve this issues19:19
Muellikieppie: I don't know any. Ther e is the interface to Linux, various knobs in /proc/ but I wouldn't know them all. Google might.19:19
vessouMuelli, i cannot select, i'll try to paste it here directly.19:19
Muellischreber: adjust your LC_TIME variable.19:19
Muellivessou: better not19:19
Muellivessou: use smth like "xinput --list | pastebinit"19:20
vessouhow can i do ? Muelli19:20
praveen_obi Now, I get the following "Windows 2000/XP/2003 master boot record successfully written to /dev/sda"19:21
ClientAliveI don't understand if I'm putting the right things in the right file for what I'm trying to do. Working with unison and trying to have a separate file contains preferences like "batchmerge =" and "backupcurr = " and so on (preferences of that type). So do I put those preferences in the file named: "common" Then put a line [Code]include common[/Code] in the file: "default.prf" ??19:21
guntbert_ClientAlive: are you sure that this is the channel you wanted?19:22
ClientAliveWell I'm running ubuntu 12.04 and unison runs on ubuntu, so I hope so  ;)19:22
obipraveen_: reboot?19:23
icatOerHeks, will do, thx19:23
icatMuelli, thx19:23
praveen_obi Let me check19:23
ClientAlivejrib: ?  vessou: ?19:23
guntbert_ClientAlive: I was asking because I haven't got the slightest idea what you were talking about :)19:24
ClientAlivegunbert: np  :)19:24
ElDelQuintohello all19:24
ClientAlivegoogle: "unison file synchronizer" (if it interests you)  :)19:24
vessouMuelli, ok, see at http://paste.ubuntu.com/122318319:24
vessouMuelli, ok, see at http://paste.ubuntu.com/122318319:25
ElDelQuintoi have a question of Asus Trace Free technology, by default is 20%, is it better with 100%?19:25
CRF_H0M3RI'm having trouble with Empathy for the Messenger, anyone having it too?19:25
guntbert_ClientAlive: I suppose you have seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Unison already?19:25
gamerzlodhi @ll19:25
demonoid_comhello guys19:25
Muellihm vessou. You don't have an input device. Holy crap. That's terrible. Have you, by any chance, pressed a hardware button of some sort? My tablet has a "disable touchpad" button...19:25
Muelli!anyone | CRF_H0M3R19:26
ubottuCRF_H0M3R: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.19:26
demonoid_comsombody can tell some good books for linux kernel?19:26
ClientAlivegunbert: No, I don't think I have. I'll take some time to peek at it. Thx19:26
TJ-demonoid_com: The kernel source!19:26
demonoid_comTJ-: this is a book :)?19:27
CRF_H0M3RMuelli: ?19:27
demonoid_comTJ-:or is the kernel source :DD19:27
TJ-demonoid_com: The point is... the kernel evolves so rapidly that any book on it is going out-of-date as soon as it is printed19:27
guntbert_!tab > ClientAlive19:28
ubottuClientAlive, please see my private message19:28
demonoid_comTJ-:aaa ok :) but i'm beginner with the kernel :) i mean i need start from some books19:29
demonoid_comTJ-:or no?19:29
ClientAlivesorry guntbert_  I had heard of that feature but never learned how to use it. I just did use in right now tho and it's easy - thanks  :)19:29
TJ-demonoid_com: I'd highly recommend the kernel newbies web-site, forums,  and mailing-list. http://kernelnewbies.org/19:29
=== errietta is now known as erry
praveen_obi Its not working without USB stick. Without USB stick it asks to select a boot medium. With USB stick, it boots correctly.19:30
cielakguys, anyone knowledgable about Xorg? I need a hand troubleshooting it19:30
guntbert_ClientAlive: no need to be sorry, only: someone gets alerted that you are talking to them only when you use the nick19:31
vessouMuelli, i do not do it.19:31
vessouMuelli, ?19:31
praveen_obi Still the fdisk shows its not bootable.19:31
demonoid_comTJ-:10x :)19:31
bekkspraveen_: That display is irrelevant since 15 years :)19:31
vessouMuelli, ?19:32
Muellivessou: what?19:32
obipraveen_: sh*t, i guess i am at a loss. I will keep searching thinking. What does it show for available devices? This a fresh install?19:32
praveen_bekks What do you meant by that?19:32
no_gravityHello Everybody! What do you use to play your music on ubuntu?19:32
TJ-demonoid_com: but also, just clone the git repository for the Linux kernel and dip in... maybe start in the Documentation/ directory for some explanations of key features, then skim-read-scan some source code to get a feel for the style we use in writing it19:32
bekkspraveen_: That it doesnt matter wether there is a boot flag set or not nowadays.19:32
OpenbsdVbox!vlc | no_gravity19:32
Muellivessou: so you don't have a button for disabling the touchpad?19:32
ubottuno_gravity: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs19:32
goddardhow do i setup thundbird with ssl19:33
Troy^what is the quick shortcut to switch between workspaces?19:33
goddardit isn't working19:33
praveen_obi: It shows the available devices as cd drive, network boot and HDD. Yes, its a fresh install.19:33
Muellicielak: hm. What's your issue?19:33
Muelligoddard: how do you know?19:33
vessouexactly, Muelli.19:33
TJ-praveen_: If a fresh install only boots when the USB stick is plugged in, that tells us that the GRUB boot-loader was installed to the wrong device. That is relatively easy to fix19:33
goddardMuelli: how do i know what? it isn't working ? because it says its the wrong password19:33
praveen_bekks Okay.19:33
vessoullutz,i just upgraded my ubuntu 12.04, and it lost mouse support. can someone help me please? this passed on my Aspire one D270-268bb machine.19:33
cielakMuelli: it fails to start on a fresh install, it says 'Screens found, but none has a usable configuration'19:33
Muelligoddard: so maybe you provided a wrong password then ;-)19:34
praveen_TJ- How can I fix that?19:34
shomongoddard, look up the connection info from your email provider if there is any19:34
Evdbbekks: hey are you still here?19:34
obipraveen_: No, I mean when running sudo fdisk -l19:34
ClientAliveguntbert_ Right on. Well, I thought I had this unison thing right but stilll getting an error. I'll have to come back here later when I can work on it again. Anyhow, have a good one man.19:34
shomonor is it just google or something - in which case there should be a few guides19:34
goddardalready did that still not working and the password is correct19:34
goddardshomon: cpanel shows me all the settings19:34
shomonis it sending email okay?19:34
cielakMuelli: It looks like the 'intel' driver finds no modes19:34
Muellicielak: hm. that doesn't sound too good. I think there used to be a "xserver-config" (or smth similar) program which would provide reasonable defaults. But I thought that it was obsolete nowadays. What machine do you have?19:34
Muellivessou: hm. weird then. It's seriously weird. Maybe you have disabled some kernel modules? Could it be a hardware issue?19:35
cielakMuelli: that's a asus 1225c netbook19:35
goddardshomon: there is an ssl domain and a regular domain when doing testing the regular domain works perfectly with thunderbirds auto detect just not ssl which i have to enter manuall19:35
Muellicielak: have you researched whether other people have trouble with it?19:35
praveen_obi There is no menu.lst in the grub folder.19:35
cielakMuelli: yeah, and lot, and none of issues found are the one I experience19:36
Evdbbekks: hello?19:36
shomonI usually mess a bit with settings when setting that up.. usually some combination or other works..19:36
OpenbsdVboxpraveen_: menu'lst is for grub119:36
vessouMuelli, i do not no. it happened after upgrading ubuntu10.10 to ubuntu12.04.19:36
TJ-praveen_: If the system is started, identify the device-name of the hard disk and ensure GRUB's "/boot/grub/device.map" (if present) is set correctly, and do "sudo update-grub". Best thing is to check the devices first, then we can help you sort it out19:36
Muelligoddard: make sure you're using the correct ports. Thunderbird has a weird behaviour when making an account use SSL after the account was set up. It keeps the standard, non crypto ports as opposed to the crypto ports.19:36
obipraveen_: open a terminal and enter "sudo fdisk -l" and tell me what devices are shown19:36
vessouMuelli, i do not no. it happened after upgrading ubuntu10.10 to ubuntu12.04.19:36
vessoullutz,i just upgraded my ubuntu 12.04, and it lost mouse support. can someone help me please? this passed on my Aspire one D270-268bb machine.19:36
Muellicielak: hm. that's bad. Can you boot a pendrive or a CD?19:36
Muellivessou: can you boot a pendrive and check whether your mouse works?19:37
obipraveen_: we are looking for your main partition /dev/sda(x)19:37
OpenbsdVboxvessou: how did you upgrade? directly? or from release to release?19:37
Muellivessou: what are you having anyway? Mouse? Touchpad?19:37
praveen_obi Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders, total 976773168 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes Disk identifier: 0x000ea18d     Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System /dev/sda1            2048   968949759   484473856   83  Linux /dev/sda2       19:37
EvdbAh damn I need so much help19:37
cielakMuelli: only CLI systems, as X always fails to start - but I have a fully working CLI in the Ubuntu I have already installed19:37
Troy^What is the unity shortcut keys to switch between workspaces?19:37
EvdbAny Mac Ubuntu people here??19:37
OpenbsdVboxTroy^: hold down super to see the shortcuts19:38
Muelliso cielak: You cannot boot any Ubuntu? Not even a fresh one from a CD?19:38
praveen_obi It shows sda, sda1, sda2, sda5, sdb19:38
EvdbMac Ubuntu people?19:38
guntbert_Evdb: just ask your rela question and prepare for patience :)19:38
MuelliTroy^: there is a settings menu that'll show you all shortcuts. Try Ctrl+Alt+Up19:38
TJ-!pastebin | praveen_19:38
ubottupraveen_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:38
vessouOpenbsdVbox, directly. with a usb key created19:38
EvdbI really really need help and I've been trying for 1 hour no to get help19:38
OpenbsdVboxvessou: you likely broke your system then19:38
cielakMuelli: LiveCD gets stuck with a black screen and cursor blinking, both 12.04 and 12.10, I managed to install Ubuntu with alternate install image19:38
EvdbHave typed my problems 5 times now :(19:39
TJ-praveen_: Show us the result of this command:  " egrep '\[sd[[:alpha:]]\] [[:digit:]]+' /var/log/dmesg  "19:39
EvdbBefore I explain again, are there Mac Ubuntu people here?19:39
OpenbsdVboxvessou: you can't upgrade from 10.10 directly to 12.04, it isn't supported19:39
vessouMuelli, what is prenvide cd19:39
gabrielukhi, what is correct  sudo apt-get install  libapache2-mod-fastcgi or  sudo apt-get install  libapache2-mod-fcgid ?19:39
obipraveen_: which has the most blocks and what is listed under it's system19:39
Muellicielak: hm. that's very bad. If you cannot get a live cd running, chances are very bad anyway for the installed system to run properly. Can you try some other GNU/Linux like Fedora?19:40
Muelli!livecd | vessou19:40
ubottuvessou: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.19:40
vessouOpenbsdVbox, it proposed it me at installation.19:40
EvdbI get 'no prefix set'19:40
Muelli!usb | vessou or use USB19:40
ubottuvessou or use USB: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:40
cielakMuelli: I have tried some, but the problem persists, as all these distros have a common problem with Xorg19:40
OpenbsdVboxvessou: you certian it was 10.10?19:40
EvdbWhich thing should I select in rEFIt??19:41
no_gravityWhat do you guys use to manage playlists?19:41
cielakMuelli: what is interesting, in some countries this very same machine ships with Ubuntu preinstalled19:41
praveen_obi here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1223219/19:41
Muellicielak: hm. that's weird then. So which Fedora have you tried?19:41
EvdbOr should I just hold option key and choose 'windows'19:41
DianeDon't know how this works so.... My Lucid version on my laptop is totally messed up and I can't back up my files.  If I reinstall will I get a chance to do so?19:41
ampdEvdb: usb hdd19:41
Evdbampd: what do you mean?19:41
cielakMuelli: I am not sure the exact version, I had a USB drive with it I made few months ago19:41
ampdEvdb: nevermind, though you were talking about something else19:41
cielakmay chech that19:42
EvdbBut please someone...19:42
ampdEvdb: whats the issue?19:42
vessouOpenbsdVbox, exactly, i'm very certain. try.19:42
praveen_TJ-  Here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1223223/19:42
Evdbampd: I am trying to install Ubuntu on my MacBook Pro19:42
OpenbsdVboxvessou: then it shouldn't have offered, it isn't supported19:42
EvdbI installed rEFIt19:42
Evdbtampd: I installed rEFIt19:42
Muellicielak: hm. It looks like a bigger problem anyway. You could file a bug against either linux or xserver-xorg. It probably wouldn't help much though.19:42
OpenbsdVboxvessou: the only way to skip releases is from lts to lts19:42
TJ-praveen_: So, /dev/sda is the internal 500GB hard-drive where you installed Ubuntu to, and /dev/sdb is a 8GB USB stick?19:42
vessouubottu, i'm not a novice in usblive.19:42
ubottuvessou: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:42
obipraveen_: ok, enter sudo ms-sys -m /dev/sda2 and restart19:43
Muellicielak: can you pastebin sudo lspi -vv ?19:43
Evdbampd: I first burnt a DVD, that didn't work at all19:43
praveen_TJ- Yes. thats right19:43
Evdbampd: then bekks here said I should burn a CD19:43
ampdEvdb: to install ubuntu with refit?19:43
EvdbI can start it up but get a 'prefix not set'19:43
Evdbampd: ye19:43
Evdbampd: I can select try without installing but I get black screen with the cursor19:44
cielakMuelli: I have always found Xord devs *very* unrespondive :( I will in a sec (need to move the data from the other machine, I am now writhing from another Ubuntu on another machine - and no 'sudo' needed as my netbook is running only in recovery mode) :)19:44
ampdEvdb: hmm, i used refit a few years ago, let me see what i can find out19:44
vessoullutz,i just upgraded my ubuntu 12.04, and it lost mouse support. can someone help me please? this passed on my Aspire one D270-268bb machine.19:44
Evdbampd: I really need to get this working for school :s19:44
praveen_obi I get this message. "/dev/sda2 seems to be a disk partition device, use the switch -f to force writing of a master boot record". Should I force to do it?19:44
Muellivessou: what are you having anyway? Mouse? Touchpad?19:44
Muellivessou: can you boot a pendrive and check whether your mouse works?19:44
OpenbsdVboxvessou: you need to reinstall fresh19:44
TJ-praveen_: Run this command and tell us if it gives you a strange-looking line with dots and the word "GRUB" in it? " sudo dd if=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1 | hexdump -C | grep GRUB "19:44
TJ-praveen_: E.g. something like this:  00000180  7d e8 2e 00 cd 18 eb fe  47 52 55 42 20 00 47 65  |}.......GRUB .Ge|19:45
obipraveen_: yes, that is the same message I got when I did this last week and i proceeded19:45
vessouMuelli, mouse!19:45
OpenbsdVbox!caps | Diane19:45
ubottuDiane: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:45
vessouOpenbsdVbox, what's fresh?19:45
obipraveen_: I know this problem/solution only from my experience, not from knowledge lol19:45
OpenbsdVboxvessou: fresh install19:45
gordonjcpDiane: boot from your install media, do "Try Ubuntu without installing", back up anything you want to keep, then run the installer19:46
OpenbsdVboxvessou: a new install19:46
praveen_TJ- I get the following output.19:46
TJ-praveen_: obi Installing GRUB to a partition is *not* a good idea... It needs to be installed to the disk's MBR to be bootable from BIOS19:46
gordonjcpDiane: also, try and install /home on a separate partition to save this nonsense next time19:46
Dianeit won't let me and says I don't have permission to view file in home folder19:46
vessouOpenbsdVbox, help me. hw can i remove and install it?19:46
praveen_TJ- Okay19:46
Evdbbekks: you already back?19:46
TJ-praveen_: Thank-you. The lack of output confirms that GRUB is *not* installed to the hard drive. Now let's do the same test on the USB stick just to be sure we knw where it is...19:47
gordonjcpDiane: you probably need to do it as root19:47
obiTJ-: Ok, you take over :) Peace  praveen_:19:47
bekksEvdb: I wasnt away.19:47
TJ-praveen_: " sudo dd if=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=1 | hexdump -C | grep GRUB "19:47
Evdbbekks: oh okay19:47
ampdEvdb: you're getting it before refit or during ubuntu bot?19:47
OpenbsdVbox!install | vessou19:47
ubottuvessou: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate19:47
Evdbbekks: during boot19:47
Evdbbekks: i choose the penguin in refit19:47
praveen_TJ- I get that expected output in USB19:47
Evdbbekks: i get eroor prefix not set, I can choose try without installing but then the black screen and cursor appear19:48
cielakMuelli: do have a look http://paste.ubuntu.com/1223237/19:48
DianeGordon-- do it as root??19:48
TJ-praveen_: Good. That confirms what I had assumed. Now we'll sort things out... Give me a moment whilst I check the procedure locally so I give you the correct advice19:48
Evdbampd: i get eroor prefix not set, I can choose try without installing but then the black screen and cursor appear19:48
praveen_TJ- Okay.19:48
Muellihm cielak. So integrated Atom graphics. I think I have that, too.19:48
Evdbbekks: i tried buring on CD but I still have major problems19:49
cielakMuelli: exactly19:49
Muellicielak: can you also paste your recent Xorg.0.log?19:49
cielakMuelli: sure! I guess this log is actually more interesting19:49
bekksEvdb: Does that CD boot on another computer?19:49
Evdbbekks: no idea actually19:50
TJ-praveen_: "sudo grub-install /dev/sda"19:50
cielakMuelli: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1223242/19:50
vessouOpenbsdVbox, what's the fresh goal? hw can i use fresh?19:50
cielakMuelli: of course the ending has most tips19:51
OpenbsdVboxvessou: you need to reinstall19:51
OpenbsdVboxvessou: a new install19:51
praveen_TJ- Completed that command. Shall I reboot and check?19:51
TJ-praveen_: Now check you can see GRUB in the master boot record. We'll read it again:  " sudo dd if=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1 | hexdump -C | grep GRUB "19:51
Muellicielak: are you trying to boot with a second monitor attached?19:51
cielakMuelli: nope... unless a second screen is hidden within the netbook, lol :)19:52
vessouok , i understand.19:52
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praveen_TJ- Yes, Now I get the "GRUB" (expected output) with that command.19:52
Muellicielak: hm. do you know how to edit the boot parameters for Linux from GRUB? You could try to fiddle with the modeset argument.19:52
Muellicielak: again, sorry, what machine do you have/19:53
Unnamei have an ubuntu client successfuly connected to an openwrt openvpn server19:53
TJ-praveen_: Go ahead and reboot. Remove the USB (obviously!) ... I think you'll be OK but I'll wait around to hear19:53
Unnamebut i cannot ping it19:53
cielakMuelli: yeah, I am familiar with these tricks... any ideas what parameters are worth trying?19:53
cielakMuelli: that's a asus 1225c19:53
praveen_TJ- Okay.19:53
Muellicielak: and well, just to double check, you don't have anything in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, right?19:54
praveen_TJ- Now that works!!!19:55
praveen_TJ- Thanks a lot... Your great!!!19:55
cielakMuelli: I am trying both without a xorg.conf and both with a simple config in there, but there is no difference in result19:55
praveen_obi: Thanks for your help!19:56
Evdbampd: found anything?19:56
ccallahanI have a Type 2007 Lenovo ThinkPad T60p running a AMD Mobility FireGL V5250. I tried installing the fglrx drivers, but amdconfig says it can't detect anything. I am running Ubuntu 12.04. (lspci: http://sprunge.us/NGIe) (fglrxinfo output: http://sprunge.us/XXbN)19:56
Evdbbekks: will reinstalling refit work?19:56
EvdbAnd why using refit if you can boot from cd holding option key?19:56
Muellicielak: does the driver, gma500_gfx show up in lsmod?19:57
TJ-praveen_: Glad you're sorted19:57
ampdEvdb: as far as i can tell its an ubuntu issue and not refit19:57
e4gAnyone know of a simple utility to help setup multi-boot systems (multi-linux systems, no windows/mac)?19:57
cielakMuelli: yup, it does19:57
OpenbsdVboxccallahan: why not use the open source drivers?19:57
ampdEvdb: can you try reinstalling ubuntu?19:57
Evdbampd: I haven,'t installed it yet19:57
Muellihm. so cielak, I would try to boot twice, once with "gma500_gfx.modeset=1" and once with =0. Make sure to preserve the logs.19:57
ccallahanI am trying to run Star Trek Online, and the shaders are fubar using the out-of-the-box drivers.19:58
cielakMuelli: okay, I will try that19:58
Muellicielak: maybe a dmesg would also be interesting. Maybe the driver reported somethign19:58
praveen_TJ- I am new to linux and trying to learn a lot day by day...19:58
obipraveen_: I wasn't much help, but sure :)19:58
xanguae4g: i use this http://liveusb.info/dotclear/19:58
ampdEvdb: so you're getting the error after you click on linux in refit?19:58
OpenbsdVboxccallahan: well fglrx probably doesn't support your old card anymore19:58
TJ-praveen_: You'll soon be a maestro!19:58
ampdEvdb: and you don't have ubuntu installed?19:58
praveen_TJ- Thank you...19:58
cielakMuelli: indeed, I forgot to check dmesg for tips... :)19:58
Evdbampd: yeah, I get different options, tried them all aznd I don't yet have Ubuntu19:59
ccallahanIs there anything else I can use besides the out-of-the-box drivers?19:59
Evdbamps: can't get it to work19:59
ccallahanOpenbsdVbox: ^19:59
Evdbampd: *can't get it to worjk19:59
OpenbsdVboxccallahan: no idea, i'm rather happy with the open source ones19:59
Muellicielak: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsPoulsbo/19:59
ampdEvdb: are you trying to install 64bit?19:59
Evdbampd: yeah19:59
Evdbampd: intel processor20:00
e4gxangua: English version of that site?20:00
xanguae4g: the google translate toolbar is right up there20:00
cielakMuelli: yup, I have found that page too, but the trick is that I already am on 12.10, my kernel is 3.5, so that all should work automagically. Testing modeset=120:00
OpenbsdVboxcielak: 12.10 support in #ubuntu+120:01
ampdEvdb: according to this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1945850 the 32 bit version may work20:01
Evdbampd: can try it yeah, pretty lmuch lost my fate by now but I'll try20:03
Evdbampd: my last hope20:03
Evdbampd: or I should try installing an earlier version20:03
ampdEvdb: i dont think that would help20:03
cielakMuelli: modeset=1 is a good trail. after starting X it hung for a minute or two, then I was greeted with a full-screen nautilus in 320x240, yeah! :) but at least that's something to start with20:03
Evdbampd: I'll go burn 32-bit now, will stick around here in the progress20:04
ampdEvdb: the other (probably better) at this point option would be just to use virtualbox in osx20:04
cielakMuelli: huge thanks for your time! :)20:04
Muellicielak: does dmesg say anything interesting?20:04
Evdbampd: yeah but the teachers want it to run native :/20:04
cielakMuelli: hadn't yet chance to check, I was unable to reach any TTY20:04
ampdEvdb: what are you doing that it would matter?20:05
ampdEvdb: if you dont mind me asking20:05
Evdbampd: I just started studying applied informatics (literally translated lol something IT with programming and stuff) and we are gonna explore Ubuntu20:06
hvqhi, is it possible to swap ctrl+c and ctrl+shift+c function in terminal?20:06
Evdbampd: my teachers think it's a great OS, and we are gonna do scripting and what not20:06
IledenProblem: My netbook loses it's WLAN capability after a random amount of time. It still sees all the networks, and tries to connect to them, but fails (promprts for authentication key). This does happen in the middle of using the WLAN. A reboot always fixes the issue. This does not happen in Win7 (dualboot). Attaching a different WLAN device does connect. This only started to do this after 12.04 update. Any idea how to debug this?20:06
Muellihvq: probably. But that'd be very very awkward. Having Ctrl+C *not* seding SIGINT would be *very* unsual.20:07
MuelliIleden: see "dmesg" output. Or the logs in /var/log/20:07
ampdEvdb: even more reason to use virtualization, so you don't screw anything important up. but i guess its up to the teacher. Let me know how 32-bit works. I'd also just use a USB stick so you dont have to burn all these cds20:07
cielakMuelli: actually.. it says something very interesting - it says that I used an incorrect parameter for 'gma500_gfx.modeset'... but I will let it complain, just managed to see unity, so this must be working!20:07
hvqMuelli: ok. another question: is there anyway to assign a shortcut to move the current window to the left and make it maxheight and halfwidth20:07
jribhvq: maybe with wmctrl20:08
Muellihvq: yes. There is a shortcut menu that will list you all of the shortcut. Somewhere in system settings. Try Super+Left.20:08
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hvqMuelli: I belive that's the default one, but somehow it doesnt work on my computer. where can I fix this?20:09
TJ-Ileden: Tell us which Wifi device it is: "lspci -nn | egrep -i '(net|wire)'  "20:09
IledenMuelli: I do have dmesg output captured from the disconnect. Which logs should I be looking at.20:09
Muellihvq: yes. There is a shortcut menu that will list and set all of the shortcut.20:09
hvqMuelli: found it, thanx20:10
Evdbampd: burning 32-bit fingers crossed20:11
IledenTJ-: The device is 02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Atheros Communications Inc. AR2427 802.11bg Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) [168c:002c] (rev 01)20:13
IledenTJ-: dmesg output here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1223290/20:13
TJ-Ileden: I thought it might be! Someone else this week had the same device and the exact same problem. Turns out its a bug but it hasn't been fixed yet. Let me look it up20:14
hvqMuelli: sorry but I think I didnt find the right one. What I need is to make a window appear on the left hand side of the screen, it has maximum height and the width is exactly half of screen width20:14
bugamndoes anyone know if there is a way to disable unity's shortcuts temporaryly?20:14
IledenTJ-: wow! rare :)20:14
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Muellihvq: yep. works for me with Super+Left. But I'm also using GNOME-Shell. Dunno whether unity offers that feature. If you want to use gnome-shell, you can do apt-get install gnome-session.20:16
IledenTJ-: Perhaps bug  #99421320:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 994213 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Dell Vostro 1014] Wi-Fi hotkey does not trigger bluetooth soft lock release" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99421320:16
Iledenah. no20:16
gunarm1Ileden, i am having problems with my atheros wifi card too, where i would lose connection every few minutes (but I could reconnect).  But i think the solution is SUPPOSED to be to download compat-wireless and do a make && sudo make install and reboot20:18
bonnohi.. why when i complete remove a program (terminal or synaptic)  some directories and some files in those directories keep staying there after the removal?20:18
TJ-Ileden: The one I'm thinking of didn't involve rfkill ... still looking!20:19
Mink09_Looking for a simple way to lose the desktop that came with 12.04, in favor of a previous version. Suggestions pls?20:19
notzeinstall windows20:20
jribbonno: unless you use "purge", apt will keep configurations around so you don't lose your settings if you decide to reinstall the application later20:20
guntbert_bonno: yes, thats the default, if you want to get rid of them as well, use purge instead of remoov20:20
IledenTJ-: Bug #773154 ?20:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 773154 in linux (Ubuntu) "168c:002b Atheros AR9285 extremely slow & unstable" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77315420:20
bonnopurge is only for terminal..what is the alt on synaptic?20:20
dr_willisapt will not touch settings in the users homes either. ;-)20:20
kunjibonno: It's because configuration is left in case you wanted to install it again latter, as jrib says, try using purge (sudo apt-get purge [package name])20:20
Mink09_notze thats not it20:20
OerHeksnotze see bug #120:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority desktop market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120:21
jribbonno: "complete removal"20:21
IledenTJ-: Or Bug #1014263 ?20:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1014263 in linux (Ubuntu) "168c:001c Atheros wireless connection made but no functioning network" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101426320:21
TJ-Ileden: It was related to the "nohwcrypt" parameter being required to disable using the chips' hardware encryption engine20:21
bonnoi do that.. still the same problem..i click complete removal..20:21
kunjilol, bug #120:21
jribbonno: what files are we talking about, specifically?20:21
bonnosome are in the home directory.. some in the home/config20:22
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TJ-Ileden: Is your device using the ath5k driver? ("sudo lspci -vvvnn -s 02:00.0" )20:22
dr_willisi just said files in the users home will never get touched by apt.20:22
guntbert_bonno: those files will never ge removed by the system20:22
IledenTJ-: Hey, hmm, I recall having a problems some years ago with the same device and one specific WLAN station, and one solution I ended up trying was somehow related to nohwcrypt parameter... (never got it fixed, though)20:23
dr_willisthats a feature. :)20:23
bonnoso what should i do if i want all of the program's files out?20:23
kunjibonno: umm, hmm, yeah that happens sometimes, you're probably fine to just manually delete them, but I couldn't say for sure without knowing more.  They were probably created by the package/program when it ran, rather than installed by apt.20:23
IledenTJ-: Kernel driver in use: ath9k ?20:23
dr_willisbonno:  users are responsible for their own files in their home20:23
guntbert_bonno: what is your problem with those files?20:24
kunjiguntbert_: probably just that they're unused clutter20:24
dr_willisuninwtalling an app to reset a useres settings is a windows mindset thing.20:24
ElixirVitaeI am glad I came accross brainstorm.ubuntu.com20:25
kunjidr_willis: true, but it's sometimes the way to go when you really mangle something (like I did to my soundsystem, lol)20:25
guntbert_kunji: forget it, they rarely take up much space20:25
jribbonno: if you don't want them, delete them.  But they don't hurt anything if you just leave them there20:25
ElixirVitaealso, here is a interesting one, downvoted to oblivion, implemented nonetheless20:25
guntbert_bonno: instead of deleting the just rename them - so you can check what went wrong20:26
bonnoi know.. but it bothers me :P so many dir in there20:26
L3topbonno: what I would do is move them somplace else temporarily... see if there are any negative effects... and then after a week or so, delete them... as I have no idea what files you are talking about.20:26
dr_willisi make an old-settings dir to move stuff to if i want to reset things20:26
L3topbonno: word to the wise... do not use /tmp directory... it is deleted every boot20:27
bonnoL3top  lol20:27
AcromartsuGuys, sorry for asking a little off-topic question, but do you guys use Rescue CD's? I made a Live CD of some Distro's, and now I want to make an AV rescue CD, but I don't know which one to pick. Any suggestions?20:28
TJ-Ileden: darn! probably a different cause then, unless there's a systemic issue with the recent Atheros code!20:28
AcromartsuAv = AntiVirus20:28
bonnoso there isnt anything else except deleting them manually on my own.. :P20:28
Acromartsukunji, AV => Anti Virus20:28
dr_willisAcromartsu: avg had A live cd on thir homepage at one time20:28
guntbert_Acromartsu: why do you ask when you know it is off topic in a support channel?20:28
kunjiPretty much any live cd should be fine, no?  Though there's probably specialized ones.20:29
kunjiIf you wanted you could go with one of the forensics ones20:29
dr_willisthere are. but av software really should be kept up to date.20:29
Acromartsuguntbert, because I cannot find any irc channels that answer my question(s), nor a webpage that is sufficiently informative. There's a BackTrack irc for instance, but nobody is active in there...20:29
Acromartsuand guntbert, because this is the Ubuntu channel, which is still Linux-related and I know it's populated20:30
kunjidr_willis: yeah, I would just make a live USB on demand for something like that I think20:30
guntbert_Acromartsu: it is still off topic here - you can try to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic20:30
dr_willisyou can install av software to ram from  a cd.   ot use a live usb20:30
bekksAcromartsu: I havent heard of linux viruses in the wild yet.20:30
bekksPersonally, I dont need an AV rescue cd.20:30
kunjibekks: Probably to rescue other comps, or he dual boots or something20:31
dr_willisi only use them to scan windows stuff. ;)20:31
IledenTJ-: Oh well. :/20:31
Acromartsubekks, I know, I'm going to use Linux when I get my new computer, but right now I'm making love CDs to help other non-tech-savvy people20:31
bonnomaking love CD's20:31
IledenTJ-: do you think I should report this somewhere?20:31
TJ-Ileden: so back to those log-files! Do you have a /var/log/kern.log that covers a period when the issue occurred?20:31
AcromartsuSo apart from a forensics app and an OS to use on-the-go (Ubuntu) I also want an AV CD20:32
* bekks grabs his "No. I will NOT fix your Windows."-tshirt and sits back on the channel sofa to let the OT pass by.20:32
TJ-Ileden: Let's see if we can narrow it down first20:32
IledenTJ-: Let's see. I using the netbook currently on a session that had the wlan problem some half-hour ago.20:32
tenXbekks: you wont fix my windows because you are always busy keeping your linux running :>20:33
bekkstenX: Somehow I have to waste my time while watching my Solaris keep running :>20:34
TJ-Ileden: If you know the time, check the log-file for the time you think it occurred. I'd like to see log entries for -/+ 2 minutes either side... if you can get them and pastebin them that would be really helpful. Use "log file viewer" to open the log-file and check the log.20:34
daslinkardHello room!20:34
bekksAnd now back to the topic please :)20:34
IledenTJ-: Yes, found it.20:34
tenXbekks: acceptable20:34
daslinkardIf an install of Ubuntu is botched for a dual boot and every time the PC is restarted....it asks for the Windows installer cd....is there a work around for this?20:34
kunjiAcromartsu: what are you expecting this cd to do that would be on the others?  Run Antivirus software?20:35
kunjidaslinkard: yeah, check out the grub2 documentation20:35
rolling2k4750556060807497 0714 132 APPROVED! BANK: |BANK_ONE,_N.A._-_DEBIT|DEBIT|CLASSIC|UNITED_STATES_OF_AMERICA|800-291-516520:36
IledenTJ-: Entries before and after the failure in /var/log/kern.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1223328/20:37
daslinkardkunji: Thank you20:37
hvqMuelli: it has been moved to ctrl+super+left/right, thanx20:37
ampdEvdb: update? did the 32-bit install work?\20:37
jribrolling2k: welcome back...20:38
IledenTJ-:  The log kept on going with the same failure message s20:39
IledenTJ-:  The log kept on going with the same failure messages for a few more minutes.20:39
kunjidaslinkard: np, I'm sure someone will be able to help if it's still giving you problems after trying to recover GRUB220:39
TJ-Ileden: Looking20:39
IledenTJ-: And it seems it's still going at it, says "tail -f /var/log/kern.log" :)20:40
TJ-Ileden: That log looks familar, I'll dig some more!20:40
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gunarm1is there a command that will add up how much space is in a directory tree?20:42
kunjiUnname: Hmm, have you checked that ICMP is being allowed all the way through and that the server responds to other ICMP requests?20:43
guntbertgunarm1: du -sh /path/to/the/directory     will tell you20:43
Iledengunarm1: du -h <path>20:43
TJ-Ileden: Have you installed VirtualBox ?20:43
ScuniziI just loaded the server image in a vBox VM and would like to add a minimal Desktop without all the typical packages that come with the desktop.. How do I go about that?20:43
IledenTJ-: not to my knowledge...20:43
Unnamekunji, now i can ping it (i had to enable the lzo compression on client)20:43
Unnamebut i cannot reach the remote subnet20:44
Unnamei'm adding a rule in the firewall20:44
Unnameto forward the lan to vpn20:44
guntbert!enter | Unname20:44
ubottuUnname: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:44
kunjiUnname: Hmm, ok, sounds like you've got it under control ^_^20:44
Iledengunarm1: yes, du -hs indeed. and if you want more detail, for example du -h --max-depth=220:44
Unnamei'll tell you20:44
gunarm1Ileden, very cool, thanks20:45
gunarm1when I am very limited on space (laptop ssd) what is the minimum size partition I should be able to get away with for "/"?20:46
alii_Hhallo dear cyber frends20:47
TJ-Ileden: Does this happen only after putting the PC into suspend? Or after a cold boot?20:47
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guntbertgunarm1: depends on what you intend to do with that system20:47
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IledenTJ-: Good question. I do use susped quite a lot.20:49
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IledenTJ-: So I'm only sure that it does happen after suspend.20:49
IledenTJ-: Wait, no. This time I did boot up cold, and it did occur, so happes both ways.20:50
TJ-Ileden: I see a bugzilla RedHat report that suggests it can be solved by changing the device's power-save settings. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?format=multiple&id=81537720:51
IledenTJ-: Hmm, does look promising. Any idea how I disable the power management for the wifi card?20:53
IledenWait, probably in the therad...20:54
IledenI'll read though.20:54
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Scuniziwhat package do I need for a minimal desktop environment?  I've already installed server.20:55
IledenYup, there it is. "iwconfig wlanX power off" and "iw dev wlanX set power_save off"20:55
TJ-Ileden: comment #2 of that report (iwconfig ... or iw dev ...)20:55
OpenbsdVboxScunizi: depends how minimal20:56
bekksScunizi: lubuntu-desktop for LXDE or xubuntu-desktop for XFCE.20:56
tuxmattScunizi,  i belive lxde or xfce20:56
ScuniziOpenbsdVbox: ubuntu-desktop, lubuntu-desktop etc pull all packages.. I just want the gui not all the associated programs..20:56
IledenTJ-: I'll try to make the change, and see if it happend again. Thanks! If this solves the issue, it'll be a lot of help, since I regularly use by phone wlan tether to get online on the go.20:57
BeccaHey. I just downloaded ubuntu to fix a resolution problem but now I have no idea how to get the internet to work on Ubuntu. Can anybody help me pleease? ):20:57
tuxmattScunizi,  i dont belive we can help you there man20:57
AcromartsuI'm no user! I'm an alien!20:57
Scunizituxmatt: there is a way to get a gui without all the other stuff.. like libreoffice etc.. I just don't need that stuff.20:58
TJ-Ileden: Good luck. If it does prove to solve it, please report a bug against the 'linux' package describing the issue, the sample of the log file, and the workaround, and link to that Redhat bug20:58
OpenbsdVboxScunizi: if you know exactly what you want then install those packages; any reason you started with the server iso instead of mini?20:58
tuxmattBecca,  what ubuntu you have20:58
Beccalemme check...20:58
TJ-Ileden: and feel free to subscribe me to the bug report too - my launchpad id is "tj"20:58
BoozeWoozheres much talk, so ill ask here instead. helps...20:58
tuxmattScunizi, i never seen no one done it before20:58
kunjiScunizi: it shouldn't be that bad to do, have you read the apt-get manual?20:58
BoozeWoozi have ramdisk created by "#mount -t ramfs -o size=256M ramfs /directorystuffs"20:59
BoozeWoozi putted some staff inside of it20:59
BoozeWoozbut it no werk :@20:59
ScuniziOpenbsdVbox: faster download and install into a vm.  I'm looking for gnome/unity or xfce20:59
BeccaI dunno I have ubuntu for windows desktop I guess20:59
OpenbsdVboxScunizi: xfce would be the lightest of those20:59
Scunizituxmatt: kunji I'm on cli now with irssi.. apt is no stranger.. I just don't need what <something>-desktop provides.. which is way too many programs for my need.21:00
BoozeWoozhalp :S?21:00
ScuniziOpenbsdVbox: I think so too.. I'll search apt for a package21:00
IledenTJ-: Will do. Takes a while to be sure it's really fixed, though, as the problem appears randomly.21:00
kunjiScunizi: I know, you can run apt-get using the simulation, or just say no when it asks, and then you can see all the packages it wanted to install, just pick the ones you want and install those.21:00
TJ-Ileden: yeah, I expect it will. No rush, but be good to have a solution documented if there is one21:00
tuxmattBecca,  can you take a screen shot of your desktop and send it to me21:01
IledenTJ-: Though there was something about the failure condition being related to the router switching channels. I will try to see if I can recreate the issue by manually forcing a channel switch.21:01
tuxmattBecca,  pm me and ill see what i can do for you21:01
OpenbsdVbox!info xfce4 | Scunizi21:01
ubottuScunizi: xfce4 (source: xfce4): Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version (precise), package size 5 kB, installed size 31 kB21:01
kunjiScunizi: So rather than installing the meta package with the whole shabam, just pick out the essentials21:01
TJ-Ileden: Yes, I saw that too. Maybe the device switches to power-save and doesn't wake up when the beacon changes21:01
kunjiScunizi: alternatively you could just let them install and remove them after.21:03
Scunizikunji: OpenbsdVbox xfc4 is the right package.. and much faster install than kunji 's method.. sudo apt-get install xfce4 .. done :)21:03
kunjiScunizi: that meta package just doesn't have much else in it, but if you wanted gnome for instance, you need to pick out the right package :P21:04
Scunizikunji: that's the whole point.. ie "not much in it"21:04
IledenTJ-: Thanks and bye!21:04
kunjiScunizi: Of XFCE, yeah ^_^21:05
Scunizikunji: could have done unity too without all the additional "stuff" .. but this is in a virtual machine running in vBox in Win7 (ick) and a programming environment for my son.21:06
kunjiScunizi: Yep, hmm, all is good, as long as it's not Java he'll be doing ;)21:08
strywgri cannot install anything or remove anything from my Ubuntu 12.04. I need to install flash please anyone can help?21:09
testing_strywgr, more info: do mean that you can't install something because something is broken in install software, or that you are a user that doesn't have privileges to install software?21:10
Unname__kunji, now i can't ping the remote host O.o21:11
didicwhat does it mean when 2 mailservers have the same priority?21:13
didicis it just for load balancing or are there other reasons?21:13
didici mean mx entries21:13
strywgrItems cannot be installed or removed until the package catalog is repaired. DO you want to repair it now?21:13
strywgrwhen i click reapair!21:14
strywgrit says.. 'Package INstallation Failed'21:14
htamayoHi, after install ubuntu precise I don't get the graph mode work, my video card is an ati radeon x1200 series, i was trying to install the fglrx but that was a very big problem cause it does not work, so, i had remove the fglrx modules, after reboot i tried to reconfigure the xorg but still is unsucessfull, the error i got is "no device to configure", so i don't know what else can i do; is there any generic video module/package that i can use?21:16
Unname__kunji, still alive?21:16
lmbeta8htamayo xorg should be using readeon module21:18
zenxhi I installed a gmail quantal minimal fs and I can't establish https connection, I configured eth0 as dhcp in interfaces and added google's DNS nameserver to resolv.conf, is there something missing?21:20
auronandace!12.10 | zenx21:20
ubottuzenx: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+121:20
htamayolmbeta8: how can I reconfigure my xorg in precise? i've already tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and also Xorg -reconfigure, but does not work, in fact, i don't have xorg.conf file, so what command should i tried?21:21
racsminilaptopyes! I am in!... Any help with my ati card video to activate the effects??21:21
Jagst3r15how come the chromium here https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/precise/chromium-browser/ is different from the one here http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/web/chromium-browser21:22
racsminilaptopI have been trying everything and doesnt work!21:22
racsminilaptopAny help with my ati card video to activate the effects??21:23
=== oln_ is now known as oln
racsminilaptopAny help with my ati card video to activate the effects??21:24
htamayolmbeta8: thanks i will try then i will come back, as a funny thing, I'm in text mode, i'm figure it out how to get to that url without the use of the mouse :-)21:25
strywgri cannot install anything or remove anything from my Ubuntu 12.04. I need to install flash please anyone can help? Items cannot be installed or removed until the package catalog is repaired. DO you want to repair it now?21:25
testing_strywgr, I don't know.21:26
racsminilaptopstrywgr... try this in the terminal... sudo apt-get update21:26
strywgrhow to install flash21:27
testing_strywgr, from here https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+question/152969 it offers some things to try.21:27
testing_strywgr it says to try on a command line, sudo dpkg --clear-avail21:28
strywgrokay i did both21:28
strywgrnow i want to install flash for youtube and other websites21:29
strywgris thr any command for that?21:29
racsminilaptopstrywgr... go to software center and write flash....21:29
racsminilaptopit'll install21:29
strywgrThe package system is broken21:30
strywgrCheck if you are using third party repositories. If so disable them, since they are a common source of problems.21:30
strywgrFurthermore run the following command in a Terminal: apt-get install -f21:30
cincinnatusI'm running Ubuntu 12.04 on an Amazon EC2 micro instance. What would be a good free admin control panel for it? Is Zentyal any good?21:30
racsminilaptopAny help with my ati card video to activate the effects??21:31
strywgrno luck21:31
cincinnatusI'm a bit out of date on panels because I've been administering linux boxes the old-fashioned way (vim <config_file_name). The last one I used was webmin.21:32
testing_strywgr try running sudo synaptic on command line to open synaptic21:34
strywgrcommand not found21:34
DJRWolfdoes Ubuntu have some kind of keyboard assist like windows where if you keep hitting a key it starts to keep it pressed down?21:35
racsminilaptopAny help with my ati card video to activate the effects??21:38
Scunizikunji: sorry lunch called.. nope no java.. python and a bit of mysql21:38
dr_willisDJRWolf:  you mean repeate keys like eeeeeeeeeeeee ?21:38
dr_willisDJRWolf:  or some sort of stickyness to shift/ctrl ?21:38
DJRWolflike WADS for my games, they keep getting "stuck" until I press them again, it is getting annoying, keyboard does not do that on windows side21:38
ramirohi. what program can I use to playback input from my DVC100 capture card? the input is composite in. I can capture using ffmpeg with video4linux2, but i'd like to playback in realtime21:39
Jagst3r15actionparsnip  how come the chromium here https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/precise/chromium-browser/ is different from the one here http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/web/chromium-browser21:40
actionParsnipJagst3r15: not sure, looks like a bug21:41
Jagst3r15chromium maintainer are kinda disorganized arent they :p21:41
racsminilaptopAny help with my ati card video to activate the effects??21:42
trismJagst3r15: you need to look in precise-updates: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise-updates/chromium-browser (that's the version we have now, same as the app page)21:42
dr_willisDJRWolf:  cant say ive ever noticed it in games on Ubuntu. but i dont play a lot of FPS's on my linux box.21:42
DJRWolfdr_willis minecraft21:43
dr_willisDJRWolf:  as a test try a very minimal window maanger,  and just a wm, to see if it still does it.. if it dosent, then that would point to some unity/gnome3 setting21:43
Jagst3r15trism that is the one in the USC?21:43
actionParsnipJagst3r15: https://launchpad.net/~a-v-shkop/+archive/chromium   for version 21. https://launchpad.net/~a-v-shkop/+archive/chromium-dev   for version 2321:43
dr_willisif it does it in icewm for example, that would point to a X setting/issue21:43
trismJagst3r15: I imagine, I don't really use software-center, the version numbers match the page you link though21:43
DJRWolfdr_willis it happens in unity ubuntu and lubuntu's LXDE21:43
dr_willistry it in wmx, or icewm ,   if it does it in those. that would point to some odd X/kernel/settings issue21:44
dr_willis!info wmx21:45
ubottuPackage wmx does not exist in precise21:45
dr_willisheh. try jwm, or icewm ;)  not wmx. thats an old old old wm.21:45
interciao a tutti21:46
actionParsnipahhh jwm is what puppy uses21:46
ubottuinter: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:46
dr_willisI think we should make ubottu  msg that list factoid to people ;) save   a lot of log size. :)21:47
=== rafael is now known as Guest53881
actionParsnipdr_willis: maybe, but some folks block PMs21:48
=== Guest53881 is now known as Ocult
dr_willisI doubt if those are the ones doing Caio,listing drive byes ;)21:48
=== rickytaylor26 is now known as ricky26
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Danno_hi, anbody fancy helping  out with a gedit issue?21:52
jrib!ask | Danno_21:52
ubottuDanno_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:52
jribdr_willis: we should just have ubottu serve up all the different ubuntu images21:53
jribOcult, GoGi: instead of saying "help", ask your actual questions21:54
ezioawhy if i chmod 300 a directory can people still access files inside the directory21:55
GoGisorry client (user) malfunction21:55
jribezioa: because you have given them permission to21:55
Danno_im trying to save my touchscreen calibration values to the 10-evdev.conf file, but when i try to open gedit via terminal i get a "could not connect to session bus" error. can anyone help me with this? im running Lubuntu 12.04, fully patched21:55
philWhp does Windows 7 boot in fifteen seconds when ubuntu takes over two minutes?21:55
Ocultits about conky config, someone may help me ?21:55
ezioajrib, but i took the permisson from the directory21:55
ezioahow can they possible access files inside a directory i've removed read permissions from21:55
tyhgvgphil: press esc during boot and see what happens21:56
actionParsnipphil: have you tried installing preload ?21:56
jribezioa: you're being too vague to get a real answer but all you need is executable permission on a directory to "go inside it".  They just can't list the contents of the directory without read21:56
actionParsnipphil: did you install using Wubi or a true install?21:57
Danno_im trying to save my touchscreen calibration values to the 10-evdev.conf file, but when i try to open gedit via terminal i get a "could not connect to session bus" error. can anyone help me with this? im running Lubuntu 12.04, fully patched21:59
actionParsnipDanno_: try:  gksudo leafpad      and you can write to any file you want.22:00
racsminilaptop_hello! any body can help me to activate the effects in my ubuntu using compiz.... I tried somethings... but... didnt work!22:03
racsminilaptop_I have edubuntu 12.04.... I already isntalled compiz and ati drivers.. but.. doesnt work.. any suggestions22:04
ubottuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.22:04
david-aracsminilaptop_: tried what? error message or nothing happend?22:04
=== azizLIGH1S is now known as azizLIGHTS
racsminilaptop_nothing happend22:05
racsminilaptop_I installed the original drivers22:05
racsminilaptop_and I cant activate the effects,...22:05
racsminilaptop_ reinstalled compiz and didnt work...22:05
racsminilaptop_I dont know what to do!22:06
david-aracsminilaptop_: did you install ati drivers via "additioinal drivers" in system settings?22:06
actionParsnipracsminilaptop_: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  sudo lshw -C display; lsb_release -a; uname -a22:07
actionParsnipracsminilaptop_: you can use http://pastie.org or similar, thanks22:07
racsminilaptop_yes... from additional drivers22:07
david-aracsminilaptop_: do you enable effects in "appearance" system settings? (i'm on 10.04 so not sure about the terminologi in 12.04)22:08
racsminilaptop_^CNo LSB modules are available.22:11
racsminilaptop_Distributor ID:Ubuntu22:11
racsminilaptop_Description:Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS22:11
FloodBot1racsminilaptop_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:11
racsminilaptop_Linux racsminilaptop 3.2.0-31-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 7 16:16:45 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:11
actionParsnip(23:07:24) actionParsnip: racsminilaptop_: you can use http://pastie.org or similar, thanks22:13
actionParsnipracsminilaptop_: I did tell you......?22:13
Danno_@actionParsnip that seems to have allowed me to make the changes but after rebooting it doesnt seem to have made any difference. any ideas?22:14
actionParsnipDanno_: incorrect file maybe.22:14
racsminilaptop_i dont know if this is right.. but.. I went to pastie.org    and this is the result.. http://pastie.org/478787522:18
actionParsnipracsminilaptop_: you missed the first command...did you actually read what I wrote?22:19
racsminilaptop_sorry... You told me to use this comand..  sudo lshw -C display; lsb_release -a; uname -a22:22
racsminilaptop_is that right?22:22
Danno_@actionparsnip ive found out which file im actually supposed to be editing, but when i try to change to that directory in terminal it says it doesnt exist. can i just create it myself or would that not work as i need it to?22:23
MonkeyDustracsminilaptop_  yes, and paste the output in pastie.org22:23
MonkeyDustracsminilaptop_  and then paste the url here22:23
actionParsnipDanno_: yes, make it22:23
actionParsnipracsminilaptop_: yes, but you missed the first part of the command.22:23
racsminilaptop_did it work this time? sorry i am pretty new with ubuntu22:25
actionParsnipracsminilaptop_: ok cool, the proprietary driver is loaded.22:25
actionParsnipracsminilaptop_: pastebin is OS independant. I'd ask in #compiz too, may help22:25
racsminilaptop_so.. I should change the channel..  to #compiz.... I want to make sure about your suggestion... and thanks by the way22:27
actionParsnipracsminilaptop_: type:    /j #compiz22:30
Dragonriothey guys, I'm trying to install Ubuntu Server on my 2U Rack Server with hardware RAID5.  Every time I try to remove the old debian installation, and install Ubuntu, it appears to be successful, but then when I reboot and try to start up the new Ubuntu install, it reverts back to Debian... Can anyone suggest a way to truly get rid of the old Debian Install so I can start fresh?22:30
racsminilaptop_ /j #compiz22:32
MonkeyDustDragonriot  can you not just delete the partition?22:34
IdleOneracsminilaptop_: no space before the /22:34
racsminilaptop_i did without space... but nothing happend..22:35
racsminilaptop_Idleone....I am lost. can you help me please?22:39
IdleOneracsminilaptop_: with?22:39
dr_willis racsminilaptop_  what irc client are you using?22:40
IdleOneracsminilaptop_: ubuntu is the operating system, what program are you using to chat in this channel?22:40
IdleOnetype /join #compiz22:41
racsminilaptop_in the terminal?22:41
dr_willisin your irc client....22:42
IdleOnein this window22:42
MonkeyDustin xchat22:42
dr_willis /whatever  are IRC client commands.22:42
racsminilaptop_I typed the command.. Now, what should I do?22:43
dr_willisit should show a new channel window somewhere...22:43
dr_willisyou can be in dozens of channels at the same time22:43
IdleOneracsminilaptop_: you are already in #compiz22:43
MonkeyDustracsminilaptop_  now go to the #compiz window22:44
dr_willis!find gpac22:46
ubottuFound: squid-langpack, gpac, gpac-dbg, gpac-modules-base, gpaco, libgpac-dbg, libgpac-dev, libgpac1, libmsgpack-dev, libmsgpack-ruby1.8 (and 5 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gpac&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all22:46
dr_willis!info gpac22:46
ubottugpac (source: gpac): GPAC Project on Advanced Content - utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.5+svn3462~dfsg0-1 (precise), package size 185 kB, installed size 490 kB22:46
Petaz!apt-get install gimp22:47
ubottuPetaz: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:47
Petazdidnt worj22:47
dr_willislooking for some video tools.. site mentioned gpac.. that apt description has to be one of the worse ive seen. :)22:49
dr_willisIts like redundantly redundant. :)22:49
dr_willis!find MP4Box22:50
ubottuFile MP4Box found in gpac22:50
MonkeyDustdr_willis  you should know better, do that in an ubottu screen22:51
dr_willisanyone else think we need some sort of 'tagging' system to apt so we can find things easier.22:51
notrootI've googled around for an hour or so trying to find the solution to this problem: Ubuntu Server install doesn't have an option to do full disk encryption using aes-xts-plain, it seems that manual configuration is only possible through the Ubuntu Desktop LiveCD.  Is there a way to install Ubuntu Desktop then remove all the GUI elements?22:52
phil_fldr_willis, you don't like $ apt-cache search MP4Box ?22:53
dr_williswas searching  the repos for other video tools.. none even mentioned gpac yesterday22:53
dr_willisdid a simile search today on google and a site mentioned gpac.22:53
muellisoftnotroot: sure. You can apt-get install ubuntu-server and apt-get purge ubuntu-desktop and afterwards all the unnecessary packages should be gone. But I don't know right now how smart the dependecy tracking really is.22:54
=== muellisoft is now known as Muelli
Mr_QueueAt that point, you're better off starting again.22:54
Mr_QueueDo it right the first time.22:54
Mr_QueueSync whatever data you're looking to keep somewhere, start again, do it right, and bring the data back.22:55
racsminilaptop_Idleone...no body is in compiz channel  :(22:55
Mr_QueuePeople still run that? O_o22:55
Petazthat cant be true22:55
notrootMuelli: Is there a way to install Server but set up encryption ahead of time?22:55
Mr_Queue^^ Through the installer.22:56
Petazso what is the new compiz?22:56
AmarokNelgInstead of compiz, try kwin?22:56
notrootMr_Queue: the installer doesn't allow aes-xts-* as algorithms22:56
dr_willisNew Compiz?22:56
notrootonly aes-cbc-* and serpent22:57
racsminilaptop_new compiz?22:57
Mr_Queuenotroot: put any thought into why that algorithm isn't supported in an installer written by the best minds of both the Debian and Ubuntu teams?22:57
Mr_QueueYou're likely doing it wrong.22:57
Muellinotroot: hm. well. you could probably attempt the install but set up your crypto container manually before you select the partition to install to. But that already sounds like getting hairy.22:58
Muellinotroot: other than that: I don't know.22:58
racsminilaptop_dr_willis...  thanks for your support... but .. no body answer in  compiz channel... any other suggestion.. pleasea and thanks22:58
dr_willisracsminilaptop_:  i dont even know what your original problem is.22:58
AmarokNelgI dont know eather22:59
Mr_QueueStarted at power on, lets go from there.22:59
notrootMr_Queue: It's not directly supported in Desktop edition either (you have to do it manually) but it's a better algorithm.  Why they haven't updated it or allow something similar for Server is beyond me.22:59
Mr_QueueThere are reasons. Have you came up with a reason it's needed? Other than to just do it?23:00
racsminilaptop_dr_willis : my problem is that I cant activate any effect on my minilaptop... I installed compiz, original drivers and The effects doesnt work..23:00
AmarokNelgtry kwin instead of compiz23:00
notrootMr_Queue: Yes, because XTS is faster and more secure than CBC23:00
=== THEJOLLYGRIMREAP is now known as thejollygrimreap
Mr_QueueI mean everyone starts somewhere, but if you're asking for support getting an encryption algorithm outside of the installer, I think you're going to run into much bigger problems down the road.23:01
dr_willisracsminilaptop_:  last time i saw someone in here fighting with that.. they were running Unity-2d instead of 3d..23:01
notrootI can do it on Desktop with no problems, but that's because there's a LiveCD of the Desktop edition.  Is there a LiveCD of Server somewhere? I haven't been able to find one23:02
Muelliwell notroot. You might be able to let the server install set up the container and just after it's finished reconfigure the container and make the installation use that (without it knowing about it).23:02
Mr_QueuePerhaps there are key binaries in the repos which are not, or can not be compiled to support what you're after.23:02
Mr_Queueencryption is suppose to be secure, not fast.23:02
notrootMuelli: reconfiguring the container would require decrypting and then reencrypting.  It's possible, but likely to screw up in some way23:02
* Muelli nods23:03
racsminilaptop_dr_ willis: how do I install 3d... I am using ubuntu 2d23:03
racsminilaptop_at the beginning of the session23:03
dr_willisracsminilaptop_:  if you are using 2d that explains your whole issue.23:03
zykotick9notroot: i believe the text installers have MORE options then the LiveCD, not less.  and there is no server livecd.23:03
dr_willisYou select Unity, not unity2d at the login screen. racsminilaptop_23:03
DragonriotMonkeyDust: tried that... even tried formatting it with NTFS... but the RAID5 setup just restores the drive each time... Im working on getting into the Raid Controller now, downloading the CD for the server23:03
Muellinah, I'd rather meant to kinda interrupt the installation process, like not advancing just after the container was set up. I don't know the process but I imagine the installer having a separate step for setting up the container. So after that, you could maybe reconfigure the thing. And no data has been copied yet.23:04
racsminilaptop_OK... i will try now.23:06
notrootwell the way you do it on Desktop is boot the live CD, manually configure the partitions, install, chroot into the new install, set the new install to work with the encrypted container and update the initrd23:06
notrootbut the server has no option to do that because there's no live CD23:06
YanGMI want to connect a server to a switch, with more than one ethernet cable23:07
notrootI suppose I could just install Desktop and remove the GUI, but that's a pain in the ass23:07
YanGMwhat I need to do23:07
kyconquersI am wanting to get into remote files systems. Is there a application I should look at first?23:08
Danno_can someone tell me why after installing updates the "system settings" option has disappeared from the programs menu?23:08
blackshirtyangm, you can connect it23:08
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest9987
blackshirtdanno_ you have upgraded to unity desktop .. I think23:09
Muellinotroot: well, you could Ctrl+Alt+F223:09
Danno_im on Lubuntu and im using the default lxde desktop, if that helps23:09
YanGMblackshirt: http://i.imgur.com/yQ4sn.png23:09
notrootMuelli: ?23:09
Muelliso it is indeed a "live CD" but w/o an X server...23:09
Muellinotroot: press Ctrl+Alt+F2 or so when you've booted up the server installation medium.23:10
blackshirtdanno_ usually system settings menu was part of gnome23:10
raido_anyone here have a problem with xfce loading slowly after running updates23:11
blackshirtyangm, i'm sit on handheld devices, and can't look at your link given23:11
racsminilaptopdr_willis> works!!!! now works!... wow! finaly the answer23:11
dr_willisracsminilaptop:  so for the last 2+ hrs.. you have been trying to get effects going . in the desktop that is designed to not have effects?23:12
YanGMblackshirt: I want to connect a internet server (firewall+cache) with 4 or 8 gigabit cables to a switch23:13
racsminilaptopyes!.. what an embarrasing situation... thanks for this IRC!.. thanks dr_willis....23:14
YanGMso all clients will have sufficient bandwidth23:14
LazerChickenHi i just installed ubuntu for the second time and upon inital startup it works fine ... then once i restart my video card stops working and i have to plug into the onboard one ... idk how to install my videocard drivers and it isnt telling me i need to any help?23:14
javierf_Hi! I've got problems with wireless connection in ubuntu 12.04. My network has WPA protection. Every second day ubuntu can't connect to the new if I don't restart the router23:15
racsminilaptopI am so glad.... thanks.. bye bye23:16
twitchieLazerChicken: what video card do you have?23:17
LazerChickenraedon hd 645023:17
Danno_does lubuntu have any kind of on-screen keyboard for use with touchscreens?23:18
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twitchieLazerChicken: have you installed the proprietary driver from the additional drivers section?23:19
LazerChickenIt only tells me to install all the nvidia drivers that are to my onboard card23:19
notrootwell looks like this is gonna be a challenge.  best option so far looks to be decrypting and then reencrypting, which is gonna be a PITA23:19
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notrootor maybe there's a way to just download the server and build an install from the ground up23:20
notrootbtw, the goal is a minimalistic install for use with virtualization software23:20
notrootall i want is a linux setup capable of running virtualbox or vmware23:20
LazerChickeni think upon inital install it actually had the option to install the raedon drivers but i restarted and now it isnt seeing it23:20
Muellinotroot: what about switching the tty with ctrl+alt+f2 during installation with the server CD?23:21
notrootright now the install is running in a qemu virtual environment so I can install to an image file, and ctrl-alt-f2 is captured by the host not the guest23:22
twitchieLazerChicken: what's the driver output from this command- lshw -c video23:22
Muellinotroot: you can send key strokes thruogh qemu23:22
notroothow?, even in full screen the host is capturing ctrl-alt-f223:23
LazerChickentwitch: copy and paste the results here?23:23
LazerChickenits talking about my onboard23:23
Muellinotroot: depending on how you started it. If didn't specify a monitor, it'll be on ctrl+alt+223:23
Muellinotroot: when in QEMU monitor, you can "sendkeys ctrl+alt+f2" or so23:24
LazerChickenWARNING: you should run this program as super-user.23:24
LazerChicken  *-display23:24
LazerChicken       description: VGA compatible controller23:24
LazerChicken       product: C61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430]23:24
LazerChicken       vendor: NVIDIA Corporation23:24
LazerChicken       physical id: d23:24
FloodBot1LazerChicken: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:24
notrootmight have figured a trick out23:27
twitchieLazerChicken: so the ATI is not showing at all?23:28
LazerChickenI dont guess so? Im nubby to all this ... so i really dont know what im looking at23:29
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Danno_is there an on-screen keyboard built into Lubuntu or do i need to install a 3rd party program for this?23:29
LazerChickenall i know is when i did the install i could see thru my correct card ... restart then all i get is choppy screen untill i plug into the other port23:29
LazerChickenis there a place to go to look at my connected hardware so i can see it it even recognizes it?23:31
AmarokNelgDid you fix the compiz problem?23:31
LazerChickentwitchie: i have the install disk that came with my card... but it doesnt run it23:33
ladybugI have questions.. can anyone help?23:33
AmarokNelgwe can23:33
twitchieLazerChicken: no that disk will have windows binaries23:33
AmarokNelgprobley mostly they can23:33
nuxwinhello world23:33
ubuntu-studioczech ubuntu23:34
ladybughow can I change rooms/server host?23:34
nuxwinjoin i-mscp-dev23:34
maraineinwhere do i ask for help with X windows?23:34
twitchieLazerChicken: can you copy and paste your lshw -c video       to paste.ubuntu.com  or pastebin.com and post me the link23:34
LazerChickenyes sec23:35
AmarokNelgmarainein: try askin here about x1123:36
ladybughow can I change rooms/server host?23:37
maraineini've got a toshiba laptop, with what i believe to be a NVIDIA GeForce4 420 Go chipset, that will only give me 8 bit color under x1123:37
ladybugor is this not an irc program?23:37
LazerChickentwitchie: now i did plug my card in after i was already booted up because i had unplugged it23:38
LazerChickendo you think the results would change if i rebooted23:38
twitchieLazerChicken: no23:39
AmarokNelgladybug: duh... this is irc23:39
AmarokNelgmarainein: ehh23:39
ladybugok.. then how do I connect to the irc I used to be on?23:39
AmarokNelgwhat is the channel?23:40
LazerChickentwitchie: okie dokie .. and just to be clear i mean i plugged the card into the board ... not the monitor plug :P23:40
ladybugther are about 8 chans in there that i am used to23:41
twitchieLazerChicken: have you tried disabling onboard video via bios?23:41
ladybugbut I can't install windows for some obscene reason.. so I now have ubuntu and have to figure out all new programs23:41
AmarokNelgladybug: what? what the heck does that have to do with channels23:42
ladybugI can't install my normal mirc23:42
LazerChickentwitchie: no i havent done anything except ask on here lol23:42
AmarokNelgServer not found23:42
AmarokNelg      23:42
AmarokNelg      23:42
AmarokNelg      23:42
AmarokNelg      23:42
FloodBot1AmarokNelg: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:42
LazerChickenlike i said when i installed on the inital boot my correct card was working .. and it showed ati drivers ready to install .. but the updates got done first so i rebooted and thats when i cant see anything23:43
snolluxHello hello. Can someone tell me how best to set up a usergroup for Apache2 and PHP? If (by some weird exploit) someone gets into the HTTP server, I don't want them having root privs or anything23:44
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snolluxor access to other documents and files23:44
LazerChickentwitchie: im about to download this. http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
twitchieLazerChicken: well I find it strange that the ATI card is not listed in your lshw and additional drivers is no longer showing you the option to download the drivers for the card. I would firstly just make sure the card is seated in the slot 100% and if that still doesn't work disbale your onboard video in bios23:45
LazerChickenif i disable the onboard and then it still doesnt work how will i see anyting then to turn the onboard back on lol also idk how to disable the onboard23:46
twitchieI would just check to make sure the card is seated right first23:50
LazerChickenyes.. i just took it out and put it back it .. all seems well there23:51
AmarokNelgWhy did they remove unicrome and ati rage 128 from mesa3d driver?23:52
twitchiestill not showing up ubuntu?23:52
LazerChickenno :(  in the additional drivers still only ones for my onboard ...23:52
LazerChickenim going to reboot with the card in and ill brb23:53
hellslingerDoes anyone know how to get cedarview-drm to work with hardware acceleration and glx? Video acceleration appears to work, but glxgears uses 100% cpu23:54
AmarokNelgI dont see anything wrong with it taking 100% cpu23:54
AmarokNelgit has to process the gears, doesn't it?23:54
hellslingeraccording to the intel pdf on the cedarview driver, glxgears should use less than ~2%23:55
AmarokNelgId like to see your document23:55
AmarokNelghow much fps do you get?23:56
hellslingerAmarokNelg: http://download.intel.com/support/motherboards/desktop/sb/enabling_hardware_accelerated_playback_ubuntu_12.pdf23:56
hellslingerI get ~140 fps23:57
AmarokNelgthats not bad23:57
hellslingerEverything else about it works great, but if I can get glx to work faster, I'd love to use desktop effects in KDE23:58

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