
aquariuso hai silner :)00:36
silnerHello aquarius00:36
aquariusam just testing ecryptfs.00:37
aquariusI think that ought to work fine: that is, set up an Encrypted Private Directory, as per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory, which gives you ~/Private00:38
aquariusthen mark ~/.Private (note the dot) as synced with Ubuntu One.00:38
aquariusam just testing the latter part now.00:39
silnerThat's what we use to encrypt home right? Although I don't do that. I'm only paranoid with other people's data :)00:39
aquariusRight, ecryptfs can also encrypt your entire home folder, but I haven't thought about that for this example; that's more complex and might not work well with U1. (It might work fine, but I'm not prepared to encrypt my home folder in order to test it :))00:40
silnerI don't blame you :)00:40
aquariusOK. I have created an encrypted private directory (~/Private), and I have synced its underlying encrypted folder (~/.Private) with U1, and that seems to have worked fine.00:42
aquariusyep; adding new files to Private happily syncs their encrypted versions to U100:43
aquariusobviously, storing encrypted files in U1 means that you miss out on some of the benefits of U1 -- if those files are music, you can't stream them; publishing the files is worthless, etc -- but if you want encrypted files stored in U1, you're already prepared to miss out in that way.00:44
aquariusso, that seems fine to me.00:44
silnerThat's great. I'll start using that tomorrow. It'll be a lot more automatic for that purpose00:44
aquariuslet me be clear: there may be weirdness here that I have not explored and might go wrong :)00:44
aquariusdon't put your only copy of a critical file in this setup until you've tested it a bit :)00:45
silnerI'd never seen that page you linked. It just goes to show I should read the whole of the manual :)00:45
aquariusIn my opinion, this should work fine, though.00:45
aquariusI'll confirm that with verterok (U1) and dustin (ecryptfs) before writing it up :)00:46
silnerI supppose I'll have to run a test. Not my usual method, but I better be careful00:46
aquarius*nod* I've often said to people "this method should work fine", but never actually tried it.00:46
aquariusso far it seems OK :)00:46
aquariusso, that was solved nice and easily :000:48
silnerThanks for that. I'm grateful00:49
* aquarius laughs00:49
aquariusnot a problem.00:49
silnerTruecrypt works but it's a bore to use in this context00:49
silnerI have to sleep now :)00:50
aquariusno worries! thanks :)00:54
karniaquarius: I can't find the bug report, but I think some file names where too long in ~/.Private (at least happened in the encrypted home variant I think) and syncing it with U1 ended up quite bad. Not sure what broke, and I can't find the bug report now, but I've read it was nasty.03:16
ChaseI'm having trouble setting up a filelink with Ubuntu One. It tells me there is an error while trying to setup my account. Am I in the right spot to get help or should I be asking in the thunderbird Irc channel08:18
=== Chase is now known as Scourking
aquariuskarni, hm, that's useful info, although worrisome that it happens at all08:49
aquariusScourking, you are in a good spot to get help, but I'm not sure who'll be around on a Sunday morning :)08:49
aquariusScourking, I'd help myself but I have to leave in about five minutes to drive my daughter to a dance exam...08:49
Scourkingthx im in no rush09:17
Scourkinggetting ready to go to bed will deal with it monday09:17
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ScourKingHi I need some help with the filelink settings and Ubuntu One. I cant get it to connect and setup the account. I am not sure if I need to be asking here or in the thunderbird channel for help.19:06
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