
erkan^who do use compiz?00:06
Kebbunohai there.00:17
KebbunCurrently installing Xubuntu.00:18
erkan^12.10, Kebbun ?00:36
knome12.10 is not released yet00:43
Guest93525I can't seem to install linux on my desktop co-existing with windows xp02:07
Guest93525it only gives me the option to replace windows xp completely02:07
Guest93525it says this system has multiple operating systems02:11
Guest93525but it doesn't02:11
v1adimirfellas, for Precise 12.04.1, do you recommend to install sbackup && sbackup-gtk, or to use something else perhaps??04:34
v1adimiri'm simply looking for an alternative to using Terminal for file backup copies, when editing04:35
bazhangsimple backup?04:46
bazhangclone? or what04:46
rhin0why is the disk cycling all the time in xubuntu 12.0406:02
rhin0all the time06:02
rhin0stops for about 5 seconds starts up again06:02
apm1hard disk spinning ?06:03
rhin0working / accessing06:03
apm1then your system is performing some I/O with the disk check your running apps06:04
rhin0file manager06:04
apm1there what can be more i/o hogging than a file manager :D06:05
rhin0ok running apps06:05
rhin0of course06:05
rhin0v pleased with 12.04 generally06:06
apm1if you are running a file manager always then how can you expect the disk i/o to stop06:06
rhin0i shut it - it stopped06:06
rhin0but the file manager was just open06:06
rhin0not using it06:06
rhin0but still the diesk cyclingt06:07
rhin0its for the indexing for catfish06:07
apm1yeah when you open the toilet's door it just smells like hell but you are saying you didn't piss :D06:07
rhin0i like xubuntu06:07
rhin0been running 10.04 for 2 years nbow06:09
apm1i like xubuntu so much i am about to break it on startup with a self compiled kernel :p06:09
apm1rhin0, ever compiled a kernel ?06:11
apm1which and last when ?06:11
rhin0some reason for new modules06:11
rhin0mebbe fedora06:11
apm1i am compiling 3.5 on xubuntu right now :)06:12
apm1holy processor tsunami batman ! 99'c06:12
rhin0i like ubuntu because it's small, uncomplex, consistant06:14
rhin0and also fast06:14
rhin0i never run ubuntu again after they go to unity06:15
rhin0left it06:15
apm1hell man my cpu is on fire06:15
apm1^i don'tmean it literally ?06:15
jarnosI get this when I try to login to a website in chromium-browser after upgrade to 12.04: Enter password to unlock your login keyring07:52
jarnosThe login keyring did not get unlocked when you logged into your computer.07:52
jarnosIs that normal or can it be avoided?07:53
bonnohello ..i am having some trouble with my pc.. the last week has crashed 3 times (2 of them was during the night when i leave it running sometimes)  i am getting a screen where mouse and kayboard dont work...what might be the problem?09:27
Fohlenhi @all09:38
Fohleni have a problem with my xubuntu09:38
Fohlenwhile i play, my pc sometimes just crash (without any notice) cause it gets to hot09:39
Fohlenalso, xubuntu takes 20% of my CPU :/09:39
bonnomine does too but not because of the heat09:39
xubuntu751what's a good irc client?10:50
xubuntu751does anyone use this?10:52
SkippersBossuse what ??10:52
[IRA]Divinada fuq..13:15
=== Strinteger is now known as Transfusion
CalI have a usb microphone, but I can't seem to find it in the audio settings, does anybody know what the problem could be?16:10
apm1do you have a sound recording app ?16:11
apm1try recording something16:14
CalI have, i can only get no sound, or the output from music players etc16:14
apm1click on the volume applett in the top panel16:15
apm1sound settings'16:15
Calmhm, it's open16:15
apm1click input tab16:15
apm1input devices ^16:16
Calit's not there as a "port" option though16:16
apm1port ?16:16
apm1the ports don't matter16:17
Calit says : Port: and then there is a dropdown menu, with Front Micro~ and two others16:17
apm1is there an option for analog input ?16:18
apm1^in the drop down16:18
CalFront, Rear, Line in16:18
apm1is there a show drop down at the bottom ?16:19
IndustrialHi. So I have this disk with now empty space (second position) that used to be windows. Can I somehow add this space to the last volume (linux, running that now)?16:19
apm1Cal, select line in16:19
apm1Industrial, there are sevral ways16:20
apm1cal did line in work ?16:20
apm1what do you see when you select line in in the drop down16:21
Industrialapm1: can I do it while running linux or do I need to boot from usb/iso?16:21
apm1Industrial, download clonezilla first16:21
apm1clone an image of your linux partition and then wipe your hard drive clean off and then restore the cloned image to the complete drive (easiest and most reliable way) :)16:23
apm1cal ?16:23
Calit doesn't work16:24
schoppenhauerhello. how can I activate Ctrl+Alt+L screen locking in Xubuntu? It is deactivated, Ctrl+Alt+L does nothing.16:24
TheSheepschoppenhauer: go to keyboard settings and add a new shortcut16:25
TheSheepschoppenhauer: the command for it is xflock416:25
schoppenhauerTheSheep: thank you16:30
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Kingsyanyone around?18:25
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:30
MCMastaI'm now installing Xubuntu, what are everyone up to?18:35
pleia2MCMasta: this is the support channel, if you're interested in chat we have #xubuntu-offtopic :)18:36
Kingsynm I got photorec working, I was going to ask about file recovery :)18:36
MCMastaOh, excuse me. There's a command for changing channel, isn't there?18:36
pleia2/join #xubuntu-offtopic18:36
MCMastaThank you!18:37
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:43
=== billy_idle is now known as march
MCMastaHello. I'm having a problem with my screen resolution. My screen actually is 1366x768, I know this because Mint 9 used that resolution and that looked like it should. Xubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.04 and Linux Mint 9, however, thinks it is 1024x768. This results in my screen being pulled out to the side, which is very annoying. Running "xrandr" gives me the error "xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default19:34
MCMasta" and tells me the maximum resolution is 1024. Do anyone know what I should try?19:34
TheSheepMCMasta: what graphics card is it?19:41
MCMastaHow do I check that? Settings somewhere? Benchmark, isn't it?19:43
recon_tvMCMasta: computer make and model is normally enough to look it up19:43
MCMastaOh, I'm running an emachines e525 laptop.19:44
MCMastaI'll check that, one sec19:44
MCMastaAccording to amazon: "IntelĀ® Graphics Media Accelerator 4500M / Built-in 802.11b/g Wireless LAN"19:45
MCMastaOr is that not it? Here's a link to that page19:46
recon_tvlspci | grep VGA also works19:46
MCMastasure, one sec19:46
MCMastaOutput: VGA19:47
MCMasta00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)19:47
MCMastaWait, that page is not correct, my processor is Intel Celeron T300019:49
recon_tvMCMasta: do you have a spare computer? to use while we break the one you tyring to change screen on?19:49
gratefulim having problems installing new packages, whats the command to repair my packages?19:49
TheSheepgrateful: what is the error you have?19:50
MCMastaUhm, break? Well, I could boot from live usb, or there's a windows xp computer in the other end of the house...19:50
gratefulsamba4 causes any upgrade/install to crash19:51
gratefulsaying sub-process usr/bin/dpkg error code 119:52
gratefuleverything installs (i assume correctly)19:52
recon_tvMCMasta: been years since i was messing about with this stuff, but a mis configured blank screen is more common that not, requires many reboots19:53
TheSheepgrateful: can you pastebin the whole error?19:54
MCMastaReinstalling the os isn't a problem, I have a separate home partition and all my things  on a separate hard drive.19:55
MCMastarecon_tv, do I still need a separate computer then?19:57
recon_tvMCMasta: no, it's a case of breaking you video setting, so you end up going to cmd line to undo changes , it's a pain to use a UI based IRC program19:57
recon_tvwhile doing this19:57
MCMastaHm... So all I need the separate computer for is running IRC? Would an android phone work then?19:58
jacklkHello, can someone tell me what type of socket this is? http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lprsdbDKp41qdeh10o1_1280.jpg19:59
gratefulTheSheep, i just reinstalled samba4 and no more issues19:59
TheSheepdon't click that19:59
MCMastaOffensive image?19:59
TheSheepthe latter19:59
MCMastarecon_tv, I should head to bed soon, and I won't be able to fix my display today. I won't be able to be on the computer for a couple of days, I hope we'll meet again, another day, and thanks for trying to help me. You too, TheSheep.20:03
TheSheepMCMasta: somebody will always be here to help, good luck with it20:03
MCMasta:) Good bye!20:03
recon_tvMCMasta: have a read of http://askubuntu.com/questions/129941/my-ubuntu-12-04-has-no-xorg-conf-is-that-normal20:03
MCMastaWill save that link, thanks.20:03
gratefulwhere is the Software Sources located in the menu when its installed?20:04
erkan^Zoom, negative, etc. for CCSM doesn't work20:05
erkan^can someone help me?20:05
TheSheepgrateful: I'd guess in system, but you can always access is in synaptic20:05
gratefuli got a ppa i need to remove20:06
recon_tvhmm, dinner calls20:07
erkan^grateful, have you expierence with CCSM?20:09
TheSheeperkan^: you might want to ask at #compiz20:09
erkan^I use Xubuntu, i think that is problem with keyboard and mouse20:10
TheSheepI'm pretty sure that CCSM is not xubuntu20:11
TheSheepJust saying that the people there have more chance of knowing it20:12
erkan^i am join there20:12
erkan^what mean "button"?20:13
gratefulwhats CCM?20:13
gratefuli fixed my issue using synaptic20:13
erkan^compiz is no busy20:14
erkan^i see20:14
gratefuli had a repository in there for AWN but kept failing to connect so i just removed it20:14
gratefulanybody suggest which is better for massive mp3 library, banshee or rhymthbox20:26
TheSheep!best | grateful20:28
ubottugrateful: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Polls are highly discouraged to be taken on this channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, please ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:28
gratefuli just wasn't sure if both programs could handle large databases equally but i understand the answer i got20:30
erkan^is Xubuntu --> openGL?21:25
recon_tverkan^: that question does not really make sense21:26
recon_tverkan^: better to ask if you video driver is openGL21:26
erkan^i don't understand still this ccsm21:27
erkan^why doesn't ccsm work21:28
erkan^YES!!!!! it works now!!! i have typed: compiz --replace via terminal, recon_tv21:29
recon_tvglad you got it fixed, I was just looking up what ccsm was :)21:29
erkan^recon_tv, i have a problem. window border is disable. how can i enable21:36
recon_tverkan^: no idea, have not used compiz in years, I'd ask in the compiz channel21:36
recon_tvis postfix still the recommended smtp package?22:16
=== emma is now known as em
PaddyStrying to mount a remote FS.  Any suggestions... I can open it using smb:// but would like to mount it properly22:22
recon_tvPaddyS: look up fstab22:34
holsteinPaddyS: i usually just use gigolo... what do you consider "properly" ?22:34
PaddySproperly = not using it through a link on the desktop but having it available as a permanent link22:44
holsteinthe link on the desktop isnt permanent?22:46
holsteinjust comes up after you mount it?22:49
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:49
PaddySthe link on the desktop is permenant but doesn't connect at boot - only when i activate it... Gigolo seems to do what I need....22:50
PaddySI believe it is actually a linux file sever (built into my router) but limited documentation (i.e. none) on using this with xubuntu/ubuntu/linux22:51
PaddySthink I've managed to create a shortcut in filemanager... that seems to do what I need - thanks all22:59
raido_anyone home?23:09

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