
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kiloshi Squirm 05:22
superflyyou people are up too early, go back to bed05:58
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=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
mazalMôre mense08:49
mazalMorning people08:49
Kiloshi mazal 08:49
mazalGaanit Oom Kilos ?08:49
Kilosgoed dankie en jy08:49
mazalMoeg gebou aan die 64bit , maar is darem nou klaar en lyk alles werk weer :)08:50
mazalNou kort ek net nuwe pc lol08:50
Kiloswat het jy nou dat jy n nuwe een soek08:52
mazalEk het nog 'n Core2duo 2.8ghz , hy werk mooi maar ek het begin video editing doen. Ek maak dvd's skoon en dan convert ek hulle weer terug na dvd toe. Die probleem is te min ram en cpu nie sterk genoeg nie08:53
mazalDis hoekom ek moet oorgaan het na 64bit toe ook dat ek meer ram kan gebruik08:53
mazalSo nou het ek solank die OS gebou en iso gemaak , dan kan ek net my iso install as ek pc kry08:54
mazalGelukkig my huidige cpu is 64bit so ek kon dit solank doen08:54
Kilosgelukkig ne08:56
Kilosek het 12.04 server cd 64b maar pc is 32b08:57
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Kilosso dit sal na my seun toe gaan vir sy werk server08:58
mazalEk het "getunede" iso's 32bit en 64bit08:58
Kiloshi Trix[a]r_za 08:58
mazalAll die codecs en software en all en all klaar in. Werk soos 'n bom as mens moet re-install08:58
Kiloslol ek like daai woord08:58
mazalHehehe , ja soms noem ek dit sommer die "MazBuild"08:59
mazal'n ou moet dit maar doen. Ek het nou weer gesien 'n vars install het naby aan 1gig se downloads vir updates , codecs , multimedia support en ekstra software09:01
mazal'n ou kannie dit elke keer doen nie09:02
mazalVat te veel tyd en data en moeite09:02
Kilosnee man09:02
Kilosdoen rsync van jou archives09:03
mazalDan moet mens nog steeds die install deel doen en die tyd wat dit vat09:03
mazalMet 'n iso doen jy niks09:03
Kilosmaak n partisie wat jy storage noem09:03
mazalInstall en als is klaar daar09:03
Kilosoh ja maar is dit op dvd09:04
mazalMy /home en my data self doen ek rsync ja09:04
Kilossal te groot wees vir cd09:04
mazalYep , myne is so 1.8gig09:04
mazalDis net die system self wat in die iso kom09:04
mazalMy data en my home backup ek net apart09:04
Kiloso ja ek rsync home en archives09:05
mazalWat ek ook doen is om al my groot data (musiek , flieks , pics ens) op 'n aparte partisie te sit09:06
Kilosen dejadup backup werk goed09:06
mazalDieselfde as /home , aparte partisie09:06
Kilosja myne is op n /storage partisie09:06
mazalDan wanneer ek re-install install ek my "getunede" iso en ek format nie /home en /data nie en vola09:07
mazalBinne letterlike minute is die hele system net alles soos hy was09:07
mazalIs even vinniger as image09:07
mazalAs jou hele hdd breek dan vat dit bietjie langer want dan moet mens /home en /data terugsit vanaf jou backup af09:08
mazalMaar ten minste het jy niks wat jy moet re-install nie09:08
mazalDeja het ek nog nooit gebruik nie09:09
mazalEk bly maar 'n fan van rsync vir home09:09
Kilosdit wer mooi09:09
Kilosnog nie op 12.04 dit preobeer nie09:09
mazalEk sal bietjie met hom speel eendag09:10
Kilosek rsync ook want data dooi my09:10
mazalMaar ek het so baie custom backups en archives van /home en /data dat rsync jobs maar die maklikste werk09:11
Kilosdejadup maak jou backup laat jy nie weet jy weer instaleer het nie09:11
Kilosal email goed en chat contacts en als is daar09:12
mazalEk is baie paranoies as dit kom by backups. Ek het 2 externals. Die een hardloop elke dag net 'n straight backup. Dan het ek tweede een waarna elke Vrydag 'n "weekly" gedoen word met 5 verskillende folders , een vir elke week van die maand09:12
mazalEn elke week kry 'n rsync van /home en /data en 'n vol image van redo en 'n nuutste iso09:13
mazalEn maak SEKER09:13
mazalEn die tweede een word nog in 'n kluis toegesluit ook LOL09:14
Kilosal fout met backups is as daar iets nie reg werk nie dan backup jy dit na die volgende instal09:14
mazalDis hoekom ek 5 sperate weke het09:14
mazalDan kan ek een week teruggaan09:14
mazalWant ek het al in daai gat getrap van 'n fout backup09:14
mazalDan hoef ek darem net 1 week se updates te doen09:15
Kilosja ek ook, tot met 12.04 eergister09:15
mazalDie probleem is dan om te weet wat presies die system gebreek het09:16
Kilosgespeel met iptables om 2de pc te laat 3g gebruik maar to ek volgende oggend boot was nm siek09:16
mazalMeeste van die tyd kyk mens nie eers wat jy update nie09:16
mazalHehe ja nee kyk , ek moes al baie oor install so ek het nou al geleer om eerder te veel backups te hê as te min09:18
Kilosnou install ek sakis3g en gnome-ppp voor ek weer beging speel09:18
Kilosmaar dis die lekker van pcs. hopelik leer jy by elke fout09:19
Kilosen met rsyncs voor jy die ding crash kos dit nie baie data om oor te begin nie09:20
mazalEk gaan sommer nou bietjie met deja speel terwyl ons op die onderwerp van genoeg backups is ;)09:25
Kilosek dink nuvolari het my van dit vertel paar jaar terug09:26
Squirmmy boss just asked me to set up a Linux Terminal Server09:26
Squirmand good day to all09:27
Kiloshey Squirm thats good news09:27
Kilosians dit as well09:27
mazalLo Squirm09:28
mazalEk sien nie waar mens hom stel hoe laat hy moet backup nie ?09:29
Kilossjoe jy kan09:30
Kiloskyk mooi na als09:30
mazalEk kry net 'n "daily" , maar nie hoe laat nie09:31
mazalEn hy het nou 'n eerste een gedoen , maar die data is nie daar op die destination nie , hmmm09:35
Kilosek het ook n paar keer gesukkel tot ek dit reg gekry het09:36
Kilosdis klaar in 12.0409:42
Kilossien dit nou eers09:42
mazalEk sien nou hy maak folders soos hy wil basies09:44
mazalHy aanvaar nie wat jy vir hom gee nie09:44
Kilosop 10.10 het dit09:45
mazalHa ! Lyk my ek het hom nou reg. Hy het net 'n unieke manier wat jy die destination moet gee09:51
Kilosskryf neer sodat ek dit by jou kan kry09:52
Kilosek wil eers als kry dat dit werk weer dan n backup maak09:53
mazalHy lyk heel nice , net jammer ek kannie vir hom sê hoe laat hy moet backup nie. Dan kon ek schedule vir wanneer ek weet ek nie besig is nie09:59
mazal'n Ander ding wat ek wonder is of dit saak maak wat die destination drive se formaat is (NTFS , EXT4 ens.) Bv. as mens backup na 'n NTFS drive toe en jy restore , sal hy self die file en folder permissions regmaak met die restore ?10:04
mazalWant soos met rsync moet jy na EXT4 toe gaan bv.10:05
mazalAnders verloor jy jou permissions en moet dit manually regmaak na die restore10:05
mazalMaar rsync maak 'n straight copy , en die een vat dit na compressed files toe , sy hy sal dit dalk self behou en fix10:05
Kilosek maak als behalwe usb stockies ext410:07
mazalMy twee groot externals is NTFS vir as ek van my data op 'n Win pc nodig kry10:08
mazalEn ek moes eenkeer voorheen my rsync home restore en hy kon nie werk nie want die permissions was toe nie reg nie10:08
Kilosnou probeer een backup soontoe en kyk10:08
mazalEk moes my hele Home se permissions manually regmaak10:09
mazalEk sal 'n restore moet toets om dit te sien10:09
mazalDis die restore deel wat daai saakmaak10:09
mazalEk gaan iets moet delete en restore10:09
mazalLaak sien , watter file is nie belangrik nie hmmmmm10:10
Kiloshoekom maak jy nie n ext4 partisie op een van die eksternes nie10:10
mazalSharp , hy restore permissions ;)10:13
mazalHet 'n file delete en toe sommer die "shortcut restore" manier ook getoets wyl ek nou besig was10:13
mazalWerk baie nice10:14
mazalEk like die wat jy net regs click in 'n folder en sê "check for missing file"10:14
mazalDis baie nice opsie daai10:14
mazalDankie Oom Kilos , nou het ek weer iets oulik by geleer :)10:15
mazalNou net om dit als te onthou LOL10:15
Kiloslol plesier10:15
Kilosskryf neer10:15
Kilosek het boeke vol al geskryf10:16
Kilosnou vergeet ek wat is in watter boek10:16
mazalEk het ook al 'n vrag Linux docs in my documents folder. Toe gaan ek maar naderhand en maak sub folders vir elke afdeling10:17
Kilosdis nog harder werk om te vind10:17
mazalDan kan mens ten minste find command try hehehehehe10:19
mazalOf alt-f10:19
mazalstart-f even10:19
mazalMaar wat dan gewoonlik gebeur is mens vergeet wat jy die manual genoem het lol10:19
Kilosken jy die nico outjie op die lys10:20
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Cantideplan foiled - Ubuntu 12.04 doesn't render properly on my dad's PC11:10
Kilosinstall mate11:11
Kiloson top of it11:11
Kiloswhat does it mean it doesnt render properly11:11
Cantidei can't take a screenshot, because it's unusable11:13
Cantidebut basically i can see the background wallpaper11:13
Cantideand the mouse cursor11:13
Cantideall the panels are white blocks11:13
Kilosin 2g mode?11:13
Cantidenotifications are white blocks11:13
Kilosbad install11:13
Cantidecan't see anything in them either, so i can't click11:13
Cantidei didn't install - i tried the live cd11:13
Kilostry again11:14
Cantidetried it twice, same result11:14
Kilosand be more patient11:14
Cantidei was :p11:14
tonberryE352funny gpu?11:14
CantideTonberry, that was my first thought11:14
Cantidebut that PC runs everything in XP just fine11:14
Cantidemaybe i should try Ubuntu 10.10 on it and see how that works11:14
Kiloshave you got pc specs?11:15
Cantidei forgot, but it's an old P411:15
Cantideonboard graphics11:15
tonberryE352lack of 3d rendering?11:15
Cantide1 GB, iirc11:15
Kilosshould work thats what im using11:15
CantideTonberry, that could be the problem with whatever default drivers are loaded in Ubuntu11:15
tonberryE352does 12.04 still support cards with no 3d rendering?11:16
Cantideand i can't switch to Unity 2d from the live CD, that i can see anyway11:16
Cantideso i think installing it will be a risk..11:16
tonberryE352try xubuntu/lubuntu if you have any cds11:16
Kiloscan you run the cd live and see everything11:16
Cantidei don't .-.11:16
Cantideoh, wait11:17
Cantidei might have something..11:17
Cantideoh.. nothing11:17
Cantidejust Ubuntu 10.10 and 12.0411:17
Kilosdoes the live cd show everything11:18
Cantidethat's what i've just explained :p11:18
Kilosuh oh11:18
Kilostry 10.1011:18
Cantideweird though - it renders fine when it gives me the option to try ubuntu or install ubuntu11:18
Cantidei can see the panel etc.11:18
Cantidebut once i choose try ubuntu, then it freaks out :D11:19
Cantidei have a feeling that once it is installed i'll be able to get it working.. but i'm not sure i should risk it..11:19
Kilosand 10.10 no longer supported11:20
Kilosmight be the onboard graphics it isnt seeing11:21
Cantideso i'm not sure if i should bother installing 10.1011:21
Cantidecould be...11:21
Cantidebut it's pretty generic11:21
Kilosyou dont have a graphics card you can try in there11:21
Cantidemaybe i should put my card in there, set it up and set it to unity 2d or gnome 2.x and then remove my card11:21
Cantidejust mine11:21
Kilosim running 2d11:22
Kilosactually with mate on top11:22
Cantideseems like effort11:22
Cantidemy card is... special haha11:22
Cantidegot a pencil jammed in there to hold an 80 ml fan on it11:22
Kilosjust try it man11:22
Cantidenot nice to take out :D11:22
Cantideyeah, i might do it :D11:23
Cantidecan't bear to see my dad use XP much longer11:23
Cantidei feel sorry for him11:23
Kilosdont be lazy its for your dad11:23
Cantidenyeah.. that means shutting down now and playing with hardware while braaing11:26
Kiloswe will wait11:26
Kilosplug your graphics into your onboard socket11:26
mazalBye for now11:27
mazalGod bless11:28
Kilosgood luck11:28
Kilostoods mazal you too11:28
CantideAGP board == fail :(11:33
Cantidei actually threw out an old AGP card a while ago :p11:33
Cantidei think i'll just back up all his data11:34
Cantideand try 12.04 anyway11:34
Cantideif it fails, i'll reinstall XP11:34
Kilosya backup first11:34
Cantidenot that i have the XP CD anymore... but whatever :D11:34
Cantidelet me try a 10.10 live CD first though11:34
Kilosbut if 12.04 dont work try 10.10 just to see wassup11:34
Cantidebut i need to try MythTV - this is the dealbreaker11:35
Cantideand if i can't get MythTV on 10.1011:35
Cantidethen.. eh..11:35
Kilosjust see first if it installs11:35
Kilosif it does then 12.04 should too11:35
Cantidei'm sure it'll install11:36
Cantidejust the UI is a problem..11:36
Kilosmaybe 12.04 needs to actually install to get the graphics drivers installed11:36
Cantideoh, good point11:36
Kiloswhen it does checking hardware11:37
Cantideless success with 10.1011:43
Cantidejust got some weird lines all over the screen with the live CD11:43
Cantidelast question11:43
Cantideduring the 12.04 install, will i be able to set up a new partition and leave the Windows partition intact?11:43
Cantidethen i can just copy the files out of Windows from Ubuntu11:43
Cantideand then delete that partition when done11:44
Cantidethis way i won't need to back up :)11:44
Kilostry installing alongside xp11:44
Kilosthen it should give you the choice which one you want to boot from11:44
Kilosbut i would rather backup or save important stuff first11:45
Cantidejust my dad's PC11:46
Cantidebut yeah, going to install 12.04 alongside XP for now..11:46
Kilosnothing important on it?11:46
Kilosis he watching you?11:47
Cantidenothing important that i know of - most of the data was copied from my PC originally11:47
KilosHIT him uncle11:47
Cantideand the rest is just CDs that he's ripped11:47
Cantidegoing offline again11:47
Cantidegotta use my dongle there to get internet haha11:47
Cantidewill update you a bit later ;)11:47
Cantidethanks for the help :)11:47
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Cantidethat didn't go according to plan13:43
Kiloswhat happened Cantide 14:18
Kiloskilled windows?14:19
CantideWindows is okay14:24
Cantidebut even grub won't display14:24
Cantideso i have to just push the down arrow on the keyboard blindly in order to select Windows14:25
Kiloscan you still boot to windows?14:25
Cantidedefinitely a graphical problem14:25
Cantidewith a little difficulty :p14:25
Cantideso i went to the garage and found an old nvidia FX 5200 AGP card14:25
Kilosoh the grub menu comes up but you cant see it?14:26
Cantideopened up the PC... then realised that it's PCI-E after all haha14:26
Cantideyeah, that's it14:26
Cantidethe screen just says "frequency out of range" but if i plug my screen in then it's displayed14:26
CantideUbuntu just hangs though14:26
Cantidei think i need to fix my brother's graphics card14:27
Cantidethen put my card in my dad's PC14:27
Kiloscan you get into ubuntu14:27
Cantideand use my brother's card until it breaks again haha14:27
Cantidenope, it hangs before it gets in14:27
Cantidewhat does that do?14:27
Kiloscommand line only14:27
Cantidethat's actually a good idea..14:27
Cantidei could always install a different UI14:28
Cantidelong story though14:28
Cantidei tried to boot the Live CD again on his PC and it hangs every time now14:28
Cantideso i actually took his HDD out and loaded Ubuntu on it on my pc14:28
Cantidethen put the drive back in14:28
Kilosgo on14:29
Cantidehis PC just doesn't know what's good for it :p14:29
Cantidewell, when i put the drive back in and tested it it didn't work14:29
Cantidebut it works fine on my PC14:29
Cantidei still think it's a graphical problem14:29
Kiloswith your card in?14:29
Cantideso first i need to fix the other card before i give him mine lol14:29
Cantidei haven't put my card in his PC yet14:29
Cantidei will try it later14:29
Cantidegoing to braai now now '-'14:30
Cantidethis must be the most difficult Ubuntu installation ever :D14:30
Kilosi had some battles too14:30
Kiloscouldnt get cds to work14:30
Kilosfoung that by removing pc battery and unplugging power14:31
Kilosthen set bios again it came right14:31
Kilosi think windows corrupts the bios so it doesnt work on other systems14:32
Cantidei wouldn't be surprised :p14:32
Kilosone pc i had to leave the battery out with power out for 10 mins14:33
Cantidethose PCs of yours are not normal :)14:34
Kilosno they old. one was tested as a aeroplnane14:34
Kilosout a flats window14:35
Kiloscouldnt fly so dug a whole in the concrete14:35
Kiloshad to get another box hdd and cdrom but has worked well since being rebuilt14:39
Cantidesounds like something i've done to a few PCs :D14:39
Kilosyou from that other tribe that believes when in doubt use a hammer14:58
Kilosthe bigger the doubt the bigger the hammer14:58
Cantidenot really - we had some oooold PCs that no longer worked, so we literally threw them out :)15:23
magespawnhowdy all16:18
Kiloshi superfly and other lurkers16:18
Kiloshi magespawn 16:18
magespawnhow you doing on this nearly finished heritage day?16:19
Kiloslol struggling as usual16:19
Kiloswhen i connect network cable xchat and pidgin disconnect16:20
Kiloseven though it still shows connected16:20
magespawnsounds like it 8s stil trying to route everything through the cable16:20
magespawnis still16:21
Kilosya and it worked so lukker. should never have switched off for the night16:24
Kilosi get a good chuckle outa QP at times. i say hi and she says hoe gaan dit16:31
Kiloswas that your input tumbleweed 16:32
tumbleweeddon't think so, although I wrote the code behind that16:33
Kilosthe daily build works kiff16:33
Kiloseven if not built daily16:33
Kilosyay modem manager gui ca see smses that have come to the 3g modem16:53
magespawncool Kilos17:13
magespawnsuperfly good luck with OpenLP final release 2.017:14
superflythanks magespawn17:28
Kiloshi smile superfly 17:32
magespawnsuperfly i would like to show the software to a friend of mine17:32
superflyhi Kilos17:32
superflymagespawn: you don't need my permission ;-)17:33
magespawnmm i suppose but this way you know people are getting to know about it17:34
superflymagespawn: indeed, I do like to hear when people are using, and more so when they are happy using it17:37
magespawnwill keep you up to date17:39
magespawnmaybe i can get him to come here17:39
superflymagespawn: we have an IRC channel here on Freenode, #openlp17:40
magespawncool will let him know about that too17:40
Kiloswhere do i see these logs for 2 nights ago please17:56
Kilosi cant find what to enable for this ip thingie17:56
Kilosand have reinstalled without backups so cant see old scroll back17:57
superflyKilos: this is IRC, there are no logs17:57
smileKilos: maybe on http://irclogs.ubuntu.com ? ;)17:57
magespawnKilos was it in this channel or on yours?17:58
Kilosoh my goodness superfly now how i gonna find what file to gedit17:58
smilehttp://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/09/04/%23ubuntu-za.html <- Kilos 17:59
Kilosit musta been here i think magespawn  because i had to delete a hash in something 17:59
magespawnyes i remember will scroll back see if i can find it18:00
superflyKilos: when you receive instructions, open gedit and save them to a text file18:00
superflyKilos: but I think the command you're looking for is this: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp+ -j MASQUERADE18:00
Kilosno i saved that superfly it was something i had to delete the hash18:01
KilosQP has this command saved18:01
Kiloswrong day smile 18:04
Kilosbut ty18:04
smileKilos: you can change the date :)18:04
Kilosoh ok i try that18:04
magespawn^that has there18:05
Kilosya magespawn 18:06
Kilosjust before that18:06
Kiloswhat was that line in18:06
magespawnKerbero, do i just delete the hash in this line?18:07
magespawn# Uncomment the next line to enable packet forwarding for IPv418:07
magespawnnot sure that is all i can find so far18:08
Kilosya but what file is it in18:08
Kiloshi Kerbero 18:08
Kilosthats it 18:08
Kilosdankie man18:08
magespawnhi Kerbero18:08
Kilosmagespawn, i thought i saved everything but also only from where you see18:10
Kilosty smile now i can even say what when i disconnected18:11
Kiloshahaha i can even see them saying hope he didnt move modem18:12
magespawnbrb fish bed time18:14
Kiloshey Kerbero when i booted next morning my nm was dead18:17
Kilosgota command to start it but it kept dying every 5 mins then wouldnt start anymore18:18
Kilosso i did a clean  install18:18
Squirmgood evening people18:19
Kilosnow slowly trying to catch up and get ready for next install18:19
Kiloshey Squirm 18:19
Kiloswe got the sharing thing going Squirm 18:19
Kilosfor one night18:19
Squirmwell, it's better than nothing18:20
Kiloslotsa stuff to learn18:20
Kilosiptable stuff18:21
Kiloswas very lekker18:21
SquirmI'll have to know iptables for my RHCE I want to do18:21
SquirmI'm going to die18:21
Cantideso i got it working18:22
Cantideseems the TV card was causing problems18:22
Cantidesorted that out18:22
Kiloswhat did you do Cantide 18:22
Cantideand now trying to set up mythtv18:22
Cantidejust took the tv card out, cleaned it and put it back in18:22
Kilosthats lucky18:23
Cantidegrub still doesn't display18:23
Cantidebut ubuntu works :)18:23
Kilosyou should blow out all the dust on mb and cpufan and power supply fan too18:23
Kilosgrub then hasnt got that 10 sec thing set18:24
Cantideyeah... but lazy now18:24
Cantideoh, it has, if i leave it it goes into ubuntu18:24
Kilosbut good it works18:24
Cantidebut i just can't see the options :p18:24
Cantidewho here knows a lot about mythtv setup?18:25
Cantideneed it to search for the tuner, but i don't know how..18:25
smilegood night everyone :)18:27
smilebyee :p18:28
Kilosdo they say there?18:28
Kilosnight smile sleep tight18:28
smilethanks Kilos 18:28
Cantidei'll check that link. thanks :)18:29
Cantideoh... it's just a link to the package18:29
Cantidewhich i've installed18:29
Cantidewb, magespawn :p18:29
magespawnhey Cantide18:30
magespawnplayed around with mythbuntu for a while18:30
magespawnjust on a pc though without a remote18:30
Cantidei just need it to pick up the tuner18:32
Cantideno idea where the settings are for that18:32
magespawnno  i only used it as a media server for my external drive18:34
Cantideoh /o18:35
Cantidegoogle will save me18:35
magespawngoogle is your friend18:37
Kilosi dont like google18:37
Kilostoo many things to look at18:38
SquirmKilos: you said it18:44
Squirmthis Terminal server is going to be fun18:44
magespawnahh well that is true18:44
Squirmlooks really good though18:44
magespawnthin client stuff?18:48
Kiloshi simeon 18:49
Squirmmagespawn: old, diskless systems18:52
magespawngood for small old systems18:53
Squirmmagespawn: yeah. at the end of the year we're upgrading a lab. so we'll have about 20 old machines. my boss wants to have minimal maintenance on those, the hdds are a good place to start :P18:53
magespawnyou work at that midlands school hey?18:54
Squirmand most of what they will be used for is web based applications anyway, platform independant18:54
Cantideseems i needed to run the backend setup18:54
Squirmmagespawn: indeed. Treverton18:54
magespawnDoes the school buy the machines?18:54
magespawnmm my kids school does not have that sort of money18:55
magespawnwe need to get donations18:55
Squirmmagespawn: yeah... we're a good private school. every few years we upgrade a lab18:56
magespawnyes Cantide works like a webserver i think'18:56
Squirmbut the parents pay for it anyway :/18:56
Cantidedamn, reboot again lol18:56
magespawnmm thats true18:56
Cantidetricky little thing..18:56
SquirmCantide: you shouldn't 'have to' reboot with linux18:56
magespawndo you keep the old ones?18:56
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
Squirmmagespawn: we try and use them until they're dead... like now, turning them into terminal clients. or we put them in classrooms, etc18:57
Squirmso they'll run until the motherboard packs up18:58
magespawnright the same here18:58
Squirmmagespawn: where does your son go?18:59
magespawnand on the smallest budget18:59
magespawnHluhluwe Primary18:59
Squirmthe primary school I went to like that as well18:59
Squirmgovernment school with ~270 students19:00
magespawni think this is about 30019:00
magespawnbut very good teschers and the class sizes are fine19:01
Squirmyeah, same with my primary school19:01
Squirmmy mom is actually a teacher there19:01
Squirmand I did their network19:01
magespawnwe are looking at doing some changes it is a bit of a mess at the moment19:03
magespawnwas very interested in SchoolTool19:03
Cantidemythtv is driving me crazy :D19:12
magespawnsuperfly you got a second? or anyone who knows python?19:25
KilosKerbero, im stuck. you busy?19:35
Kiloshey magespawn we the battlers19:35
Kilosive followed all the same things but this time it dont work19:36
zerefmagespawn: I know some python19:36
magespawnzeref can i pm you?19:39
magespawnthats not so good Kilos?19:41
Kilosat least it isnt disconnecting me here anymore19:41
superflymagespawn: back19:42
magespawnperhaps somewhere else python question?19:42
superflymagespawn: sure19:49
superflydepends on the level of privacy... if it's a more general question, the channel would benefit from the conversation19:49
magespawnAssign the variable the_machine_goes to the string "Ping!" then print it out19:51
magespawnhow would you do this?19:51
magespawnlike so19:52
magespawnthe_machine_goes = 19:53
magespawnthe_machine_goes = "Ping!"19:53
magespawnprint the_machine_goes19:53
magespawnahh idiot 19:53
magespawnin the practice i was leaving out the "!"19:54
magespawnthat i why i kept getting it wrong19:54
Kiloshmmm self help too19:55
Kiloswell done magespawn 19:55
magespawnhelps if you have to show or talk to somebody else19:56
Kilosyes it does19:56
magespawnsometimes shows up the stupid mistakes19:56
superflyMaaz: google for rubber duck debugging20:02
Maazsuperfly: "Rubber duck debugging - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_duck_debugging :: "Rubber Duck Debugging" http://www.rubberduckdebugging.com/ :: "Coding Horror: Rubber Duck Problem Solving" http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2012/03/rubber-duck-problem-solving.html :: "Rubber Duck Debugging | Verbose Logging" http://verboselogging.com/2011/03/28/rubber-duck-debugging :: "Rubber Duck Debugging - An inte20:02
Kiloshaha a rubber duck is that boat surf life savers use20:03
magespawnhah very cool superfly20:11
* magespawn goes to find a rubber duck or suitable sub20:12
magespawni am out of here, night all, thanks for the help20:25
Kilos-night magespawn 20:25
Kilos-sleep tight20:26
magespawncheers Kilos20:26
Kilos-night all. sleep tight20:31

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