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jbichawhat happened to bug 1054776?00:25
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1054776 could not be found00:25
wgrantSigh, looks like some random marked it public00:26
wgrantEr, private00:26
wgrantLet me get it recovered00:26
wgrantjbicha: That bug's alive again.00:37
wgrantThanks for pointing that out00:37
jbichabkerensa pointed it to me, I didn't understand it but now I do00:37
wgrantI see reddit's already calling it a Canonical conspiracy to delete the bug :)00:38
wgrantBut yeah, some random user marked it private :(00:38
wgrantAh, thanks for commenting there00:39
lifelessits public again00:40
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lifelesswow 1070 heat00:41
wgrantLots of affectsmetoos00:42
StevenKwgrant: Why would they do that? :-(00:42
xnoxthere was yet to be a feature freeze without a controversy. all is as per schedule.00:51
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tsimpsonit looks like the user who made it private also went an unsubscribed a bunch of people01:40
wgrantMaking it private unsubscribes people who aren't able to see it any more01:41
wgrantIt also displays a big warning that this is going to happen...01:41
wgrantBut apparently the user clicked through it01:41
tsimpsonah, I see01:42
thomiHi, Using the launchpad MR email interface, I occaisonally get a mail bounce containing "Signature couldn't be verified: (7, 8, u'Bad signature')" - but I'm using the same mail client with the same key set up...02:43
smoserhey, wonder if any launchpad admin can help me.02:54
smoseri'm trying to copy binaries from https://launchpad.net/%7Ecanonical-arm-dev/+archive/ppa/+copy-packages to https://launchpad.net/~maas-maintainers/+archive/maas-ephemeral-images02:54
bigjoolssmoser: timeouts?02:55
smoseri copied the source once, then realized I didn't want source (as I need the armhf builds), and deleted it from the target02:55
smoser(i do get timeouts, but i'm not sure its related)02:55
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smosernow I keep getting:02:55
smoserThe following source cannot be copied:02:55
smoser    mountall 2.41~ppa415 in quantal (same version already uploaded and waiting in ACCEPTED queue)02:55
smoseri think i could have hosed something by deleting the source copy very soon after i did it.02:56
bigjoolsyes, yes you did :(02:56
bigjoolswgrant: geez, I thought this bug was fixed ages ago?02:56
smoserbigjools, can it be fixed?02:56
smoserbigjools, are you able to help that?03:02
smoseror know a workaround?03:03
wgrantI'm just heading out for lunch, can look afterwards03:03
wgrantBut normally that'll resolve itself after 10-15 minutes03:03
wgrantWhen it's published03:03
smoserwell, its been ~ 30 at least03:04
wgrantUnless you've crashed the publisher03:04
smoseri did just give it a while to see if it would owrk itsweay out03:04
smoserway out03:04
bigjoolssmoser: there's a crack team of maintenance people available I hope, but if all else fails I can look, if I can remember how to :)03:05
smoserwell, if wgrant can resolve it before i wake up in ~ 8 hours, that'd be soon enough for me.03:05
wgrantThis was a delayed copy03:06
wgrantThey never end well :)03:06
bigjools /o\03:06
bigjoolsit's time to remove that crappy code and use the new world order03:06
wgrantYou know you're in trouble when you see an announcement from process-accepted...03:06
wgrantbigjools: Yeah, cjwatson is close :)03:06
bigjoolsis this holding up the ppa publishing pipeline?03:07
wgrantNo exceptions that I can see03:07
wgrantSo I'm really confused as to why it's stuck in ACCEPTED03:07
wgrantReally need to leave now, though03:07
wgrantWill be back in an hourish03:07
smoserthanks wgrant03:07
bigjoolswgrant in leaving keyboard SHOCKER03:07
wgrantOh right03:09
wgrantI remember a bug here03:09
lifelesswgrant: a BUG?!?!?!?!?103:09
wgrantWhen it says "waiting in ACCEPTED queue", it might actually mean "in any queue at all, including DONE"03:09
wgrantYou can't delayed-copy twice to the same place, probably03:09
wgrantAnyway, => lunch03:09
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wgrantSo yeah04:13
wgrant            upload_conflict = getUtility(IPackageUploadSet).findSourceUpload(04:13
wgrant                name=source.sourcepackagerelease.name,04:13
wgrant                version=source.sourcepackagerelease.version,04:13
wgrant                archive=self.archive, distribution=series.distribution)04:13
wgrantWhen it says ACCEPTED, it means "any queue at all"04:14
wgrantsmoser: There's not much you can do directly. But if you copy it with binaries to another public PPA (any one will do) and wait a few minutes for everything to be made public, you should be able to copy into ppa:maas-maintainers/maas-ephemeral-images.04:15
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smoserwgrant, ok. woke up this morning, tried it. it still failed, so i just now copied binaries to personal ppa (https://launchpad.net/~smoser/+archive/ppa/+packages) and i will walk away for a bit and hope magic happens11:34
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pfarrellis it possible to sort bugs in a list by when they were reported?12:11
pfarrellthat would be really useful12:12
pfarrellI'm looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/dolfin and would like to "Order by" date, but there is no date12:12
wgrantpfarrell: Sort by Number.12:13
czajkowskipfarrell: no not by order by date, we have age and sort number12:13
pfarrellof course12:13
pfarrellmy apologies, how obvious12:13
czajkowskipfarrell: no worries12:13
geserpfarrell: click on the wheel, enable "age" and then sort by age12:14
wgrantAlso Age should work, yeah, though it's not shown by default12:14
pfarrelloh, I didn't even know the wheel was clickable12:14
pfarrellI thought it was just there to look pretty12:14
czajkowskiwould love if that wheel was bigger or a differen colour people dont seem to notice it12:14
czajkowskisurpirsed mpt_ hasnt logged a bug about it12:14
pfarrellyeah, I was scanning for "date" and didn't find it so I thought I would complain12:16
pfarrellwhen someone is in a rush they're unlikely to process "ah, bug ids are issued such that if idX > idY then X is newer than Y, so if I sort by number I will sort by date"12:16
pfarrellmaybe you could label it "Number/date" ?12:18
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TLoTthere's WAY too many timeouts... OOPS-b1ad43885c5f4c1049a04f967e4df3fb13:27
TLoTthat one was on the ubuntu project page, kind of a critical page.13:28
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hannieMay I ask who is responsible for the msgmerge command used in LP?14:20
czajkowskihannie: what do you mean responsible?14:20
hanniewho can change it to msgmerge --previous14:21
hannieI want to transfer the so called fuzzies from one version to a newer one with this command14:22
czajkowskiso you want help with the command itself14:23
hannieLokalize does this automatically, but we prefer to translate online14:23
hannieczajkowski, no, I want it changed in Launchpad14:23
hannieWe keep on copying and pasting long strings to newer versions because all the fuzzies are thrown away in LP14:24
czajkowskiwhat do you mean fuzzies?14:24
hanniea fuzzy is the translation of a msgid that has undergone a slight change (ie a comma)14:25
czajkowskisinzui: any idea where best to direct hannie to? filing a bug or a question on LP ?14:26
* sinzui looks14:27
hannieczajkowski, I have tried the ubuntu-translators mailing list, but to no avail14:27
hannieIt is a huge problem for translators of documentation like ubuntu-docs and ubuntu-manual14:28
czajkowskihannie: did they reply ?14:28
sinzuihannie, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/54075714:28
ubot5Ubuntu bug 540757 in Launchpad itself "Drop fuzzy etc." [Low,Triaged]14:28
hanniewell, sort of. The answer was that there is not enough manpower14:28
czajkowskihannie: well that's the same answer you'll get here14:29
sinzuiNo one is working on translations14:29
sinzuiLooks like the last developers wanted to remove the feature entirely.14:29
hannieit is the making of .pot files into .po files that needs changing14:29
hannieLP is used very often for online translations14:30
hanniewe translators are not happy at all with this copying and pasting for every new version of Ubuntu that is released14:31
sinzuiokay, so this issue is closer to this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/42922214:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 429222 in Launchpad itself ""Translations/YourProject/PartialPOExport" help guide - suggest using the --no-fuzzy-matching option for merges" [Low,Triaged]14:33
hannieI'll have a look14:33
sinzuiI think you want to report a new bug that you want --previous14:33
sinzuihannie, There is more than a year of critical work for the maintenance squad, and there is more than a year of high work after that. The best chance of fixing this issue is for someone with translations and programming experience to submit a patch14:35
sinzuis/patch/tested branch/14:35
hannieI am willing to do some testing, but then I need someone from LP to change the command for me14:37
hannieI do not see any sense in reporting another bug, because I do not think that will help14:37
hanniesinzui, I am aware of the loads of work that need to be done and I do appreciate it14:38
sinzuihannie, Lp cannot accept a change without a unit test. the person who makes the change also needs to know how to write the unit test to verify it works. I can make changes for you only if you can explain (probably in an email or bug) how I know It works and I did not break something else in Lp14:40
hanniesinzui, fair enough. I will do some tests first and then contact you again14:41
sinzuiokay. I am sinzui in Lp and irc14:41
hanniety for your time14:41
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jfcaronIs there a convenient way to get a fixed URL that always points to the latest version of a file on launchpad, e.g. for downloading with wget?16:53
jfcaronIt seems my latest version urls always have a timestamp in them, or the actual revision number, so I can't reliably make a script that wgets the latest version.16:54
bjfi'm trying to look at https://launchpad.net/bugs/1052530 and i can't see it. i've asked 5 other people with more privs than i including the security team and none of them can see it as well17:01
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 1052530 not found17:01
bjfcan anyone tell be what is up with that bug?17:01
czajkowskibjf: I cant see it either we can't see private bugs either17:02
czajkowskibjf: you might find someone in #ubuntu-bug17:03
czajkowskiare you sure also that is the correct bug bumber17:03
bjfczajkowski: the bug # is correct17:04
czajkowskithen someone from the bug squad will be able to help17:04
bjfczajkowski: and i've tried someone from the bug squad17:04
bjfczajkowski: i've tried a several people from bug squad17:05
czajkowskisinzui: thoughts?17:05
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sinzuiI cannot see it. bjf, how do you know about this bug? A dupe?17:07
bjfsinzui: http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/1-day-new.html  it will show up in a search17:09
bjfsinzui: 4th from the top17:09
sinzuiah, if ubuntu-bugs cannot see it, then this is evil apport using Lp as a crash database. bjf, No human can see the bug. There is nothing you or any human can do17:09
bjfsinzui: i've never encountered this before, that seems quite odd17:10
bjfsinzui: that doesn't look like an apport title17:11
sinzuibjf, it is the most common reason a bug cannot be accessed.17:11
sinzuibjf, if it is not apport, then the bug was targeted to a project where other people have access17:11
sinzuibjf, this might be case were a user decided to make the bug private without giving anyone access to it...in which can the bug will never be fixed because Ubuntu does not share that data with any people17:14
bjfsinzui: and there is _no one_ that can look at the bug to see if that is truly the case and it's not an issue with LP ?17:15
sinzuiNo, We allow projects to choose who gets access to confidential data. Ubuntu chooses that No human gets access.17:15
sinzuiThey can change the rule at any time17:15
sinzuiThey wont until they dismantle apport or at least stop it from using Lp as a crash database.17:16
sinzuibjf, user are warned that they are going to shoot themselves in the foot. This is the text of the confirmation panel shown to users who make Ubuntu bugs private http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1227025/17:19
bjfsinzui, ok, i guess that bug is dead to me17:20
sinzuibjf, You can ask a webops on #launchpad-ops if he can see why it is private17:21
MattJ100Does anyone know which machines architecture-independent packages are built on in PPAs?17:23
MattJ100I have dependency problems, and I'm not sure if it's an issue with my source package, or because amd64 has built but i386 hasn't17:23
slankbjf: webops here reading backscroll, but can you paraphrase your question?17:24
bjfsinzui, i can't get to https://launchpad.net/bugs/105253017:25
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 1052530 not found17:25
bjfslank ^17:25
bjfslank, and i'd like to know why17:25
slankbjf: looking17:25
sinzuislank, if no one but the reporter is subscribed, and the bug is on Ubuntu, you should subscribe someone, maybe ubuntu-bugs so that someone can see the issue17:27
slanksinzui: ubuntu-bugs is now subscribed17:29
sinzuithanks slank17:30
sinzuibjf, sorry, you need to ask ubuntu-bugs agains17:30
bjfsinzui, slank, thanks, i'm in ubuntu-bugs17:33
bjfsinzui, if i look at the activity log for that bug, would i see if the user made it private?17:35
bjfsinzui: sorry, yes he did17:35
sinzuibjf, was the bug reported via email? I guess the bug would have been created private in that case17:36
bjfsinzui, no, looks like he marked it private on his own for some reason17:36
bjfsinzui, i'm assuming user error and adding a comment17:36
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smoserThe following source cannot be copied:18:22
smoser    open-iscsi 2.0.871-0ubuntu9.1~ppa2 in precise (a different source with the same version is published in the destination archive)18:22
smoseri disagree with that. the destination archive (https://launchpad.net/~maas-maintainers/+archive/maas-ephemeral-images) does not have any such package18:23
smoseranyone have a suggestion there?18:24
patdk-wkheh :)18:27
patdk-wksmoser, your going have to ping their names to get attention18:28
smoserwell, i dont know who to ping.18:29
smoserthis is frustrating.18:29
patdk-wkwas in the topic last week18:29
patdk-wkcan't remember the other one, started with j18:29
czajkowskismoser: I'm usually on between 9-618:30
czajkowskiafter that it's maintenance team so sinzui jcsackett wallyworld wgrant and StevenK18:30
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smoseranyone above able to help me?18:45
smoseri've tried the trick wgrant suggested yesterday , of copying it to a different archive (that succeeded)18:45
smoserbut it still complains copyint it to where i want it to go18:45
sinzuismoser, I think you need to make a change to increment the package version so that it is clear yours is different from the one that is installed on user machines.18:48
smosersinzui, ? its complaining about an archive copy.18:48
sinzuismoser, 2.0.871-1ubuntu9.1~ppa2  or 2.0.871-0ubuntu9.2~ppa218:49
patdk-wka copy isn't a change18:49
sinzuismoser, It is complaining that you might be doing a man-in-the-middle attack by provide a package with a known version, but the contents are different18:49
smoseri can do that. just sucks. as it takes an hour to get a build out.18:50
sinzuia copy is not a change. If that version (from anywhere) was ever uploaded and accepted, then no person can reuse it with different content. this is probably a naming collision18:51
sinzuiYes I sucks. I have had to make a bogus increment to a package this year just to be certain someone does not think it is the other package uploaded some where else18:52
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patdk-wkthat is understandable, but if it's a clone/copy, it's the same bogus package in both locations :)18:57
mfischanyone know if there's a way to see the --fixes info in branch history for trunk after the branch was merged to trunk/18:58
mfischfor example, I fix a bug in my private branch, merge it to trunk, do we lose the --fixes info in the merge?18:58
danilosmfisch, nope, but you may need to pass in -n0 to bzr log18:59
mfisch-n0 helps, but bzr log doesn't seem to show --fixes info, maybe it won't in general19:00
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bacbenji: oh, he's talking about the charm search19:44
MattJ100To answer my own question from earlier, the architecture-independent package was built from the i386 build19:45
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DNShm amd64 are chroot error with precise only? https://launchpad.net/~dns/+archive/gnu/+build/3853503/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-amd64.denemo_0.9.6%2B20120925%7Egit.dbafd55-1%7Eprecise1_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz like https://launchpad.net/~dns/+archive/gnu/+build/3854567/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-amd64.texmacs_1%3A1.0.7.16%7E20120925%7Esvn5743%7Eprecise1_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz any1 have a clue why?20:19
DNSother builds are good, only precise and amd6420:20
DNS*only precise with amd64 not20:21
geserDNS: your libp11-kit0 (from your test ppa) breaks the update of this package (the preinst script of it)20:57
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DNSthx geser22:03
maxb!ids username=lbso2jakdaw22:08
ubot5maxb: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:08
maxbugh, incorrect network22:09
agrifanyone know where I can go to get help signing up for an account?22:38
ebergenanything more specific?22:38
agrifI've tried to sign up for a launchpad account 3 times now (on different days) and I never get the confirmation email.22:38
agrifI've also tried this: https://forms.canonical.com/lp-login-support/ but the page it eventually redirects me to doesn't do anything. It just sits there.22:39
czajkowskiwgrant: ^^^22:57
wgrantagrif: We don't actually run the login stuff. Can you try asking in #canonical-isd?22:58
agrifok, thanks. I'll try there.22:58
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