
ChaoticanarchyXhi all00:06
ChaoticanarchyXcan anyone help me install a package?00:06
ChaoticanarchyXtell me the steps to install it under terminal00:06
kanliotuse synaptic00:07
kanliotsynaptic package manager00:07
SergioMenesesChaoticanarchyX, what package kind is it?00:15
=== cortman is now known as thewildhaggis
woodputerrepairAnyone available to help with wireless usb network drivers?07:11
woodputerrepairanyone available??07:14
raubIs /var/lib/snmp/snmpd.conf autogenerated? Should it be edited or left alone? The big warnings on the top of the file seem to imply the latter13:47
geirhaIn general, stuff under /var/lib should be left alone13:48
holsteinanyone using laptop-mode ? some function keys stopped working.. the volume controls15:52
holsteini think i'll just do a hack-y workaround and remap some keyboard shortcuts15:58
sheryEver since I've upgraded to 12.04, I've had major issues such as my adobe flash doesn't work any more and the firefox constantly crashes. I've recently noticed I can not get onto some secure sites, such as online banking. Why is this happening? what can I do to remedy the problem?16:42
holsteinshery: i would first make sure you are up to date with upgrades16:42
holsteinshery: i would try the chrome browser as a troubleshooting step if you are on a 32bit OS16:43
sheryI get upgrades regularly.16:43
sheryI have the chrome browser which crashes too.16:43
holsteincrashes in what way?16:46
sherya box will pop up and it says the firefox has crashed16:47
holsteinshery: not while you are running chrome i doubt.. what crashes chrome? hav you tried as a different user? is it always flash?16:48
sherywhile I'm working in chrome it'll just crash. Sometimes I'll have 2 tabs open but its normally just one tab and it will crash. I don't understand why it does that. Chrome will shut down and then a box will pop up and say it has crashed16:50
sherybefore I upgraded, firefox, chrome, & my adobe flash used to work. I don't understand why it stopped.16:50
holsteinshery: before you upgraded from what to 12.04? 32 or 64bit? is it always flash that crashes it?16:52
holsteinshery: have you tried as a new user?16:52
sheryIt was a lot of upgrades w/in a 2 month period.  I went from 8.0 to 11.? to 12.04.  It is 32bit. Flash always crashes. It has gotten to the point where it doesn't even respond.16:54
sheryI haven't tried logging in as a new user. Logging in as a new user would cause it work? I'm confused?16:55
holsteinshery: trying as a new user would take your configuration out of the equation16:56
sheryIf that doesn't work, what would be my next option?16:58
holsteinshery: making sure you are up to date16:58
holsteinalso, a fresh install... i never bother with the upgrades, though you might be just fine16:59
holsteini would just get on 12.04 and not upgrade til the next LTS16:59
sheryOk. Should I reboot before logging in as a new user or just log in as a new user?16:59
holsteinshery: try bot16:59
sherywhat is LTS?16:59
holsteinshery: you are in a troubleshooting period.. you'll need to try some things16:59
holsteinshery: lts is long term support16:59
holsteinyou likely went from 8.04 to 10.04 to 12.0417:00
sheryok..That sounds about right.17:00
holsteinyou should be able to login as the user and try chrome17:00
sheryI just remember there was a massive amount of upgrading.17:00
holsteinshery: i would try an ubuntu 1204 live CD.. i would install chrome there17:01
holsteinshery: yup.. i *never* upgrade... only to test that it is working17:01
holsteinshery: best case, you spend 7 or 8 hours and hopefully all is well17:01
holsteinshery: a fresh installation takes about 10 minutes now a days17:01
sherywhere would I go to get 12.04 live cd?17:02
sheryIs it a bad thing to upgrade?17:02
holsteinshery: there are no bad things.. just more or less appropriate17:02
holsteinit takes 8 hours to upgrade and 10 minutes to do a fresh install.. i just do what i consider easiest.. its up to you do make those desicions17:03
holsteinhttp://www.ubuntu.com/download is where i would download a 32bit live CD17:04
shery:-)  Thanks so much for your info. I hope everything works out. I'm still pretty new at this.17:04
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=== evilduanedesign is now known as duanedesign
adwaitndhi everyone19:58
raubWhere should the cacerts be at: /etc/ssl/certs/ca or /usr/share/ca-certificates?19:59
raubTrying to figure out why I have to manually add the cacert to thunderbird and firefox20:00
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adwaitndcan anyone help me with a very messy android SDK install?20:29
adwaitndi am situated behind an authenticated http proxy20:39
adwaitndand need to install the android SDK on a 64bit installation of ubuntu 12.0420:39
duanedesignadwaitnd, i did it a while back uusing Eclipse20:58
adwaitndduanedesign:my big problem is the proxy20:59
duanedesignI remember It was not the most user friendly process20:59
adwaitndi cant seem to download the ADT in eclipse either20:59
duanedesignhmm, it has been so long I am afaid I am not much help20:59
adwaitndheres a link to my whole description http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/index.html20:59
adwaitnddid you manage to accomplish this behind a proxy?21:00
adwaitndsorry. wrong link.. this is the right one: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206277921:01
duanedesignadwaitnd, you might try thr channel #android-dev21:02
adwaitndthank you21:02
* CompyTheInsane drops off a box of 18002 cookies22:29
dakaratekidran apt-get autoremove and received a message: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)23:26
dakaratekidE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?23:26
dakaratekidPretty new here, so what tools do I use to diagnose this?23:27
krytarikdakaratekid, please see here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/148163/could-not-get-lock-var-lib-dpkg-lock-error23:39

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