
bazhangfeels like #ubuntu-dentistry today00:14
bazhanghave to pull out any kind of answers00:14
* IdleOne hands the nitrous oxide to bazhang 00:33
=== Guest52765 is now known as elky
bazhangthought skraito was banned01:28
bazhang<skraito> hanhua ahhh ure a tard01:30
elkyif that's what he just said, he can be (re)banned now.01:38
elkythere's a ban for an ip address in the 180.241.x.x range from idleone yesterday01:42
IdleOnebazhang: he is banned, has evaded twice now01:46
bazhangIdleOne, just removed him a moment ago01:47
IdleOnehe'll be back01:47
bazhanghe is dodging klines afaict01:48
IdleOnethat i don't know but he is a nuisance in multiple channels01:48
bazhangdax seemed to say that just a short while ago01:49
IdleOne@unaffiliated/immanuelyp is the same person01:51
IdleOneguess they took his cloak away01:52
IdleOnenow he is in -br01:56
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
=== Guest81561 is now known as Mamarok
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Jamey_ said: ubottu aime les les gargoiins he is like the boys10:11
ubottullutz_ called the ops in #ubuntu (Jamey_ trolling)10:15
nikoyou should keep him quieted10:21
=== head_v is now known as head_victim
ubottuIn ubottu, basz said: I've done this before - but what is the ppa for this package? And would this conflict with the 'official' packages?13:56
bazhang<blackgatonegro> 12.4 LTS is recomended as is the last ubuntu with a cd image14:32
bazhangis that correct?14:32
PiciI don't know what that means.14:32
bazhang12.10 will exceed 700mb?14:33
genii-aroundThe netsplits calmed down today?14:37
bazhangso far14:37
=== Guest5179 is now known as Mamarok
genii-aroundThanks bazhang16:47
bazhangwonder if he got the message.17:29
genii-aroundI think I'm about done talking to Kapsas. Doesn't reply to you directly he just keeps referring you back to his forum posting.17:34
bazhangand he quit!17:35
genii-aroundHe has an oddball motherboard-chipset, hope someone helps him on the forums.17:36

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