[00:22] Talk about transparency Canonical deleted the Shopping Lens bug [00:22] 1054776 [00:33] I'm waiting for confirmation from MarkDude. One of the devices goes to me and rest go to him, so I need to coordinate with him on this. [00:34] why a pi? Its a old arm chip? [00:34] why not something newer [00:42] bkerensa: What'd be a newer economic alternative? [00:44] Idk lots of different linaro boards [01:39] $149 is too expensive. [01:49] dragon: but a pay is how much + shipping? [01:52] It comes up to $38 including everything. [01:54] bkerensa: ^ [01:54] :s [01:54] paying that much for something that is obsolete the day you buy it versus paying more? [01:55] my understanding is the Pi cannot do networking printing either? [03:27] It runs Debian, has ethernet and USB, so I'm believe network printing will work. [03:28] But I haven't gotten into the details of it, so I have no idea. [06:41] https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/198578_10151025590095044_541142646_n.jpg [06:41] Content type: [image/jpeg] Size: [28149] [06:41] #MyLifeStory [09:04] anyone know what MarkDude is up to? [16:32] Anyone else having radeon graphics issues moving from Ubuntu 12.04 kernel 3.2.0-30 to 3.2.0-31? [16:33] using -30 allows me to boot correctly [16:34] there are a couple bugs related to random or suspend/resume issues in Ubuntu but this upstream bug seems related. https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45366 [16:34] Title: [Bug 45366 – Radeon gpu lockups] [16:35] I googled for: radeon ubuntu 12.04 "GPU lockup CP stall" [16:35] the last part is from kern.log [16:45] grantbow, the changes between those are small enough that you could do a bisect [16:49] I will have to leave that to someone more skilled than I. My first concern is to make sure it's reported well for other end users who encounter this. [18:07] filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1056370 [18:07] [R: bugs.launchpad.net] Title: [Bug #1056370 “radeon kernel regression “GPU lockup CP stall"" : Bugs : “linux” package : Ubuntu]