
wrstha ha chris4585 how so? :)00:02
chris4585just everything being new and awesome on 7.10 with compiz was beautiful and awesome00:02
wrstvery true00:03
chris4585in someways its the same but totally different today..00:03
wrstyeah and now what was great in 7.10 looks a little not so much dated but not as fancy i suppose00:05
chris4585compiz is more of a novelty now I guess, best thing about it was the cube for me and switching desktops00:17
wrstchris4585: yep exactly00:24
wrstand now i really really like how gnome-shell does the desktop switching00:24
wrstits not as fancy but better organized00:24
* wrst is probably a minority on liking anything gnome-shell does00:25
chris4585I suppose, with gnome shell I still need openbox/compiz like scroll switching00:25
chris4585wrst, not exactly, I love it way more than unity, it just needs certain extensions to make it awesome00:26
wrstyou still have the ctl/alt up down arrow changing00:26
wrstchris4585: i can't argue with that00:26
chris4585yeah but there is a plugin to do what I want :)00:26
chris4585I just wish there were more options like adding favorites to the bottom of the screen and always showing like a dock00:27
chris4585that is possible with extensions but sometimes extensions can be more buggy00:30
chris4585hrmm, I wonder why flash crashed? http://i.imgur.com/erZ8Z.jpg00:37
chris4585most of those videos aren't flash though, I'm glad it crashed it keeps my cpu temp down00:38
chris4585html5 <300:39
chris4585actually, here we go http://i.imgur.com/jzjsm.png00:43
wrstgood morning every one13:45
wrstmorning alyawn13:49
wrstall going well?13:49
alyawnyep, how about you?13:50
wrstits good13:50
alyawnactually, I'm thinking about trying my hand at a screencast... but it seems my sound card doesn't have a MIX device so I can't capture mic input and program output at the same time :/13:51
wrsthmm that stinks13:52
* wrst eyes xTEMPx13:52
alyawnyeah.. will probably just end up recording mic on another box...13:53
alyawnI seem to have a few old boxes lying around with nothing to do :)13:53
wrstha ha so they are now tape recorders? :)13:54
wrstwb alyawn14:26
wrstwe seem to be the only ones awake14:27
alyawnupdated my kernel14:27
wrsti did that a day or so ago i think i'm running 3.5.414:27
wrstwell on my laptop 3.2.0 on my server and 2.6.32 on a debian box14:28
wrsti have all sorts of kernels running wild, not that anyoen cares :)14:28
alyawnyeah... me too14:29
alyawntrying to get ffmpeg to capture the correct audio null output...14:30
wrstmac9416: ??? really its you??? !!!15:32
wrstalyawn: ffmpeg is great but i can never remember how to do anythign with it15:32
mac9416wrst, it's the real me.  :-D15:33
wrsthow have you been doing mac9416? and good to see you back15:33
mac9416Been mia for a while working n computerless project.15:33
mac9416*on... projects15:34
wrsta computerless project ?15:34
wrsthow could you do that?15:34
mac9416Haha, yeah.15:34
mac9416Because there was tons of logic involved.:-D15:34
mac9416Just a min...15:34
wrstwell we have waited over a year mac9416 i guess a minute more will work15:35
mac9416wrst, I'm actually in a college classroom now. Class just ended.15:42
mac9416I only have one class that I can get completely away with goofing off.  :-P15:42
wrstha ha mac941615:43
wrstkeep up the good work ;)15:43
mac9416It's about C++15:43
mac9416No biggie.15:43
mac9416Introductory stuff.15:43
* wrst is no programmer its all greek to him15:43
mac9416Haha, that's cool.15:43
mac9416I got a math class until 12:15.15:43
mac9416I'll hop back on over lunch and catch up/15:44
mac9416Don't worry, I mean to be on plenty.15:44
wrstsee you then mac9416!15:44
=== wrst is now known as wesleystout
* wesleystout seems to have lost his server15:55
* cyberanger doesn't beleve it17:27
mac9416wrst, lunchtime.  :-)17:32
mac9416wrst has left the building.17:33
cyberangerhey mac941617:44
cyberangerhow's it going?17:44
mac9416Hey, cyberanger! Greatish!  :-) How are you doin'?17:44
cyberangerdoing alright, troubles with life17:45
mac9416Life sucks that way.  :-/17:46
mac9416I'll get you to fill me in soon, cyberanger. I gotta go make another class. :-/17:47
cyberangeryeah, juggling work & projects17:47
cyberangersee ya soon I hope mac941617:47
wesleystoutcyberanger: what's up17:50
cyberangernot much17:51
wesleystoutcyberanger: my server is offline... i'm worried i hope it is ok wondering around by itself17:51
cyberangerswitched openvpn from tun to tap, glad I did that17:51
cyberangerouch, power, bad dsl, buckshot, hrm?17:52
wesleystoutcyberanger: i don't know17:52
wesleystouti suspect dsl our power is never off this long17:52
wesleystoutgood morning chris458518:18
wesleystoutchris4585: wb18:37
chris4585thanks wesleystout18:38
wesleystoutchris4585: my server is offline... driving me nuts18:39
chris4585wesleystout, that sucks18:41
chris4585you have a vpn or something?18:41
wesleystoutchris4585: no i just use quassel for irc and run my core on the server18:41
wesleystouti mean i do tunnel in via ssh on occassion if i'm needing to do much on my home network remotely18:42
wesleystoutoh pidgin i don't like you!18:44
wesleystoutUnit193: i have that but wasn't wanting so many windows open18:49
wesleystoutgotta get my server up and running this is cramping my style!18:49
Unit193Doesn't it minimize to tray?18:51
Unit193wesleystout: "Hide to system tray on close" ?18:53
wesleystoutyes but its just not a good irc client :)18:53
wesleystoutmac9416: wb19:53
mac9416Hi, wesleystout!19:53
wesleystouti was going to tell you earlier how you need to get always on irc... then my server went down...19:54
mac9416Just got done with classes for the day.19:54
wesleystoutso i'm not mentioning anything :)19:54
mac9416Is it a virtual irc client service?19:54
wesleystoutno its my server at home... i think my internet tanked19:55
wesleystouti run quassel-core on it19:55
mac9416Hmmm, what's quassel-core do?19:58
wesleystoutit is what actually connects to irc, it runs on a server then you can run quasse-client on your linux, mac, windows machines to connect to the core19:59
wesleystoutits sorta like a bouncer sorta like screen + irssi19:59
wesleystoutall with a pretty gui19:59
wesleystoutwell the client the core is just there running19:59
mac9416Ah, that's pretty neat.20:00
mac9416My home internet's too sketchy to do that.20:00
mac9416I could plug one of those wall-socket computers in and just leave it here.20:01
wesleystoutmine is generally pretty solid i fear there is something wrong with my modem or router20:01
mac9416Expensive hardware problems stink.20:01
wesleystouti have a little atom machien running it does file/print serving etc for me20:01
wesleystoutbut i may move to a raspberry pi i think it would do everything i'm currently doing in a lot nicer form factor20:02
mac9416Atom being the processor?20:02
mac9416Rpi would be cool.20:02
wesleystoutits an early one20:02
mac9416I looked at getting one a while back.20:02
wesleystoutyeah i think i could use 2 of them and maybe replace what i have20:02
mac9416I sank my money in a Sys76 for school.  :-)20:03
wesleystoutmac9416: that is prettty cool my next laptop if i can will be one of those20:03
mac9416It's sweet.20:04
mac9416Battery only reaches 70% capacity, but they're sending a new one.20:04
wesleystoutthat's cool20:04
mac9416Cust. service has been awesome.20:05
wesleystouti run arch linux on my "desktop" type computers but i'm sure they wouldnt' mind if i didn't keep ubuntu on it :)20:05
mac9416Haha, nah.20:05
mac9416Why Arch?20:05
wesleystoutwell for one i just don't like unity, i prefer gnome shell and ubuntu's gnome shell just isn't good20:05
chris4585arch is amazing20:05
mac9416I might oughta try it.20:06
mac9416I'm loving Unity, tbh.20:06
wesleystoutand well i really like arch for desktop it works nice no bloat unless you want bloat20:06
chris4585its a bit more advanced, manual install and setup20:06
mac9416That's a big plus.20:06
wesleystoutmac9416: i have no real issue with unity but its jsut not my thing20:06
mac9416I'd survive.  ;-)20:06
mac9416Yeah, I get that.20:06
wesleystoutbut i run ubuntu one on arch etc so i have my cake and eat it too20:06
chris4585wesleystout, one thing I love about arch, is you don't have to question if anything is in the aur... it just is20:07
wesleystoutbut mac9416 that is mainly why i went to it and now that I'm there i see no reason to go back20:07
wesleystoutchris4585: yep and no adding ppa's!!!20:07
wesleystouti think the aur is "cleaner" than ppas20:07
wesleystoutmac9416: its sorta arch's version of ppas AUR = arch user repository20:08
chris4585kind of like the community repo, its pretty well maintained too20:08
wesleystoutsoftware not included in the official repos is there but its not just thrown in with everything else you use a different tool to install use it etc20:08
mac9416Hm, that's cool.20:08
wesleystoutbut like the ppas sometimes packages get abandoned etc so its not perfect but its still nice20:09
mac9416A little counter-intuitive for an Ubuntu mind.20:09
wesleystoutmac9416: i wouldn't suggest arch for my mom or anything and if i needed a system up and running quick i would use ubuntu20:09
chris4585one thing that is nice, anything popular like icons, or themes are usually uploaded to aur also20:09
wesleystoutchris4585: ubuntu one is now in the official arch repos i think that is kinda neat :)20:10
wesleystoutand there was work on unity i don't know how that is going20:10
chris4585wesleystout, oh? that is actually cool20:10
chris4585I don't really use ubuntu one though, or any cloud service20:11
wesleystouti'm fond of it and dropbox20:11
wesleystoutalso the ubuntone music store is avaialbe in rhythm box etc20:11
wesleystoutthat shows unity on arch20:12
chris4585wesleystout, you can get cinnamon now too, which is neat20:14
chris4585its probably been on arch for a while now20:14
wesleystoutyes if you are into that sort of thing  chris4585 :p20:14
chris4585I'm not20:15
wesleystoutcinnamon to me is a little silly when you the linux mint guys could have just used extensions to gnome shell to accomplish their goals20:16
wesleystouti think it would be interesting to see a distro take and make extensions to make gnome shell what they want it to be20:16
chris4585that way they only have to kind of patch gnome to what they want and update their patch every gnome release20:18
chris4585BUT, one thing I do like is that they did fork nautilus 3.4, because nautilis 3.6 sucks...20:19
chris4585I'm glad the upgrade hasn't hit arch yet20:19
chris4585I really don't want to cross that road yet20:19
wesleystouti hear that is the case i haven't tried it yet20:19
wesleystoutremoving features seems silly20:20
chris4585it angers me honestly, I love gnome but really despise the devs20:21
chris4585they make stupid decisions sometimes :)20:21
wesleystoutagreed chris4585!20:22

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