
astraljavaailo_: We had some preferring of Pulse and pavucontrol for it, but I forget now when and why it was needed. Must check the source.06:40
=== saidinesh is now known as saidinesh5
smartboyhwHi scott-work 13:47
len-dtscott-work, there seems to be a difference in how the ISOs are built. When I plug the USB stick in I get a message asking if I want to upgrade my distro. some one has been working on the installer...14:03
smartboyhwlen-dt, Oh!14:03
* smartboyhw is still zsyncing the ISO14:03
len-dtsmartboyhw, it has actually been that way for a few days now.14:04
* smartboyhw has not tested since bets 114:04
len-dtThere was talk about making the live ISO work more like the alt ISO and I think this is just part of that.14:05
smartboyhwlen-dt, yes true14:06
len-dtso my comment is more of a heads up that the work does seem to be happening.14:06
len-dtanyway, I'm off to work, scott-work or whoever, feel free to leave comments for me when I return...14:08
* len-dt shuffles off out the door...14:08
astraljavaHey team, heads up: QA contact person position up for grabs, anyone from the team can do it. Preferably start immediately, so you'll be up and running by the time R cycle begins. 17:05
astraljavaResponsibilities normally include keeping in sync with flavor AND vanilla development, reporting in QA meetings. Reporting to -release is between you and project leader.17:06
astraljavaSalary: Negotiable, with whoever sponsor you manage to dig up. :D17:06

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