
head_victimGood evening ScottHarrison 09:45
head_victimJust saw your second email on the forum09:46
jeahead_victim: ping10:27
head_victimjea: pong10:28
jeaHave you done anything towards the member requests? I am happy to email, etc, but don't want to double up10:28
head_victimI emailed the first two a few days ago10:28
head_victim(I cc'd -owner I thought)10:29
jeaOk. Maybe it went into a spam folder or something. I will have a look10:29
head_victimThe one that just came in now is from ScottHarrison, which I'm happy to approve with knowledge from the forums.10:29
jeaYes, and his IP address10:29
ScottHarrisonHi all10:29
jeaHi ScottHarrison 10:29
head_victimEvening Scott10:30
head_victimjea: I emailed the other 2 on the 22nd10:30
ScottHarrisonI'm just reading the man for gpg, I just tried to register a key on launchpad to sign the ubuntu code of conduct but I'm still awaiting the email10:31
jeahead_victim: I see them now. They are in a folder I hadn't looked at for a few days10:31
head_victimjea: no worries, thought the date might help10:31
jeaI don't recall an email for signing the code of conduct10:31
head_victimScottHarrison: to be honest, the signing of the CoC was the hardest thing I'd done up until that point as far as Ubuntu went. But then again, I'm about as non tech as you can get.10:31
ScottHarrisonwell it took me ages to find a reference on how to do it10:32
ScottHarrisoneverything is hard when there's very little means of finding an answer10:33
head_victimOut of interest, what page did you get the information on the CoC from, a generic page, an AU page, or?10:33
head_victimScottHarrison: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto#Signing_Data might help10:35
ScottHarrisonOn my launchpad profile page, it says "Signed Ubuntu Code of Conduct: No," it has a link to https://launchpad.net/codeofconduct10:35
sagacisometimes the keyserver takes a moment to update with your new key10:39
jeaI do remember reading that somewhere10:40
ScottHarrisonI know what I did wrong now... I used the wrong fingerprint, lol10:43
ScottHarrisonI used the fingerprint for deb.torproject.com lol10:43
head_victimHah, let me guess, following a "howto" from the torproject? :)10:44
ScottHarrisonnah, following a howto from that page I linked to before - the howto assumes you haven't saved any other public keys to your /home/name/.gnupg/pubring.gpg file10:46
ScottHarrisonwhat does it mean by "comment?"10:53
head_victimIn what context sorry?10:56
ScottHarrisonnvm I came up with one11:14
ScottHarrisonit asks for comment when creating a key11:14
head_victimAh, I suck with keys and stuff. I get the concept but never spent the time to work out the hows and whys. My brain needs hows and whys to assimilate properly11:16
ScottHarrisonall done, code of conduct is signed11:42
ScottHarrisonI know the absolute basics of encryption but never directly worked with it before11:43
jeaScottHarrison: congrats11:43
head_victimI'm told by reliable sources they're looking at simplifying the process.11:43
ScottHarrisonI quite enjoyed the process but I'm a hopeless nerd that enjoys wading through complicated processes11:44
head_victimAnother package translated :) Down to 4 on the stats page when it updates11:52
jeahead_victim: I have been avoiding gcc11:57
head_victimI think we all have :/11:57
jeathere is no real point in translating it11:59
jeaand every new version has to be started from scratch for some reason11:59
head_victimI'm concentrating on those on the stats page first.12:00
head_victimNearly there12:00
ScottHarrisonwhat sort of translations?12:01
jeaTranslating Ubuntu into English (Australian)12:02
ScottHarrisonthat was another question I had, how does English (Australian) differ from English (UK)?12:03
head_victimAdding in the extra U's and swapping the Z's for S's. American's like their color and ize's12:03
head_victimIn all honesty, not much12:03
jeafavorite colors12:04
ScottHarrisonI mean, does it at all?12:04
jeaI like to read all of my programs in Australian english12:04
jeathat is one thing that sets it apart from Windows12:05
ScottHarrisonlike, if somebody from Ubuntu UK translated GCC from English-US to English-UK, would it not be reinventing the wheel by somebody in Australia doing it again?12:05
jeayes, that is mostly the same12:06
jeawe could probably import their translations12:06
jeabut we were ahead of that team for translations12:06
jeahead_victim: http://joeladdison.com/ubuntu/translation/quantal/en_AU12:06
ScottHarrisonok, not trying to be smart, just genuinely interested in the process.12:07
jeayeah, that is fine. I do think it would be nice to reduce some duplication with the translations12:08
ScottHarrisonwell, it sounds like a task I'd be competent in, is there anything I need to know about before I contribute?12:11
ScottHarrisonaccidentally closed xchat12:12
jeaScottHarrison: not really too much to know. We have a few guidelines, which I would have to look up again12:14
ScottHarrisonfound the wiki page, reading it now12:14
jeamain thing is to use en_AU spelling (no z, add u, etc)12:17
jeaTrash = Rubbish Bin12:18
jeasagaci: ^ that is correct, isn't it?12:18
jeawas there anything else?12:20
ScottHarrisonI'm off to bed. Thanks for the reception and help tonight. I look forward to working with you all. :)12:29
head_victimScottHarrison: no worries, good night12:29
head_victimSorry I've been chairing a meeting12:29
ScottHarrisonno probs, night all.12:30
jeahead_victim: is it membership meeting?12:30
head_victimYep, a Brazilian just made member :)12:30
jeathat is good12:31
head_victimYeah, they appear to hold a fair few events over there12:31
jeasomething we need to fix up12:31
head_victimAnd he is a prolific team blogger12:31
head_victimI've been failing at the social media stuff12:31
jeaI am not a fan of blogging, so would not be great at it12:33
jeahead_victim: i think only one package left12:49
head_victimWhich one?12:50
head_victimGnome disk utility :)12:52
head_victimAnd on that note, I think I'm heading to bed12:52
jeayeah, the longest one on the list12:52
jeaok. see you later head_victim 12:52
head_victimNight jea & sagaci & anyone else lurking12:53
jeagah. this string is "authori_zation"12:53
jeacan i change it to "_s", or will that break things12:53
head_victimDepends, you'll need to search the package to see if there's already an _s in there I think12:54
jeaok. i will leave it for now12:55
jeaI don't have a ubuntu computer here at the moment to search12:55
jeaOk. All apart from two strings ("authori_zation") are complete in the list13:15

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