[08:55] Morning. [10:31] Morning JonathanD [10:32] hey rmg51 [10:32] bit late ;) [10:33] I got to sleep in today [10:34] no work for me [10:34] ah [10:34] but this is still early for me [10:36] I was hoping to sleep later :-( [11:49] morning [12:08] morning all [12:16] https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/545791_526101097416333_292378555_n.jpg [13:13] Morning [13:16] We are trying to get Rinxter (a java/tomcat program) running on Ubuntu. Basically, having trouble getting Tomcat 5.5 working on Ubuntu 12.04. Suggestions/tips/help/etc? (Something about setting CATALINA_HOME as well.) [13:26] catalina_home needs to be set to /path/to/tomcat [13:27] andrew: ^^^ [13:27] that's all i remember from tocat for a linux journal archive dvd setup [13:28] tomcat [13:28] I'm guessing it's more involved than that. I'm not working on it directly. [13:28] java_home to wherever java lives [13:28] Probably comes down to trying to install tomcat 5.5 on ubuntu 12.04 is the start of the issues. [13:29] shouldn't really [13:30] the catalina_home part should at least help get further into trouble [13:30] then it should complain about something else :) [13:31] I'll dig a bit deeper and see if there is anymore info about the issue. [13:38] So he's able to get that part working, but stuck there. [17:56] finally, I am back. [17:57] The internet seems broken today [18:55] I want to shoot myself in the head [18:56] oh [18:56] wrong channel [18:56] lol [19:04] suicide is not a solution (for all) [19:04] for some...maybe [19:05] haha [19:06] Like Linux you have to see what works for you. [20:04] git is pretty cool