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davidcalledidrocks, hey07:31
didrockshey davidcalle07:31
davidcalledidrocks, I see that the online Dash search bug has changed this morning, and that gdocs is part of it again, does it mean the changes need to be applied to the photos lens too?07:32
didrocksdavidcalle: yeah, and wikipedia lenses and others07:32
didrocksdavidcalle: I'm doing the changes :)07:32
didrocksdavidcalle: you will be up for reviews?07:32
davidcalleOr is it because gdocs is in the Home Dash?07:32
davidcalleOh ok07:32
didrocksdavidcalle: you know how things go fast here ;)07:32
davidcalledidrocks, I can see that ;)07:33
didrocksdavidcalle: I'm patching all the lenses we have in the repo07:33
didrocksdavidcalle: will ping you for your lenses :)07:33
davidcalledidrocks, wiki lens is in extras, not sure how the extras precise -> quantal transition is going to happen (for oneiric -> precise, packages needed to be resubmitted). So this one can wait (lp:unity-lens-wikipedia is still for /usr, not /opt anyway).07:36
didrocksdavidcalle: I've already fixed it, want it upstreaM?07:36
didrocksfixed and tested of course :)07:37
davidcalledidrocks, I'll port it back, thanks :)07:37
didrocksdavidcalle: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/unity-lens-wikipedia/disable-online-search-support/+merge/12662107:37
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didrocksdavidcalle: is there any merger or are you going to merge by hand?07:42
didrocksfor the wikipedia lens07:43
davidcalledidrocks, merged already07:43
davidcalleBy hand07:43
didrocksdavidcalle: excellent, thanks!07:43
didrocksdavidcalle: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/unity-lens-photos/add-disabling-online-support/+merge/12663108:53
davidcalledidrocks, thanks, is it working well with on_lens_active? I'm afraid that the Unity signal is not very consistent and that a new search is not always triggered when the lens is opened.08:58
didrocksdavidcalle: I have the other listener on the property change08:59
didrocksdavidcalle: which is triggered08:59
davidcalledidrocks, oh right :)08:59
didrocksdavidcalle: at worse, even if the signal is lost, the results are already there, so no additional online fetching09:00
didrocksdavidcalle: and next search will clear the model09:00
davidcalledidrocks, indeed, that's why it doesn't bother me a lot, the lens is very data heavy, so there is always something relevant in it.09:00
didrocksindeed :)09:01
didrocksmerci davidcalle :)09:39
davidcalledidrocks, de rien, I'll make it ready for a release in a few hours (I have another change I'd like to land).09:40
didrocksdavidcalle: no hurry, libunity will only be uploaded next week09:42
didrocksand you need it :)09:42
davidcalledidrocks, oh, ok then. I thought we were on real final final freeze after friday. :)09:44
didrocksdavidcalle: no, still a week to go!09:45
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tjaaltonI need someone who knows what compiz does when the screensaver starts (fadeout->blank), and what happens when it should wake up10:19
tjaaltonsince by setting the sleep timer to <60s I can't reproduce the hang (it doesn't fadeout at all, blanks right away)10:20
didrockstjaalton: duflu and smspillaz are your men10:22
tjaaltonboth on silly timezones I guess?-)10:23
tjaaltonor -zone10:23
didrocksyep :)10:23
tjaaltonok, I'll gather some more data for them then :)10:23
didrockstjaalton: duflu joined10:23
duflutjaalton: Yes I'm still here. And Sam is always here10:24
tjaaltonduflu: ok so I'm working on the "/." -bug, able to reproduce it on tip-of-the-day git kernel10:24
duflutjaalton: AFAIK, compiz does *nothing* in response to screensavers. It keeps rendering and hopes that the driver is smart enough to block in glXSwapBuffers10:24
tjaaltonbut not always, some sort of a race in there10:25
duflutjaalton: It's very different between drivers. fglrx and radeon have some (different) bugs there10:25
dufluIt would be nice if compiz went to sleep, I know10:25
dufluBut it's not compiz' fault if glXSwapBuffers + sleep mode = hangs or crashes. Is it?10:26
dufluOr major memory leaks in one case :(10:27
tjaaltonprobably not, trying to understand this some more10:27
tjaaltonas it looks like the hang doesn't occur if the screen blanks right away10:27
tjaaltonwhich would match my experience with 'xset dpms force off' not triggering it either (but other bugs, if done too fast :)10:28
tjaaltonthere it went again, sixth cycle on the machine with fadeout10:31
tjaaltonok, guess I'll poke intel upstream next..10:32
om26ertjaalton, unrelated to the above conversation. the latest nvidia driver is causing issues with unity so is there a place for those bugs to be talked with nvidia?10:35
om26erbug 105700010:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 1057000 in Unity "[Ubuntu 12.04.1/12.10] nVidia drivers 304.51 prevent autohidden Unity launcher from revealing" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105700010:35
seb128om26er, talk to tseliot10:36
om26erseb128, ok, i will. we should make sure that driver never lands in Ubuntu unless that bug is fixed10:37
tjaaltonom26er: talk with tseliot, he has direct access there10:37
tjaaltonah seb128 was quicker :)10:37
om26ertjaalton, thanks10:38
duflutjaalton: If there's a simple way for compiz to know the screens are all off (from GDK maybe?) then we probably should detect that and pause rendering. For so many reasons. Not just to work around several driver bugs.10:49
tjaaltonduflu: hmm, ok..10:51
tjaaltonsounds like a nice idea, not sure what would be the best way to trigger it10:56
duflutjaalton: Xrandr looks possible10:57
dufluNot sure how though10:57
duflutjaalton: We have critical bugs against fglrx and radeon that would fix too10:57
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Wilson2BHi all..14:20
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Wilson2BUnity has really been giving me hell for the last two weeks.. Im now using 2D mode .  Unity  is having refresh problems all the time. The top App Menu disapears and the launcher on side blacks out. I can hover over those areas and see a menu. When I open terminal and type unity, I get a bunch of errors.. Could I post the results for someone to give some advise ?14:22
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Wilson2BWow... zzzz  Really?14:45
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Wilson2BUnity has really been giving me hell for the last two weeks.. Im now using 2D mode .  Unity  is having refresh problems all the time. The top App Menu disapears and the launcher on side blacks out. I can hover over those areas and see a menu. When I open terminal and type unity, I get a bunch of errors.. Could I post the results for someone to give some advise ?15:10
Wilson2Blets see if I can get an answer to a simple question.. Is there a way to configure the Unity Launcher to hide in 2D mode?15:22
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popeyWilson2B, yup16:14
popeyWilson2B, sorry for the delay in replying, this isn't really a support channel, that's #ubuntu. but happy to help if I can16:15
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Wilson2Bpopey: Thanks for the response. It would be nice to hide the launcher in 2D mode. the option is grayed out under MyUnity app since it's 2D.17:49
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popeyWilson2B1, it's in the usual place, system settings -> appearance -> behaviour18:03
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snwhcan someone answer me the 32-bit vs 64-bit question for Ubuntu?18:30
snwhI've used both and don't particularly notice the difference -is using 64-bit beneficial18:30
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Wilson2B1popey: Thanks20:22
chad4find it annoying Ubuntu can't filter internet connections based on application of origin.21:29
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Wilson2BUnity has really been giving me hell for the last two weeks.. Im now using 2D mode .  Unity  is having refresh problems all the time. The top App Menu disapears and the launcher on side blacks out. I can hover over those areas and see a menu. When I open terminal and type unity, I get a bunch of errors.. Could I post the results for someone to give some advise ?22:20
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