[09:11] Morning. [10:51] Morning JonathanD [11:02] hey rmg51 [11:16] o/ [12:13] Happy drizzly day everyone [12:50] morning [14:34] hi peoples [15:14] sup [19:00] the sky ? [20:01] btw https://lists.lopsa.org/pipermail/ug-leaders/2012-September/000032.html [23:12] waltman: !!!! [23:15] OpenCv is way faster than Image magick in my test and it's really easy to port [23:15] actually it's a lot cleaner [23:16] I find magickwands pixeliterators to be a total pita [23:16] image = cvCreateImage(filename, type, channels); [23:16] CvScalar *pixelValues = cvGet2D(image, x,y); [23:17] that's all it is [23:17] and setting is cvSet2D [23:17] seemd to be pretty nice [23:18] I was using the MagickWand interface for C though, maybe the Magick++ interface is better [23:18] but it is a lot faster. [23:18] I'm processing 18,000 images in 2 Minutes on my laptop [23:24] Actually I may have overstated myself on the performance, but the library seems more geared to doing research anyway [23:45] no definitely a good boost in performance once I kicked out all of my memory leaks