[02:22] hiyas is there a group contact person for freenode about? [02:24] Link to your LP page? [02:24] https://launchpad.net/~phillw [02:25] I'm going to have wild guess.. but https://launchpad.net/~ubuntumembers [02:25] AlanBell, Pici, Tm_T. (Just a little highlight) [02:38] Unit193: you could just highlight IRCC [02:38] ...Unless they don't have that set, this is more direct and is sure to actually work. [02:39] all IRCC have set their clients to highlight IRCC ;) [02:40] More direct, I like this. :P [02:42] except you missed 2 of them [02:43] funkyHat and topyli, and Tm_Tr can also be available [02:43] tsimpson: You again! (And yeaaaah, was hopeing nobody would notice. ;) ) [02:45] * tsimpson notices all... but reveals the secrets to none [02:47] so, is that "there is a GC" or a "they're all down the pub"? :P [02:47] And, may be a good idea to nag one into sending a reminder email to the list about next IRCC meeting on sun? [02:50] phillw: each member of the IRCC is a GCs for Ubuntu on freenode, I suspect they are either sleeping though [02:52] tsimpson: no worries, i only just remembered at this late hour myself! I'll catch up with one of them later :) [02:52] you can always email them if you want [02:53] american TZ and the mad things for a Beta 2 release have left me with Jet-Lag :) [02:53] But if you say "Yes, a @ubuntu/member/phillw cloak will work", maybe the st aff will set it when a GC comes by? [02:54] Nah, one of them just needs to pop onto freenode.. evidently my being on https://launchpad.net/~ubuntumembers is not enough to re-assign me my cloak :) [02:55] Unit193: I'll be about later, I'll catch one of them lurking :) [02:55] That is because freenode doesn't decide who gets project cloaks, they only apply them. [02:55] and not all freenode staff are up to date or even care about how a project decides/manages their cloaks. [02:56] I know, shame Nathan is not about :) [02:56] he would still need a GC to ACK it [02:56] but, it is not an urgent thing. [02:56] :) [02:56] IdleOne: chances are Nathan would actually phone them :P [02:57] or does the GC SYN and staff ACK [02:57] ? [02:57] either way lol [02:58] reet, I must get on with server stuff, as currently backup ISO's for F/OSS teams are 'off-line'. Thank you all for kindness and help. [11:58] mraw? [11:58] got all the cloak things sorted? [11:59] * Pici shrugs [12:00] I'm not even sure what was being requested. [12:00] okay [12:00] * Fuchs goes back to snooze mode === Barebone is now known as Tanvir === bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98 [20:40] AlanBell: ping :) [20:48] hello [20:54] hi phillw [20:54] AlanBell: phillw would like his ubuntu/member cloak back and needs a GC to get staff to apply it. [20:55] least that is what I think it is about -- scroll back FTW [20:55] IdleOne: thanks, AlanBellyeah, they just need a GC to confirm it [20:55] ah right, I saw the conversation earlier but wasn't quite sure what the actual request was [20:56] staff can we have an ubuntu/member/phillw cloak for phillw please [20:56] AlanBell: needs to be said on #freenode :P [20:56] no, it doesn't :) [20:57] i'm here [20:57] one second [20:57] AlanBell: ooh, posh now, we are :D [20:57] all cloacks request for Ubuntu are done in here [20:57] all done [20:57] thanks niko [20:57] least that is what I have seen [20:58] AlanBell: oh, and while you are about, SpeechControl expects a launch a couple of weeks after the madness of 12.10 release. they have made really good progress. They're getting the new wiki area up, bug reporting etc. [20:59] ok [20:59] niko: do I log off and back on again? I'm used to seeing the forced re-join when cloaks are applied? [20:59] /whois phillw [20:59] phillw: all is ok, no need to reconnect [20:59] phillw: it already happened [21:00] you don't normally see your own rejoin [21:00] thanks folks, like getting into a old comfy pair of slippers :) [21:00] I'll leave you in peace, just finishing up VM for Unit193