
ScottKJontheEchidna: Qt3 is removed as of the next publisher run.  \o/04:05
ScottK(since you filed the bug, I figured you get the ping).04:05
ScottKdebfx: ^^^04:05
konquiKDE 4.9.2 is likely to be in the final release for quantal I presume?04:45
Riddellapachelogger, Mamarok: how was randa?12:20
RiddellQuintasan: nudge, flights?12:25
QuintasanRiddell: I'm pretty sure I sent your agent a mail the Berlin one is good12:26
QuintasanLet me check12:26
QuintasanStill in Outbox12:27
shadeslayer!find autoreconf12:31
ubottuFound: dh-autoreconf12:31
shadeslayerQuintasan: kmail?12:31
shadeslayer<3 dh12:32
MamarokRiddell: great, we managed to do a lot of stuff12:52
shadeslayer!find glib-gettextize12:59
ubottuFile glib-gettextize found in libglib2.0-dev, libglib2.0-doc12:59
BluesKajHiyas all13:22
JontheEchidnaScottK: :)13:37
Riddellhmm, I'm wondering what options are for owncloud in 12.04?  upstream is complaining that 3.0 is old and unsupported and has security issue and we should upgrade it to 4.0 or 4.513:58
jussiRiddell: what are the downsides of 4 or 4.5? lack of testing? 13:58
Riddellright, we don't normally do full upgrades in released ubuntu versions13:59
jussiahh yes, 12.04, read wrong13:59
RiddellI'm wonder if putting 4 into backports and just removing the one from release is the right answer14:01
Riddellhow does kubuntu.org/content/homepage look?14:14
Quintasan_Riddell: ping14:18
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
RiddellQuintasan: hi14:18
QuintasanRiddell: The event ends at 1st november in the evening, right?14:19
RiddellQuintasan: yes Thursday evening14:19
QuintasanI'd rather go back on the 2nd then.14:19
QuintasanSince the end usually marks the party, right?14:19
Riddellthat's what I would expect you to do14:19
RiddellQuintasan: that's not what you asked for?14:20
QuintasanI think I did I'll just send one more email asking him to arrange that14:20
RiddellQuintasan: you said what day the event was on in your e-mail to him, he'll care what day you need to fly on14:20
QuintasanRiddell: the travel to airport fee is refundable or I have to invest it myself?14:20
Quintasan>The event takes place at Bella Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark from 29th October to 1st November 2012.14:21
RiddellQuintasan: it's refundable if I can work out a way to get it to you14:21
QuintasanCopypasta from UDS site14:21
Quintasanand my proposed flight is on 28th14:21
QuintasanRiddell: I think there is a train from Wroclaw to Berlin so that would be cheaper than the bus I used to get to Budapest14:22
RiddellQuintasan: tell him what days you want to fly on14:22
shadeslayerRiddell: omg a blue bird is eating the logo14:22
Riddellshadeslayer: that's a quetzal!14:23
QuintasanI just sent another mail asking if he could arrange it so that I depart the next day, the departure date to Denmark was fine, the trip back was on the 1st Nov 14:40 for some reason14:23
shadeslayerjussi: I just pushed per contact notifications into ktp master, now I'll start work on password protected jabber rooms14:27
jussishadeslayer: YOU ARE AWESOME14:27
jussishadeslayer: ++14:27
mparillokubuntu.org/content/homepage looks great. I think the grey reflects the KDE SC 4.9 greys. When I click on the big grey 12.10 box, the link still takes  me to: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/12.04-release14:31
pkt__Riddell: hello, remember the problem I mentioned with untranslatable strings?18:40
pkt__This patch is my fix so far18:40
pkt__With this and the corresponding Greek translation of those 5 messages I see everything in Greek during the install18:41
shadeslayerjussi: art thou coming to UDS?18:47
jussishadeslayer: unsure, unlikely at the moment.18:48
jussishadeslayer: not only do I not have sponsorship (didnt ask), Im already pushing my "voluntary time away from finland" with my australia trip18:49
shadeslayeryou're going to Australia? :D18:49
* shadeslayer would like to go to Australia just to watch the toilets swirl the other way18:50
jussiswirl? 18:50
jussitoilets dont swirl, except in the US...18:50
jussiwe have normal toilets.18:50
jussidraining the bathwater... well thats different ;P18:51
shadeslayerthat's what I meant :P18:51
BluesKajanother fallacy debunked :)18:56
Riddellpkt__: ooh cool18:56
shadeslayermparillo: so it's a ... myth? :O19:01
BluesKajyup. a myth gor sure19:03
mparilloI am not 100% certain, but I tend to trust snopes. The key is that it is not just the way the water flows into a basin, but the drain configuration. I personally have let water sit 10 minutes before pulling the drain, and seen the 'swirl'.19:03
BluesKajit was proven on a discovery channel show debunking certain myths 19:05
mparilloSomebody will ban me for going further off-topic, but my wife cannot understand my fascination with http://dsc.discovery.com/tv/mythbusters/19:08
mparilloUgh. Flash required.19:08
* Sentynel puts science hat on19:08
Sentynelif you're very, very careful, you can demonstrate the coriolis effect in a tank of water a few metres in scale19:09
Sentynelbut you need to leave it for days or weeks for the internal motion to smooth out enough that the coriolis effect is significant19:09
Sentynel(plus the tank needs to be sufficiently symmetric, etc)19:10
Sentynelfor anything smaller or less controlled than that the coriolis effect is swamped by other factors19:10
BluesKajbah humbug 19:15
yofel_got a mail about korundum being supposedly broken in precise as it links against ruby 1.9, so I tried to reproduce it and couldn't. Now the person sent me some more info: http://paste.kde.org/559328 - can someone else on precise check this please just so I have something other to answer than "works for me"?19:27
yofel_this is with 4.8.2 btw.19:28
shadeslayeruh, I have backports enabled19:28
yofel_wait, there's something fishy about his system19:35
shadeslayer!find libruby.so.1.9  precise19:36
ubottuPackage/file libruby.so.1.9 does not exist in precise19:36
shadeslayerso ... where the hell does libruby.so.1.9  come from :P19:37
yofel_dunno, but line 4 of that paste has /usr/local/ in it19:38
shadeslayerI see no ruby1.9 in the build log19:39
yofel_I'm starting to believe he rebuild qtruby himself with 1.9 - that would be an explenation for this19:39

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