
allenapjam: I think Tarmac only checks the "revision approved at" that appears when you mark the overall mp as approved; it doesn't check that individual votes are up to date.10:40
jamallenap: ah, that would make more sense to what I've seen. But it was one of those voodoo not sure-what-triggers-x so covering my backside10:41
jamthanks for the heads up10:41
allenapjam: Totally; we all went through exactly the same learning exercise :)10:42
jamit just happened again. I guess I have to watch out for the MP to be updated before I vote approved.10:42
allenapjam: I think once the revision appears in the "Unmerged revisions" list, you can mark it approved and it'll be okay.10:43
allenapBut I can't remember if that list is updated by long-poll. If it is, it may be that the status widget doesn't know about it, and thus approves the revision when the page was first loaded.10:44
jamyeah, may want to reload before approving after doing a push.10:44
jamcould certainly be what happened, I just always waited till after the push, but not necessarily for the page to reveal it.10:45

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