
janimoinfinity, do you think the drivers should be purged even from git history or a regular removal commit should be ok? Is having them in .git considered redistribution?05:27
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ogra_root@ubuntu:~# du -hcs /15:55
* ogra_ fiddles with his embedded rootfs builder15:56
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest9216
highvoltagewhat's that on, ogra_?15:59
ogra_the target is that the tool will build you a tarball with an embedded fs16:00
ogra_no matterr what you run it on, it should work16:00
ogra_and the core rootfs shouldnt be larger than 10M (with upstart. udev etc)16:01
ogra_the system will be truely embedded thoguh, no package manager or anything16:03
Guest9216I am using ubuntu-desktop on beagleboard-xm, is there any SDK that works on it?16:06
Guest9216what package do I need to install  to my ubuntu (laptop) for the toolchain of beagleboard-xm (ubuntu-arm)? is it gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi ?16:22
ogra_well, rather gnueabihf16:23
ogra_(unless you actually want to produce armel stuff which is rather dead)16:23
Guest9216I want to compile my C code on beagleboard-xm by using eclipse or Qt-creator16:24
Guest9216I am looking for the tool chain for it, do you suggest me to install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf ?16:25
Guest9216uname -a outputs "Linux beagleubuntu 3.2.0-26-omap #41-Ubuntu Thu Jun 14 18:19:55 UTC 2012 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux" on the beagleboard16:26
ogra_well, for compiling a kernel or so the gcc package should be enough ...16:28
ogra_as soon as you start doing things that need dependencies a chroot is way better16:29
Guest9216are gcc on my laptop (ubuntu-12.04) and gcc on beagleboard-xm(ubuntu-desktop) the same?16:31
ogra_if your release is the same on both16:31
ogra_the gcc for all arches in ubuntu is built from the same source package so your x86 one as well as the cross one as well as the native one on the beagle itself are identical within one release16:32
Guest9216now I see. thank you ogra_16:33
ogra_90% of the software you write you can just develop on x86 ... unless its highly HW specific probably ... and then just rebuild it for your target arch if you are done16:35
ogra_the same as for gcc above is usually also true for libs etc so you have the same APIs on both arches16:36
Guest9216thanks a lot16:37
infinityjanimo: If there's a sane way to rebase them out of existence in the git history, that would be better.17:10
infinityjanimo: One of the drivers isn't even something that Marvell *can* give you permission to redistribute, since the copyright belongs to one of their partners, not them.17:10
=== mo is now known as Guest54736
=== Guest54736 is now known as mogh
moghHi, i want to get ubuntu running on my Gooseberry board22:25
moghbut all i can find is that i should extract an image onto my microSD card, but i can't seem to find any images anywhere..22:25
moghAre there any tutorials or other resources on how to go about this?22:26

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