
fahlahhi. is it possible to install a live(with persistent file) and full version onto a single usb?04:08
escottfahlah, no04:10
escottfahlah, i take that back. if you partition the usb maybe04:10
fahlahive been trying. but havent been able to work it out yet.04:11
escottfahlah, it would probably require some modifications to the bootloader of the livecd system04:13
escottto then chainload the grub you could install in the pbr of the second partition04:13
fahlahi can get them both installed. i install the live on a 1 gb fat32 partition. i then install the full ver on the remaining 7gb.04:13
escottnot likely to be functional on many bioses04:13
fahlahit installs ok. but when i boot up the full install. i dont have option to use live version.04:14
escottb/c the full install overwrote any kind of mbr that might have existed and might have been used by the livecd04:15
fahlahoh ok. thanks escott.04:15
fahlahwell that wasnt very nice of the full installer : (04:16
fahlahi thought it was suppose to be clever and see there was something else there first.04:16
escottthose livecd bootloaders are pretty clever in and of themselves04:17
escottbut the installer never checks the mbr. its goal is to get a bootable system04:18
escottfiguring if you need a dual boot you will fix it up later.04:18
fahlahfair enough : )04:18
fahlahoh right.04:18
escottproblem is you cant fix it up b/c your boot process is different on the other system04:18
fahlahso do you know where i should look to fix this problem?04:18
fahlahoh what? reall?04:19
fahlahcant i just make up a menu to pick either live or full boot?04:19
escottbooting usb is not normal04:20
escottand it varies tremendously from bios to bios04:20
escottthere are some great postings about the fedora livecd image04:21
escottwhich is a carefully crafted work of art04:21
fahlahoh right. sheeze.04:21
escottjust to make it bootable in every possible way04:21
fahlahoh i see.04:21
escottbut thats also why fedora doesn't support persistent liveusb in the same way04:21
fahlahfedora is not free : (04:21
fahlahor is it redhat.04:22
escottits free04:22
fahlahi dont know. but i do know Ubuntu is free : )04:22
escottin any case the ubuntu usb_creator does something else04:23
escotti dont know exactly what it does04:23
escottbut it has to have a bootloader that is capable of reading a fat table04:23
escottand finding the kernels and casper images to unpack04:23
fahlahoh your way above my head now.04:24
escottbut it doesn't have to have the same entry points as your standard hard drive boot04:24
escott(if you could boot usb like it were a permanently attached hard drive the whole livecd mess would go away)04:24
fahlahwell thanks for some insight escott.04:25
fahlahguess i better keep surf'n. have a good1 escott : )04:28
tardracehey everyone - pretty sure this is the place to ask this: I am looking to create  a simple dataset (database I guess). I am looking for a script to connect to a website, download some information from the site and then organize it in the database so it can be easily viewed. Any suggestions as to how i should go about doing this?05:13
gforge10.04; having an issue curious to me. attempting to mount nfs on client, uid of nobody is same on client and server but getting permission denied on mount11:10
markoshcphey is there anyone that can help me, i am a new user12:24
FenixeI have an Acer 5560g AMD Llano laptop with dual graphics and I have installed Ubuntu. I am having a problem with a really laggy desktop and battery life is about an hour or an hour and a half at full charge.14:03
FenixeAMD drivers that Ubuntu suggest do not seem to work well. Are there other drivers that I can try?14:04
holsteinFenixe: what do you mean by dual graphics14:24
holsteini have the nvidia ion situation... but i used a PPA to add support for just using the low power intel all the time14:24
Fenixethe laptop has an integrated graphics card and a dedicated card that can be used together or independently.14:28
holsteinFenixe: like the nvidia ion i referenced?14:30
Fenixei have to do research on the ion issue. not familiar with it.14:31
Fenixei will look it up to see if they are similar issues.14:31
holsteinits not really an issues.. its a dual GPU setup where i have the nvidian one disabled14:33
Fenixeoh ok. i see. yes it is the same thing14:34
holsteinFenixe: that what i would try... if only for troubeshooting.. can you disable it in the bios? the nvidia i have cant be disabled in the bios14:34
Fenixegpu with a dedicated card14:34
Fenixei will try now to disable it.14:34
Fenixei disabled switchable to integrated and still getting the lag.14:38
Fenixeprograms take a long time to open and windows are choppy. doesnt feel like the system is on a quadcore but on a pentium.14:39
holsteinFenixe: i would remove the graphics driver from the equation.. maybe try forcing vesa14:39
Fenixeif i remove the drivers from inside the os will this automatically force vesa? or do i have restart and go into options14:40
holsteinFenixe: you dont need to remove.. when im testing, i typically fire up a live CD14:41
holsteinFenixe: i use the F6 option "nomodeset" ..or i try a few different live distros... puppy linux.. ubuntu 10.04.. maybe the upcoming beta if i want to see the latest kernel on my hardware14:42
holsteinfirst thing i would do is search the forums for a user with that exact hardware14:42
Fenixeyes. I have done this with not much luck. There was another poster who was having the exact same issues but no response as of yet.14:44
Fenixeill try the live cd option and nomodeset14:45
holsteinFenixe: i would try all the drivers available... and i would keep in mind, unsupported hardware want be challenging14:48
Fenixeok thanks for the help!14:49
ccrespin83I need some help with winetricks and PlayonLinux. can anyone help?20:10
ccrespin83anyone here?20:12
JoseeAntonioR!ask | ccrespin8320:14
ubot2ccrespin83: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:14
ccrespin83Ok here goes. Extremely new to Linux and Ubuntu and I am trying to install a game I liked to play on windows called league of legends. I have been trying to follow this walk thru i found but I keep running into problems at certain steps. here is the link to the walk thru http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=2107392 I currently get stuck at the export part because it doesnt do anything and I cant do anything past that20:16
JoseeAntonioRccrespin83: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1914120:22
ccrespin83Thank you i will see if this will help20:23
ccrespin83I am trying to do it the way they are saying to do it but I am having trouble with the second step. it gives me a failed: name or service not known20:39
showdonanyone here?23:59

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