
tobias_hi everyone, i'd need some help with selecting the relevant logs for a bug report. System cannot boot into graphical UI after distupgrade. I think it has to do with: Sep 28 18:09:21 edubuntu gnome-session[2074]: WARNING: Session 'ubuntu' runnable check failed: Exited with code 101:29
tobias_Sep 28 18:09:21 edubuntu gnome-session[2074]: WARNING: Unable to find default provider 'unity-2d-panel' of required provider 'panel'01:29
tobias_Sep 28 18:09:21 edubuntu gnome-session[2074]: WARNING: Unable to find default provider 'unity-2d-shell' of required provider 'shell'"01:29
tobias_help would be appreciated! :)01:30
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Logan_Can somebody please make Bug 1055807 public?21:19
Logan_jtaylor: Thanks, as always. :)21:23
=== Guest18360 is now known as YDdraigGoch
rickero1Hello everybody, I'm translating the package ubuntu-manual into french. I encounter some mistakes in the English version. Do anybody have an Idea where to fill a bug for it? The manual is here: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual22:33
Logan_I have a question about bug triaging. I understand that Debian marks all bugs as "Fix Released" in version +rm when a package is removed from Debian. What is the appropriate triaging procedure for bugs in packages in Ubuntu that were deleted from the latest development version?22:33
Logan_rickero1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/+filebug (most likely)22:34
rickero1Logan_: So simple? I cannot believe it :-)22:35
Logan_rickero1: Yup. :)22:36
rickero1Logan_: thanks... will try / have a good evening or night22:37
Logan_You too, thanks!22:37
Logan_jtaylor: Any input on my question above?22:37
Logan_Or hggdh, maybe?22:38
penguin42hmm I don't see a canned message in Bugs/Responses about that22:39
Logan_I know. :(22:46
Logan_I mean, I guess packages can still qualify for an SRU even if they don't exist in the development version...22:46
Logan_It's an interesting issue.22:46
penguin42Logan_: I'd assume it'll get auto-closed eventually when no supported versions exist any more, I'd certainly add a note saying it's been deleted out of the latest one, but I don't know what the right thing to do if you wanted to change the status was22:49
Logan_They don't get closed automatically on Launchpad, though.22:50
Logan_Only on Debian's bts.22:50
penguin42Logan_: I think stuff does get closed if it's been reported on version x and x  goes out of support?22:50
penguin42I can't remember what exactly the behaviour was but I'm sure I've seen it in the past22:51
Logan_I haven't witnessed that on Launchpad. I've seen bugs for packages that don't have anything in repositories anymore, and they're still marked as New.22:51
* penguin42 has been reporting bugs for a long time22:53
hggdhthe bugs are still maintained open on all supported releases23:47

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