
bizhanMonaHI I have an unusual question regarding ubuntu packaging. I have compile several open source packages and have installed them in a staging directory, i.e. STAGEDIR. So for example the binary file foo is installed in .../STAGEDIR/usr/local/bin/foo  I would like to make an ubuntu package from STAGEDIR and install them on the target system. For example the file  foo will be installed in /usr/local/bin/foo. I have read ubuntu packagin09:27
bizhanMonag documents but I can not figure out how to do what I just explained? Thx09:27
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Amkeihi, I'm trying to customize my me-menu under Lucid. Did it successfully for my message-indicator-applet by changing /usr/share/indicators/messages... so I thought changing /usr/share/indicators/me will work in a familar way. But it does not. My Question: Is there ANY possibility to change entries in ne Me-Menu under Lucid?21:19
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