
govatentwell i'm back now 02:36
govatenti had stepped away02:36
ShawnRstepped away? for 10 hrs?02:50
govatentyea lol 03:00
govatenti went out to work and just got back a while back03:01
ShawnRso, i'm having a terrible time with dual displays (ATI HD5770)03:06
ShawnRlose 3d unity when enabling that xenima....whatever option03:07
ShawnRi had dual 19" 1280x1024 working ok, but now i have 1 1280x1024 as monitor 2 and a 24" 1080p display for monitor 1 and they don't play nice03:08
govatentI have a 5450 with a single 1080p display so can't really comment on that issue 03:18
govatenti just looked it up , i had no idea that xenima option was even there in ccc pannel 03:20
ShawnRyeah, i didn't know that xenima was avail on nvidia until i was googling issues... i thought it was an ATI thing like eyefinity03:24
ShawnRi hope this whole STEAM thing (btw, client public beta targeted in october) will get ATI and nvidia on the ball03:24
ShawnRthey have made intel look really good, though03:24
govatentive got the 5450 in my desktop and intel hd 4000 ivy bridge gpu in my system76 laptop03:26
govatenti so hope to get in the steam beta to test 03:26
ShawnRme, too03:27
govatentthe hd 4000 in my laptop has been great for all the indie games and stuff in the software center 03:27
ShawnRyeah, my ATI card in this desktop and an nvidia in my daughter's just doesn't do so grand03:28
ShawnRi wish it wasn't so hard to play something like minecraft in linux03:28
govatentmy desktop card is fairly old. 5450 with 256 ddr3 video memory 03:28
ShawnRyou know, a JAVA game, but you gotta jump through hoops, and at the end, it runs, and kinda smooth, but not great for what my HW really is03:28
ShawnRyou and me both03:28
govatentare you talking about that library file in minecraft that needs an update? 03:29
ShawnRthis 5770 is the biggest/best card i can put in here anyways... it's my wife's shuttle (Q6600)03:29
ShawnRgovatent: among other things03:29
govatentoh plus getting java itself 03:29
ShawnRalso, they want you to install oracle's java vs openjdk03:29
ShawnRand when all is said and don03:29
govatenti found a group that is doing a ppa for oracle. makes it dead simple and quick to get java running and keep it updated from oracle 03:30
govatentthat's what i've been using on my systems when i want to use oracle's java03:30
govatenthas there been any word on how to get your name in for the beta selection?03:31
ShawnRgovatent: the article i read earlier today said that there would be an announcement later on about how to get into the beta03:34
govatentgonna have to be on top of that03:34
ShawnRand yeah, i used the ppa, but then if you wanna make a shortcut (say, for like a 7 yr old to use), it can be a PITA as sometimes openjdk is still default, or you get rid of it and you can't right-click, runwith and pick the oracle runtime03:35
ShawnRme too03:35
govatentwell i'm heading to bed. going to the hackmiami meeting tomorrow morning 03:52
ShawnRooh... FFmpeg 1.0 MultiMedia Library Released03:52
ShawnRhave fun with that, goodnight03:52
govatenttake care ill catch you later03:53
govatentitnet7: ping18:04
itnet7hey there!18:09
roaksoaxitnet7: duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude18:23
itnet7roaksoax: how are you??18:23
roaksoaxitnet7: good good yourself?18:24
itnet7roaksoax: not bad, looking forward to UDS, how about you??18:24
roaksoaxitnet7: mee too18:25
roaksoaxi'm not ready yt18:25
roaksoaxdon't even have my visa yet18:25
roaksoaxitnet7: yeah... ppl was late on sending me the documents18:26
itnet7My tmux session is doing this wierd scrolling thing18:29
govatentwhen are you guys leaving? 18:29
itnet7I'm using a buddies PC18:29
itnet7using putty18:29
itnet7I leave on the 27th18:29
roaksoaxi leave on the 20th18:29

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