
=== zz_scottas is now known as scottas
=== Bry8Star_ is now known as Bry8Star
=== Justasic2 is now known as Justasic
=== Justasic2 is now known as Justasic
bonhoefferOerHeks, thanks!00:10
hmmwhatsthisdoDoes anyone have experience installing BURG over GRUB on a system that dual-boots 12.04 and Windows?00:13
[deXter]hmmwhatsthisdo, Yes. What would you like to know?00:14
hmmwhatsthisdo[deXter]: Uh, how to install it?00:14
hmmwhatsthisdoI tried doing it earlier and sudo burg-emu gave me a grub prompt00:15
[deXter]hmmwhatsthisdo, I installed it from the PPA, along with Super Boot Manager to set it up00:15
hmmwhatsthisdoSeeing as how I'm an ubu-noob, care to walk me through that?00:15
[deXter]hmmwhatsthisdo, One sec00:16
[deXter]hmmwhatsthisdo, http://www.overclock.net/t/1251224/guide-installing-burg-and-super-boot-manager-in-ubuntu-inc-12-04-lts00:16
starbuck33is there a wa to remove bookmarks from the document viewer?00:18
hmmwhatsthisdo[deXter]: I still get a grub prompt when I do burg-emu00:19
[deXter]hmmwhatsthisdo, did you follow all the steps in the article?00:20
hmmwhatsthisdoadded the PPA (well, I did earlier), updated, installed (both were already installed), installed to /dev/sda, no errors reported00:21
chris92can I someone set my USC to only display free applications?00:22
cakebosdHey all. I have ubuntu in virtual box. The host computer has no monitor so the screen resolution is at the lowest settings. How can I edit ubuntu to have a greater resolution? Before it was sizeable but when I installed drivers for virtualbox in ubuntu it "fixed" the resolution so now its tiny.00:22
hmmwhatsthisdo[deXter]: imgur.com/VLK1i00:22
hmmwhatsthisdogah, silly link highlight00:22
hmmwhatsthisdo[deXter]: http://imgur.com/VLK1i00:22
[deXter]hmmwhatsthisdo, that's BURG not GRUB00:23
hmmwhatsthisdo[deXter]: yes, but shouldn't I be seeing a visual window?00:23
[deXter]Just use SBM to finish the installation and choose a theme00:23
[deXter]hmmwhatsthisdo, you haven't finished installing it yet00:23
wutangSean Williams? Are you Welsh or Black?00:24
[deXter]hmmwhatsthisdo, Follow the article from step 300:24
hmmwhatsthisdowell, american00:24
hmmwhatsthisdobut my mom's mostly irish00:24
wutangfucking americans00:24
wutangtheir foreign policy has ruined the earth00:24
IdleOne!language | wutang00:24
ubottuwutang: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:24
cakebosdHey all. I have ubuntu in virtual box. The host computer has no monitor so the screen resolution is at the lowest settings. How can I edit ubuntu to have a greater resolution? Before it was sizeable but when I installed drivers for virtualbox in ubuntu it "fixed" the resolution so now its tiny.00:25
wutangsorry Idleo0ne00:25
IdleOnewutang: this is a support channel, if you wish to chat please join #ubuntu-offtopic (note that swearing is not acceptable in any Ubuntu channels)00:25
wutangIdle0ne I heard you the first time, calm down you bot00:25
IdleOnewutang: I was making myself clear. Drop the attitude please.00:26
cakebosdwutang: I am the sofa king. Do your knee grows?00:26
NsmurfCan anyone suggest a ubuntu laptop under $400?00:26
wutangknee grow? This is the 21st century, no need for such racist remaarks00:26
wutang@Nsmurf, anything at all00:26
Nsmurfso far i found:MeeNee 13.1" Pro00:27
NsmurfKogan Agora Pro00:27
NsmurfSystem 76 Starling Netbook00:27
NsmurfZaReason Teo Pro netbook00:27
NsmurfLatitude 2120 Netbook00:27
FloodBot1Nsmurf: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:27
hmmwhatsthisdo[deXter]: the repo in the latter half of step 5 is already checked and listed as being precise, should I skip it?00:27
=== zomb13 is now known as SamIam
mrdebhello. i noticed ubuntu 1210 is faster than 1204 which is slow00:29
mrdebis it bec gnome 3.5 is faster00:29
blackshirtmrdeb, not yet play with 12.1000:30
game16Concurrency question here! In what cases would a multithreaded application run faster on a single core processor than on a multi core processor?00:30
smjI don't have a xorg.conf, and it works by autodetection, but I need to change the configuration to enable v-sync in nouveau. if I create xorg.conf, does it still attempt to autodetect everything else? or do I need to figure out how to create a complete configuration file?00:30
Daekdroom!quantal | mrdeb00:30
ubottumrdeb: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+100:30
mrdebsmj, why not use nvidia driver00:31
Daekdroomsmj, yes, it does autodetect everything else.00:32
smjmrdeb: it ruins the ctrl-alt-fX terminals00:32
ubottuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux00:32
smjDaekdroom: thanks00:32
mrdebit is much faster00:32
mrdeband less noise from video card00:32
blackshirtmrdeb, soubd greats :d00:33
smjmrdeb: my video card is passive00:33
=== stephen is now known as Guest72685
=== brian__ is now known as libertytrader
mrdebsmj yes, but nouveau doesnt drop frequencies00:34
DaekdroomIt doesn't even do frequencies correctly.00:34
Basstard`blackshirt: Is there a !gnu ?00:35
blackshirtbasstard, what do you need ?00:36
Basstard`blackshirt: To know if there is !gnu as there is !linux00:36
=== Ruffles is now known as Guest45756
blackshirtbasstard, i don't know,just check it :d lol00:37
NsmurfDoes anyone have any experince with using a MeeNee 13.1" Pro or a System 76 Starling Netbook?00:37
Basstard`blackshirt: Can't be arsed, it's too much effort.00:37
blackshirtbasstard, it doesn't matter... Don't be thinked :d00:39
Basstard`blackshirt: "thinked"?00:39
Basstard`Nsmurf: Why not something from http://libre.thinkpenguin.com ?00:40
blackshirtbasstard, just jokes for my languages :d00:40
rosslazerDoes anyone know if there is away do disable the "reconnect window" in network manager?00:40
Basstard`blackshirt: What are your languages?00:40
NsmurfBasstard: thanks, i'll check it out.00:40
=== brentt_ is now known as Brent
blackshirtbasstard, i'm from a long far south east asia :d00:41
Basstard`Nsmurf: They fully work with free software, compared to System 76 for instance.00:41
Basstard`blackshirt: I won't be thinked then :)00:42
Respite212Anyone know how do I stop ubuntu from going into screensaver mode every few minutes?00:42
rosslazerRespite212: caffeine00:42
blackshirtbasstard, :d :d00:42
NsmurfOn thinkpenguin they say that the computers start at 249.  Where are the cheap laptops then?00:43
rosslazerRespite212: It's an app that stops your computer from going to sleep00:43
Respite212rosslazer: err so I sudo apt-get caffeine?00:43
rosslazerRespite212: google the app you need to add the repo first00:44
Respite212rosslazer: Thanks00:44
blackshirtbasstard' ... Your nick was very sarcastic word.. I think :d00:44
Basstard`Nsmurf: It says both desktop and laptop, so you'll find among the desktops on that starts at 249.00:45
rosslazerAnyone know how to disable the network manager pop up window when wifi goes out??00:45
blackshirtrosslazer, just disable notifications00:45
Basstard`blackshirt: Are you wearing a black shirt?00:45
rosslazerblackshirt: It's not like the notification bubble00:46
rosslazerblackshirt: It's an entire window that pops up asking to connect to the network00:46
blackshirtoh, sorry rosslazer for missunderstand00:47
Respite212how do I add programs to caffeine?00:48
Respite212it says "select a procedure"?00:48
Respite212or process00:48
blackshirtbasstard, for some times yes,00:49
Basstard`blackshirt: So you're a black shirt wearing a black shirt for some times?00:50
blackshirtbasstard, aha..you are smart people guys :d00:51
Basstard`blackshirt: :)00:52
blackshirtjust jokes basstard...00:52
jroui been stuck 4 days now... i need help installing oracle java. i have it downloaded00:55
blackshirtjrou, why do you not trying install it through repo?00:56
jrouim new not sure what u mean? like package manager?00:57
jroucan u explain plz00:58
blackshirtyes,is there that package on repository?00:58
jrouno i need oracle00:58
jrouonly works with my banking00:58
xkruxif you get the binary file from oracle00:58
xkruxyou can just chmod it. and then execute it00:58
blackshirtjrou, what format packages you have been downloaded? Tar,deb, tar.gz?00:59
jroulet me look01:00
xkruxchmod a+x jdk-6u <version>-linux-i586.bin01:01
xkruxthen ./blah01:01
jrouthis what i need installed "jre-6u35-linux-x64.bin01:01
jrouoh ok01:01
jrouand that's it01:02
blackshirtjrou, do like xkrux given01:02
xkruxyeah should be..01:02
jrouok let me try01:02
blackshirtusually,there are some guides on readme/install files about how to install them01:03
jrouya i found a few on google but still had no luck01:03
niarghcorrupt video while installing 12.04.1 amd64 desktop on brand new fresh out of the box ASUS CM6870-US-3AB01:03
niarghalso corrupt video (strange red pixels scrolling fast on console) while installing server01:04
Basstard`niargh: Lesson learned. Don't buy unsupported hardware. Research beforehand.01:04
niarghbasstard: fair enough, am I screwed, or is there hope?01:05
Basstard`niargh: Sure there's hope, things will work eventually.01:06
jrouok so got java extracted01:08
jrounow i have a folder?01:08
jroui check java -version still not installed01:08
tyler_dholla everyone01:09
jrouim willing 2 pay someone threw paypal 2 help me install oracle java i got the .bin extracted01:10
niarghBasstard`: ubuntu/debian hcl url?01:11
jroubeen stuck 4 days on this01:11
Basstard`niargh: Hm?01:11
Basstard`niargh: My brain deciphers hcl as hardware compatible list?01:12
niarghBastard`: where can I find a hardward compatibility list for ubuntu?01:12
voidmain_Hi guys, I was wondering if somebody here could possibly help me with the following problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2061233 (updates are not installing)01:14
niarghBastard`: nvm, googled it, sorry about that01:14
Basstard`niargh: Uhm, on the net? Best way is to find whatever device gives you problems and investigate from that. I don't use Ubuntu though, I use Trisquel, and for hardware working with fully free software there is a list at h-node.org01:14
niarghBastard`: cool, thx, will check out h-node.org01:15
tyler_danyone care to take a stab at getting the 'fn' key working on a bluetooth apple keyboard, not showing a thing in xev?01:18
Carly-I need help01:20
CrypticSquaredCarly-: care to rephrase that into a question?01:23
Carly-mmm I need something01:25
DaemonicApathy!ask | Carly01:25
ubottuCarly: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:25
ubottuCarly-: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:25
DaemonicApathyHeh, sorry tyler_d. Just trying to help.01:25
CrypticSquaredCarly-: no need to talk in pm. here is fine01:25
Carly-ok sorry01:25
tyler_d;) no worries, I eventually get there, thanks DaemonicApathy01:25
DaemonicApathytyler_d: Btw, have you installed pommed?01:28
tyler_dDaemonicApathy: it works for the most part and I did no such thing :p01:29
magmaAnybody can point me out a program to make 3D plots?01:29
DaemonicApathyI would imagine that they will be updating for your keyboard at some point.01:29
ramosNeed help with access to webcam via ssh...Can anyone help?01:30
ramosNeed help with access to webcam via ssh...Can anyone help?01:31
WeThePeople what is the diff between backtrack 5 , R1, R2, R3 ??01:31
=== think is now known as gyu
WeThePeopleramos, have you looked at ssh -h01:31
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition01:31
=== atrius is now known as atrius_away
ramosWeThePeople, what I'm trying to do is access a webcam on my computer from outside my network...01:32
gyudoes anyone know how i can boot freedos in order to flash a bios?01:33
ramosi'm familiar with ssh01:33
gyu* i don't have a usb flash drive01:33
NsmurfFor buying a ubuntu laptop, i'm looking at the Teo netbook pro.  Anyone have experince with it?01:33
wilee-nileegyu, No MS setup01:33
WeThePeopleramos, im not fam. with ssh01:33
gyuwilee-nilee what? no, freedos is not microsoft. it's a free implementation of DOS (disk based operating system) which is required to flash a BIOS01:34
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
wilee-nileegyu, Most bios flash now have the ability to run from windows or load a usb or cd.01:34
gyuwilee-nilee- no cd. must be run from DOS01:35
wilee-nileegyu, The methods I suggest run a DOS install DUH.01:35
wilee-nileelook closer at your options01:37
gyui think the only way i can do this is if i setup grub to boot from a DOS image01:37
gyunot sure how to do it though01:37
wilee-nileegyu, I doubt that my 5 year old toshiba MS or cd install, my aceraspire same01:38
gyuwilee-nilee; don't talk if you aren't going to make sense.01:38
wilee-nileegyu, Uh okay I installed the bios on both of those computers using both methods, a cd or from windows, does that make sense to you and check what the bot says on attitude01:40
goddardWhy do manufacters like system 76 have less attractive laptops compared to the new ultrabooks?01:41
gyuwilee-nilee: i just said i don't have a cd-r/usb flash drive. if you would speak in clear full sentences i'd understand what you were saying.01:41
gyugoddard:thinkpenguin.com has a sweet ultrabook01:42
Ray2!attitude | gyu01:42
ubottugyu: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines01:42
wilee-nileegoddard, system 76 has a linited amount of laptops to use, them against whole industry of them should be your answer.01:42
goddardgyu: that sucker is stil pretty large compared to a zen book, air, or even vizios laptop and tons of others01:43
gyuwilee-nilee: are you trying to be helpful? it's obviously not what he is after.01:43
gyugoddard: are you looking for a 13.3" ?01:43
goddardgyu: i am just looking into linux manufacters really but a small ultrabook form factor01:44
gyugoddard: the ultrabook has certain specifications dictated by intel. the thinkpenguin.com's ultrabook complies with those specifications. the one is NOT an ultrabook although the 2nd 14" model is.01:45
gyugoddard: if you are looking for something smaller than a 14" screen the specifications dictate slightly smaller; same without an optical drive.01:45
ramosgeoffw8_, do you know anything about webcams?01:46
=== SilentViper_ is now known as SilentViper
ruscouranyone know how to get Shatter from HIB6 to run in windowed mode?01:46
stankwagonHey guys! Anyone there?01:48
stankwagonthere are 1500 people in here and no one is talking?01:49
stankwagonHow is that even possible01:49
wilee-nileestankwagon, Many are idling, do you need help?01:49
ruscourit's IRC, most people idle01:49
stankwagonwhy do people idle?01:50
stankwagonwhat about IRC makes them idle?01:50
wilee-nileestankwagon, This is ubuntu support, you might ask that in #ubuntu-offtopic01:50
stankwagonwell how is it that i change channels?01:50
stankwagonforgive my ignorance but im to lazy to google it01:50
ruscourtype "/join #ubuntu-offtopic"01:51
stankwagonhow do i see a list of channels?01:51
HowAt the right left theres a button that says xchat click it01:51
HowAt the top left theres a button that says xchat click it01:52
Howafter that click network list01:52
stankwagonsorry but i see no options at the top right01:53
stankwagontho i do see a picture of myself up there...boy im handsome!01:53
stankwagonI found the network list..hum....01:54
stankwagonit was top left....im using this new ubuntu 12.04 or something. it sucks01:54
stankwagoni want my old ubuntu back...01:54
stankwagonevery time i use this new ubuntu i load my gun and slowly but it up to my head.....i eventually chicken out01:55
stankwagonbut just for a minute...the gun is to my temple...and im so close01:55
How xubuntu ,lubuntu or kubuntu will better suit you01:55
rredd4trying to upgrade to adobe flash 3d, to play a facebook game.  keep getting some lisa error when i download from adobe.  any ideas?01:56
stankwagonwhy insult me How?!01:56
stankwagonim not a red neck01:56
zykotick9jordanm: imo a box with mixed maverick and natty sources = reinstall01:56
zykotick9jordanm: sorry - scroll issue - please ignore presvious comment!01:56
ramosanyone here familiar with network webcam access01:57
stankwagonwell everyone i'd love to stay and bug the heck out of you, but i think im going to go play call of duty mw3....anyone wanna join you can add me my ID is pollockfartbox ! Peace out homeslice.!!!!01:58
vfwWhat is the latest kernel for a fully updated 12.04.1 system?02:05
vfwuname -a02:05
DaemonicApathyMine is 3.2.0-31-generic02:06
zykotick9!info linux-image | vfw02:06
ubottuvfw: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB02:06
DaemonicApathyDoes that message need updating, or am I randomly ahead of the curve?02:07
tyler_doh dear me with my wireless apple keyboard, as the upstream dev's are apparently to busy to add 2 lines of code :( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/91106402:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 911064 in linux (Ubuntu) "Apple Bluetooth Keyboard Fn key not working" [Medium,Triaged]02:08
Ben64!info linux-image Lucid02:09
ubottu'Lucid' is not a valid distribution: extras, hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, stable, testing, unstable02:09
Ben64!info linux-image lucid02:09
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB02:09
tyler_dI'm going to take the plunge and try linux-3.6-rc7 .... pending it has hardware support for 05ac:025502:10
zykotick9!msgthebot > Ben6402:10
ubottuBen64, please see my private message02:10
tyler_d!msgthebot > tyler_d02:10
ubottutyler_d, please see my private message02:10
tyler_dI want to see02:11
DEstlundI'm having trouble configuring the resolution for a second monitor with nvidia--it's not recognized at all without the proprietary drivers and won't go over 800x600 with them...02:11
Ben64zykotick9: I did it once :|02:11
zykotick9Ben64: 2.6 ftw ;)  fyi lucid was based off debian squeeze when it was in testing, so lucid has <9 months support and squeeze has 1 year+ at least ;)02:11
Ben64I'm still not ready for precise02:12
tyler_dthanks ubottu02:12
zykotick9Ben64: i loved lucid for a while!  but left ubuntu pre-unity... </OT>02:12
=== qak_afk is now known as qak
tyler_dBen64: I'm using it and I'm still not sure about it either02:12
markovhwhy was sqlmap removed from the latest ubuntu?02:13
tyler_dzykotick9: I ran from ubuntu for opensuse 12.2... which lasted about 2 weeks before I had enough and here I am02:13
=== Zorro is now known as Guest69026
zykotick9markovh: latest = 12.04 or 12.10?  <i have no idea, just curious what you mean>02:14
tyler_dalright... now lets break this beast... hopefully be back shortly wiht a new kernel :o02:14
wilee-nileezykotick9, Out of curiosity you don't have to answer what are you running.02:15
Ben64zykotick9: 12.10 isn't latest yet02:15
zykotick9markovh: it was in natty...02:16
zykotick9Ben64: I AGREE!02:16
markovhzykotick9: natty isn't the latest...02:16
zykotick9markovh: no it isn't02:16
=== bobbyaldolAFK is now known as bobbyaldol
zykotick9markovh: but that appears to be the last time "!info sqlmap natty" works ;)02:17
markovhthat's great... my originall question was WHY was it removed02:18
markovhit was avail in oneiric btw02:18
zykotick9markovh: that so long ago.  do you expect anyone to remember?02:18
Ben64sometimes packages get removed because they don't get updated02:18
zykotick9markovh: sorry, ya i didn't check oneiric!  my bad.02:18
markovhBen64: right but i'm wondering if there was a specific reason, i do realise if they don't get updated, they're removed (or for various other reasons)02:19
Ben64you'd probably have to talk to a package maintainer or something02:19
zykotick9markovh: does the reason really matter?  it's not in ubuntu repo anymore, so you can A) not use it or B) get it from out of repo...02:20
markovhzykotick9: i'm curious? dude if you didn't know the answer that's all you had to say (or just not answer) I was just wondering if anyone happened to know02:21
themindbendersi am using first time02:21
DaemonicApathyWelcome to Ubuntu! :-)02:21
wuhei101so do i02:21
nerdubuntu-server uses ubuntu LTS version as it's base ?02:22
zykotick9markovh: it's on ot issue... see "/msg ubottu ot" for details ;)02:22
themindbendersya u i know02:22
DaemonicApathynerd: Ubuntu server 12.04 does.02:22
Ben64nerd: you can get ubuntu server in any version, but the latest is LTS02:22
themindbendershi cell02:22
zykotick9themindbenders: i'm gonna send you 3 messages from ubottu02:23
zykotick9!ask > themindbenders02:23
ubottuthemindbenders, please see my private message02:23
zykotick9!enter > themindbenders02:23
themindbendersok send me02:23
zykotick9!u > themindbenders02:23
themindbenderswhat is this man02:23
zykotick9themindbenders: just ask your question all on one line.  and use ENTER less.  and don't use "u" for "you" ;)02:24
DaemonicApathyzykotick9: does that PM redirection work from PM with the bot?02:24
WeThePeoplewould it be possible to reinstall x11 or the xorg-server to my ubuntu on my hdd with a live cd?02:25
Ben64WeThePeople: why not do it from command line on your installation02:26
devdelI am trying to find a guide for setting up my ubuntu computer as a router/firewall/nat/dhcp -server02:26
WeThePeopleben64, how02:27
devdelAny info where I can read about it?02:27
NsmurfIf anyone has experince buying from ZaReason, onec a computer is out of stock, do they ever restock it?  If so, how long does it usualaly take?02:27
Ben64WeThePeople: when you start the computer, what happens?02:27
WeThePeopledevde1, 'Linux Bible'02:27
WeThePeopleben64, i go to grub boot menu then select the kernel i want but ubuntu gui doesnt boot, i can only boot to tty02:28
Ben64WeThePeople: then you can just do something like "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg"02:29
WeThePeopleben64, it says it needs to run in low graphics mode02:29
WeThePeopleben64, thats what i was thinkin :)02:29
DaemonicApathyWeThePeople: You don't need much in the way of graphics for a tty. ;-)02:29
Ben64sounds more like you have a graphics driver problem02:30
DaemonicApathyWeThePeople: Out of curiosity, does it do anything when you hit Ctrl+Alt+F7?02:30
WeThePeopleben64, or a install --reinstall :)02:31
WeThePeopledaemonicapathy, idk nvr tried02:31
JayRizzleCan anyone out there help me with an install issue?02:32
DaemonicApathy!ask | JayRizzle02:32
ubottuJayRizzle: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:32
zykotick9!anyone | JayRizzle02:32
ubottuJayRizzle: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:32
zykotick9JayRizzle: also see "/msg ubottu details"02:33
JayRizzleSorry about that. I am having an issue with my hardware -- I think it's too new. I have a 2700k i7. I have a gtx 580 3gb card and a new motherboard.02:33
tonsofpcs!!flooding the channel with ubottu quotes02:33
ubottutonsofpcs: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:33
JayRizzleEverytime i try installing it just freezes on the install screen.02:33
zykotick9tonsofpcs: my bad.  sorry i'll stop.02:33
DaemonicApathyJayRizzle: What are the specs of the system?02:34
tonsofpcsJayRizzle: which install screen?02:34
NsmurfDoes anyone know how ZaReason sales work?  From what I see, it looks like  once a computer is out of stock, they never restock it.02:34
themindbendershow to bruteforce a rar file?02:35
zykotick9JayRizzle: do you use nvidia / ati?02:35
WeThePeopledaemonicapathy, at what point should i hit crl alt f7 ?02:35
zykotick9JayRizzle: if so, you might want to see "/msg ubottu nomodeset"02:35
blackshirtthereminder, what the mean bruteforce?02:35
JayRizzleI just said the specs of the system. I get past the GRUB and the BIOS, but when it says "Installing ubuntu" with the ubuntu background, it looks like ubuntu, but just freezes.02:35
JayRizzleI am using nvidea.02:35
DaemonicApathyWeThePeople: when you are in tty102:36
themindbendersmeans cracking password by hit and trial method is known as bruteforce.02:36
WeThePeopledaemonicapathy, it boots tty2 for some reason02:36
WeThePeoplebut i will try in a few mins02:36
wilee-nilee!nomodeset > JayRizzle grub is in a install by the way.02:36
DaemonicApathyWeThePeople: That's ok, from tty2 is ok.02:36
Smackbookis there a version of grep that returnns characters of context instead of lines?02:36
wilee-nilee!nomodeset > JayRizzle02:37
ubottuJayRizzle, please see my private message02:37
WeThePeopleall right be back in a flash :)02:37
JayRizzleI mean, I an install it to a partition on my HDD, but when I boot into that partition, it will load the main desktop, without icons.02:37
wilee-nileeJayRizzle, YOu would only see grub on a installed ubuntu.02:37
DaemonicApathyAre there supposed to be icons?02:37
JayRizzleThen it says something about the finalizing the install, then it just freezes.02:37
=== Justasic2 is now known as Justasic
wilee-nileeUnless you have a multiloaded usb or something custom02:38
tonsofpcsJayRizzle: I'm guessing you have a BIOS configuration that blocks installation02:38
themindbendershow to crack rar file passwords?02:38
themindbendersjayrizzle:no he has a os error.02:39
blackshirtthemindbenders, its depend how strong the password02:39
zykotick9JayRizzle: can you use a terminal?  (ctrl+alt+f1 to get to a vt then alt+f7 to get back to xorg)  what is the output of "lspci | grep -i vga"?02:39
themindbendersblackshirt:thanx buddy for replying02:40
themindbenderscan you tell me the one method02:40
blackshirtsome methods available... Bruteforce was one of the,02:41
vanderhi I booted my ubuntu box running 12.04v and usb mouse is not responding I restarted the machine and still nothing, can anyone assist02:41
vanderor explain how to reaquire the mouse drivers02:41
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themindbendersvander:go to grub and press e02:41
Ben64vander: don't need mouse drivers. try unplugging the mouse, plug it back in, and then pastebin the output of the command "dmesg"02:42
themindbendersand add i8042 before splash.02:42
DaemonicApathyvander, have you tried unplugging the receiver and plugging it back in? Does wonders for my headset.02:42
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JayRizzleI install it fine.02:43
JayRizzleThat's not the issue.02:43
JayRizzleI am trying to boot into it.02:43
JayRizzleWhen i boot into it, the main screen jst freezes02:43
JayRizzleIt doesn't allow me to do anything,02:43
=== Justasic2 is now known as Justasic
themindbendersjayrizzle:which version right now you are using?02:44
wilee-nileeJayRizzle, Did you see the bots message on nomodeset, and zykotick9, suggestion.02:44
ring0themindbenders, i just remember fcrackzip, apparently not for rars tho ;)02:45
goddardcan i install gnome 3.6 in 12.04?02:46
goddardor will it be back ported?02:46
ring0themindbenders, maybe crark02:46
themindbendersgoddard:ya u can02:46
goddardthemindbenders: is there a way to test and see if my installed exstensions will be compatable?02:47
nerdcan we say ubuntu server's are somewhat stable like debian ?02:47
themindbendersring0:thanx buddy can u suggest me a tutorial i never used craak02:47
cdarn# Byobu will try to auto-detect them.02:47
FloodBot1cdarn: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:47
goddardnerd: ubuntu servers are very stable02:48
ring0themindbenders, i'd suggest the manual02:48
nerdgoddard: can i make a live cd of the current installation of the current ubuntu system ?02:48
ring0themindbenders, on what?02:49
themindbendersring0:waiting for your link man.02:49
goddardnerd: no idea but maybe sounds to complicated to me02:49
ring0themindbenders, try google02:49
goddardnerd: ask ubuntu would probably know02:49
blackshirtnerd, thats possible02:50
themindbendersi tried suggest me by your end02:50
|Anthony|is Ctrl+Alt+Backspace disabled in ubuntu by default?02:50
ring0themindbenders, first google search result… http://crark.net/cRARk.html02:50
Daekdroom|Anthony|, yes02:51
wilee-nileenerd, Check out  Remastersys there are several others methods I believe.02:51
themindbendersring0:let me check02:51
nerdcool, :)02:51
|Anthony|that's what i thought. thanks for confirming Daekdroom02:51
themindbendersring0: i am sending you a request ok add me now02:52
JayRizzleI looked at the suggestions, but it's not a BLACK SCREEN.02:52
JayRizzleIt's more like a frozen screen.02:52
wilee-nileenerd, There are cloning methods as well for network distribution like clonezilla, be aware of driver issues in all of this though.02:52
nerdwilee-nilee: that's nice thing to know. :)02:54
DaemonicApathyIs it possible to include Esc in a keyboard shortcut? So far, I've had no luck with compiz or Ubuntu custom shortcuts including it.02:54
cowsquadhow to check how many cores are in my cpu and how many threads per core in ubuntu?02:55
wilee-nileeJayRizzle, I would try the nomodeset at the ubuntu grub and see if it works, don't overthink what might work to get you in.02:55
zykotick9cowsquad: "dmesg | grep -i cpu" should show SOME of that.02:56
wilee-nileeOr try ubuntu 2d at the login02:56
zykotick9cowsquad: see "cat /proc/cpuinfo" for more info02:56
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ring0themindbenders, what are you talking about?02:59
cowsquadzykotick9, I know I have a dual core, which equal 2 cores right? how do I know how many thread per core?02:59
Nautiluscould I get a little help with symlinking?  I have a file named drush in a folder named /home/brian/drush which I want to symlink from /local/bin ...  I don't think this is exactly right: sudo ln -s /home/brian/drush /local/bin03:00
skpl^hi i just installed burg using super-boot-manager and now i cant get into my system, it wants to boot in low-graphics mode can someone help me03:00
zykotick9cowsquad: check "/cat /proc/cpuinfo" how many cpus does it show?03:00
DaemonicApathyNautilus: I don't know much about symlinking, but shouldn't that be /local/bin/ ?03:01
ring0Nautilus, cd /local/bin/ ; sudo ln -s /home/brian/drush03:01
cowsquad cpu cores 2, cpu family 6. cpus not info about that03:02
Nautilusoh huh, I don't have a /local03:02
zykotick9cowsquad: i only have dual cores so i see a processor 0 and 1 that's it.03:02
Nautilusgoing off my 10.04 notes, have 12.04 now03:03
skpl^hi i just installed burg using super-boot-manager and now i cant get into my system, it wants to boot in low-graphics mode can someone help me03:03
DaemonicApathyzykotick9: I believe the number of logical cores is listed as "siblings", no?03:03
ring0Nautilus, you propably mean /usr/local/bin03:03
Nautilusring0: ohhh thats why I indented the second line in my notes ;)03:03
cowsquadi see the same thing03:04
SparkyFlaryif my computer has a firewall that prevents being ping to, and someone wants to attack me at full power with pings of death, will my router and or modem bust?03:04
ring0Nautilus, link working?03:04
Nautilusring0: darn, nope03:05
Nautiluscan I list my ln's?03:05
ClientAlivemy graphics drivers are wacked! I don't have 3D so all the other cool stuff I might want is not there. Can someone help? I have and nvidia card and when I try to install the closed source driver through Additional Drivers - it fails installation (or so it says). What do I do?03:06
VagabundoCan someone tell me how to locate java runtime?03:06
zykotick9ClientAlive: "lscpi | grep -i vga"03:06
IboSClientAlive: you could check on nvidia's website wether they distribute drivers for linux03:06
ClientAliveOutput of lspci | grep VGA:  VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF108 [GeForce GT 440] (rev a1):03:06
ring0Nautilus, you could all links on your system with find. but you probably don't want that. if you just want to verify the link you just created in /usr/local/bin, try ls -l /usr/local/bin/03:07
ClientAlivesorry, no colon on the end03:07
DaemonicApathycowsquad, in the System Monitor, under System, how does it list the processor?03:07
SparkyFlarydoes ubuntu-server come secure enough to prevent DOS attacks on it when it's a webserver?03:07
Nautilusring0: correct, thats what I wanted.  :)     lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Sep 28 23:04 drush -> /home/brian/drush03:07
goddardSparkyFlary: ubuntu is intended as a plateform and that plateform with certain applications act as a web server but ubunt/linux isn't the server03:08
Nautilusring0: maybe /home/brian/drush/drush ?03:08
ClientAlivelbo5: I know they do but seems I read somewhere that the newest one screws ubuntu up. Was hoping to get more info about it/ if there's a way or a certain version to use...03:08
ring0Nautilus, so the link does point to the file you mentioned before. i don't know, where the file you want to link is located :)03:09
SparkyFlaryso I have to modify the firewall rules myself?03:09
goddardSparkyFlary: firewall rules don't prevent DOS attacks unless you are trying to prevent traffic coming in on certain ports03:09
Nautilusring0: the folder is /home/brian/drush, the executable is /home/brian/drush/drush03:09
VagabundoCan someone tell me how to locate java runtime?03:09
Ben64!nvidia | ClientAlive03:10
ubottuClientAlive: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto03:10
ClientAlivelbo5: I wish to we could diagnose the reason why the install fails with Additional Drivers - it could be important.03:10
goddardSparkyFlary: you need another application that helps prevent that stuff03:10
goddardSparkyFlary: and it also depends on what your trying to block03:10
ring0Nautilus, then delete the link in /usr/local/bin/ and create a new one with the appropriate location03:10
goddardor prevent abuse03:10
Ben64ClientAlive: oh I didn't see that before, it fails? does it give an error?03:10
SparkyFlaryI'm trying to block punks who want to refresh the page on my future website a million times per second.03:11
ClientAliveBen64: There is a log file...  Should I paste it?03:11
Ben64ClientAlive: pastebin, not paste in here03:11
cowsquaddaemonicApathy, I use the command lscpu and that show me the threads per core03:11
ClientAliveBen64: yes, of couse. one moment03:11
goddardSparkyFlary: what web server are you using03:11
Nautilusring0: thanks! all set03:11
ring0Nautilus, you're welcome03:12
DaemonicApathycowsquad, ah, ok. :-)03:12
VagabundoCan someone tell me how to locate java runtime?03:12
SparkyFlaryjetty is what I'm thinking of using03:12
zykotick9Vagabundo: assuming "java" is an executable.  "which java"03:12
SparkyFlaryand yeah it uses java03:13
cowsquaddaemonicApathy. it show under system monitor as processor 1 and 003:13
DaemonicApathycowsquad. Fair enough. I was hoping it would be formatted similar to mine, and solve the issue handily. I learned lscpu from you. ;-)03:14
Ben64SparkyFlary: you're trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist yet?03:15
SparkyFlaryI just don't want to be hacked03:16
SparkyFlaryand is it a good idea to use a firewall on my router?03:16
ClientAliveBen64: jockey.log.1 (there exists a jockey.log but it is empty): http://paste.ubuntu.com/1248757/    It is enormous! Some things I not from it...  the last line of each paragraph in the beginning of the log. Line 1824 to end (roughly the last dozen lines).03:16
Ben64SparkyFlary: refreshing a page isn't hacking, and a firewall is a good idea in general03:17
ClientAliveBen64: "...note from it..." <typo>03:17
SparkyFlaryno but it's an attack03:17
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SparkyFlarythat I think can be prevented maybe..03:17
|Anthony|SparkyFlary, go check out pfsense03:17
|Anthony|SparkyFlary, if you're willing/able to have a dedicated firewall rig03:18
Ben64ClientAlive: you could try a nvidia driver ppa, but it is unsupported03:19
skpl^how can i stop my system from running in low graphics mode?03:19
SparkyFlarynah just found out DOS attacks are unavoidable03:20
chris92sparkyflary: they are - if you are using vpn's to connect to the internet03:21
ClientAliveBen64: I just want to be sure if I use the right version driver. I heard that the latest one for my card screws up the system but I think that was about 6 mos ago it was written. There must be one version where 3D works and does not make system unstable.03:22
chris92SparkyFlary: you should try that possibly nobody gets your ip adress and avoid using vulnerable software like skype03:22
mauryyyyhow can i use my laptop screen and an external screen at the same time, no a mirror, do i need an xorg.conf with a virtual resolution? i look and look and cant fine a solution without the possibility of braking my system03:22
|Anthony|SparkyFlary, blocking an ip from reaching your server will reduce the load on the server. the firewall will take the brunt of the attack. Which should allow your network more headroom to still serve the content. your isp should also be doing this on their end which would offload any of that potential burden to them03:22
zykotick9ClientAlive: i'd suggest a PPA over the nvidia.com driver ANY day!  it can be removed cleanly!03:22
chris92ClientAlive: which graphics card are you using, if I may ask?03:23
Ben64ClientAlive: I use the ppa here, but as I said, it's unsupported. And since you don't have a driver already, there might be additional steps to get it working. https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates03:23
ClientAliveBen64: ok. Thx.03:24
zykotick9ClientAlive: x-swat, ya try that.  i don't recommend using PPA ever, but i would to you right now.  ppa make your system unstable IMO, but i bet that x-swat ppa will support your card better.  best of luck.03:25
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trigger_killMinor issue, the printer icon is showing up in the task bar, even though nothing is printing. How do I get rid of it?03:25
Ben64much more recent version compared to ubuntu's03:25
zykotick9Ben64: +103:25
ClientAlivezykotick9: right on.03:26
Ben64295.40 on 12.04, 304.51 on x-swat03:26
chris92ben64: would you recommend the x-swat drivers over the 12.04.1 ones?03:28
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chris92ben64: i mean, my gtx 460 runs with the 295.4003:30
Ben64chris92: depends. if you game a lot it might help03:30
trismwe also have nvidia-experimental-304 in -proposed03:30
zykotick9ClientAlive: see trism above!03:31
Ben64but if you enable proposed, don't you get every proposed upgrade?03:31
SparkyFlaryhow fast of internet do I need to make a home webserver ?03:31
zykotick9Ben64: +1 doh03:32
chris92ben64: what gaming can u do on linux anyways ^^03:32
Ben64SparkyFlary: depends what you want to do with it03:32
trismBen64: not if you pin them but it should be moving to -updates soon (and I see your point)03:32
Ben64chris92: I do a lot, and soon more with Steam on Linux :D03:32
SparkyFlarylet's say 100,000 people a day03:32
ch33zmy tits hurt03:32
=== paulus68_ is now known as paulus68
Ben64SparkyFlary: 100mbit03:32
chris92ben64: well, yea, really looking forward to steam on linux03:32
SparkyFlarycan a home DSL work or do i need better?03:32
Ben64SparkyFlary: you need much better03:33
SparkyFlarywhat about 10,000 people per day.?03:33
chris92SparkyFlary: I would recommend using a website hoster...03:33
Ben64SparkyFlary: what chris92 said03:33
SparkyFlaryI don't want to pay03:33
Ben64home hosting isn't very professional03:33
chris92sparkyflary: there are free hosters available03:34
SparkyFlaryyeah but those guys limit me a lot03:34
chris92sparkyflary: most of them dont even put adds on your website, and you even can put a domain on them03:34
Ben64SparkyFlary: what are you trying to host03:34
ClientAliveBen64: Does the 3D rendering supposed to automatically be on? (Do I have to change a setting or something to enable it)?03:34
SparkyFlarywith homesever I am as free as a bird03:34
SparkyFlaryI want to make a video streaming site03:35
Ben64SparkyFlary: you'd still be limited by your ISP's rules03:35
chris92sparkyflary: if you really think you get 10k to 100k you could easily put adds on the site03:35
ch33zSparkyFlary good luck go google it03:35
Ben64ClientAlive: when the driver is active, yes03:35
SparkyFlaryuh nevermind i meant 100003:35
Ben64dsl doesn't have the bandwidth to stream video03:35
SparkyFlaryuh what about static pages?03:36
Ben64well yeah that'd work,03:36
chris92sparkyflary: especially if you want to make a video streaming site, you need at least 2mbits of upload for ONE user to watch a 720p video03:36
SparkyFlaryfor 1000 people a day?03:36
Ben64it might be laggy, but it would work03:36
SparkyFlaryyea scratch that video idea03:36
chris92SparkyFlary: depends on how many users try to access the site at the same time03:37
SparkyFlaryaw man03:37
SparkyFlarylet's say 2003:37
Ben64you should really get a webhost though. If you need one, I do some hosting on the side.03:37
SparkyFlaryI want to do this for learning purpose03:37
chris92if you just want to learn how to code HTML and PHP, I'd suppose using LAMP03:38
SparkyFlarynah I'm using a cms03:38
chris92same thing03:38
chris92apache2, mysql and php503:39
chris92should be all you need03:39
Ben64you forgot the L :P03:39
chris92umm... what was it03:40
JayRizzleI'm back again. I am using the live cd now. What's the command to change the nvidea setting thing again?03:40
SparkyFlaryalright time to get to work then03:41
chris92nvidia-settings to open the nvidia settings center?03:41
SparkyFlarytnx for the helps03:41
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chris92Ben64: I suppose he has some linux, as he is in the ubuntu channel obviously :P03:42
Ben64chris92: yeah i was just messing with you03:43
chris92ben64: yea I was like "what did I forget" :D03:43
JayRizzleWhats the button on a live cd to open up the options?03:47
chris92JayRizzle: which options do you want to open?03:49
Smackbookis there any linux tool that could help me extract binary blobs from xml files?  before I go reinvent the wheel writing a custom program to do this one thing?03:50
Ben64Smackbook: some combination of grep, awk, and sed?03:50
Smackbookbut awk and sed only work on non-binary i think03:51
Smackbookwell this is a mixed file03:51
Smackbookbut the binary part is binary ;)03:51
cksidhey guys. What is the main ubuntu repository? I have tried googling but I can't find a list of exact addresses.03:51
Smackbookits where software comes from03:52
cksidi want the link03:52
cksidi know what is IS, I need an address03:52
Smackbookwell you know it differs by distro03:52
cksidI know03:53
cksidI know what im doing. I just forgot the url03:53
Ben64Smackbook: is it base 6403:53
cksidI have to configure this one distro so i can safetly impliment some modifications on my ubuntu for my laptop haha03:53
cksidnot me03:54
FloodBot1cksid: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:54
cksidAlright, I wont.03:54
chris92cksid: probably http://archive.ubuntu.com03:54
cksidchris92: thanks, ill try that03:55
Smackbookcksid: also see a list of sources at /etc/apt/sources.list (i know this probably isn't what you wanted)03:55
JayRizzleI am looking for the option to change the nvidea settings.03:56
JayRizzleI forgot the term they used, but I know i had to toggle it before it booted.03:56
chris92JayRizzle: nvidia-settings03:56
cksidSmackbook: that works perfectly, thanks.03:56
JayRizzleNo, i mean it's like.. how do i get to the boot options before the live cd starts?03:57
chris92ahh.. umm, its been quite a while  since I used a live cd03:57
chris92you should be able to read it once you boot from the live cd normally03:59
chris92arent there some options before the live environment starts?03:59
morrocso i am trying to fsck a memory drive. As soon as I plug it in my laptop memory card reader it open window manager showing the contents of the mem card. now if find the mount point using sudo fdisk -l and try to run the fsck command appropriately then it gives me warning that it might create errors. now if i unmount the mem card then what /dev/<somethin> or device i run my fsck command on ?04:00
JayRizzlei couldnt find it :(04:01
morrocbasically need a way to find the path, etc of a unmounted device04:01
chris92JayRizzle: I'm not quite sure if there still are any preboot options on livecds04:02
chris92JayRizzle: but I cant tell for sure04:02
chris92JayRizzle: why do you need them so urgently?04:02
rob_pmorroc: An easy way is to do, "df -h" while it's still mounted and take note of the device node...04:02
morrocrob_p : fixed it by using the umount command04:03
rob_pmorroc: k04:03
morrocso clicking the eject button in the filemanager is not the same as using the umount command04:03
wilee-nileeJayRizzle If you are trying ti change the nvidia settings in the install you would have to chroot in from the cd to do this.04:04
morrocthanks rob_p04:04
rob_pmorroc: The end result is the same, but how it's accomplished is probably a bit different...04:04
rob_pmorroc: welcome04:04
JayRizzleWait, i got it!'04:06
JayRizzleBut here's the thing.04:06
JayRizzleif I install it, how will I make the drivers for the graphics work?04:06
chris92JayRizzle: you can activate the proprietary driver after the instalö04:07
DaemonicApathyThere's usually a notification for that in the upper right, as soon as installation is complete.04:08
chris92JayRizzle: The icon looks like a graphics  card with a lock in front of it04:08
chris92JayRizzle: as DaemonicApathy said, its in the upper right corner, in the notification area, once you boot the finished installation04:09
ClientAliveBen64: I decided to try the repo route to install the driver. I found something on ask ubuntu where the guy talks about deleting a few files after rebooting (apparently it will reboot into a tty). Then delete files and reboot. Anyhow, when I did the driver install I notice some output. Do you know what it means?  http://pastebin.com/NSZNgMka04:09
ClientAliveBen64: This is the ask ubuntu article: http://askubuntu.com/questions/142672/just-installed-ubuntu-12-04-when-booting-all-i-get-is-a-black-screen-with-curs    (first answer after the original post)04:11
ClientAlivewhat do you think?04:11
chris92ClientAlive: it seems like the installer is checking for driver modules in the kernel and doesnt find any, thats how I interpret it04:11
ClientAlivechris92: That's how I interpret it too. What I wonder is if that is a problem. If I need to address that module issue and see if I need to install it or something. What do you think?04:12
chris92ClientAlive: im not sure, but it could be just a simple check if there are some older drivers installed04:12
gnomefreakwin 004:12
ClientAlivechris92: Oh. Then a "module" is just the driver itself? I thought it was something separate from the driver.04:13
chris92ClientAlive: "- Installing to /lib/modules/3.2.0-23-generic/updates/dkms/" seems like its installing the module on its own - dont think you have to worry04:13
ClientAlivechris92: I see. thx04:13
ClientAlivewell, ere goes nothing   :)04:14
durandoi just got a samsung rv515 notebook and cannot seem to get the touchpad working with ubuntu 12.04.  the touchpaf is barely reponsive when i try to navigate sround the screen and is unusable04:16
ClientAlivemy driver It installed and rebooting went fine, still have a graphical environment to go into, but it doesn't look like 3D rendering is working yet. Idk how to interpret glxinfo to tell if it is or isn't. Does someone know how to read glxinfo?04:20
chris92what graphics card are you using, clientalive?04:20
NiteRainClientAlive: glxinfo | grep -i "direct render"04:21
ClientAliveThere is a line very near the top that says "direct rendering: Yes"  Is that it?04:22
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ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:22
NiteRaintrying to compile a program, and I am getting an "undefined reference to 'forkptk'  however libutil is installed04:23
NiteRainClientAlive: what is your opengl using?04:24
NiteRaintake off the direct from the previous statement04:24
ClientAliveNiteRain: will do, but, what is opengl?04:25
NiteRainit is a graphics library04:25
chris92durando: I think I found sth regarding your issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=178815504:25
ClientAlivechris92: it is an gt 440 (nvidia)04:26
ClientAlivechris92: evga gt 44004:26
chris92ClientAlive: so one of the "newer" ones being over a year old already, hm04:27
ClientAliveNiteRain: output of glxinfo | grep -i "render": http://paste.ubuntu.com/1248839/04:28
NiteRainCool you are using your card04:28
ClientAlivechris92: I'm not surprised - I was shooting for middle-of-the-road04:28
ClientAliveNiteRain: ok. Well is it using 3D rendering then?04:29
NiteRainThos two lines say you are using your card04:30
NiteRainwhich is good for 3d acceleration04:30
NiteRainif you were using software, it would have said Software Rasterizer04:30
chris92clientalive: are you using pure ubuntu?04:31
NiteRainthe first line tells you that 3D rendering is handled, and it is not handled by X04:31
chris92if so, please paste the output of "/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p"04:32
ClientAliveNiteRain: Oookk. Now here is the thing. The reason I was tyring to make sure of that is because my gnome 3 is really screwed up. When I talked to the guys on #gnome yesterday, someone told me it's because my gnome is in "fallback mode" and that it does that when there is no 3D. So now I'm hearing that 3D is ok, but I'm seeing that gnome has not changed. Not sure what to do.04:32
ClientAlivechris92: This is ubuntu server 12.04 then installed gnome 3 (I thought it was gnome 3 but maybe that why it not having all the thnigs it's supposed to).04:33
NiteRainClientAlive: yeah, sounds like the issue I was having on Gentoo04:33
chris92ClientAlive: ahh okay04:34
durandohey chris92 thanks ill read a bit see if i can get it going for now using a mouse ugh04:34
ClientAliveNiteRain: hmm...04:34
ClientAliveshould I go back to #gnome you think?04:35
chris92durando: it seems like the fix should've already been merged with the kernel tho :/04:35
chris92ClientAlive: which gnome 3 version are you trying to use?04:35
ClientAlivechris92: I'm not even sure if it is versoin 3. I installed it from the ubuntu repos (I think). When the computer starts up though I see a Debian screen for the grub screen/ boot menu.04:37
chris92ClientAlive: that seems... strange04:37
ClientAliveI thougt so too04:37
chris92ClientAlive: is that the same you installed? http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/gnome04:37
chris92ClientAlive: it should open the Ubuntu Software Center04:37
ClientAlivechris92: I had added this repository that was supposed to have the "good gnome" the did a sudo apt-get install... but not sure where gnome really came from.04:38
ClientAlivechris92: I don't think I have software center (been using synaptic)04:39
Avinashhello there ..04:39
chris92hello avinash =)04:39
chris92ClientAlive: oh okay.04:40
AvinashHi chris .. How are you04:40
chris92Avinash: fine, but this is not the right place for smalltalk =)04:40
ClientAlivechris92: browser reports that the address isn't understood04:40
Avinashyah .. I'm just trying to start to a friendly conversation regarding the installation of Ubuntu ...04:41
chris92ClientAlive: thought so, it was supposed to open the Ubuntu Software Center, which probably isnt installed, because you started with ubuntu server04:41
chris92Avinash: ahh okay =) How can I help you with your installation?04:41
AvinashI'm getting an Error after installing the ubuntu 12.0404:42
AvinashIt shows me Grub error ..04:42
ClientAlivechris92: oh. Well if I removed gnome then installed it again through synaptic woudld it hurt the system? I mean to have a time where you remove the de altogether like that?04:42
AvinashI lost all my data  .. sadly04:42
chris92avinash: which grub error did you get?04:42
jhonnyboyhey all, trying to restart my networking interfaces thru terminal. Tried using /etc/init.d/networking restart however it just seems to freeze and doesn't do anything…so does stop. Any other ideas?04:43
AvinashI exactly don't remember .. but it shows me during the system boot up04:43
chris92jhonnyboy: that command is deprecated. rather use "sudo services network-manager restart"04:43
AvinashI lost my windows Xp which is on the same partion of harddrive04:43
crimsonmanejhonnyboy: "ifconfig wan0 up"04:44
jhonnyboychris92: Thanks! tried that but still nothing, terminal just blinks after i enter the command like it's not responding04:44
ClientAlivechris92: output of dpkg -l | gnome has a line in it that reads - "ii  gnome                                  1:3.0+6ubuntu3                          The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components"  Does that tell anything about whether it's gnome 3 or some earlier version? Whether it's gnome from the ubuntu repositories of some other place?04:44
chris92look at the first part ;)04:45
chris92its definitely gnome 3.004:45
cfhowlettAvinash: "lost xp"?04:45
Avinashyes ..04:46
ClientAliveI wonder if I can remove it then try to install gnome from a different repo (maybe a better gnome or something)04:46
chris92Avinash: you shouldn't install ubuntu on the same partition as windows, because you have to format your partition in order to install ubuntu anyways04:46
Avinashcan you please provide me the link to other distros ..04:47
chris92ClientAlive: I think removing gnome would give you a pure ubuntu-server again04:47
jhonnyboychris92: seems to be gnome 2.004:47
cfhowlettchris92: ???  MOST dual booters install windows/ubuntu side by side04:47
jhonnyboyI see libgnome-2.004:47
chris92cfhowlett: yea, but not on the exact same partition04:47
chris92cfhowlett: that is not possible04:47
cfhowlettchris92: ah.  missed the partitioning part.04:48
chris92cfhowlett: np04:48
Avinash@chris : I installed ubuntu using wubi.exe .. since I got no space in my other partions .. I need to install in the same partion where Xp is resided04:48
chris92Avinash: doesnt wubi partition your hard drive?04:49
crimsonmanewubi does not partition your drive because it installs ubuntu as a program instead of an OS04:49
chris92crimsonmane: ahh okay04:49
cfhowlettAvinash: I'd almost suspect your xp is still present.  Do you mean it doesn't appear on the grub menu when you boot?04:50
Avinashno ..04:50
chris92Avinash: you should be able to access your windows xp when you have a windows install cd04:50
Avinashah .. no ..04:50
chris92cfhowlett: he gets a grub error upon booting04:50
cfhowlettAvinash: by the way, wubi is a TESTING platform NOT a permanent installation solution.  So sayeth wubi development team.  Consider dual booting or virtualization04:50
Avinashafter rebooting the PC .. what I can see a black screen with grub error .. that's all no boot menu04:51
Avinashis displayed04:51
chris92Avinash: don't panic, there is a way to access your windows xp04:52
Avinashsorry for my poor english .. it's not my mother tongue04:52
chris92Avinash: you just need a windows xp disc, do you have one?04:52
chris92Avinash: there should be an option called "recovery console" or sth similar04:53
Avinashok ..04:53
chris92Avinash: in that recovery console, use the command "fixmbr"04:53
Avinashbut How do I get into ubuntu04:53
AvinashI mean I want use Ubuntu04:53
NsmurfYou could make a Live CD to test it out.04:54
chris92Avinash: can you tell us the exact "grub error" you are getting?04:54
chris92Avinash: that would help a lot04:54
Avinashok. .. please give me a moment04:54
hmmwhatsthisdocouldn't you use a live cd to reinstall GRUB to /dev/sda or whichever disk it's installed on?04:54
ledahhello.. i have a grub error04:54
wilee-nileeI would have Avinash run the bootscript, this has a bit of conjecture with the info given, before advising.04:55
ledahand i can't restore the windows one04:55
wilee-nileeledah, Do you have a live ubuntu cd?04:55
ledaha kubuntu one and a supergrub one04:56
wilee-nileeledah, Can you give some info leading up to this IE is there a ubuntu install as of now on the disc, and what is your goal here.04:56
wilee-nilee!pm > Avinash04:56
ubottuAvinash, please see my private message04:56
wilee-nileeAvinash, PLease use the channel all our help is best. ;)04:57
ledahi just reinstalled kubuntu and the grub jumped at grub rescue04:57
ledahi have win 7 in the other partition04:58
wilee-nileeledah, so you want the kubuntu, is it that you want the windows bootloader to use with say easybcd to boot with?04:58
johndoeeeeI booted ubuntu from a serpeate partition and it just freezes on the splashscreen. What do I do?04:59
wilee-nileejohndoeeee, Fresh install?  what is the background here?05:00
ledahokay.. somehow i can enter with the supergrub to kubuntu... but the grub is still damaged05:00
johndoeeeei installed onto a fresh partition, windows on the same partition.05:01
hmmwhatsthisdowilee-nilee: got BURG installed! Though, how do I check how groups look in the emu?05:01
wilee-nileeledah, Have you ran sudo update-grub in kubuntu or is it ksudo I'm not sure?  Have you modified grub as well?05:01
johndoeeeewhen i booted using the boot loader, i got to the ubuntu splash screen05:01
johndoeeeethen, it just freezes.05:01
johndoeeeei can't log in, click or anyting,05:01
hmmwhatsthisdoF activates folded mode, but I can't seem to open the folded menus05:01
wilee-nileehmmwhatsthisdo, Not sure what emu means05:01
chris92johndoeeee: how long is it stuck already?05:02
johndoeeeeIt just stays stuck on the splashcreen forever.05:02
wilee-nileehmmwhatsthisdo, I use a different install of burg that loads the images and just boots with a choice I don't have the emulator installed so I can't really help with that.05:03
ledahit does matter that i left the boot in sd7 while root is on sda5?05:03
hmmwhatsthisdowilee-nilee: do you use folded mode?05:03
ledahi cannot access.. says there is no space05:03
Avinash@chris .. I decided to install a fresh copy of ubuntu on my pc along with xp ..05:04
wilee-nileehmmwhatsthisdo, no, I have it installed via using burg in a multiload usb loader, it is in the OS where grub is so can be used to boot the OS.05:04
chris92avinash: okay, does it work?05:04
hmmwhatsthisdoI meant as in like kernels (all ubuntu's stuff, all Windows' stuff, etc.) are grouped05:05
cfhowlettAvinash: in wubi...05:05
wilee-nileejohndoeeee, YOu can't install windows and ubuntu on the same partition unless you use wubi is this the case, and you get a black screen from the ubuntu choice in the MS boot?05:05
Avinash@chris .. yet to install .. what am I trying to say is .. I really don't the grub part in ubuntu ..05:05
AvinashI really pissed me off .. :)05:05
Avinash*I really don't understand the grub part in ubuntu ..*05:06
chris92Avinash: grub is basically the boot loader. its just a piece of software where you can decide what you want to boot05:07
abgeekhow to enable vgaswitcher on ubuntu05:07
Avinashok ..05:07
chris92Avinash: it is necessary if you dual-boot with windows.05:07
wilee-nileehmmwhatsthisdo, If you give me the link to your burg install I can take a look to see if I maybe understand whats up.05:08
ledahhow much i should leave for root?05:08
vicatcuhey all, i'm struggling to figure out how to run tftpd-hpa, can someone help me?05:08
johndoeeeesorry, they're not on the same partitiion.. i have an 80gb wd drive that i just filed with ubuntu05:08
vicatcuhere is the gist: https://gist.github.com/380323505:09
cairneis it possible to dual monitor with external and internal graphics card?05:09
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | johndoeeee05:09
ubottujohndoeeee: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:09
wubinohow can I play an mp3 from the commandline?05:10
johndoeeeehow do i get to that?05:11
wilee-nileejohndoeeee, Do you have the ubuntu bootloader on the same installed HD's mbr?05:11
johndoeeeeubuntu bootloader05:11
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:11
chris92vicatcu - are you trying to setup a netboot installation?05:12
vicatcuso that i can download files from it using tftp05:12
vicatcuno i'm trying to run a tftp server05:12
johndoeeeeI booted into recovery mode...05:12
Avinash@chris .. thanks for help & also for advice ..05:12
wilee-nileeplease use nicks when you answer folks it highlights this to whom it is directed it makes it easier to follow what's going on05:12
vicatcuchris92: no i'm trying to run a tftp server so that I can download files from it over tftp05:12
chris92vicatcu: ah okay05:13
AvinashHave a Good day guys .. Happy ubuntu-ing  :)05:13
vicatcuchris92: can you help me?05:13
chris92!pm | vicatcu05:13
ubottuvicatcu: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.05:13
chris92wrong command, sry05:14
chris92look at your query :)05:14
vicatcuchris92: did I not ask the question in the channel?05:14
chris92sorry, my bad, ignore the text ^^05:15
chris92just look at the private message I sent you05:15
chris92vicatcu: I can just post it here as well... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer - the "Configure tftpd-hpa" section could be useful for you05:16
wilee-nileejohndoeeee, I would be glad to help you, but we have to be on the same page.05:16
andromedascould anyone help me with ATI drivers?05:18
chris92anyone the ubottu command for ati? i really should mess around with him, i dont really know the commands :D05:19
wilee-nileeandromedas, The channel works as you lay out your problem in the form of a question. ;)05:19
=== FrankZZ` is now known as FrankZZ
andromedasOk, so I have to use the fglrx-legacy driver, and I got it from the amd website and unzipped it and ran the installer, but it tells me that I dont have enough free space for the selected options (free space: 138 MB, estimated size: 238 MB)05:20
codypsandromedas: then free up some space?05:21
andromedaswhat am i doing wrong? I'm running the installer out of my /home/xxxx directory, and it has over 200 GB05:21
hmmwhatsthisdowilee-nilee: do you know how to force BURG to use a certain resolution?05:21
andromedasall my partitions have at least 1 GB05:21
codypsandromedas: so `df -h` says they all have a bunch of space?05:22
wilee-nileehmmwhatsthisdo, In my set up at the burg boot screen is a resolution choice with key press f3 I think otherwise a force no05:22
hmmwhatsthisdodamnit. Mine only has 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768 available05:23
quazimododoes 12.04 use iptables?05:23
wilee-nileeandromedas, Just for reference partitions should be no more then 70% full for optimal use.05:23
hmmwhatsthisdoand on a 1366x768 that looks like crap05:23
voozeIs there a IRC channel for the ubuntu gnome remix ?05:23
codypsquazimodo: yes05:23
quazimodocodyps: service iptables foo does not work, is this to be expected?05:24
andromedascodyps: something doesn't look right about this http://i.imgur.com/LSHUF.png05:24
andromedaswilee-nilee: none of them are past 60% http://i.imgur.com/LSHUF.png05:24
codypsandromedas: '/' only has 138 MB.05:24
andromedaswhy are there two '/'?05:25
codypsandromedas: Which is why the installer is complaining.05:25
codypsandromedas: 'rootfs' is an alias.05:25
codypsyou can ignore it (presently)05:25
codypsquazimodo: does not work how?05:26
andromedasso do I have to drop down to rc1, fsdisk and all that jazz?05:26
quazimodocodyps: am i to expect 12.04 to drop remote http requests then?05:26
codypsquazimodo: only if you've set it up to do so. I don't recall their being a default firewall.05:26
andromedasand just wondering, are things like drivers supposed to be installed in the / folder?05:26
quazimodoby default, as I cant get forwarded traffic to get to the machine on port 3000 (rails app), local network machines are fine05:26
cfhowlettquazimodo: firewall is NOT enabled by default05:26
codypsquazimodo: Try using 'wireshark' to see if you're getting data.05:27
quazimodocfhowlett: thats what I thought. This forward is broken05:27
cfhowlettquazimodo: wish I could help, but it's over my head.  sorry.05:27
quazimodono probs05:28
cowslammercan someone tell me where to get java these days?05:28
codypsquazimodo: what do you mean by "this forward"?05:29
Ben64cowslammer: software center05:29
codypscowslammer: apt-get, same as always.05:29
codypsor that05:29
codypsah, ubuntu.05:29
voozecowslammer: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/09/how-to-install-oracle-java-7-jdk-in.html05:29
AddisonEWhenever I reboot ubuntu, the dev/null permissions are set to 600. If I call 'udevadm trigger', it sets them correctly. I don't know if something is overriding udev or if udev isn't running correctly in the first place. Does anyone know a way to debug this?05:30
codypsAddisonE: If you change them with chmod & then reboot, they go back to '600'?05:31
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pentagonHow do I download the source of packages?05:32
codypsAddisonE: can you pastebin the output of `mount`?05:32
Ben64AddisonE: can you paste the output of "ls -l /dev/null"05:33
AddisonEcrw------- 1 root root 1, 3 Sep 29 00:14 null05:34
AddisonEcodyps: http://pastebin.com/M3xb6c4W Is that what you're referring to?05:34
codypsAddisonE: yep.05:35
folornhrm anyone who know's some about tar and how to use it mind answering a question: ?05:35
Ben64the dev line differs from mine05:35
AddisonEIt seems to be the whole dev directory I believe. I've seen some error messages about dev/random not working.05:35
Ben64none on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,relatime) vs none on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,mode=0755)05:35
codypsfolorn: just ask.05:36
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folornwell thats just it i want to extract the files from the .tar05:37
folornbut dunno how i keep getting a whole bunch of errors05:37
codypsAddisonE: my dev also shows 'mode=0755'. Perhaps if we can locate where it is set...05:37
codypsfolorn: pastebin the errors & the command you tried05:37
folornlemme alright 1min be well ya about 2min thanks cody05:37
AddisonEYeah that might be it. I'm a bit new to linux so what would be the best way to go about it?05:38
codypsAddisonE: could you pastebin the output of `ls -ld /dev/null`? (just checking up on 1 other thing)05:39
AddisonEcrw------- 1 root root 1, 3 Sep 29 00:14 null05:40
codypsAddisonE: can you look at /lib/init/fstab?05:42
AddisonE            0 005:43
AddisonEnone            /dev                      devtmpfs,tmpfs  mode=075505:43
AddisonEIs that the line that would be needed, or would you like to see the whole thing?05:43
folorndunno hmm i just simply wanna extract the tar file if its not damaged now from me screwing with it.05:43
witakrHello folks05:43
witakrDoes anyone know why gmail and google plus is soooooooo slooooow in chrome using Ubuntu?05:44
chris92hi witakr05:44
codypsfolorn: What is the name of the file you are trying to extract?05:44
wilee-nileewitakr, Have you checked the memory or cpu use during this slow running access?05:45
folornany ideas ?05:46
witakrwilee-nilee, No, I didn't give that a thought because I only experience the drag when using chrom to access those two sites.05:46
wilee-nileewitakr, you can run top, or install htop and run them from a terminal, that would be where I started.05:47
chris92folorn: tar -xvf FILENAME.tar05:47
quazimodocodyps: sory was analysing. It appears the router is port forwarding, my machine just isnt responding. Something somewhere on this computer is preventing it05:47
witakrwilee-nilee, okiedoke05:48
folornahh hrm chris92 and codyps05:49
folornit wont extract it gives me a list of errors i got the errors again i went tar xf filename.tar and got this05:49
Gillerirehey all05:50
chris92hey Gillerire05:50
GillerireI have just downloaded the Ubuntu iso05:51
Gillerirehow to I make that onto a CD to install Ubuntu?05:51
cfhowlettGillerire: congrats!05:51
skai-falkorrGillerire: burn to cd?05:51
Gillerirehaha, cheers cfhowlett05:51
witakrwilee-nilee, Welp... I'm seeing a jump in CPU to upto 57% and Memory upto 14% momentarily but it drops back down just as fast... this was when I loaded google plus05:51
GillerireI'm on windows btw05:52
=== Addison_ is now known as AddisonE
Gillerirejust burn the iso onto a CD?05:52
witakrGillerire, for shame!05:52
cfhowlettGillerire: or create a boot USB05:52
chris92Gillerire: use imgburn or a similar program to burn the .iso image05:52
wilee-nileewitakr, Google plus is running a lot of script, use FF with ot when needed and block most with noscript, chrome has a java blocker as well.05:52
TigerboyGillerire: you can also consider using a USB drive to save a CDROM05:53
wilee-nileeI use*05:53
Gillerirewitakr, I'm trying to change :)05:53
quazimodocodyps: you ran away?05:53
Gillerireyeh, I would Tigerboy but the comp I'm installing onto wont boot off USB05:53
witakrGillerire, dON'T LIKE UBUNTU?05:53
skai-falkorrwitakr: check chrome://gpu page.05:53
codypsquazimodo: temporary death05:53
witakrwilee-nilee, ok cool thanks05:53
codypsquazimodo: what did i miss?05:53
witakrskai-falkorr, ok05:54
quazimodothe requests get to this machine, but stuff originating outside the lan isnt being served05:54
quazimodofor some reason its dropping the packets, and I haven't a clue why05:54
folornhmm this was the error i got when i tried tar xf and tar xvf  http://vpaste.net/gk6bk so what exactly am i doing wrong then?05:54
wilee-nileewitakr, I forget the name of the addon but it shows up if you search them with noscript, there are several05:54
skai-falkorrwitakr: if there any red line on - you doin it wring^_^05:54
codypsfolorn: you don't have permissions to create a directory.05:55
TigerboyGillerire: ooo ok well double check the bios maybe you can change the boot order... sometimes only one of the USB ports will act as a boot and you must have the bootable in the port at the time you go to bios to change the boot order05:55
GillerireTigerboy: oh really!?05:55
witakrskai-falkorr, No red whatsoever05:56
Gilleriremight try that first cause I already have Ubuntu on a USB05:56
witakrwilee-nilee, I'll check it out.. I'm sure I will be able to find what you mean05:56
TigerboyGillerire: yes else the USB won't appear as an option05:56
cfhowlettGillerire: he's right.  I found that out on my Dell05:56
codypsquazimodo: Is the machine the gateway to the lan? ie: WAN <-> machine <-> lan, ie: it sits between?05:56
wilee-nileeGillerire, There is also a out of the bios boot from choice you might look up the key press at powering on mine is f12.05:56
skai-falkorrGillerire: some bios puts usb onto hdd boot order menu. try to look at hdd boot order05:56
codypsquazimodo: or does it possibly have more than 1 network interface?05:56
GillerireI tried with the USB on the front, but I'll try with one on the back05:57
TigerboyMany high end toshiba laptops will only boot from one of the usb ports and again must have the bootable inserted prior to going to bios to set the boot to the USB05:57
skai-falkorrwitakr: no red or yellow? only green? so go to chrome://flags and turn on gpu compositing oin pages^_^ to relief your cpu05:57
ledahok i reinstalled kubuntu and recovered the grub thx everyone for the help here05:58
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Tigerboymost pcs in the past 5 years have usb boot as an option05:58
Gillerirethis one is more that 5 years old :)05:58
skai-falkorrGillerire: dont worry. i've booted 8 years old pc with 12.10 (with 256mb ram and usb 1.1) that was.... unpleasant05:59
witakrskai-falkorr, Yellow: Canvas: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable erated && CSS Animation: Software animated.06:00
witakrskai-falkorr, The rest is green06:00
skai-falkorrwitakr: thats it06:00
TigerboyGillerire: nice ok well check this out: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/16822/boot-from-a-usb-drive-even-if-your-bios-wont-let-you/06:00
skai-falkorrwitakr: go to chrome://flags and chose override software rendering list or something like it06:01
skai-falkorrOverride software rendering list06:01
skai-falkorrwitakr: then restart and check chrome://gpu06:01
witakrok one sec06:01
Gillerirecheers guys06:01
witakrlater windows user06:02
GillerireI'm waiting for a HDD to finish formatting and then I'll give everything a go06:02
witakrskai-falkorr, Ok now only CSS Animation is yellow06:03
ledahis possible to  make a program to output through the front jack and other from the back jack?06:04
skai-falkorrwitakr: you can look at flags for css animations flags ^_^06:04
skai-falkorrledah: yes06:04
ledahhow so?06:05
Tigerboyledah: yes as long as they are sep ports (places for data to go)06:10
hannah_irinahi, this is kernel in ubuntu : linux-image-3.2.0-31-generic-pae ?06:10
TigerboyLedah: it it is just to ways to hook the same sound stream it won't work06:10
ledahi want to make skype on the front jack (the headphones) and the rest on the back jack (the speakers)06:11
TigerboyLedah: most likely they are two things so should be possible if only you set it up right and skype allows it06:12
samholmesHow can I find out why a job failed in upstart?06:12
ledahbut how i do that?06:14
TigerboyLedah: test by using pulse volume control and turning everything off in the configuration tab but what you want to try and see if the same sound is coming from the front and back06:14
witakrskai-falkorr, Found "Enable accelerated CSS animations" and enabled it. That changed the CSS Animation to green and hardware accellerated but g+ is still painfully slow.06:14
skai-falkorrwitakr: threaded compositing maybe?06:14
Tigerboysamholmes: you can check the logs for a start06:14
ledahyeah it recognize it as a single device06:14
TigerboyLedah: good then06:15
Tigerboyoh bad sorry06:15
TigerboyLedah: you mean front is same as back06:15
samholmesTigerboy: I didn't know upstart had a log for each process. Where are they?06:15
Tigerboyledah: elsewise try for a lovely USB phone06:16
Alpha-Omegais there any software for zooming if I was to want to browse from bed on my 22 inch monitor?06:17
Nicekiwihow do I remove entire destop enviroments very quickly? eg totally remove KDE and Gnome leaving only XFCE?06:17
bazhang!purexfce | Nicekiwi06:17
ubottuNicekiwi: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »06:17
DaemonicApathyAlpha-Omega: Compiz and Ubuntu each have a few zoom options built in.06:17
TigerboySamholmes: try to add in a kernel option- --verbose06:17
Alpha-OmegaDaemonicApathy: i'm on kde06:18
skai-falkorrAlpha-Omega: kwin have few zoom options too06:18
TigerboyXubuntu is not a bad system at all very stable overall06:18
Alpha-Omegaskai-falkorr: but there's nothing really made specifically for browsing in bed or something right?06:19
TigerboyXubuntu also cohabitates well with compiz06:19
cfhowlettTigerboy: Xubuntu is the platform for UbuntuStdudio06:19
skai-falkorrAlpha-Omega: you can use glasses06:19
TigerboyCfhowlett: yes they bailed out of gnome after the whole gnome 3 thing06:20
cfhowlettTigerboy: yep.06:20
Alpha-Omegaskai-falkorr: sudo apt-get install glasses? :P06:20
puppy_paradeafter a while, I cannot maximize totem.06:20
puppy_paradeI have to reboot06:20
puppy_paradethe screen either goes black or all checkered06:20
prova21please help me06:20
Tigerboycfhowlett: you want stability with ubuntustudio---06:20
prova21I was typing a text on gedit06:21
prova21and it crashed before I had the opportunity to save06:21
Nicekiwibazhang: that dosnt get rid of GNome though :(06:21
bazhang!enter | prova2106:21
ubottuprova21: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:21
bazhangNicekiwi, you read the links and did the commands there?06:22
prova21Heyz! please help me..!06:22
prova21I was typing a text on gedit, and it crashed before I had the opportunity to save!06:22
witakrskai-falkorr, Well that also had no apparent effect06:22
DaemonicApathyWhat is the question, prova21?06:22
skai-falkorrwitakr: and what gpu do you have?06:22
Nicekiwibazhang: i looked at the links, none of them remove Gnome06:22
bazhangNicekiwi, or you just removed the metapackage only06:22
prova21DaemonicApathy: Lol , I thought it wasn't difficult to get .. I need to recover that text06:22
TigerboyI really sort of like Cinnamon of late though. Def worth checking out.06:23
Nicekiwibazhang: commands*06:23
bazhangNicekiwi, yes, it does06:23
Nicekiwibazhang: unity is not GNome?06:23
bazhangNicekiwi, it's a shell for gnome3, so yes' it's gnome06:23
Nicekiwi:/ ok..06:24
DaemonicApathyprova21: do you have autosaving enabled in gedit?06:24
witakrskai-falkorr, GeForce 8400GS/PCIe/SSE206:24
prova21DaemonicApathy: It still has all its default settings06:25
Tigerboyunity is gtk3 a ubuntu branch of gnome 3 but not really06:25
prova21(ubuntu precise)06:25
TigerboyUnity keeps improving though06:25
bazhangTigerboy, please stop the editorializing06:25
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TigerboyWhat I'm answering a question06:26
bazhangTigerboy, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here06:26
Tigerboyleave me alone06:26
ledahTigerboy, the front and the back are from the same card, however in windows i could separate both jacks, and different things in one and the other eg; youtube on speakers and winamp on headphones06:26
bazhangTigerboy, you are adding noise. please stop it06:26
prova21DaemonicApathy: It doesn't seem to ..06:26
TigerboyIt's not noise it's a response06:26
Tigerboystop being so hostile06:27
DaemonicApathyprova21: You can check your home folder for a file with ~ in the title, if it was a new, unsaved document. Or check the directory with the document you were editing for the same, if you were. Otherwise, I don't see an option.06:27
DaemonicApathyprova21: Either way, I would suggest enabling that feature, for the future.06:27
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donaldwats the at sign?06:29
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Guest9770thanks, missing my "two" key06:29
prova21DaemonicApathy: uuuufff there's nothing :'(06:30
DaemonicApathyGuest9770, run 'charmap' in a terminal any time.06:30
prova21why didn't it that option enabled by default? :'(06:30
prova21 **hadn't06:30
rob_pprova21: Just curious what you did to cause it to crash in the first place?06:30
DaemonicApathyProbably to avoid taking up disk space without being expressly allowed to, prova21.06:31
prova21DaemonicApathy: Avoid taking up a couple of KiloBytes of space??????????? who cares06:31
DaemonicApathyprova21: Just a guess. I'm no developer. :-)06:31
prova21rob_p: Oh you're curious? I'm gonna tell you. That's a bug I think06:32
rob_pprova21: yup06:32
donald_so whos naked?06:32
DaemonicApathyThis reminds me - would it be possible to type in two locations at once?06:32
witakrlol donald_06:33
rob_pprova21: ...that is, yup, I'm curious...06:33
bazhang!coc > donald_06:33
ubottudonald_, please see my private message06:33
bazhangdonald_, wrong channel, network06:33
cfhowlettdonald_: nope.06:33
bazhangdonald_, this is ubuntu support only, NOT chat06:34
donald_wat is this shit?06:34
cfhowlett!ops donald06:34
prova21That file was still unsaved. I got to ""File>Save"" and the usual window opened. When I found out that there already was a file with the name I wanted to save it, I went (with nautilus) to that directory and renamed it (when gedit's save window was still opened).    Exactly after the filename-change, gedit tried to update or do some of its stuff I don't know and it CRASHED06:34
donald_oh, i just saw chat and figured it was like, yea06:34
bazhangdonald_, watch the language; chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic06:34
donald_it looks like chat?06:34
prova21ubuntu sucks, It had to have autosave enabled by default06:35
donald_how do i get there?06:35
witakranyone know how to disable system messages in xchat? I cant find it06:35
bazhangwitakr, join/quit?06:35
DaemonicApathyprova21: s/ubuntu/gedit06:35
witakrbazhang, yeah06:35
bazhangwitakr, right click channel name06:35
aLeSD_hi there06:35
prova21DaemonicApathy: Well, Ubuntu should care of every part of its default system. Even with options06:35
nigwethdonald_, try /j #ubuntu-offtopic06:35
prova21For what is useless, canonical always put his hands xD06:36
rob_pprova21: First, I'd try and reproduce the problem exactly as you did the first time.  If you can get it to consistently crash (or even once in a while), then you should file a bug!06:36
quazimodocodyps: sorry had to eat some chicken XD06:36
witakrbazhang, lol thanks06:36
pentagonusr13: How do I download the sources for a certain package ?06:36
witakrbazhang, the one thing I didnt try06:36
quazimodocodyps: nah it a regular network member, has 2 nic's tho, 1 wan and 1 lan06:36
prova21rob_p: I'm so hungry that I don't wanna help that dev team06:36
quazimodoill see wbhat  the ugys in #unixhelp say on efnet06:36
rob_pprova21: Then cool down and eat something! :)06:37
bazhangprova21, file a bug. this is not the complaints/rant channel06:37
frostyits a good habit to save your document before you start writing. Its awfully easy hitting ctrl+s quite often later on to avoid these situations06:38
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prova21a good system has to take all the user's habits on itself, so that the user find his working experience the most comfortable possible06:41
prova21frosty, ubuntu should have saved it for me ^06:41
prova21user musn't care of these things! you understand me? :)06:41
DaemonicApathyprova21: That kind of good system is best built by the user him/herself.06:41
wilee-nileelibreoffice has a backup function but it needs to be turned on and you can set the time line. http://help.libreoffice.org/Common/Saving_Documents_Automatically06:42
nigwethI'm still having problems with running radeon9200 with working hardware acceleration on Mint Maya... Tried adding xorg-edgers repo in synaptic which now keeps bugging about the repo's public key not accessible... x_x any advices?06:42
DaemonicApathyTry Mint support?06:42
bazhangnigweth, ask mintsupport06:42
bazhang!mintsupport | nigweth06:42
ubottunigweth: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org06:42
Ben64nigweth: radeon 9200 is very old06:42
indierossso im compiling the new ffmpeg and im wondering if theres a benefit to using libx264 and libxvid for encoding06:43
nigwethBen64, yup.. I even wanted to get jaunty on that pc so I could install any old proprietary drivers.. would that be a solution?06:43
IdleOnethe solution is to seek support in the proper channel please06:44
Ben64nigweth: not very secure, you should upgrade your system06:44
icenynexiHey guys, not sure if this is the right channel for this but I am trying to get certain ports open on a computer on my network (and I should be able to access those ports through a web browser) and even though I open the ports with iptables I can't access it through a web browser. http://pastebin.com/wwZpYEk1 shows the ports and they seem open. The port I am concerned about first is 8088. I06:45
icenynexican access 8080 on my server and 10765 on my server but not 8088 and 5984. Why might this be?06:45
prova21nigweth: yeah, that's the only solution (if you wanna keep ubuntu distros). Cause the new xorg isn't compatible with all the old fglrx drivers anymore06:45
icenynexiwhen I say I cannot access those ports I mean from a browser on another computer within the same network06:45
icenynexiso im doing
nigweththanks prova21, I'll give it a try..06:47
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prova21nigweth: You need an old linux kernel and xorg. And, if I was yourself, I would have compiled the kernel with all the drivers (fglrx too) to keep a monolithic and very-fast system06:47
DaemonicApathyicenynexi: I usually start somewhere like this: http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/06:47
witakrgoog night folks... thanks bazhang && wilee-nilee  && skai-falkorr for your help tonight06:48
cfhowlettwitakr: goognight06:48
skai-falkorrwitakr: its 2 pm. its midday06:48
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julius_are there other packages besides lvm2 and the kernel modul dm-mod that are needed on a 12.04.1 live cd to see lvm volumes?06:50
witakr|NiteNiteskai-falkorr, It's nearly 2am where I am06:50
nigwethprova21, I don't have any experience with kernel compilations, so it sounds too difficult for me.. I'll keep searching tho06:50
witakr|NiteNitean hour past my bedtime lol06:50
prova21nigweth: everyone had his first try :)06:51
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nigwethprova21 lol thanks.. every encouragement helps06:51
chris92any android users here? I'm looking for a way to access my files on my phone via USB using the MTP protocol06:52
icenynexiDaemonicApathy: I am looking to be able to access within the lan,06:53
DaemonicApathyFair enough, icenynexi.06:54
Newb101Hi, in firefox 15, how do I open tabs next to each other as opposed to going to the end of the tab section?06:56
wilee-nileeNewb101,  ctrl-t06:59
Newb101wilee-nilee, tks07:00
wilee-nileeno problem07:00
Newb101wilee-nilee, whcurrent tabby right clicking?at happens if I want to open a link next to the07:02
ankurhow to register my nick?07:03
ankuranyone knows?07:03
Newb101wilee-nilee, what happens if I want to open a link next to the the current tab using the mouse?07:03
bazhangankur, join #freenode for help with that07:03
ankurjoin #freenode07:04
wilee-nileeNewb101, I just opened FF and tried that key combo, to see if it worked the first time, you can move the tabs around by dragging I believe.07:04
Blue1wilee-nilee: yes -- works great.07:04
Newb101wilee-nilee, true in older versions you had the choice of opening up new links next to the current link, without having to drag?07:06
julius_ah vgscan && vgchange -a y vgpool            i love linux07:06
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cfhowlettnomike: greetings07:16
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nomikeI have a tar file containing a directory "foo" with files "blah" and "blubb". I now want to extract all contents of "foo" directly to the current directory without "foo" being created.07:18
nomikeAnyone knows how this could be done?07:18
wilee-nileenomike, So you just want to extract the tar to a directory right?07:20
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prova21nomike: You can 1) specify filenames07:24
ankurguys anyone of you know how to make my laptop to a router07:24
prova21or 2) use the option --strip-components07:25
prova21nomike: ^07:25
nomikegive me a sec, i'm preparing a pastebin07:25
ankuri have a wired connection, is there a way to create a wireless network so that i can connect my mobile?07:26
bazhang!ics | ankur07:26
ubottuankur: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing07:26
hannah_irinahi, i have a problem with hylafax, give me this: Probing for best speed to talk to modem: 38400 19200 9600 4800 2400 1200 Unable to deduce DTE-DCE speed; check that you are using the correct device and/or that your modem is setup properly.  If all else fails, try the -s option to lock the speed.,07:27
prova21nomike: ooh so you don't want only files07:28
kgsMorning everyone07:28
prova21nomike: as you wrote it, it seems you want a pretty normal extractions07:28
ankurbazhang, ics?07:28
cfhowlettkgs: it's 3:30 p.m. in Beijing.  Greetings.07:28
prova21without 's'07:29
hannah_irinaprova21, but not use s....07:29
prova21hannah_irina: you're late, I already appointed it ^^07:29
nomikeprova21, yes, but I want to strip the directory on extracting07:29
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing  <---- ankur07:29
ankurubottu, the instructions on that link are insufficient07:29
ubottuankur: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:29
prova21I've **07:29
rhizmoeany old farts here? trying to remember what increments hard drives went in as they approached 1GB. 750MB doesn't sound right, and 800 kind of does, but not really.07:29
kgsI'm looking for something like forcebindip for Ubuntu 12.0407:29
ankurbazhang, not sufficient07:30
bazhangramazanali, what about it07:30
ramazanalihow can i install gns307:30
ankurbazhang, Open Settings->Network->Wireless and create a new Ad Hoc network. To use a common denominator for all devices choose WEP for security and create a 5 letters password from 0..9A..F. Note that this a least secure encryption standard. this is all that's there07:30
bazhang!details | ankur07:30
ubottuankur: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:30
bazhangramazanali, what is gns 307:30
bazhangramazanali, what is it07:31
kgsBasically, my WiFi connection doesn't let me connect to IRC networks & I want to use USB tethering with my mobile only for X-Chat & use the WiFi for everything else.07:31
aguaditoanyone know how i can get the steam/cs:go linux beta?07:32
prova21nomike: well??07:32
kgsAny possible way to do this?07:32
ankurbazhang, i want to make my laptop a wifi router (as i have a wired connection) so that i can connect other devices to the internet.07:32
bazhangankur, and it's running ubuntu? the laptop?07:32
ankuryeah 12.0407:32
ankurbazhang, yeah 12.0407:32
arijitkgs: what error it throuws up when you try to connect to iRC?07:33
hannah_irinawhat is wrong on my modem ? http://pastebin.ca/222950007:33
kgsarijit: I'm pretty sure it can't be solved, my server has websense.07:34
arijitkgs: ahhhaaa07:34
kgsarijit: Basically connection times out. No other errors.07:34
kgsarijit: I can however use the webchat gateway without any problems.07:34
gogetaankur: you should be able to set that in the network network manager07:35
kgsAll other clients give me problems07:35
arijitkgs: if your administrator dont allow outgoing ITC traffic then you cannot07:35
kgsYes, which is why I want to bind my IRC client to my USB tethering interface & use WiFi for everything else.07:36
ankuryou mean the network connections?07:37
ankurgogeta, you mean the network connections? coz i just started using 12.0407:37
gogetawhat abought webchat freenode I use that when on my cell teather07:37
ankurgogeta, is there any connectifyMe substitute for ubuntu or something like that?07:37
gogetaankur: yes elect edit and in IP setting there should be a dropdown box set it to shared with other PC's or something like that07:39
kgsgogeta: Yes, but it's impractical. I use a bnc.07:39
arijitkgs: there is also #freenode guys who can help you better :)07:39
kgsOh well, okay. Thanks07:40
prova21rob_p: As I thought, it is a bug!07:41
prova21I feel generous today and I'm gonna report the bug. :P07:41
prova21can you point me where?07:41
prova21and how can I send all the data they need?07:41
bazhang!bugs > prova2107:41
ubottuprova21, please see my private message07:41
ankurgogeta,   what abt BSSID Device mac id coned mac id etc07:42
skai-falkorr!bugs > skai-falkorr07:43
ubottuskai-falkorr, please see my private message07:43
prova21bazhang: what if I don't have unity anymore and switched to gnome-shell?07:43
prova21I have to report it there anyway?07:43
gogetayou set your.own said for the hotspots rest can be left alone07:43
ankurgogeta, and i can't hit save. :|07:43
hannah_irina!bugs > hylafax07:43
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gogetaweather or not you Ashanti it secured etc07:44
kyubotsuyou can also message the bot directly to inquire information. thought i'd mention that ...07:45
ankurgogeta, can't hit save, it's faded07:45
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skai-falkorrankur: maybe you dont have permissions to save07:46
ankurskai-falkorr, and that would be because?07:46
skai-falkorrankur: or make wrong settings (forgot dot or something) and thats why you dont allow to save07:47
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=== chunky is now known as chunkyhead
kyubotsuchunkyhead: avoid doing that. specially when someone is addressing you07:48
kyubotsuthe nick changing , that is07:48
nickjrhi how to start xserver from terminal mode?07:49
llutz_nickjr: startx07:49
Sailor_Moonwhat is the minimal system requirements for old version ubuntu?07:50
Sailor_Moon*very old07:51
lovethecodeX Ubuntu?07:51
cfhowlettSailor_Moon: xuubntu or lubuntu are recommended07:51
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Sailor_Moonthanks; will it work good if 200 mb ram?07:52
unsobillheyylo - is it possible to "rebuild" networking interfaces list ?07:52
unsobilli got total of 12 interfaces with numbers all fuked up07:52
lovethecodeIs L Ubuntu released? I run lxde without a prob.07:52
unsobillis there a way to reset it all to default07:52
llutz_unsobill: remove /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules  and restart07:53
unsobillone of my interface called rename207:53
gogetaSailor_Moon: I suggest puppy Linux for hardware that old07:53
ubottulovethecode:: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.07:53
lovethecodeYou are my favorite bot!07:54
chunkyheadskai-falkorr, actually it was my bad i was entering a password out of limits for wep :P07:54
unsobillthnkx dude rebootuing07:54
gogetaSailor_Moon: it will take some hoops to get Ubuntu installed on that not inpossable just annoying07:54
thomasprWhat do we take now that Adobe won't support linux anymore ?07:54
lovethecodeThanks, cfh.07:55
auronandacethomaspr: a sigh of relief07:55
Sailor_Moonthomaspr: you mean adobe flash player?07:55
blackbear008or Adbbe reader?07:56
Sailor_Moonlinux have analogs of all adobe programs;07:56
blackbear008www.adobe.com, it seems to support linux .07:56
gogetathomaspr: flash is a dying breed anyways07:56
joshmcthomaspr: Adobe wont support linux anymore? Not that I doubt you but where did you come across this information?07:56
cfhowlettjoshmc: rule 34: source!07:57
Sailor_Moonand, there is html5 and google-chrome with it own flash library07:57
hannah_irinawhat is wrong on my modem ? http://pastebin.ca/222950007:57
thomasprWhat flashplayer do we take now that Adobe won't support linux anymore ?07:57
gogetajoshmc: its true 11 was the last they dropped everything but windows07:57
joshmccfhowlett: Hearing that adobe is giving up on flash on our platform could be qualified as a fetish, sure ;)07:57
STMelon_NOTE: Adobe Flash Player 11.2 will be the last version to target Linux as a supported platform. Adobe will continue to provide security backports to Flash Player 11.2 for Linux.07:57
kyubotsuthis sounds like a topic better suited for -offtopic, guys..07:57
auronandacethomaspr: gnash and lightspark are alternatives07:58
Sailor_Moon11.2 flsh works excellent now, and, maybe, next several years; then will be html507:58
hannah_irinahi, i need to configure my modem on ubuntu... how i do that?07:58
blackbear008what kinds of modem?07:59
Sailor_Moongnash and lightspark? it interesting07:59
gogetano matter 12.04 has it we got years before its a issue and by then it will all be HTML 5 next topic07:59
gordonjcphannah_irina: what sort of modem?07:59
hannah_irinaAnalog Devices SM56 PCI modem * motorola08:00
folornhow do you rm /rmdir a whole dir08:00
gogetalol old school08:00
folornthat way ya dont have to do it 1 file at a time08:00
llutz_folorn: rm -r /dir08:00
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up08:00
folornthanks llutz08:00
hannah_irinai need modem for faxserver08:00
gordonjcphannah_irina: aha08:01
gogetabascily you need to grab the driver etc08:01
gordonjcphannah_irina: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupAndFax08:01
chunkyheadguys i'm unable to see the wifi hotspot on my phone which i created using my laptop08:01
gordonjcpI had a fax machine, years ago08:02
Sailor_Mooncunkyhead: what os on phone? android?08:03
hannah_irinai need to add a bot this line: quiet pci=routeirq08:03
hannah_irinahow i modify the grub?08:03
chunkyheadSailor_Moon, yeah08:03
hannah_irinafor resolve this error Probing for best speed to talk to modem: 38400 19200 9600 4800 2400 1200 Unable to deduce DTE-DCE speed; check that you are using the correct device and/or that your modem is setup properly.  If all else fails, try the -s option to lock the speed.,08:03
llutz_hannah_irina: if it's an internal PCI-modem, are you sure it's /dev/ttyS0? check " dmesg " about information on that08:05
chuxxssshow to maximise google chrome when watching you tube?08:05
gordonjcpchuxxsss: F1108:05
hannah_irinablackbear008, file is emty08:05
chuxxsssto hide tool bars.08:05
hannah_irinallutz, i see the modem but is the problem08:05
hannah_irinai need to add in menu.lst08:05
chuxxsssok will try gordonjcp08:06
joshmchannah_irina blackbear008: or modify /etc/default/grub (if it still exists; my ubuntu distribution could use an update...) to add the lines to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT08:06
llutz_hannah_irina: to modify grub edit /etc/default/grub and run "sudo update-grub" then08:06
cfhowletthannah_irina: menu.lst is OLD grub, not grub 208:06
folornany idea what this error is ?  "fopen: /etc/john/john.ini: No such file or directory"08:07
gogetadon't you add custom lines to d.40 now08:07
hannah_irinallutz_, i yes08:07
chuxxsssdoes not work at all gordonjcp08:07
hannah_irinallutz_, http://pastebin.ca/222950208:08
hannah_irinaadd here GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="" ?08:08
hannah_irinaat line 1208:08
Sailor_Moonfolorn: file system error, or not exist file, or access rights; i think access rights08:08
chuxxssswhy does thetool bar stay when watching things?08:08
Sailor_Moonfolorn: linux, default, locked to see /etc/ non-root; ubuntu, defaults, work not under root08:09
kyubotsuchuxxsss: tried maximising using F11?08:09
llutz_hannah_irina: change line 11 into ....="quiet splash pci=routeirq"  and run "sudo update-grub" after saving the changes08:09
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hannah_irinallutz, need reboot?08:09
llutz_hannah_irina: sure08:09
llutz_hannah_irina: grub only runs at boot-time, its your bootmanager08:10
chuxxsssfails to maximise with F1108:10
hannah_irinallutz_ you know faxmodem?08:11
llutz_hannah_irina: not really, it's ages ago i dealt with it last08:11
kyubotsuyou want the browser or the video to maximize..? i fail to understand08:11
hannah_irinai have this problem http://pastebin.ca/2229500 , not find the speed08:11
Sailor_Moonhannah_irina: if you use qemu, you will can see how grub starting, without reboot08:12
hannah_irinaSailor_Moon, yes08:12
hannah_irinabut the command not resolve my problem08:13
chuxxsssyes Kyngdom08:13
chuxxsssyes kyubotsu08:14
kyubotsuchuxxsss: with the app in focus, F11 maximizes the app window. now, for the actual youtube video there is a fullscreen option button on the lower right corner08:15
kyubotsuon the video window itself08:15
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chuxxsssYes I know the button. but that is not the problem per say08:16
kyubotsuF11 will not maximize the video, just the application interface08:16
chuxxsssNeed to remove app tool bars top and bottom,08:17
chuxxssstry in chrome does not work by hiding them.08:17
chuxxsssTried to reinstall as well.08:18
chuxxssssetting, appaerance and Hide system title bar and use compact borders08:20
chuxxsssfails kyubotsu08:20
chunkyheadhow do i see the list of users on the channel?08:21
chunkyheadok got it nvm08:22
thomasprSailor_Moon 09:59:1208:23
thomasprgnash and lightspark? it's not so interesting for me as it doesn't support midori, i use :-(08:23
FloodBot1thomaspr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:23
hannah_irinahello, i have this problem http://pastebin.ca/2229500 , not find the speed.. how i resolve this problem..08:23
thomasprAnyone knows more alternatives than gnash and/or lightspark ?08:27
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folornanyone know how to get back a file if you deleted it?08:30
anantIs it possible to install Ubuntu on a USB drive?08:30
rigois that normal that the make is damn slow? making a driver for s471 about 10-30mins dunno.08:30
folornif anyone has any ideas it would be a great help lol08:31
folorni deleted john.ini from the etc folder08:31
kyubotsu!usb | anant08:32
ubottuanant: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:32
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rigo6mb tar.gz file. make 20 minutes. pretty slow right? (at3iont-i 4gb ram)08:33
anantfolorn: It is pretty difficult https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-help/files-recover.html08:34
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rigotop: cc1 20 - 100%,  make 2-3%08:35
D[4]nii'm pretty sure i once heard about a piece of software that could act as a proxy, and when i send a request over it, i could see it and change it BEFORE it actually is sent to the server. does anyone know how that one is called?08:35
D[4]niand i don't mean any brwoser addon08:36
rigod4ni you mean that you can open a port behind a proxy for yourself without admin rights?08:36
D[4]niwhat? probably not.08:36
rigook :) than forgetit. i tought.08:37
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pentagonBry8Star: Any ideas?09:02
Bry8StarHi pentagon, about what?09:02
damms005pls guys I love ubuntu and I want to know so much about it, especially register terms like GTK, QT, UNITY, GNOME, etc. Pls how can I read about these things?09:02
skai-falkorrdamms005: wiki.ubuntu.com09:03
skai-falkorrdamms005: linux format magazine09:03
skai-falkorrdamms005: wikipedia09:03
kyubotsu!man | damms00509:04
ubottudamms005: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/09:04
pentagonBry8Star: I am trying to get my hostname locally to update from rdns, I know freenode uses it so I was wondiring if I can just copy their style.09:04
kyubotsutry that too.. lots of stuff to read for sure09:04
pentagonHow do I pull sources?09:05
pentagonI forgot that is more of a server question.09:05
pentagonI want to compile everything from source after I get it all together.09:07
Bry8StarPentagon, sorry, I will not be useful for you on that area, as I dont know a lot on that.09:08
e66I have attched a new LAN card to my pc. Now Ubuntu only recognizes the built in Intel LAN card. But not the Newly added Prolink LAN card09:09
e66how to can I activate both card so I can see them using ifconfig?09:09
Bry8StarWait, and see if another user who understands your problem and have free time to help you now.09:09
llutz_pentagon: apt-get source <packagename> but you'd better not use a binary-distro like ubuntu if you want to compile all your stuff (whyever)09:09
nydelehlo all09:11
Bry8StarE66, I'm not sure, but you will probably have to find first, what that Network Adpate is equivalent to in Ubuntu/Linux, then add that known driver via network-interface.09:12
Bry8Star* Network Interface Card/Adapter09:13
bizhanMonaHI I have an unusual question regarding ubuntu packaging. I have compile several open source packages and have installed them in a staging directory, i.e. STAGEDIR. So for example the binary file foo is installed in .../STAGEDIR/usr/local/bin/foo  I would like to make an ubuntu package from STAGEDIR and install them on the target system. For example the file  foo will be installed in /usr/local/bin/foo. I have read ubuntu packaging docume09:13
bizhanMonants but I can not figure out how to do what I just explained? Thx09:13
kyubotsue66: it should have 'just worked'. are you sure its sitting on the slot properly and that it is the correct slot for it09:13
pentagonllutz_: why not09:13
pentagonI am so sick of people telling me something is not a good idea without any reason.09:14
e66Bry8Star: when I execute 'dmesg | grep eth' I dont see more than 1 eth entry. I see only eth109:14
pentagonDon't reinvent the wheel llutz_09:14
e66kyubotsu:  Yes. Its in correct slot. I have also attached a LAN cable with it. The other end of the cable is attached to another computer09:15
llutz_pentagon: but you do, use gentoo, lfs, slackware if you like your compiler that much. where do you see any benefits in compiling stuff on a binary-distro?09:15
pentagone66: You either.09:15
e66I even see a green lite on the  LAN card after attching the cable09:15
pentagonllutz_: Don't worry I will not re-invent the wheel.09:16
pentagonllutz_: is there a drawback or do you just want to talk about other distros ?09:16
pentagonOr tell me im doing it all wrong with no reason.09:16
llutz_pentagon: still:where do you see any benefits in compiling stuff on a binary-distro?09:16
pentagonllutz_: whats the benifit of compiling at all llutz_ ??09:17
pentagonRead dwheeler mitigating trusting trust llutz_ .09:17
e66pentagon: ?09:17
pentagonThere I gave you a citation.09:17
bazhang!ot | pentagon09:17
ubottupentagon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:17
pentagonNow don't reinvent the wheel.09:17
bazhangpentagon, thats enough09:18
llutz__pentagon: sry got disconnected: still:where do you see any benefits in compiling stuff on a binary-distro?09:18
bazhangllutz__, lets move back to support please09:18
MonkeyDustllutz__  the discussion has come to an end09:18
llutz__bazhang: sry got disconnected, missed that09:18
kyubotsue66: secondly, just running a cat5 between pc's won't do, you need a router hub09:19
e66kyubotsu: I know how to do it.09:20
kyubotsue66: fair enough then09:20
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e66kyubotsu: the question is not about how to connect to pcs. I asked why ubuntu is not recognising the card. I dont see any new eth device is created09:21
kyubotsue66: does it work on fine on the other pc?09:22
kyubotsuthis card09:22
e66Ohter pc is not matter here kyubotsu09:22
Myrttikyubotsu: actually in theory it might work without a crossover cable, if either ethernet cards is smart enough09:22
e66I am not testing it in other pc09:22
t4b_I want to sync two huge folders with rsync which are each in another truecrypt container. I used ionice -c3 and renice +20 on all rsync and truecrypt processes. But Minecraft still lags while rsync runs. Can I do something else to improve this?09:22
kyubotsuMyrtti: indeed.. just saying09:22
e66I see the green led is lit. That means its properly connected to motherboard.09:23
akshayvWhen is Quantal coming?09:23
kyubotsue66: then i'd look at the driver...09:23
e66kyubotsu: if the driver isnot found there would be some messages or logs. I dont see any messages or logs in `dmesg`09:24
Myrttiakshayv: last thursday of October, if I'm not mistaken09:25
kyubotsue66: i don't think there'll be a command to bring it online in this case.. maybe someone else has a pertinent solution09:25
e66I just found that there are two mac addresses in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules09:25
akshayvMyrtti: thanks09:25
e66One is of my Intel card. Other is unknown. May be this one is the MAC of the new one09:26
mongyinstalling to a usb stick,(through a vm)  using encryption for / and I'm getting this while install.  not seen this before either real or vm install.  any clue?  http://i.imgur.com/P5wvR.png09:26
Myrttiakshayv: x.10 is last Thursday of October, x.04 is last Thursday of April09:26
e66seet this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1249130/09:27
e66eth1 is my Intel card09:28
skai-falkorrMyrtti: they must release 13.04 at 13 of april not 2509:33
ANubhello guys09:34
madrebelhello all09:35
madrebelhaving problem installing geforce 9500 driver in ubuntu09:35
e66in 13.04, 13 is year.09:35
madrebelwhat to do09:35
ANubive a problem.......if i mount ntfs file system in ubuntu i cant change the file permissions even if i'm the mount user...09:35
llutz_ANub: because ntfs is not a unix-filesystem and cannot sue unix-permissions09:36
llutz_!ntfs  | ANub09:36
ubottuANub: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE09:36
madrebelLOL sue09:36
skai-falkorre66: so? 10.10 was released at 10/10/1009:36
madrebelhaving problem installing geforce 9500 driver in ubuntu09:36
madrebelwhat to do09:36
ANubive tried ntfs-3g as well09:36
bazhang!repeat | madrebel09:36
ubottumadrebel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:36
madrebelforum surfing is age-inducing09:36
e66skai-falkorr:  so they are NOT required to release it in 13th April09:37
madrebelmakes me feel old while i desperately try to find answers09:37
skai-falkorre66: not required, but they must do it for good number magic^_^09:37
llutz_ANub: s/sue/use/09:37
yeats!nvidia | madrebel09:37
ubottumadrebel: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto09:37
ANub<llutz_> i didn't get the last one09:38
ANubwhat do u mean..09:39
hannah_irinahi, why mozilla crash fast in ubuntu?09:41
llutz_ANub: i just tried to correct my typ into "...cannot use unix-permissions". you cannot change permissions file/dir-wise on ntfs, you use mount-options for the whole fs when mounting the fs09:41
hanazuki_i have gnome running on ubuntu 12.04 , but it feels like there still are some visual effects turned on ?!09:44
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hanazuki_is there a way to see it and turn it off ?09:44
MonkeyDusthannah_irina  start from the beginning, what were you doing and what went wrong, what version of ubuntu are you running09:45
hanazuki_like in 11.04 when you could turn it off09:45
hannah_irinaMonkeyDust, i have 10 firefox open and websites refreshed at 25sec ( is online webcam on )09:45
MonkeyDusthanazuki_  use 'classic no effects'09:46
MonkeyDusthannah_irina  10 FF open?09:46
hanazuki_MonkeyDust,  okey i wll try that now see if i got it in my list09:46
MonkeyDusthannah_irina  10 tabs in FF?09:46
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hannah_irinano separated window09:47
kyubotsuhanazuki_: he means from the login screen; another option is to adjust the settings using ccsm09:47
MonkeyDusthannah_irina  try 10 tabs in 1 window09:47
hanazuki_Kyubotsu , yes in i have some options in login , ccsm is that an easier way ?09:48
kyubotsulogin option is simpler09:49
kyubotsuthere should not be any effects running in 'classic' mode09:49
ronnyanyone aware of a way to build stuff on ubuntu so it will be binary compatible with other linux distros09:50
ronnycurrently it fails flat wrt glibc versions and libffi versions09:50
hannah_irinaMonkeyDust, but where i see the error crashed of firefox?09:51
MonkeyDusthannah_irina  not sure what you mean or want to achieve09:52
hannah_irinai need to see the error of firefox when crashed09:53
hanazuki_it worked, thanks mokeydust/kyubotsu09:53
dawgb0nehi people..  I just installed ubunto on a partitioned drive.  After installation computer rebooted from windows 7 to ubunto, and all was ok.  Now after going back to windows, then back to ubunto it looks like the graphics driver is lost.  The main question is, if i find and install the driver for linux ubunto will it interfere with the windows driver ?09:59
msp301dawgb0ne: Windows & Ubuntu drivers will not interfere with each other10:00
kyubotsudawgb0ne: look at it this way, what happens in ubuntu stays in ubuntu10:01
MonkeyDustkyubotsu  nicely put10:01
msp301kyubotsu: well said :)10:01
dawgb0neOk, i'll embed that into my memory :)  I'm thinking that I may need to download catalyst for my video card, as i had to with windows 7 to use monitor with HD.10:02
bekksdawgb0ne: Booting different OS will not cause to lose a driver.10:03
kyubotsudawgb0ne: you'll be fine, just try System Settings/Additional Drivers first before delving into tty land10:03
dawgb0neok cheers10:03
kyubotsuergo, reinstall the driver10:03
Azzle-Dazzleguys, Update manager is showing that there are some updates, But it wont let me select 'Install' - heres a screenshot https://dl.dropbox.com/u/69014495/Screenshot%20from%202012-09-29%2011%3A00%3A37.png10:04
Azzle-Dazzlenor will it let me select the updates either10:04
MonkeyDustAzzle-Dazzle  a PPA ?10:05
Azzle-Dazzlenot sure what that means exactly10:05
Azzle-Dazzlestill havent mastered this linux thing ! and its been about 2 months lol10:05
dawgb0nei heard it takes a while10:06
MonkeyDust!find noobslab10:06
VlanZa simple question guys: i my system freezes istantly and i can't even suu the caps lock led on the USB keyboard when i press it, could it be more than a Xorg issue?10:06
ubottuPackage/file noobslab does not exist in precise10:06
bekksdawgb0ne: ...to do what?10:06
dawgb0nelearn the art of linux :)10:06
dawgb0neday 1 for me10:06
bekksdawgb0ne: It takes decades. :)10:06
MonkeyDustAzzle-Dazzle  noobslab is something exotic, ubuntu does not know what it is10:06
Azzle-Dazzlelol okay, Shall I just ignore it then ?10:07
msp301Azzle-Dazzle: I use "add-apt-repository" to add new repositories to Ubuntu .. it sorts it all out for you10:07
kyubotsuAzzle-Dazzle: you don't recall installing it?10:07
MonkeyDustAzzle-Dazzle  what do you want to do, what is this noobslab?10:08
Azzle-DazzleNo i dont lol, I do recall installing loads of crap from the ubuntu software centre and gnome extensions lol10:08
Azzle-DazzleI dont know what it is so i dont know what i want to do with it lol10:08
msp301Azzle-Dazzle: If you want the updates try running ... sudo add-apt-repository "http://ppa.launchpad.net/noobslab/gnome/ubuntu"10:09
MonkeyDustAzzle-Dazzle  what's the outcome of lsb_release -sd ?10:09
kyubotsu!info noobslab10:09
ubottuPackage noobslab does not exist in precise10:09
Azzle-Dazzlegimme one sec, Information overload !!10:09
msp301Azzle-Dazzle: given that you don't know what it is, remove it from Software Sources :)10:10
Azzle-DazzleMonkeyDust - Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS10:10
Azzle-Dazzlehaha good idea msp301 !10:10
msp301Azzle-Dazzle: The Launchpad site for it is https://launchpad.net/~noobslab/+archive/gnome ... it looks like it includes stuff for Gnome3 .. do you have Gnome3 installed?10:11
Azzle-DazzleI think i know what it is, Its a gnome extension - Axe Menu to be precise, Or at leasts thats whats coming up under noobslab in synaptic10:11
Azzle-Dazzleyes :)10:11
MonkeyDustmsp301  precise comes with gnome3 by default10:12
kyubotsugnome3 with unity as interface ..10:12
MonkeyDustunity is a shell over gnome310:12
msp301MonkeyDust: Alright thanks, maybe I should've used Gnome-Shell instead10:12
kyubotsuAzzle-Dazzle: also, when update-manager front-end gives me trouble i run apt-get in terminal10:14
Azzle-Dazzlethanks kyubotsu i will try that now, Also, does anyone here use chromium ?10:15
bekksAzzle-Dazzle: Why?10:15
Azzle-Dazzlecause lately its been freezing and crashing unexpectedly10:16
Azzle-Dazzlewanted to know if its just me its affecting10:16
kyubotsuAzzle-Dazzle: you mean while watching videos?10:16
sl1ckhow do I check my disk for errors?10:17
Azzle-Dazzleit varies really, Sometimes it will be trying to load a web page, sometimes watching videos etc etc10:17
cabulasalve a tutti!10:17
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:17
mac_12cabula: salve10:17
VlanZa simple question: My system freezes istantly and i can't even see the caps lock led on the USB keyboard when i press it, could it be more than a Xorg issue?10:18
kyubotsuAzzle-Dazzle: it's possible it's related to your video driver issue, update/reinstall and reboot and see how it goes from there10:18
Azzle-DazzleOk, Ill have a fiddle with it now :) thanks !10:18
serbanis there any possible way of making a whole prefix in wine-1.4 use a specific proxy/tunnel/vpn for all connections?10:24
serbani've tried setting up wine to use a proxy, but only the http connections went trough that.10:25
mac_nibbletCan one recevies virtualization help in here?10:31
bekksserban: What do you expect to go through your proxy besides http?10:31
bekksmac_nibblet: ?10:31
vashamilova /budus macro xdcc d 78310:31
serbansome game traffic10:32
bekksserban: Define "some game traffic" please.10:32
kyubotsuserban: #winehq might offer better support for your question10:33
e66I am sharing internet from eth1 to eth2. I also use dnsmasq for dns caching. Now if I enable Internet sharing I have to stop the existing dnsmasq instance. network manager starts its own dnsmasq instance. But this dnsmasq has no dns caching options. So my dns query takes more time. How can I change the dnsmasq or network manager so when network manager starts the dnsmasq it also support dns caching? Sorry for the long question.10:34
bekkse66: Define "takes more time" in exact delays in ms or s please.10:34
bekksWithout thousands of parallel qqueries, you wont even notice having a cache.10:35
e66when I use dns caching it takes 0ms. If not I takes 100ms10:35
MonkeyDuste66  there's also ##networking   some 420 people there10:35
e66MonkeyDust: they will ask me which distro. When i answer ubuntu they will redirect me here.10:35
bekkse66: How do you measaure that exactly?10:36
bekks*measure even.10:37
e66dig command10:37
Azzle-Dazzleokay guys i think my issue is flash related, Its happening in konqueror browser too, It only seems to freeze / crash when watching a flash video or using a flash game..10:37
e66why you are focusing the time duration? are you going to suggest me that this time duration is negligible and I should not use dns caching?10:38
e66bekks: ^10:38
bekkse66: Odd. I get 12ms as longest delay. :)10:38
e66bekks: I dont live in your country. I have 300ms latency to yahoos server.10:39
bekksThen 100ms for DNS resolving are negligible.10:39
e66bekks: thinking a problem a not-problem is not a solution.10:40
bekkse66: And yahoos servers are slow, I have 210ms to them too.10:40
bekkse66: Did you try another DNS server yet?10:41
gordonjcpoh, annoying, ffmpeg has been deprecated in favour of avconv10:41
e66bekks:  I use googles dns server. BTW external dns is not the issue here.10:42
RWOverdijkIs there an alternative to empathy? I mean, empathy is completely integrated with ubuntu 12.04, and I really don't like it. It doesn't even work (it signs me in everywhere but I always have to manually sign in my msn account)10:43
RWOverdijkIf there was a way to solve that, I guess empathy would be fine.10:44
MonkeyDustRWOverdijk  there's pidgin, i guess it's similar10:44
RWOverdijkMonkeyDust: I know pidgin, I usually use pidgin. But it doesn't integrate with ubuntu as well. Like the status thingy and the notifications.10:44
nicekiwihey I installed ubuntu from a live USB with acpi off boot setting, the system installed and I rebooted but nothing come up on the screen? How can I get into Grub before the linux system starts booting? presumably to add that into the bootloader..10:45
kyubotsuRWOverdijk: do a quick search on Software Center. surely options will come up. empathy is default instant messaging software since karmic though...10:45
Azzle-DazzleHow do I add something to the start up programs ? Do i just put the command in? like- Sudo PS3MediaServer ?10:45
bekkse66: if external DNS isnt the problem - then where does that delay of 100ms actually happens?10:47
nicekiwiAzzle-Dazzle, without the sudo bit, yes.10:47
nicekiwiaww.. i was so close10:47
kyubotsuAzzle-Dazzle: the button on the very top right corner (top bar) has an option for 'startup applications'10:48
e66bekks: The problem I describe in this channel is not about external dns. Its about configuring dnsmasq with network manager.  external dns is out of problem scope.10:48
RWOverdijkkyubotsu: I'll search. By the way, where do I go with empathy specific questions? I wish I could just fix the sign in issue. Because other than that it's a great application. Light weight, not in my way and nicely integrated.10:48
nicekiwikyubotsu, he left.10:48
bekkse66: Then I am out of your ticket since you dont explain where you got that 100ms delay when its not an external DNS problem. I'm sorry.10:49
kyubotsuRWOverdijk: i believe there should be an #empathy channel ...10:49
e66bekks: read my question again please.10:50
pentagonHow do I search for a file from cli ?10:50
RWOverdijkkyubotsu: Nope. Just me in there.10:50
bekkspentagon: "find" :)10:50
e66100ms is time takes for dns resolving.  If I use dns caching it take 0ms.10:50
codemaniacpentagon: use the find command10:50
codemaniacpentagon: find /path/to/look/for -name "*file*" -print10:51
codemaniacpentagon: find /path/to/look/for -name "*file*" -print 2> /dev/null10:51
pentagondev null ?10:52
BoreeasOr 'locate'10:52
hannah_irinahi, this is the error how crashed my firefox on ubuntu: (firefox:5128): Gdk-CRITICAL **: IA__gdk_window_get_user_data: assertion `GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed , how i resolve?10:52
codemaniacpentagon: the error messages are redirected to /dev/null10:52
bekkshannah_irina: Thats an assertion only, not a clue why your firefox crashed.10:53
administratorhi guys10:53
codemaniacif you look for a file in directories you dont have a permission to look into10:53
administratori want to block pen drive in ubuntu 12.0410:53
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kyubotsuRWOverdijk: also, if you consider this behaviour to be a bug then by all means file it10:54
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.10:54
pentagonHow come i hve no dhclient.leases file ?10:54
RWOverdijkkyubotsu: I consider the whole msn service to be a bug.. :p But I think it's a bug in empathy, not so much ubuntu.10:54
hannah_irinabekks uff10:55
pentagonIsn't it supposed to have one to use dhcp I ran find / dhclient.leases10:55
kyubotsuRWOverdijk: fair enough10:55
pentagoncodemaniac: any ideas ?10:55
codemaniacpentagon: i have no idea what is dhclient.leases file .10:55
RWOverdijkkyubotsu: So, last time I'll bother you. Where do I file potential empathy bugs?10:55
pentagonIt seems there is always a gap between the way the machine runs and the manuals.10:55
codemaniacwhere does it reside /etc ?10:56
geirhapentagon: try:  locate dhclient.leases10:56
codemaniacpentagon: i my system it is /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases10:56
bekkscodemaniac: Thats correct.10:56
codemaniacpentagon: find / -name dhclient.leases -print 2>/dev/null10:57
kyubotsuRWOverdijk: i'd say the most commonly venue would be via Launchpad. check out the factoid !bug as well10:57
pentagonthere it is! locate geirha is that a new command10:57
pentagoncodemaniac: why dev/null10:58
bekkspentagon: "locate geirha" is the command to use locate to find the file named "geirha".10:58
bekks0929 125255 < codemaniac> pentagon: the error messages are redirected to /dev/null10:58
geirhapentagon: No, it's common on linux systems. Though it doesn't show you current files, it shows you files from a database that gets updated once a day10:59
kyubotsu!bug > RWOverdijk10:59
ubottuRWOverdijk, please see my private message10:59
pentagonwell my dhclient.leases is empty yet i am connected what is the deal ?11:00
RWOverdijkkyubotsu: Thanks.11:00
pentagonman said that the leases are stored there until they expire at which time a new one gets requested11:01
geirhapentagon: ls /var/lib/dhcp/11:01
bekkspentagon: Because you dont use the ISC DHCP client necessarily.11:01
rohlMy epson px 660 can print but not scan,has anyone had this problem11:02
pentagonohhhhh geirha thats how its doing it, so it is a bit different than the man says11:03
hannah_irinahi, how to install java in ubuntu?11:03
bekkspentagon: The man page says exactly the same on "locate".11:04
pentagonbekks: that is all that is installed although i dont understand why thered dhcp and dhcp3 side by side11:04
bekkspentagon: Because you've installed both?11:04
pentagonno im talking about the leases file at this point11:04
pentagonbekks: do you even use ubuntu ?11:04
geirhahannah_irina: Open the software center and search for java11:04
bekkspentagon: For a couple of years, yes.11:05
pentagonwell it has both in there by default11:05
pentagonbeats me why11:05
AdrianDCHi is anyone available for a little Kubuntu question ^^?11:06
DominciiHello, I'm very new to Ubuntu and IIRC's, am I allowed to post links here?11:06
bekkspentagon: How long are you using Ubuntu now? ;)11:06
bekkspentagon: ls -lha /sbin/dhclient*11:06
auronandaceAdrianDC: ask ad you shall find out11:06
AdrianDCGreat, people alive around here thanks :D11:07
AdrianDCI installed Kubuntu on a separate partition of my Seashell Asus 1225B netbook, 1.33Ghz, 4GB, 500GB,11:07
geirhaOn a side note, there's also a #kubuntu channel11:08
AdrianDCeverything works just fine, I got burg working and configured perfectly,11:08
pentagonbekks: one is green one blue, whats blue mean ?11:08
GycklarnDomincii, Sure, if it's related to a question11:08
DominciiI'm having some graphical problems (I think) though my descriptive capabilties are lackluster as best, could someone please take a look at these screenshots and see if they can assist me at all? http://imgur.com/a/krup911:08
AdrianDCbut the little bug but not big bug is that on shutdown, if connected to charger, the pc reboots..11:08
AdrianDCAny ideas?11:08
DominciiThanks, Gycklarn.11:08
winoanyone have experience with jbod sata 6.0 controller cards in 12.04?11:08
winoor know of any worth checking out11:08
bekkspentagon: /sbin/dhclient2 is a symlink to /sbin/dhclient11:08
bekkspentagon: Which is indicated by the "-> dhclient" you can see in that command, too.11:09
winoI need an extra 2 sata 6.0 ports :|11:09
=== Basstard1 is now known as Basstard`
bekkswino: whats that "6.0"? Do you mean SATA-2 or SATA-3?11:09
winosata-3 == sata 6.0 (gbit/s)11:10
winosata 1 is 1.5GBit/s11:10
bekksThats why it is named "SATA-3", not 6.0 ;)11:10
winosata 2 is 2gbit/s, allegedly, to spec, etc, etc11:10
winoor sata-III11:10
winoso are you bickering over a naming convention or do you have an answer?11:11
ktwohi where should i mount a windows share into ubuntu? whats the usual path?11:11
pentagonWell why does ubuntu change from the standard dhcp client?11:11
bekkswino: So which connector do you want to have for that sata card? Did you take a look into the HCL already?11:11
arunkumar413hi, i plugged in a sd micro card in to my laptop but i cannot see any drive to browse files in ubuntu11:11
winobekks: Looking for a controller card or a raidcard that can do jbod11:12
winoI want to add more SSDs to my box11:12
Basstard`wino: And there's SATA 2.5, 2.6, and so on.11:12
pentagoni think i was hacked agin11:12
winoBasstard`: thanks for the irrelevant information11:12
AdrianDCbekks: Any idea for the shutdown with power reboot thing?11:12
pentagonmy tty interfaces have different fonts11:12
bekkspentagon: Why do you think so?11:12
Basstard`wino: ?11:12
MonkeyDustpentagon  hacked?11:12
pentagonand there was a loopback and a port 8118 connection11:12
bekkswino: Which interface? ISA, VLB, EISA, PCI, PCIE, PCIX?11:13
winoBasstard`: sata 6.0 jbod controllers, do you know of any? Not looking to argue semantics11:13
pentagondont make no sense to me11:13
wino... idiot11:13
RWOverdijkIs there a driver guru in the house? (video card). Gnome-shell is eating my resources and I suspect it's a missing driver, but that's as far as my experience with this goes.11:13
winodoes pci have the bandwidth for that?11:13
bekkswino: If you want to get personal or get rude, get out, please.11:13
* nicekiwi meow11:13
winopush firmly on your shoulders11:13
arunkumar413hi, i plugged in a sd micro card in to my laptop but i cannot see any drive to browse files in ubuntu11:13
pentagonwino: heres a dollar get yourself some breath mints11:14
winomaybe you'll be able to pull your head from your ass11:14
bekks!ops | wino11:14
ubottuwino: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!11:14
Priceywino: There's no need for that. Lets move on nicely :)11:14
Myrttiwino: please be civil11:14
winoyou're asking irrelevant questions, you can't answer my question11:14
winowhy are you continuing on a pointless path of conversation11:14
pentagonwino: if you are homless go to the fast food and get salt and use saltwater for mouth rinse11:14
winoto express your knowledge of an ISA bus?11:14
pentagon8118 is the tor relay port correct ?11:15
winoPendantic and trite answers are about as useful as my name calling11:15
RWOverdijkpentagon: Don't enable him...11:15
Myrttiwino: move on.11:15
bekkswino: If you cant even answer whether you want PCIE or PCIX, I am just setting you on brain ignore. Thanks for the conversation, good luck.11:15
pentagonwino: get a job grouch11:16
winobekks: what about that nifty isa bus you were talking about11:16
MonkeyDustcome on guys, know when to stop11:16
winoI'm sure that's the one I want, since you brought it up11:16
auronandacepentagon: stop that, theres no need11:16
* nicekiwi meow11:16
pentagonwino: i know what it is like to live in a trash can11:16
* RWOverdijk sighs11:16
winoany ISA sata cards natively supports?11:16
pentagonbig bird gets brothersome11:17
winoI'm in need of a sata card faster than the PCI bus but I'd like a pci card...11:17
winoyou get that you were being a jerk yourself11:17
winoaccept your mutal blame11:17
pentagonwino: forget it its useless11:17
auronandacepentagon, wino: please stick to support, drop the insults and jeering11:18
DominciiAnyone who can help with my little problem I posted earlier?11:18
winoThen I will repeat, does anyone have any experience with a sata-3 (6bit/s) jbod controllers or sata controllers that can be put into jbod11:18
RWOverdijkNow kiss, and move on. It's saturday :)11:18
pentagonwino: that is offtopic11:18
winoPerhaps not on the ISA bus, but I'm open to options11:18
bekksRWOverdijk: It's caturday ;)11:18
nicekiwihow do I add the boot flag "acpi=off" to the grub config?11:18
winopentagon: hardware compatibility is off topic?11:18
RWOverdijkbekks: Oooooh how clever of you! :p playing with words and all that, I see what you did there!11:19
winopentagon: hardware compatibility is off topic?11:19
pentagonno  it isnt11:19
winookay, then what are you talking about?11:19
pentagonjust take a deep breath11:19
winoThen I will repeat, does anyone have any experience with a sata-3 (6bit/s) jbod controllers or sata controllers that can be put into jbod11:20
administrator__how to block removable device11:20
bekksRWOverdijk: Just forget about it - "caturday" is a joke you dont know about. Let's move on.11:20
winoany non-free cards, any cards that may be supported out of the box?11:20
RWOverdijkwino: Perhaps if it's more linux specific, #linux can help? Just trying to get you your help so we can move on. :)11:20
llutz_administrator__: remove your users from "plugdev" group11:20
winoRWOverdijk: I'm looking for compatibility11:20
winobut thanks for your... whatever that was11:21
RWOverdijkbekks: You were refering to them fighting, catting, no? I was just overreacting, as a joke.11:21
administrator__from user and groups11:21
pentagonis port 8118 a tor relay ?11:21
nicekiwihow do I add the boot flag "acpi=off" to the grub config?11:21
RWOverdijkwino: It was an attempt at helping.11:21
pentagonI am not willing to uase ubuntu if it supports militant sodomites.11:21
bekksRWOverdijk: No, I was referring to "caturday", just laying around lazy like a cat.11:21
RWOverdijkbekks: Sorry then..11:22
llutz_nicekiwi: edit /etc/default/grub, the line to read  ....="quiet splash acpi=off"  then save it and run sudo update-grub11:22
kyubotsuwino: you're asking for hardware recommendation not relevant to ubuntu. let us know when you have an actual problem11:22
winokyubotsu: okay, I bought one, perc/6i, does it work11:23
kyubotsuwino: there is a ##hardware channel for this sort of inquiry11:23
winojust bought another, an areca11:23
auronandacekyubotsu: he wants to know what ubuntu supports, it is relevant11:23
winoan ubuntu specific hardware channel?11:23
Myrttinicekiwi: edit /etc/default/grub - how depends on what you have there at the moment11:23
winoor perhaps *nix drivers are a tad different, and what works in my FreeBSD box might not work in an ubuntu box?11:24
kyubotsuthe question didn't read as clear to me, auronandace11:24
pentagonIs ubuntu the culmination of the CDC backdoor?11:24
auronandacekyubotsu: i'm no hardware expert but he is clearly trying to buy something and make sure ubuntu will work with it first11:25
pentagonWhat is port 8118.11:25
Iceman_Bum, does using btrfs come with any restrictions?11:25
kyubotsuauronandace: fair enough then11:25
Iceman_BI'm trying to create a partition for /, with btrfs, but it fails to mount11:26
auronandaceIceman_B: you need to keep in mind it is still considered experimental11:26
pentagonIs there a channel where I can just star at matrix code?11:26
pentagonThis is getting tedius11:26
Basstard`8118 is not 211211:26
Iceman_Bauronandace: n/m then, I switches to ext4 and now it does mount11:26
pentagonI need to wind down11:27
Iceman_BI managed to get PXE booting running, I feel happy now XD11:27
Boreeaspentagon: /join 011:27
=== Steve^^ is now known as Steve^
Iceman_BBoreeas: irssi shouldn't fall for that, does it?11:28
nicekiwihow do I get root access to files on a mounted partition?11:28
RWOverdijkGnome-shell is eating my resources and I suspect it's a missing driver, but that's as far as my experience with this goes. I've read several resources, but that got me nowhere. I'm on an imac, about 2 years old, i5 processor, and if I looked it up correctly an "ATI Broadway PRO [Mobility Radeon HD 5800 Series]" videocard.11:28
pentagonBoreeas: nothing is going on in 011:29
BoreeasIceman_B: I don't know, probably depends on how much your client filters11:29
pentagonIs sub 7 back ?11:29
BoreeasI think most clients prepend a hash, though11:29
pentagonHIt em with the matrix screen and type wake up neo11:30
administrator__how to block removable device11:30
administrator__how to block removable device11:30
administrator__how to block removable device11:30
pentagonthats enough11:30
pentagonno flooding buddy11:31
pentagonbuy a pair of pants that fit11:31
pentagonif you are homless there is always salvation army11:31
Iceman_BBoreeas: I'd assume irssi is smarter than that....11:31
pentagonIceman_B: I wouldn't it cant even do an ssl connection11:31
Iceman_Bdifferent question, what is the ubuntu equivalent of having a "windows .wim" image available on a server to deploy?11:32
Iceman_Bpentagon: irssi does ssl11:32
pentagonIceman_B: not the ubuntu package.11:32
llutz_pentagon: sure it does11:32
pentagonllutz_: no it always says unable to verify11:33
Myrttipentagon: yes the ubuntu package - although it might require other packages to work that aren't necessarily marked as dependencies11:33
administrator__how to block removable device11:33
Iceman_Bpentagon: !vervet.foonetic.net *** You are connected to vervet.foonetic.net with TLSv1-AES256-SHA-256bits11:33
Myrttiadministrator__: can you expand your question, what do you mean by blocking and what do you mean by removable device?11:33
Iceman_BI'm too dumb to compile my own irssi(or anything), so i used the repository one11:33
Iceman_Bworks just fine11:33
pentagonMyrtti: well that is not to 'smart' is it, get with the conversation yous always just pick out 1 line11:33
llutz_apt-cache depends irssi ... -> Depends: libssl1.0.011:34
PapaSierrahow do you know if pcre is installed?11:34
kyubotsupentagon: you sound like you need a break11:34
pentagonIceman_B: it isnt a matter of bieng dumb, its so simple the community makes it harder than it needs to be11:34
Iceman_Bpentagon: hm, perhaps11:35
pentagonnew features never work11:35
Iceman_Bbut I come from a windows background, I'm used to know where all the files go after an installation11:35
pentagonand are hardly necisarry11:35
blackshirtWhat features?11:35
Iceman_Bnot so much the case when rolling my own binaries11:35
Iceman_BI have no idea where to put what11:35
pentagonsome of the coders know this when they put comments like snake oil in ssl certs11:35
Iceman_B(inb4 thats what she said)11:36
pentagonits garbage, its a false hope11:36
kyubotsuthis whole calling out people and negative criticism is getting old as well, pentagon11:36
blackshirt-L to list of files and their location11:36
pentagonJesus Christ is the true hope11:36
llutz_!ot | pentagon11:36
ubottupentagon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:36
Iceman_Bwhat does a carpenter have to do with things?11:36
Myrtticome on guys, back to support, this is getting way offtopic now11:36
blackshirtIceman_b, you can use dpkg-L to list of files and their location11:36
Iceman_Bblackshirt: ah, cool. tnx11:36
administrator__i want to block removable device like pendrive ext. hdd11:37
administrator__i want to block removable device like pendrive ext. hdd11:37
pentagoni am trying to figur out the mouse gesture to get the matrix datafall piped from genoa II drones drop from the lunar colony11:38
Myrttiadministrator__: what do you mean by blocking? stopping it from automounting, or stopping it from starting nautilus, or what?11:38
blackshirticeman_b, apt was greatest tool11:38
administrator__i want no one can use pen drive on computer11:38
administrator__on one can use pendrive external pen drive  on pc but user can able to use usb keyboard, mouse must11:42
blackshirtdisable gvfs mount11:42
administrator__on one can use pendrive external pen drive  on pc but user can able to use usb keyboard, mouse must11:42
pentagonwhat is the ubuntu social channel ?11:43
administrator__ you want any details form my side now11:43
MonkeyDustpentagon  #ubuntu-offtopic11:43
administrator__hello myrtti ru there?11:45
kyubotsublackshirt: is that just a suggestion or you have an actual command for it? just curious.. sounds interesting11:45
Myrttiadministrator__: I have no idea how to achieve that.11:45
MonkeyDustadministrator__  one way would be to physicaly remove usb from your pc11:45
kyubotsusomehow i don't think he'd go that route, MonkeyDust11:46
kyubotsuin fact, he did mention he uses a usb mouse/keyboard11:46
administrator__but thing is that in pc i have to enable usb keyboard mouse11:46
tmbaohi everyone11:46
tmbaoi have a trouble with sound in Ubuntu11:47
tmbaomy external speaker doesn't work11:47
tmbaobut both my headphone and internal speaker work11:47
tmbaoi'm using ubuntu 12.0411:47
tmbaocan anyone help me to fix it11:48
Iceman_BI think you'll need to provide more info11:48
tmbao@iceman_B: you say me?11:49
llutz_administrator__: ugly hack: rename/remove "usb-storage.ko" kernel-module11:49
kyubotsuyeah, that sounds bad11:49
=== bejbika is now known as nafisa
administrator__how to do it can you explain in brief?11:50
kyubotsuon a side note, you're talking about blacklisting the kernel module in question ..11:50
kyubotsuthe problem i see with that is that it will render the usb port unusable, would it not11:51
PapaSierrahi all. is pcre something you install like a normal package?11:53
llutz_kyubotsu: why should it?11:54
GycklarnI just installed Ubuntu 12.4.1 on a laptop and upgraded all packages. Then I added the cinnamon repo to apt-get and installed cinnamon, but when I try to log into cinnamon it just gives me... Gnome 2, I think? Any one know why?11:54
lousygaruaPapaSierra, it's that Perl thing, right? I think you use a package that knows to download and install other stuff from the PCRE11:54
llutz_kyubotsu: usb-storage is just the subset to be used for usb-disks, it won't affect usb in general11:54
lousygaruaPapaSierra, but then again, I'm not a Perl user11:54
Jacruthey guys, how could I check what graphic card and what video drivers am I using through bash?11:55
administratorhi guys11:55
=== administrator is now known as Guest95168
kyubotsullutz_: i see.. guess it can't hurt too bad to try, let us hope he's reading up then11:55
Guest95168i want to block removable device like pen drive, ext. hdd etc ?11:55
PapaSierralousygarua right, it's a perl thing but it's been adopted by many projects. in my case, php11:55
Guest95168ho to do ? kindly guide pls.11:56
lousygaruaPapaSierra, well you probably know that PHP has PEAR, maybe there's an installer like that for Perl too11:56
kyubotsullutz_: i normally do not suggest things that aren't 'official' though..11:56
PapaSierralousygarua interesting idea. i'll keep looking11:57
Guest95168i want to block removable device like pen drive, ext. hdd etc ?11:57
Guest95168i want to block removable device like pen drive, ext. hdd etc ?11:57
Guest95168i want to block removable device like pen drive, ext. hdd etc ?11:57
FloodBot1Guest95168: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:57
kyubotsuok, now he's trolling11:58
D[4]nilousygarua, PapaSierra: pcre is for perl-compatible regular expressions. it's integrated in some languages (perl, php) and available as a module for others (don't know any atm, but there are some)11:58
Guest95168ok thanks11:58
D[4]niPapaSierra: so what do you want to do?11:58
lousygaruaD[4]ni, thanks for the explanation11:59
Cuddyhello everyone. i have a problem with booting up either a live or install for ubuntu... when i boot it it goes to a grey screen and everything seems to start being detected hardware wise and then nothing happens... you hear the sound turn on and the xbox controller light up and get detected and such. why the grey screen?11:59
Guest95168hello anyone help me in block pen drive11:59
kyubotsu!info pcre11:59
ubottuPackage pcre does not exist in precise11:59
PapaSierraD[4]ni well basically when i install kohana (php framework) it says "PCRE has not been compiled with UTF-8 support.". so yah, the goal is to satisfy that12:00
Shazer[2]Hey guys12:01
Shazer[2]What does rm -rf / --no-preserve-root do?12:01
lousygaruaD[4]ni, PapaSierra, sounds like you got to compile PHP yourself12:01
llutz_idiot Shazer[2]12:01
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!12:01
jribShazer[2]: deletes everything, please don't repeat it here12:01
Shazer[2]jrib, thank you.12:01
Shazer[2]Some guy just told me to use it to fix python compile errors.12:01
D[4]niShazer[2], removes all files from your whole file system, read: ALL partitions12:02
arunkumar413ubuntu not detecting my sd memory card in my laptop12:02
D[4]niall mounted partitions*12:02
kyubotsureally.. you're a python programmer and you almost fell for that.. sigh12:02
PapaSierralousygarua i'm not so sure. for instance look at this https://github.com/gplessis/dotdeb-php5/commit/9a5999608ee6b4c62e1ced62c0ecb51098748cab in debian/rules he deliberately fixes the missing pcre support12:02
Shazer[2]kyubotsu, I said to the guy I know what it does and he said it fixes errors so I had to confirm.12:03
Shazer[2]Sorry I'm not as smart as you.12:03
kyubotsusure.. move on now12:03
llutz_Shazer[2]: for the fact that you really seem to be the 1st posting a command like that here without trolling, i appologize for the "idiot"12:03
mbuckowill ubuntus purple color be removed from the default style any time soon?12:04
lousygaruambucko, i like it purple :)12:04
Shazer[2]That's alright llutz12:04
D[4]niwell, for me, the purple color disappeared from my grub screen at least12:04
coellobrancoi have 3 hard disks... i have ubuntu, archlinux and win7... grub-mkinfo no detect archlinux partition, help?12:04
mbuckoi am allergic to purple12:04
D[4]nidunno if that's intended12:05
kyubotsumbucko: if anything as such is to happen it will be announced all proper channels12:05
kyubotsuin the meantime, you can customize the look of your system in a variety of ways12:06
Guest95168hello anyone help me in block pen drive12:06
blackshirt!info packetfence12:07
ubottuPackage packetfence does not exist in precise12:07
blackshirt!info packet-fence12:07
ubottuPackage packet-fence does not exist in precise12:07
mbuckois there any source based package manager for ubuntu?12:07
llutz_Guest95168: sudo modprobe -r usb_storage && sudo mv /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/usb/storage/usb-storage.ko  /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/usb/storage/usb-storage.koX12:08
arunkumar413ubuntu not detecting my sd memory card in my laptop. please help12:08
llutz_Guest95168: yes, this is ugly, no further support, look for a better solution12:08
blackshirtmbucko, actually you can build packages from sources with apt12:08
mbuckoblackshirt, but it doesnt automatically download them does it?12:09
Jacruthey guys, I can't install the current nvidia driver for my GeForce  9600 GT: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1249351/12:10
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
phil_hello ppl.. two question concerning keybinds.. 1. is there a key shortcut for the bottom bar in gnome3 ? 2. is there a key shortcut for the sidebar (which appears after moving your mouse on the top left)?12:13
jribGuest95168, llutz_: you can probably achieve this with policykit, but I don't know the details12:14
llutz_jrib: i'm sure there are better/cleaner ways to do this by renaming12:15
MonkeyDustphil_  keep the 'super' key pressed to see shortcuts12:15
Erealzhi eveyone12:15
arunkumar413ubuntu not detecting my sd memory card in my laptop. please help12:15
arunkumar413ubuntu not detecting my sd memory card in my laptop. please help12:15
arunkumar413ubuntu not detecting my sd memory card in my laptop. please help12:15
FloodBot1arunkumar413: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:15
Erealzanyone work with aide?12:17
jribErealz: ask your real question please12:17
MonkeyDust!info aide12:17
ubottuaide (source: aide): Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - static binary. In component main, is optional. Version 0.15.1-5 (precise), package size 555 kB, installed size 1193 kB12:17
Guest95168where i get policykit12:18
Erealzok im getting this error Couldn't open file /var/lib/aide/please-dont-call-aide-without-parameters/aide.db.new for writing12:18
Erealzhow ever in tutorials and youtube vids the command works with out any arguments12:19
Erealzi dont know what im doing wrong12:20
Erealzin the video the aide demon start with aide --init12:21
Erealzor -i however it not working12:21
MonkeyDustErealz  aide  -c  aide.conf  --init12:21
MonkeyDustThis will create a new database called aide.db.new.  This command will scan all the files in the /etc/ directory and stores them as a database called aide.db.new.12:21
Erealztop dosnt show it running12:21
Erealzmonkeydust wouldnt it be aide -c /etc/aide/aide.conf --init?12:22
=== serge is now known as Guest78915
ErealzAIDE, version 0.15.112:23
Erealz### AIDE database at /var/lib/aide/aide.db.new initialized.12:23
Erealzso it working?12:24
rob_pErealz: As I recall, AIDE is run periodically from a cron job. So there's no daemon that runs all the time...12:25
Erealzi know there are admin here do any of you have a script that logs and monitors your server and have it email you the logs i would really appreciate it if you could send me a copy ?...12:26
bekksErealz: Thats what "nagios" is designed to do.12:26
Erealzrob_p thank i guess that clears it up12:26
Erealznever herd of it12:26
bekksErealz: And it is far more complex than "just a script".12:27
Erealzill give a google search12:27
tomazfuck all12:28
GycklarnWhere do I discuss cinnamon on Ubuntu?12:29
Erealzlooking into nagios umm is there a good post about how to /install ?...12:29
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auronandaceGycklarn: in #ubuntu-offtopic12:29
rob_pErealz: You're probably gonna find that AIDE is really bothersome if you don't configure it exactly for your purposes and aren't willing to keep it's database up to date...12:29
Gycklarnauronandace, Doesn't really seem like the right place, but I guess it'll have to do12:30
PapaSierrai want to uninstall pcre but i get messages like: E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.12:30
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PapaSierraand  util-linux : Depends: upstart-job12:30
Erealzi need to setup a few things12:31
beastie_hi guys, im gonna partition my 100G hdd space manually, who can help me this way to decide partition sizes?12:31
Erealzanyone want to go into private mode and help me in this lil project12:31
bekksErealz: Just ask in here.12:31
MonkeyDust!partition > bekks12:32
ubottubekks, please see my private message12:32
blackshirtbeastie_ what do you need for your system ?12:32
MonkeyDust!partition > beastie_12:32
ubottubeastie_, please see my private message12:32
bekksErealz: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/nagios.html12:32
Erealzi just did apt-get install nagios  and not in the repo12:32
llutz_!info  nagios3 | Erealz12:33
Erealzis the project dead or obsolete12:33
ubottuErealz: nagios3 (source: nagios3): A host/service/network monitoring and management system. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.3-3ubuntu1 (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 29 kB12:33
PapaSierrai have installed pcre but $ pcretest gives "command not found" is there any explanation for this?12:33
beastie_my partition table is like : 256M boot; 10G /; 4G swap; 5G /var; 4G /tmp  --what do you think?12:33
markoshcphey is there anyone that can help me, i am a new user12:34
blackshirtbeastie_, what do you want to your system, for desktop or server?12:34
beastie_blackshirt: i cannot decide whether to give more than 256M to boot, and /var /tmp...desktop12:34
bekksErealz: Please read the link I just gave you.12:34
llutz_PapaSierra: the script "pcretest" was removed from libpcre12:34
mack_greenGood Morning12:35
Erealzim fallowing it now12:35
beastie_blackshirt: please harry up my time is limited12:35
Erealzfunny iv never herd of it12:35
mack_greenbeastie- i usually give about 500m for boot12:35
PapaSierrallutz ahhh that explains a lot :) i wish i knew 3 hours ago ;)12:35
Erealzso this nagios will monitor my server and email me the logs right?12:35
beastie_blackshirt: give some advice according to my partition table and esp about part. sizes. thanks12:35
bekksErealz: Thats described in the pretty good documentation of nagios, yes. :)12:35
Jacruthey guys, when I install nvidia-current, it boots on tty1, why?12:36
Erealzi also need a packetsniffer12:36
Erealznot wireshark12:36
blackshirtbeastie_, usually, /boot was for your files that used for booting process,kernel,grub,initrd ... 250mb was enought big12:37
Erealzis tcpdump better the snort iv herd snort is also a packetsniffer12:37
beastie_blackshirt: what do you recommend according to my part table?12:37
blackshirtbeastie_, get more big for /var and /usr12:37
beastie_blackshirt: i'll be using KDM12:38
blackshirtbeastie_, get more bigger for /var and /usr12:38
beastie_blackshirt: i only have 100G HDD space for this OS..now how much exactly should I give to both /var and /tmp.root also12:38
blackshirtbeastie_, and if you want keep a lot of files on your /home, you should make it more bigger12:38
vibhavblackshirt: Why does he need a bigger /var and /usr ?12:39
Erealzis there a ubuntu channel that just deal with security questions i hate to be a bother12:39
blackshirtThe /var was for cache, log, data and usually dinamically getting more more and more bigger12:40
bekksErealz: snort is not a packetfilter.12:40
beastie_blackshirt: actually i dont use home part that much, i have 600G of NTFS partiotion thaat mounts and use as an external drive for files...gimme more advice aboutt /var and /temp sizes and root12:40
blackshirtbut /var commonly managed by logrotated12:40
vibhavErealz: I dont know, but you can talk with the Security team at #ubuntu-security12:40
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Night-hacksi've bridged adaptor my virtual box fedora, but i still cant connect ot it's server via ubuntu12:41
Night-hacksany idea ?12:41
vibhavNight-hacks: Is the virtual box fedora install a server?12:41
blackshirtbeastie_, for simplicity for desktop usage, you can just rely on swap and / partition ....12:41
Night-hacksvibhav: no it's desktop version, but i've turned off the virtual box12:42
Night-hacksvibhav: sorry firewall12:42
beastie_blackshirt: notice i said advice me acc to my part table if you can. thanks anyways12:42
administratorhow to block removable device12:42
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vibhavNight-hacks: Is the problem solved now?12:42
vibhavGuest95183: What do you mean by block?12:43
Night-hacksvibhav: no, tcpdump listens on nothing12:43
Guest95183i want to block pen drive12:43
blackshirtbeastie_, what is your ram sizes?12:43
vibhavGuest95183: Block a pendrive or block usage of pendrives on the System?12:43
Guest95183yes dear12:43
blackshirtbeastie_, reduce the swap maybe12:43
vibhavGuest95183: ?12:43
Guest95183i want to block pen drive12:43
beastie_my partition table is like : 256M boot; 10G /; 4G swap; 5G /var; 4G /tmp  --what do you think? will be used with KDM for software development purposes as a Desktop OS. thanks12:43
Guest95183any pen drive or ext. hdd12:44
bekksGuest95183: Unplug the USB port :)12:44
AlanBellGuest95183: sudo echo "blacklist usb-storage" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf12:44
llutz_fail ^12:45
AlanBellGuest95183: and reboot probably. That will mean the kernel won't do usb storage any more12:45
blackshirtbeastie_, what sizes of /tmp ?12:45
Guest95183i try it but still ext. hdd disply in home floder12:45
beastie_blackshirt: 4G for swap is OK. for Intel corei series processors you can put the RAM size for swap size, but for dual-cores double size..personally i have 4096M of RAM and 4G for swap is quite okay.12:45
JacruthEy guys, I have this: irq 11: nobody cared (try booting with the "irqpoll" option)12:45
Jacruthand this is my lspci -v: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1249403/12:45
bekksJacruth: Did you try booting with the irqpoll option?12:45
Jacruthno, BUT12:46
AlanBellNight-hacks: for bridged networking you have to connect it to the correct adapter on the host, you might have picked the wifi rather than eth0 or the other way round12:46
llutz_AlanBell: you cannot use redirection with sudo, use: echo "blacklist usb-storage" |sudo tee -a  /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf12:46
vibhavNight-hacks: Ok, You have a Ubuntu Desktop Version installed on your computer with a Fedora Install on Virtual Box, am I right?12:46
Jacruthcould the JMICRON controller conflicts with my GeForce driver?12:46
Night-hacksvibhav:  yes that's right12:46
blackshirtbeastie_, okey..that was not bad12:46
bekksJacruth: Most likely, not. Try booting with the irqpoll option as suggested by the error message.12:46
Night-hacksvibhav:  and i can see my shared folder from fedora ( smb;//blah blah)12:47
Jacruthneed to edit the grub2 menu12:47
Jacruthdo you remember where is it?12:47
beastie_blackshirt: harry up i have no time. gimme any advice about part sizes of --/tmp, /var and /root..12:47
AlanBellllutz_: ah, good point12:47
bekks!grub2 | Jacruth12:47
ubottuJacruth: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)12:47
* kyubotsu takes notes..12:47
beastie_blackshirt: 100G HDD space. corei5 processor, and for Software development & Networking purposes12:48
Iceman_Byou know12:49
icallitverahey does anyone here use DWM?12:49
vibhavNight-hacks: hold on, I am testing my solution with a Virtual Machine12:49
Iceman_Bit's 2012, you'd think that Windows 7 would recognie if a partition is using EXT412:49
icallitveraI was wondering if there is some patch to compile in application indicators12:49
Iceman_Bisntead of going "unknown partition type"12:49
blackshirtbeastie_, yes, getting bigger for /var ... And your / ..12:49
Night-hacksvibhav:  ok12:49
beastie_blackshirt: how bigger?12:50
beastie_give exact number12:50
vibhavNight-hacks: How have you created your samba shares?12:51
Night-hacksvibhav:  in Ubuntu yes, and i can connect to it via fedora12:52
MonkeyDustbeastie_  if you have no time, you should consider paid professional support12:52
vibhavNight-hacks: no, How are you creating a samba share?12:53
beastie_MonkeyDust: hold on there12:53
Night-hacksvibhav:  by Ubuntu graphical facility12:53
Night-hacksvibhav:  just click to share12:53
Night-hacksvibhav:  i can see it from windows also12:53
vibhavNight-hacks: Do you right click on the folder?12:54
Night-hacksvibhav: yes12:54
vibhavNight-hacks: Can you view your Connection Information from the Network Indicator?12:54
Night-hacksvibhav: everything's fine12:54
AlanBellNight-hacks: has your fedora vm picked up an IP address from your network? can Ubuntu ping it?12:55
vibhavNight-hacks: No, I need some of your network Information12:55
Night-hacksAlanBell: yes12:55
AlanBellcan ubuntu ssh to the fedora ip address?12:55
Night-hacksAlanBell: my ssh server is not running on fedora box12:56
AlanBellwhat server is it on fedora that you are trying to connect to?12:56
vibhavNight-hacks: What have you bridged your VirtualBox network to?12:56
Night-hacksvibhav:  to the correct adaptors, it has IP12:57
Night-hacksAlanBell: fedora 1712:57
AlanBellNight-hacks: yes, but what port/service?12:57
Night-hacksAlanBell: seagull, on port 386812:57
AlanBellok, and you are sure that is running?12:58
splasticshello, im having a terribly annoying problem deploying ubuntu 12.04 with preseed. my preseed file is perfect, the install goes to reboot without any questions or errors, but then the boot fails and drops to initramfs. i can easily solve this problem by typing "mount /dev/md0 /root && exit", but i cant stop this problem from occurring in preseed! ive uncommented the GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true and run update-grub as a late command but the problem still occurs12:58
AlanBellmaybe telnet localhost 3868 to see if it is talking from the fedora box12:58
AlanBellthen telnet <ip address> 3868 from the ubuntu side to see if you get the same response12:59
splasticsi do notice that GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true changes root=/dev/md0 on one the boot lines in grub.cfg, but it still has 'mduuid' lines in there too12:59
AlanBellI would also try installing sshd on the fedora box and connecting to that just to prove connectivity is working12:59
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AlanBellNight-hacks: sometimes services bind to localhost and won't listen to external addresses, I don't know about seagull13:00
Night-hacksAlanBell: could not resolve
Night-hacksAlanBell: telnet says13:00
AlanBellno colon in telnet13:00
bekksNight-hacks: wrong syntax. :)13:00
AlanBelltelnet 386813:01
bekksNight-hacks: telnet <host> <port>13:01
Night-hackswhat kind of syntax is it ;)13:01
Night-hackstelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused13:01
splasticsnobody can help? :(13:01
llutz_Night-hacks: as root " lsof -i :3868"  does the service listen on anything != localhost?13:01
lilithsbestfrienwhat software for watching dvb-t is there on ubuntu? I just tried kaffeine, but it finds only 4 of 16 stations.13:02
Night-hacksllutz_:  yes, fuser -n tcp port says that's ok13:02
bekkslilithsbestfrien: kaffeine13:02
llutz_Night-hacks: fuser only tells "it listens" not the ifaces/addresses13:02
bekkslilithsbestfrien: And kaffeine only uses the channels found, it isnt responsible for getting channels at all :)13:02
bekksNight-hacks: lsof -i -n13:03
lilithsbestfrienbekks: what do you mean by that? it has a channel scan function. if not with that, how should I scan for channels?13:04
bekkslilithsbestfrien: That "function" only triggers the DVB-T scan function.13:04
Night-hacksbekks: it says it's listening13:05
Richard_CavellHi everyone.  I have a LGA1156 motherboard (GIgabyte H55M-D2H) that doesn't have a parallel port.  Today I bought a parallel port adapter (Ritmo CC-T35) that slots into a PCI slot.  Unfortunately the supplied drivers don't work with Windows 7 due to the lack of driver signing and I can't get the damn things to work.  I really want to use avrdude to bitbang the parallel port.  Now, because this hardware is kind of13:05
Richard_Cavellobscure, I want compatibility at all cost.  Which version of Ubuntu should I want to use?13:05
llutz_Night-hacks: as root " lsof -i :3868"  please paste the output. "its listening" says nothing13:05
Night-hacksllutz_:  seagull 2547 amir 7u  ipv4  3244  oto  TCP     localhost.localdomain;diameter13:07
llutz_Night-hacks: localhost there you go13:08
llutz_Night-hacks: a service listening to localhost only cannot be reached by LAN13:08
Night-hacksllutz_: but it's been bind to a port13:09
Iceman_Buh, halp13:09
Iceman_Bhow do I recreate a bootloader?13:09
Iceman_BI b0rked by GRUB13:09
lilithsbestfrienbekks, no matter what program actually does the scanning: it only finds 4 of 16 channels. how do I change that? (eyetv finds all 16 with the same hardware)13:09
Iceman_B(that's not a euphemism)13:09
bekksIceman_B: Which Ubuntu do you use?13:09
Iceman_BI just installed 12.04 to the end of the harddrive13:10
Night-hacksllutz_: how can i make it work ?113:10
bekkslilithsbestfrien: By changing the environment for scanning, e.g. putting the antenna to a different place.13:10
Iceman_Bbut now im fiddling with W7, and I think I overwrote the MBR13:10
bekks!grub2 | Iceman_B13:10
ubottuIceman_B: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)13:10
llutz_Night-hacks: read the documentation, check the config.13:10
Iceman_Bthanks much13:10
huhmasterhelllo everyone13:10
llutz_Night-hacks: idk the software but obviously it doesn't listen as it should.13:11
lilithsbestfrienbekks: same hardware, same antenna, same place, only different software. eyetv gets 16, on ubuntu I get 4.13:11
bekkslilithsbestfrien: So which "other software" did you try?13:13
keyminorhow do i enable the ssh port from the terminal, am trying to connect and all I get is remote host closed  connection .....13:13
bekkskeyminor: By starting the ssh server service.13:13
kruxsudo service ssh start13:14
AlanBellkeyminor: sounds like you have locked yourself out and got an entry in /etc/hosts.deny on the server13:14
keyminorkrux, thats what am trying but it cant connect13:14
bekksAlanBell: YOu dont need an entry in /etc/hosts.deny to lock out :)13:14
bekkskeyminor: So you ran that command on the computer you want to connect to?13:15
bekkskeyminor: Or did you run it on the computer you are trying to connect from?13:15
AlanBellbekks: if it wasn't running you would get connection refused rather than remote host closed connection13:15
lilithsbestfrienbekks, as I said: eyetv (OS X), finds all of them. on ubuntu I tried only kaffeine.13:16
keyminorbekks, am trying to connect to a another computer running on linux with ssh installed..just doing an experiment13:17
bekkslilithsbestfrien: So at least the firmware loaded differs.13:17
bekkskeyminor: That doesnt answer my questions :)13:17
AristideHi ! Its possible to get output of ffmpeg while encoding ?13:19
AristideWith bash in pipe13:19
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BluesKajHiyas all13:22
mac_nibbletHiho peeps13:24
mac_nibbletCan somone help me setup a bridged network ?13:24
MonkeyDust!ask > mac_nibblet13:25
ubottumac_nibblet, please see my private message13:25
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JacruthEy guys, when I install nvidia-current, I can only start in TTY13:26
msp301Jacruth: What Nvidia card to you have?13:27
ruben-ikmaakhmm, the fallout of the ubuntu unity/amazon flap is very interesting... Mark Shuttleworth: "most of our users are also regular users of Amazon". So does this mean that Amazon is now maket leader in the 3rd world, where Ubuntu is focused on?13:27
Jacruthmsp301, 9600M GT13:27
MonkeyDust!ot > ruben-ikmaak13:28
ubotturuben-ikmaak, please see my private message13:28
Jacruthmsp301, and I'm using 3.2.0-26-generic-pae13:28
bazhangruben-ikmaak, wrong place for that13:28
=== Millman is now known as Jacruth2
ThinkT510Jacruth: how did you install the nvidia driver?13:28
ruben-ikmaakor does this mean Mark isn that focused on bringing good software to the 3rd world as he told me in the times of the Hoary Hedgehog?13:28
bazhangruben-ikmaak, #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here13:29
ThinkT510ruben-ikmaak: this is a support channel13:29
ruben-ikmaakok, just wondering, not to troll.13:29
JacruthThinkT510, installed the kernel source, headers and image, purged nvidia-current, updated aptitude and I did a "apt-get install nvidia-current"13:29
msp301Jacruth: Hey, I think the 8000,9000 series have issues with the latest driver versions (from what I've heard) ... I've not a 660 which doesn't even run without the latest driver13:29
ruben-ikmaaki thought that this was something very on-topic, but indeed not support related :P13:29
Jacruthmsp301 :O13:30
AristideHi ! Its possible to get output of ffmpeg while encoding from pipe in bash ?13:30
Jacruthmsp301, is there any way to use any other kind of driveer?13:30
bekksJacruth: Use the nouveau driver instead.13:30
ruben-ikmaakis there a # ubuntu-politics or -sociology? this clearly doesnt belong in -offtopic13:30
TaffflashHi guys Im new to linux and I Installed it along side win 7. Im having issues rebooting into win 7. any tips please?13:30
msp301Jacruth: Either use the nouveau driver as bekks has said or install the absolute latest from https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat13:31
Jacruth2bekks, where could I get it13:31
bazhang#ubuntu-discuss ruben-ikmaak13:31
ruben-ikmaakbazhang: ok, thank you, that sounds more like it!13:31
bekksJacruth2: Install it using apt-get (as usual), and purge the nvidia driver before.13:31
bazhangTaffflash, what version of ubuntu13:32
Jacruth2thanks guys13:32
ruben-ikmaaklol, it is a very underpopulated area at -discuss13:32
ThinkT510ruben-ikmaak: that doesn't impact the function of this channel13:33
msp301Jacruth2: Hope you get it working :)13:33
Taffflashbazhang, the latest13:34
Jacruth2thanks msp30113:34
TaffflashIt does go to the boot screen where I can pick what os to boot into but when I pick win 7 it just boots into  ubuntu13:34
sliffstarlooking for forlder lock13:35
=== Guest46916 is now known as Strife
sliffstarfloder lock  software13:35
sliffstarfolder lock  software13:35
bekkssliffstar: What are you trying to achieve, basically?13:36
sliffstarbekks,  i want to lock ma folder so that cant be accessible13:37
sliffstarbekks, its all about  privacy  for the folders13:38
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory13:38
codemaniacsliffstar: may be truecrypt13:39
cosmohey, i'm new to linux and not very computer savvy, is there some kind of tutorial application for ubuntu aimed at people new to using a shell-terminal interface?13:39
ThinkT510!manual | cosmo13:39
ubottucosmo: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:39
ThinkT510!terminal | cosmo13:40
ubottucosmo: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal13:40
grycosmo read the Terminal Documentation here --^13:40
msp301ubottu: might this help? http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/13:40
ubottumsp301: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:40
cosmothank you Think13:41
codemaniac!tab | cosmo13:41
ubottucosmo: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.13:41
cosmocodemaniac, hah13:42
cosmoit's  weird executing commands with physical buttons instead of virtual ones13:42
VlanZis it possible to execute "cut" on $var  instead on an actual file?13:42
=== broken is now known as Guest61120
codemaniacVlanZ: sure13:43
codemaniacvar="this is a sample var";echo $var | cut -d " " -f213:44
magnus__hi guys13:44
[-]ellhi LucidDreamZzZ13:44
[-]ellLucidDreamZzZ (~dreamz@gateway/tor-sasl/xkmeqpz how u using tor ?13:44
ThinkT510!tor | [-]ell13:45
ubottu[-]ell: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl13:45
VlanZcodemaniac: worked great, thank you!13:45
[-]ellcodemaniac will u give me information regarding how to use tor in irc ?13:46
ThinkT510!tor-sasl | [-]ell13:46
ubottu[-]ell: freenode blocks connections from Tor users on its regular servers. Users registered with nickserv can connect to freenode's Tor hidden service instead; see http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor for instructions. For help, ask in #freenode.13:46
loliconis there any body using foxyproxy in firefox? i update my firefox to ver15 and foxyproxy doesn't work anymore13:46
codemaniac[-]ell: i and using sasl ,but not tor13:46
bekkslolicon: It works fine for me.13:46
MonkeyDust[-]ell  in a terminal, type apt-cache show to13:46
MonkeyDust[-]ell  in a terminal, type apt-cache show tor13:47
loliconbekks: which version of firefox are you using?13:47
codemaniacyou can find some guided to set up tor-sasl for your client on the internet13:47
[-]ellohh thanks MonkeyDust !!!13:47
[-]elllet me try now13:47
loliconbekks: when i choose proxy, foxyproxy says: Unrecognized mode specified13:48
[-]elllolicon how to update firefox ?13:49
ThinkT510[-]ell: firefox 15 is in the repos, just do a normal update13:50
lolicon[-]ell: umm .. in fact i'm not a ubuntu user. i use gentoo and i install firefox from portage(something simular to software repo)13:51
mrdebloli, is it good13:51
bekkslolicon: Well, foxyproxy works perfectly here. Have you tried uninstalling it, and reinstalling it after restarting firefox?13:51
Zentaurdoes anybody know how to change the name of my computer shown with bluetooth?13:51
=== fire_ is now known as fire
[x]oh my god13:52
loliconbekks: i've tried to remove the entire ~/.mozilla folder ..13:52
bekkslolicon: Then stick to the gentoo support please. Ticket closed.13:52
ThinkT510Zentaur: you can do that in preferences (in blueman)13:52
[x][-]ell already in use ?13:52
llutz_Zentaur: edit "Name=" in /etc/bluetooth/main.conf13:52
[x]y this problem ?13:52
[x]how to i register particular nick for me ?13:53
Zentaurlet me try firts with main.conf.13:53
ThinkT510!register | [x]13:53
ubottu[x]: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:53
Zentaurthanks a lot guys. You are great!13:53
MonkeyDustZentaur  use blueman -- adapter - preferences - friendly name13:54
AscavasaionI have an odd question perhaps.  I know that you can install ISOs onto a flashdrive/memorystick and boot from it.  Is it possible then to put say 3 or 4 onto the same flashdrive, and use something like Grub to boot all of them?  Then you would have three or four different OSes at your disposal whenever you troubleshoot etc.13:55
hatoriascavasion, yes, grub2 can boot iso directly13:55
Ascavasaionhatori: WOW, sounds niiiiice :)13:55
excervohello guys, how can I download free mp3's with ubuntu?13:56
hatoriascavasion... Thats an old feature of grub13:56
mr-woofhi excervo, jamendo is very good for free music13:56
bekksexcervo: By using the reuiqred tools, like a webbrowser, e.g.13:56
MonkeyDustAscavasaion  i used unetbootin to do that, but make sure you have enough space in /13:56
excervobekks, thanks i'll try that13:57
excervomr-woof, thanks also13:57
AscavasaionMonkeyDust: Thyank you, I appreciate it.13:57
mr-woofno worries :-)13:57
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AscavasaionI know, not strictly a Ubuntu question, but I use Ubuntu/Lubuntu and I just read online at http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-windows_install/does-windows-7-home-premium-support-remote-desktop/0cb69a49-868b-47e0-a760-1a16567413bc that the baby Windows 7 distro does not have a remote desktop server.  How would I go about getting it onto that OS.  My in-laws live far away from me and I thought it would be a good14:04
Ascavasaionway to set up their machine so that I can log into it remotely and fix any problems for them.14:04
ThinkT510Ascavasaion: get them to install teamviewer14:05
arunkumar413ubuntu not detecting my sd memory card in my laptop. please help14:05
[x]i reg this nick ? while log in irc it is not asking for password ThinkT51014:06
AscavasaionThinkT510: Cool, and then I can use Remmina on my Ubuntu and Lubuntu machines to access their computer which will be running Teamviewer?14:06
ThinkT510Ascavasaion: no, you'd need to use teamviewer too14:06
[x]ThinkT510, help me14:06
lousygaruaI have a problem. I want to rip a CD to my computer and I use sound juicer. Once extracted it seems that some or all tracks have silence for a few seconds in the end and thus i can't play the songs gapless. I've tried the ppa version of gstreamer but it still played like this, and mplayer and vlc also have this 'problem' so I'm thinking the source is audio juicer14:06
lifebird64quick question: does anybody know of a console-based program that allows remote assistance / tutorial mode (but in console itself)? I'm afk. please send /msg lifebird64 if you know of anything.14:07
AscavasaionThinkT510: Oh :(14:07
ThinkT510[x]: after you registered your nick then reopen your client and it should ask you to identify your nick14:07
ThinkT510[x]: more help in #freenode14:07
AscavasaionThinkT510: Thank you... will look into that :)14:08
ThinkT510Ascavasaion: teamviewer works on windows, mac and linux (pity it isn't open source)14:08
mrdebhi, how do u install ubuntu 1204 with only gnome 3 and no unity14:08
ThinkT510Ascavasaion: but it really is the easiest solution to set up14:08
AscavasaionThinkT510: Good... simple is good, especially with my in-laws in the fray hehehe14:09
[x]thanks ThinkT510 !!!14:09
MonkeyDustAscavasaion  i tried both reminna and teamviewer, they're nice, but only teamviewer is cross-platform14:09
Ascavasaionmrdeb: Choose Ubuntu Classic on the bootup screen... that is what I did.14:09
msp301mrdeb: I install Ubuntu from alternate CD, install command-line only system and then connect to wired network and install gnome from there14:09
AscavasaionMonkeyDust: Awesome!  Thank you.14:09
IboShow to have ubuntu disk usage analyzer on windows xp ?14:10
bekksIboS: There is no way.14:10
ThinkT510IboS: you don't14:10
[x]how to istall ubuntu .iso file in wubi with out connecting to internet ?14:11
mrdebmsp, so install command, then aptget install gnome. is that it14:11
IboSyou cannot have it for windows xp ??14:11
[x]i've iso file14:11
IboSit sucks14:11
bekksIboS: If you want to use Ubuntu software, use Ubuntu, not XP.14:11
[x]how to run this .iso file via wubi installer14:11
mrdebwhy is vlc not in ubuntu. totem is bad14:11
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IboSbekks: well i cannot use it it freezes on xp14:11
MonkeyDustIboS  in ubuntu, mount the xp partition, then use disk usage analyzer14:12
ThinkT510mrdeb: vlc is indeed available in the repos14:12
bekksIboS: Because it isnt designed to run on XP.14:12
mrdebthinkt, i mean in install14:13
mrdebi know it is in repo14:13
msp301mrdeb: yeah, from the alternate CD, change the mode to Command-line system only ... then install run apt-get install gnome ... that will get you a pure gnome system, when complete reboot and you'll be presented with gdm to login :) ... done14:13
MonkeyDustIboS  windows knows three systems only: windows windows and windows14:13
ThinkT510mrdeb: codecs forbid redistribution in the usa14:13
IboSubuntu know only ubuntu14:13
mr-woofmonkeydust :-)14:13
IboSi cannot run it on xp14:13
IboSi thought it was an open source system14:13
ThinkT510IboS: stop talking rubbish14:14
MonkeyDustIboS  yes, sio you can modify it, to make it run on windows14:14
mrdebthinkt, other distros include it14:14
IboSMonkeyDust: how ?14:14
mrdebmsp ok14:14
ThinkT510mrdeb: are they based in the usa?14:14
MonkeyDustIboS  by learning the skills14:14
IboSi need to learn something to get a software to run Oo14:15
MonkeyDustIboS  to do what you want, yes, nobody else tried14:15
bekksIboS: First, you need to understand that you cant simply run a software designed for OS I. on OS II.14:16
mrdebthink i dont konw but ubuntu is not usa14:16
cireHow may I change grub2 menu to get shown at bootup?14:16
MonkeyDustIboS  linux code is different from windows code, that's why14:16
TetracommWhat is the easiest way to change the boot menu order for Ubuntu 12.04?14:16
mrdebso u are saying usa is less free. is that it14:17
IboSwhat os are crypted ?14:17
ThinkT510!ot | mrdeb14:17
ubottumrdeb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:17
bekksIboS: There are none that are crypted by default.14:17
mrdebwell u said it14:17
bekksIboS: Do you have a specific Ubuntu-related support question?14:17
MonkeyDustIboS  it seems you've come to the wrong place14:17
IboSi wanted to know wether there is an windows xp version of ubuntu disk usage analyzer14:18
ThinkT510IboS: we already told you there isn't14:18
MonkeyDustIboS  so now you know: no14:18
IboSwhere can we discuss about why it is no and how to change that ?14:19
MonkeyDustIboS  type /join #ubuntu-offtopic14:19
mrdebcan u install newest google chrome on ubuntu 80414:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 803 in eric (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #804 Bugged by pyQT api update" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80314:20
Sidewinder1IboS, Just install WUBI, and run disk usage analyzer, from there.14:20
bekksSidewinder1: Which will not help him at all.14:20
ThinkT510mrdeb: 8.04 is only supported on the server14:20
msp301mrdeb: Chrome dropped support for 8.04 from version 1314:21
mrdebwhy do u need analyzer14:21
mrdebit is a toy14:21
mrdebok msp30114:21
IboSokay i'll search what wubi is and install it thanks Sidewinder114:21
Sidewinder1bekks, Thanks.14:21
=== Justasic2 is now known as Justasic
mrdebbut y, i mean it is the same ubunut, only with older programs14:21
mrdebubuntu 804 or 120414:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 803 in eric (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #804 Bugged by pyQT api update" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80314:21
g_Hi. I Installed 12.04 64bit on a Vaio laptop using WUBI. I used a partition on my drive (I put 25GB for Ubuntu). When I do operations such as install, updates, and so on, I have perf problems: mount.ntfs spikes to 99% CPU and the system becomes unresponsive...  Can I solve this or do I just format everything and install Ubuntu on a separate machine?14:22
ThinkT510mrdeb: there is no desktop support for 8.0414:22
ThinkT510!8.04 | mrdeb14:22
ubottumrdeb: Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support continues until 2013. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.14:22
mr-woofit's time for an upgrade mrdeb14:23
MonkeyDustg_  if you want all the latest updates etc, do'nt use wubi14:23
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:23
mrdebno i dont use 80414:23
mrdebi am asking hypo qs14:23
g_MonkeyDust: I already installed all updates via the console...14:23
ThinkT510mrdeb: did you see the answer?14:24
BluesKajmrdeb, why hypothetical ?14:24
szalmrdeb: (1) it's "8.04", not "804"; (2) 8.04 will be dead in half a year anyway14:24
msp301mrdeb: security issues arise in software, maintainers will only keep vulnerabilities patched for their supported software .. does that answer your question?14:24
szalso not much of a use asking hypothetical questions about it14:24
g_anyone about the mount.ntfs thingie?14:24
MonkeyDustg_  i guess it won't work in wubi14:25
mneptokg_: a wubi install is meant as a stop-gap to allow people to try Linux. it's not meant as a permanent solution, install Ubuntu to a separate drive or partition,14:25
g_MonkeyDust: what do you mean, that's what they suggest in ubuntu main website..14:25
mrdebmsp301: but if u dont care about security so it should work14:26
g_mneptok: aha I see.. So just promo crap to make people install Ubuntu once and drop it a week after14:26
MonkeyDustg_  yes, but not in wubi14:26
g_mneptok: if it doesnt work why is it still in the distro?14:26
BluesKajwubi is for testing ubuntu , it's not a good choice if you intend to use linux extensively, g_14:27
mneptokg_: for the same reasons you can take a car for a test drive, but the cops show up if you drive it home.14:27
MonkeyDustg_  wubi is a pseudo-installation inside windows14:27
g_They should say that clear in the website with the fancy buttons and the fancy printsreens guys.. come on.14:27
g_THat's no way to attract users.14:27
g_It is shown as an equal alternative14:28
mneptokg_: Ubuntu is an OS, not a Windows app, if you install it like an OS, it behaves as expected. if you install it as a Windows app, performance is not as dependable,14:28
g_mneptok: from what I saw while installing it it seemed to me there was a new partition created..14:28
BluesKajg_, definitely not an alternative14:28
msp301mrdeb: software also has dependencies, maybe a feature that is used in a library is only available in that libary from a specific version, so Chrome in this case wouldn't be able to access its required feature from this library to run ... if its not available in 8.04, Chrome won't be able to run properly14:28
g_But how do we know the mount.ntfs problem is due to that fact?14:28
mrdebmsp301: but u download it from website, so there is no dep14:29
g_Wouldn't like to slice the HDD then discovering nothing changed..14:29
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mneptokg_: because in a pure Linux install, the NTFS driver wouldn't even be invoked during an upgrade14:29
g_do you have any information about that?14:29
OerHeksg_, the problem is wubi. install side-by-side.14:29
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g_In that case would a partition be enough or should I install on different disk (maybe external) (as I have a laptop)14:30
MonkeyDustg_  i once asked to add something to the website and they did, maybe you can do it too14:30
mneptokg_: another partition is fine.14:30
g_mneptok: thanks. Last question; I am not really planning to do desktop use; I only want to setup LAMP and then varnish / drupal and stuff to experiment14:31
msp301mrdeb: oh, but there are :) ... Chrome uses GTK (I think) to show its graphical window and controls, to ship that with the Chrome application would be massive, so it would rely on you having GTK installed before it can be, make sense?14:31
g_Should I get Ubuntu or would you suggest something else?14:31
szalg_: unless you leave the swap out, you need at least 2 partitions14:31
Maverickiphone irc channel14:31
szalMaverick: is that a question?14:31
ThinkT510!alis | Maverick14:31
ubottuMaverick: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*14:31
MonkeyDustMaverick  type /join ##iphone14:32
Kroachhow can I disable brightness notifications?14:32
g_mneptok: thanks. Last question; I am not really planning to do desktop use; I only want to setup LAMP and then varnish / drupal and stuff to experiment.. Should I use Ubuntu or another distribution?14:32
msp301mrdeb: Google's site shows Chrome/Chromuim's deps here http://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/LinuxBuildInstructionsPrerequisites14:33
ThinkT510g_: sounds like you want a server instead14:34
mrdebmsp301: ok thank you, bye14:34
msp301I think I scared mrdeb off lol :)14:35
ubottucarby: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:35
underHi. I just installed ubuntu on my netbook but I have an issue. When I lower the screen, the netbook doesnt go in standby14:35
excervohello guys where can I download ubuntu server with no gui?14:35
AddisonEI set the udev logging priority to debug, and rebooted my server. Where does udev log too?14:36
szalexcervo: download the alternate CD & install minimal w/o GUI14:36
ThinkT510excervo: not sure what you mean, the normal server iso doesn't come with a gui14:36
underexcervo: just download ubuntu server and during installation dont select any desktop enviroment14:36
Kroachunder: see "Power" in System Settings14:36
puppy_paradeafter a while, I cannot maximize totem. it get's all pixelated above a certain size, and goes black maximized. The sound keeps playing.14:36
excervook thanks guys14:36
fir_edHey, apt-get dist-upgrade is showing that it will hold bakc packages14:36
fir_edwhat does that mean?14:37
szalsince when is apt-get dist-upgrade supported?14:37
Jacruthey guys, how could I stop the gnome display manager?14:38
trism!dist-upgrade | szal14:38
ubottuszal: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.14:38
vibhavfir_ed: It means that the held back packages would not get updated14:38
CalinouJacruth: mind googling?14:38
JacruthI tried to do "sudo service gdm stop"14:38
Jacruth(what I googled for)14:38
Jacruthand It says there is no gdm service14:38
fir_edHow do I force the upgrade, vibhav? Just apt-get install those?14:38
Jacruththere seems to  be only one service starting with "g" and it's not desktop related14:39
ThinkT510Jacruth: its lightdm14:40
vibhavfir_ed: Sorry, I dont know how to do that14:40
Jacruththanks ThinkT51014:40
Jacruththanks Calinou14:40
AddisonEWhat are the chances that udev isn't running upon startup? Or at least it isn't setting the permissions of dev/null correctly.14:44
NostradamusXXLikonia, your boyfriend told me i was going to find you here. Will you come to our party later? BRAD will be there, if you get what i mean girl.14:48
NostradamusXXLikonia, your boyfriend told me i was going to find you here. Will you come to our party later? BRAD will be there, if you get what i mean girl.14:48
NostradamusXXLikonia, go suck a cock14:48
michielbrink who like to test my script? whit that script you can send text to my led display :)14:54
javier_help me14:55
michielbrink who like to test my script? whit that script you can send text to my led display :)14:55
javier_cinerella doesn't work14:55
javier_no thanks14:55
javier_Test my dick14:55
Iceman_Bcan Ubuntu boot from an extended partition?14:56
zykotick9Iceman_B: yes, grub doesn't care.14:56
Myrttijavier_: behave14:56
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actionParsnipIceman_B: it makes no difference in any OS14:58
actionParsnipIceman_B: it will be a logical partition within the extended partition too :)14:59
superfake123when I turn the 'auto hide launcher' I can't get it to reveal ???15:00
actionParsnipsuperfake123: I noticed that, if you press SuperL it wil show as well as dash15:01
superfake123yeah that works15:01
superfake123I guess that will have to do for now D:15:01
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actionParsnipsuperfake123: i disable the hide feature, just make the bar smaller15:02
asher^anyone know how i can get the openoffice.org-headless package on 11.10? it doesnt seem to be in the repository15:02
actionParsnip!info openoffice.org-headless15:03
ubottuPackage openoffice.org-headless does not exist in precise15:03
ThinkT510asher^: its libreoffice now15:03
asher^ThinkT510 is that just a name change, or different software?15:03
MonkeyDustasher^  if you want it, you'll have to upgrade your ubuntu15:03
ThinkT510asher^: its a fork, so different code base15:04
MonkeyDustasher^  nvm, irt doesnt exist in precise either, i was too fast15:04
asher^i need it to use with other software. is there a way i can get it?15:04
actionParsnipasher^: let me search15:06
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MonkeyDustasher^  it says here: "You need to install the openoffice.org package as well as the openoffice.org-headless and openoffice.org-java-common . This one caught me for a while too." java-common is in the repos15:06
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PapaSierrai don't understand the implication of choosing libcurl4-gnutls-dev over libcurl4-openssl-dev, any ideas?15:07
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actionParsnipasher^: seems it is an option on oofice15:07
asher^actionParsnip sorry, what does that mean?15:07
actionParsnipasher^: http://www.openoffice.org/documentation/setup_guide2/1.1.x/en/SETUP_GUIDE.html    or is it something else?15:07
ubottuError: openoffice bug 1 not found15:07
gordonjcpPapaSierra: why has this question arisen?15:08
asher^actionParsnip that looks like some really old version15:08
PapaSierragordonjcp simply because i'm installing pecl_http and it requires curl.h which is available in either of those two. so it's a straight choice between them?15:08
actionParsnipasher^: try:  ooffice -headless15:08
actionParsnipasher^: https://code.google.com/p/openmeetings/wiki/OpenOfficeConverter15:09
asher^actionParsnip that just tells me to install the packages i already cant15:10
lousygaruaWhat is a good CD ripping application? I tried soundjuicer but it seems to add silence to the end of the tracks (I checked the first and second tracks for "gaplessness" on several applications and each of them had the same silence)15:12
actionParsnipasher^: you could ask in the openoffice channel too15:12
PapaSierragordonjcp any follow up? thanks15:12
Respite212Hi everyone, can someone tell me how to get my sdb drive working?15:13
actionParsnip!info asunder15:13
ubottuasunder (source: asunder): graphical audio CD ripper and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1-2 (precise), package size 121 kB, installed size 792 kB15:13
zykotick9!info abcde15:13
ubottuabcde (source: abcde): A Better CD Encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.2-1ubuntu1 (precise), package size 80 kB, installed size 267 kB15:13
trotrohi, i just install last ubuntu, and i don't find the option for starting my .xsession15:15
trotrohow can i force it ?15:15
sambagirlhow do you turn on sharing for hdd for linux to linux?15:15
sambagirlor just sharing on in general15:16
sambagirli found it thanks15:16
Respite212I have 2 drives sda, and sdb, my root, home, swap are on sda, and sdb have a single large partition, but everytime I install something, it always ends up in sda, how do I get ubuntu to use sdb drive?15:16
bekksRespite212: By choosing sdb as installation target.15:19
actionParsnipRespite212: use the 'something else' option and you can setup the partitioning on any drive you desire15:19
Respite212wait, can I have a /home on sda AND sdb drive?15:19
actionParsniptrotro: the default desktop OS will automatically start the X session15:20
bekksRespite212: What do you mean?15:20
actionParsnipRespite212: you can have some folders in yourhome folder mount to the other drive's partition15:20
Respite212actionParsnip: How do I do that?15:21
Respite212and how do I direct what I install to install in sdb?15:22
PapaSierrasorry to repeat myself but i didn't get an answer. does anyone have an opinion?15:22
PapaSierrai don't understand the implication of choosing libcurl4-gnutls-dev over libcurl4-openssl-dev, any ideas? the only reason i need it is because i'm trying to build pecl_http and aparently curl.h is a requirement15:22
actionParsnipRespite212: or you can use LVM to amalgamate the storages together and mount that as home15:22
actionParsnipRespite212: yes, lvm15:22
trotroactionParsnip, no15:22
Respite212actionParsnip: What's LVM?15:23
actionParsnipRespite212: why not find out....15:23
actionParsniptrotro: no what?15:24
gabrielukwhat is the best way to install java on my desktop? it seems java likes more rpm based distros x.x15:26
actionParsnipgabrieluk: there is no single best way15:26
gabrielukthe easiest so15:26
gabrieluki mean, with ppa is better15:26
actionParsnipgabrieluk: here is how I do it http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-via.html15:27
gabrielukthere;s ppa?15:27
yeats!java | gabrieluk15:27
ubottugabrieluk: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.15:27
gnagnohello all15:28
Respite212Would I need to reformat everything on my disks in order to use LVM?15:28
rymate1234trying to switch from linux mint to ubuntu15:29
rymate1234wat package to install to change system wide branding?15:29
actionParsniprymate1234: should be easy enough15:29
actionParsnipRespite212: its not something I've used but I understand it can make a single filesystem from many15:29
rymate1234I found a tutorial to switch from ubuntu to mint15:30
rymate1234so I'm trying to do the reverse of that15:30
xanguarymate1234: fresh install15:30
actionParsniprymate1234: just format the partitions with mint and install Ubuntu15:30
trotroactionParsnip, no default ubuntu ignore .xsession15:30
actionParsniptrotro: I see15:30
trotro<actionParsnip> trotro: the default desktop OS will automatically start the X session >> i said no to that15:30
gnagnoI bought a usb to ethernet adapter with lsusb I can see it as "Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0fe6:9700 Kontron (Industrial Computer Source / ICS Advent) DM9601 Fast Ethernet Adapter" but I can't see it if I make ifconfig, can someone help me please?15:31
actionParsniptrotro: ask in $HOME/.xsession ?15:32
actionParsnipgnagno: use the 8 character hex ID, you may find guides15:33
rymate1234my system is now15:34
rymate1234brb rebooting15:34
sambagirlhey action how do you access another ubuntu hdd on a network? do you have to turn on sharing for both? i can't see either one on the same network? i can see windows drives and server drives but not laptops that are right next to each other :D15:34
FloodBot1rymate1234: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:34
sambagirli didnt flood you ignorat bot\15:34
rymate1234sambagirl, he was talking to me15:35
sambagirlohh sorry15:35
gnagnothanks actionParsnip :)15:35
actionParsnipsambagirl: if you install openssh-server you can access SSHFS over the network15:36
sambagirlooh ok15:36
SDR-GUYafter updates my unbuntu wont boot15:36
SDR-GUYi can only get into recovery counsole15:37
sambagirlyou are just brilliant15:37
trotroactionParsnip, what ?15:37
SDR-GUYmy unbuntu wont boot15:37
SDR-GUYbroke after updates15:38
sambagirlbtw  i was on a lenovo webinar since i used to work with ibm and support lenovo stuff, all they are pushing like they did in the past as all mfg did windows 8 period. i think microsoft needs to be broken up like att was15:38
SDR-GUYno way MS rocks.. windows 7 is so stable15:38
bekks!ot | SDR-GUY15:38
bazhang!ot | sambagirl SDR-GUY15:38
ubottuSDR-GUY: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:38
ubottusambagirl please see above15:38
sambagirlyeah but this is a world of choices not having stuff pushed down your throat15:38
bazhangsambagirl, stop it15:39
sambagirli can speak my mind if i want to this is still a free internet15:39
SDR-GUYubottu i have been asking for help15:39
ubottuSDR-GUY: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:39
bazhangsambagirl, not here you cannot15:39
SDR-GUYubottu will you marry me15:39
ubottuSDR-GUY: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:39
sambagirlWell i will take it up with the The big boss cause i know who he is!15:39
sambagirli was just making a point15:39
SDR-GUYmy unbuntu is broken15:40
OerHeks /ignore sambagirl15:40
SDR-GUYcan anyone help15:40
bazhangsambagirl, make it in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here15:40
sambagirl /ignorant oerheks15:40
bekks!ask | SDR-GUY15:40
ubottuSDR-GUY: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:40
sambagirlmy concerns are that i dont think that ubuntu is going to work on these new lenovo systems.15:41
bekksWhat was this ubottu trigger telling about how to ask a question (details and stuff...)?15:41
Respite212Anyone know how to mount a part of /home folders to another partition on another drive?15:41
SDR-GUYmy unbuntu wont boot, installed updates, reboot is grub then black screen, lots of Hard Drive but nothing more than black screen15:41
Matthias45hi there I have a problem with a external hard drive seagate free agent goflex 1TB. I plug it in and it isn't even recognized. Can anyone help?15:41
SDR-GUYcan get into recovery consol but no clue what to do there15:41
bekksRespite212: You cant split your home folder15:41
bazhangbekks, !details15:41
SxDxRespite212 mkdir / ln -s15:41
bekksbazhang: ah, thanks15:41
sambagirlSDR-guy cant you choose an earlier build from grub?15:42
SDR-GUYnone of them boot15:42
SDR-GUYi cant do any commands like sudo15:42
Respite212SxDx: Huh?15:42
BluesKajSDR-GUY, choose repair broken packages in the dialog , that usually works15:43
SDR-GUYthere is no dialog15:43
SDR-GUYi used shift key15:43
SDR-GUYbut not getting thast15:43
SxDxRespite212 use mkdir in dest directory and then ln -s somewhere in your /home to that directory15:43
bekksSxDx: Which wont help him.15:43
SDR-GUYhow do i shut off the join notices15:43
yeatsRespite212: you're wanting to move your /home to another partition, yes?15:43
bekksSxDx: ln does NOT split a home directory or transfer the contents to another drive.15:43
BluesKajSDR-GUY, have chosen the recovery kernel yet ?15:44
Respite212yeats: no, I want to move a part of my home folders to another disk15:44
SDR-GUYi can open recovery consule15:44
SDR-GUYhow can i stop the irc join notices15:44
yeatsRespite212: so a directory within /home/yourusername then?15:44
rymate1234how to remove linux mint branding15:44
Respite212yeats: For example I want to move /home/games to another partition on a second disk.15:44
actionParsnipSDR-GUY: which client?15:44
bekksRespite212: Thats not an ubuntu issue.15:44
actionParsniprymate1234: ask in the mint channel15:44
actionParsnipSDR-GUY: in the options button, you can stop them there, you can also change the colour of the interface15:45
Respite212bekks: How is it not a ubuntu issue? Im using the Ubuntu OS as well as Ubuntu terminal!15:45
SxDxRespite212, so mv /home/games /another/disk then ln -s /another/disk/games /home/games15:45
bekksRespite212: You are using Mint, since you have a Mint branding.15:45
bekksRespite212: And thats no Ubuntu.15:45
chris92bekks: wut... the mint branding guy is rymate123415:46
Respite212bekks: what is Mint?15:46
SDR-GUYok so I can get the recovery consiole15:46
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yeatsbekks: I think you meant to direct that to rymate123415:46
bekksRespite212: Sorry - I was mixing up your nick with rymate123415:46
rymate1234I can understand who he meant yeats without having my name pinged in it15:46
bekksyeats: correct.15:46
dageriki ssh to remote box running ubuntu and i forward X. now gedit works fine, but notify-send test does not create notification locally. but running notify-send locally from terminal created notification. i am using xfce4-notifyd. help?15:46
sambagirlactionparsnip since i installed ssh-server i can't access the windows network systems at all. is that normal?15:46
rymate1234found the mint packages15:47
rymate1234brb removing15:47
SDR-GUYhow come i cant get the fix packages dialog?15:47
Respite212SxDx: how do I direct the mount to another disk? the other disk is partitioned but does not have a /mount yet?15:47
yeatsRespite212: I would 1) create a directory on the other partition and move my files there 2) change the name of my current "games" directory and mkdir a new games directory 3) 'mount /path/to/dir/on/other/partition /home/myusername/games'15:47
actionParsnipsambagirl: it shouldn't cause any issue, its a totally different protocol on a completely different port15:47
sambagirlahh ok15:47
yeatsRespite212: if that works, you just add a line in /etc/fstab that will automatically mount that partition at that location on bootup15:48
lousygaruaactionParsnip, I'm trying asunder, but it doesn't find the CD! I inserted it, I can view wav files on the CD but asunder doesn't see it. Is it supposed to be with wav files? It'a a purchased CD, not one I've burned15:48
yeatsRespite212: then once you're satisfied, you could optionally remove "games.old"15:48
SDR-GUYwhen i select any version to boot all i get is a black screen15:48
SxDxRespite212, your 2nd disk must have a file system (ext4 or whatever)15:48
angsis it possible to install .rpm file on ubuntu 12.04?15:49
Respite212SxDx: It does ext4.15:49
bazhangangs what package15:49
Respite212do I work with Gparted?15:49
yeatsangs: technically possible? probably - but not recommended at all15:49
lousygaruaangs, I think a tool called 'alien' can donvert .rpms to .debs15:49
SDR-GUYi cant get my unbuntu to boot15:49
SDR-GUYi have lost all my work15:49
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)15:49
lousygaruaSDR-GUY, first of all, you can run a livecd/usb and backup your data15:50
SxDxRespite212, then you can mount that disk somewhere and copy files15:50
SDR-GUYall the work was in setting it up to run my programs15:50
bazhangangs better to avoid it altogether; what package15:50
Myrttiangs: what are you planning to install from rpm?15:50
NsmurfHas anyone hsed the Gensi EFIKA MX Smartbook before?15:50
angslousygaura, I tried alien but it did not work for me. bazhang & yeats: I am trying to install a driver for a usb oscilloscope device which is in .rpm format15:50
keyminorwhich tool can i use to antispoof?15:50
SxDxRespite212, and then use the "ln -s" thing or go with the "mount" thing. If you go the "ln -s" thing you must mount the 2nd disk too15:50
SDR-GUYi spent a million hours with all these packages and dependances.. its a real nightmare platform15:50
bazhangkeyminor, what does that even mean15:51
lousygaruaactionParsnip, nevermind! figured it out. The device on my laptop is /dev/sr0 instead of what was preconfigured in asunder /dev/cdrom15:51
SDR-GUYit took me five days to instllall everything i needed to run some radio software15:51
SDR-GUYnow it wont boot15:51
bazhang!repeat | SDR-GUY15:51
ubottuSDR-GUY: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:51
Respite212SxDx: Sorry I am still new to linux in general.15:51
sambagirlhere is a very imporant question. i am running a few servers with 10.10 on them. i should have used 10.04 however that is irrelevant at this point. what can i do to retain the integrity of the 10.10 servers? do an update? or do i have to start from scratch with a new LTS server? i'm miffed on what to do at this point?15:52
Respite212SxDx: Any links to tell me how to do the In -s thing or the mount thing?15:52
sambagirli mean t upgrade15:52
SxDxRespite212, don't be sorry, there is no problem15:52
bazhang!eolupgrades | sambagirl15:52
ubottusambagirl: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:52
bekkssambagirl: Update to a supported release.15:52
sambagirlupgrade or update?15:52
bazhangsambagirl, read the eolupgrades link above15:53
sambagirlthet thing that scares me bekks is that some of the services (apps) won't function in a new environment?15:53
SxDxRespite212, let's say your 2nd disk is /dev/sdb1, you have to do "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /some/directory" (let's say '/some/directory' is '/mnt'). Then you do 'sudo mkdir /mnt/games'15:54
AlanBellsambagirl: the only way is forward though, attempting to go back to 10.04 is not supported and more likely to break things than going forward would15:54
SDR-GUYi wish i could get fedora running15:54
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sambagirlalanbell i know15:55
sambagirlalanbell i agree i have to go forward cause i am concerned about security issues.15:55
SxDxRespite212, then you may want to do "sudo chown user /mnt/games" where 'user' is your login name. Then you can do for example "cp -a /home/games/* /mnt/games"15:56
Respite212SxDx: Can that be "sudo mount /dev/sdb1/home/games?15:56
_XMENDESi have a executable game on cd (for win) .. how i install on wine ? (need cd to start)15:56
AlanBellSDR-GUY: what version of Ubuntu, and what was going on before it stopped booting?15:56
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SDR-GUYthe latest15:57
SDR-GUY12 lts15:57
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SxDxRespite212, yes it could, but you must copy the files first15:57
[x]ThinkT510, ?15:57
SDR-GUYwhen i boot i get black screen after selecting unbuto15:57
SxDxRespite212, so you must mount it somewhere else and copy from /home/games15:58
SDR-GUYthe hard drive has activity15:58
Respite212SxDx: Well I currently have no games on /home/games yet.15:58
Respite212or even a /home/game directory15:58
SDR-GUYi tried a previous load from the shift menu biut got a debian screen all night15:58
AlanBellSDR-GUY: ok, after giving it a minute can you press ctrl+alt+F1 and do you get a console when you do that?15:58
[x]atlast landed safely15:58
SDR-GUYall i can get is that recovery consol15:59
_XMENDESi have a executable game on cd (for win) .. how i install on wine ? (need cd to start)15:59
Respite212SxDx: I wanted to create a new directory where all my games would be installed but on to the sdb1 partition.15:59
SxDxRespite212, so do "mount /dev/sdb1 /home/games" and you are done15:59
rymate1234I am now running UBUNTU15:59
[x]how to join a channel thorugh command ?16:00
SDR-GUYunbuntu seems so unstable.16:00
AlanBellSDR-GUY: what kind of graphics card do you have? do you think it is actually booting but not displaying the screen?16:00
chris92[x]: use /join #CHANNEL16:00
_XMENDESi have a executable game on cd (for win) .. how i install on wine ? (need cd to start)16:01
SDR-GUY8800 gts16:01
AlanBellSDR-GUY: can you for example ping it from another computer?16:01
Respite212SxDx: Mount point does not exists?16:01
SDR-GUYall i get is the recovery consil16:01
bazhang_XMENDES, go to the installer, right click open with wine16:01
SxDxRespite212, yes the directory /home/games must exist to mount there16:01
SDR-GUYand it crashes with the message kernal panic16:01
AlanBell_XMENDES: have you looked up the game in the winehq apps database?16:01
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_XMENDESbazhang, dont works.. cd is secure . need of cd to install16:02
Respite212SxDx: How do I create that directory in sdb116:02
_XMENDESIm gonna try with isomount16:02
_XMENDESdont have this on winehq16:02
chris92Respite212: you have to create the /home/games first, before you can mount anything there16:02
_XMENDESi looked16:02
SxDxRespite212, what do you mean? You don't. You create it on the 1st disk. The 2nd disk will be mounted there.16:03
bazhang_XMENDES, if you dont have the cd, then what did you expect16:03
AlanBell_XMENDES: might help if you say what the game is (I won't know, I don't play games, but someone might)16:03
Respite212SxDx: Ohhhh.. you mount the disk to the directory...16:03
[x]thanks chris9216:03
chris92Respite212: exactly16:03
chris92[x]: you're welcome16:03
Respite212Sorry Im still thinking still of windows where you mount the directory to the disk.16:04
_XMENDESi have the cd16:04
[x]Chris92 are you using tor ?16:04
chris92[x]: nope16:04
_XMENDESbut i need show to wine were is cd to get securite file16:04
SDR-GUYfrankly i want to give up on unbuntu, the only thing it has going for it is the windows insaller, i have had nothing but issues with it.. this is my fourth install16:04
rymate1234SDR-GUY, what's the issue?16:05
SDR-GUYit wont boot16:05
bazhang_XMENDES, if you have the cd, then go to the installer in the cd and right click it. some apps will NEVER run with wine16:05
SDR-GUYgrub then black screen16:05
Respite212Hmm doesn't work16:05
SDR-GUYi hold shift and can get recovery console16:05
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[x]chris92, your ip looks :S not a normal 116:05
SDR-GUYthe old versions just a debian screen16:05
AlanBellSDR-GUY: tell us more about this kernel panic? when does that happen?16:05
xanguaSDR-GUY: the windows installer¿ you mean wubi¿¿16:05
Respite212I just created a folder in /home called games, but when I sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /home/games it still says mount point doesn't exist.16:06
SDR-GUYif fedora had wubi16:06
Ektaaztry linux mint16:06
michielbrink 245 seconds)16:06
michielbrink<javier_> help me16:06
michielbrink<michielbrink>  who like to test my script? whit that script you can send text to my led display :)16:06
SDR-GUYi think i tried a command16:06
SDR-GUYand it panic16:06
chris92[x]: well, its my host, but chitchat can be done in #ubuntu-offtopic, not in here :)16:06
SDR-GUYi cant fix packages from that screen?16:06
Respite212nvmind, figured it out. it's /home/username/games16:07
SDR-GUYthis happened after the updates16:07
[x]oh i am at zero level in irc Chris9216:07
_XMENDESi need to make the cd files executable.. but how?16:08
_XMENDESchanging chmod of /media?16:08
[x]chitchat a client like xchat ?16:08
SDR-GUYshould i just delete the whole thing?16:08
SDR-GUYits my forth install16:08
SDR-GUYit doenst ever seem to work right16:08
SDR-GUYthe SDR guys tell me its a fubar platform anyway16:09
AlanBellSDR-GUY: maybe try in a virtual machine rather than wubi (or on real hardware)16:09
SDR-GUYwhats wrong with my hardware?16:09
AlanBellooh, you are doing software defined radio, err, on real hardware then16:09
chris92[x]: chitchat is just another word for small talk :P this is a support channel, whereas the offtopic channel is there to chat with each other16:10
Respite212Question: What is with the Lost+Found folder that is was just added to my /home/username/games folder?16:10
AlanBellnothing wrong with the hardware you have, I meant on a real partition rather than in a windows file16:10
SDR-GUYi tried that16:10
SDR-GUYbut i have several hd16:10
SDR-GUYand the boot loader will never boot linux16:10
chris92Respite212: Lost+Found is basically your trash folder16:10
Sonderbladeanyone using the infinality freetype patches?16:10
SDR-GUYi tried easy bcd also and nothing16:10
Respite212Chris92, can I just delete it?16:11
SDR-GUYif you can give me a hint on that16:11
SDR-GUYi would just install in a partition16:11
chris92Respite212: it will come back ^^16:11
Respite212chris92: lol, Thanks16:12
AlanBellSDR-GUY: I had never heard of easy bcd before, normally just booting from the live CD and doing an install just works, the Grub2 bootloader will let you switch between Ubuntu and other operating systems16:12
[x]chris92, is you in the channel offtopic you mean :| ?16:12
SDR-GUYit wont when you have it installed on a different hd than windows boot16:13
Respite212Question: Now that I have a /home/username/games folder, how do I direct games to be installed on that folder? This includes any WINE/PlayonLinux virtual worlds things?16:13
AlanBellthe only complication where wubi helps is if the manufacturer has been obnoxious and used 4 primary partitions and not created extended partitions16:13
chris92Respite212: its like the recycle.bin under windows. every hard drive has its own recycle.bin folder, in ubuntu its either .trash-1000 or lost+found16:13
[x]i joined the channel offtopic :D lol16:13
chris92[x]: now I am16:13
Respite212chris92: Ah Thanks.16:13
DarkStar1hello has anyone here installed courier on 12.0416:13
DarkStar1courier mail server that is16:14
chris92Respite212: wine/playonlinux have their own folders, normally /home/username/.wine16:14
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[x]join #offtopic connecting me to channel ##unavailable :S16:15
chris92Respite212: you could do some symbolic links to trick it tho16:15
chris92[x]: join #ubuntu-offtopic16:15
[x]Cannot join #offtopic (Channel is invite only).16:15
nigwethlol weird16:16
[x]oh ok thnx chris9216:16
[x]join ubuntu-offtopic16:16
[x]join #ubuntu-offtopic16:16
SDR-GUYif i can configure the boot loader i would install on a partition16:16
chris92[x]: execute it as a command... "/join #ubuntu-offtopic"16:16
[x]ok :| i thot / not necessary16:17
rymate1234how to maek grub recognise m system is ubuntu16:17
rymate1234not linux mint16:17
gyre007is there any way guys how I can creat a Ubuntu boot disk on my USB disk without wiping out any data from it ?16:18
DarkStar1No one?16:18
bazhangrymate1234, ask mintsupport16:18
bazhang!mintsupport | rymate123416:18
ubotturymate1234: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:18
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SDR-GUYthanks for the help guys..  I going to ditch unbuntu, way too unstable and buggy a platform.... fedora has done be right..16:19
SDR-GUYi will work on the boot loader.16:19
rsserI'm getting nervous. I read that if I use the command line "ls -d", I will have a list of directories, but it does not work. The command returns nothing.16:19
chris92rsser: where did you use the command?16:19
rsserOn terminal, chris9216:20
gyre007rsser, it must return at least "." ie dot which is local directory16:20
chris92rsser: I meant in which directory in the terminal16:20
gyre007rsser, normally you run it against a directory and it lists that directory and not its contents..16:21
rsserI'm on /home/nano path, chris9216:21
BenBEI have a webcam which is working perfctly with Linux kernels below 3.5; but refuses to work with Linux 3.6rc4 and above. Using the kernels from the ubuntu kernel ppa.16:21
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`Nano_in my base killing my d00dz16:22
rsserdamm ubuntu16:22
steve234why is the making of a driver so damn slow? (media_build_bst from dvbsky.net)16:22
emckenIm trying to connect to irc.gnome.org but for some reason it doesn't seem to be able to find any channels... anyone have an idea why?16:22
rsserthe help is wrong16:22
folornokay anyone know if there's a way to get an extra hardrive or increase it on a low end ancient labtop?16:23
folornor somehow to add to the hdd space16:23
gyre007rsser, https://gist.github.com/380450516:23
gyre007have a look there16:23
rsserokay, gyre00716:24
rsserit is serious, guys16:24
rsserls -d should work properly16:24
gyre007rsser, it DOES :)16:24
gyre007read that gist16:25
gyre007maybe it could do with a slightly changed man pages as they can confuse people16:25
steve234or.. is it normal that a dvb driver install takes about 30-50minutes?16:25
rsserso, I'm on ubuntu for my native tongue. I think that can be a problem.16:26
rsserwrong translation16:26
aura_Can someone pls tell how do I put the horizontal line in here?16:27
nigweth__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ like this?16:27
rssergyre007, shouldn't it have fork that?16:27
vibhavaura_: Which horizontal line?16:27
rsserto avoid that misunderstand16:27
aura_just like nigweth told16:27
gyre007shouldnt it what ?16:28
chris92aura_: shift + - (at least on my keyboard16:28
nigweththat's about IRC client settings isn't it?16:28
BenBEI have a webcam which is working perfctly with Linux kernels below 3.5; but refuses to work with Linux 3.6rc4 and above. Using the kernels from the ubuntu kernel ppa.16:28
aura_i guess so, but dont know the stuff! :(16:28
steve234so can someone answer me?16:28
dageriksteve234: are you referring to the time it takes to compile?16:29
rssergyre007, There should be a fork to prevent this kind of translation error in manpages.16:29
steve234yes. this lines with CC [M]16:29
dageriksteve234: compiling may take 1 second or 1 hour depending how how big the project is16:30
folornrocketfish cambs work nice with ubuntu16:30
rsserI'm sad there several erros on ls man page here on my native tongue16:30
gyre007rsser, there is no translation errors :)16:30
steve2346 Mb tar.gz16:31
gyre007its just a bit confusing :)16:31
folornanyone got a old box they dont want in here?16:31
steve234its just TOO slow if its only one single dvb card driver...16:31
bazhang!ot | folorn16:31
BenBEAnybody here who could help with a webcam problem?16:31
ubottufolorn: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:31
leaftwigmy screen went from big to small resolution and i can't manipulate system settings to make the screen big again16:31
rssergyre007, if the help were okay, I wouldn't ask for help surely16:31
bazhang[x], /msg ubottu16:31
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto16:31
LorraHi everybody! I am trying to extract the text from a pdf file with some tables in a text file using the pdftotext program and it works pretty good. The only bad thing is that it looks like lines are wrapped after 60 columns, I wouldn't like them to wrap. Does anybody have a clue about that?16:31
rsserI won't impolite, gyre00716:32
rsserbut the doc must to be clear16:32
gyre007you won't what ? :) mate Im having troubles understanding you sorry :)16:32
bazhangrsser, file a bug16:32
rsserokay, gyre00716:32
gyre007well rsser speak to Ubuntu team16:32
bazhang!bugs | rsser16:32
ubottursser: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.16:32
steve234to complicated. if there is a tevii s471 card, there should be a tiny driverpack with a .install.sh file.. i think. for noobs like i am.16:32
gyre007cheers bazhang16:33
bazhangrsser, complaining here will fix nothing16:33
steve234it seems like now i install hunderts of drivers for only one card.16:33
bazhangrsser, so file a bug16:33
yekomsuser ALL=NOPASSWD: VZ, still allows users to exec sudo for other files, how do i prevent this?16:33
rsserbazhang, it's pitty old times don't come back16:33
gyre007bazhang, its not a bug....it's a slight confusion in man pages...16:33
leaftwigi squished it to 640*480 & i can't get the system settings section display to make it change back *butthurt*16:34
rsserhow to fix that, gyre007?16:34
yekomslike, user should only have access to VZ. which is /usr/sbin/vzctl. but i can still do sudo ls /root16:34
gyre007fix what ? I sent you a github gist explaining how it should be used16:34
rsserI'm on that link you gave me16:34
chris92leaftwig: edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf and reboot16:34
yekomsedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and restart X.16:35
yekomsyou dont need to reboot to do that ;)16:35
chris92yekoms: yea I know, but I always reboot ^^16:35
yekomsthats okay aslong as your computer isnt a production server like all mine are ;)16:36
yekomsi only reboot for kernel updates..or hardware updates. no other reason ;p16:36
yekomsso no ideas/help on my question?16:36
rssergyre007, where can I change on ls code to make it to list the directory with option -d only?16:37
yekomsrsser, edit the alias ls in ~/.bash_profile16:37
rsseri have to type ls -ltr to see what I want16:37
modernrobwhats the version of the latest kernel for ubuntu 12.0416:37
leaftwigok im switching to windows vista >8C16:37
yekomsor, alias alias ls="/usr/bin/ls -flags" i believe.16:37
[x]google trolls16:37
[x]sri ?16:37
leaftwigI made it switch back by using tab n enter16:37
steve234it sais 530 modules. for ONE dvb card...16:38
leaftwigbut now it goes really slower than usual16:38
steve234im loosing my mind.16:38
bazhang[x], chat in #ubuntu-offtopic not here16:38
yekomsblack@blackness:~$ alias16:38
yekomsalias ls='ls --color=auto'16:38
steve23438 minutes16:38
[x]chris92, how to update firefox alone ?16:38
yekomsapt-get upgrade firefix-*16:38
Sri19[x], ?16:38
bazhang!info linux | modernrob16:38
ubottumodernrob: linux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB16:38
rsserempty file, modernrob16:38
defaultrohey folks, i ran playonlinux to install itunes. I downloaded the latest Itunes .exe then I chose itunes 10 inside playonlinux. I think that's what is causing the problem, m5d mismatch16:38
rsserthere is no .bash_profile16:38
yekomsthat bot is wrong.16:38
yekomsrsser, use the alias command16:39
yekoms12.04 uses 3.5.0-24 for the kernel.16:39
steve234the whole fckn system installation is about 25minutes from web :D16:39
folornwhats the command to remove a dir if its full again?16:39
folornrmdir - what16:39
ikoniafolorn: rm -rf16:39
[x]manjunath :O16:39
steve234rm -r <dirname>16:39
defaultroit will remove the directory too16:39
yekomssteve234, my ubuntu takes less then 3 minutes. i use a local install server for this ;P16:39
yekomsrm -rf <dirname>/*16:40
defaultrocd somedir && rm -rf *16:40
ikoniayou don't need /*16:40
yekomswow, so much extra stuff in these solutions ;)16:40
ikoniajust rm -rf $directory16:40
ikoniathat will do16:40
yekomsyou do if you want to rm the contents of <dirname>16:40
yekomswithout deleting <dirname> aswell.16:40
ikoniayekoms: then you need rm -rf .16:40
steve234yekoms: than .. this is not normal i think.16:40
steve234or use midnight commander :)16:41
yekomsikonia, that requires cd <dirname>, rm -rf <dirname>/* will do exactly the same, without the extra command. :/16:41
steve234and cc1 uses 5-30% cpu.16:41
steve234make 116:41
yekomssteve234, is your network mirror on a local network or public?16:41
ikoniayekoms: it won't pickup the . diles16:41
yekomsrm -rf <dirname>/*.*16:42
rssermodernrob, what would I can do?16:42
steve234is this because the make writes infos to the screen? is there a way to turn it off? maybe it would be faster.16:42
rsserthere is not profile bash16:42
yekomsecho $SHELL16:42
yekomswhat does it output rsser ?16:42
rsserI found .profile, but there is not reference to ls alias16:42
WeThePeopleis eth0 connected automatically through tty216:42
yekomsits .bashrc16:42
rsserYeahRight, /bin/bash16:43
yekomsif your #SHELL returns /bin/bash, edit ~/.bashrc16:43
modernrobrsser: ??16:43
rsseryekoms is helping me, modernrob16:43
yekomsaround line 75.16:43
rsserthank you, modernrob16:43
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steve234they didnt told me if i buy this 50euro card i have to install it ONE hour long. i type make for 44 minutes ago!16:44
yekomsremember, you HAVE to logout, and back in for it to take effect, or do . /home/user/.bashrc16:44
yekomsmake -j116:44
rsseryekoms, sorry for asking, but what does "rc" of bashRC stand for?16:44
yekomsone process, quicker result. less CPU/MEM load16:44
rsserokay, yekoms16:44
yekomsuhm, not sure rsser.16:44
yekomsman bashrc :P16:45
rsserokay, yekoms16:45
yekomsanyone good with sudo?16:45
yekomsno, those puzzles are weak and too easy.16:45
rsseryekoms, would I have to add an alias here?16:46
llazafter doing apt-get install libpcre3-dev, what is the linker option to link it?16:46
yekomsi have "black ALL=NOPASSWD: VZ" and the user can still do sudo cat /etc/sudoers. but shouldnt.16:46
KevinFI've accidently open up this huge terminal which i can't close down. It the entire windows. Any help? :D16:47
yekomsrsser, edit your current alias. which should be alias ls='ls -color=auto', set your flags there16:47
compdocyekoms, I think you can cat any file without being sudo16:47
compdoc*using sudo16:47
yekomscompdoc, try catting /etc/sudoers without using sudo16:47
compdoccant - all my users are in there16:48
yekomsi want to give user: black access to /usr/sbin/vzctl only using sudo16:48
yekomsyou cant cat /etc/sudoers as normal user.16:48
yekomsor ls /var/log as normal user16:48
chris92KevinF: ctrl+alt+f716:48
yekomsif you opened a terminal, try typing exit :P16:49
KevinFAwesome, thanks chris92 :)16:49
yekomsdoesn't alt+f4 close current foreground application?16:49
chris92yekoms, he switched from XServer to one of the tty terminals16:49
yekomslol..i didnt know he did that, atleast in his question he didnt state that...16:50
KevinFOh well, i said i got a terminal that covers the entire screen16:50
yekomsdoes 8.04 have sockstat in its repo?16:51
muelliyekoms: you can check http://packages.ubuntu.com16:51
yekomsKevinF, if you opened a terminal, you should be able to type exit to close it. or ctrl/alt/f7 but i dont use keystrokes for anything.16:51
yekomsmuelli, its there but not in my apt-get16:51
yekomsi did: apt-get install sockstat, said package not found.16:52
DasEiyekoms: why still 8.04 ? it isn't supported anymore16:52
rymate1234I accidently bash16:52
rymate1234wat do16:52
DasEi!eol | yekoms16:53
ubottuyekoms: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:53
yekomsbecause its the best one for openvz. and the setup was much easier on 8.04 then 12.04 or 11.1016:53
yekomsi know what EOL means.16:53
rymate1234nvm did sudo apt-get install bash16:53
yekomsread the topic. says it still supports 8.04 LTS16:53
yekomsand i'm using 8.04.1 LTS16:53
gyre007is there any way guys how I can creat a Ubuntu boot disk on my USB disk without wiping out any data from it ?16:54
DasEiyekoms: in generl apt-cache search or show socks* can help you, but hardy isn't supported any more16:54
OerHeksyekoms read the topic, it is not.16:54
bazhangyekoms, server only16:54
yekomsCurrently supported versions 8.04 LTS (server only)16:54
yekomsim using that one...16:55
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yekomsexcept i installed a desktop.16:55
vibhavyekoms: Are you using the server edition?16:55
bazhangyekoms, then its eol16:55
vibhavbazhang: Is server too EOL?16:55
bazhangyekoms, installing a desktop voids that server support16:55
DasEiyekoms: oc your free to do whatever you want, but mind you can easily update from one LTS to the next16:55
yekomsDasEi, the openvz kernel dont run right on 11.10 or 10.04. but it runs good on 12.04LTS but its a pain to install and get going.16:56
yekomssockstat used to be in the repo, but was removed and readded. all i want is either the source to build it myself, or a working repo i can add.16:57
vibhavyekoms: rmadison sockstat shows that hardy doesnt have it16:57
NsmurfDoes anyone have experince buying from Genesi?16:57
bazhangNsmurf, relation to ubuntu support?16:58
yekomsi booked marked the launchpad site just lastnight and now its blank.16:58
NsmurfSupport? no, but they sell laptops with ubuntu installed, so i figured someone here might have one.16:58
Nsmurfwhere should i ask thet?16:59
bazhangNsmurf, thats out of scope here, try #ubuntu-offtopic16:59
DasEiyekoms: ic, I never used openvz, but other virtualization, that did fine throughout releases16:59
Calinouhaha *laughs at Nsmurf*16:59
vibhavNsmurf: DO you have any issue?16:59
Calinouthis is about software support16:59
Calinounot hardware16:59
bazhangCalinou, thats not called for16:59
DasEiNsmurf: try ##hardware maybe, though that eally is a topic for a chitchat channel, #defocus maybe17:00
yekomsecho "lsof -Pni" > /usr/sbin/sockstat; chmod +x /usr/sbin/sockstat; sockstat17:00
yekomsthat did wonders as a solution..17:00
yekomsi wish 11.04 supported openvz like 8.04 did.17:01
DasEiyekoms: try another virtualization or is there something not offered by other solutions ?17:01
graingertDasEi: ##hardware is full of trolls17:02
jilt007Bios is in in view only mode. How to make changes in BIOS setting now?17:02
yekomsopenvz runs the best on my hardware, qemu failed horribly, xen was good but creating them took too long, openvz has a wonderful web panel. makes life soo much easier17:02
gyre007ok my question should be...does the make startup disk utility wipe out any data from the USB disk if you want to make it bootable ?17:03
Sidney__10.04 fails to log in to the gui and startx gives http://pastebin.com/44fiN26u17:03
yekomsyes gyre00717:04
DasEiyekoms: alright then, I'd suggested xen or vbox, where the latter isn't that small in footprint, but I got to stop, as I have no experience with openvz17:04
gyre007yekoms, it wipes out all data then ?17:04
Sidney__startx gives errors17:04
WeThePeople how do i know if i am using ubuntu-desktop17:04
yekomsSidney__, reconfig X17:04
yekomsSidney__, that was directed to DasEi, sorry :p17:05
DasEigyre007: yes, it formats the drive btw it has to be before, depending on used method17:05
gyre007shit ;)17:05
DasEiyekoms: yes17:05
gyre007ok cool DasEi17:05
yekomsvirtualbox is like a fat chick at a buffet.. :(17:06
yekomsi wanted virtualbox due to its windows support, buuuuttt it eats too much17:06
yekomsxen/qemu does windows but takes too long, and openvz has distro templates lol..one click, wait 30sec-1min and its up and running.17:07
DasEiyekoms: but has nice interfaces, and oc you can have it console style, too, then landing in a landscape as hard to configure you can once use the xen17:07
jilt007Bios is in in view only mode. How to make changes in BIOS setting now? I am unable to boot via usb modem17:08
yekomsDasEi, http://blackness.sytes.net:3000/ so does openvz, except X isn't required :)17:08
* DasEi reading17:08
chris92jilt007: you could reset your bios by removing the CMOS battery...17:08
yekomsits a login page, i can create a test user real fast.17:08
tyler_djilt007: or read the manual and see if there is a jumper to do it as well17:09
jilt007chris92: tyler_d  ok Thanks17:10
yekomslol, DasEi, i tried to PM you a user/pass to play with but your running a anti-msg script17:10
sambagirlwhen you run in failsafe mode, that's more or less equivilant to windows safe mode with networking correct?17:13
yekomssambagirl, i would guess so.17:14
sambagirlok that is what i surmised17:14
yekomsyou may not have networking but it should be the same as windows17:14
yekomsive never used linux/bsd in safemode for any reason17:14
DasEiyekoms: nvm, I found some info I lacked, yes as my router is down, I put some shielding, so what about using a todays distro with an older kernel then ? as far as I can see, it's just about kernel17:14
yekomsmy safemode is a bootable livecd from usb.17:14
yekoms12.04 doesn't backdate as nice as id like.17:15
sambagirlwell networking actually works great. the issue is that on that particular machine i use it for my net radio show and i cant get normal audio when that system is loaded with the radio stuff so i wanted to get audio so i use failsafe and then i can get audio. it probably ahs something to with jack stuff.17:15
yekomsand 11.04 destroys itself when installing a older kernel.17:15
yekomsopenvz doesn't have support or a newer kernel past 2.6.32*17:15
Quasic /join #networking17:15
DasEiyekoms: I have a lucid vm here I can crash, trying to install 2.6.32 now, brb17:16
yekomsyou cant get normal audio in normal boot mode?17:16
yekomswhat version is lucid?17:17
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)17:17
yekomsi dont use names like that for ubuntu, i use 12.04...17:17
Sidney__couldn't find package purge means  xserver-xorg is not installed or17:17
DasEiyekoms: it's the next lts, so you could go there in one step, but give a few minutes now17:17
yekoms10.04 has a .deb for openvz.17:17
yekomsSidney__, do what?17:18
sambagirlyekoms no because  it loads my radio server and it takes over the audio with a different source so i cant access the audio like it normally would work so i have a work around by loading failsafe and then it doesnt load the radio station stuff and i can hear audio see?17:18
yekomsapt-get install X17:18
Sidney__do i need to install purge17:18
yekomssambagirl, then disable the radio stuff on boot, and load it when needed :)17:18
yekomsSidney__, what exactly is wrong?17:19
yekomsapt-get purge, will purge /var/apt/cache i believe.17:19
sambagirlWhat channel do I get support for Hoary build? I've it installed on this other machine.17:20
ubottuUbuntu 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog) was the second release of Ubuntu.  End Of Life: October 31, 2006. See !eol for more details.17:20
bazhangsambagirl, there is none17:20
yekomswow thats OLD.17:20
yekoms6 yrs old..what kernel is hoary on?17:20
sambagirli'm not sure now :)17:20
yekomslol, i have a 5.04 template for openvz.17:21
yekomsi could install it and find out hah17:21
yekomswouldnt take longer then 3minutes.17:21
sambagirlubuntu sent me 2 boxes of cd's for every possible platform. i received over 100 cd's in 2 boxes from ubuntu :D17:22
yekomsalot of damageable data there17:22
sambagirlthat was when seveas and this other guy bob2 were here in the beginning17:22
bazhang!ot | yekoms sambagirl17:22
ubottuyekoms sambagirl: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:22
yekomsi host a local server to host install points.17:22
bazhangyekoms, thats enough17:23
sambagirlmy starz17:23
sambagirlI recently read where Ubuntu is not being considered malware cause of it's association with Amazon. but then this is the wrong channel to discuss it. i'll go to off topic.17:24
yekomsdoes ubuntu have a limit on how much ram can be installed? i got 16GB installed but it only shows me 12GB.17:26
bekksyekoms: The current limit are some Petabytes technically.17:27
bekksyekoms: Oh, I am wrong. The technical limit is 16 Exabytes.17:29
yekomsand that is what? lol17:29
yekomsim missing 4GB on ubuntu, freebsd shows all 16GB17:29
bekksyekoms: 16 Exabytes are 16000 million gigabytes.17:30
bekksyekoms: Pastebin the output of lsb_release -a and free -m please.17:30
MonkeyDustthat should be enough for your chat logs17:30
yekomsso it has a limit, but doesnt explain why im missing 4GB17:30
bekks!paste | yekoms17:31
ubottuyekoms: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:31
yekomsone moment. waiting for my make to finish.17:31
bekksyekoms: You can do that in parallel.17:31
yekomsnot with one terminal ;)17:32
yekomsim missing 9GB.17:32
bekksyekoms: On Ubuntu, you have more than one terminal.17:32
yekomsuhm. im using windows, my ubuntu is a remote server across town..17:33
MonkeyDustyekoms  if you use the terminal alot, consider using byobu/screen17:33
bekksyekoms: Then open up a second ssh connection.17:33
yekomsand i limit sshd connection to 1 per ip17:33
yekomsMonkeyDust, screen is broken..i gives me weird errors about my env17:34
yekomswhich is what im fixing now.17:34
chris92it could be that hardy doesnt support more than 8 gb17:34
bekkschris92: No.17:34
defaultrohey folks, I can't get virtualbox to run on my 12.04 ubuntu. It is complaining and telling me to run /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup but I don't see vboxdrv file on that dir17:35
yekomsits new ram, and harddrive. i just installed them for the new setup of 8.0417:35
yekomsdefaultro, how did you install it?17:35
bekksyekoms: NEW setup of 8.04? Geez.17:35
defaultroubuntu software17:36
bekksyekoms: Why dont you use 12.04 nowadays?17:36
yekomsyeah bekks, 8.04 works great for openvz.17:36
defaultroyekoms, I installed it via Ubuntu Software CEnter17:36
bekksdefaultro: Uninstall it completely, and use the official installation package available from www.virtualbox.org17:36
yekoms12.04 doesn't like the 2.6 kernel as well, itll work but it causes lag between host->vps.17:36
yekomsdefaultro, do what bekks said.17:36
yekomsit'll work that way.17:36
defaultro bekks, so go to their site?17:36
yekomsapt-get remove virtualbox17:36
MonkeyDustyekoms  12.04 uses 3.217:36
yekomsdont forget to purge if required.17:37
bekksdefaultro: Thats what I just said, yes.17:37
yekomsopenvz doesnt have a 3.2 kernel. and 12.04 uses 3.5.17:37
jesusemelendezmI am new to this chatroom, my first days with ubuntu.17:37
vibhavbekks: this channel only supports packages downloaded from the official repositories17:37
MonkeyDustyekoms  12.10 uses 3.517:37
yekoms3.5.0-24 was the last one i used on 12.0417:37
bekksvibhav: I know. I am not responsible for the fact, that sometimes official packages are broken - like the vbox packages.17:37
vibhavdefaultro: Please dont uninstall virtualbox17:37
yekomstheres a 12.10?17:37
chris92Linux ubuntu 3.2.0-31-generic-pae #50-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 7 16:39:45 UTC 2012 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux17:38
MonkeyDustyekoms  in 3 weeks from now17:38
chris92thats the one I'm using right now without the kernel ppa17:38
bekksvibhav: Support him, if you know better. Or let him use the official vbox version and get support in #vbox :)17:38
defaultrovibhav, i already uninstalled it17:38
yekomschris92, i use the kernel ppa tho.17:38
vibhavah, thats fine too17:38
yekomsand it updated 3.2 to 3.517:38
chris92is it recommended to do that?17:39
vibhavdefaultro: Thats fine, you can download the official packages from their website and get support in #vbox17:39
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yekomsidk, i like to stay current and very up to date.17:39
bekksvibhav: Why do you rephrase what I am saying? :)17:39
yekomsso, if you're using the kernel ppa's, you'll be prompted for 3.5.0-24 and 3.5.0-3017:40
jesusemelendezmhey there17:40
jesusemelendezmI am new to ubuntu!17:40
SkippersBoss!ask jesusemelendezm17:40
DasEidefaultro: there also is a own offical vbox repo, though a (very) little outdated from latest version~homepage17:40
SkippersBossjesusemelendezm, just state your question if you have one17:41
bekksDasEi: Actually - it is current. :)17:41
yekomsSkippersBoss, i think its a troll.17:41
DasEiSkippersBoss: missed the '|'17:41
yekomsDasEi, get it working?17:41
jesusemelendezmI like ubuntu, but i work supporting windows... if someone using ubuntu as a server here?17:42
yekoms^ troll...17:42
DasEiyekoms: I think so, it's still insttalling, least I also found some openvztools in standard repo, so I doupt if they are there, openvz can't be used17:42
bekksjesusemelendezm: State you specific Ubuntu-support question please.17:43
yekomsit has tools..but you have to manually install the kernel from a .deb17:43
gordonjcpjesusemelendezm: #ubuntu-server can probably help you out there17:43
yekomsuse the 41 kernel. or it will break.17:43
yekoms2.6.24-32-openvz to be exact.17:43
gordonjcpjesusemelendezm: in answer to your vague question, many people are using Ubuntu on servers17:43
jesusemelendezmthanks for your answer.17:44
rymate1234hey guys17:44
harrisin libre office when i open a docx with a picture in the file the picture says read error17:44
rymate1234I get this errir17:45
rymate1234wat do17:45
FloodBot1rymate1234: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:45
belbohi! i going to install ubuntu on my laptop besides win7 dualboot. though im wondering if i should make the linux os partition ext3 or ntfs as well; do different filesystems on the same disk "interfere" in some way?17:45
yekomslooks like you broke python rymate123417:45
bekksrymate1234: Nopaste the complete output of the command you are running please.17:45
jesusemelendezmby the way, I was using myunity and suddenly some icons on the launcher bar became invisible...17:45
yekomsbelbo, ext3 for linux, ntfs for windows.17:45
jesusemelendezmbut I can open them.17:45
yekomsinstall windows FIRST.17:45
jesusemelendezmhow may I solve this issue17:45
MonkeyDustjesusemelendezm  unity on a server?17:46
jesusemelendezmhow about ext 4?  yekoms17:46
yekomshes using the desktop version as a server.17:46
yekomsjesusemelendezm, i use the guided mode in the installer, and it used ext3 for me.17:46
jesusemelendezmoh ok,17:46
jesusemelendezmI have ext4 :)17:47
yekoms/dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro)17:47
belbojesusemelendezm i know the difference between the filesystems, i just wondered if different filesystems on the same disk might reduce performance17:47
yekomsi got 3.17:47
yekomsno belbo.17:47
yekomsi have your same setup on the laptop im on now.17:47
jesusemelendezmbelbo, not at all.17:48
wilee-nileebelbo, ubuntu wont install in a ntfs,17:48
yekoms12.04LTS and Win7-64.17:48
belbook, thank you guys :)17:48
yekomslinux is ext3, windows is ntfs, and its easier to install windows first. then ubuntu17:48
harrisin libre office when i open a docx with a picture in the file the picture says read error17:48
yekomsubuntu will find the windows slice. windows doesnt do any checks for other operating systems.17:48
jesusemelendezmI install ubuntu and virtual box for windows.17:48
defaultrohi folks, I need linux kernel headers but it's not in Ubuntu Software Center17:48
MonkeyDustharris  try #libreoffice17:49
yekomsdefaultro, so add the kernel repos.17:49
defaultroi need 3.2.3117:49
yekomsand you'll have the headers.17:49
defaultrohow do I add it?17:49
yekomsor go into the package manager and search for them.17:49
MonkeyDustdefaultro is the current default in 12.0417:49
yekomsMonkeyDust, hes missing the headers.17:49
defaultroMonkeyDust, yes but I need linux headers17:49
DasEiyekoms: yes kernel 2.6.32-21 boots with no problem, also there is a metapackage linux-preempt , which will ensure that upgrades work17:49
DasEicorrectly, openvz itself I can't find in the repo17:49
yekomsapt-get install linux-*headers*17:49
defaultrocan i do it via apt-get?17:50
defaultroohm htere you go17:50
ledahi can't boot on windows17:50
DasEi!headers | defaultro17:50
yekomsopenvz isnt supported natively past 8.0417:50
ubottudefaultro: To install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages17:50
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ledahthe boot put me to grub rescue what can i do?17:50
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yekomsok, my suggestion would do that and for any other kernel hes installed.17:50
DasEiledah: reinstall grub and run os-prober on it17:50
wilee-nileeledah, Have you used a grub modifier?17:51
yekomsledah, boot a liveCD and repair your /boot/grub/grub.cfg17:51
DasEi!grub | ledah17:51
ubottuledah: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:51
^MikeDoes the ubuntu installer support LVM?17:51
DasEiledah: second above link17:51
wilee-nilee^Mike, yes17:51
ledahwilee-nilee, i just reinstalled kubuntu, and now it simply doesn't boot windows17:51
defaultrocool guys, it worked17:51
yekomsDasEi, thats the hard way.17:51
yekomsledah, update-grub17:51
|Anthony|When does 10.04 reach EOL? 4/13?17:51
yekomsit should find the windows slive.17:51
wilee-nileeledah, can you answer my question?17:51
^Mikewilee-nilee: cool - do I need the alternative installer, or will the regular one do?17:52
ledahno i haven't used a grub modifier17:52
DasEiyekoms: if he runs into grub rescue might not work17:52
yekomsledah, your at the rescue menu?17:52
wilee-nilee^Mike, Not sure I don't use lvm but it is in the install gui17:52
ledahi restarted to try update-grub17:52
DasEi!EOL > |Anthony|:17:52
yekomsget a USB drive, create a liveCD. mount /dev/sda1 /mnt in mirror mode, and chroot /mnt and do update-grub.17:52
ldlework_I have a wireless card and I can see it in iwconfig, I see the AP in iwlist, ifconfig says my card is up but not running. How can I force the card to hit the AP and get an IP?17:52
yekoms15 minutes max to repair a broken grub.17:52
ldlework_I know all the commands to making sure the card is there, but I don't know how to tell it to explicitly connect to the AP17:53
yekomsldlework, have you tried dhclient wlan0 ?17:53
wilee-nileeledah, THe esaiest way to get to the bottom of this would be running the bootscript17:53
|Anthony|!EOL > |Anthony|17:53
ubottu|Anthony|, please see my private message17:53
ldlework_yekoms: yeah that just pauses for a while then silently quits. is there a verbose flag? I don't see one.17:53
yekomsuhm, dhclient -h or --help17:53
yekomsi use a network manager for my wifi.17:53
ldlework_yekoms: yeah I checked doesn't seem to be one17:54
DasEi^Mike: lvm is default on all installers if you seperate partitions as a default install does17:54
yekomsthen check dmesg, or /var/log/dhclient.log17:54
wilee-nileeledah, This app can generate a bootscript to post the HTTP here. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair17:55
DasEiledah: if it's too hard, boot a live cd/usb, log back in here, then ask if unsure17:55
the_dudez0rHi, I have this annoying thing with gnome, it doesn't show the toolbar of the applications I open. I'm guessing this has been a common problem so I don't think that any further description will be of any help to understand this, the toolbars are missing.17:55
defaultrovbox is working now :)17:55
DasEidefaultro: congrats17:55
defaultrohas anyone able to install iTunes successfully via wine?17:55
defaultrothanks DasEi17:55
ledahupdate-grub didn't work17:56
ldlework_yekoms: the last thing dmesg says regarding my card is ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP) : wlan0 : link is not ready17:56
ldlework_dhclient doesn't seem to log anything there17:56
yekomsledah, http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repairrestorereinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd/17:56
DasEiledah: have a live cd or usb handy ? btw what os are you talking from right now ?17:56
ledahi'm on my laptop and pc have kubuntu17:57
llutzldlework_:  http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-connect-to-a-wpa-wifi-using-command-lines-on-debian17:57
DasEiledah: empty usb drive handy ?17:57
yekomsldlework, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183686717:57
ldlework_yekoms: I'll check em, thanks17:57
yekomsyou're welcome :)17:58
wilee-nileeDasEi, Just for some background on the ledah setuo they were here yesterday with this problem, the kubuntu is a fresh install, personally I suspect something is amiss with the windows end of the boot17:58
yekomswindows end of the boot?17:58
mangdoodHi, I was doing some program testing and now this program isn't doing what I want17:58
yekomshe has a broken grub.cfg, i had the same problem just two days ago.17:58
mangdoodbut it's not terminating either, with killall -sTERM (program)17:59
yekomsits a zombie then. :)17:59
mangdoodyekoms: It's still using 100 CPU...17:59
yekomsget your zombie killing guns out!17:59
yekomsmangdood, shutdown -r now17:59
yekomsyou cant kill a zombie..17:59
DasEiwilee-nilee: as I get it the pc-box is a dualboot from windoze and ubu, but a live medium on that box would save much of my crystall balls battery ;)18:00
mangdoodyekoms: Top says it's running, not a zombie18:00
jesusemelendezmif someone interested in sharing about open source, experience in linux and so on? I am available for a private chat. I don' twanna read everybody comments.18:00
Gycklarnyekoms, Sure you can. Just shoot them in the head and always double-tap.18:00
yekomsdid you try kill -9? or try sudo killall <program> ?18:00
wilee-nileeDasEi, Heh I think we need a bootscript is all.18:00
yekomsGycklarn, not on linux, kill -9 isnt strong or powerful enough18:00
mangdoodyekoms: I did killall -sTERM <program> and it's STILL not dead18:01
yekomshow do you run bootscript from rescue>18:01
DasEijesusemelendezm: no pm on this, which version did you install ?18:01
DasEiyekoms: :)18:01
wilee-nileeDasEi, heh is a chuckle.18:01
yekomskillall -9 <program>18:01
mangdoodyekoms: Oops. I always get term and kill confused18:02
mangdoodyekoms: -9 worked for me18:02
yekoms-9 is -SIGHUP18:02
yekomswhich FORCES it to die.18:02
yekomsidk what -s is for... :P18:02
mangdoodyekoms: Any consequences other than corrupt files? -s is just signal lol18:03
yekoms-9 doesn't wait, or care, it pulls out the .50 cal and blasts it ;)18:03
wilee-nileeledah, download the bootrepair https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair and run the create bootinfo summary and paste the http address it is at for us, tis will take out the guessing.18:03
yekoms-s waits for the signal i bet.18:03
yekomsmangdood, does your program read/write to files?18:03
mangdoodyekoms: No, but I'm just wondering if I use the SIGHUP signal for other programs18:04
yekomshah, wilee-nilee i tried that 2 days ago, and it wouldnt boot or run18:04
yekomsmangdood, i use -9 or -SIGHUP for everything.18:04
mangdoodyekoms: Awesome. Good to know I can kill dem zombies then18:04
yekomswelllll, you cant actually kill zombie processes without rebooting..but hung up zombies, sure.18:05
mangdoodOh, alright then. Zombies are only alive because of child processes, yes?18:05
yekomsi havnt quite understood them, but from what i gather, its a process still registered by the system, but it isnt running. so its just a px aux ghost.18:06
mangdoodI don't even understand your explanation >_> but I don't plan on going that far low level anyways18:06
mschrmangdood no, zombies are dead, period :)18:10
yekomszombie processes are listed in ps -aux...you can't kill -9 em.18:10
yekomsis what we we're discussing.18:10
mangdoodIf they are dead and don't use resources, I'm not complaining. Zombie all you want18:11
yekomsps aux | awk '{ print $8 " " $2 }' | grep -w Z will show em all. and for each in `ps -ef | grep ” | grep -v PID | awk ‘{ print $3 }’`; do for every in `ps -ef | grep $each | grep -v cron | awk ‘{ print $2 }’`; do kill -9 $every; done; done tries to kill em18:11
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yekomsi wrote one using awk, but cant find it lol18:11
^MikeA zombie process is one who has stopped executing, and is waiting for the parent to call waitpid18:11
mschrIf the parent "forgets" to collect on its children, then the zombie will stay undead forever.18:12
^Mike...which is what that link says :)18:12
mschrWell, almost forever. If the parent itself dies, then "init" (the system process with the ID 0) will take over fostership over its children and catch up on the neglected parental duties.18:12
simplewhow can i download the development ubuntu? is there any iso available?18:12
mschrand as you might know, 'init' is pretty deep18:12
^Mikemschr: And what if init exits??!? :O18:12
yekomsmschr, sometimes the parent is init...18:13
mschrinit controls the runlevels of your bootup18:13
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yekomslighttpd likes to go into zombie mode. and i use the above script to kill it.18:13
mschrif you kill init, you basically kill the OS which is... well not good :)18:13
msp301simplew: is this what you were after? http://www.ubuntu.com/testing18:13
yekomsif you kill init, might aswell reboot.18:13
kopoops while installing some fractal generators from synaptic I got pushed into the 12.10 guantal development branch . returns " ubuntu 12.10 dpkg error processing nvidia-current (--configure)" and hangs at gui load18:13
wilee-nileekop, the app is a 12.10 version or the OS is now, 12.10 is #ubuntu+118:14
mschrmangdood if the process which is defunct has allocated some memory, it will reserve that space until it dies18:14
simplewmsp301: i thought quantal was already released officially...18:14
wilee-nileesimplew, It is beta 2 I believe.18:15
mangdoodmschr: Urgh. I better not write low-level programs then...18:15
yekomsso what he means mangdood is, if the process is using 50MB ram, it'll hold it till its told to release it, but wont consume more. right mschr ?18:15
kopwilee-nilee, it's something with the nvidia driver as far as I know18:15
mschrfor instance, my 'proc1' program has reserved space for some language strings18:15
ledahokay windows was broken, put the installation cd and it restored it, thx for your help everyone18:15
msp301simplew: as wilee-nilee said, its in beta 218:15
mschrproc1 is started by parent1 and 'released' equivalent to '&' operator in bash18:15
simplewwilee-nilee: after beta 2 will be the oficial release?18:15
mschrparent1 never cleans up... he forgets giving birth to proc118:16
yekomsill wait for ubuntu 12.10 to be out for a few months before i play on it18:16
Sidney__can nouveau, nv, vesa and fdbev be installed with one command18:16
kopwilee-nilee, it will be a moment as I'm running and logging aptitude against it to clean up and find other problems18:16
msp301simplew: there'll be a release cadidate also I believe, then final18:16
chris92yekoms: it should be out in a few weeks18:16
yekomsapt-get install, will do as many as you like.18:16
yekomschris92, but i wont install it in a VPS till like jan.18:16
wilee-nileekop, post what this kicks out in the terminal. lsb_release -a18:17
mangdood...if you think that in terms of humans, that's rather disturbing "if a parent never cleans up, he forgets giving birth to his child"18:17
mschrmangdood parent1 exits - so, proc1 reparents to init (ID 0) and still has its language strings for hebraic translation allocated in memory18:17
simplewanyone here tried Mageia distro? i see very good reviews about it and its in 2º in distro watch18:17
mschryekoms yea18:17
mschryekoms but only if memory in the program is specifically allocated, using 'malloc' short for memory allocate18:18
wilee-nileesimplew, here is the release schedule. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule18:18
yekomsanyone who writes without is, is careless.18:18
msp301Sidney__: just do "apt-get install nouveau nv vesa fdbev" .. you can chain packages with apt-get :)18:18
kopwilee-nilee,  ubuntu quantal (development branch) 12.10 quantal18:18
mschrmangdood If the zombie process has id nnnnn, you can do ps -ef | grep nnnnn and find the id of the parent process, which you can then kill if no longer needed.18:19
yekomsmsp301, i just told him that, he can even use \ if his list is LONG and hes typing it all out, i have a afinstall.sh that installs all my stuff.18:19
ceti331can ubuntu support the extra keys on a "razor blackwidow" keyboard (sadly they doint just default to being media keys or whatever)18:19
yekomsps aux | awk '{ print $8 " " $2 }' | grep -w Z ...this is the same thing mschr18:19
enycceti331: very ikely...   do you see messages in 'dmesg' when you press them?18:19
simplewwilee-nilee: so seams after beta2 its the final release18:19
enycceti331: i've used a script to interpret the extra codes being sent by an infrared remote received before etc.18:20
Sidney__msp301,  nouveau gives error couldn't find package http://pastebin.com/bsepdGUE18:20
msp301yekoms: ah, sorry. Just noticed you got in :) ... always nice to know everyone is willing to try :)18:20
simplewwilee-nilee: quantal install ext4 or btrfs by default?18:20
yekomsi love helping, i learn something new everytime. ;)18:20
yekomsi even showed him how to kill all processes with the Z flag.18:20
yekomsive seen a process with a -1 ID before..18:21
kopwilee-nilee, then terminate called after throwing an instance of "std: :bad_alloc" what() std::bad alloc aborted core dumped18:21
enycceti331: for example i made something that runs 'setkeycodes' to make all the extra codes do someting useful.....   http://ec2.sheer.us/~enyc/miniqmythtv.sh.txt18:21
kopseems I have more issues18:21
yekomskop, i believe you screwed ALL your depends up.18:21
ceti331"dmesg" ..let me check18:22
kopyekoms, ya think ? :-)18:22
yekomsif i was you, i'd format and reinstall.18:22
msp301Sidney__: I didn't check the exact package names for you ... nouveau is "xserver-xorg-video-nouveau"18:22
yekomsor try apt-get -f install. that will try to fix depends.18:22
wilee-nileesimplew, the default is ext418:22
yekomsmsp301, i told him to use * card to help find his packages.18:23
yekomshe should do: xserver-org-*18:23
kopyekoms, I'm more than a little ocd so I'll try to fix the thing18:23
ceti331is there an interactive mode for dmseg: dmesg runs and certainly recognizes that its a "razor blackwidow"18:23
wilee-nileekop, You want #ubuntu+1 then18:23
yekomsthat will give him all the options.18:23
HyperbyteHi.  How can I find which package provides a certain file or directory in 12.04?18:23
sdggWho know good developers forum?18:23
yekomskop, well apt-get -f install is how you fix broken depends.18:23
enycceti331: watch dmesg \| tail -n2018:23
jribHyperbyte: dpkg -S if the package is installed, apt-file (or http://packages.ubuntu.com or ubottu) otherwise18:24
sdggno its not fix18:24
wilee-nileesdgg, The developers don't really hang with the regular users by and large18:24
yekomsdoesn't dmesg tail to /var/log/dmesg ?18:24
llutzHyperbyte: apt-file search foo     for all packages, dpkg -S foo     for installed18:24
sdggany help please18:24
enycceti331: this will update the screen of the last 20 lines of dmesg  etc18:24
enycyekoms: /var/log/messages maybe18:24
msp301yekoms: you're doing such a good job for me, I'll sit back and drink my coffee :)18:24
enycyekoms: which includes other stuffs18:24
sdggWho know?18:24
kopyekoms,  running ...18:24
yekomscat /var/log/dmesg|tail -nf2018:24
jrib!helpme | sdgg18:24
ubottusdgg: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude18:24
wilee-nilee!help | sdgg18:24
ubottusdgg: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:24
Hyperbytejrib, llutz, thanks18:24
yekomsthat will tail the log as its built.18:24
enycceti331: and when you *press* the special buttons do you get kernel messages explainigg how to 'setkeycodes' etc...?18:25
yekoms-n lines, -f follow.18:25
wilee-nileesdgg, Read the chanell info it is busy here and there is a protocol18:25
yekomskop, AFTER it runs, retry what you were doing.18:25
sdggI have webcam u wonna see my cock?18:25
wilee-nilee!ops | sdgg18:26
ceti331ADHD might be about to set in18:26
kopwilee-nilee, actually I'd like to get back here but in the mean time remove quantal and or fix nvidia-current ???18:26
wilee-nileeopps sorry I missed your presence IdleOne18:26
enycceti331: ADHD has what todo with pressing the specrial butons on the keyboard and looking in the dmesg log?  im confused18:26
IdleOneno worries18:26
yekomsapt-get remove nvidia-current; apt-get install nvidia-current18:26
wilee-nileekop, You can't just remove quantal.18:27
Artemis3hey kop whats the issue you have?18:27
yekomswilee-nilee, i suggested a reinstall :P18:27
yekomsArtemis3, he broke his python depends.18:27
BluesKajthe  guy's camera probly wouldn't have picked it up anyway :)18:27
yekomsand alot of more stuff.18:27
yekomshaha BluesKaj18:27
kopwilee-nilee, didn't think so18:27
Artemis3yekoms, ok, no not nvidia-current related, ty.18:27
yekomsits nvidia-current related, but he cant do anything with apt/dpkg due to python being borked.18:28
ceti331enyc: the command output doesn't seem to relate to keypreses, its telling me lots about lots but not keypresses18:28
IDWMasterIs there a guide to porting Windows apps to Ubuntu?18:28
yekomsyeah, called wine.18:28
wilee-nileekop, Try #ubuntu+1 and see if they can help you, if not you will have to reinstall what you need, quantal is released in Oct though, you may be okay if it is not your only OS.18:28
enycceti331: right ok there might be somehtig dufferent about usb keyboard mapping i dont know about18:28
BluesKaj!wine | IDWMaster18:28
ubottuIDWMaster: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:28
IDWMasterI'm not looking for an emulator18:28
yekomsor build windows source code of an app on ubuntu?18:28
ldlework_gaahhhhhh you damned wifi, just connnnnect to the routtterrrr18:28
enycceti331: i know for these extra scancodes coming down the PS/2 keyboard port i could get the the messages and use  setkeycodes  to deal with it18:29
IDWMasterI have Windows source code for app; so I don't need or desire Wine.18:29
IDWMasterI'm interested in porting it from win32 to Ubuntu18:29
ceti331enyc: "ADHD" :) - if its not a trivial fix might just fly off in another direction.. was just randomly curious if i could get the special keys to flip desktops or something18:29
enycceti331: investigate,  i'd be surprised if it wasn't doable etc.18:29
BenxyzzyCan anybody recommend encryption software that allows hidden volumes-within-volumes as per Truecrypt? I've got a chance to switch solution here and I've heard some grumbles about Truecrypt's openness recently - but I need the plausible deniability of hidden volumes.18:29
yekomsIDWMaster, wont happen. you'll have to rewrite alot of the code.18:29
TaffflashI installed linux for the first time along side win 7 and I cant boot back into win.any tips please?18:29
enycceti331: oh it very likely is doable i kust dont know how =)18:29
BluesKajIDWMaster, most open source apps that run on windows have linux versions18:29
yekomsTaffflash, are you on linux?18:29
wilee-nileeIDWMaster, This is ubuntu support that is outside of that18:29
ceti331enyc: yeah;18:29
enycceti331: dont expect triviality, you well get further =)18:29
ldlework_Wfi card can see the the router essid, I have used iwconfig to manually set the essid, and no amount of dhclient is causing me to get an IP18:29
IDWMasterShould I ask on ubuntu-dev?18:29
yekomsif so, try update-grub and see if it finds windows.18:29
enycceti331: too much expectancy culture problemb18:30
kopArtemis3,  well so far my laptop needs nvidia-current and quantal hates it18:30
wilee-nileeTaffflash, Have you run sudo update-grub in ubuntu?18:30
Taffflashyekoms, yes Im on ubuntu latest one18:30
yekomsim gonna laydown for awhile, my wrists are killing me.18:30
yekomsTaffflash, run update-grub.18:30
ceti331enyc: tbh I wish the damn thing just mapped them as media keys by defualt; non-trivial effort ... its not that i dont like putting effort in, its just i have other things i'd prefer to put effort into18:30
yekomsand watch the output for MSDOS or WINDOWS18:30
enycldlework_: i think oc banual client of WPA you need  wpa-supplicant,  it does a protocal , you can't just set the essid18:30
phil94028anyone know the correct name for the ffmpeg channel  ..  doesn't seem to be showing up on the list18:30
wilee-nileeTaffflash, YOU also say alongside this was not a install from windows=wubi?18:30
yekomsldlework, try connecting without a passwd on the router, see if that works.18:31
ceti331enyc: for the record i haven't actually used those damn keys on windows even yet, it required installing something and i use windows rarely these days18:31
ldlework_yekoms: I have. there is no password on the network18:31
Artemis3kop, i opened a bug related to nvidia-current failing when trying quantal kernel on precise (testing for future backport), is nvidia-current working in quantal fresh?18:31
TaffflashOk just did a sudo update-grub18:31
yekomsdo you see a windows?18:31
Taffflashwill reboot and see what happends18:31
yekomsshould look like this, hold.18:31
ldlework_what is wlan0:avahi18:31
enycceti331: i seee... of course it could be some weirh protocol that has to ''turn on'' the special keys18:31
kopArtemis3, in a word , no18:31
enycceti331: rather than just 'extra scan codes'18:31
yekomsWindows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda1)18:32
ceti331yeah its really weird18:32
Taffflashyes I see it18:32
Artemis3kop, which gpu is yours?18:32
enycceti331: get a better keyboard?18:32
yekomscat /boot/boot/grub.cfg | grep loader18:32
enycceti331: i use  ibm model m  with no extra keys, and no windows keys for that matter =)18:32
yekomsdouble check, then reboot, and it should work just hit the down key to get to it18:32
ceti331I've never tried the model m18:32
yekomsbetter hope your wait time is over 5 seconds, if not you wont see a grub menu18:32
Taffflashok thanks will test and come back18:32
kopArtemis3, even errors out in apt-get remove -- centrino duo18:32
yekomswelcome Taffflash18:32
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Artemis3kop, this is a fresh install in your laptop, correct? which gpu model (or laptop model) you have?18:33
kopenyc, model "M" for ever !! type loud or go home18:34
seduce1hello. I am trying to install software from Top Rated list but Ubuntu Software Center keeps crashing continuously18:34
ceti331i like these "cherry blue" switches on the razor...  other features are irritating , the other one is instead of pass-through USB it has 2 usb cables.. very odd. Still, its very nice to type on, the sound and typeing feel is awesome18:34
enyckop: well i'm taknig it to college tbh18:34
wilee-nileeArtemis3, He has upgraded to quantal he should be on #ubuntu+118:34
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yekomsseduce1, try installing from terminal18:34
wilee-nileekop, Go to #ubuntu+118:34
yekomsapt-get install <pkgname>18:34
yekomsand see what errors.18:34
kopArtemis3, No , this was a mistake in synaptic while adding some fractal toys18:35
enycceti331: what do yu need/ the extra buttons for anyway??18:35
yekomsthis is why i dont buy fancy keyboards.. ;)18:35
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MonkeyDustand disable all eye candy on the desktop :)18:36
enycceti331: could you like hack the key matrix of another keyboard pcb (for the media buttons anyway) through to the buttons and wire that to the other usb port? ;-)18:36
yekomsi didnt like unity period.18:36
yekomsomg its ugly. :/18:36
enycyekoms: and just general  ubuntu bugginess18:36
defaultrohey folks, when installing guess additions in virtualbox, is that installed in my ubuntu or in my Windows 7 vm?18:36
yekomsi use gnome318:36
enycyekoms: i know many sticking with 10.04 or using debian =)18:36
yekomsits installed on the HOST side.18:37
wilee-nileedefaultro, It is installed in the guest18:37
MonkeyDustdefaultro  in the guest, so for you, in wi n718:37
yekomsand accessed via VM18:37
defaultrojust saw that it's an .exe :)18:37
enycdefaultro: the guest additions exist on the host, as an iso file, for installing them from, but they get actually installed into the guest18:37
defaultrocool, thanks18:37
enycdefaultro: i.e. updated drivers IN windows guest etc18:37
yekomsenyc, im using 8.04 for my servers :P18:37
yekomsand 11.10 for desktop18:37
Taffflashyekoms, thanks its booting into win 7 now.18:38
yekomsTaffflash, did it work?18:38
yekomsyour welcome :)18:38
ceti331 enyc: I would ideally map them to : next/previous desktop, and cycle windows. more relaxed to not use key combintations18:38
* wuhei101 haiyou ren ma18:38
enycyekoms: debian wheezy7.0 is good for next server insatll i suggest =)18:38
yekomsdoes debian support openvz natively like 8.04?18:39
ceti331of course i've got alt-tab and WIN+left/right for desktop switching18:39
TaffflashNow I got to learn this ok lol18:39
enycceti331: i wonder if you can get some small microcontroller / el cheapo keyboard  you can like wire the funny buttons to18:39
WeThePeopleif i uninstall xserver-xorg will i be able to boot into tty18:40
yekomshave to remove X from the init scripts tho18:40
* wuhei101 you ren ma18:40
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw18:41
wilee-nileeWeThePeople, YOU should be able to reach tty no matter what, booting is not needed18:41
yekomsi think he wants a NO-GUI build from a GUI iso.18:41
ceti331enyc: i think i just have to put it to experice... 95% ofthe keyboard is awesome. strangely sometimes i find the presence of the extra keys confuses my fingers as to where they are ( e.g. "where is the edge of the keyboard, where is escape" etc18:42
WeThePeopleyekoms, no i am fixing my comp. their is something wrong with xserver18:42
ceti331i wouldnt' recomend this keyboard to anyone else ... but the cherry blue keyswitches are amazing18:42
yekomsbasic > expansive18:42
wilee-nileeWeThePeople, It would make sense for you to state your goal.18:42
yekomsWeThePeople, you should state the actual problem.18:42
WeThePeopleill be back18:42
frishow can i enable crypt, i get this checking for crypt... no checking for crypt in -lcrypt... yes18:42
WeThePeopleidk the problem just trial and error at this point18:43
WeThePeoplefris, type crypt -h18:43
nelldo U all have the same trial version of Ubuntu? :D18:43
yekomsfris, look for a crypt setting in ./configure18:43
frissays crypt isnt installed asking to install mcrypt18:44
yekomsso install it.18:44
yekomsyou didnt state much about your problem :P18:44
fristrying to compile now, one sec ;)18:45
simplewthe Quantal desktop CD allows to install ubuntu encrypted?18:45
dwsi want to install win 7 with ubuntu(installed) but problem is that whenever i go and install win 7 in a drive , it says "window can't be installed in this partition " .When i check from gparted that that drive is logical partitioned not physical partitioned .Please help me !!!18:45
TaffflashGot to get my head around learn linux it seems eeekkk lol18:45
yekomsdws, you have to physically part it. atleast how ive done it.18:46
karniAfter updating my 12.04 yesterday Chrome is so borked. Doesn't load any page, even settings.18:46
yekomsTaffflash, its easy... google for tuts.18:46
Taffflashyekoms, yes I plan on that,also you tube vids18:46
yekomsdont trust youtube...i dont18:47
simplewwilee-nilee: i cant see the alternative CD of quantal to allow me to install quantal encrypted18:47
frishere is the full line user.cc:(.text+0x1243): undefined reference to `crypt'18:47
BenBEI have a webcam which is working perfctly with Linux kernels below 3.5; but refuses to work with Linux 3.6rc4 and above. Using the kernels from the ubuntu kernel ppa.18:47
wilee-nileesimplew, I'm not sure there I have not had to use the alternative. Are you using the alternative due to not being able to get to the desktop or install on the live cd?18:48
yekomsfris, install crypt18:48
dwsyekoms: i use gparted and shrink ubuntu and when i assign type of drive , it only show me logical option only .Please help me18:48
yekomsinstall the headers, should be mcrypt-dev18:48
frisyekoms crypt -h spits out Unix crypt(1) emulation program using mcrypt(1).18:48
simplewwilee-nilee: for what i know only the alternative CD allows to install ubuntu encrypted18:49
bekksdws: How many primary partitions do you have already?18:49
wilee-nileeBenBE, NOn stock kernels are not supported here.18:49
yekomsdws, thats a software part, windows requires a physical slice. iicr18:49
yekomsiirc *18:49
dwsbekks: 118:49
bekksyekoms: A logical partition is a physical partition too.18:49
BenBEwilee-nilee: I'm using the ones from kernel.ubuntu.com18:49
gordonjcpsimplew: I'm pretty sure the "normal" installer lets you install /home encrypted18:49
simplewwilee-nilee: allows to encrypt all and not just the home dir which lead to a false encryption secrurity18:49
wilee-nileesimplew, I believe the live has a encrypted install option18:49
yekomsive never installed windows after linux/unix.18:49
yekomsive always split the drive in half when installing windows, then installed linux on slice218:50
wilee-nileeBenBE, What is supported is what is installed in a stock ubuntu install.18:50
bekksdws: Can you provide a screenshot of your gpatred window please?18:50
simplewgordonjcp: thats a false sense of secutiry18:50
dwsbekks: ok18:50
yekomsdws, bekks can help you.. :)18:50
BenBEwilee-nilee: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/18:50
wilee-nileeBenBE, YOU might try ##linux18:50
cje2Hi, I am trying to change my colors in Xchat on Ubuntu 12.04.18:50
BenBEwilee-nilee: I guessed so, but it'd be nice to get a small hint where to start debugging the issue.18:50
bekksBenBE: Why do you need a kernel thats not default in Ubuntu?18:50
gordonjcpsimplew: what is?18:51
yekomsbekks, he likes to beta-test? :P18:51
bekksyekoms: Its not supported in here basically :)18:51
yekomsrofl.. his problem, not ours then eh?18:51
BenBEk,bekks Because of the much better performance and battery life which was introduced due to changes in 3.4 and 3.518:51
simplewgordonjcp: what is what?18:51
* yekoms is away: family time.18:51
gordonjcpsimplew: what's a false sense of security?18:51
kevin1961anybody got any ideas what to do if you forget your password, re install from scratch I suppose18:51
bekksBenBE: And why dont you use a 3.5 kernel then?18:52
simplewgordonjcp: google is your friend and try to understand why isnt a smart choice to just encrypt home18:52
bekkskevin1961: Wrong.18:52
gordonjcp!attitude | simplew18:52
ubottusimplew: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines18:52
dwsbekks:  can you tell me the name of site where i paste my image18:52
bekkskevin1961: Use a livecd, chroot into your system, reset the password, done.18:52
gordonjcpsimplew: furthermore, I don't think it's a smart idea to encrypt disks *at all*18:53
wilee-nileekevin1961, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword18:53
simplewgordonjcp: neither i have the time, im also a volunteer dude18:53
bekksdws: http://www.postimage.org/18:53
simplewgordonjcp: your free to think what ever you want18:53
kevin1961ok guys thanks, what a crazy thing to do eh !!! forget the password lol18:53
gordonjcpsimplew: anyway, if you don't like the answer I gave, feel free to use Google yourself18:53
gordonjcp!password | kevin196118:53
ubottukevin1961: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords18:53
gordonjcpkevin1961: common problem, read those links18:54
kevin1961ok thanks again for the help18:54
=== Matt- is now known as Matt
BenBEbekks: Because I'm also looking forward to some changes going to be introduced with 3.6 ;-) Also: Sometimes current kernels need to be tested for things to work when they hit mainline ;-)18:54
dwsbekks: http://postimage.org/image/88ulqkqw5/18:54
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simplewwilee-nilee: im browsing in the link you referred and i cant see the alternate cd18:55
bekksdws: There is no free space to create a new partition.18:55
Lord_Zerookay since i dont know where to find a good usenet channel does anyone here use it?18:56
WeThePeopleis ubuntu-desktop like gnome??18:56
wilee-nileesimplew, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads18:56
dwsbekks: look at /dev/sda7 , i created it to install win 718:56
gordonjcpLord_Zero: it's quite hard to get a usenet feed these days, since most ISPs have stopped providing them because of all the .binaries groups18:56
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dwsbekks: but i d'nt know how to make it physical device18:57
AddisonEHey, for some reason /dev/null permissions are set incorrectly. Does anyone know why that might be?18:57
simplewwilee-nilee: im also there but if i hit to enter in "Download the text-based installer" link i cant see any alternate cd for quantal beta 218:57
Lord_Zerogordonjcp: Can I PM you? I dont want to flood this place with usenet chat especially cause my next question to you might be sensitive lol18:58
bekksdws: You dont create physical devices. Your harddisk is a physical device, thats all.18:58
bekksdws: Partitions always are created on physical devices.18:58
wilee-nileesimplew, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/18:58
dwsbekks: but why win 7 d'nt recognising this partition to install18:58
simplewwilee-nilee: here it is, thanks :)18:59
bekksdws: So which partition do you want to resize to have enough space to create another partition?18:59
bekksdws: Because you have NO FREE SPACE for creating a partition.18:59
dwsbekks: i want to use /dev/sda7  (ntfs)18:59
wilee-nileedws, Windows will not boot if inside a extended19:00
bekksdws: Impossible, because sda7 is a logical partition contained in the extended partition sda2.19:00
dwsbekks: so, whats the solution for me ? is their any solution for my problem19:01
bekksdws: With your current disk layout - I dont think there is a solution.19:01
dwsbekks: i d'nt want to format my ubuntu drive (its contain all my data)19:01
bekksdws: Then create a backup of all valuable data before creating a new layout an reinstalling your computer.19:02
dwsbekks: please ! any other method than backup .backup take lot of time .Please19:03
bekksdws: There is no other way. No.19:03
bekksdws: And data without a backup isnt valuable data.19:03
wilee-nileedws, YOU can move that sda1 to being inside the extended, by cloning it and removing the sda1 or making it the NTFS with a bootflag and extended the extended to put the sda1 in, but you will have to change the sda1 clone to the partition number it goes to if you use say clonezilla, and the partition in the extended has to be the same size or bigger as the original sda1.19:05
bekkswilee-nilee: He's gone.19:06
wilee-nileebekks, hehe I see that now and what a screwed up HD, lol19:06
bekkswilee-nilee: It's a... well... complex layout, yes :)19:07
wilee-nileebekks, Having partitions out of numerical order is a noob mistake, bad juju. ;)19:08
bekkswilee-nilee: Partitions are bad juju nowadays - there's LVM :)19:09
wilee-nileetrue I don't use it but I have nothing but OS's on my running HD's bekks19:09
upsetHow do I change the splash (boot) screen in 12.04?19:10
bekkschris92: LVM.19:10
bekks!lvm | chris9219:10
ubottuchris92: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto19:10
MonkeyDust!splash > ubottu19:11
ubottuMonkeyDust, please see my private message19:11
MonkeyDust!splash > upset19:11
ubottuupset, please see my private message19:11
WeThePeopleis it possible to reinstall the bootsequence for Lucid19:11
upsetMonkeyDust: Many thanks19:11
chris92bekks: sounds useful19:13
WeThePeopleis grub the kernel boot menu? so does the kernel have a booting sequence?19:14
Lord_Zeroanyone in here a religous usenet user?19:14
WeThePeopledoes the grub boot to the kernel menu19:15
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wilee-nileeupset, Not sure what the bot posts but there is a thread at the ubuntu forum on this.19:15
upsetMonkeyDust: You don't happen to know if there's a dconf method, do you?19:15
MonkeyDustLord_Zero  some 12 people in ##religion19:15
upsetwilee-nilee: Is there? i will check again19:15
Lord_ZeroMonkeyDust: thats not exactly helpful but interesting none the less19:15
wilee-nileeupset, Yeah custom grub 2 screens19:15
MonkeyDustupset  no, sorry19:16
upsetMonkeyDust: Again, thanks19:16
JustBelievinghey guys, what's the best (free) virtual machine that can simulate windows xp or 7? I want to play some games but they don't have wines for them yet.19:19
MonkeyDustJustBelieving  try virtualbox19:19
bekksJustBelieving: There is none.19:19
wilee-nileeupset, This thread has a ton of info by drs305, go to the bottom of the first post for a looksie.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527519:19
^MikeIs the amd64 ISO for 64-bit machines?19:19
JustBelievingMonkeyDust: Okay I'll take a look.19:19
JustBelievingbekks: You need to update your info. http://lifehacker.com/5714966/five-best-virtual-machine-applications19:20
upsetwileen-nilee: So I saw. Extremely messy.... I'm actually trying to change my splash screen BACK to ubuntu's from elementaryos'19:20
MonkeyDustJustBelieving  i play old school DOOM in virtual XP, not sure if it can handle newer games properly19:20
JustBelievingMonkeyDust: I just wanna play mmofps games that are f2p19:20
bekksJustBelieving: No. A virtual machine never simulates an OS, but always executes an OS in a virtual machine.19:21
bekksJustBelieving: Thats why a virtualization solution has nothing to do with emulating or simulating an OS.19:21
JustBelievingbekks: Well that's what I meant then. Sorry for using poor word choice19:21
wilee-nileeupset, Is ubuntu at the top of the grub menu, in other words the control grub?19:21
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JustBelievingbekks: I didn't ask what the correct term was. and monkeydust did fine helping.19:22
upsetwilee-nilee: Uuuh19:22
upsetwilee-nilee: I do not know19:22
upsetwilee-nilee: It is the one and only distro I am running, if that is what you mean19:22
upsetwilee-nilee: Elementary is just a session19:22
fellayaboyhey im sick of ubuntu/linux creating .trash directories in my flash drives and such...how can i make ubuntu delete everything without creating a trash bin inside my memory cards19:23
lobhaterTJ: you around?19:23
chris92fellayaboy: shift+del19:24
wilee-nileeupset, Ah, I would just purge and reinstall grub from the ubuntu desktop, that should do it. elementaryos shows as a OS on the web.19:24
wilee-nileewith a quick look anyway19:25
fellayaboythank you chris92 but how do i have "shift+del" for every pluggable19:25
upsetwilee-nilee: Okay. It is an OS, it's just that you can install pantheon-session by itself. So weird that changing the greeter changed grub. Thank you, trying19:25
chris92fellayaboy: its just sth you have to get used to when you delete things from your flash drives19:26
chris92short question, is it possible to change the splash from ubuntu while booting? (not the grub2 splash)19:28
wilee-nileefellayaboy, Go to nautilus preferences 2nd tab click delete that bypasses trash19:29
WeThePeoplehow do i reinstall the boot sequence for a specific kernel19:30
wilee-nileefellayaboy, Make sure it is per flash if you do it in the OS all things will delete bypassing the trash.19:30
wilee-nileeI run it that way I don't need the trash personally19:30
fellayaboydamn im using thunar19:32
fellayaboyumm how do i nautilus my default19:33
fellayaboyim using xubuntu19:33
fellayaboyim new to xubuntu19:33
WeThePeoplecomputer cant boot passed boot sequence??19:33
WeThePeoplehow do i scroll in tty19:35
willfarrisscroll wheel?19:36
Taffflashhow I uninstall ubuntu? I need to reinstall it19:37
WeThePeopledoesnt work, tty is teletypewriter, its shift-pgup or down19:37
WeThePeopleuse a live cd19:38
bekksTaffflash: You dont uninstall it - you just reinstall it.19:38
IdleOneTaffflash: How did you install it?19:38
wilee-nileefellayaboy, I have not used xubuntu for a long time but look for a bypass trash in the prefrence of thunar.19:40
wilee-nileefellayaboy, AS well when you want to check the trash a ctrl-h will show the hidden files if you need to do this instead to empty it.19:41
wilee-nileeshift-delete looks to be your best straight approach when deleting in thunar19:44
kopcan't seem to get nvidia-current to remove ?19:47
kopinstalled pre removal script returns error19:48
chris92kop, gosc: stop the spam pls!19:50
sUiCiDaL_pOetHi guys... So, I have some doubts concerning Ubuntu. I'm using a Macbook pro 13', from 2011. I decided to go for the dual boot between Mac OS and Windows. Once inside Windows, I downloaded the Ubuntu Windows Installer and installed ubuntu on windows. Now, i still have dual boot, but once I go in Windows it opens the GRUB(?) / GNU (?) (I really don't know this) and I have to choose between Windows or Ubuntu....   So... is19:50
sUiCiDaL_pOet this actually a healthy way of having ubuntu on a mac?19:50
TheLordOfTimegosc:  please stop spamming, do you have an actgual support questoin?19:51
OerHeksubuntu with wubi inside windows on a macbook .. awesome.19:52
KM0201sUiCiDaL_pOet: thats because you used wubi..... pretty dumb19:52
sUiCiDaL_pOet-_-' lol19:52
sUiCiDaL_pOetI know19:52
sUiCiDaL_pOetso, this is not really the way I should do it, right?19:53
KM0201sUiCiDaL_pOet: so whats the problem.. if you don't want it, just uninstall wubi, and everything should work properly19:53
sUiCiDaL_pOetok, can I have some idea of how to uninstall it?19:53
KM0201sUiCiDaL_pOet: not really, but i'm not really sure how to set up a triple boot machine like that (if thats your goal)19:53
TeLLuSHi, I would like help with bug #940853, should probably be reasigned to package djview4 and then fixed with an added depend and recompile... anyone up for it?19:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 940853 in djvulibre (Ubuntu) "Djvu plugin crashes in Firefox" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94085319:53
OerHeksWubi is just a demo. remove it from windows software manager19:53
KM0201sUiCiDaL_pOet: add/remove programs, uninstall wubi?19:53
sUiCiDaL_pOetOh, ok19:54
sUiCiDaL_pOetso it is on the software manager19:54
KM0201i wouldn't call wubi a demo, but.. it's best for testing as opposed to using19:54
sUiCiDaL_pOetbut, then again... using ubuntu like this... why it is so stupid?19:54
KM0201sUiCiDaL_pOet: it's not in the ubuntu software manager.. pay attention, you need to uninstall it from WINDOWS19:55
sUiCiDaL_pOetyes yes19:55
sUiCiDaL_pOetI got that19:55
FloodBot1sUiCiDaL_pOet: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:55
OerHeksTeLLuS, does answer 12 work for you? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/djvulibre/+bug/940853/comments/1219:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 940853 in djvulibre (Ubuntu) "Djvu plugin crashes in Firefox" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:55
aguadito"dont use Enter as punctuation" -- i like that one19:55
KM0201sUiCiDaL_pOet: because if something happens to your wubi install, you'll find yourself unable to boot windows or ubuntu... with a "normal" dual boot system, as long as grub configurations can be loaded, one OS can be completely bricked, and you can still boot the other.19:56
TeLLuSOerHeks: Yes I wrote it..19:56
sUiCiDaL_pOetok! that's very clear to me now19:56
OerHeksTeLLuS, i c19:56
KM0201sUiCiDaL_pOet: but to be honest, i'm not sure how to go about setting up a tri boot between windows/mac/linux.. i've tribooted linux distros many times... id' do some googling, i'm guessing you'll find your answers19:57
sUiCiDaL_pOetand triple boot, is it possible? can someone provide me a link with a tutorial for that?19:58
KM0201yes, it's possible, that i'm sure of... just not sure how to go about it.. like i said, i'm guessing google will turn up quite a few hits19:58
sUiCiDaL_pOetoh.. KM0201.. you are a step ahead of my questions. :)19:58
OerHeksTeLLuS, now just wait for things to happen. i read #8 > adding libglib2.0-dev to build deps ..19:58
TheLordOfTimesUiCiDaL_pOet:  tripleboot... i've done it with three Linux distros, but never Windows + 2Linux, and definitely not Mac + Windows + Linux, so... yeah, you may want to google "Triple Boot windows mac linux"19:59
KM0201even windows + 2 linux distros... is pretty easy.19:59
sUiCiDaL_pOetok. I'll google that. Honestly, the problem comes after, because I don't remember how I got to put the wireless card working on ubuntu19:59
KM0201where th eissue comes in, is the mac... because they don't have a "boot loader" that operates the same way as the windows and ubuntu bootloaders do20:00
IdleOneTheLordOfTime: sUiCiDaL_pOet: triple boot with OSX, windows, linux is no different. make sure you install linux last so that grub can pick up your other OS'es20:00
KM0201sUiCiDaL_pOet: whats your wireless device, do you know?20:00
KM0201IdleOne: i thought it required boot camp to boot between linux/mac (thus why i have no idea, as i've never used bootcamp)20:00
sUiCiDaL_pOetwhat the command to check that on the terminal (i'm using ubuntu right now)20:01
TJ-sUiCiDaL_pOet: "lspci -nn"20:01
sUiCiDaL_pOet<WeThePeople> use a live cd20:02
sUiCiDaL_pOet<bekks> Taffflash: You dont uninstall it - you just reinstall it.20:02
sUiCiDaL_pOet* WeThePeople saiu (Quit: Leaving)20:02
KM0201or "lspci | grep Wireless" or "lspci | grep WiFi" might turn it up as well... obviously, there's more than one way to skin this cat20:03
sUiCiDaL_pOetBroadcom Corporation BCM4331 802.11a/b/g/n [14e4:4331] (rev 02)20:03
KM0201sUiCiDaL_pOet: that should be very easy to get working in ubuntu, even easier if you can temporarily have a wired connection20:03
TJ-sUiCiDaL_pOet: The important bit is the device ID  14e4:433120:03
KM0201!broadcom | sUiCiDaL_pOet20:04
ubottusUiCiDaL_pOet: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx20:04
KM0201TJ-: dunno about that, i'd say the chipsset on the device is pretty important as well.20:04
TJ-KM0201: The device ID *is* the chipset20:04
TJ-sUiCiDaL_pOet: bug #102758720:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1027587 in linux (Ubuntu) "14e4:4331 Cannot connect to 802.11n networks with Broadcom 4331" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102758720:04
KM0201well, but "bcm 4331"20:04
KM0201hmm, that's interesting20:05
KM0201broadcom's are usually pretty easy20:05
TJ-KM201 We don't care about the textual name of a device - the kernel drivers are only interested in the Vendor:Product ID20:05
KM0201sUiCiDaL_pOet: do you have anything under "Additional Drivers" asking you to activate the broadcom drivers20:05
sUiCiDaL_pOetdunno that20:05
KM0201TJ-: of course, but when someone is trying to find an answer, knowing the "textual name" is pretty darn important20:06
TJ-sUiCiDaL_pOet: see this, the forum thread claims to have solved it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198792720:06
sUiCiDaL_pOetI'm reading this20:06
sUiCiDaL_pOetis very helpful20:07
TJ-sUiCiDaL_pOet: I see some formatting errors in the quoted code (multiple command lines accidentally on one line, so keep your eyes peeled. The one I see starts with the "wget" command)20:08
sUiCiDaL_pOetok. I'll have to investigate more about this, but definetly it was very helpful20:08
TeLLuSOerHeks: Bug was detected 15mounth ago, fix easy found 4 mounth ago.  Do we really need to wait more?  Maybe we could ask someone to do something..20:08
KM0201wow, ton of updates20:09
sUiCiDaL_pOetthanks a lot guys for the help20:10
sUiCiDaL_pOetI'll be back soon with some more doubts20:11
KM0201good luck sUiCiDaL_pOet20:11
sianhulopeople, is there a way to backup all my apps?i will have to reinstall my distro, that-ll erase all my apps, the only program i know that is supposed to do this is aptoncd, however it never restored the apps20:11
TaJMoXI think my GNOME is broken... The Close/Minimize buttons were on the left of the window, now they're on the right. Also, I can't ALT-TAB or ALT-F4 anymore... But ALT+A works, etc20:12
sUiCiDaL_pOetthanks a lot. really... it's a hell of a job you guys do here helping out noobs like myself20:12
sUiCiDaL_pOetc y a later all!20:12
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
TJ-sianhulo: Run "dpkg --get-selections > packages.list" to save your list of installed packages, put "packages.list" somewhere safe, re-install, then run "cat packages.list | sudo dpkg --set-selections"20:13
xizdaqrianSup all?20:14
TJ-sianhulo: Or you can use apt-mark ... that handles dependencies better. See this http://askubuntu.com/questions/101931/restoring-all-data-from-backup-of-dpkg-set-selections20:14
sianhuloTJ-,  thanks for replying, now, that would run a command to download an install all my apps?or it would just install it?20:14
TJ-sianhulo: "dpkg --set-selections" will simply mark the packages for installation. You have to follow up with something like "sudo apt-get -u dselect-upgrade"20:15
TJ-sianhulo: Better to use the "apt-mark" method though - it retains the relationships between packages20:16
sianhuloTJ-, ok, i will try, thank you20:17
BenBEWebcam issue resolved; retried with latest rc seems to work.20:18
KRomeleoNI cannot get ,y galaxy nexus to mount under mtp, can anyne help?20:19
KRomeleoNit is very annoying20:20
* keyzs http://www.tromsite.com for a relax20:20
=== tiagoscd_ is now known as tiagoscd
kopokay I'm back at .04 and nvidia is still being a pain20:21
bekksWorks for me.20:21
kopI was able to remove and reinstall but hang at *stopping system V runlevel compatability20:22
KRomeleoNbekks: gn?20:22
bekksKRomeleoN: What das "gn" mean?20:22
xizdaqrianKRomeleoN: Did you use mtp-connect?20:22
KRomeleoNhow do i use mtp connect?20:22
KRomeleoNim just plugging the device in20:23
xizdaqrianat the command line type: mtp-connect20:23
xizdaqrianYou should already have the Nexus plugged in of course20:23
KRomeleoNnot found20:23
KRomeleoNdo i need to apt-get install it?20:24
xizdaqriansudo apt-get install mtp-connect20:24
xizdaqriansorry, mtp-tools20:24
=== pogo__ is now known as pogo
KRomeleoNmtp connect finds it20:27
KRomeleoNbut nautilus cant display files20:27
xizdaqrianYeah, another step20:27
guntbert!enter | KRomeleoN20:27
ubottuKRomeleoN: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:27
lfaraone|shI have a program, ee.pl, that takes a .php file as an argument and does some magic to it20:27
lithiumxis there anyway to get overscn back after upgrading to ubuntu 12.x for nvidia?20:27
lithiumxshits either greyed out or just not there anymore20:28
KRomeleoNxizdaqrian, please share :)20:28
lfaraone|shI configured nautilus to associate .php files with it, and gnome-open DTRT. However, opening it by xdg-open returns "No control file specified. Syntax: perl ee.pl <control file>". I'm pretty sure they're both referencing the same desktop, which has an exec line of "/usr/bin/ee.pl %U".20:28
guntbertlithiumx: no swearing here20:28
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:28
lithiumxthis is driving me nuts20:29
lithiumxshould have never upgraded20:29
kop<---about to send an ugly-gram to nvidia20:30
* keyzs http://youtu.be/8drPWywxssM20:30
lithiumxwhne i was on 11.x it worked just fine20:30
paolo74ciao a tutti20:34
ubottupaolo74: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:35
AddisonEHey, for some reason /dev/null permissions are set incorrectly. Does anyone know why that might be?20:37
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jribAddisonE: did you modify them?20:37
AddisonENope. I also checked the udev permissions in etc/udev/rules.d and they're fine.20:38
AddisonEWhenever I call 'udevadm trigger' it sets the permissions correctly though.20:38
bekksAddisonE: So which permissions does /dev/null have?20:38
bekksAddisonE: And which Ubuntu are you on, specifically?20:38
lithiumxanyone able to help?20:38
AddisonEUbuntu 12.04 32-bit. The permissions are set at 600 unless I change them or call udevadm trigger. They don't stick on reboot though.20:39
jribAddisonE: what's the output of « ls -ld /dev/null » out of curiousity?20:39
AddisonEcrw------- 1 root root 1, 3 Sep 29 23:48 null20:41
jribAddisonE: 1) how did you discover the permissions were not correct? 2) what file are you talking about exactly regarding udev? 3) bekks question about ubuntu version20:42
AddisonE1) postgresql won't start because the permission is denied, also sendmail has an error because of dev/random permission denied 2) Well, I found a file in lib/udev/rules.d that set null to 0666, and I also overwrote it by creating a file in etc/udev/rules.d20:43
AddisonE3) I have Ubuntu 12.04 32-bit.20:43
jribAddisonE: what file did you find in lib/udev/rules.d?20:44
AddisonELet me find it again real quick.20:44
AddisonE50-udev-default.rules:KERNEL=="null|zero|full|random|urandom", MODE="0666"20:45
TJ-AddisonE: Do you have a scanner attached using SANE ?20:45
AddisonEI do not. I actually have a fresh installation of Ubuntu 12.04 on it. I haven't done anything to it.20:46
jribAddisonE: when you boot, without doing anything else, the permissions come up as 600?20:47
AddisonEYeah, I have booted it and checked the dev/null permissions right afterwards and it's at 600.20:48
jribAddisonE: do you have anything symlinked to /dev/null perhaps?20:48
AddisonEI don't think it's udev persay because calling 'udevadm trigger' sets the permissions correct. I just don't think udev is triggering itself on startup.20:49
RandomDude_Hello, today I decided to get rid of my Windows 7 Starter on my Acer Aspire One 521 Netbook. I went to the hardware store and bought a 4GB memory O-Dimm. After that Iinstalled ubuntu on the netbook, but everything goes rather slow. Slower than the windows 7 with only 1 GB RAM. Seems to me the problem is the fglrx driver. I tried to install it both manual and with Software Center, then I installed mesa-utils to see what glxgears does. It works, yet when20:49
RandomDude_I go to system settings -> details, it shows the desktop environment is using the VESA driver. Is this normal?20:49
AddisonEjrib: It's possible, how would I check that?20:49
jribAddisonE: I guess you'd have to use find.  I was hoping it was something you had done and remembered20:50
AddisonEI wish it was too. But I have reinstalled the OS and went directly to check /dev/null and it said the same thing.20:51
jribAddisonE: without installing anything after the initial install?20:51
AddisonENope. I have done it multiple times. One time I tried 'apt-get update apt-get upgrade' and then did it and the same thing occured.20:51
jribAddisonE: that's pretty weird20:52
TJ-AddisonE: Have you tried switching to single-user mode? That might reveal if it is a runlevel 2/upstart script causing it? "telinit 1"20:52
AddisonEYeah, I'm not exactly linux saavy or I would debug it. I set the udev.conf to debug and then called udevadm trigger and it logs stuff to syslog. When I boot up, no udev messages are logged in anything.20:53
vicatcucan anyone here help save my ass with some help network troubleshooting?20:54
sayersWill I be able to boot SliTaZ from usb thumb device without having HDD on some computer ?20:54
TJ-AddisonE: Is it desktop or server installation?20:54
WeThePeopleis there anything like gnome20:54
AddisonEserver installation.20:54
AddisonEThe telinit 1 just kicked me out and saying "Network connection refused"20:54
TJ-AddisonE: Yes - it's single user mode!20:55
AddisonEYeah, so is there anyway to test if single user mode sets the permissions correctly?20:58
TJ-AddisonE: Are you not at the physical console?20:59
TJ-AddisonE: I'm wondering if apparmor could be the culprit, but can't see how20:59
AddisonEI am using SSH to access the network. Not sure how to access the 'physical console'.21:00
TJ-AddisonE: Is the machine with the problem remote from you, not local?21:00
AddisonEIt's remote. Doing through a VPS.21:01
BoreeasDoes updatedb run when the computer is booted?21:01
AddisonEIs that the issue?21:01
jribAddisonE: if you run out of ideas, I'd slug through the output of (you'll get a lot of hits for redirections though, and probably want to try to filter them out initially): grep -R null /etc/udev/rules.d/ /lib/udev/rules.d/ /etc/init.d/ /etc/init/ /etc/rc.local21:01
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TJ-AddisonE: It could be - what VPS specifically?21:02
AddisonEYeah. If you set udev.conf priority to debug and restart the server. Should it output into the syslog?21:02
AddisonEI am using ipxcore. Is that what you mean?21:02
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rymate1234hey guys21:03
TJ-AddisonE: Yes, OpenVZ has some implications versus Xen/KVM21:03
rymate1234get this error trying to open gnome-tweak-tool21:03
rymate1234(gnome-tweak-tool:21010): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.gnome.desktop.interface' does not contain a key named 'ubuntu-overlay-scrollbars'21:03
rymate1234wat do21:03
bekksrymate1234: Did gnome-tweak-tool open?21:04
AddisonEI apoligize, I suppose that would have been useful information to state.21:04
Kyngdomanyone here having problems installing ubuntu 10-12 on a z68 chipset?21:04
pentagonWhy does ubuntu pick bind-9 instead of dnsutils ?21:05
TJ-AddisonE: I'm wondering if a script someplace has accidentally done it21:05
bekkspentagon: Because someone made that decision, most likely :)21:06
RandomDude_Hello, today I decided to get rid of my Windows 7 Starter on my Acer Aspire One 521 Netbook. I went to the hardware store and bought a 4GB memory O-Dimm. After that Iinstalled ubuntu on the netbook, but everything goes rather slow. Slower than the windows 7 with only 1 GB RAM. Seems to me the problem is the fglrx driver. I tried to install it both manual and with Software Center, then I installed mesa-utils to see what glxgears does. It works, yet when21:06
RandomDude_I go to system settings -> details, it shows the desktop environment is using the VESA driver. Is this normal?21:06
Troy^have you restarted X since the installation of the new fglrx drivers?21:07
AddisonEYeah, I wonder too.21:07
RandomDude_Troy^: yes21:07
rymate1234RandomDude_, usually the fglrx drivers are not needed, and in some cases are worse21:07
rymate1234also, since when do netbooks have ati graphics cards21:08
Troy^Well unity is pretty demanding but i'm not sure if these are still expected results..21:08
RandomDude_Mine has a HD mobility Radeon 422021:08
Troy^i mean you may be better off trying xubuntu or lubuntu21:08
Kyngdomyarg. anyone here had issues with ubuntu + unetbootin + intel z68 chipset?21:09
RandomDude_My processor is a AMD K125 II 64bit21:09
Amkeihi, I'm trying to customize my me-menu under Lucid. Did it successfully for my message-indicator-applet by changing /usr/share/indicators/messages... so I thought changing /usr/share/indicators/me will work in a familar way. But it does not. My Question: Is there ANY possibility to change entries in ne Me-Menu under Lucid?21:09
rymate1234it shouldn't be using vesa that's for sure21:09
RandomDude_Yes that's what Ithought too21:09
rymate1234Vesa is the default "I ain't got no drivers" driver21:09
rymate1234RandomDude_, what's preformance like without fglrx?21:10
trond-Hi room. I have a VPN connection to a server, and (thanks to help/tip from the cisco forum) I have set up routing for the IP-pool that users from the VPN gets. But when I am connected to the server, it has no connection to the internet. Here is my routing: http://pastebin.com/PXBqAaGF21:10
RandomDude_rymate1234: same21:10
Troy^rymate1234: so it is not using fglrx then21:10
AddisonEThank you for you help TJ_. I have to go now, but I will try doing some searches about OpenVZ and dev/null permission errors and see if anything comes up.21:10
rymate1234it isn't using fglrx21:10
Troy^rymate1234: have you tried installing ati drivers manually21:11
RandomDude_No, but when I type glxgears it show the gears turning at 850-900 fps21:11
rymate1234Troy^, I'm not the one with the issue21:11
rymate1234its RandomDude_21:11
RandomDude_Yes I did apt-get purge fglrx* then apt-get instal fglrx fglrx-accle21:12
rymate1234RandomDude_, what does fglrxinfo say21:12
rymate1234if anything21:12
RandomDude_fglrxinfo says display: :0  screen: 021:13
RandomDude_OpenGL vendor string: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.21:13
RandomDude_OpenGL renderer string: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 Series21:13
RandomDude_OpenGL version string: 3.3.11627 Compatibility Profile Context21:13
FloodBot1RandomDude_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:13
TimothyAis there a way to check if a machine will survive a reboot without actually rebooting it?21:13
TimothyAneed to check if grub if installed correctly, without chancing to lose 2TB of production data ;>_>21:14
rymate1234RandomDude_, fgrlx appears to be installed and working properly21:14
rymate1234TimothyA, rebooting won't delete 2TB of production data21:15
RandomDude_Yes, should it be in my xorg?21:15
TimothyArymate1234: it would make it very very very unreachable21:15
bekksTimothyA: You dont have a backup of that data?21:15
rymate1234Not if you have a live cd ;)21:15
TimothyAbekks: sure! I have plenty of 2TB+ servers sitting around! Let me take out my creditcard and pay for another 1200$ box...21:15
bekksTimothyA: If you dont have a backup, the data isnt worth to be kept. Sounds arrogant, but thats how things are.21:16
Sidney__200 dollars will get you a readynas nv+21:16
rymate1234bekks, or you simply cannot afford a backup solution21:17
bekksrymate1234: Then the data isnt worth to be kept.21:17
TimothyASidney__: I don't exactly have money to put aside, I'm already starving21:17
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rymate1234I would much rather prioritise food over an extra HDD for backups21:18
TimothyAI wish I didn't do apt-get upgrade today...21:18
rymate1234why lol21:18
TimothyArymate1234: it decided to upgrade GRUB...21:18
TimothyAwhich then decided to throw errors21:18
rymate1234these errors were...?21:19
TimothyA...scrolled off my terminal by now >_<21:19
TimothyAit mentioned something about installing to a partitionless disk was a bad idea21:19
TimothyAand using blocklists was a bad idea21:19
rymate1234TimothyA, if you have access to a live cd21:19
TimothyAI'm using a RAID-0 setup21:19
TimothyAI do not21:20
rymate1234why not lol21:20
TimothyAthe datacenter doesn't provide me with a way to boot into rescue mode or anything21:20
rymate1234only real way to check if grub works21:21
Sidney__even with a live cd wouldn't he need a storage container to save to21:21
rymate1234is to reboot21:21
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rymate1234I gotta go21:21
TimothyAgrrr, I hate this >_<21:22
TimothyAI must do "reboot now" to make sure it works, or else it will keep me awake all night, having nightmares about the server suddendly getting a power loss or something21:22
pentagonbekks: ok21:22
TimothyAand then turning out that it *is* broken >_<21:22
pentagonWhen using the alternate cd it installs about 100 packages is there an even more minimal option ?21:26
bekkspentagon: the alternate cd is the "normal" desktop installation using a different installer.21:26
bekkspentagon: Try the server iso.21:27
pentagonbekks: oops i forgot to specify I was choosing the text install21:27
bekkspentagon: The alternate install has no other installation options rather than "text based".21:27
pentagonbekks: off hand do you know how many packages the server iso can get down too21:29
bekkspentagon: No, I never cared about that, since I can uninstall everything I do not need.21:29
weegee_ez, can someone quickly giv me a hint how to reactivate my laptop mousepad? it seems to be activated via the usual ways21:29
Walexweegee_: it is not that simple necessarily, It should be autoactivated by 'Xorg' on startup, and/or by 'udev' communicating with 'Xorg'21:30
weegee_iz once worked^21:31
Walexweegee_: yes, but when?21:31
weegee_once upon a time21:31
weegee_in a galaxy far away21:31
Walexweegee_: could it be as simple as that you pressed the "disable mousepad" function button?21:31
weegee_dont think so already chekced that21:31
Walexweegee_: anyhow, to see whether your systems recognizes the mousepad...21:32
* Walex checks the sysfs21:32
bassclefwhere is .htaccess in ubuntu?21:32
ikoniabassclef: where ever you put it, you create it21:32
bassclefikonia does it need to be in my /var/www dir?21:32
ikoniabassclef: each site can store it in a different location, check the site's config file21:32
ikoniabassclef: each site can store it in a different location, check the site's config file21:32
Walexbassclef: in whichever directory served by Apache2, but you have to enabled it.21:32
bassclefyea i did21:33
ikoniabassclef: where did you enable it ?21:33
bassclefi'm trying to install wordpress and use pretty links21:33
bassclefbut it says its not writeable21:33
Walexweegee_: try 'lsinput' and see if it is listed21:33
ikoniabassclef: right, so that's going to be permissions21:33
bassclefi changed /etc/apache2/sites-available/default to Allow21:33
bassclefi enabled mod_rewrite21:33
Walexbassclef: you have to restart Apache2 after that...21:33
bassclefif i do a locate .htaccess i dont find anything21:33
bassclefi did21:33
ikoniabassclef: the .htaccess file needs to be writeable by the web server user21:33
bassclefi'm not retarded21:33
ikoniabassclef: located only looks in certain directories21:33
Walexbassclef: note that 'mod_rewrite' does not necessarily help with '.htaccess'21:34
ikoniabassclef: and you need to create the .htacces file or give the web server permission to create it21:34
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Walexikonia: '.htaccess' needs to be _readable_ by the user that runs the Apaches2 process, not writable21:34
Walexikonia: and the web server does not create it...21:34
ikoniaWalex: no, it needs to be writeable by the web server if wordpress is going to update it21:34
Walexikonia: ahhh that's another story :-)21:35
ikoniaWalex: and the web server DOES create it if wordpress tells it to in the install process for permalinks21:35
trond-weegee_, did your touchpad stop working after an upgrade to 12.04 or something? if so, add xserver-xorg-input-synaptics21:35
Walexweegee_: yes, the synaptics driver package is definitely needed.21:36
weegee_got the package21:36
weegee_but it sys i have no lsinputinstalled21:36
Walexweegee_: so first check with 'lsinput' from 'input-utils' and then with 'synclient -l'. These two check that the device is accessible21:36
Walexweegee_: so 'apt-get input-utils'21:36
Walexweegee_: so 'apt-get install input-utils'21:37
weegee_Walex, im on it, takes soe time^^21:37
Sidney__what is the command to install nouveau drivers21:38
Walexweegee_: note that regrettably if you did not have the Synaptics driver mentioned by <trond> after installing it you need to restart Xorg21:38
lenswipehey guys21:38
lenswipewonder if someone can help me with something21:39
weegee_walex, it already was installed21:39
lenswipeive heard of ubuntu studio and that it uses a low latency kernel21:39
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lenswipeobviously thats optimised for very processor intensive things21:39
wubinoanyone familiar with the Quickly framework?21:39
weegee_i dont seem to get a conection to the repository though21:39
lenswipebut im interested in what the drawbacks are21:39
Walexweegee_: also check the following: 'grep -i synaptics /var/log/Xorg.' it should list all the log lines related to the pad21:39
lenswipei mean it must absolutely suck at some things for it not to be included in normal ubuntu21:39
Dany22I have a question, i downloaded the most recent version of the wubi (windows ubuntu installer), and tried to install inside windows, i run the file, but it does not start, it seems like it`s trying to load, but does not start, hwat may be the problem, i am using Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit version21:40
Walexlenswipe: it is not for processor intensive things, that's _throughput_. Low latency is for stuff that does not need a lot of processor, but when it needs it needs it without delay.21:40
Walexlenswipe: it is less tested/stable.21:40
WeThePeoplewhen i type my pass to login it sends me back to the login screen?? any ideas21:40
lenswipeWalex: got it21:40
lenswipei knew there must be some kind of drawback21:41
weegee_walex, the xorg logs dont seem to exist, and lsinput doesnt sow the mousepad21:41
Walexweegee_: does 'ls -ltr /var/log/*org*' list anything?21:42
zykotick9weegee_: the xorg log should be /var/log/Xorg.0.log21:42
Dany22I have a question, i downloaded the most recent version of the wubi (windows ubuntu installer), and tried to install inside windows, i run the file, but it does not start, it seems like it`s trying to load, but does not start, hwat may be the problem, i am using Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit version21:43
weegee_no synaptics in the log21:43
kickingvegashi folks - just installed 12.04 on a new ASUS x401a; where's a good place to post my experience?21:43
Walexweegee_: also try to check the system boot logs I think with 'zgrep -E -i 'ps/2|ps2|synaptics' /var/log/messages*'21:43
bassclefikonia: thanks a lot, figured it out :)21:44
weegee_no such file or directory21:44
TuxProbehello chaps, ive just done a major distupgrade - now my ffmpeg libraries is fubar -,-21:45
Dany22helloooo, am i invisible here??21:45
TuxProbemplayer: error while loading shared libraries: libx264.so.104: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:45
bekksDany22: No.21:46
WalexDany22: please give the number of your platinum support card for response times below 10 minutes.21:46
TuxProbei have so.120 in stock - is there a repository glitch?21:46
Ironsight(not entirely an ubuntu question..) I have a motorola cable modem/router and my wired clients are getting a different wan ip than my wireless clients. Is this strange?21:46
Dany22i don`t have such thing...21:46
WalexIronsight: no, it could be using different subnets on the two different networks21:46
IronsightI didn't think of that21:47
WalexDany22: :-) then be patient and repeat the whole of your question not more freqjuently than every 10 minutes...21:47
TuxProbeironsight, the WAN ip should be same... the LAN is another story21:47
TuxProbemyip.com give the same right?21:47
Ironsightthe wan ip's are totally different :/21:47
TuxProbethe WAN IP belongs to your router, not the clients21:47
Ironsightwhatismyip.com is giving me 2 different ip's21:48
bekksIronsight: Your clients do not get a WAN IP at all.21:48
Dany22okey, than i`m waiting...21:48
Ironsightwired gets one, and wireless get's another, and I even changed my ssid21:48
TuxProbethen your router is AOL and not a DHCP server, you receive your IP's directly from the ISP21:48
bekksIronsight: The SSID has nothing to do with it.21:48
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Ironsightwell, at first I thought a neighbor was using the same ssid as mine (it was a default one for the local cable company)21:49
WalexDany22: note also that probably almost everybody here uses Ubuntu natively, so very few people or none will be familiar with Wubi21:50
TuxProbeomg.. i cant watch pr0n!!!21:50
ikoniaTuxProbe: enough.21:50
TuxProbeany ideas on how to fix linkage with ffmpeg package? other then compiling it myself..21:51
TuxProbeim not that desperate :)21:51
TuxProbeikonia very well... s/p***/x26421:51
ikoniawhat ?21:52
WalexTuxProbe: you can manage dependencies in a very fine grained way with 'ffmpeg' but the most likely cause is that your Medibuntu repos are not quite the right ones.21:52
weegee_walex, how to manually restart the syaptics driver?21:52
ikoniaweegee_: I do'nt think you can,  you'll have to restart X21:52
Dany22okey, than i will try to figure it out by myself21:52
Walexweegee_: you cannot really.21:52
weegee_i tried "synclient -l | grep TouchPadOff"21:52
weegee_and it just says no synaptics driver loaded21:53
Walexweegee_: There are sort of two Synaptics drivers: a kernel one and an X one.21:53
Walexweegee_: since 'lsinput' does not list a Synaptics then probably the kernel one does not recognize it.21:53
Walexweegee_: the ' 'zgrep -E -i 'ps/2|ps2|synaptics' /var/log/messages*' line above was meant to check whether at boot the kernel driver sort of recognized it.21:54
TuxProbewalex ahh right, distupgrade havent updated the sources.list then?21:54
WalexTuxProbe: Medibuntu is not an official repository... Double check 'sources.list' is always a good idea anyhow.21:55
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trismWalex: we don't have /var/log/messages in recent ubuntu versions by default, try /var/log/kern.log or syslog21:55
weegee_walex, /var/log/messages*.gz: No such file or directory21:55
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Walexweegee_: ah yes, I have kept 'messages' but as 'trism' says there is not one anymore by default, so check those he says.21:56
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Walexweegee_: note that there is no need of a ".gz" suffix, 'zgrep' can do both compressed and uncompressed files, and the lastest log will be uncompressed.21:57
weegee_so i get something in the kern.log what do i do with it?21:58
Walexweegee_: you put that in the ubuntu pastebin and give us a link so we can see if there is a clue as to what happened.21:59
Walexweegee_: because the point is that 'lsinput' should be listing it.21:59
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kevini have a scrip that backs up mysql databases and will email a log. the script backs up fine, but it doesn't email how can i fix that?22:00
kevini think it just uses the mail command but i can;t seem to find much about it22:00
Walexkevin:most likely you configured to email on that server wrong. |Check the mail log files.22:01
tax_onhi guys. i have downloaded phpstorm and its a sh file and i have to start it trough the terminal. how can i do it easier?22:01
kevini'm a newb how do check the mail log files?22:01
Walexkevin: note that most command line mail clients use the *local* mail forwarder, which must be configured right.22:01
zykotick9tax_on: "./foo.sh" assuming it's executable.  "sh ./foo.sh" if it isn't.  probably needs sudo as well (i'd guess).22:02
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DkoderNHey guys22:02
kevinwalex: how do i check the mail logs and configure the local mail forwarder?22:02
Walexkevin: that's a bit of a long story :-). Check the Ubuntu wiki for configuring the 'smart host' for (probably) Postfix.22:03
kevinwalex: ok, i'll check it out. thanks22:05
GycklarnIs there any way to make gnome-terminal automatically copy whatever I select with my mouse? Like in Putty?22:05
WalexGycklarn: that's a very, very complicated story.22:05
GycklarnSo... no?22:05
Dr_willisGycklarn,  you can select, then middle click, to use the  X 'selection buffer' instead of the clipbord. there are tools to sync the 2. whichmay do what you want22:05
WalexGycklarn: there is a large difference between the X selection and copy operations.22:05
WalexGycklarn: the selection mechanism is not a copy-and-paste mechanism as in Other GUIs.22:06
Walexweegee_: your pas seems to be recognized in PS/2 mouse emulation mode rather than Synaptics pad mode (unless you also have a PS/2 type mouse attached)22:07
weegee_walex, i have one attached22:07
Walexweegee_: that must be a _very_ old laptop.22:07
weegee_not sure isnt mine22:08
weegee_3 years old22:08
Walexweegee_: only 3 years? A laptop with PS/2 ports? Strange.22:08
Dr_willisi would be suprised at that also.22:08
weegee_no ps2 ports here lol22:08
weegee_its on usb22:09
rocky_hello everyone22:09
chris92hey rocky_22:09
Walexweegee_: then it is not a PS/2 style mouse, and the PS/2 lines you see are from the Synaptic.22:09
Dr_willisI do see PS2 on some desktop machines - mainly for kvm switches i think.22:09
rocky_i have problem in my ubuntu 12.04, my chrome browser while browsing unexpectedly closes22:09
rocky_then i have to reopen to restore abs22:10
rocky_then i have to reopen to restore tabs22:10
Walexweegee_: does 'lsmod | grep hid' list a few lines?22:10
rocky_now it is happening too frequently22:10
zykotick9rocky_: google-chrome or chromium?22:10
rocky_i uninstalled chrome/installed again from ubuntu software center did not helped22:10
Dr_willisUninstalling/reinstalling an app to 'fix' it is windows thinking rocky_22:11
Dr_willisrocky_,  you did try disabling any plugins first?22:11
rocky_zykotick9, it's chromium web browser22:11
rocky_Dr_willis, absoluely right22:11
rocky_Dr_willis, yes i can try22:12
rocky_Dr_willis, most recently i installed Clearly22:12
rocky_Dr_willis, this is good suggestion i will disable it22:12
zykotick9rocky_: from the default repo, or some ppa or something?  you can check with "apt-cache policy chromium-browser" is it 18.0.1025.168?22:13
blzHello!  I've configured my nvidia xserver settings such that my external monitor connected to my laptop is running as a separate X display.  I have everything the way I want it except that this monitor goes to sleep whenever the laptop lid is closed.  How can I prevent this from happening?22:13
=== Guest18360 is now known as YDdraigGoch
rocky_zykotick9, it's  Installed: 20.0.1132.47~r144678-0ubuntu0.12.04.122:15
ikoniablz: try disabling dpms on that monitor22:15
VlanZis there any program to see when the system writes and reads from the hard drive?22:15
rocky_zykotick9, Candidate: 20.0.1132.47~r144678-0ubuntu0.12.04.122:15
Walexweegee_: BTW what I see in my logs is here: http://pastebin.com/4mebuteb22:15
zykotick9!info chromium-browser | rocky_ well, that doesn't appear to be the "default" chromium?22:15
blzikonia, how would I go about doing that?22:15
ubotturocky_ well, that doesn't appear to be the "default" chromium?: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 18.0.1025.168~r134367-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 (precise), package size 21158 kB, installed size 78054 kB22:15
RelondoHow can I automount a drive on startup?22:15
ikoniablz: in the xorg.conf, disable dpms on that monitor22:15
ikoniaVlanZ: you can strace a program22:15
zykotick9Relondo: /etc/fstab22:15
Relondozykotick9: Sorry, could you elaborate a little?22:16
zykotick9!fstab | Relondo22:16
ubottuRelondo: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions22:16
blzikonia, I take it that this should be fairly obvious =)  I have an unnatural fear of xorg.conf22:16
rocky_ubottu,  Version table:22:16
rocky_ *** 20.0.1132.47~r144678-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 022:16
rocky_        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates/universe amd64 Packages22:16
rocky_        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status22:16
rocky_     18.0.1025.168~r134367-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 022:16
rocky_        500 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-security/universe amd64 Packages22:16
FloodBot1rocky_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:16
zykotick9!paste | rocky_22:16
ubotturocky_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:16
ikoniablz: it's just an option somethin glike option DPMS false22:16
ikoniablz: but you'll need to check it22:16
rocky_ubottu, zykotick9 thank you22:17
ubotturocky_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:17
blzikonia, will do. thanks for the advice =)22:17
ikoniablz: may not make a difference, but it's a good starting point22:17
VlanZikonia: for example i just downloaded an iso with transmission to the USB hard drive, and i'd like to verify if this program with its current settings writes to the SSD before copying to the external USB drive. Can i do that?22:17
Relondozykotick9: Thanks.22:17
zykotick9rocky_: Relondo Glad to help22:17
rocky_Dr_willis, zykotick9 i have disabled plugin so far good,lets hope this fixes the problem22:17
ikoniaVlanZ: it will write to where you tell it to write (the save dir)22:17
Walexweegee_: what's the output of 'ls -ld /sys/module/*{mouse,8042}*' ?22:18
ikoniaVlanZ: it will use the temporary space you tell it to use, and the final save destination you tell it to use, you don't need to "verify" that22:18
VlanZikonia: so it does have a temporary folder? cause i don't see it..22:20
blzikonia, this is the only entry for dpms I can find... not quite sure what to do with this.22:20
blzikonia, the good news is that this is the correct monitor!22:20
ikoniaVlanZ: then it will use the desintation space22:20
^MikeIt is possible to use google authenticator with pam/ssh now - can I require both an ssh key /and/ a verification code?22:22
ikonia^Mike: that's not going to wor k22:22
^MikeWhy not?22:22
ikonia^Mike: has somsone written a pam module to interact with googles auth system ?22:22
ikoniathen it will work22:23
^MikeYes, I can log in with a verification code - I used the instructions at http://www.howtogeek.com/121650/how-to-secure-ssh-with-google-authenticators-two-factor-authentication/ - but I would like to require an ssh key /and/ code22:23
ikonia^Mike: ok, so you just need two requires22:23
VlanZikonia: i am quite puzzled because during the download of a liveCD (700 MB) the USB drive was absolutely quiet for 20 seconds, then it was writing very intesively for 10 seconds and then quite again. I'd have expected a much more regular copy process since the download was 3.0 MB/s all process long. I wonder what's that about22:24
ikoniaVlanZ: that will be commiting from ram22:25
MoleManI installed get_iplayer from the standard package, does anyone know where the actuall files are stored, or how I can work out where they are?22:25
^Mikeikonia: Sorry, I don't understand what you mean22:25
ikonia^Mike: the pam rules have options such as "require" eg: require lib_auth_cypto, you need to include the auth for ssh and google's auth as "require"22:26
VlanZikonia: yeah i also tought about that. I really don't want to have not needed writes to my SSD; however it would be cool do have knowledge of what an executable is really doing with the files, if it's reading or writing something.22:27
ikoniathen strace the program and waste your time22:27
DayDrakeI've been having trouble with flash being very unstable, anyone got any ideas? I'm running ubuntu 64-bit on a amd fx-8120 and 2x nvidia gtx 560 ti if that is relevant.22:28
=== matt is now known as Guest31907
zerwasDayDrake, if you are running Chrome, you could try switching from NPAPI to PPAPI or vice versa22:29
zerwasDayDrake, go to about:plugins in the URL bar and disable/enable one of the versions. Restart Chrome and see if it's still unstable22:30
weegee_walex, http://pastebin.com/vnqtcMg322:33
folornanyone know how to open up a port so the public can connect to you?22:33
folornneed port 2860 open22:34
ikoniafolorn: you do that through your router22:34
ikoniaunless you have configured a software firewall on your ubuntu machine22:34
zerwasfolorn, it depends on your router and is the same procedure in every operating system. have a look into the manual to see how to forward a port22:35
BennnI'm running Kubuntu 11.10. Molom software center crashes, and MySQL Administrator also crashes when I try to use it to restor a database.  Is it wise to upgrade this installation, or should I do a fresh install?22:36
ikoniadepends on the reasons for the crash22:37
BennnI sort of gave up trying to figure out the Muon crash. Haven't started on the MySQL Administrator one.22:38
ikoniathen how can we advise  you22:39
WalexVlanZ: the IO pattern you see is typical: most GNU/Linux systems are misconfigured to buffer a lot of writes to memory and then to dump them in one go to persistent storage.22:40
BennnYou couls give me an idea of whether an upgrade might fix such problems. Or whether I should do a clean instal.22:41
TuxProbewalex hmm well i have no medubuntu repo's listed at all22:41
ikoniaBennn: how do we know if it will fix it, if you have no idea why it's crashing22:41
WalexTuxProbe: then add them because they have got the right codecs and players for a lot of media. Check the relevant Wiki pages22:42
TuxProbefirst error i have was libdirectfb.so.0 not found, i link so.9 to so.0 and voila22:42
Walex!ubotu mpeg22:42
Walexubotu mpeg22:42
TuxProbethen next was missing linkage of x264.so.12822:43
Bennnikonia: If I did know why they were crashing, I doubt you would know then either. I'm wondering is upgrading clears up such problems.22:43
Sidney__now this box cant see the hard drive i should have reinstalled when I had the chance22:43
WalexTuxProbe: that's a codec library, Probably in the upgrade your codec libraries were not properly removed or updated.22:43
ikoniaBennn: how can you say I doubt I would know either ? and how can you expect people to advise you if an upgrade will fix your problems with no information about why these applications are crashing22:44
WalexVlanZ: to avoid that IO pattern set to a smaller value 'vm.dirty_bytes', usually set it to around 1 second of IO bandwith22:45
WalexTuxProbe: hand linking shared objects is a very bad idea, it will make trouble for further upgrades.22:45
VlanZWalex: great to know i can do that, however something might be preferrable not to have many writes every second, right?22:46
Sidney__do i need special hardware to run unity unity I cant get it to install on any machine22:46
WalexVlanZ: almost never.22:46
Bennnikonia: It's a simple enough question. I'm not asking for anything definitive.22:46
ikoniaSidney__: no, and installing does not check your hardware requirements22:46
VlanZWalex: why is that?22:47
ikoniaBennn: no, it's not "hi, I have a problem with 2 applications crashing will updating the distro fix this" - how can you expect anyone to answer that with any confidence based on that lack of informaiton or reason22:47
WalexVlanZ: buffering a lot of writes is a great delusion that many supposedly knowledgeable people have. See for example the default parameters for the 'deadline' elevator.22:47
WalexVlanZ: it is a slightly long story the why.22:47
WalexVlanZ: the only case where buffering writes is of advantage is on a laptop on battery with a rotating disk device, and a low write rate.22:48
VlanZWalex: i've heard that it would prevent HDD wear, but maybe i was wrong..22:48
WalexVlanZ: only if the disk is in power saving mode, and then the main effect is to save battery.22:48
Bennnikonia: *sigh* Let me rephrase. Hey guys, ever hear of weird crashed being cleared up after an upgrade?22:48
ikoniaBennn: again - a pointless question22:48
WalexBennn: very many times.22:48
WalexBennn: and yes, that's a pointless question.22:49
RediHi, just a fast question. I would like to buy some things from the USC (for the first time :D ) and I would like to know If i purchase them, will I be able to install them every time I reinstall Ubuntu?22:49
BennnWhy is it a pointless question?22:49
WalexBennn: one fact of life is that most software products are released with hundreds of known bugs.22:49
ikoniaever hear of anyone getting cured of cancer "yes" - doesn't mean I will be cured22:49
WalexBennn: which bugs they are released with changes with each release.22:50
ikoniaissus are specific to you, or they are documented well know bugs, you have shown neither at this time, so we can't advise with confidence22:50
VlanZBennn: might not be so pointless: what kind of crashes did you have?  system freezed randomly ?22:50
=== dejan is now known as Guest98114
WalexTuxProbe: you may have found https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats22:51
VlanZBennn: it's all the week i'm fighting with this, but maybe the last upgrades did solve this22:51
ikoniayou can't say that22:51
ikoniayou have no idea what his problem is, or how other issues are effecting his hardware22:52
ikonia"I had a freeze and an upgrade fixed it" means nothing to someone who is having applications crash22:52
VlanZWalex: so you would suggest anybody to set the "vm.dirty_bytes" value properly?22:52
RediPlease, Im so close from buying the title I need to know If I will be able to reinstall them every time I update to new release :D22:53
WalexVlanZ: absolutely yes. the traditional default is to set 'vm.dirty_ratio' as a percentage of memory, and that is insane, especially with ever larger memory22:53
zergsthe sun omg22:53
TuxProbewalex yea, no dice22:53
VlanZWalex: lol wtf... i have 16GB  that's why!22:53
WalexVlanZ: again, on laptops in power saving mode with low write rates22:53
WalexVlanZ: again, on laptops in power saving mode with low write rates more buffering helpd.22:53
bekksWalex: So having 16GB RAM, what would you suggest to set vm.dirty_bytes to?22:54
Walexbekks: the size of RAM is irrelevant, what matters is the amount of data you can have "in flight", and that depends on the "relevant" IO rate.22:54
TuxProbewalex whatever.. i need to reinstall again once i get my ssd refurbished.. problems started once i ran distupgrade on an old 10.04 replacement hdd22:54
bekksWalex: So what do you mean by "in flight"?22:54
VlanZWalex: and how do i determine that?22:55
Walexbekks: between memory and persistent storage.22:55
bekksWalex: The amount of data is about 12-16GB, when dealing with vms. :)22:56
Walexbekks: my usual rule is not to have "in flight" more than 1second of relevant IO rate, so for most desktop/laptop setups I would set in memory caching to more than 100MB.22:56
Walexbekks: oops, "write buffering" not "caching".22:56
VlanZWalex: sorry my lack of knowledge, but where is this value stored?22:57
bekksWalex: Ok, so I have to determine how much data could be written down in one second?22:57
WalexVlanZ: google, google ('sysctl', '/proc/sys/')22:57
Walexbekks: more or less yes.22:57
bekksWalex: Ok :)22:57
Walexbekks:  it essentially depends on how many disks you have active at any one time.22:58
Walexbekks: I woluld not leave unwritten more than around 1s of data per disk, and even that is a bit much.22:58
VlanZWalex:  /proc/sys/vm/dirty_bytes  is set to 022:59
VlanZis that normal?22:59
WalexVlanZ: that's because it is a new setting, and by default the system uses 'dirty_ratio', which is a memory percentage, and that's way too high.22:59
VlanZWalex:  great, i got it23:00
WalexVlanZ:  if you set 'dirty_bytes', then 'dirty_ratio' becomes zero. It is a very poorly and stupidly designed interface.23:00
WalexVlanZ:  and the original idea that amount of unwritten data should be a percentage of available memory was also very silly.23:01
=== uni4dfx is now known as sakib
Walexhttp://www.sabi.co.uk/blog/anno05-4th.html#051105 but 'dirty_background_*' should be left high23:03
VlanZWalex: so i have to change both?23:03
WalexVlanZ:only 'dirty_bytes; then 'dirty_ratio' is disabled.23:03
Guest22089i got this issue that's been bothering me for a minute. I have this project i'm suppose to test on my ubuntu apache server, once I copy the files over to the /var/www/www every link gives me a funny The requested URL /www/home/aboutus was not found on this server.23:04
VlanZWalex: dirty ratio is now set to 10... it means it's using 1.6GB of RAM before committing writes to the HDDs?23:04
Guest22089i've had same issue on centos23:04
Guest22089fixed by Allowoveride ALL23:04
WalexGuest22089: you probably want to learn the differenxce between the local part of a URL and the file pathname corresponding to it.23:05
WalexVlanZ:  yes, indeed.23:05
VlanZWalex: sorry i didn't got that the link were for me23:05
gyre008is anyone noticing that ntp.org is flapping ??23:05
WalexVlanZ: especially with some elevators writing 1.6GiB at a time can completely freeze the machine for all other processes.23:06
Sidney__How canI get x server back up http://pastebin.com/NGzixHiD23:06
WalexVlanZ: another thing that probably is worth doing is making the flusher run more frequently.23:06
Guest22089Walex I know the path to the project is /var/www/projectx. and that's the same I use in browser, however browser wants to literally go to pathname. Instead of php framework23:06
gryGuest22089, try opening http://localhost ?23:07
VlanZWalex: but i think that what you want to do is based on your needs... in my case i'm running virtual machines onto an SSD, i think that matters, right?23:07
Guest22089localhost works gry I got passed that.23:07
WalexGuest22089: you really need to learn how those mapping work, it is a pretty basic aspect of making web services work.23:07
WalexVlanZ: if you know better, go ahead :-)23:08
Guest22089Walex any links to help educate me?23:08
WalexGuest22089: the sections on 'Alias' and 'DocumentRoot' in the Apache docs.23:08
VlanZWalex: nono you got it wrong! i'm here doing exactly what you're telling me to do!  but i wanted to tell you what i'm expecting to do with this machine23:08
VlanZWalex: in your opinion, having multiple VM running on my system, it is better to have the RAM to flush more often?23:09
WalexVlanZ: things with SSDs and VMs and high performance are far more complicated than can be discussed on IRC, and depend on the IO workload of the apps running in the VMs.23:10
WalexVlanZ: I think that unless one has a very special case, having little unwritten data is always a good idea, including VMs and SSDs.23:10
VlanZWalex: yeah you're right... how about i lower te value to 500-700 MB?  still to much?23:11
=== batty4 is now known as dcrouch
KRomeleoNim having trouble getting my secondary hd to auto mount in ubuntu at boot. i am going into Disks and changing mount options and selecting auto mount options to off23:12
=== sakib is now known as uni4dfx
KRomeleoNbut it fails to mount and gives an error23:12
grymentioning error message here could help others understand what's happening23:13
KRomeleoNif i switch back to auto, i can mount it manually after the system boots23:13
KRomeleoNit doesnt givre an error, it just says failed to mount press S to skip23:13
WalexKRomeleoN: there are three cases, not two: mount statically/at boot, automount, don't automount.23:13
KRomeleoNError mounting system-managed device /dev/sda1: Command-line `mount "/mnt/8d470de1-7bd7-4a49-b130-d610b82d4402"' exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1,23:14
KRomeleoN       missing codepage or helper program, or other error23:14
KRomeleoN       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try23:14
KRomeleoN       dmesg | tail  or so23:14
KRomeleoN (udisks-error-quark, 0)23:14
FloodBot1KRomeleoN: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:14
WalexVlanZ: I think that depends on your IO. But if you have a couple of SSDs and they are not "fragmented" it can write 400-500MB in 1s and that could be OK.23:14
WalexVlanZ: but it also depends on whether you have battery backup, whether your IO subsystem and VM subsystem support barriers, and a number of other details.23:15
KRomeleoNhttp://pastebin.com/JX8q0xhi  <---- i get thiserror when i turn off auto mount23:15
KRomeleoNnosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show is selected23:16
VlanZWalex: i don't think that fragmentation on any SSD is a big deal due to the very fast time to access the data. So if i want to change the dirty_bites file, do i have to set the value in bytes? or what?23:16
WalexKRomeleoN: it depends on the filesystem type.23:16
KRomeleoNext4 on all drives23:16
WalexVlanZ: the problem with SSDs is erase block fragemntation, something that 'discard'/TRIM/FSTRIM is supposed to help a lot with, plus overprovisioning.23:17
KRomeleoNits annoying cuz i have mp3s on the second drive, i go to play it in audacious and it errors cuz its not mounted, i have to manually mount it every time23:17
Guest22089Walex why would I want to create aliases if the previous setup didn't have any?23:17
WalexGuest22089: 'DocumentRoot' is a form of 'Alias'.23:18
KRomeleoNWalex, any ideas?23:18
WalexGuest22089: the general idea is that the local port of a URL can be and usually is completely different from the filesystem path.23:18
VlanZWalex: so i shouldnt be lowering the dirty_ratio too much while having SSD's ?23:18
Guest22089Walex correct at least that's what I got from the reading23:19
Guest22089I just modified my root23:19
WalexVlanZ: http://www.sabi.co.uk/blog/12-one.html#12011523:19
WalexGuest22089: the tradition for simple cases is that '/var/www/' is aliased/mapped to '/'23:20
voidmain_Hi all, would anyone kindly look at this problem and please tell me what I could do about it...  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206123323:20
Guest22089I have '/var/www/www' mapped to /23:21
juancabritoplease help I was updating ubuntu and I'm getting a window asking where to install grub but now I get " writing GRUB to boot device failed - continue?"23:21
WalexGuest22089: so 'http://www.example.com/about.html' usually maps to '/var/www/about.html' or something similar23:21
Guest22089yes changing the document root did it23:21
Guest22089Walex thx for the direction23:23
Walexok ok goodnight everybody....23:23
a7i3nHello all23:24
=== voidmain_ is now known as stepnjump
folornanyone know tor and how to use it well could you msg me please.?23:25
VlanZWalex: sorry, i still dont get it; i know that an SSD is not meant for sustaining too much writes, but i don't get how this is correlated with the requency of the writes...23:25
a7i3nforlorn > you can download the browser package here:https://www.torproject.org/23:26
a7i3nJust follow the linux install notes23:26
eamonnoob question: Where can I get a Kubuntu Live-CD? I can only see install CDs on the downlad page - can I boot live with those?23:27
WeThePeopleis there a way to reinstall ubuntu and keep all the apps and files on the hdd23:32
Sidney__Failed to load module "nv" Is this an Nvidia driver?23:33
ikoniayou can back them up to a file system outside the re-install23:33
ikoniaSidney__: it is the opensource one23:33
Sidney__ikonia, that is not the same as nvidia current or is it?23:34
Sidney__every site i check tries to direct me to install nvidia current23:35
WeThePeopleikonia, is it possible to use aptoncd in tty23:36
ddtgewhat image viewer support animated sideshow?23:36
ikoniaWeThePeople: I've not used it for a long time, I believe so, but wouldn't bet my house on it23:36
stepnjumpCould someone help me please? I can no longer download the updates from ubuntu servers23:37
pomeislwhere is heroes squer?23:37
ikoniapomeisl: what ?23:37
ikoniastepnjump: you need to explain the issue23:37
dvolkergnome-screensaver-command --deactivate will dismiss a locked screensaver without password prompt which means that if you can get access to someones unlocked desktop for just a second you could sneak the command into their cron to unlock their machine when they're not around.23:38
ikoniadvolker: why are you telling us this ?23:39
zykotick9ikonia: isn't nv basically deprecated in favour of nouveau?  Sidney__23:40
pomeisli would like some "powered by" ubuntu sticker. what should i do? where can i ask my question?23:40
ikoniazykotick9: nv is the kernel module for noueau still I think23:40
pomeisli use 24.0423:41
zykotick9ikonia: i don't believe so...??? i could be wrong.23:41
ikoniapomeisl: contact a sticker maker, it's not really something this channel can deal with23:41
ikoniazykotick9: I'm not %100 myself23:41
ohmygoddesstab completion for my ubuntu 10.04LTS doesn't work23:41
dvolkerikonia, not sure who to tell i guess23:41
dawgb0neanyone had experience with installing catalyst for radeon video card ?23:41
zykotick9ikonia: nouveau is a kernel module i believe.  nv is the old xorg driver.23:41
ikoniadvolker: log a securirty bug23:41
dvolkerwas hoping someone could say "yeah, do this instead"23:41
ohmygoddessI enabled ~/etc/bash.bashrc23:41
juancabritoplease help I was updating ubuntu and I'm getting a window asking where to install grub but now I get " writing GRUB to boot device failed - continue?"23:42
ikoniazykotick9: nv is the old xorg driver, but I thought it was still the name of the kernel module for nouveau, I'n not %100 though23:42
ohmygoddessbut command line still cannot complete by TAB, anyone can help me?23:42
pomeislchannal name is ubuntu. thanks for the help that does not exist.23:42
ikoniapomeisl: channel name is ubuntu support, not sticker help23:43
ikoniapomeisl: you can see the links in the channels topics for info on what the channel is used for23:43
pomeislyes, i do23:43
pomeislif you do not help me, i have nothing to say.23:44
pomeislthank you23:44
ikoniapomeisl: we don't need that in this channel23:45
ikoniapomeisl: it's a technical support channel23:45
ikoniaplease keep non-technical support about ubuntu out of the channel23:45
KRomeleoNbut its timmy lol23:45
ikoniait is not needed or on topic for this channel23:45
stepnjumpikonia, here is what the problem is: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206123323:46
VlanZi think my USB2.0 controller have disconnected because of a faulty peripheral or driver; how can i reset it without rebooting the whole system?23:46
stepnjumpif you could kindly have a look, I would appreciate it a lot!23:46
ikoniastepnjump: the problem is those files are no longer on that server23:47
=== joe75 is now known as GlobalCitizen75
ikoniastepnjump: if you check the manually you see they no longer exist23:47
pomeislmagis movent exampla, quam verba23:48
ikoniapomeisl: the channels language is english only23:48
ikoniapomeisl: this will be your final warning for not following the channels guidelines23:48
stepnjumpikonia, why is it then that I cannot update from ubuntu?23:48
cromagCould anyone throw me a guide to a compiling lftp with socks5 support, and maybe even what socks proxy used. - That would be greatly appriciated :)23:48
ikoniastepnjump: because the files do not exist on that server - if you check them manually you will see they are not there, so therefore how can you expect ubuntu to update from a server without the files being on the server23:49
Guest22089ikonia what are those rules23:49
ikoniaGuest22089: read the links in the channels topic23:49
pomeislserum auxilium post proelium23:50
Richard_CavellCan anyone confirm for me that 12.04 32-bit Ubuntu has avrdude available?23:51
niarghIs there a kernel that will fix the Asus CM6870-US-3AB freezes for 12.04.1?23:52
ikonia!info avrdude23:52
ubottuavrdude (source: avrdude): software for programming Atmel AVR microcontrollers. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.11.1-1 (precise), package size 227 kB, installed size 968 kB23:52
ikoniaRichard_Cavell: there you go23:52
Richard_CavellNow is it possible for me to run the 12.04 distro from a USB stick, and install and run avrdude, even though it's not installed on my harddisk?23:55
zodiakniargh, freezes ?!23:56
niarghzodiak: yep, now that I added a video card. but doesn't even complete setup if I use on-board video23:57
zodiakniargh, have you read the long thread about this; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/99991023:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 999910 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "[IVB]12.04 64 bit System freezes (mouse, keyboard)" [High,Fix released]23:57
karniI want to subit a bug report, but ubuntu-bug claims there's no nm nor nm-applet package23:58
stepnjumpikonia, wellwhat happens is that NOTHING updates...the update shuts off automatically23:58
karniWhat should I type in to report a bug about network manager applet?23:58
pentagon~~WHy is wodim looking for a toc when i do -clone *iso*23:58
ikoniastepnjump: yes because the files it wants to use are NOT THERE23:59
karniIt says my wifi device is not ready. It clearly is working ;)23:59
pentagonI am trying to burn an iso23:59
pentagonI want it to be an exact copy so i put -clone23:59
ikoniastepnjump: this isn't hard to grasp, for an update to happen, the files have to be on the server to get queried, if the files are not there as I've told you 3 times, it CAN'T update23:59

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