
len-dtThe Island00:00
astraljavaYeah ok. :)00:00
len-dtI'm in the Comox Valley00:00
astraljavaOooh! What a wonderful-looking Park right next to you!00:01
astraljavaHow's your commute?00:01
* astraljava was just recently hiking beyond the Polar Circle.00:03
astraljavaDamn, what I wouldn't give to be able to explore British Columbia.00:03
astraljavaAlso, Devin lives there. :)00:03
len-dtMy commute to work is about 7 minutes.00:09
len-dtOur favourite place is the Sandy Island Marine Park00:10
astraljavaNo fair!!!00:16
len-dtEvery place has their places to go that are special. We had a set of places we visited on the lower mainland as well.00:24
len-dtThis is nice though. :)00:24
astraljavaSure, but that's way different from what we have.00:24
len-dtWay different from Calgary where I grew up too.00:25
astraljavaHeh, so you're a Flame at heart, then? :)00:25
len-dtThe Flames did not exist by the time I moved away.00:25
len-dtI think the major sports team was the Stampeders 00:26
astraljavaOh, you're not _that_ old.00:27
len-dtHalf century00:27
astraljavaStampeders look like the major team, yeah.00:28
len-dtAlmost a retired fart00:28
astraljavaThere's still that almost at the beginning. :)00:30
len-dtbeginning of what? Still lots of life left. Maybe I am old enough to use it wisely :P00:31
astraljavaBeginning of that sentence. :)00:32
len-dtWow, our live testing sure shows a lot of bugs to look for00:33
len-dtHmm, most of them are not ubuntustudio bugs00:34
len-dtWhy did we add more test cases? It is not like we are overflowing with testers... or time.00:45
len-dtWe should be testing things that are unique to our own flavour.00:46
astraljavalen-dt: I'm thinking Howard just added something from Xubuntu or whatever. Talk to him about what things you feel are redundant with other flavors/vanilla.08:57
astraljavaBut from purely QA POV, everything should be tested on every flavor as well. If not for package consistency, then integration-wise.08:57
ailoastraljava: I also don't see the point in testing for bugs that are not Ubuntu Studio specific. 09:00
ailoThat would just leave less room for what we are trying to do09:01
ailolen-dt: Are you talking about this page? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/QuantalTestcaseUpdates/UbuntuStudioTestcase09:06
ailoI was working on reducing it, and adding something09:07
ailoI'll make the changes later today09:07
astraljavaailo: Just to rule out there aren't any weird settings that might cause issues with more standard apps. This is pretty basic IT QA.09:07
ailoastraljava: That's why I was trying to get a picture of what is custom for Ubuntu Studio before09:09
ailoSo, we know which apps to test09:09
ailoTalking with Scott about it, I think most people would agree that we should try avoid making custom changes to the Xubuntu desktop as much as possible for maintenance reasons09:10
ailoWhich also will reduce the amount of testing required09:10
ailoFrom our point of view, what we want is a good platform for multimedia production, and if we can happily ignore as much as possible of anything else, we save time and energy to do what it is we want to do09:11
ailoWhat grieves me the most right now is things like the jackd bug on 12.0409:13
ailoThings that are really important for us, but we haven't been able to fix in one way or another09:14
astraljavaYeah, that makes sense.09:16
ailoI changed the page, but it's still pretty much under construction https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/QuantalTestcaseUpdates/UbuntuStudioTestcase#preview10:02
=== shnatsel_da_real is now known as SergeLion
* smartboyhw is happy ailo edited the testcase:P14:03
ailoOk, so 10/10 is the deadline. I'll have another go att looking through until then.15:27
ailoBefore then, I mean15:27
* smartboyhw says there aren't actually a deadline it is just set by me :P15:27
ailoWell, it's a good time as any15:28
len-dtailo, I am not sure why we are testing three different partitioning options.16:06
len-dtailo, I am having a hard time seeing how that could be different for US from vanilla16:07
len-dtI am having a hard enough time finding time to test case for installs (missed beta 2 all together)16:08
len-dtastraljava, has xubuntu had any issues (either 12.04 or 12.10) with not being able to dismount a USB stick mounted by thunar/tumblerd?19:47
ailolen-dt: Partitioning?20:43
ailolen-dt: Unable to dismount, if any of the folders on the usb device are opened by a file manager?20:48
ailoLately I've seen that unmounting is not possible if nautilus has opened something on the device20:48
ailoOr am I dreaming?21:04
ailonever mind. I'm about to soon anyway21:04
ailolen-dt: I guess we should test both install methods, but as for partitioning, I agree. Serves no purpose for US21:05
len-dtailo, even if no folders on the USB device are being used, but have been.21:16
len-dtailo, for example, put USB stick in and mount. Copy file to USB stick. Click on dismount triangle, FM goes to home directory and file finishes copying... that is activity light on USB device shows idle. Sign comes up saying device is busy. Close FM, reopen to home, still can't dismount.... check what app is holding it. tumblerd shows up kill tumblerd ... now I can dismount.21:20
len-dtailo, none of the files copied seem to have been cut short by killing tumblerd.21:27
astraljavalen-dt: I'm not aware, but then I haven't tested recent releases myself at all.22:47
len-dtastraljava, it is only something I found through daily use. Once off testing may not show it. And I haven't really tested 12.10 well in this respect because we ship nautilus as default.22:56
astraljavaYeah. I don't currently even have a machine with Xubuntu on it, anyway, so I cannot verify this.22:58
acmeinc1i do, though I missed the question :)  23:03
len-dtacmeinc1, I have had problems with thunar/tumblerd releasing a USB stick for dismount23:04
len-dt(in 12.04)23:04
acmeinc1did you try running 'sync 'from the command line before clicking the "eject" button?  i've always had problems w/ usb sticks and xubuntu23:05
len-dtI have, that did not help. I had to kill tumblerd23:05
acmeinc1ah, alright, then i'm not aware of anything...i can confirm my method has worked in the past, nothing has come up related to what you are seeing though23:06
len-dtNot always, but 50/50 or worse.23:06
len-dtOk, I'll do more testing once I install 12.10 for daily use and not just quick tests.23:07
len-dtIf I can get a set of steps that seems to always show the problem, I can bug it.23:08
astraljavalen-dt: Have you asked on #xubuntu*23:08
len-dtNot so far, but at this point as I have not found the problem on 12.10 beta, only 12.04, I don't want to confuse things :)23:09
astraljavaYes, but that's an LTS, so if there's a bug, those people might wanna know. :)23:09
len-dtYup, when I have time for better testing. My computer time since Sept has been a lot less.23:11
len-dtI want to make sure I describe exactly what I am doing23:11
astraljavaWell yeah, that's good for bug reporting. But if someone there has time, you could just give them a heads-up. Who knows, maybe someone there can thoroughly triage it in beforehand.23:13
len-dtI'm also kinda worn out of the development thing for a bit.... I want to make some music for a change23:13
astraljavaNow with that I can whole-heartedly relate to. :)23:13
len-dtOk, I have set the question in xubuntu-devel.23:20
astraljavaThanks! :)23:26

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