
_MarcusIs it possible to change the tab length for leafpad?03:26
_MarcusI found the leafpadrc file and I can't read it very well. It's just numbers and letters to me03:26
apm1i still can't figure out how to disable switch to vblank in xubuntu on an intel GMA gpu ?04:23
apm1*sync to vblank04:24
* apm1 is worried about his new thinkpad not being able to use it's GPU's full potential :(08:12
apm1anyone here using a intel integrated GPU ?08:14
Sysiprobably several people since they work best with linux08:15
Sysithere are best drivers for them, most easily available08:16
apm1but how do i turn off sync to vblank on my intel GMA ?08:16
apm1in xubuntu08:17
Sysiwhy'd you do that, it'll cause tearing if you have compositing enabled08:17
apm1but with vblank sync enabled i can't play games as the fps doesn't go over 6008:18
Sysiwhy would you need FPS over your monitor's refresh rate (or over 60)08:18
Sysishould I understand that as "because it's cool"08:19
Sysithe easiest way to disable it is probably some option in xorg.conf08:19
apm1nope because "assault cube " doesn't play well08:20
apm1where is xorg.conf in the file system ?08:20
tzxn3what's the difference between the "desktop" and "alternate" versions?08:46
tzxn3is "alternate" for headless servers or something?08:48
nicekiwianyone around?10:49
nicekiwihaving booting issues10:49
toraxwhat kind of issues?10:49
nicekiwitorax, When the system boots, it just shows a blank screen. the blue lights on so it getting signal, but nothing comes up.10:50
nicekiwitorax, the only way I could install was to set the boot flag things to acpi off (i think)10:51
nicekiwihow can I interupt grub before it boots? The Grub menu does not come up10:51
nicekiwimaybe i should boot into live and have a look at the grub config..10:54
toraxnicekiwi: hold shift when bootin10:55
toraxI hope this helps10:55
nicekiwitorax, k, will give em a go10:58
nicekiwitorax, ugh.. pressing shift gets me into the grub menu, but my keyboard and mouse do no work once there.. :(11:05
nicekiwiof course having USB keyboard support disabled might have something to do with it..11:13
nicekiwihttp://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/5.1/Cluster_Administration/s2-apci-disable-boot-CA.html#ex-grub-apci-off-CA - Boom! :D11:23
xubuntu521is posible install xubuntu in p3 with 500mb RAM11:45
xubuntu521Please,anyone know if you can install xubuntu in PIII with 500mb RAM11:49
Cuddyhello everyone. i have a problem with booting up either a live or install for xubuntu... when i boot it it goes to a grey screen and everything seems to start being detected hardware wise and then nothing happens... you hear the sound turn on and the xbox controller light up and get detected and such. why the grey screen?11:51
toraxCuddy: what kind of hardware?12:03
Cuddytorax: i have a intel i5 a 560gtx ti geforce card and quite good enough stuff in there12:11
Cuddyok. i manage to boot the live without silent running so i got the information as it booted, boom it goes crash on nouveau12:21
Cuddyanyone knows the command to force a standard vga without nouveau?12:22
Cuddyat boot that is12:22
Cuddyaha with "nomodeset" in the commandline to start the install i actually made it into the actually install12:36
recon_lapCuddy: have you tried setting nomodeset ? http://askubuntu.com/questions/38780/how-to-set-nomodeset-for-installation12:38
recon_laplol, need to get quicker with these answers :)12:39
Cuddylol thanks :)12:39
Cuddyrecon_lap: im just installing the system now. i hope i dont have issues with the boot afterwards :O12:40
Character7Stupid question, probably answered millenia ago, how do I disable keyring when not using system login password?12:43
recon_lapCuddy: if you do you can just use the info in my link to fix the install12:44
Cuddyrecon_lap: thanks! lol i was just reading it :)12:45
xubuntu664I'm trying to load xubuntu on my old PC 1MHz athlon processor, 1 GB Ram, 80GB HD. I get to select a language then the install. memory test disk check screen. When I click install the CD Drive acivates for a while the screen goes black and that's it!12:57
xubuntu792hi guys, just installed xubuntu from usb, but as soon as I boot from the hard drive I can't use the system because the screen resolution is wrong - any idea how can I fix this?13:04
SkippersBossxubuntu792,   what is the out come of xrandr -q13:06
xubuntu792SkippersBoss: I can't get to a command line even13:06
SkippersBossxubuntu792, Please define can't use.. What is it showing... Details... Note i m no expert just someone who has been using it for a while13:08
SkippersBossYour screen isn't working at all ??13:09
SkippersBoss(no signal)13:09
xubuntu792SkippersBoss: the resolution is wrong, I get an image but can't see anything because the resolution is wrong13:09
xubuntu792do you know how can I get a command line, while booting?13:10
xubuntu792before X starts13:10
SkippersBossxubuntu792, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190434713:12
recon_lapxubuntu792:  give this a try http://askubuntu.com/questions/38780/how-to-set-nomodeset-for-installation13:12
SkippersBossthat was the one thx recon_lap13:13
xubuntu792SkippersBoss: thx, it worked - now I have a root prompt, but xrandr -q  just says it can't open display13:14
xubuntu792(maybe because X didn't start?)13:14
xubuntu792SkippersBoss: it's working :) after booting in recover mode and resuming the boot sequence everything is working now13:20
xubuntu792thanks :)13:20
recon_lapSkippersBoss: seems 90% of the issues are graphic card related and can be sidesteped by nomodeset13:21
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Guest38758hola amigos13:42
Zaginoooo installation stuck at update-grup :D14:13
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apm1how can i mount a cd image (.iso) on xubuntu that it acts as a real cd inserted in the drive , i need the cd to play a game on wine :)16:58
bazhang!iso > apm117:01
ubottuapm1, please see my private message17:01
apm1bazhang, what ?17:02
apm1look guys i just can't figure out what to choose as a mount point17:02
bazhangread the private message from the bot17:02
apm1i did17:03
Sysimountpoint would be /home/$USER/image17:04
apm1Sysi, that's what i wanted , thanks :)17:05
Sysithen it will be mounted to "image" in your home folder17:05
apm1but will wine find it ?17:06
Sysihome folder should be Z:\ in wine IIRC17:06
apm1ok that shall work then like a real cd :)17:08
apm1Sysi, it didn't work :(17:11
apm1Sysi, the mount point you gave me should be ( /home/apm1/image) or (/home/apm1/name_of_the_iso) ?17:15
Sysifirst one17:15
Sysiactually I'm not sure, never mounted .iso17:15
apm1still didn't mount shows error17:15
Calhi! is there any easy way to automatically mount a partition at boot?17:39
TheSheepCal: sure!17:41
TheSheep!fstab | Cal17:41
ubottuCal: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:41
CalI'll take a look :)17:42
GridCube!hi | ntfwc20:04
ubottuntfwc: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!20:04
ntfwcI kind of stumbled upon a rather crippling bug relating to cursor themes, of all things.20:05
GridCubehave you read the faq for 11.10 that talked about setting cursor themes?20:07
ntfwcWell, I was able to set it as the default x-cursor-theme. What was interesting is that it broke xfce4-terminal, gksu, and several other things.20:08
GridCubethats sound unrelated20:09
ntfwcWell. First I set this theme as the x-cursor-theme. For reasons I now understand, it fell back on a basic theme rather than the one I had set. So I decided to try adding a line "Inherits=" then the theme name to the index.theme file. That's when all the problems started. And as soon as I was able to remove this line, all was well again.20:16
ntfwcbut if I hadn't had the theme within my home directory, I would have essentially bricked my system.20:17
ntfwcI was able to successfully repeat this in a VM as well.20:20
inzanei'm having trouble installing xubuntu from usb20:23
inzanei just tried making the usb with unetbootin from crunchbang, and it had problems with squashfs20:24
inzanesome help would be appreciated20:24
ntfwcmake sure you check the md5 of what you downloaded.20:24
inzanei found the md5 for the file i have, but where is the md5 online to check it against?20:28
inzanei have xubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso20:29
ntfwchere: http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs-Xubuntu/12.04/release/20:30
inzaneok the md5 checks out20:31
inzaneanyone here?20:32
ntfwcso what exactly happens when you try to write to the usb?20:33
inzanewell if i use unetbootin, it pauses when copying squashfs.. then when i boot off it, i see the options for installing xubuntu, etc, like i think i should, but when i select "install" it immediately gives me an error about squashfs20:35
inzanei've tried dd as well20:37
ntfwcThis page seems to have some suggestions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquashfsErrors20:38
ntfwcwell I'd like to file a bug for that cursor thing, but it seems I have to go through ubuntu-bug even though I don't know the package responsible.20:55
ntfwcIs there any way to submit a general bug report?21:00
TheSheep!bugs | ntfwc21:00
ubottuntfwc: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.21:00
ntfwcubuntu-bug won't let me even select "other-problem"21:02
ntfwcOk, I was able to figure out how to submit it, all is well.21:21
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acmeinc1does anyone know how to use 10.04 style transparency in terminal windows under 12.04?  on 10.04, *only* the background was used in transparecny, now in 12.04 any windows under the transparent terminal window show through22:26
David-Aacmeinc1: the rxvt and urxvt terminals have the old fashioned "transparency" of copying the wallpaper.22:30
acmeinc1apparently the transparent background setting works on 10.04 w/o compositing on, however in 12.04 it will not work unless compositing is on, which I beleive is causing the other active windows to be shown in front of the desktop image.  anyone know how to allow for transparency w/o compositing?22:30
TheSheepacmeinc1: the transparency without compositing is fake -- it just displays the background image22:32
TheSheepacmeinc1: and it always was like that22:33
TheSheepacmeinc1: you need compositing for real transparency22:33
TheSheepacmeinc1: on 10.04 too22:33
acmeinc1but under 12.04 that "fake" transparency fails :/  it doesnt do anything22:35
acmeinc1the window stays black no matter how much i slide the background transparency bar, though in 10.04 it shows the "fake" transparency im used to22:36
TheSheepacmeinc1: then it's a bug, please report it22:36
acmeinc1though, i guess it could be due to the lightdm stuff...is the background in lightdm default to black?22:36
TheSheepacmeinc1: background is handled by xfdesktop22:37
acmeinc1sheep, what about the "bugs" in lightdm which take over parts of the desktop?22:38
acmeinc1...i.e. the desktop is displayed in layers as a result of lightdm.  These are very apparent when installing xubuntu-desktop on top of a standard ubuntu install...the transparency defaults to the Ubuntu purplish-pink :/22:40
TheSheepacmeinc1: there are no "bugs", just bugs -- unless it's a configuration problem. It's still a bug if it's the default configuration, though.22:40
acmeinc1...im wondering if maybe that is a possible issue with the fake transparency?22:40
TheSheepacmeinc1: make sure xfdesktop is running22:41
TheSheepacmeinc1: and that nautilus is not running22:42
acmeinc1sheep: then this still doesnt explain why the fake transparency setting in 12.04 is not displaying my blue background, and stays black no matter how tranparent the window should be getting22:44
TheSheepacmeinc1: can't help you there, report a bug22:50
Krasushi all got a short quesion going to install xubuntu 12.0423:46
Krasususualy i give / 40 gb but i googled a bit and it s saying that 20 gb is fine23:47
Krasuswhat s your opinion ?23:47
knomeit's fine23:48
knomei've used 6.6GB of my /23:48
SkippersBosshmm I seem to run out of space with 8. Opera start playing up then23:49
knomei think we both agree that 20GB is enough though23:49
SkippersBossKrasus, i ve noticed that its best to put your /home/ on a different partition23:50
SkippersBosssaves a lot of hassle23:50
KrasusSkippersBoss, i always do that23:50
Krasusbut now i was using win 7 for games and want to get back to dual boot23:50
Krasusso just thinking how to make partitions :)23:50
Krasusit s still that swap need to be 2 x ram ?23:51
Krasusi usually do not use hibernation so 1 gb will be fine right ?23:51
Krasusi have 4 gb of ram23:51
toraxKrasus: Its not that relevant anymore, but depends alot what you are doing23:57
Krasustorax, thx23:58
Krasusand now when i m trying tu cut ntfs partition23:58
toraxKrasus:  I use 4gb swap and I have 16gb ram23:59
Krasusclicking change will do new partition or change actual ntfs ?23:59
Krasustorax i use my laptop for videos music www and some games23:59
Krasusnothing to complicated23:59

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