
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
exarkunHow do I see what branch has been merged (not commited) into a working copy?13:12
fullermdAs in the URL?  Don't think it's stored anywhere.13:15
exarkunHow about the branch alias?13:16
exarkunAnything that might identify what was merged13:17
w7zthe branch alias is available, but not printed by `bzr st` (just the commiter and date of the tip)13:18
exarkunThe information is available after I commit from the log, since the merged revisions have a branch alias that "bzr log" will show.  But before committing?13:18
fullermdWell, the WT knows the head rev that was merged, and you could dig it up from that.13:18
fullermdDon't think there's anything in the standard UI that shows you it though.13:19
fullermdI have vague memories that qbzr does though.13:19
w7zhowever, merge sets the submit branch if it wasn't there before, which includes the link13:19
w7zso `bzr info` may tell you in some cases13:20
exarkunoh, so that's why I have some silly random submit submit branch for most of my trunk working copies13:21
fullermdWell, that's really only good for running through your memory and saying "was it this", since you have no way of knowing when it was set etc.13:21
w7zI think qlog does show pending merges13:21
fullermd'd be better off looking at your shell history.13:21
exarkunfullermd: I think I'd be better off if "bzr st" showed what was merged. :/13:21
fullermdWell, it does, but it doesn't show you the revid, so you can't get at more than it shows easily.13:22
w7z...don't leave before I can bug you into filing a bug.. >_<13:25
fullermdI think I may have filed on a while back asking for --show-ids on stat to show the revids.13:25
w7zfound that one, but it's not really the same?13:26
fullermdI know I grumbled about it years back...13:26
w7zit could just be used to discover the info another way13:26
w7zbug 35564913:26
ubot5Launchpad bug 355649 in Bazaar "bzr status --show-ids does not show revision ids of pending merges" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35564913:26
w7zreally, log needs to grow a way to show pending merges13:27
fullermdI don't think it would be too hard in theory to make a revspec for the second parent of the WT.13:28
fullermdBut there are a lot of nasty details.  Like, what if there are multiple, and even with that, the log would go backward forever unless the user went through extra hoops to find the first bit in that history that isn't already in the branch, and...13:28
w7zworkaround mentioned in bug 56011 doesn't seem usable any more, there's no .bzr/checkout/pending-merges?13:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 56011 in Bazaar "bzr status provides only truncated log messages" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5601113:29
fullermdI thought the revid was just in the dirstate.  Maybe that's on older formats.13:29
fullermd(dunno, really.  That's lower level than I deal with)13:30
w7zseems likely, I thought it was all in dirstate these days13:30
w7zlog has to show something after you commit an octopus merge, so (naïvely) I don't think it could be that much harder to show much the same thing before the commit13:30
fullermdBecause log only starts from (or ends with, depending on how you think of it) one rev.13:32
fullermdAfter the merge is committed, there is that one, but before on an octopus there isn't.13:32
w7zthere must be ways to lie :)13:33
fullermdThat would take very deep changes to how log works.  With a unique head, you just add a revspec to get the id.13:33
fullermd(which doesn't really have anything to do with log at all)13:33
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leo2007is there something similar to 'git grep'?15:42
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fullermdleo2007: There's a grep plugin.  How closely similar it is to git's grep command I don't know.18:08

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