
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:37
BennWhen a program crashes, is the 'developer information' it gives you the same as a .crash report?02:20
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duytruongI try to install Bookreader-0.2 in Kubuntu. Compile error: checking for KDE... configure: error:04:20
duytruongin the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE libraries installed. This will fail.04:20
yogaI installed the new Amarok by using the ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports, however I unitall it, and remove the ppa, but now when I want to install amarok again, I get this error: The following packages have unmet dependencies:04:51
yoga amarok : Depends: amarok-common (= 2:2.5.0-0ubuntu6) but 2:2.6.0-0ubuntu1~precise1~ppa3 is to be installed04:51
mih1406I have submitted my feature request for Ubuntu One, I believe it is a great addition to Ubuntu One's future!! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/105890004:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1058900 in Ubuntu One Client "Sync application preferences and/or data" [Undecided,New]04:57
DaemonFCyoga: You pulled in all of KDE 4.9 then?05:12
DaemonFCthat's also in that PPA05:12
DaemonFCand removing the PPA itself does not restore the previous versions05:12
DaemonFCin fact, it would be difficult to go back to Amarok 2.5 since 2.6 uses a different database format05:13
DaemonFCyou'd have to delete at least your Amarok settings folder05:13
yogaDaemonFC: I'll try to go with KDE 4.9 in this case.05:25
yogaDaemonFC: I am adding the that ppa again and installing kubuntu-desktop.05:26
yogaWhen I Alt+Tab, I can cycle throught the apps in it's window, is there anyway I can set the size of those icons? To make it smaller perhaps.06:31
hemiteHello, I am having some issues installing ubuntu on my powerbook g407:10
hemiteI have tried 12.04 and 10.10 ppc version and I cannot get anything to load07:10
hemiteDoes anyone know if I am using the appropriate distro or if there is a diferent kubuntu distro for ppc that I should use?07:11
hemiteDoes anyone know a version of kubuntu that will for sure work with a powerbook g4?07:15
c2tarunmy enery star is getting reset to Standby: 48    Suspend: 72    Off: 96 no matter how many times I change it disable it or anything. I am facing this problem since many days, can anyone please help?07:32
lordievaderGood morning07:59
thelionroarshemite make sure you are using a version intended for PPC. A G4 will not be able to read binary instructions made for an Intel chip and vice versa08:58
thelionroarsI don't know too much about Linux on PPC, but I think https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ would be a good place to start09:00
thelionroarshemite if you wanted 12.04 then the image should be kubuntu-12.04-desktop-powerpc.iso09:05
thelionroarsfull path is http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-12.04-desktop-powerpc.iso09:05
thelionroarsscratch that, full path is http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/precise/release/kubuntu-12.04-desktop-powerpc.iso09:07
qw[Russian]hello people09:19
qw[Russian]I have to you one question: I am going to put Kubuntu 12.10 Beta2 2 DVD (i386/x86-64/ML/RUS/2012)09:20
qw[Russian]whether it is necessary to me to put it?09:20
thelionroarsnot sure what you mean by put it09:21
qw[Russian]why ?09:24
lordievaderqw[Russian]: Why do you want the beta?09:27
qw[Russian]lordievader: hello =) maybe i see this Os and interesting use )09:28
lordievaderqw[Russian]: Why not simply stick to 12.04 and upgrade when 12.10 gets released?09:28
lordievaderqw[Russian]: I haven't learned Russian in the last couple of days...09:29
lordievaderqw[Russian]: So what is the point you are trying to get across with that link?09:35
qw[Russian]lordievader help me please install VirtualBox09:49
lordievaderqw[Russian]: sudo apt-get install virtualbox?09:50
qw[Russian]maybe )09:50
lordievaderqw[Russian]: That is not maybe.09:51
qw[Russian]lordievader: http://pastebin.com/dZwAUpN909:52
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lordievaderqw[Russian]: Odd, however you can download it here: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads09:53
lordievaderHey justin___, how are you?10:11
justin___im good thanks. how are you?10:11
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lordievaderjustin___: I'm doing all right, thank you for asking.10:14
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c2taruncan anyone please help me here with energy star10:46
c2tarunmy enery star is getting reset to Standby: 48    Suspend: 72    Off: 96 no matter how many times I change it disable it or anything. I am facing this problem since many days, can anyone please help?10:47
qw[Russian]i have question: i have notebook (acer eMachines g725) and i would like install Macubuntu OS Question: In my notebook installing OS ?11:18
lordievaderqw[Russian]: You really need to settle for just one OS, you allways come in here to ask how to install another OS. And I will remind you once more this is the Kubuntu support channel.11:32
qw[Russian]but system name MacUBUNTU11:34
lordievaderqw[Russian]: Ubuntu has a lot of derivatives, however all of those are not supported here, the only one supported in this room is Kubuntu.11:35
qw[Russian]but systems identical11:36
lordievaderqw[Russian]: I hardly think so, if they were why do they carry a different name?11:37
lordievaderqw[Russian]: But this is a discussion more suited to #kubuntu-offtopic since it has nothing to do with Kubuntu.11:37
qw[Russian]#mac: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited11:38
AceKingI have a Realtek 8169 card in my PC. I had to manually install the driver for it to  work. Everytime I restart my PC, I have to open up Konsole and type in "sudo modprobe r8169" in order for it to work. How can it to connect automatically?12:43
lordievaderAceKing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Loadable_Modules12:50
AceKinglordievader: Thank you12:50
ubottuvito_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:57
BluesKajHiyas all13:13
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scarfacehello when  yr to install compiz on shell that's give me the abswer could't finne the compiz package but i have it on my document's13:47
scarfaceany help?13:47
FloodBotK1scarface: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:47
bazhangscarface, complete sentences with words fully spelled out, on a single line please13:47
scarfacei am sorry i am new so there is many thing's tht i don't knwo...13:48
lordievaderscarface: What is your problem exactly?13:50
scarfacei am soyy but i am not alowed to speak here13:50
scarfaceaparently i am fllodin ....thank's any way..13:50
lordievaderscarface: That was just a warning. Ofcourse you are allowed to speak!13:51
scarfaceyes but if i am flooding i don't want to hve problem's13:51
lordievaderWouldn't be much of a support channel if no one was allowed to speak.13:51
scarfacecan we speak in another way13:51
scarfacelike instn messnger?13:52
lordievaderscarface: As long as you keep most of your messages on one line and do not start posting command line output you're going to be fine. So what is the question?13:53
scarfacetry to installin compiz on Kubuntu,but it's tell me that don't file the folder but ihave download it allredy ?13:54
scarfacesorry the message is could't fine thsi folder13:54
lordievaderscarface: Compiz is a Ubuntu thing, in Kubuntu we have Kwin, this takes care of all the fancy eye-candy. If you wish to configure it, look at Desktop Effects under System Settings.13:55
victorkuantal__hey guys i have a file with a plasma theme but no idea of where to place it :S any help?13:56
BluesKajscarface, look in your /home/iusername/Downloads folder ...on kubuntu compiz isn't really necessary for most desktop effects13:56
scarfacethank you very mutch i will go it13:56
victorkuantal__BluesKaj: can you please help me¿?13:57
lordievadervictorkuantal__: In this document it says they are located in "share/apps/desktoptheme", I think they mean ~/.kde/share/apps/desktoptheme. http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Plasma/ThemeDetails13:59
victorkuantal__lordievader: but a 'desktoptheme' folder doesn't exist :S14:01
lordievadervictorkuantal__: Ah, I was in doubt where it should be, it should be: /usr/share/kde4/apps/desktoptheme14:03
victorkuantal__lordievader: but again, 'desktoptheme' isn't there :S14:04
lordievadervictorkuantal__: How odd, on my machine it is...14:04
victorkuantal__will check again14:04
BluesKajlordievader, not here either14:05
lordievaderThat is very odd.14:05
victorkuantal__ ok ok, i'm stupid...14:05
lordievadervictorkuantal__: ?14:06
BluesKajlordievader, correction the /usr/share/kde4/apps/desktoptheme/ does exist , but doesn't contain any of the themes I've DL'd , only the default and oxygen14:09
lordievaderBluesKaj: I don't use that "feature" anymore, failed too many times in the past.14:09
BluesKajyes , and too many are on urls that then spam you with ads14:10
shadeslayerAll the themes are downloaded to ~/.kde/share/apps/desktoptheme14:14
shadeslayerand the get hot new stuff button only works if its a direct Download link14:15
BluesKajshadeslayer, not much there either14:21
shadeslayerBluesKaj: well the themes are suppossed to be downloaded there ;)14:22
gingerlinghi, mum's hp officehet pro 8500a is working without issues but the scanner, which is part of the printer will not work14:24
gingerlinganyone know what to do?14:24
OerHeksgingerling, follow this walktrough > http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/install/install/index.html14:28
gingerlingOerHeks, thanks will try - is this a better driver than the one in cups?14:31
OerHeksgingerling, no, these are the same libs from hp, incl wireless printing/faxing and scan. universal, so i think it will work for you.14:32
BluesKajok , shadeslayer , just installed some new desktop themes , and they're located as you say in ~/.kde/share/apps/desktoptheme ...good to know the correct path , altho over half the themes I chose failed to download14:33
shadeslayermost likely because they're not hosted on kde-look.org itself14:33
gingerlingok, someone suggested she try xsane - anythi9ng better than that to try? perhpas its that14:34
shadeslayerHP Drivers are usually really well supported14:34
gingerlingshadeslayer, I know - which is why its a bit odd that her skanner wont work :S14:34
shadeslayeryeah ...14:35
shadeslayergingerling: there's also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrintersHp14:36
shadeslayerplease document your experience there :)14:36
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monkeyjuiceshould i have sound on a live cd or is that extra after installing15:43
g_Hey guys, when I start kde I get a msgbox with 'ok' : Invalid option: -session15:44
g_Any idea how to get rid of it? annoying ...15:44
g_This is my .xinitrc , does it look ok ? g@G-PLUS:~$ cat .xinitrc #!/usr/bin/env bash exec startkde16:00
lordievaderHey artur, how are you?16:03
arturhey lordievader, where are you?16:05
lordievaderartur: Does it matter?16:06
artura`m asking out of curiosity16:07
bazhang!ot | artur16:08
ubottuartur: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!16:08
monkeyjuiceBluesKaj:  im here16:10
BluesKajmonkeyjuice, ok , run  cat /proc/asound/modules , to see which kernel module is installed16:11
skreech_hi artur16:11
arturhi skreech,how are you?16:12
monkeyjuiceno such file or dirc16:12
monkeyjuicelive cd?16:12
BluesKajno matter16:12
monkeyjuiceshould i just intall to hd?16:13
BluesKajyeah , monkeyjuice bexause you have the most popular sound chip in the business , it's pretty easy to configure once the OS is installed16:14
BluesKajintel hda16:14
monkeyjuiceok im going to just install then hope it works later16:14
BluesKajit will , or wqe can make it work , but it'll probly work right from the get-go16:15
skreech__artur: Fine. Just checking if you needed some help16:16
skreech__g_: How are you starting kde ?16:16
g_skreech__: well it starts automatically when I start the machine..16:17
BluesKajmonkeyjuice, I have my intel hda onboard running thru my dvi to hdmi to my tv16:17
skreech__Great :) but you get a dialog box16:17
BluesKajand the pci soundcard is also setup as the default , but both are working , so kubuntu audio is very configurable16:18
g_skreech__: sorry I got disconnected16:19
skreech__As did I16:19
g_skreech__:  so basically I have exec startkde in my xinitrc .. so KDE starts automatically... but I just found this on the internet (the solution)16:20
g_skreech__:  so don't know if it's the best.16:20
skreech__g_: What does the dialog box say?16:23
g_when I start kde I get a msgbox with 'ok' : Invalid option: -session16:24
skreech__g_: Have you made any customizations to KDE?16:26
g_skreech__:  ye I was messing a bit with the login screen ...16:32
CodenameStrike-NHas anyone experienced plasma-desktop segfault when using global menu?16:33
BluesKajCodenameStrike-N, the HUD/krunner ? not me16:37
Daskreechg_: Ah what did you change?16:38
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g_dammit, I m trying to set all my KONSOLE windows to have no titlebar etc but I cant understand how the (badly made) UX of KDE works :(16:38
g_Daskreech: let me check...16:38
emis there anyway to restart the window-drawer in Kubuntu?16:39
CodenameStrike-NBluesKaj: No, the whole desktop.16:39
g_Daskreech:  enable auto login...16:39
emyou know how there is a title at the top of every window in kubuntu? well mine is broken, it isn't displaying some letters correctly. Also windows are stearing and stuff16:39
emalmost like a video card problem16:40
embut i had no problems until recently so whats going on16:40
BluesKajCodenameStrike-N, then which global menu are you referring to ?16:40
g_Daskreech: wait I reboot to see if by setting defaults it will work better.16:41
CodenameStrike-NBluesKaj: Apparently since my last upgrade to KDE 4.9.1, plasma-desktop started to pile up a staggering amount of crashes as I, for example, start and change tracks in a media player. someone said that the current plasma-widgets-menubar I have is the reason16:42
g_skreech_:  same problem with the -session message...16:44
BluesKajCodenameStrike-N, ok that's different , then you've chosen a desktop theme that's crashing your desktop16:45
emwell i fixed it by turning off my computer and turning it back on again. It isn't good when that's what you have to do.16:46
skreech_g_: Hrrm can you do a grep '-session'-r ~/.* | pastebinit16:46
skreech_em: what was the problem?16:46
CodenameStrike-NBluesKaj: that wasn't the case either16:46
CodenameStrike-Nthere was a mention of pulling the mentioned widget package from quantal's repository16:47
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BluesKajCodenameStrike-N, how can you be sure , I've encountered this with certain desktopthemes , that eiother slow the pc down crash the the desktop altogether.16:49
BluesKajor crash16:49
CodenameStrike-NBluesKaj: Tried several themes, all ended up with same result.16:50
BluesKajI accept the fact that some themes aren't quite right for my setup and experiment with some , then choose ones that are stable and stick with those16:50
CodenameStrike-NUntil I attempted the mentioned workaround, at least.16:50
CodenameStrike-NIt's stable now, but time will tell if that sticks until 4.9.216:51
CodenameStrike-Nhopefully it will.16:52
BluesKajCodenameStrike-N, I think themes aren't examined very closely and some work and some don't , it's just a fact of life :)16:54
mimei have a pointing into /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp    ,    but my cpu temperature remains in a ''?'' sign, any help would be thankfull16:55
CodenameStrike-NBluesKaj: Might be that, but in my case, most themes I installed are pretty established16:56
CodenameStrike-Nmaybe because I tend to use the rating system16:56
emskreech_: im not sure what is the name for the kubuntu component that is responsible for drawing windows. but you know that title that's at the top, and middle, of every window.17:01
emskreech_: that was somehow not working right.17:01
g_skreech_: empty document...17:01
emskreech_: various letters were eing replaced with jarbled uft17:01
emskreech_: and also some windows were not refrshing correctly it was leaving strange colored lines on stuff17:01
CodenameStrike-Nem: Can you make a screenshot?17:03
skreech_g_: so ... what's passing that then? Maybe an X component?17:03
skreech_em: ah could you open a terminal ?17:03
skreech_em: kwin --replace & would have probably been able to solve that17:04
skreech_CodenameStrike-N: I think that em rebooted and solved it17:04
emCodenameStrike-N: no i already restarted the computer. And that did solve it. For now.17:04
emif it happens again ill take a screenshot17:04
emskreech_: okay i'll try to remember that17:04
g_skreech_:  no idea :(17:04
CodenameStrike-Nprobably has something to do with the desktop effect settings17:05
skreech_em: do you know how window managers work?17:05
emnope, how do they work?17:05
CodenameStrike-Nsometimes setting kwin to use raster-based rendering17:06
CodenameStrike-Nmight be the cause17:06
emCodenameStrike-N: well i have never added any desktop effects beyond what is default17:06
emthe only thing i can think that could be somehow related is I recently installed inkscape, which is a vector graphics program17:06
skreech_g_: I might ask in #kde someone may know which component would pop up a dialog but having a single - for a full written out option is an X anomaly so I would suspect that either "someone" is mixing up X parameters in the KDE startup or justsomething was put in the wrong sequence during your X startup17:07
skreech_g_: I'd probably log out of X and then run startx from a terminal to see what it does17:07
CodenameStrike-Nskreech_: come to think of it, does stock Kubuntu default to raster-based rendering in the desktop effects section?17:07
skreech_and trace from there but that may be too involved for you17:07
skreech_CodenameStrike-N: it doesn't default to anything. It starts up and looks at your hardware to see if it supports kwin's abilites and then sets up a default from that17:08
CodenameStrike-NI see17:08
CodenameStrike-Nas far as I can recall17:09
skreech_It tries pretty hard to have hardware acceleration but it's pretty conservative so if there are issues then it will drop to raster but that's increasingly rare17:09
g_skreech_:  thanks I'll check that.. how do I log out of X and go into console mode?17:10
BluesKajCodenameStrike-N, I've been using raster wihout any problems altho the default was set to native after the OS install17:10
skreech_g_: ha ha ok lets do a little test first. Do youknow how to get to a tty ?17:10
skreech_psuedo terminal?17:10
g_skreech_:  a konsole, ye17:10
skreech_g_: No I meant outside of X17:10
CodenameStrike-Nusing raster-based rendering can lead to some rendering glitches IIRC17:11
g_skreech_:  ah no... its been a while I was in linux :(17:11
CodenameStrike-Nthough on the plus side17:11
CodenameStrike-Nit renders fonts better17:11
BluesKajyes , that's what i noticed17:12
skreech__g_: There are a number of terminals that are opened when you boot up. Almost all of them only spawn a command line only login. One of them (by default the 7th one) opens up a GUI and lets you login there17:13
BluesKajaltho the dpi setting probly does the most good for fonts on a larger monitor, CodenameStrike-N17:13
g_skreech_: is it something like alt+f717:13
skreech__g_: you can switch between them using alt+ctrl+F# where the # is replaced with the number of the terminal you would like to jump to17:13
g_skreech_:  got it :) so what do I do ?17:14
skreech__g_: So if you like you can try going to the second one with alt+ctrl+F2 and you cancome back here with alt+ctrl+F717:14
g_skreech_:  couldnt do it, there was pitch black in all :)  (I'm on a laptop with external monitor maybe thats why(17:15
skreech__g_: ah ha ok possibly. X would project itself to a new monitor. the terminals may not17:16
skreech__can you turn on the laptop monitor ?17:16
g_skreech__:  it should be on as I'm on twin view (2 monitors)17:17
g_skreech__:  but I'll try pulling out the hdmi to see if I see something.17:17
g_skreech__:  you want a log/cat ?17:17
g_skreech__:  nop, sorry, doesnt work :(17:18
Daskreechg_: Bleah. What was the last thing that I said?17:24
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g_Daskreech:  I couldn't see what's on the other ttys...17:29
Daskreechg_: hmm17:30
g_interval question, how to run Dolphin with su rights? I wanna drag and drop some files to /usr/17:30
InspectorCluseaug_, use a termibal run sudo dolphin?17:33
g_InspectorCluseau:  I'm so short minded sometimes.. thanks..17:33
g_InspectorCluseau:  I was searching for a "execute as" button on the UI :)17:33
g_guys is there a way to have the search and execute thingie on the desktop or floating somewhere17:34
g_you know which one I'm talking about.. the one you type stuff and it finds/executes them... its handy but I have to click the left icon etc etc..17:34
BluesKajg_, dou mean the run command /krunner?17:35
BluesKajdo you mean17:35
BluesKajalt +f2 ?17:35
skreech_Having broken X many many times you learn how to do somethings without the aid of visuals :)17:36
g_BluesKaj:  I meant alt+f2 lol didn't know this shortcut :) this rules !17:36
g_omg this is awesome. ! fuck windows.17:36
g_I can GUI without a mouse :D17:37
bazhang!language | g_17:37
ubottug_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:37
BluesKajg_, it's also known as the the run command in the desktop right click dialog and krunner17:38
g_BluesKaj:  how do I change alt+f2 to be something easier?:) like just alt or alt+s17:39
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lordievaderg_: System Settings-> Shortcuts and Gestures -> Global Keyboard Shortcuts -> Run Command Interface -> Run Command17:41
rorkg_: Alt+F2 >  "Global" <enter> --> Run ... ;)17:42
g_lordievader:  many thanks17:42
g_I feel like this guy on matrix .. with the 6 monitors where he was typing stuff and **it was happening :) let me check if its reboots with the runner!17:43
rorkguess it does :)17:44
g_hm, the system doesn't keep my Display settings ... :(17:46
penguin42does anyone know a way of selecting text in konsole (specifically a url) without the use of a mouse?17:46
qw[Russian]lordievader: hi17:46
g_and when I login I get: Invalid option: -session17:46
lordievaderqw[Russian]: Evening.17:47
qw[Russian]how are yu ?17:47
lordievaderqw[Russian]: I am doing well, how about you?17:47
qw[Russian]i am nothing )17:48
BluesKajqw[Russian], that doesn't translate very well17:48
qw[Russian]lordievader: i would like interesting: what is time now for you ?17:49
qw[Russian]BluesKaj: and you good evening )17:49
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lordievaderqw[Russian]: 19:49, hence < lordievader> qw[Russian]: Evening.17:50
BluesKajqw[Russian], maybe you should stay with the russian chat17:50
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xamixta por ai alguem18:28
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emis it possible to make konsole transparent?19:19
yofelem: yes, in the color scheme settings19:20
emyofel: oh thank you! :)19:27
skreech__Also you can make any window transparent19:28
lordievaderskreech__: You mean through kwin? That has as disadvantage that everything gets transparent not just the background.19:29
skreech__lordievader: Yes I know19:31
skreech__but in a pinch :)19:31
qw[Russian]i would like see my trash in desktop ?19:35
qw[Russian]good luck people and good night19:39
Daskreechgood night19:41
qw[Russian]help me please now i install cairo-dock19:59
qw[Russian]but i would like delete them19:59
qw[Russian]help me delete please19:59
=== Vito_away is now known as Vito
qw[Russian]sudo apt-get purge cairo-dock cairo-dock-plug-ins && sudo apt-get autoremove20:02
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avihayin smb.conf, I put read only = yes. in testparm, it writes read only = no21:19
* avihay pulls out hairs21:19
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Belial`is there anyone here using icontasks with the kfaenza icons? if so, could you let me know how to get the xchat and clementine launchers to keep using the kfaenza set when the application is launched?21:22
skreech__avihay: fnu21:31
avihaythe best part is that I can't access the share at all, and sftp decided to stop working too :-<21:32
Schrodinger`Cateach time plasma-desktop crash, after i got a crazy systray, and while i restart totally kde, systray take too much size in the bar21:34
avihayBelial`: doesn't icon task have an option to use the original icon? I recal seeing something like that21:34
Schrodinger`Cati already try to remove systray and re put it, but same probleme while kde is not restarted21:34
Schrodinger`Catwhat can i do ?21:35
avihaySchrodinger`Cat: you can go to system trey settings and set all the "trash" icons to hidden, in the entries section.21:36
skreech__avihay: ssh works?21:38
skreech__avihay: but not sftp ?21:38
avihaymaybe dolphin jumped off the deep end?21:38
Schrodinger`Catavihay: there is no trash icons, just some space without nothing...21:39
Schrodinger`Catavihay: and if plasma-desktop crash again, the space grow again...21:39
Schrodinger`Catavihay: and after 3-4 crash there is no space to show icons...21:39
avihayright-click the systray, go to panel settings->entries21:39
Belial`avihay, that was one of the first things i checked. i'll double check it to see if it's there.21:40
avihayyou'll see alot of identical entries with a short name that contains mostly numbers21:41
Schrodinger`Catavihay: ok ok, and this bug is know issue ? is there a way to be this resolv in the future ? ( i dont get this with kde 4.9 on archlinux)21:41
avihayset all of them to hide, and they will be pushed to the arrow popup21:41
Belial`avihay, yeah, i don't see an option for it anywhere in icontasks.21:41
avihayshadeslayer: I don't know, it's seems kinda hard to miss, but I've seen bugs like that drag around for years21:42
avihayBelial`: let me have a look21:42
avihayappearence->always use launcher icons?21:43
avihayBelial`: ^21:43
Belial`oh snap21:44
Belial`i apologize man, i totally looked over that check box.21:44
Belial`overlooked, rather.21:44
Belial`you are the man. that was driving me nuts.21:45
avihayI wish icon tasks would display the application name, and have an option to show two rows instead of just one21:45
Belial`i think smooth tasks does that21:45
avihaycause the default task manager is kinda frelled, and it had 4 years to improve21:45
avihayok, yes, scp works, it's just dolphin going crazy22:13
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fuhrer_türkçe bilen varmı ?_23:33
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