
keithclarkpenguin42, I cannot even start another login manager.  it just defaults to lightdm.00:01
penguin42keithclark: Previously you said you were using gdm, with lightdm is it letting you select the session?00:03
keithclarkpenguin42, I was in error, sorry about hat.00:05
penguin42ok, so you're problem is that in lightdm you can't select other sessions?00:05
trismkeithclark: there is currently a bug in unity-greeter where some of the other sessions aren't clickable, is that your problem? or does it not load the correct session after you log in?00:06
trismkeithclark: the workaround for the moment for the first issue is using tab instead of the mouse00:06
keithclarkSome are not clickable, others are00:06
keithclarkEven if it is clickable, it still boots Unity00:06
penguin42the unclickable is bug 105245300:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1052453 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu Quantal) "Cannot click other sessions in unity-greeter" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105245300:07
keithclarkRight, but I can click on some00:07
penguin42keithclark: There's a suggestion in the comments that if you use tab to select the right option and then space it might work?00:08
keithclarkI shall give that a shot!00:08
trismkeithclark: take a look at /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log to see what xsession file it is trying when you load the session00:08
keithclarkBoy the other annoying thing slowing me down here is the Unity Lens issue.  There is no menu even to select programs.  I'm back to command line!00:09
jbichakeithclark: did you try Super+A (or Windows key+A) ?00:15
keithclarkjbicha, yes.  I get the search screen coming up and can search for document.  I just cannot search for applications.  Nothing ever shows up.  There is of course no menu system any more so it is just not usable unless I remember what the program is called.00:19
keithclarkI really wish they would just go back to the old way of doing things.  Add a fancy bar on the left sure, I don't care but at least leave the old menu system accessible.00:20
keithclarkBug report submitted00:24
bjsniderkeithclark, you can search applications from overview in gnome-shell, sir01:04
keithclarkbjsnider, thanks.  I managed to get xubuntu to start and that's what I'm running at the moment.  Refreshing!01:07
bjsnideryes. yes it is01:07
keithclarkUnity was just driving me nuts!01:07
bjsniderit was doing its job01:10
keithclarkWell I think I'll give Xubuntu a shot for awhile.  I also like Lubuntu quite a bit too.01:13
FlumpyDoes anyone else have problems with Gmail accounts on Evolution? It refuses to acknowledge mine.02:26
bjsnideri don't know if i just noticed this, and it's always been like this, but if music files have pictures in the tags, nautilus will display the that image instead of the standard music icon for that file03:49
DaekdroomYes, it's been like that for quite awhile.03:49
Daekdroom(i.e. as long as I can remember)03:50
rymate1234I have a slight problem05:48
rymate1234I just upgraded to 12.1005:48
rymate1234Now my DNS isn't working D:05:49
rymate1234How do I fix it?05:49
SwedeMikedoes "dig +short A google.com @localhost" return anything useful?05:50
rymate1234Trying it now05:51
rymate1234Connection timed out; no servers could be reached05:51
SwedeMikewhat about "dig +short A google.com @"  ?05:52
rymate1234Crap load of IPs05:52
SwedeMikeand "grep nameserver /etc/resolv.conf" ?05:53
rymate1234Wait brb05:54
rymate_1234used that dig tool to find the freenode IP address :>05:54
rymate_1234grep: /etc/resolv.conf*: No such file or directory05:55
rymate_1234grep: /etc/resolv.conf: No such file or directory05:55
=== rymate_1234 is now known as rymate1234
SwedeMikeI'm a bit surprised that the @localhost timed out and didn't give connection refused or an answer.05:56
rymate1234I can ping localhost05:57
* rymate1234 wants his dns back :(05:59
SwedeMikeso what you could do for temporary measure is to configure as static dns in connection manager, that might work until you figure out what the real problem is. That should hopefully put that in /etc/resolv.conf06:00
SwedeMike8.8.8.8 is google dns06:00
rymate1234The thing is06:01
rymate1234that's the first thing I did06:01
SwedeMikeok, so as a very temporary measure, you could "echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf", but that might be overwritten next time you connect somewhere.06:03
rymate1234I assume this isn't normal06:03
rymate1234> sudo echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf06:03
rymate1234bash: /etc/resolv.conf: Permission denied06:03
SwedeMikeyou need to sudo -i first06:03
rymate1234IT LIIIIIVES06:04
SwedeMikebut this is definitely just patching the wound by putting some bandaid on it, you didn't actually solve the problem.06:05
SwedeMikebut unfortunately I have no idea what the real problem is.06:05
SwedeMikeat least on my ubuntu 12.04 system, /etc/resolv.conf points to and then there is a local resolver running . Hm, you could try "netstat -anp | grep :53" and see if anything is listening to port 5306:06
SwedeMikefor me that says "udp        0      0  *                           13040/dnsmasq06:07
wilee-nileeSwedeMike, Please use a paste bin06:09
SwedeMikeoki, so you actually have dnsmasq running there.06:09
SwedeMikewilee-nilee: for pasting one line? are you serious?06:09
SwedeMikerymate1234: so the way it usually works is that dnsmasq listens to port 53 on, /etc/resolv.conf points "nameserver", so the system uses dnsmasq to resolve Internet addresses. Now it seems dnsmasq either isn't getting your questions, or it's unable to properly communicate onto the internet.06:12
SwedeMikenext thing I would do would be to tcpdump/wireshark lo and the Internet facing network interface.06:13
SwedeMiketo see what's going on there, but that involves knowing a bit more about packet dumps06:14
rymate1234wait wat06:14
rymate1234dig +short A ubuntu.com @
rymate1234that works o.o06:15
SwedeMikebut google.com doesn't ?06:15
rymate1234google.com works too06:15
rymate1234when I use
SwedeMikebut not ?06:16
SwedeMikeoh, now I see, is what you have in the pastebin, I missed that.06:16
rymate1234so wat do06:16
rymate1234where is the dnsmasq conf06:16
rymate1234so I can change it to the right IP address06:17
SwedeMikemine says "/usr/sbin/dnsmasq --no-resolv --keep-in-foreground --no-hosts --bind-interfaces --pid-file=/var/run/sendsigs.omit.d/network-manager.dnsmasq.pid --listen-address= --conf-file=/var/run/nm-dns-dnsmasq.conf --cache-size=0 --proxy-dnssec" so I guess it's all in the command line, so look in the init script that starts dnsmasq06:18
rymate1234where would that be lol06:19
* rymate1234 uses google-fu06:20
SwedeMikein :/etc/network/if-up.d/000resolvconf it seems to run something called "/sbin/resolvconf -a "${IFACE}.${ADDRFAM}", you can check if it's the same on your system.06:24
rymate1234nope :(06:26
rymate1234would reinstalling dnsmasq do anything?06:28
SwedeMikerymate1234: can't see how it would make things worse anyway06:28
rymate1234lemme try reboot06:31
rymate1234not entirely sure whether I fixed the problem06:35
rymate1234I have dns06:35
anantI compiled unity from src by following instructions at http://unity.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/development/unity/. On starting it though (unity --replace &), it crashed.07:08
anantI'm running Q Beta 207:08
anantThis is the stack trace http://paste.ubuntu.com/1251142/07:23
rymate1234I get this error when trying to launch FTL I get this error when trying to launch FTL07:34
rymate1234I get this error when trying to launch FTL http://pastebin.com/mpt3ptaH07:34
rymate1234wat do07:34
Notimikanyone here having problems with selecting kubuntu at login (lightdm) ?07:53
rymate1234I have issues with graphics08:22
bazhangon MINT?08:23
rymate1234specifically with FTL on ubuntu 12.1008:23
rymate1234libGL error: failed to load driver: r60008:23
bazhangr600 is the card?08:25
rymate1234bazhang, afaik its the driver08:25
bazhangthats a pretty old card then08:25
gnomefreakmy ati works fine here08:25
rymate1234lemme get the error08:25
bazhangdoes ati even provide support for that card any longer?08:25
bazhangthis is using radeon or fglrx08:26
rymate1234I have a mobility radeon 425008:26
rymate1234with radeon driver08:26
rymate1234http://pastebin.com/hjDjg2m9 - not entirely sure how helpful that is, but there's my glxinfo08:27
gnomefreakX Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)  <<<saying that the drivers are too old or just not supported(for lack of a better word)08:27
bazhanga fresh install of 12.10, you tried to convert MINT to 12.1008:27
rymate1234I converted Mint to 12.0408:28
rymate1234then upgraded 12.04 to 12.1008:28
bazhangthats likely the problem08:28
bazhanggot a separate home partition?08:29
rymate1234yes lol08:29
bazhangdon't bother with 'converting'08:29
gnomefreakwhy not just install 12.04/12.19 instead of converting mint to 12.0408:29
bazhangand a broken system08:30
gnomefreak12.10 even08:30
* gnomefreak does things the easy way08:30
bazhangthat system will never be reliable08:30
rymate1234yay :<08:30
bazhang a fresh install is very fast08:30
bazhangI plan to do that, and I have not used MINT since 1.008:31
* rymate1234 doesn't want to reinstall :(08:31
bazhangthen plan on instability and lots of troubleshooting/fixing08:31
bazhanghave fun08:32
rymate1234I'd rather reinstall tbh08:32
bazhangthe only way to be sure08:32
gnomefreakdamn bot08:33
rymate1234got a USB stick08:34
notimikanyone runnung the kubuntu flavour of 12.10 here?08:34
gnomefreaknotimik: its better to just ask your question08:35
notimikmkay, cant select plsama workplace from lightdm08:35
rymate1234when 12.10 is fully released08:35
rymate1234will I need to reinstall?08:35
notimikcan select std ubuntu and xubuntu without problem08:35
bazhang!final | rymate123408:35
ubotturymate1234: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Quantal and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.10 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.08:35
gnomefreakthat is kiund of long08:36
rymate1234I got the iso08:42
rymate1234why is the startup disk creator not recognising it :(08:42
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rymate1234and why is the iso only 270mb08:45
bazhangit's not08:46
rymate1234the download must've derped08:47
rymate1234small question09:00
rymate1234once I got ubuntu on my memory stick09:00
rymate1234can I still use the memory stick for mormal files?09:01
bazhangthe installer usb stick?09:02
bazhangif you partition it beforehand and choose that section of it to use for the installer, I suppose so, otherwise no09:04
rymate1234brb installing ubuntu09:04
bazhangwhat size usb stick09:04
* rymate1234 goes09:05
rymate1234didn't work :909:08
bazhangwhat did you do exactly09:10
bazhangsaying 'didn't work' is too vague09:10
rymate1234used the startup disk creator09:11
rymate1234tried to boot to usb09:12
rymate1234computer dropped my into standard grub09:12
bazhangwell, no surprise09:12
bazhang'burning' iso to usb stick takes more than 2 minutes09:12
bazhangand it sometimes needs more than a single try09:13
bazhangthere are other apps to do that as well, such as unetbootin09:13
rymate1234On the live usb :o09:30
rymate1234holy crap09:31
rymate1234this is nippy for a live usb]09:31
rymate1234I wish to do something else installer09:32
rymate1234hey all09:58
rymate1234I'm kinda pissed now09:59
rymate1234brand new installation of ubuntu09:59
rymate1234I STILL HAVE THIS ERROR http://pastebin.com/Mj024EVm09:59
ubottuA schedule of Quantal Quetzal (12.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule10:24
rymate1234I think I found a small bug in lightdm10:25
diverdudeaah oct 18th10:25
diverdudewill QQ ship with php 5.4?10:25
rymate1234I cannot select gnome shell at login10:25
yofel_diverdude: yes10:28
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diverdudeyofel: thx10:29
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BluesKajHiyas all13:13
sebas_howto disable Amazon search results??13:43
bazhang!adlens | sebas_13:44
ubottusebas_: If you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping.13:44
sebas_bazhang: thanx!!!13:44
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CaptainKnotsIn the 12.10 installer, if I want to install beside windows, it doesn't give me the option to automatically setup lvm and encryption. Is there any way I can change that?15:37
CaptainKnotsOr do I have to set it up manually?15:37
CaptainKnotsIt seems the only option right in front of me to do it automagically is if I tell the installer to replace windows, which doesn't make sense because I'm installing to a different physical drive15:38
bazhangCaptainKnots, the alternate installer has that if I recall correctly15:38
CaptainKnotsbazhang: I thought they ditched the alternate installer for 12.1015:38
penguin42bazhang: I think 12.10 gained encryption as part of the main installer didn't it?15:38
CaptainKnotsyeah it did15:38
bazhangpenguin42, is that right? my apologies then15:39
bazhanggoing to get it shortly15:39
CaptainKnotsthe thing is, as soon as I tell it not to replace windows, it greys out the checkboxes for encryption and lvm15:39
CaptainKnotsI guess I shall do it all manually15:39
CaptainKnots*le sigh*15:39
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anantI compiled unity from src by following instructions at http://unity.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/development/unity/. On starting it though (unity --replace &), it crashed. This is the stack trace http://paste.ubuntu.com/1251142/16:29
anantI'm running Q Beta 216:29
ovrflw0xwhere can i get WUBI.exe for "ubuntu+1"?17:00
popeyovrflw0x, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/wubi/current/ ?17:03
popeyoh, no binary17:04
ovrflw0xyo pop the popey and say poppy where's the wubi?17:11
ovrflw0xwhere's wubi for 12.10?17:12
popeyi dont know, i can't find it17:12
ovrflw0xi've heard they decided to boot wubi. so no mo wubi?17:12
popeyi don't know17:14
ovrflw0xman you don't know a lot pop the popity pop pop poppy17:14
bjsnideri just can't wait until he comes back17:28
BluesKajI'll bet17:36
rymate123412.10 seems stable so far17:37
WarOfTheNerdWubi sucks18:09
WarOfTheNerdit should be LTS-only IMHO18:09
rymate1234It shouldn't exist full stop18:10
rymate1234I find wubi to me slower than a proper installation18:11
rymate1234and it isn't that hard to dual boot18:11
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StFSHi. Does anybody know how I can install the Helvetica font in ubuntu 12.10?18:25
bjsniderStFS, i believe there's a package called msttcorefonts18:25
StFSwell.. no, it's now called ttf-mscore-installer or something... but aside from that, Helvetica is not in that one anymore18:26
bjsnideroh well18:26
bjsniderend of the world18:26
StFSwell, I'm trying to compile a PDF from latex and a bunch of pictures in it depend on Helvetica :-/ so I kinda need it18:27
trismStFS: texlive-fonts-recommended maybe?18:30
StFStrism: nope... already installed that and helvetica is not part of it18:30
Milos_SDHello... what happend to "Show Desktop icon" in Unity launcher?18:56
penguin42StFS: My guess is there is a 'helvetica equivalent' that just needs an alias18:58
Maulwurfhello everyone. I had (still have) massive problems with unity 3d and a multi monitor setup (nvidia drivers) with 12.04 and still haven't gotten it to run correctly as xinerama seems to have a problem with unity 3d. Does anyone know if you can have a mulit monitor unity 3d working with nvidia drivers in 12.10?19:21
actionParsnipNot used multimonitor myself, i've one screen for 4 systems.19:23
Maulwurfme too - since yesterday. And i just can't get it to work right in 12.0419:25
Maulwurfit does sort of, but then unity just goes in 2d mode. i have a geforce gtx 560 btw built in19:25
Maulwurfwindows handles everything correctly (as usually) - but with windows 8 adound the corner and I now want to switch to ubuntu completey :D19:26
actionParsnipMaulwurf: do you have the 304 nvidia driver?19:27
actionParsnipwhat windows does is of near zero  value, its a completely different OS with completely different support19:28
actionParsnipMaulwurf: there is a PPA for the driver: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade19:30
TJ-Maulwurf: With 12.04 and 12.10, no problems with multi-monitors using nvidia and twinview, or nouvaeu19:32
bjsniderx-updates doesn't have the latest quantal driver19:32
bjsniderand i would know since i'm the one who puts them in there19:32
actionParsnipyeah its only up to precise. my bad19:33
popeyMaulwurf, i have multi-monitor nvidia setup here19:39
actionParsnipbjsnider: any chance of putting the nvidia driver in for Quantal too :)19:42
bjsniderthe reason they aren't is that the driver is usually uploaded to +1 without hesitation19:43
bjsniderand therefore doesn't need to be in a ppa19:43
popeythere is a newer one in the x swat ppa19:44
bjsniderit is in xorg-edgers19:44
bjsniderbut i wouldn't recommend using xorg-edgers unless you're testing19:45
popeywell indeed19:45
popey304.51 has issues too19:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1058394 in unity (Ubuntu) "nvidia 304.51 breaks edge resistence and launcher reveal" [Undecided,New]19:46
actionParsniphelps for newer chips surely. 295 was out a good while ago now. Wouldn't the newer driver work better on later hardware19:50
Maulwurfwow thanks19:51
MaulwurfI just looked here again and you helped me so much19:51
bjrohanI could use some help with my desktop upgrade to Beta 2. My login screen works great, Once I log in I get a myriad error messages, I get a blank desktop (with wallpaper, no icons), no launcher, and nothing happens when I press Alt F1, Alt F2, or right mouse click.19:51
bjrohanWhen I click to report an error message, Chrome comes up (installed in 12.04) with the page, to report error, I can also browse to websites.19:53
bjrohanMaulwurf Have you paid anyone on here for help?19:53
Maulwurfseems like I won't get my monitor setup working in 12.10 either....19:55
Maulwurfat least - if I want 3d to work19:55
bjrohanI hear you19:55
Milos_SDwhat happend to "Blur windows plugin" in compiz?19:55
bjrohanat least in Beta19:55
Milos_SDI can't see it in ccsm in ubuntu 12.10, and I have everything installed19:55
Maulwurf@bjrohan - I'm also astonished. In #ubuntu and #ubuntu-de I waited for ages and nobody could help me19:56
bjrohanIf I go to #ubuntu, I get referred to here. This room requires more patience19:56
popey#ubutnu is for 12.04 and below, this channel is for 12.1019:57
actionParsnipbjrohan: if you are using Quantal then you are supported here til release day19:57
bjrohanThanks actionParsnip19:57
rymate1234I have a problem http://pastebin.com/vBzXkBG519:57
rymate1234Running a new installation of 12.1019:58
bjrohanAny suggestions on my issue with my video actionParsnip? somewhere to start? This is on a non-issue machine for me to learn on :-)19:58
actionParsnipbjrohan: does it affect all DEs?19:59
bjrohanI only have the stock Ubuntu on this machine20:00
actionParsnipbjrohan: install xfce4 and try the XFCE session20:01
bjrohanKept it stock for ease of troubleshooting. What other one should I try to install AND, how do I get to a command line to install?20:01
bjrohanAny quick command line to install that one?20:01
BluesKajpopey, your post about the 3.04.51 nvidia driver was proven this morning with an issue a user had that stumped me , then i realized it was reported already , but the user left20:02
rymate1234afaik sudo apt-get install xfce420:02
rymate1234bjrohan, and to get to a command line press ctrl+alt+f120:03
actionParsnipbjrohan: I'd see if it affects all desktops, xfce doesn't need 3D effects either20:03
bjrohanwell, the ctrl alt f1 worked20:06
bjrohanfirst shortcut to work for me20:06
bjrohanxfce4 works in 12.10?20:07
bjrohanor with rather20:07
rymate1234should do20:07
actionParsnipbjrohan: it doesn't use compiz etc, runs using fewer resources20:07
bjrohanThank you all for your support and help. I am new and looking to really learn a LOT more about Linux and Ubuntu20:08
actionParsnipbjrohan: every day is a school day20:08
bjrohanIf I may press my luck. I am having issues with GIMP on my regular machine and the fonts. It was suggested this issue is resolved in 12.10 because it comes with the latest GIMP in the standard REPO.20:11
bjrohanI would like to upgrade my production machine for this reason, however when I do it says I have broken packages20:11
bjrohanFrom what I gather they are not broken, just non-standard ubuntu packages installed. How do I tell which these are and remove them?20:13
bjrohanOr should I really just wait till full version is out?20:13
actionParsnipbjrohan: are there bugs reported?20:14
bjrohanOK I logged into xfce4, I used the dafault panel vs empty one, and a system problem popped up20:14
actionParsnipbjrohan: ok now you can get full updates, may help20:15
bjrohanI can see icons etc. Thanks! When I look at the problem details it shows Compiz20:15
bjrohanWhat do you recommend I do in xfce to remedy standard desktop issue20:16
bjrohanif anything20:16
bjrohanHow do I remove all non-standard packages from my system?20:44
actionParsnipbjrohan: you'll need to look on packages.ubuntu.com to see what the ubuntu-desktop package installs, then remove the rest20:47
bjrohanGotcha. If I wait until the official release of 12.10, it should upgrade, even with non-standard packages installed?20:48
IdleOnebjrohan: what do you mean by non-standard?20:49
bjrohanWhen I try to upgrade now, from what I can tell it won't because it has "broken packages" in further reading it is because I have non-standard packages installed20:49
IdleOnesudo apt-get -f install20:49
bjrohanwhen the official release comes out, I should be able to upgrade my production machine to 12.10 without this error?20:50
IdleOnethat will try to fix the broken packages20:50
bjrohanI tried, it does no good20:50
IdleOnepastebin the exact errors you are getting20:50
bjrohanWhen I just did the apt-get -f install, it says 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded20:51
IdleOnesudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:51
popeybjrohan, also, you may be missing something... if it's ubuntu desktop then "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^" to make sure you have the desktop task20:52
bjrohanWHen I run this, what do I paste?20:52
popeythe whole output20:52
popeyto paste.ubuntu.com20:52
bjrohanwhen I run dist-upgrade the whole text to pastebin20:53
bjrohanwill do20:53
bjrohanahh, with the dist-upgrade it upgraded ubuntu-tweak20:53
IdleOneif there are no errors, you should be good now.20:54
popeyjust be careful during development sometimes when you dist-upgrade, its possible for stuff to get removed20:54
popeycritical stuff like unity :S20:54
IdleOneunity is hardly critical :P20:55
popeyfunny man20:55
popeysadly it's critical if you're on 12.10 with the default setup - no unity 2d20:55
rymate1234not really20:55
rymate1234you can just get to a tty20:55
rymate1234and run "sudo apt-get install xfce4"20:56
JHOSMANHello for all20:59
JHOSMANI have Ubuntu Quantal problem but still do not know if you report it as bug.20:59
bjrohanI am going to do a backup first. Seems prudent :-)21:00
jtaylorJHOSMAN: its generally better to just state your problem21:00
jtaylorif someone knows an answer you'll get it21:00
JHOSMANjtaylor I know, I'm tester for many versions, but since one day they released an update on      Windows Title       Application Menu   disappeared21:01
bjrohanHow would one go about backing up thier Ubuntu partition in order to do a clean install? Just backup your home directory?21:03
bjsniderdo something like a cp -a /home21:06
bjsnidermake sure you're also including hidden files21:07
JHOSMANany idea to my problem?21:07
actionParsnipJHOSMAN: if you make a new ubuntu user, is it the same21:11
JHOSMANactionParsnip I already did before, so I'm here, I have updated to today Quantal and no solution, ubuntu-desktop installed and unity21:12
actionParsnipJHOSMAN: if you run ccsm, is the window decorator box ticked?21:14
JHOSMANactionParsnip Yes! are check!21:15
JHOSMANi go to upload a ScreenShot! =)21:15
actionParsnipJHOSMAN: no need21:15
actionParsnipJHOSMAN: do you use proprietary video drivers?21:15
JHOSMANNo, default Drivers of Ubuntu21:17
actionParsnipJHOSMAN: what video chip do you use?21:17
JHOSMANAs I indicated, everything worked fine one day and disappeared upgraded menu items, if such change to LXDE menus appear if all applications21:17
bjsniderif it were me, i'd be a jerk and tell him it's a new feature of unity21:17
JHOSMAN00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 18)21:17
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JHOSMANIn Unity the menu of all applications disapear!21:18
actionParsnipJHOSMAN: could try:  unity --reset21:18
JHOSMANactionParsnip ERROR: the reset option is now deprecated21:20
actionParsnipoh man21:20
actionParsnipit's in the man page....21:20
JHOSMAN       --reset               This option allows the user to reset profile parameters in compiz and restart the Unity shell with default settings.21:21
popeyI'll get that fixed21:21
actionParsnippopey: thanks, was just about to report a bug etc21:21
popeydon't worry21:21
popeywe're doing a unity release this week, I'll get it in that21:22
JHOSMAN=( --reset not run!21:22
bjrohanWhen looking to try the new Beta 2 on a machine running 12.04, do you recommend just downloading the Desktop CD to a thumb drive and trying it that way, ,if all goes well then install from that thumb drive?21:24
popeybe nice to test the upgrade and make sure that works :)21:25
popeypeople keep telling people upgrades are broken, so people don't test them, so we don't know how they're broken, so they stay broken21:26
popeyconstant downward spiral of fail21:26
popeyfile bugs if the upgrade breaks :D21:26
JHOSMANpopey What is the primary server for updates, USA?21:28
actionParsnipoh I always do, even for small fr21:28
popeyJHOSMAN, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors tells you which mirrors are up to date21:28
popeyarchive.ubuntu.com should always be21:29
JHOSMANpopey Thanks!21:33
JHOSMANactionPasnip The menus that I need, not an application? in repositories that menu referred to, that I could not restart the Unity21:35
actionParsnipJHOSMAN: so is it the bar in the top panel that shows the app menus which is missing, or is it the top bar on each app window which you are missing?21:36
JHOSMANactionParsnip see http://i.imgur.com/MOeIJ.png21:38
popeyccsm doesnt have a menu21:39
popeycan you try again with something like gedit, which does?21:39
JHOSMANAll aplications affected!21:41
popeyooh! whats that console chat app you have open? :)21:41
JHOSMANpopey https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/finch/21:42
popeythats awesome, thanks JHOSMAN21:43
popeysorry, i dont know where your menus went21:43
actionParsnipJHOSMAN: sudo apt-get --reinstall install appmenu-gtk appmenu-gtk3 appmenu-qt indicator-appmenu21:43
JHOSMANLeyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho Creando árbol de dependencias        Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho El paquete indicado a continuación se instaló de forma automática y ya no es necesarios.   python-support Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove it. 0 actualizados, 0 se instalarán, 4 reinstalados, 0 para eliminar y 0 no actualizados. Se necesita descargar 29,7 kB/121 kB de archivos. Se utilizarán 0 B de espacio de d21:44
JHOSMANSe necesita descargar 29,7 kB/121 kB de archivos. Se utilizarán 0 B de espacio de disco adicional después de esta operación. Des:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ quantal/main appmenu-qt amd64 0.2.6-1ubuntu1 [29,7 kB]21:44
actionParsnippopey: i guess you use terminal a tonne21:44
JHOSMANi go to restart sesion!21:44
popeyactionParsnip, not as much as you'd think21:45
popeyi mostly use a pretty stock ubuntu install, have to really to test stuff21:45
actionParsnippopey: there is twidge as a twitter client (if you use twitter) :)21:45
popeyi do!21:46
JHOSMANgo back21:46
JHOSMANplease wait!21:46
popeyI have a VT105 I bought on ebay, I want to put it on my desk21:46
popeyand have all console life on it ;)21:46
actionParsniptwidge is pretty sweet, I get it from the debian repos then remove them21:47
popeyalso, how awesome is it that JHOSMAN just gave me a link to apps.ubuntu.com and now it's installing in software center21:47
popeylove that21:48
JHOSMAN_The problem persists, the menu did not return.21:49
actionParsnippopey: very cool21:50
JHOSMAN_I can do?22:02
JHOSMAN_report in Launchpad?22:10
jose_COcomo podre correr ubuntu 12.10 si no tengo aceleracion grafica22:32
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